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Previous: >>475707232

▶Day: 884 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

> Russian Parliament passes law punishing soldiers for using gadgets with internet access
> The ambassadors of the EU agreed to provide Ukraine with 4.2 billion euros in budget aid from the EU
> GUR hacked the banking system of the Russian Federation: Sberbank, Raiffeisen and Alfa Bank are down
> Ukraine is ready to negotiate with the Russian side, but it should be an "honest dialogue" - Kuleba
> Russian Shahed drone attacked the Romanian village of Plaura
> Andrei Torgashov, deputy chief of the radio center of the military satellite communications unit, was blown up in Moscow.
> A Spanish court sentenced a retired man to 18 years in prison for sending a series of booby-trapped letters to embassies of Ukraine and the United States at the end of 2022
> Kuleba visits China
> Su-25 eternal flight over Donetsk region
> Hungary will not be allowed to host a strategic EU meeting next month because of Orbán’s self-proclaimed “peace mission” trips to moscow and Beijing without the union’s authority
> The Parliament of Ukraine extended martial law and general mobilization for 90 days from August 12 to November 9, 2024
> Ukraine to ban Lukoil from sending oil to Hungary and Slovakia via the Druzhba pipeline
> The governor of Belgorod region Gladkov instructed the heads of municipalities to go to the homes within 15 km border zone and persuade people to leave - RIA
> The russia attacked by 75 drones, russian MoD reports, visible confirmation of arrivals at Tuapse oil refinery and at Morozovsk airfield
> Trump and Zelenskyy had a phone talk, both gave a positive feedback about it


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually-confirmed losses)

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Glowie history lesson
Total Pani (((Farion))) Death!

>cofi status
>Friday status
>weekend plans status
>personal life status
>gloves coming off status?
>VDV status?
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Якщo ви чи вaшi дiти/плeмiнники/пoхpecники дивлятьcя Skibidi toilet - вiтaю, ви пiдтpимyєтe pociйcький
кoнтeнт, твopeць якoгo випpaвдoвyє
втopгнeння pociї в Укpaїнy.
Total Zigger Death
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[this is fine]
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>being ukrainian means speaking broken pidorlang and consoooming heckin russian culture(mostly wigger rap) mmmkay
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Why does /uhg/ hate white people so much? Did we do something wrong?
I am SO glad the retarded civic nationalist nigger-loving whore is dead.
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>skibidi bomb bomb
>yes yes
Of course it is. Who owns Bakhmut, Adiivka, Melitopol, and Mariupol?
Where did you get that from, retard?
Yes not sending more HIMARS and ATACMS
And where are the F-16 ?
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GUR has a new black uniform
Looks neat
I suspect /uhg/ trannies are actually Russian shills attempting to ruin Ukrainian reputation by demonstrating that Ukrainian supporters are genocidal delusional gore fetishists.
Niggers =/= Ukrainian
End of discussion, cuckling.
A dozen batteries at most doing little to nothing ever since 2023.
>And where are the F-16 ?
Only 40 are being given to Ukraine. Basically nothing especially since the Russian Air Force has a fleet in the thousands.
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>>cofi status
Fresh iced T Within reach
>>Friday status
Quiet for the moment
>>weekend plans status
BBQ and laziness
>>personal life status
>>VDV status?
Who ?
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Ukraine l, obviously. Refer to internationally recognised borders from 1991 - recognised also by Russia, several times.
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>I suspect /uhg/ trannies are actually Russian shills attempting to ruin Ukrainian reputation by demonstrating that Ukrainian supporters are genocidal delusional gore fetishists.

