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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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chuds lose again :)
Spencer is just a contrary voice. It's a shit gimmick.
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He's right, trump literally got shot in the head and everyone forgot about it in half a week.

He's a blowhard. He could start blaming the CIA FBI SS and start naming names and saying they tried killing him and reclaim the news cycle but he won't.
Leader of the what now?
>I overestimated
>I underestimated
>I thought
>I thought

pattern recognition is a function of IQ. also richard spencer is a fag.
every time i see you people post this guy's opinions, he gets dumber and dumber. please keep posting him, it's hilarious
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Heil Kamala
Heil our people
Heil victory
Weird how he’s going with every fed talking/shill point….

Who’s writing his scripts now?
You're wrong, Richard Spencer is very consistent. You're just in a cult. He's still just as pro-White Imperium as he's ever been. He's never advocated total isolationism like others concerned with ethnic Europeans. He's always advocated conquest and reappropriating the existing power structure for the benefit of European people. Trump is a zog puppet who manipulates and lies to white Americans. Spencer just realized it earlier than other people.
What script? Kamala was widely seen as totally unlikable and unelectable. It turns out she's not. That's objective reality dawning on everyone except you.
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You mean the most retarded faggot who ever lived say some thing on twatter and you believe it no surprise from subhuman like you. >>475719449
Kill your self tranny.
He wore a mask, lmao.
hell yeah dicky
the jews are installing trump for ww3. richard spencer is a retarded (fed aligned) contrarian
I don’t know about about unelectable; the people who vote against Trump will vote for whoever has an active pulse. But likable? Yeah, nah. That’s the most astroturfed shit. They’re trying to pull an Obama2.0 out of her and manufacture everything. Too bad she was anointed by Hillary Clinton, by virtue of somehow having LESS charisma than herself. Yikes
He was a glownigger from the moment that video dropped with his cringe followers doing the sieg heil and claiming to be leaders of the alt-right when no one had ever heard of him.
Least organic shit ever.
It’s all fake and gay.
That is a federal agent.
You’re a terminally online midwit. Keep simping for mulattos from California with Jewish husbands and you’ll eventually get your Apollonian Imperivm…sure buddy.
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He is not wrong on Vance, it was a huge miss-step. Now Democrats can just keep spamming on social media all the stupid shit he said and keeps saying.
Tf is that supposed to mean?

I've been following Spencer for the past 12 years and he just seems to do what he wants.
I wonder what was Trump's requirements for VP? Loyalty and challenging the election results?
lol this kike loser is such a nuisance
He’s flip flopped on his opinion several times this year, he isn’t as smart as he thinks he is. Predicting Biden would win in 2020 was not a hot take, the dude was demolishing Trump in polls
/pol/ is full of contrarian retards, spenser is very consistent. In this case I also think he's right.
Yeah, I can see it. I don't feel the same energy as back in 2016. Nobody really truly cares anymore, aside from the handful of schizos who are terminally obsessed. Most people don't believe that the situation's going to change or get any better whatsoever, regardless of who's in the WH. Trump already was president and he didn't do shit. Round 2 wouldn't change much. He'd get constantly cockblocked yet again. And Kamala is just Biden 2.0. Who cares?
There’s clearly something to Vance that makes the establishment seethe. Otherwise they would ignore the pick like they did Pence. Maybe he’s actually not comped like the other potentials?
Kamala is intended to lose. Her losing is supposed to be the final nail in the coffin of "woke," because the golem turned on the jews (see: the pro-Palestinian student protests). Zionist donors are all in for Trump, who they (rightly) believe they can manipulate into war with Iran before Iran has nukes.
Everything about US politics is fake and gay until zionist Jews no longer occupy our government. This can either be blackpilling or freeing depending on what you do with this info.
I would be surprised Spencer (who is smarter than most "right wingers") can't sense
Kamala's defeat, but then again he is a fed and may just be muddying the waters at this point. Which is bad for his brand since effective lies do need a nugget of truth in them.
I think she is more likeable than Trump in some sense because she is just not old + slow and she hasn't had her own term where she could be criticised on anything. I hate to say it but Kamala has a good chance to win
(((Anthony Blinken))) will push for war with Iran anyway. These people who pretend like both parties aren’t controlled by Jews are retarded or lying. This is politics 101.
Cope. He ended up being correct about a lot of things while you jerked off to the orange zogbot for over 8 years.
is america finally having a younger president such a bad thing?
i know she's a woman and black which makes /pol/ seethe but ultimately how much of a difference will it make to your daily life
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You're reading too much into it. They're focusing on him because he says extremely controversial and divisive things that are likely to push someone away from voting Trump
If she was less likeable than Trump why would they be forcing all of the memes and celebrity endorsements, while all of the MSM talking heads are telling us why we should like her, yet TIME magazine avoids using one of the most iconic images in US history because some media guy says they need to stop using it, otherwise it would win Trump the election?
Kamala just locked in, like she used to sound so annoying but she changed the way she talks. Either a strategist told her or she did it automatically maybe to sound more presidential. Trump needs to dump Vance immediately
No he’s full on coping at this point, Dems have not changed as a party (neither has the GOP) since 2016, they’re still running on orange man bad hysteria. His idea of changing the Democrats for the better because the GOP is MIGA and not pro-white amounted to nothing. The political status quo is still in full effect, he’s just still too butthurt that he wasn’t accepted by conservatives to accept this. Trump winning in 2024 is the only way to effectively undo this status quo and Palestine/Iran getting glassed may be the necessary sacrifice to accomplish this

