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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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You simply have no narrative against her.
BUT HER LAUGH! t: trumptard
She's a nigger and a Democrat whom nobody likes. She will not be elected President.
jeet bitch
she will do the needful
I'd like to see her boobies.
jeetnigger tho
I was over at my foster mom's apartment today helping with some errands. She lives in a very urban city of a very blue state. After picking up her social security check we went to one of the nearby Whole Foods. It’s the kind of place that hipsters, vegans, legit pink pussy hat wearers and trust fund kids go to unwind with a wheat grass onions latte.

Former President Trump was on the TV and the local social worker said to his public administrator buddy (gay lovers since the aids epidemic), “You know what? He wasn't so bad. Inflation was low, the border was secure, and we didn't see any new wars. I can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Mar-a-lago Don’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yas Queen” and “poggers" from the twitch streamers around me. Even saw the lonely blue haired cat lady smile and raise her orange tabby with a hand nitted Maga hat.
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She hates God's people, the Jews.
are there any straight belters left?
10/10 facts

much contained in these words. harris is a safe pair of hands. safer than trump or biden.
>she laughs freely and easily
>she persecuted criminals
>she's got no children
Yeah republicans are done if the "dirt" they have on her ends up looking like a light coating of snow.
It's clear that her campaign consists of fake support across the board, and it won't do shit lol
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She's also a racist.
>im black now goys!
All your fields are belong to us.
She isn't a politician or an executive or even just a manager. She is simply a whore. That's it, that is all she is. The idea of a whore making decisions that matter in the US is peak clown world.
Something I’ve noticed, Lots of real masculine, white, cowboy types are throwing there hat in for Kamala. I work as a clerk at rite aid and was working the register when one of these cowboys came to check out, had to be at least 6’6, square jaw, bright blue predator eyes, and a huge bulge in his jeans. “You see Biden dropped out?” He asked as he passed me a pack of XL Magnum condoms. “I was gonna vote Trump until Kamala stepped up, media hasn’t given her a fair shake, and when I did my own research I found she actually has some good ideas, can’t believe I’m sayin this, but I’m voting blue.” After I rang up his gigantic condoms, as he was walking out the door, he said something about “brat” don’t know what he meant by that though. 10 minutes later a short fat tawny individual with a dirty shirt and MAGA hat covering his balding head comes waddling up to the register, very ugly man. He stands up on his tippy toes to hand me a box of extra small condoms, starts complaining about the pride flag outside, and saving the white race or some nonsense, he even mumbled the n word under his breath, very incoherent. Now I’m not political myself, so I have nothing to gain either way, but it’s just interesting to see the types that back Kamala, and those who back Trump.
>the border
>her "achievements" in California
>I'm "black" card
>her progressive jew agenda
>she is married to a kike
What's there to narrate against? She's has nothing. No message, no nothing. Nothing about her is real. Even her racial identity is a farce.
Not a nigger, do note elevate her that high.

She isna pajeet.
Good a sucking kike cock.
The fact is artificially, pushing all social media platforms to generically support her is all the evidence I need. She’s unexperienced, imagine her in a Fukushima or Katrina situation let alone a World War.
She is the harlot that rides the many headed beast in Revelation. She will side with Israel like the silver tongued whore she is in order use its world power but cause it's ultimate exposure and destruction.
She won’t decrease inflation and will increase taxes. Election over.
Kek these retarded copypastas coming from this election year are based
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Two words: Border czar.
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He's a narrative for ya.....
>delete biden.exe
>load harris.exe
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I was helping my buddy Fritz out the other day at his workplace. He's a concentration camp guard in a very rural, conservative part of occupied Poland. After sending exactly 2739,72 jews into the oven via the holo-coaster launching pad, we took a break to go check on the bear and eagle cages. It’s the kind of place that the guards and officers like to hang out and undwind, placing bets on which animal gets to the jew first, while sipping on a cold maßkrug of beer.