Half are vatniks, and the other half do it unironically.
Cool story no problem in hohols getting even more then :^)
That was before NATO expansion into multiple historically Russian lands, populated by Russian or at the very least, Slavic populations - who for most of history, followed a Russian sovereign ruler.
>Niggers =/= Ukrainian
Kek. That nigger thing was a way to troll the russophone mutts. Like even a nigger can learn the language. I see the trolling worked
>le 56% face jumpscare
Looks r*ssian to me
>Russian central bank increasing interest from 16% to 18%
You ok, Pidors? I thought sanctions weren't working.
American-European weapon systems are extremely rare in the Ukrainian army. Most are still fielding Soviet equipment.
Too bad the trolling ended with a bullet in her kike skull. I am satisfied with the results. Won't be surprised if it's AZOVbros.
Anyway, good riddance.
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If only you knew how brown things really are
So when the American Treasury Department raises interest rates, it is good monetary policy, but when Russia does it, it's because of sanctions?
Go listen some shaman, nigger
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>American-European weapon systems are extremely rare in the Ukrainian army
Bruh, she wasn't even a nationalist, but a kremlin stooge. There are literally KGB documents about her being a KGB whore in the 80s.
True but soviet equipment is even rarer in zigger army
Shaman > 50 cent
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t d b l t
>that webm
blaire witch project was 20+ years ago.
>Russian Parliament passes law punishing soldiers for using gadgets with internet access
shit now we cant rid themselves of russiyn propagandiev
>Piss > shit
Your point being?
I don't get it. Direct hit and nothing happens. Did they drop some burning alcohol on him or what the fuck. Completely ineffective. The helmet next to him didn't even move.
Not a good choice for summer
Exactly, yet this utter subhuman >>475720738 believes she was "baste", as I was saying, good riddance.
That is because the Russian Ground Forces were modernized via the Ratnik program a couple years ago.
Bruh, she was one of those fake nationalists, like some fags from SVOBODA, who were on the Yanukovich's payroll as to act as deranged nationalists and scare off normies from nationalism and patriotism. People like that deserve a bullet to the head.
She was a KGB whore before and probably was killed off by FSB because she lost her usefulness.
>everyone is a heckin putler agent
80 IQ take
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What about it? World goes forward, old colonies become their own countries, and they get to decide whatever they want. If India for example wished for joining NATO, the NATO would enter historical British domain. It's just mere curiosity of the past, funny tid-bit of information, com-ple-te-ly irrelevant to whatever is in modern world. NATO is good deal for countries belonging to NATO - no invasions whatsoever. It's safe.
What did zielinski do in 2014 and why does the current AFU CNC have a father with tight connections to Russian milspec
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Vatnik program*
>living in a post-USSR country
>living in a country with fags like Medvedchuck
>being delusional about kremlin agents
How old are you?
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Kryvonos got a nice uniform.
Hop off a Hoverla mountain, faggot. Meet your kosher kike idol holding hands with niggers and Yahweh in heaven. I hope her family gets the same treatment.

Here's a recording of rockets getting primed. Two rockets have an erectile dysfunction. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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> Ziglett
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>Vatnik program*
Part 2
The assassin was a (((RVC))) fanboy. Dog eat dog
>cпycтя 2.5 гoдa(!) лaхтa пepeфopcилa "Go back to Russia"
I love these gymnastics hohols go through because they don’t want to admit how funny it is that jew LARPers are killing each other now
Svoboda is based. They put they money where they mouth is, fielding and fully funding volunteer units since 2014. Also, there is zero pride faggotry and (((muscovite church))) pedo rings in places with Svoboda mayors
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>Vatnik program*
Part 3
>NATO is good deal for countries belonging to NATO
Thousands of non-American soldiers have died in American wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan. How is that a good deal to anyone besides America? Also, the German economy is also facing a decline because America coerced its government to buy much more expensive American energy instead of Russian energy. Is that what you call a good deal? Moreover, America has also forced the EU and its member states to send more aid to Ukraine with Hungary being a major victim.
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Anyone who gets assblasted because of Svoboda is a certified Russophone nigger.

t. Eastern Ukrainian
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Where did Russia get all these tanks and vehicles bros, did the media lie to us?
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Anyone have the meme of cumchugging anime faggots telling nazis to turn off vpn?
Parties like Svoboda is what made Russia invade in the first place.
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>Where did Russia get all these tanks
The AssAssIn is gullible zoomer retard