In short, he’s not ideologically consistent by supporting her, he’s coping. He’s also a bit zesty which is why he thinks the brat thing is a good meme
I live in Texas so we’ll get flooded with drug traffickers and smuggled Haitians while Kamala sends Feds to demolish our state-erected barbed wire fences
How am I reading too much into it? pence had religious/fundamental beliefs which are very divisive. It’s less complicated that they want the least amount of friction with things like selling out the future to Ukraine, or starting WWIII with Iran
>i'm really bad at predicting
>i predict kamala will win
checks out.
The reaction to Trump getting shot at was generally, "Damn, wish they didn't miss."
He's always the contrarian.
/pol/ should fake support for Kamala and DNC for a few days just to get the orange zogcult back to plebbit and wherever else. They are a big tumor that grew too large, just tricking Americans and westerners into being complacent to vote for Judaism on steroids. Not that Kamala isn't a kike herself, but this tumor needs to be eradicated from this board.
They are focusing on him because he is an easy target. He does not have that Trump gift that when he does say something stupid people still clap. No, they look at Vance and think, 'that's kind of stupid'.
Pence had typical boomer consevative opinions and looked normal. Vance looks like a creep wearing eyeliner and is saying things like single people shouldn't be allowed to vote
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I just watched a debate between Haz and Spencer and it was very interesting. I actually like Spencer a lot, but he got raped to death in this one. The topic was Russia vs Ukraine.

Some major points:
>Russia has more reason to fear NATO expansion than vise versa.
>Pan-European identity doesn't really exist beyond universalist Reddit moralizing. They can't have any sense of civilizational self-determination because it wouldn't be universal, which is the most essential component of their identity. We don't have Rome we have Reddit. Neo-liberalism is Anglo-Saxon totalitarianism in disguise.

Only for leftoids with TDS. Even normie youtube celebrities were helping cancel leftoids who said that.
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It's as simple as the fact that we already said all we can say about Drumpf so they pick on what's new. It's really not that complicated. This nigga has relations with Thiel, he's compromised as fuck.
Single people probably shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Look at how much damage they’ve wrought
you are right
It'd crazy how I went from thinking he was retarded in 2020 to actually sharing the same sentiments this time around. He is unironically right, and is the poster boy for accelerationism.
Good post and very true.
Spencer is always right about USA
They’re both midwits who are ultimately against white interests.

Haz is a turd-wordlist; and Spencer is a liberal globalist who wants white countries to be dominant, but filled with shitskins and troons.
Thats because he didn't believe in the /pol/ memes and be brainwashed by nonsense.
How is the vote of a single person different from a person who isn't single?
Kamala isn’t accelerationism, she is fundamentally the same as Biden wrapped under yass brat. I’m the opposite of you, I understood him in 2020 but he’s lost most of his points this year. He was correct that Biden at least offered a vision, but Kamala has none. This is the eternal samsara of the 2010’s, the sassy black kween of neoliberalism
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I don't agree with that and I think it's especially stupid for Vance to say things like this out loud
There are plenty of boomers who burn through their money on cruises while their children struggle to afford rent and laugh about leaving them no inheritance
Its pretty obvious. I work at Space X in Texas on Starship. We are putting Harris bumper sticks on every new test flight. Astronauts are putting Harris 24 pins on their spacesuits. We have taken to calling her "Space Brat" as a sign of affection. We know she has our backs.
>very true

