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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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no refunds
This will never backfire.
I'm sure that will help in paying off their debts...
Don't you understand? The funds were always loans. They've basically been creating an indentured servant out of a nation.
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fucking retards
russia is now paying for their soilders to get killed. I think it's pretty funny
> 2022
>1.5 billion
So, nothing. Pissing in an ocean of piss to make a tidal-wave?
Shits fucked, m8
Zoom in on that dessicated harpy: do you see a decent human?
>Muh monies
Ukrans need bullets, shells and tanks - you know, actually existing stuff. Numbers going up in a digital account won't change physical reality.
we need to replace our entire political class.
This is going to be a ride.
That should get a few thousand 16 year old Hohols killed.
>Ukrans need bullets

Bullets to get rid of Zelensky ? This is what you mean ?
thats my point? They defaulted and nothing happened. Thanks for the cope clown
>Russian debt
Huh indeed
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>half the pic no data
absolute state
>thats my point?
> They defaulted and nothing happened.
It was real in your mind
We were going well until covid and our treasonous globalist government spent hundreds of billions on bullshit.
tell that to all the rich vatniggers falling out of windows over the last two years
That's an other matter, my point is that even if you go by the (((official narrative))), sending money won't mean shit if there is no weapons they can purchase with said money.
US gave all it was willing to.
EU gave all it was able to.
> has no argument
I accept your concession.
> rich vatniggers falling out of windows over the last two years
It also happens in the West: https://www.winespectator.com/articles/man-accused-of-wine-theft-dies
> apparent suicide
> falls from the 33rd floor to his death
We have our Oligarchs, also.
Let's see if all oil monarchs will keep putting their money in Europe
Sounds a lot like stealing
Can't stop paying blackmail
Many such cases
sounds like a you problem shitskin xD
Jews keep testing the waters how far they could go and easing goyim into accepting it.

Tbh at this point I hate the westcucks more, who couldnt even vote for a right-wing party. You deserve your fate.
>le vatnik contrarian brownoid!!
This is the best nafotroons have come up with in 2.5 years larping here topkek
vatnigger contrarian brownoid*
Wanna see how blackmailed they are

thats very clickbaity, I'm surprised GAYTERS went this far.
They transferred the money earned from assets to the EU "peace fund", not the assets themselves and not to okraina.
So fucking what? The jew cannot actually do anything. They have been withholding our money for years now and... nothing. We are still not letting migrants in, still not letting troons in school, still not sending arms to cuckraine. All they can do is kvetch and whine at you. If your "economy" and consooming in the moment is more important to you than your society than you 100% deserve the fate you are getting.
no they did transfer it to ukraine you coping chechen dicksucker lolllooollollol you are literally paying for total vatnigger death
this won't set a precedent for anything, r-right?
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kek you dumb loser can you fucking read your own garbage sources?
it literally says the same thing vatnigger lmao
Are you dense?

I saved my society countless of times is not a mess, why the democrats can georeference my ass and post teras of cp that just was born around me and my town doesn't burns