_Some of them_ are based, because are true believer patriots. But it's a medical fact that some of their higher ups were paid off by Yanukovich's gang to acts as provocateurs, as proven by their "barn book".
Russia being a retarded imperialist subhuman mongoloid empire is what made Russia invade in the first place
Muh America get better material . Most NATO countries were underspending anyway
>reeeeeee our feefees were hurt let's invade

Every cope is a retarded cope from you guys, no matter how you spin it.
Russian industry is bigger and better than American industry, which is completely gutted ever since they outsourced it to other nations. Meanwhile, most of the Russian industry remained in Russia with the main challenges being restarting and modernizing the old Soviet tooling. Russian consumer products are very known globally.
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>Ratnik program
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>heckin mean professor lady is on the same level as jewtin's relative openly pushing russian shit

I am from Kharkiv, retard. And I hate halfbreeds defending their shitty pidor pigeon because they are too lazy to learn proper ukrainian
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>Russian industry is bigger and better than American industry,
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>Where did Russia get all these tanks and vehicles bros,
By cannibilizing their cold war WWIII SHTF storage of T-64s like the prodigal son
>did the media lie to us?
Yes, they hyped up russia as competent for years on end with no basis in reality
>Russian consumer products are very known globally.
Like what prostitutes ? Kubed mobiks ?
>zoomers are radicalised by nazis in power
>zoomers start the darwinian nazi selection process
What gives. RVC is a fsb outlet
Can you name at least one American consumer product brand which has their entire supply chain inside America?
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you don't own them, idiot.
You ground hordes of your subhuman 'soldiers' to temporarily hold onto them.

Any more questions, Zigshit memeflag?
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>Russian industry is bigger and better than American industry
literal retard take
I am glad she is dead and I hope her family gets the same treatment.
Even better.
Fuck off, ashkoid rapebaby.
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>Like what prostitutes ? Kubed mobiks ?
Ukraine is historically Russian. It makes sense for a country to retake land they owned for centuries.
Chang, please. Get back into your sewer, scoop some gutter oil
>Russia doesn’t own that territory because we never wanted it anyway
Another day, another ukrainian retreat. It's all so tiresome
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>keeps doubling down
the absolute state of zigger shills
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>What did Zelensky do in 2014
He was protesting against the ban of Russian artists
Russia has formally annexed those lands. It is Russian now.
Lay off the meth, (((russophone)))
What the fuck is a kharkiv
So the ukrainian general Syrsky is a liar?
>Russian consumer products are very known globally.
Kek, never heard of them
I think its more like Ukraine and the media lied about the amount of tanks destroyed, can you post the ridiculous casualty chart from the ukrainian MOD so we can laugh at it?
Hurry up, or I'll let your boss know you are slacking again
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>Why does /uhg/ hate white people so much? Did we do something wrong?
>Russian consumer products are very known globally.
Can you give any example of those?
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>building will save me
Having a caricature shitface scarecrow "nationalist" is KGB 101 shit. Subhumans like Farion did more damage to Ukrainian language and nationalism post-1991 than you can imagine.
For example, I have a colleague from Kharkiv, he's was brought up as a native russophone, despite all his relatives being from Ukraine, and one of the reasons he didn't bother to switch to Ukrainian pre-2014 were in fact deranged "nationalists" like Farion. Post-2014 he said fuck it and switched to Ukrainian full time, because of what pidors did, but that happened in spite of Farion-like subhumans, not because of them.
you're 'formally' a fucking idiot. You don't own shit. Translate it into your mother language if you don't understand.