Supporting shitskin liberals doesn’t give you Hyperborea, it gives you South Africa.
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I guess the idea is single = no kids, and not single = kids. Therefore, someone without kids is more likely to live for now, rather than live for the future. Voting to them is like voting for upvotes, rather than a responsibility to improving on what’s inherited and given to their own beneficiaries
Spencer constantly denounces accelerationism though. He doesn't want the type of revolution that would allow other global powers to make any gains against globalist white interests. But regardless, I do agree with Spencer's support of the democrats precisely because I DO consider it the accelerationist position. Lol...
>I'm a 80 year old white southern man. My daddy was a proud Klansman and snake handler. I did my time in 'Nam and was always on board with Donald "Jailbird" Trump, but this beautiful woman just makes too much damn sense! (being so fetching on the eye doesn't hurt either haha). I hate to say, but for the first time in my life, I'll be "hanging ten" on the blue wave. Kamala, you have sold me. You have my vote, MADAME President.
>Hello, fellow Nazis
Its not the establishment seething. Its Trump's base. Itnwas a stupid pick. It will be Trump's McCaine/Palin moment. Vance simply isn't intelligent. Just watch, we will continue to cause nothing but problems for Trump this whole campaign.
You're implying that Trump doesn't support shitskin conservatives...
This dude is pooring fuel on the fire. It's obvious Kamala is unpopular, but the propaganda machine is in full swing focusing on propping her up. This is the worst i've ever seen it, meaning that the general public at this time has absolutely no idea who is going to win. That means neither side will accept the results of this shit show s-election. This is the absolute worst level of poll manipulation i've seen already and we're only in July.
He would be better off saying your country will become part of russia. Trump 2024
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>chuds lose again :)
do you really think we can't see what's going on? it's as obvious as the nose on your face kek
friendly reminder that this is not the real WalmartAnon and you should NEVER GIVE IT (You)s
I don't care what glowniggers say, i will not vote for the tranny nigger party and no amount of shilling is gonna change that
Spencer was active in the dissident right for many years before Charlottesville. He was in one of the most heavily funded pro-white think tanks in the country before it was dissolved.
>dissident right
eat shit, kike
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there's something to vance alright, and it's fabulous
If Vance said something like you don't deserve to vote then would that change your mind?
Democrats = more immigration and more diversity hires and policies that intentionally keep whites out of power.

I know if you live in Vermont the shitskin problem isn’t as concerning, but it will get to you eventually.
I think its because 90% or more of the public finds him revolting on a primal level
>Kamala was widely seen as totally unlikable and unelectable. It turns out she's not.
You can't say "it turns out" until she's been elected. She's never won a contested election and her previous presidential aspirations were a catastrophic failure. As for the likability, you're letting yourself get gaslit from a handful of media pieces.
MSM would embrace that. They love gender-bending and other Weimar pastimes.
Spencer is also incorrect about the white globalist elite theory I think. The election cycle this year is pure banana republic shit, there are no intellectual mustache twirling Anglo elites behind the scenes running the show, accepting that there isn’t is part of accepting western decline.
I dont care if trump sucked bibis dick on primetime, not voting for the tranny nigger party
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He’s just being contrarian. It’s his gimmick
You're a magaboomer and a newfag. I have seen more people wake up to the JQ during Biden's presidency than I thought we would in the next 20 years. If Kamala is just a Biden second term then that is great news. I don't care about kicking the can down the road. Conservatives are impotent and retarded. Let the country fuck itself, it's deserved. Americans are awful people. I'm looking forward to the boomer cope in November personally.
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He's right about Vance. Whoever told Trump that he had to appeal to the edgelord online right by using someone like Vance should be slapped and fired. He's probably the least charismatic and relatable VP pick in modern American history, worse than Kamala actually. Now that I think about it he was probably chosen for his 0% chance to outshine the master so that there isn't a Pence 2.0 scenario.