Our problem is that all that shit is not blackmail to me is blackmail to them
are you serious? It says right there it goes to EU fund
Goddamn you losers are impossible to talk to, stay losing
you literally LOST 1,5 billion dollaridoos to ukraine just now
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I forgot its summer
1,5 billion and more to come.
600 dead vatniggers
0 dead nato chads.
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they're not taking assets but the revenues generated from them.
By the way this kind of stealing have been happening since they froze them, I do not know why they decided legalize it.
All EU companies who pulled out of Russia lost so much money by selling everything with huge discount but now EU is going to lose even more.
Self-inflicting harm, but vassals don't have the right to chose
Its because they didn't allow Russia to pay it off. They got the money but they didn't let them pay. Just to get this propaganda out.
thats sounds a lot like crying to me and I don't read anything a crying bitch that LOST writes
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>waaaah waaah i-it doesn't count
get your own meme tagline
Look, I don't fucking care about the war, but how is that not stealing? How is this not an act of agression to actively take something from someone by force?
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I made a mistake wasting my time talking to a literal subhuman.
Stay losing nigger, I hope you kill yourself eventually, tranny
>I do not know why they decided legalize it.
They are desperate(!) but it's absolutely insane given the rapid advance of the Southern Belt of the World into the Global theatre.
This only hurts the reputation of the "Former" colonialists and their 'System'.
>more crying
600 000 dead vatniggers btw
It makes sense once you realize they're not calling the shots, USA does.
Russia blow out the nato trained leadership 50 + Nato fags dead and the entire Ukro brigade without leadership.
2 more days to kyiv or two more decades?
Digits do not lie
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What's your point Turkish roach? Lol Italy and France large economies. My fucking sides. Alos entire EU 30 trillion debt. US 32 trillion debt. Russia 500 bill?
Its free money. Why not use it to produce zigger meat cubes?
Are you the new nafo troon? I hope you get paid.
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ahahaha seething shitskins lamoooooooo
Was right. Why don't you join the defence of Ukraine? I heard they have man shortages.
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oy vey bruder
>17 posts
Yeah okay Moshe
damn and russia still can't win? After 2 years??? Paper tiger indeed LMAO
>hard earned tax rubles taken from rusniggers
>used to produce grinded meat out of said rusniggers
Like pottery.
If Russia was losing the shillbots would be unnecessary
I'm going to laugh for eternity if the US doesn't do the same thing, resulting in lowered confidence in the Euro while strengthening the Dollar. Even better is that this was the US's idea but Europe was the first to actually do it. Did we once again trick eurotards into shooting themselves in the foot to virtue signal? Will eurotards ever stop licking our balls no matter how many times we take a great big shit on their heads?
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And meanwhile Ukraine has gone bankrupt, Fitch downgraded them again. Keep making these threads, its not like the West is losing or anything....
That's fucked
Nope, we all continue to lick jew balls.. especially you.
don't worry russia is keeping it afloat with their money LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
wew, NAFO child soldiers. what a gay time to be alive in.
So a coward. Why don't you join the winning side what can go wrong? Crimea party when? Still waiting. Write me some more fan fiction pleas.
how was this ever legal? literal theft based on ethnicity.
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>All their money
>1,5 billion
>Mostly jew oligarch money
You can do better than that surely.
the german flag used to have meaning but now it could be a turkish flag
So any Spec Ops behind lines can dome the kid and Ukraine would just blame Russia for senseless War Crimes of killings kids?
>vatniks when Russia steals Western assets in Russia :)
>vatniks when the West steals Russian assets in the West :(
then why are you so mad a bout it
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Kike vampire with yellow teeth
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You sure are good at projection Shlomo.
uh vatnigger money will be used to kill vatniggers how am I mad? Lol you are the one projecting ahahaha
>parking money in foreign banks
I hope Putin will kill those traitor businessmen. Good riddance.
MBS threatened France to sell the french bonds he owns if the EU do this.

I don't know about anyone else but when I get ROBBED, I tend to retaliate.
Imagine getting over a billion, stolen and you being fine with it? Doubtful. EU just keeps adding reasons for a full scale war, they want a 3rd world war and I fucking hope the EU dictators, lose it, big!
I guess they expect the youth to rally to their side to defend their bullshit. They're in for a cold reality check when it happens..
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>vatnik gets his money stolen by a an oligarch
>oligarch hides that money in the west
>west uses money to kill vatnik
>gets replaced by an african

Always the dunbass German flag in these threads. Go back to Ukraine or your dumbass natsoc telegram channel
>gets replaced by an african
You're talking about NATO right now
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>no refunds
>This will never backfire.

