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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why don’t men understand this?
What whores dont understand is that nobody no longer cares.
Here's the truth that men finally understand:
women love
-public posturing

that's all. Women don't even love their kids. Kids are just a tool for them in order to smother them, play the helicopter mom, and delude themselves they are not loathsome. Women can replace biological or non-biological fathers in an heartbeat.

You really have to understand women do only 2 things:
-with men they have sex
-and among women, they talk about the sex they had with men

that's 100% the life of a woman .
List of anti-feminist redpills
(unironically save this and post it in any feminist thread you see)

Eggless cope.
But men want to inseminate though
Get back in the kitchen
We do. It's just the answer isn't "I still get to have casual sex 24/7 and abort every pregnancy I get."
If you don't want children as a woman and don't want to risk it, don't have sex.
Normal women actually want children though.
It takes a lot of bougie head fucking to convince them otherwise.
Men don't owe women jobs
Men don't owe women public assistance
Men don't owe women security
The world doesn't owe women rights.
Simple as.
ok. don't have sex then
Wit till shes 40 and kills herself childless
is she telling this to men or women?
Men don't owe women money
Men don't owe women protection
Men don't owe women attention

damn I like this game.
>just watch these youtube videos goy
not watching misogynist drivel posted by a death worshipping cult member

Everything they do is a desperate attempt to simulate the caretaking of children, it's hilarious. Plants and pets everywhere, constant nurture porn on the TV, no self awareness as to why they're driven so.
So true xD
They are so rekt in the head.
The world doesn't owe you wine.

The world doesn't owe you cats.

And they don't owe you an explanation.
Think of how they framed this question: as if everything is an exchange or negotiation. Childbearing is an obligation, there's no bargaining.
>nurture porn
what's that
If this did happen. Like lets just say all women at the same time decided they wouldn't have babies, every woman on the planet, mass rapes would happen and the world would immediately abolish women rights.
Men aren't the ones who want babies though.
Men don’t owe the world their labor
Men don’t owe women their money
and they don’t owe you an explanation
Don't worry your taxes will pay for, all of that.

A lot of the media they watch/consume is just an abstraction of motherhood and caretaking i.e. it scratches the itches. Reality TV on homemaking, crafts, games like Stardew Valley, the Sims, etc.
Enjoy a world without electricity, running water, sewage systems, motor assisted labor, or any other modern convenience.
wow how absolutely horrible. wow.
Nobody owes anyone anything. How is a grown adult finally coming to this conclusion?
How to take care of *pet* or *plant*
People playing with *pet*
Endless "how to do nails* bs
Murder mystery makeup time.
Women don't owe the world children. It's literally what you're built for, anything else is a lie.
>Laurie Penny
This year is turning into a repeat of 2016.
No one asked, cunt
This is very good brother.
When the women are done starving westerners of children, we will take them as wives.
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Nice try, projecting kike, feminism is 100% jewish.
>If this did happen. Like lets just say all women at the same time decided they wouldn't have babies, every woman on the planet, mass rapes would happen and the world would immediately abolish women rights.
Men are to cuck for this. But ((they)) would abolish women rights because they fear the slave free world.
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>let women do what they want for once
>women proudly declare they don't care about the continuation of the human race as a species

If you want the best argument in favour on not giving cuntoids freedom you just need to listen to the self-obsessed drivel that spills from their spoilt cuntwhore mouths.

Wretched fucking cretinous subspecies.
And we don't owe women stability or a civilization. Why don't women understand this?
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Do we owe women our labor?
They do
they do
and nobody cares what a woman says anyway.
Men don't owe women respect or sovereignty over their own bodies.
Clearly most western men consent to such.
And we don't owe you an army to protect your shitty garbage nations.
You would literally decapitate them publicly after only a few days of their bullshit.. and after a few shows the rest will become wanting to resist because they are retarded and then they will all be gone.
They do owe me sex though. Because we live in a society.
The reason we don't have laws for it is because we have understood this for a long time only with recent jew feminist brainwashing has it become a problem.
Same reason we need new laws to limit the amount of blacks and gay in advertisement and movies.
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>w-well men don't owe you anything then!!

Not according to big daddy government lmao

You WILL pay to keep whorecunts fed.
You WILL pay to keep whorecunts warm.
You WILL pay to keep whorecunts protected.
You WILL be vilified for thinking you deserve anything from whorecunts in return.
Men shouldn't respect women's opinions.

We don't owe women anything when they're not having children for us.