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris from the USA was on the small, black and white TV in the back, and my buddy Fritz turned to me and said: “You know vat, Hans? 'Zis american woman isn't so bad. She's a strong defender of socalist values, under her vice presidency anti-semitism has reached an all-time high, and she has proven zat america iz finally 'villing to put a non-elected official on ze ballot. 'Zey're almost as fascist as we are! I can't believe I'm saying 'zis, but I 'zink I'm going to vote for "Kameradin Kamala" zis time around."

I looked around and all I saw were heads of the other guards nodding in agreement, I even heard a few calls of “Sieg Heil!” and “Jawohl!". I even saw the lonely SS officer sitting in the back smile and raise his arm to salute our new Führer Fräulein.
Admit it: you simply have no narrative to shill in favor of her.
If Blumpf tried to laugh his teeth would fall out (because he's the oldest presidential nominee in history)
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Something I’ve noticed, Lots of real queer, black, hip hop girl types are throwing there hat in for Trump. I work as a clerk at rite aid and was working the register when one of these queens came to check out, had to be at least 5'6", soft jaw, brown eyes, and rainbow flag on her jeans. “You see Kamal locked up black men for slave labor?” She asked as she passed me a pack of tropical skittles. “I was gonna vote Kamala until Trump stepped up for us, media hasn’t given him a fair shake, and when I did my own research I found he actually has some good ideas, can’t believe I’m sayin this, but I’m voting Trump.” After I rang up her skittkes, as she was walking out the door, she said something about "Fascist?" don’t know what she meant by that though. 10 minutes later a short fat tawny individual with a dirty shirt and FUBU hat covering his balding head comes waddling up to the register, very ugly black Antifa manlet. He stands up on his tippy toes to hand me a box of extra small condoms, starts complaining about the Trump 2024 flag outside, and saving trans kids or some nonsense, he even mumbled the "fascist" word under his breath, very incoherent. Now I’m not political myself, so I have nothing to gain either way, but it’s just interesting to see the types that back Trump, and those who back Kamala
Jesus you could have at least tried with the bait.

>worst candidate with lowest numbers during the first time she ran for president
>Became famous for putting thousands of black men in prison and pushing for harsher crimes to arrest them and keep them there
>80% of the US cares about the open border more than anything while she was the border czar
>Became famous for literally every appearance in public being her saying the most batshit crazy rambling words while she laughed awkwardly
>sources leaked to the mainstream news that Obama doesn't endorse her and he doesn't think she can handle running for president or the job

Every commercial about her campaign is hilarious

>First ad looks calm and hopeful. Even a little proud of herself she spoke well with extra effort to look normal and professional being obvious
>Second commercial looks a little worried but still holding it together
>Third commercial voice is strained, says the watcher doesn't want illegal abortion or to lose Democracy
>Oblivious that Trump and his VP pissed conservatives by being extremely pro abortion
>4th commercial looks very desperate and stressed, says to the viewer they don't want Trump in power who said he would make himself dictator on his first day in office
>Most unhinged lie yet without a shred of truth

So she probably expected a fuck ton of donations and the lack of donations screams powder than the cringe obviously fake statistics that say she's totally close to beating Trump.
Actually the idea of Kamela Harris literally using blowjobs as her primary tool for foreign policy is funny, and also would absolutely positively be the end of the US if elected.