On the other things, he's wrong. Trump will win and he will do so by a significant margin. The more he departs from isolationism and towards classical neoconservatism against Iran, the more he will be made to win even if he himself sucked. The tell was the CNN town hall debate from last year where they strategically packed the room with just his supporters and had the journo ask him bullshit questions that didn't hurt him in any way. Remember how leftists like AOC were complaining that it was shameful and that it felt like a setup? Because it was lol. International Juda does not want an anti-right wing America since the left wing is like this chaotic animal that will sooner or later turn on its master like it did with the protests. When you play with anarchism you play with ideologies that are bound to rebel against you at some point in the future. They just wants their Bush back. Neocons were unpopular after all the wars in the ME so Juda thought of playing along and going with the leftists for optics so that anti-neocon hate doesn't turn into antisemitism, well that sucked and it *did* turn into antisemitism and they're back at the good ol "nietzschean" right wing, and if Trump offers them to act as the optics sponge so that Juda can be allowed to escalate and bomb everything around it (but only if the colonialist whites are blamed for it), then he will be elected even against his will. The GOP and the white Evangelicals will mop up all of the hatred and Israel will expand and everyone will be happy, and that is why Trump will win.
I am the real one. Mods: cook this nigga for 4 months for lying.
>muh terminology!
Autist. White Nationalist, National Socialist, White Advocacy, Alt-Right, whatever. We're all talking about the same shit.
>Democrats = more immigration
Not really. Republicans just do it legally. Obama had more deportations than Trump. The promotion of ESG and the subjugation of whites is a good thing because it forces whites to become racially aware. Trump is just going to give white people money and keep them complacent as he covertly brownifys America.
Voting isn’t even part of the bill of rights. Fuck people who think it should be more accessible than freedom of speech or the right to bear arms
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Trump's numbers are better than I thought.
Vance was talking about catladies and faggots in positions of power ruling over us while they have no stake in the future. Y’know, rootless cosmopolitans? He wasn’t saying white men in their 20s shouldn’t vote. Use context you disingenuous kike.
Yes I’m sure immediately after almost getting assassinated he went on a Jew Jew cum swallowing tour with that faggot with eye liner had nothing to do with it.

I hope Kamala wins.
>Democrats = more immigration and more diversity hires and policies that intentionally keep whites out of power.
Sounds like a nice wake up call. Oh but you'd prefer it happen slower so it feels more normal and regular? Fuck off.
So weird seeing all of these other geo-flags write walls of text about why Vance is bad. Really makes one ponder and pontificate…
The NeoCohens wanted someone they could control and who would push for war Spencer is a NeoCohen and Bushite
Our future is set regardless. Long story short is that stonks/assets rely on inflationary policies to keep propping them up, if those policies end then stonks crater. If stonks crater there goes the main street economy since it's not based on production anymore, it's based on asset prices. If Stonks/Real Estate crash, Mainstreet economy dies. We've kicked the can so far that it's become a simple binary outcome, Print or die.
>ESG is le good because accelerationism

Terminally online.
Whether someone is "likable" or not is 90% determined by media coverage (reddit memes are media now in case you didn't know)
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I don’t use chrome. I’ve always been a mobile poster, why are you doing this
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People woke up to the JQ because Israel started doing war crimes you fucking retard. Israel is going to become a global pariah when this is over and you don’t realize that Trump giving them the go-ahead to full scale liquidate Palestine and start a war with Iran isn’t going to push it in that direction more? Kek you guys say you want to “accelerate” but cower in fear at MIGA which is in fact the primary force to do it. Let the normalfags see the horror that Trump will enable and you’ll finally see a real backlash against Israel and not just college students sitting on a lawn for 2 weeks
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>I have seen more people wake up to the JQ during Biden's presidency than I thought we would in the next 20 years.
THIS THIS THIS. It shouldn't even matter that white people are becoming antisemitic for the "wrong reasons" if the results are the same. Redpilling people has been so much easier under Biden than it has under Trump. White advocates suffered the most censorship under Trump. Trump is going to rally retarded MIGA boomers against Iran to crush opposition to Israel. Trump is going to make whites complacent. We shouldn't be ignoring the significance of the fact that nearly half of the Democrats in congress refused to show up for Netanyahu's speech. That's big, even if they're still funded by AIPAC.
Shouldn't the lesson instead be that every perceived victory is short lived in the media cycle these days? It's been less than a week of Kamala praise and he's already calling it. She has plenty of time to drunkenly fuck this up.
Personally I think it's because conservatives were unhappy in the beginning because I think they were hoping for a more popular memetics person that everyone knew, like Carlson, mommy tulsi or rfk jr. They were disappointed it was someone they had never heard of and someone that seemed to be ready to play the war drums the first day he was announced. So now the dems saw the disapproval and are now trying to take advantage of the emotional upheaval from those that were unhappy with Trump's choice.
There was an alt-right, it's just Hillary opened her dumb fucking mouth and exposed the buisness