who are you quoting, what the fuck are you even talking about, you obese imbecile?
Can you name one for russia though?
Thousands? It's not current war. Little over one thousand, losses for whole non-US coalition. US still footed the most soldiers and suffered more casualties. Is it good deal for others? In the long run - obviously yes, that's how alliances work. In any case of danger, every single member can expect help and to be defended. Such guarantee is so strong, Russia does not dare to even look funny at NATO countries. Germany isn't in bad spot economically, they don't just straight up buy American gas, but also Norwegian, British - the situation is now healthy capitalism where multiple suppliers fight over new consumer. Over reliance on Russian gas was the unhealthy situation, one funny decision from botox Vlad and everything halts. It was cheap, sure, but also a blackmail. Good for Germany to finally getting their economy back without such shady practices. America forcing EU to send more help is only logical - it's EU which is directly endangered, not US. Shaking some sense into partners in alliance - sometimes happens. They didn't forced all of them either, a lot of countries were sending as much as they could without US asking them anything.
Kherson status?
>I think its more like Ukraine and the media lied about the amount of tanks destroyed
Your thoughts are not based on reality. Russia claimed they had something like 13 000 tanks in storage pre-war and they are literally running out of tanks from those storages based on satellite imagery
These are "people" we have to deal with, yes
Probably havent heard of em since only smaller local companies keep things local entirely local .
But from the top of my head kellogg's folgers
>Russia claimed they had something like 13 000 tanks in storage pre-war
Wasn't it 20,000?
Tы yжe пoжeнилcя, дa? Я пpocтo нe пoмню, в OБP пocлeдний paз cидeл в 2022 вo вpeмя кoнтpнacтyплeния пoд Хapькoвoм. A пoтoм мeня зaбaнили пo пoдceти.
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>building will save me
>They can be anywhere, at any moment
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>Central bank of Russia raised the interest rate to 180%
Put it in next OP
>Natura Siberica
>Karelia Berries
>Kalashnikov Merchandise
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Tы вpoдe из Aлчeвcкa, ecли мнe пaмять нe измeняeт. Кaк тaм нa endchan?
Haas Automation. Russia has no equivalent to them. All of their industry tooling is imported.
so is Alaska. if you touch it we will kill all of you and your shithole nation will become historical memory.
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Russia literally has problems with outdated American garage sale, what are you talking about
You are probably right.
Never heard of em and i live closer to Ziggeria than Mutland
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Eternally pidorussian, just like Kherson?
Obivously meant 18% by that
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Lockheed Martin
as I said: it's just a disclaimer
You can enjoy yourself with the original slideshow and try to make a sensible video out of it lel
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>doubled tanks from 1700 to 3500
>tripled artillery systems
Um.. sisters? What happened to the tens of thousands we have destroyed
Yeah some of the storage places are emptying since the tanks are going to Ukraine, as general Syrskyi said at the beginning of the invasion there were only 1700 tanks but now there are 3500, also artillery systems have tripled in number and APCs have doubled, looks like Ukraine simply cant defeat the russian military industrial juggernaut, as Syrskyi puts it Russia has a significant advantage but I guess you know better and more than the commander of the ukrainian armed forces, seems plausible
>Russian Standard Vodka
My boss may take action by telling your boss you’re fit for service. Lick my superior chink nutsack r*ssoid
Nobody tell him
>Karelia Berries

Never heard of them
>Kalashnikov Merchandise
Uncompetitive on world market. Only poor African countries buy that.

>Natura Siberica
Only good one
>superior anything
Gazprom and Lukoil operate because Halliburton, Schlumberger, and Baker-Hughes built their infrastructure.
What. Only Kalashnikov is famous of these.
>if you touch it we will kill all of you
America couldn't even win in Afghanistan

Not brands, just khazar owned companies that mine and extract stuff from the ground. Using western machinery xD

Lada died with ussr. Lada now assembles chinese cars.
Russia is indeed producing a lot but they're still emptying soviet reserves that are increasingly decrepit with only the the most rusted shit remaining at some places.

This all points to russia losing a fuckton of gear (and lives) with beyond pathetic gains
Hey i know that 3 Gazprom centers shut down recently .
An antique like the 30000gorilan tanks Razzia has
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It's even funnier the 297th time!