If you want the US to end, and honestly the experiment has failed, and you want to be known as an ex-peasant of the most pathetic nation-state failure in history, vote Kameltoe. I don't even care anymore, if this is the acceleration we need so be it.
Drumpftards think calling her a nigger and a woman in a country that's 50% non-white and 50% woman will win them the election, bahahahahahahahahahahaha
Bongtards don't think we know they're actually intelligence agency assets
It's actually not her that people hate, it's the entire democrat edifice, the entire establishment, they're so sick and twisted, so warped as humans that they're sickening, far worse than bible thumping right wing Zionist cocksuckers. Everyone just wants justice, everyone wants these creeps to cry, salty painful tears.
Can't wait to see what conspiracy theories you invent when you lose 2024
>Keeps posting the same outdated photoshopped pic of Kuntmala
You're going to have to try harder than that you 1pbtID faggot.
>furiously posts about le project 2025
my sides
>the border
Conservatives have no complaints about this because her and Biden's border policy lines up with exactly what conservative politicians and voters wanted...that is until Trump told the GOP not to vote in favor of her and Biden's boarder bill so that the democrats wouldn't score a win with conservative voters.
>her "achievements" in California
She crushed it, did well enough for people to keep reelecting her, eventually electing her to the senate, and then vice president.
>I'm "black" card
? she is black...
>her progressive jew agenda
You're in favor of Hamas? A violent Islamic terrorist cell?
>she is married to a kike
Trump's kids are married to jews, and he supports Israel also
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That is because she is a nothing which is exactly how the rest of the world will treat her and therefore she cannot be president.
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She´s a goddess.
Israel is handling their own destruction just fine. You should read this neat book called the Bible some time. Palestinians are the true chosen people anyway. A study in their genetics found they are just as Jewish as the Israelites. The only difference is the Palestinians are a tough people who've been surviving bombings for more than 60 years. Meanwhile the kikes have been keeping their race "pure" through inbreeding and are now inbred racist retards.
Project 2025 is real
Here is the website and you can read their document on there and see who is involved.
Unlike Venezuela and Chaina beaming down votes from satellites into dominion machines.
Leftist drunk bimbo. Puppet of the left"s machine.
nice one ai. now animate that scene with everyone naked and LOADS of cum
Fucking great
You won't be laughing when you lose the election again, loser.
"Lion Kamala" what did Trump mean by this?
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Anyone who's dealt with pajeets know they are dumb, lying, thieving nepo babies
Some paki destroyed england, why would anyone want these creatures in office?
They have nothing on her. It's over.
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>Be me, Kamala Harris
>Biden appoints me as the Border Czar
>Responsible for securing the southern border
>Arrive at the border
>See thousands of illegal immigrants crossing
>Just laugh
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>b-but her hairline!
grasping for straws lmao
America has a right to defend herself.
the thread.
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was over at my foster mom's apartment today helping with some errands. She lives in a very urban city of a very blue state. After picking up her social security check we went to one of the nearby Whole Foods. It’s the kind of place that hipsters, vegans, legit pink pussy hat wearers and trust fund kids go to unwind with a wheat grass onions latte.

Former President Trump was on the TV and the local social worker said to his public administrator buddy (gay lovers since the aids epidemic), “You know what? He wasn't so bad. Inflation was low, the border was secure, and we didn't see any new wars. I can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Mar-a-lago Don’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yas Queen” and “poggers" from the twitch streamers around me. Even saw the lonely blue haired cat lady smile and raise her orange tabby with a hand knitted Maga hat.
This. So much fucking bloody bastard this.
Fuck niggers lmao bottom text
Each democrat that is murdered is one less pederast enabling degenerate.
>no narrative
This is a shill thread, but fine. She's a terrible leader and speaker, and an intellectual lightweight, who sucked and fucked her way to the top. She's mystery meat, and no ethnic racial groups truly recognize her as one of their own (except Indians apparently, and good luck with that). She's seemingly hated within the very administration in which she currently serves, and even now, almost no one in the Democratic party establishment has any genuine positive feelings about her. She's every corporate middle management cunt who barely works but is obsessed with her place in the hierarchy nonetheless. She's every ditzy wine aunt with toxoplasmosis and an SSRI prescription who says something incomprehensible or ridiculous every other sentence. Oh, and her eyes go completely black like a shark's every so often.
She laughs a lot and she's uh she's a slut and a woman or something
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Brown women are for BWC, not political office
I am looking forward to contacting her administration about bringing RICO charges against Masonic organizations in multiple states.