>incorrect tripcode
You tried/10. Mods: cook this nigga permanently for pretending to be me. Welcome to banworld, buddy.
The stonk market is flatlining whether you want to believe it or not. We’ve seen inflationary increases of 30-70% of everything BUT stonks. Mainstreet doesn’t need a cratering of stonks to suffer. We’re seeing it happen in real time. Wake the fuck up
Lol why are you even engaging with that fagot. Europeans are such retards
Anon I’m not gonna vote for a mulatto Californian woman just because you think it will “accelerate”, sorry. I’m gonna vote for the guy running on dismantling DEI because I’m not a retard with Twitterbrain.
ESG, DEI, affirmative action, etc. are all CLEAR EXAMPLES of systemic racism against whites. Paired with the left's distaste for Israel we will literally have the perfect recipe for waking up White Americans on race and the JQ. Trump will ruin this if elected, mark my words.
would it appeal more to you if I used an American VPN like all the paid shills?
>most obvious fednigger is concern trolling
Are you fucking stupid lol? My tripcode has always been faggot, because I’m literally a giant narcissist faggot, everybody knows this. Stop messing with my one thing I have!!
Pretty much this. Europeans are helpless disarmed cattle who keep voting for socdem parties that flood them with Arabs and Africans. Spencer wants us to be more like them…lol.
I'd have much more respect for this Viewpoint if you actually pushed for National Socialist politics but instead you just do nothing. Still voting trump. Still stacking rounds for TKD
How the fuck is he "pro-white" and supports open borders. He's a retarded glownigger.
I literally cringed irl, hard
Nah. Not a narcissist. You're jealous and fucking with a nigga who is infinitely above you as I am a generational poster, inaugural 4chan Hall of Fame inductee, and recipient of the 4chan Lifetime Achievement award bestowed upon me at the 20th anniversary celebration. Don't know what your faggot ass has done but one things for certain: you ain't me. Mods: cook this nigga for the next 3 lifetimes.
just need to get rid of communists
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>wake up to the JQ
>pic very related
you do realize Kamala is more pro jew than any candidate in history right? her husband is the literally the first jewish "second spouse" i.e. "second husband or second wife" in the history of the country? She is literally married to a jew.
>le upvote
Shut the fuck up, idiotic loser
This is getting pathetic. We have hard numbers on her likability from 2020 dipshit. She’s trash
IRL voting Dems will just lead to whites being disarmed (no AR-15s) then they’ll gulag you for trying to oppose “racial justice”. Things will never change for whites in South Africa for the same reason.
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Europe is the only region in the world that has ideologically anti-socdem parties like Orban's, like AfD, etc. The GOP is just socdem with a bible in hand. We call it a Merkel over here.
>I’m gonna vote for the guy running on dismantling DEI because I’m not a retard with Twitterbrain.
He's not even running on that, and you're psychotic if you think he is. This is why I root against conservacucks. You would be perfectly happy with business as usual for 4 more years as long as you felt like you got a fake sports team win through Trump. It's just cope.
Republicans control the supreme court and the lower courts. That shit won't fly. There has been a massive trend towards increasing gun rights for 30+ years and the democrats won't change that no matter how much they whine.
That is the point newfag.
My goodness wtf happened to this board.
>We’ve seen inflationary increases of 30-70% of everything BUT stonks
Are you fucking retarded, Stonks have made record highs left and right this year, as of now we finally had a pullback. Restrictive policy can't get inflation down to 2% because the Fed is not willing to go after where the other source of "money printer" is and that's speculative assets. You cannot keep propping up the markets that is spitting out free money and expect inflation to continue going down.
People laugh at Spencer now but he picked the winning team in 2016 and in 2020. His intelligence should not be underestimated.
Eastern Europe has a few exceptions, but Western Europe is always soccem cucked because they have a big shitskin population and a big cuck population.

Spencer thinks socdem faggots like Macron are le based, and now he’s telling people to vote for a shitskin woman. He’s gone so far up his ass that he’s self-destructing and thinking it’s a high IQ take.
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>gay anon posts again
Many such cases
Trump can’t rally support for Israel, he’s still a largely disliked politician and young people don’t like him still.