And we don't owe you an explanation.
is that even a she or one of this Binary troons?

uhm yeah a system where women dont have children is by definition doomed to fail, ergo feminism needs to be abolished
They are not owed support then either.
Nothing for nothing.
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Men don't owe women civilization. Women better start doing their part.
Won't make much of a difference when that all collapses. People have no fucking clue that if we go into economic ruin, that argument of yours doesn't even float.
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Suicide cultist.
Nature disagrees.
Women exist for one reason and one reason alone.
That's the only reason that there are two genders instead of one.
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The only time I feel respect for a woman is when I watch her operating with kids. Suddenly I understand why her nature is the way it is. It was made for that. Her innate childishness makes it so that she is patient and can interface better with them. He innate neuroticism wasn't meant to nag her husband, but rather her kids, who actually need it, since they're constantly looking for ways to get into trouble or hurt themselves. It all clicks. This is what they were built for. We took them out of their natural domain and that's why we hate them now, they're very obviously not built for it and they're useless without it.
You are severely underestimating the retardation of the modern female.
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>Arguments I have with my mother: the tweet
Men don't owe you our protection, nor our labor to subsidized your shitty decisions if you refuse to participate in an integral part of society.
Then they aren’t owed protection. Why is this so hard?
Will fall on deaf ears here but she's talking about the strange judgement of women without kids. A very strange straw grasp for the GOP as they go after reproductive rights and invitro.
Plus some of my most conservative friends don't have kids for a range of complicated reasons. So JD instantly working some dens without kids is just a terrible attack angle I expect will be hard abandoned by the GOP when they see how unpopular it will be with everyone.
Allowing woman's suffrage was man's greatest mistake next to inventing war and listening to Eve.
The pill causes women to hate men and children
And I don’t owe attention and resources to a white cunty feminist.
To that end we really do got to ramp up the hate on childless middle aged women. It's necessary for society to function. Younger women will see that and the culture will shift massively, anti to pro natalism. The level to which a childless middle aged woman is not only useless but outright cancerous can't be overstated.
>Women don't owe the world children.
Yes, they literally do.
For society they are a straight downgrade compared to male, in every way that matter.
They are an objective dead weight.
The only reason they exist, both from an evolutionary point of view and societal point of view, is because being able to spawn new life is extremely valuable.
A women who doesn't make children is a parasite, taking a lot but giving nothing in exchange, while a mother is a symbiote.

Can't wait for science to be done working on artificial wombs, then all this aberration will be a matter of the past, and our descendants will wonder how mankind could have ever lived in such deplorable conditions for so long.
Axlotl tanks & companion bots are the path to much more stable, much more happy, and much more productive mankind.


It's humans expressing a very deep, inherent contempt for someone in our society not doing what they were custom built to do for all of us. The same way we view cowardly or lazy men with intense scorn. Your propaganda will never change hard real truths.
>calls kamala a childless unhappy cat lady
>alienates women who were never going to vote for Trump in the first place
K, keep me posted on your cope.
The only good woman is one who knows their fucking place in the world.
I think the real answer is you roll back disastrous decisions like giving them the ability to vote and the ability to have no fault divorces and make a mandatory curfew for cunts to stay faithful to their men
Do you also respect the nigger who washes you car? What a simp. Don’t simp for the cunt help
Middle aged women without children are absolutely useless to society. Are they treated as such? And, why?
So women just openly admit they want absolutely zero responsibility, they are truly just children who don't deserve equal rights
Who cares?
The spinsters will die out and humanity will march on.
>Why don’t men understand this?

Men don't owe women homes, and all the comfort, which make no mistake, it's entirely built by men. Even now that things are orders or magnitude safer than a hundred years ago, you STILL don't see women operating giant lathes; you STILL don't see women up there in the electric lines dealing with 15,000 volts power lines; you STILL don't see women going down sewers making sure everyone's shit doesn't pile up and kills the world with black plague.

Women aren't owed any of that, but without it... nothing would work.

Don't have children if you don't want it, but have some humility about it, you dumb cunt. Because you don't deserve any comfort any more than men don't deserve a family. But she gets all the comfort out of men's sweat and blood; and the men have been cut out of the deal thanks to current matriarchal system.
hahahahahaha JD Vance caused more seethe than Trump has in half a decade. I can't believe there are people mad at this on this site.
> Some random retard on twitter speaks for all women

Yeah all right

Op is a faggot
Majority of women totally don't think this way...
They also vote overwhelmingly for the left
They should just be euthanized for the good of humanity
What an incredibly selfish way to look at life. We are not here to be hedonists. Proverbs 6:17 tells us of the six things God hates and the first is a prideful look. There is far too much pride in most people nowadays. Repent, read your Bible, and sin no more.
I agree. Conversely, men therefore don't owe women their labor, protection, or regard.
Everybody happy now?
All men deserve an explanation for why women would rather fuck a German Sheppard or a nigger.

In order to fix society you need to show appreciation for those doing their job, and contempt for those who aren't. You can't just hate a whole gender retard. Mothers are good and wine aunts are not.
>t. South Korean
Laurie Penny doesn't know what real love is.
My appreciation for them should be that I don’t boot their ass out of my house or beat their ass when they step out of line. What the fuck pussy whipped shit are you even trying to say here?
They like taking care of something infinitely easier to take care of, therefore they must secretly want kids? Ok
What is fun is proving what actual value women without children provide to society...