>"were gonna use Russian assets"
All banks say no, it is theft
>"we’re gonna use the interest of Russian assets"
All banks say no, it is theft
>"ok, it is Russian, so we will write a bond that no private investor will buy, and we’ll use Russian assets as collateral without their approval"
^This is me buying a car and as collateral I’m using my neighbour’s house.
TLDR: first these idiots admit it is Russian, then write a bond admitting it is Russian collateral and asking their own central banks to buy the bond.
And the downfall of the USD is accelerated. Good. I hope (((they))) do this, its going explode in their face like an fpv drone

They didn't even take Germany and Japan's forex reserves in WW2, this is an enormous escalation that will signfificantly reduce the global economy's trust in the US as a financial custodian
the EU is now burning investment security because they cant get more money by democratic means from the tax payer

but since you are not german you do not care
ukraine can simply die, thats what it can do
thats its option now
Heul doch Hurensohn
Poor little bastard dyibg for the jews...
I support this because it gets us closer to
Total hoholodomor
was this putins 5D chess move, leave $300billion worth of assets in foreign countries to get frozen and never returned

just admit this nigga was totally unprepared to get sanctioned
I hate this crooked cunt, like you wouldn't believe.

When Ukraine war is over Europe will be getting their oil/gas from Russia again..this 1.5 will be repaid with interest and penalties..etc
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there will be no russia
>NOOOOOOO you have to sell me the rope im gonna hang you with!!!!!! You're supposed to be capitalist!!!!!
Lmao seethe
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>webm related
its you /k/ike
Least based /pol/ak.
>haha stolen
okay, yurojew, but why haven’t you confiscated it all? Russian MoF basically written that stuff off (knowing you wouldn’t be able to resist) and yet you still pussyfoot around
but anyways: you’ve seized your own bonds, while we get to keep wectern factories in Russia. one is paper. the other is physical asset.
reminds me of when you imagine beating up someone you hate, you dont imagine them fighting back.
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>country that can't beat ukraine supposed to fight back
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA millions of russians will die and I will watch them burn in hellfire LOOOOOOOOOL
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It's just them saying "look we have something else in our sleeve", dude. They can't win on the battlefield so they write about irrelevant stuff like this to show euro/mutt hoard that "le evil russians are almost defeated". Papers that have whatever value some american says > millions of dead hohols, kek. What are they supposed to post about? 10:1 losses of hohols? Videos of hohols eating burgers at the cemetery? Photos of captured western tech?
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yes, their children live here
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>1.5 billion
Why was Russian leadership keeping any of their money in banking system of unfriendly countries in the first place? It's as retarded as if leaders of NATO countries ever kept their strategic funds in fucking China or something.

It's not like Russian political class were preparing for sudden evacuation from their country and stash their money away from Russian banking system, right?
>Why was Russian leadership keeping any of their money in banking system of unfriendly countries
because you don't own anything if you live in vatniggeristan
I hate this dunning-kruger whore like you wouldn't believe
That's pretty much it for the EU.
In the end they'll have to repay it in reparations anyway.
But I understand the play.
Russia must now completely destroy the Ukraine, instead of coming to any sort of agreement.
No agreements with NATO/EU either, so WW3 is now inevitable.
Payment was simply made impossible through confiscation of all their Forex reserves. That's technically a default, but anyone can figure out why they defaulted and it's not because they have no money. Totally different from Ukraine which is being depopulated, deindustrialized and put in debt they could never hope to repay.
Every person who has a hand in allowing this child to war is guaranteed to burn for eternity. They will never see God's light.
Nah. They are experts, remember?
Actually this is fake news.
It's once again only the interest on frozen Russian assets, not the assets themselves.
The EU comitting suicide would not be a surprise, but it seems like they are not quite that stupid yet.
They also do not transfer the money to Kiev, but pay themselves for weapons they send to Ukraine (lmao).
the funnier part is that the GDP in western countries is bogus, and China also falsifies theirs to match up, which means China is as dark green as Russia, while countries like my own or the US have really gone bankrupt in the 70s and last this long by indebting their children and boosting bogus gdp numbers

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