Think of it like this: if Bush/Cheney didn’t oversee the Iraq war, and it was Gore or Kerry instead would there have been such a backlash? Democrats are largely the same on foreign policy as Republicans they’re just a bit less bleeding heart Zionists. They support Israel they just want to run more politically correct PR for them. Republicans would let Israel commit a genocide and defend it with a straight face and no PR, Republicans themselves will make ZOG unsustainable whereas Democrats are continuing its existence by moderating Zionism. Do you want Vietnam/Iraq anti-war protests or college students sitting on campus grounds for too long?
>he’s telling people to vote for a shitskin woman.
Because jews can't openly oppose her without being called racist--just like the Palestinians. It's a winning play.
5%+ “record highs” after the lagged boom of 2020’s inflationary spending that occurred in 2021 literally doesn’t mean shit. It doesn’t mean the economy is sizzling, it means there are extreme fundamental issues that we’re not seeing significantly larger gains in the stock market. Granted, part of what’s holding it back are the interest rates; but the more restraint we have, the less the inevitable crash will hurt.
Blinken and the other Jews in the cabinet will still run the country the way Jews want.
He admits he has been wrong on everything so far. What makes him right now?
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>Spencer thinks socdem faggots like Macron are le based, and now he’s telling people to vote for a shitskin woman. He’s gone so far up his ass that he’s self-destructing and thinking it’s a high IQ take.
yeah that's why I disagreed with him in my original post before some random mutt chimped out that I didn't have a mutt flag like him and was therefor not allowed to comment on mutt politics. I explicitly said that Trump will win. The only thing that Spencer is right on is the Vance is cringe and it's not just Spencer saying it, the entire online far-right is saying it. You're just not listening.

>Because jews can't openly oppose her without being called racis
buddy her husband is literally jewish
Does the guy have a name or is it just jd?
Yeah I don't see people waking up from the left getting their way. All it would do is slam the door closed for those of us who actually see the way out
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Trump is gross. America knows that.
Spencer and Fuentes are spot on this year. Trump doesn’t have a chance and we shouldn’t be supporting him.
Trump's children are Jewish. Trump's cabinet is too, so it's a moot point. The difference is that democrats are far more openly anti-Israel. The only republican I can think of like that is Massie.
Did you see what Massachusetts just passed? You realize that's going to be mass copied across the country in every blue state?
spencer is a democrat grifter
Commies took over. How's that acceleration working out for you
Go to any of the FANG stonks, QQQ, any of the "Blue chips" for the year, it's up 30% at least. This market is spitting out free money and that's the source of economic bifurcation. Fed tigthening has not been sufficient enough by design, to pull this frenzied speculation back, they are already begging for rate cuts over a 5-10% pullback, this is why this period is often compared to the 70's inflation cycle, because if rates are cut again, with GDP and stonks this elevated, another wave of inflation will hit.
>That is the point newfag.
okay, then explain it to me slowly
you just want to accelerate things?
spencer is far too high i.q and white for this place
He thinks everyone dying is winning. The obvious play is to close up the country Purge out the rot and rebuild
It will be overturned for being unconsitutional. The second amendment protects your right to manufacture guns. Not a big deal. And banning glock switches only hurts niggers.
>Did you see what Massachusetts just passed?
No. Enlighten us.
Spencer finally figured out what Fuentes had been saying all year.

Trust Fuentes ignore the rest.
Spencer is right.
I kinda hope the Democrats win just so the Republicans go back to catering to racist white men. They got too cocky this year and thought they could abandon their base in the hopes of gaining minority points, but now they're just appealing to no one.
Fuentes has been flip-flopping on all of his positions throughout the entire year.
This stupid faggot thought covid was an "extinction-level" threat and even took the jew vaccine. Only retards follow this faggy cunt.
Not up 30% from its previous “record highs”. But that’s what I’m talking about that you’re disingenuously choosing to ignore.
Yeah it's fucked up that Trump won't even say the words "white people". He (and Vance) will likely dismantle a lot of the anti-white systemic discrimination that whites face without actually appealing to white identity to keep white people complacent and color-blind. That's the opposite of what's needed.
Fuentes has consistently said Trump is trash and won’t win. He’s right.

We need to tread water until Fuentes is old enough to run for president.
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>The difference is that democrats are far more openly anti-Israel.
No. The radicals are. The ruling representatives aren't. Like, at all. Notice how AOC and how many was it, 50 democrats?, boycotted the speech to protest. That's what they say, that they left the room to protest and not have to listen to Netanyahu. What they didn't say is that when they do that they're allowed to pack the room with whoever they want and they packed the room with the most subservient kike lovers available, so that they could clap for a quarter of the entire speech. If AOC stayed there she would be forced to boo the jews which is an instant career suicide, or she would be forced to clap and not clapping would be a career suicide again. She doesn't want to do that. She doesn't actually hate Israel, it's just that her voters force her to hate it. To save face she simply left and allowed them to replace her with random clappers.