If the point of life was to make it "easy", the majority of the west wouldn't be depressed and riddled with head drugs right now. Children are very satisfying. Your poop eating doodle is not.
We should use the CIA to foment a revolution that topples South Korea into Mad Max levels of social decay to see what happens to their birthrate. You know, as a social experiment.
>1pbtid lesbian bait thread gets 100+ replies.
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Normal women want their own children
They want to bear their husbando's babies
They want to explain themselves to the men they love so that they can have a loving and mutually supportive lifelong romance.
A person that wont have children will be taken care of by the children of other people when they're old. Essentially a parasite - they do proclaim that they have a "right" to health-care etc, but they wont do their share to provide for it, and they're proud of it.
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they default to white men and they hate chinks you ugly chink incel
>pussy whipped
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Women need to stfu and let the men take the lead, always. Men need to stfu, stop being a bunch of spineless man children and be someone who actually deserves to lead. At least that's the way I see it.
men don't owe you money you gold digger piece of bitch trash

Today i will remind them
It sounds like you don’t pander to cunts. Very based of you.
God I wish I could date and marry a stunning and brave woman like that.
Please send me one of these.
They do actually. That is their most basic obligation to civilization and if they won’t fulfill that obligation then civilization has no use for them.
twitter sucks because it rewards the most distilled provocative posturing,
4chan sucks because it rewards reposting screencaps of the most distilled provocative posturing
And they will die alone.
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Make me a sandwich.
Men dont owe you shit, you useless whore. Stay silent or get the back of the hand.
Man, the day women will find out human rights aren't enforced through pixie dust and a "good" house wife is only one lobotomy away, it ain't gonna be pretty
ESL jeets don't get (you)s
That's fine, but you need to be prepared to forego all the comforts of civilization if you agree.
Penny needs a Pound
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I know it sounds gay but you just have to go and talk to normal women IRL.
I promise, talking to girls in real life doesn't make you gay.
They will say dumb things, it's in their nature to make you autistically sperg but they're no more malevolent than a kot that lets you stroke it then gets up, moves one step away and then lies down again and looks at you like "Why stop stroke human?"
It's in their nature. Let it go and stroke the kitty.
Any woman raised around social media wants it all though. Millionaire traveler lifestyle, fun boss girl source of income, then maybe a child or two in their mid 30's.
Is Laurie Penny the one who ate her own snot on stage during a debate?
Bro, wtf is a "kot" is this some weird bong-cat or something like that?
>walk up to woman
>"hi, how are you?"
>*pets pussy*
>go to jail
this is a trap don't fall for it
>street shitter saying this
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Men don't owe the world civility

Men don't owe women protection

And they don't owe you shit
Now let's see who breaks first
Hint: it won't be men
Lmao, if it ever actually came down to a choice between the survival of humanity and the rights of women, they'd be turned into slaves in a heartbeat and any man who objects would be killed.
Including you, cunt simp.
Men don't owe women taxes. Men don't owe women labor. And they don't owe you an explanation.
So men don't owe anything to women, including civilization, protection or maintenace.
>*incoherent hole screeching*
>all these triggered lonely men seething
>Penny came out as genderqueer, pansexual and polyamorous in 2015. In 2020, Penny stated a preference for the pronouns they/them; they also use she/her pronouns, although they consider them to be "less accurate".
>In December 2020, Penny married in Los Angeles, California.
>Penny has spoken of having complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) and autism.

Who the fuck would want something like that at home? What's the appeal? What do you bring to the table, you delusional and entitled cunt? Can you cook a meal and wash my clothes at least, or is that against your feminist principles? I pity the puss-whipped moron that ended up with that.
Guys, if a crazy bitch like that is your only option, either work on yourselves or stay alone. There's far worse fates than staying alone, at least you have some peace and quiet. Imagine having to deal with this cunt, my blood pressure would explode, I would probably beat her within a week and you have to stay away from women who awaken those feelings in you.
Didn't men give women the vote essentially so that women would continue to have children?

That was clearly a mistake in hindsight.
Fuck off you hook nosed kike newfag idf vermin.
The only purpose women have is to be more desired than other women, everything they do revolves around that goal. They don't value skills or personal achievements like men do. So all they really care about is their appearance and perceived social status.
Even things like traveling and jobs are just about demonstrating social status rather than goals in themselves. That's why when they go on trips all they do is take some pictures to post on social media.

In the past it wasn't so bad since they would only be competing with the other women in their local sphere. Today they are all competing with celebrities on social media (who may not even be real). So if they see these celebrities traveling the world, or owning a Lamborghini or dating a billionaire body builder movie star, they feel this is the threshold they need to meet to be equivalent and for their life to not be shit.
Seething is just the beginning of what men will do to you. But you acknowledge this, since you are less afraid of bears than you are of men.
>pointing out facts is seething in femoids brain
tits or gtfo newfag
She’s jewish so I hope that disgusting humanoid creature doesn’t create another jewlet.
>three lonely men who can’t score any pussy, AGAIN
Stfu, you effeminate bong faggot or I will brutalize the next bong tourist I see in the streets, is that understood?
No one is asking this entitled bitch about anything.
Stupidity has a habit of weeding itself out so she just needs to wait until she dies I guess. No one owe her an explanation that life continues without her, either
Does that mean you’re going to beg for money extra extra hard at anyone who looks white and foreign? That’s nice, non white
You never get any pussy and you’re just a mad little meek faggot.
you seem to be forgetting the rules newfag, you're supposed to post tits or get the fuck out, not spam out some incoherent screeching

Men dont own the world to build infrastructure.