Freemasons tongue my anus
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My narrative is that she is both black and a woman
Their narrative is that she is both black and a woman
We are NOT the same
she was more non existent in these 4 years than biden
jews HAVE TO BE up to something
October is going to be crazy
Kill yourself monkey
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I do: she refused to marry me
Black. Woman. Whore. No primary. Californian. DEI hire.

What else do I need?
I believe I'm able to confirm this as real, because during a recent vacation in the Tatras Mountains of Slovakia, I heard a large number of people applauding loudly, as though they had just witnessed something stunning and/or brave.
>/pol/ now cares about racism
You people are absolutely laughable.
What’s her platform?
Even Indians hate this bitch.
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She makes Trump seem smart.
She sucked willy brown's dick but didn't suck mine
No blow job, no vote
She is the candidate of the state who will sign papers and nothing else just like Biden, Obama and pretty much all of the presidents since 1945. If you're happy with the state of your country vote for her. Now I don't believe Trump has the capability to change things either, he certainly hasn't done anything in his first term. But there are actually competent people who are backing him this time.
I'm sure that one will work wonders with the moderate and independent voters.
Her eyes went pure black. That's a narcissistic trait. (They get possessed by demonic ayys).
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She will win with the power of nigger pussy! All whitebois will bow down before their future queen!
She's a fucking cop
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Non-White rule, even attempted non-White rule over Whites is a capital anti-White offense with no statute of limitations.

They are willing foot soldiers of the anti-White ju, and they will remain punishable, potentially extrajudicially for the rest of their lives. If chasing down 90 year old ladies for telling the truth about the holocaust hoax is ‘just’, boy do kikes and their golems have a surprise waiting right around the corner.
The woman who owes her entire career to being willing to fuck a black grandpa? Do I actually need an argument besides that? Trump didn't fuck his way to wealth and the White House.
Shes a corrupt diversity hire that started her career by sleeping around
Get your own women!
She's a dumb whore with a shitty fake laugh that's so fake only faggots like you can't tell. Plus she's ugly, stupid, female, non white. I got narrative for days dumbass.
Here's the problem with Harris she's a drunk and her entire VP staff quit because she goes into tard rage. Yes,the entire staff. That means the campaign staff are going to start quitting too literally everyone hates her.
That's why she did 'word salad' gaffe filled interviews as she's pissed wasted. Just give it a month and watch the drama unfold
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>no narrative against her
simple as
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What's the point of arguing against Shills or saying what already said. from now you shills will have Mommy Tulsi redpill the npc'c Again
There's no narrative for her either.
She supports medical experimentation on and the sterilization of minors who can't provide consent. I won't vote for her
I hope she wins. It would be great to dunk on the pathetic magafags who won't admit that their country is poisoning the white Western world and is ruled by Jewish gangsters.
Kamala is BRAP?
"It's shocking, I don't get it."
And that's why you're going to lose, boomer retard.
> keeps people in prison after their sentence is over in order to use them as slave labor
> hides evidence which may prove innocence of death row prisoners

Ya, a real humanitarian there
She’s a retarded nigger
she is completely retarded and incapable of giving a speech on any subject, is it enough?
Still voting Trump

Still supporting israel

Are you implying independants will be swayed to vote for someone they find out is a completely unqualified cocksucking nigger whore who literally sucked dick for power? Are you suggesting independants will be swayed to vote for that kind of person?
Just punch out and ask for a different job.
>cocksucking nigger whore who literally sucked dick for power?
You think that kind of rethoric with sway independents to vote for Trump? Lmao that kind of talk + the overturning of 'Roe v Wade' are literally the reasons why the "Red Wave" that was supposed to happen in the midterm elections of 2022 failed miserably
I want to hate but the amount of niggers she has negativity impacted is such a positive selling point. Don't know what to feel anymore
she's a nigger and a woman, there's really nothing else that needs to be said.
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