Like cmon buddy does a non-American really have to tell you all of this? It's so obvious if you opened your eyes for once
>everyone forgot about it
>people still talking about it right here on this very board

spic fuentes has been changing his opinion every week. a week ago he was saying trump will win easily
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Everyone replying in this thread is paying the IDF shills.
Kill yourselves
I'd shoot myself in the balls before I'd vote for a militant Catholic. This country was founded by WASPs who wanted to escape their persecution. The entire concept of separation between church and state is to prevent papist faggots from ever controlling this country like they did Europe.
He's was the first guy to jump off the blumpf train and that makes him more right than 99% of anyone on /pol/
Right..so 5% from record highs and in the past year up atleast 30%. Not sure what your point is, Mainstreet is getting 2-3 partime jobs to make ends meet, trying to pay their bills, groceries. How much more can you crush demand from these people? So logically you look at where other flows of money is coming from, that's the Treasury and Stonks. The Treasury won't stop spending, so you have to go after the stock market and evaporate all that paper wealth.
It was well known that pence is a reptilian and pedophile. According to Tory Smith, Pence raped over 50 children.
>still pretending Dickie isn’t a fed
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>It's obvious Kamala is unpopular
That won’t happen, another reason why it’s better for Trump to win is that the GOP is forced into a post-Trump era where you get a cringelord like Vance as the candidate with ultra brown worshiping, let the party take itself to its logical conclusion. If Trump loses he’s gonna run yet again in 2028 and we pretend we’re in this era of the GOP totally being the white man’s party. Kamala losing would likely force Democrats to get back to running a white candidate again because it would mean nonwhite women couldn’t carry the election for them. The GOP hasn’t pandered to racist white men in years, that hasn’t been their “base” in a long time and it’s why they’re a doomed party.
Trump is extending the lifespan of the GOP as long as he’s in politics
people talking about it is not the same as giving a fuck about it, the reason why it was brought up was just to point out how irrelevant it became
True. He has dropped the JQ and adopted the Competence Question.

Conservatives aren't competent.
>Notice how AOC and how many was it, 50 democrats?
It was 80, aka almost a 1/3 of the democrat party. I think Kamala's condemnation of the Hamas protestors and AOC's refusal to call it a genocide is just 4d chess, ironically. They're ultimately still dependent of AIPAC funding, but it's clear that they have more clear resentment to Israel than the republicans. Even Biden gave them a lot of shit. He's been delaying weapons shipments to the IDF so much that it's a de-facto refusal.
>It turns out she's not.
(Citation needed)
Most people are living on an untenable amount of debt, more so than actual wages (which are going down, unless you’re a bureaucrat), and with interest rates staying high, people are experiencing an exponential amount of pain, where they think a quarter of a basis point will ease all their pains. We’re already deep into a recession, and no amount of media/shill/DC elite gaslighting will make those who are actually observant believe otherwise.
If you don't like Spencer, you'll read this and agree. If you like him, you'll read this and disagree. That's because it's a complete nonstarter.
>and with interest rates staying high,
Say's who? historically rates at these levels are if anything on the lower end of normal. So if you are saying rates are high, then you also have to conclude they are high for the current debt situation, I.E. sovereign debt crisis that leads to currency crisis, and that's what we're dealing with, this is why analogies to the 70's inflation cycle are so prevalent. This is why our future is set, no matter who the next President is.
Totally, bro. Spencer is a 200-IQ 4d chess master which is why he's had nothing but failures to show for his entire life.
>Killed NPI.
>Promoted Charlottesville fiasco.
Now he's promoting the Democratic party, that's a kiss of death if ever there was one.
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>It was 80, aka almost a 1/3 of the democrat party.
That's cool, but why didn't they stay there and boo him to shatter his image and show the world that America does not support this? Why did they trigger a flight response instead of a fight one? Rhetorical question that I already answered above. This is the only democrat or even person in the entire room who did this, and that's because she is a palestinian. AOC would be forced to do this if she was there which is why she simply left, because she does NOT want to do this. Imagine the difference if 80 people held this up. None of these 80 people wanted to do this in reality which is why they ran away. Open your eyes and use your brain.
> He was in one of the most heavily funded pro-white think tanks
Think tanks are literally glowops, what the fuck are you saying?
this faggot is the most glowie glow to ever glow
>He was in one of the most heavily funded pro-white think tanks.
National Policy Institute (NPI).
>Before it was dissolved.
Before Spencer killed it through his stupidity.
>Don't stay neutral when your powerful friends have a dispute. People only respect allies and absolute enemies, and whoever is victorious among them will have disdain for you if you didn't support them. Anyone demanding your neutrality is your enemy and whoever is your friend will call you up to arms.
^ a quote from Machiavelli. Democrats are making a mistake by trying to appease both their base and Israel. It's good that they're being self-destructive.
No, the rich guy who funded it just died. He was a WN elite who inherited millions from some textile business IIRC.
Still voting Trump