Men dont own women any protection from murders & rapists

Men dont own women sympathy, no-rapes, no-violence against them.

Men dont own women anything and we might just start to enslave them and use them as baby factories. And if they try to stop it, we might kill them after we put thel on a leash in the basement and they delivered one child.
I forgot this bitch existed
>some cringe faggot gibberish
Maybe if you learn to talk like an actual man then some day you might touch pussy and the woman even lets you do it! No money or force involved!
fembos preach about the free labor of wifehood but never think about all the work and care and money spent on them by their parents to raise them. you literally owe your mom and dad what they were paying into which is progeny
I agree. Far too often women conflate themselves with all women. It helps to remind them that by far the most differentiating factor between progressive democrat and republican women is having a child, especially a son if white.
Women have built more infrastructure than men at this point so this is just another kissless faggot cope
You sound like a dumb faggot who is just mad that you will never breed.
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rape it is than....
You think I give the slightest fuck about your opinions? You think I give a fuck about the fake white identity shit some jew cooked up in his crazy head? Stfu you 5'6 obese Ameritard manlet, think about me whatever you want.
Republican women don’t breed either. The liberal women shit them out like a cat has kittens. It’s insane.
Men and women have an equal obligation to produce children. The burden doesn't fall equally, but the obligation does.
ah, so I'm talking to bot that writes nonsense no matter what I tell it, cya I guess
very true

one step away from fucking a tranny, but yeah women shouldn't vote. Maybe our collapse will be minor, women will suffer and in the chaos we can establish a proper patriarchy and rebuild how it was always meant to be.
You aren’t white though. Why are you talking to someone higher up on the ladder than you? Go apply for a work visa if you want to be American. Faggot.

"Kissless faggot cope"

Im actuall a good looking White men, who isnt fat or has a reddit tier physognomics you jewish tranny faggot, i hope all disgenic jews get shot in the streets
Yea that's how Maiden's Tale happened.
Leftists somehow thought that show was for them.
It was a warning to them yea.
Plus I watched it and the main character displays everything the social order criticizes women of being, thus proving them right.
Guess civilisation can just end then
This is the ultimate redpill. Most women where I'm from don't do the pill, so they are not so fucked in the head.
True but the only thing protecting every single woman on the planet from being chained down and raped as a sex slave or simply murdered, this afternoon, are legal fictions (laws)

Women will find out someday that men dont owe them a society
every woman that falls in love with me tells me they want my babies
one even wrapped her strong long legs around me when i was close to cumming and forced me to ejaculated inside her.
if women dont owe the world anything then how come they are trying to steal my cum so badly?
stupid roastie liberal whore, just say you want the cum of chads like me but cant get one and save the fucking ragebait and traumaposting
You haven’t been in the same room as a naked pussy since your mother shoved you out of heres. Cope. Lol
Oh ok troon, can’t get any pussy so you turn into a woman. Ok tranny. lol
>said the kissless neet complaining that he can’t get any pussy on 4chan
Nice delusion. Dry dick.
>16 posts of randomly insulting everyone in the thread
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When we take everything from.women we don't owe them an explanation
Also, Ms
Penny is a dyke, she ain't breeding anytime soon, and sunnyjim, no man would.

The only thing this dyke is owed is a rooftop.drop

Also GCHQ are a bunch of fairy nonces who suck each other's dicks when not raping little kids, Labour are a bunch of faggy woglovers, and OP.is a niggeraids monkey
Cool. Now let's talk about what men don't owe women.
They built society? Where have you been for the last 500 years?
>some cringe neets sniveling and crying like a sniveling child
Oh ok, we get it. You never touch pussy. Pout about it more why don’t you.
Women have made no effort to hold themselves accountable. They want the perks and power, not the responsibility. And they mostly don't care if the world turns to shit, because they can always take advantage of some horny schlub to pay their bills.
You sound like a fucking triggered little wimp, lol
Well, I guess there goes society! Thanks women, very cool.
Men dont owe you protection
Men dont owe you a society
Men dont owe you services
Men dont owe you equality
You can turn this shit around anyway you want

Men can take all of those away, women cant do the reverse
Surprised she still has the gall to have opinions after David Starkey raped her on stage
And when I see a foid being culturally enriched in the street I'll rest easy at night knowing she voted for it and it's not my problem

>”oh boo hoo boo hoo da women r all bad cus Dey won’t fuk me because I never learned social skiwllls boo hoo boo hoo
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Tits or gtfo
Kill yourself you fucking whore. I want to eviscerate you, burn you alive.

You're trying too hard faggot. Nobody likes bitter childless old women. Women were meant to grow our next generation, nurture them, and then retire happily into a life of caring grandmahood not raging frothing political anger. It's disgusting.
Animal crossing was a big one
>i can just kill my genetic line if i want
yes and that's a good thing
Fair warning, they will need a lot of beatings.
>They built society? Where have you been for the last 500 years?
lol For a second I thought you were serious but now I see you're just making up bullshit.
You have to grab it first
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I am okay with that. All I can hope for is that the African man and the Arab man will not repeat the mistakes of the White man and will never give their women any rights.
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Men are not attracted to overly masculine feminist women. That's why we aren't having children with you -- not because we don't want children but because you are shit people to do anything anymore with.
Why don’t you look at those man titties you have, mr sad sack. Ahahahahahahahha
>some cry baby faggot gibberish by two people who have never fucked nor will ever fuck and so they sit in a 4 chan thread to pout about it like little fucking man children
No I am, you are just some undereducated faggot with no hope.
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>Oh ok, we get it. You never touch pussy. Pout about it more why don’t you.
>now at 20 schizorage posts
>1 post by this id
>Native population plummets
>New order established
>Women are forced to give children anyway
GG cunts
>defaulting to 4chan memes to communicate their points because speaking like an adult who actually pays bills is way way way too hard for them
Oh ok, you’re some kind of whiner baby faggot who talks like a teenager. Got it.
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>still hasn't posted tits
Okay, miss "IguzzleBigCOCK"
How's your foreskin, you mutilated little bitch? If you even have a dick, you sad little abomination.
You can't just pet pussy. You have to follow the same steps with a stray woman as with a stray cat.
Slowly slowly catchy monkey
I am a guy and don't pay taxes, or work for this shitty system. It can fucking rot.
If that is the case they shouldn't get any social benefits and in fact pay double for existing.
>Men should give wahmen monies! Nazi! Bigot! Racist! Incel! You hate women! Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape! You're committing violence against wahmen! Gimmie monies!
Every goddamn day.
Un-ironically true
Human beings have been created for the sole purpose of reproduction. They might be able to be tricked for a little while in not believing that but eventually they realize the truth. Unfortunately for some it's too late and they kill themselves
Again i ask you, how's your foreskin? Did you cried and bled alot as you were mutilated? Maybe you were anally raped by your faggot uncle?
You just opened my eyes as to why they like those boring simulator games, damn.
You don’t even have any money anyway so this is just more projected horseshit from some half man who couldn’t contribute shit if he tried. Lol
Do you need a bottle?
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You are a woman. Post tits, or we will hackerman your son and make him post his coinslot online lmao
>Human beings have been created for the sole purpose of reproduction

For what purpose?
No cap cuh ong fr fr
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>Oh ok, you’re some kind of whiner baby faggot who talks like a teenager. Got it.
Do you need a tampon for your bleeding triggered pussy? Are you going to cry about how lonely you are again?
If you were a native english speaker you'd know why "pussy whipped" was a contextually inappropriate insult.
It's not even with /pol/'s lexicon you election tourist.

It's genuinely fun for them. Like they get the same little spark and delight that we get when we're wasting people on shooting/strategy games. Biology is real. Roles are real. We fucked society up by forcing people to do things they aren't made for.
You can suckle on my cock you little cumrag. I would fuck you up in ways you can't imagine if we ever met.
All these tranny's and lesser men mad at you
For saying a factual statement
Therefore, you aren't owed security or basic protections, enjoy your cultural enrichments, lol.
You sound like such a meek triggered little faggot. Like you get pushed around…A LOT
>has never had his cock sucked
lol that has to suck, maybe try actually washing it after you jack off for once. Ahahahaha
They've have over 100 years to prove they can do something else, and they've failed miserably. Life doesn't owe women life. They will eventually go the way of the horse.
I wouldn't step a foot in your shithole country if you paid me. For what? So I can watch those fat oddities you call your fellow Americans? So I can slave away for Shlomo in order to pay rent? I live in my own house and I only work for myself, no one else! You wouldn't understand that, you miserable jew slave so I won't waste any more words on you.
Again, I don't give the slightest fuck about the opinions of a dysgenic mystery meat American. Now go and be a nuisance somewhere else, you're completely uninteresting.
*points at you*
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>Do you need a tampon for your bleeding triggered pussy?
>Are you going to cry about how lonely you are again?
Nigger whore.
>some non American gibberish
Didn’t read, you’re a faggot. Lol
and men don't owe her anything, but the governments keep making us pay for her useless lazy stupid ass.
What happens when we all stop paying taxes and contributing to the machine?
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And we don't owe women the privilege of consent
>You don’t even have any money anyway
Whores can only be whores. Very whorish, whore. Kill more of your kids, then go to therapy and tictoc to vent your murder.
>”uwu if I use da bad words den I win”
Oh ok, nigger whore. Keep projecting your shit at me.
Men don't owe the world peace.

They don't owe women safety.

And they don't owe you an explanation.
>we want to take from society but we don't want to be part of it
>”uwu I’m mad dat I cannot touch da pussy grrrr”
Oh ok, do you want to show me how well you can Fortnite too? Are you a big fan of skibidi toilet? Ahahahahahaha
Why so pissed? Lol
What kind of faggot name is Laurie anyway
This is that mouthy slut that got put down at a panel discussion by some English lord, right?
it doesn't matter, if women who want womenrights don't get above replacement anywhere in the world then womenrights are mathematical dead this is not a policy debate or something you can win with a clever "clapback" the world is as it is you
What? At what point do you think I am even emotionally engaged into any of this shit? That’s for you lonely ass retards to do impulsively. Not me. I’m fucking married and happily so. Ahahahahaha
Brutal honest truths.