Still supporting israel

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If voting republican produces the same result for both of us as me voting democrat, then why don't you want me to vote republican?
Yeah, he's consistently gay
This nigga lookin gay AF.
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I agree. Massive optics mistake not to go against the AIPAC money and do what could easily be the best optics move of the party. But as I said, when you're dealing with humanists and anarchists, you will sooner or later have that critique go against you and you will become the object of oppression that needs to be dismantled. And this is what I expect to start happening soon. The protesters out there will transform from democrat loyalists to a dissenting faction like the far-right where we refuse to back the GOP for the exact same things that they did on this end of the spectrum (and are planning to do with Iran). You could say that both ends will be horseshoed through antisemitism. It's just that we were ahead of the curve by a decade.
No, Spencer killed it when he scared off all of NPI's donors by getting chummy with the neo-Nazi crowd. He should've known better, given that this is what Spencer said in 2013:
>In a 2013 interview with Salon, Richard Spencer said: "We have to look good," […] adding that if his movement means" being part of something that is crazed or ugly or vicious or just stupid, no one is going to want to be a part of it."
>you will sooner or later have that critique go against you and you will become the object of oppression that needs to be dismantled.
We've been dealing with this since the 1960's. It not something new, and allowing them to have power makes redpilling white people much, much easier. I'm not really concerned so much with dismantling things like ESG, DEI, affirmative action, etc, because they're inherently incredibly inefficient and retarded copes for biological racial inequality. White people will still find a way to survive either way. The goal should be to disenfranchise/alienate them enough to wake them up.
I really hope someone is paying you to say this. If you wrote this for free and is your genuine opinion then I feel sorry for you.
For example, Scott Adams would still be staunchly Democrat if he wasn't persecuted for being white in his career. And he's a major figure.
>If Vance said something like you don't deserve to vote then would that change your mind?
I don't deserve to vote though, and the idea of being de jure disenfranchised doesn't shock or scare me, because I am already de facto disenfranchised by living in a blue state, where any vote I cast is made irrelevant by the brown tide that was imported to replace me.

You only think voting matters, because you think you'll win, when the reality is that democracy is just a proxy for mass warfare, and if those on the losing side of democratic/demographic coin flip do not feel represented by their "elected" officials why should they care about voting when they are clearly at war?
Think tanks aren't really that dependent on large masses of donors. There's nobody to really "scare away" and optics-fagging is gay anyways. Any time white people explicitly organize for their own interest they will be considered "Nazis" anyways, so it's better to literally fly a swastika to shift the overton window and appeal to the youth.
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A good portion of the early NSDAP members were communists, as in actual KPD members, who got redpilled on what the KPD really was. Mussolini was one too. It took me some time to realize it but what Juda aims to prevent the most is the horseshoing of both ends. In American terms, to prevent Huey Longs. Who was also a democrat.
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William Regnery II died on July 2, 2021. The NPI was experiencing financial difficulties long before his death. So you're wrong when you try to claim that the NPI died because Regnery died. It was in shambles long before then.
>They were disappointed it was someone they had never heard
And then 3 days later there are polls saying he's the most unlikeable VP EVAH! from the kike media when nobody even knows him.

His unlikeablity push is as inorganic astroturfed as Kamala's likeability is.
The election is still rigged. They could put a rock up against Trump and the Rock would win in a landslide.
there is no such thing as the alt right and no people lead them
anyone claiming to be that person without explicitly denouncing the talmud is a kike
Weimar problems call for Weimar solutions :)
Okay, fair enough, but I still don't think Spencer's mild "extremism" was actually that unpalatable. WN/NS people massively overcorrected for the failure of the Unite the Right rally to the point where it was just self-destructive. It wasn't even that bad, especially considering the accomplishment of getting more than 22 pro-white organizations to work together for a good cause (preventing the desecration of statues).
seriously who likes this guy? left wingers astroturfed him as some leader but he does nothing and says nothing of importance
that guy is the slave of kikes and I want to see him dead as a traitor
for an alt-right chud he sure makes a lot of democrat talking points
Because democrats winning this election is most beneficial to the "alt-right".
Depends on what incarnation of the alt-right you're referring to.
>'I change my opinions based on the newsflash of the week, so that way im always right'
This guy has been obviously coerced by Biden's agents and is acting as an indirect propagandist for Kamala by trying to dissuade whites from voting. That's why he isn't in prison, he's become an asset

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