It's a femcel, you can tell by the cringey attempt at emulating online banter
He's Montenegrin, his ancestors literally tilled the European soils for 1500 years.
One of your parents is 25% Indian, 25% chinese, 15% arab, 5% jew, and 21% creature, and your other parent is "White" (62% irish, the rest is unknown)
Be for real.
>Women have built more infrastructure
Not true, even before we start including the bridges that fall down because women can't do engineering
This is why I'm never going to find a source of income. I'll never pay taxes to these whores.
Typical. Attack a man in his "social status", a status you have as a shitposter.

Not one single fuck, whore. Not -ONE-.
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>all this femoid projection
"Games" like stardew valley and animal crossing being woman favorites suddenly explains a lot.
Murder feminists
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Men usually don't pay much attention to what women say.
Yeah if you’re some kind of no pussy getting flake who is just mad that he never developed enough Rizz to actually catch a fucking date that might be true for you.
yes they literally do. otherwise what is the point of women? they serve no other purpose but to facilitate reproductive evolution. and I don't owe them an explanation.
Angry bitter childless cat lady seethe.

Having kids was the best thing i ever did. It literally gave me purpose to my life which up to that point was honestly sort of pointless.

Before i had kids i just bounced from dude to dude and struggled with drug addiction for years. I worked shitty retail/fast food jobs because i had a criminal record and dropped out of highschool. Life honestly felt pointless and it was like i just was wageslaving to get from one day to the next.

The desire to have a family is what finally helped me to get clean, get my life straightened out, and find real meaning in life. I actually feel like an adult for the first time at 24 years old.

imo most these cunts are basically female incels. they're so unattractive, overweight, or bitter that they *cant* find men (except for indians) to fuck them and have kids with so they just lash out like this.
Then they can die alone, unloved, amongst the smell of cat piss. That's fine.
Fucking means nothing if it doesn't end in pregnancy. There's an actual reason for sex besides your pussy pissing itself from pleasure, shocking, I know.
>31 pbtid
>im not emotionally engaged in this shit
Also you are married, which is good, so then why are you here instead of spending some time with your family?
Nothing smart to add after I put you in your place? Too much truth, that must've stung. Stop fucking around and get ready for your Walmart shift (in case you've even managed to land a job at all, you frustrated fuck).
Muh go to America where everyone slaves for giant corps and nobody owns shit, but at least you have angry Niggers, that's gotta be worth something. You think anyone sane would want to go there? It's not 1970 anymore, you dumb fuck.
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tourist, and now I suspect woman
I'm guessing racially ambiguous with two parents who both spoke a language you can't speak youself so your first language was actually your parent's ESL

Basically, having kids is the last stage of adult maturity and some people never get there. Makes you think bigger about life.
No I’m about to head into work! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-R3LzEtumg
Here’s what youre doing though!
What ? Yea they do
>youtube links on 4chan
smelly femcel.
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Women instinctively seek to establish a caste system within smaller groups, and the prominence of a caste system is a litmus test for how feminized any particular society is.

The caste system that women instinctively foster is framed as thus:

Tier 1 - Top 5-10% of men in terms of attractiveness, the definition of which is subject to instant and unpredictable change
Tier 2 - Most women
Tier 3 - Most men
Tier 4 - Bottom 20% of men + bottom 5% of women
Tier 5 - Anyone who threatens this system

They do this instinctively in all human cultures to some degree.

The best example of this is how they like it when "hot" guys check them out at the gym, and that's why they wear slutty clothes there.
However, when an "ugly" (see average) guy checks them out, he's not only a creep but he should go to jail.

"I'm not dressed like this for YOU!"
"Know your PLACE!"

Ironically, in order for the human species to have the greatest peace, harmony, and equality, women must not be allowed to have freedom.

We now see where the reverse, taking away freedom from men and giving it to women, has led us.
Yeah, getting pussy and having friends sure is “ick”
Whew wee there's a raging one in here lol.
>same link twice
who molested u sister
She has the luck to have a family of her own but feels the need to shit on lonely people, what a pathetic cunt
This isn't true for every woman.

But anon that's unfair you can't expect people to live their whole lives without intimacy because of accidental pregnancies
youre posturing. nobody over the age of 12 uses those words. you're getting no pussy nigga youre posting youtube links on 4chan on your way to your wagie office box. last pussy you seen is when you accidentally looked in the mirror last month
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>She has the luck to have a family of her own
>Basically, having kids is the last stage of adult maturity

Sadly not for everyone.

My mom didn't grow up and start acting like an adult until she married my stepdad in her late 30's. Most my childhood she was an absolute fucking piece of shit.
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Its always them isnt it? This really is not normal.
Men have to do it anyway. It's better to keep your money to yourself. Women can pound sand until they get a job.
Take a look at this sucker
Obviously to prolong the existence of human life
Both God and nature command it
>We don't have to continue the species
Fucking retarded
I hope she understands there's nobody to help her when she gets old. Or to keep society running.
He meant, for men.
women dont mature past high school mentally speaking
theyre just lovable retards. when someone says something about humans in general, they mean men. when someone bemoans humans are stupid, they mean women.
I remember when this hag got BTFO by David Starkey
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Faggot, whos cares about what women wants or do, they are supposed to serve Men an get fucked on daily basis
>Lol we don't need to continue the human race
Why are modern women so selfish?
I'm not the one complaining and pussyhurt.

Her single "online friends" will support her.
And I don't own them my taxes or protection.
Niggers will kill you while they raid your house for food.
kek this bitch is going to get decapitated by some dude yelling allah akhbar on a subway someday and this tweet will come back to haunt her. it always happens.
dont care
didnt ask
not my problem
We truly should have created artificial wombs centuries ago, I cannot believe mankind didn't make them one of their main priorities.
At this point, the best solution is guaranteed access to subsidized surrogacy for childless men. Women would be more open to have babies if they were paid for them.
And if men cannot have descendants, they don't really have any reason to maintain civilization or to support women in any way. Or to fight wars for the sake of the elites when they should be fighting against feminists instead. Or to help a woman who is being beaten or killed instead of walkig away.
And childless men, fully aware of how they have been denied their most basic rights, will become time bombs. Constant isolated acts of violence at best, refusing to fight against China or Russia or even supporting them, maybe they start a revolution...
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>And childless men, fully aware of how they have been denied their most basic rights, will become time bombs.

Why do you think all these corporations and think tanks are pushing to estrogenate and castrate men? They think it's defusing the situation. Instead of fixing the underlying social and economic problems, they just turn dudes into harmless eunuchs.
This is why we as a species will inevitebly go extinct in every possible scenario, since our species had a bottleneck so tight that we all share the same male ancestor, so much that the y chromosome is literally degrading with each passing generation
You can say that ad infinitum but the fact is that 99% of men are simps and like 10-20 percent would probably even go to jail to look tough in front of one

For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.
thanks I felt my IQ drop after reading that
I've voted with my cock. I've had many chances to get married and have children - refused them all. I'm not bringing any more slaves into this world and I'm not paying some women to live on Easy Street in my house while I work within a society that fucking hates me.
A woman who doesn’t want kids is a broken woman. You love to see it. Pile up those copes sweet pea
Apparently many wahmen can be convinced to do or stop doing anything, simply by being told "it's their responsibility" to do the opposite.

"It's your responsibility to make babies" -> wahmen stop having babies

"It's your responsibility to help reduce the population and plan your family" -> wahmen start having babies.
I posted this.
and yet
>Policing is facing a “perfect storm”, with fears of a looming staffing crisis as figures reveal more than one in five officers is poised to quit the service.
>Backbench Conservative MP Danny Kruger (Devizes) told the Commons: "The Public Accounts Committee, I understand, heard for every five people recruited to the armed services, eight are leaving.
Be ready for cunts to send you Handjob’s Tale gifs in retaliation kek.
You’re not wrong.
>will become time bombs.
Actually, women tell men that men think that.

Men want peace. It's amazing how women don't understand Men.
>tfw have 2 kids with 2 diff dudes
>not married to either

feels bad bros. =/
Well ok then.
Men don't owe the world not burning down your house and carrying you off as a slave.

Which is what will start happening if society degenerates enough due to feminism.
They fucking ate the apple and that's a big fucking reason why shit has sucked for so long. God should have ripped them inside out and started again. Then Jesus wouldn't have had to an-hero and I wouldn't have people knocking on my door once a week asking if I've heard, the Good news.
civilisation = men making society safe for women and children
men don't owe women civilisation
Yall niggas are such losers man fr fr like yall get no pussy n shi grow tf up and accept it
Women only understand one language, and it is not being nice.
>the population and plan your family
is fixed to:
>get your independence and live alone, old woman.
but it only works when a Man says it.
fr, i really cant understand that mentality. i wanted babies since the time i was like 16ish. It wasn't like a conscious thought or decision, my body just be like "yo make babies". Thankfully my mom put me on bc when i was 16 (probably the only smart thing she ever did as a parent) so i kept myself from getting teen-mommed.

As a girl i already see this happening in my social circles. "Catmoms" are the laughing stock of lots of jokes. The whole "tradwife" thing is in atm. Having lots of kids and being a good mom is becoming cool again.
Smartest post ITT
>Why don’t men understand this?
Men don't owe women anything either, including their tax dollars, attention or protection.

Enjoy the country you voted for, enjoy the bed you made,
>my body just be like "yo make babies"
>As a girl
Post tits or stop pretending to be a woman.
No wife, happy life.
Just dont pay taxes, "women" will literally collapse without the state
>post tits

No. this is /pol/. Go to /b/ if you cant have a single thread without porn in it, fucking pajeetcel.
Fairly sure, highly religious wife = happy marriage. Which, is why they have promoted atheism so heavily.
My misogyny evaporates into nothing when I see this webm. I still logically know not to trust any woman but this is sweet.
That being said, it hurts you a thousand times more when one of these “wholesome” women betrays you than when you get betrayed by a whore, who you were kind of expecting to go be whorish anyway.
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Your terms are acceptable.
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Rude. There are no jeets in my country.
>who cares about the reproduction of the species?
Women are retarded and don't deserve any rights.
Women refuse to let themselves be led by a non-Chad, and a man can work out but most aren’t getting Chad status without some plastic surgery.
Things will get worse before they get better. Much, much worse.
A kot doesn’t have the backing of the state to betray me and steal my assets and my freedom.
I don't collect any welfare, so no you really dont. I had WIC for a minute after i had my second kid but that's it. i work and pay my own share of everything.
Like, me, you are free to leave this plane of existence, women, however, are never free.
You literally have automation scripts in your head that obstruct attitode towards holes that simian brain considers inappropriate. There is no way to switch them off, aside of maybe some lifelong conditioning. You must always be acutely aware that your free will is being interfered with in situations like these.
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Kek, you know whats funny? Feminists actually split into two, one half is telling women to be single, childless, whore etc. and the other is telling men to be simps, but without demanding anything from women. Hilarious.
Men don’t owe women civilization
based post. fuck women.

What is considered "chad" varies from person to person tho. Not everyone wants the stereotypical chad meme dude. My boyfriend is shorter and kindy nerdy (he just finished engineering school) and while he's not fat or out of shape he's not some ripped chad either. hes just a normal dude. but he's funny as fuck so.
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You don't specify 'they' anon.
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ever notice the core audience of the tv shows where they fix up houses is women? the women who watch it think
>ooo i'm a construction worker
>you go girl
>slay queen
but it's really their nesting instinct. they want to create a home to raise the family they don't have. instead they've been brain fucked to think they can do a man's job better than a man: they can't
>t. construction worker who has worked with women
If you are too scared of going to jail to protect your family from your wife you're too scared of going to jail to protect your wife.
But they give it to them nonetheless.
>I don't collect any welfare
Unless you have an actual job where you create shit for goods-producing economy, you literally do lmao.
Overwhelming amount of jobs occupied by women are bullshit jobs that can be completely shut down without any harm to society's economic power, and only exist to enable crypto-communist system of appropriation of wealth from those who produce and giving it to those who don't.

tldr your pencil pusher job IS welfare
Yeah, the smart move would have been to do what we've always historically done when women start getting uppity. Ignore them. If they insist on being catty, beat them firmly but not harshly. If they insist on not reproducing, there is no such thing as "no." The rights of women do not exist through magic, they exist by men collectively deciding to not force them to become property again. There are only two paths forward - either our cultures cancel this experiment and strip women of their rights and we go back to normal, or we get replaced by cultures that treat their women like property after we feminize ourselves to extinction. There is no third option without widespread easily available artificial wombs.
You had better hope that the feds and cops are paid well and given a good woman, because that’s the only thing enabling 95% of them to protect your sorry-ass from the scenarios being described.
Thanks for clearing that up fren.
I will make a note.

I work at a family owned diner waiting tables and occasionally cooking. im not getting rich but it's honest work and it eases the burden on my boyfriend/bd until he settles into something more permanent.
Corporate and government office jobs are basically a system of paying white women not to breed.
she'll just start sucking 10 cocks at once instead of 3
Hello faggot South Korea anon. I recognize you from posting on here last night. Did your handlers give you a shiny new American VPN that goes past the 4chan filters?
damn this is true. alot of my friends work in bullshit office jobs and i honestly couldn't tell you what the fuck they actually do. They talk about work nonstop tho (even when they aren't at work) and i can see how a corporate life would just create an unhappy woman.
Healthy women are supposed to like babies, not use them as insults
You’re just wasting your precious time replying. That is a sad person and this is the best interaction they get. Just tell the mods their posts are extremely low quality and move on
I personally knew a woman who died from a woman-engineered bridge in Miami collapsing.
Fuck off faggot.
Isn’t he agreeing with you, you retarded faggot?
It transitioned into a crosswalk bigot
If only you knew how based my blood is. Mostly pleb blood. But, the blood that speaks to me. Well, that is blood anti globohomo on levels you wouldn't understand.
lmfao. i remember seeing threads about that when it happened and at the time i was still half retarded and i seethed nonstop about how sexist people were being.

now i think about it and have a sensible chuckle. sorry bout ur friend tho fr.
Didn’t the show change it to a more Christian theocracy than the books, which was supposed to be Islam?
I mean Islam is right about women but still.
Please leave my home state with your retarded wiggerdry, thank you
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>women have built more infrastructure
bruh this entire state is wiggardy lol.
Stop pretending you’re a woman. We’re insulting real biological women right now.
We’ll get to the tranny hate in the next thread so that you can feel represented. Deal?
facts only trannies defend women. real women hate women.
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>Be entitled white woman
>Vote Democrat
>Whore around
>Have abortions every time you forget to take your pill
>Have lesbian phase
>Talk shit about men on social media
>Sell nudes online
>Focus on your median wage career
>Turn 35
>Realize your friends don’t want to party and whoo as you make out with a pudgy alt girl
>Realize your dating pool has shrunk to fat low T divorced single dads with emotional baggage and child support obligations
>Realize you’ve never had kids
>Realize all the good men have started families with Asians and Latinas you voted to import in mass
>Instead of realizing you fucked up rage about “yellow fever” being racist and call Latinas pickmes
>Your last egg goes rotten
Many such cases
no i think the book was also about evil white christians (and men bad in general)

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