having witnessed this exchange I think it's based that bitch got shot dead
t. had these "civic" "nationalist" fucks severly damage my home country and not sure if it'll survive the long term decline
Yawn. By miles compared to tf
What success has ukraine been able to show aside from being meat shields. How low of an iq do you need to have to consistently lose a war for this long
Losing money and selling property
Hates Russia and is in Netherlands
>Russian Standard Vodka
Cannot name shittier car. Also losing money because of chinks
Look at the bridges, trains, hospitals, airports, and roads of China and compare them to America then tell me who is superior.
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>America couldn't even win in Afghanistan
Unlike you, kek
>Russian consumer products are very are very known globally
These are known for being shit, retard.
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The Mujahadeen has Western intelligence backing meanwhile the Taliban had on-and-off Pakistani backing
I only know Kalasnikov out of those
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most unimplessive
I mean physical products, since supply chain and shit isn't that relevant or hard for software products
What's wrong with Karelia Berries xD
>Yeah some of the storage places are emptying
I accept your concession
>historically Russian lands,
America is historically british by that measure
Fuck off or die, pidor.
lel, you might wanna stay away from discussing afghanistan m8...
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Remember zisters, we didn't need the Black Sea Fleet anyways!
>Comes in
>Rapes Afghanistan for 20 years straight
>Goes away
>This is a win for Afghanistan
Checked, thats a great thing, very good value instead of being scrapped 20 years from now, t-72 from the 1980s is still a functioning machine and can be easily refurbished, Ukraine however produces zero tanks and has no tanks in reserve
>This all points to russia losing a fuckton of gear
If they are increasing in numbers in everything relevant then no it does not, its a clear indication that Ukraine has failed thus far in this attritional warfare that has been going on since the first year of the war, to me it looks like a done deal, has been since the catastrophic failure of the ukrainian counteroffensyiv last summer
the US giving up on babysitting a bunch of illiterate goatherders on the other side of the world is much different than some piss drunk delusional retard empire fucking around on US soil.
>Comes in
>Rapes Afghanistan for 20 years straight
>Goes away
>Breaks apart
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What did rusnigeria achieve except crippling their whole country for Ukraine?
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Full video.
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Currently done by chinks and sent to Russia just to hit those number plates with "made in Russia"
Kamaz trucks are known for its durability in hot, humid, wet, and freezing environments making them a popular choice in many countries in the Middle East, South America, Africa, and Northern Europe.
Nah, Russian invasion of Afghanistan was more of a
>Comes in
>Goes into stalemate for 10 years
>Goes away
>raping as an act of victory
Russoid rapebaby outed
You're mistaking it with Moskvich.
Lada is being manufactured in russia, but it's a shitbox, Renault tried to make it better, but russians fucked up again.
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Checked, what concession? If you increase the number of tanks at the front from 1700 to 3500 then ofcourse the storages are emptying, goes without saying
That's not how you spell Toyota
>Plays a retard
>Deflects and attacks
Nigger outed.
May uou provide statistics how many cars does Russia manufactures and how many it exports?
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Looks like he armed it at the 10s mark in case he bumped into something before
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>crippling their own country
Dumb way to think about it
>rape is… le good!!!
Excuse me WTO inbred? Don’t you have a cube to assemble into
>ignores my point about pathetic russian gains for all the equipment loss

Kek. Anyways I agree with you that losing all that equipment is a good thing since it's all manned by ziggers that will be easily killed by a chinese drone with an RPG warhead strapped on in rusted out 60+ year old shit.

There's a reason why ziggers are now using chinese golfcarts and dirtbikes in head on meatwave assaults
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Is it worth to ruin future of Russia to hurt Ukraine? Nato is untouched by this war
>Plays retard once again
>Deflects and attacks once again
You are brown.
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>America is historically british
Njet, comrade. America is Russian land, how it can be different when Columbus himself was Russian?
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The future
Rude wake up call.
>trying to not be enslaved is le costly better rollover and die
If Russia wants to suicide itself over fucking Ukraine out of all things, they can. I am not going to stop them. Once again, I am asking you retards to stop using "But we fucked up Ukraine" as an argument. It doesn't work. If you shoot somebody and then shoot yourself, you didn't win, you were retarded.
Ukraine has never existed. It has no future
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It's as much a real country as "Russia", gommieniggerfag.
Both Russian Federation and Ukraine came to be in 1991. Both are same age.
Toyota? i thought we were talking about trucks. not little piddly pickups.
Oshkosh, Kenworth, Peterbilt, International Navistar, Western Star, Freightliner, Mack, etc. That's the real shit.
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Yes, turning two years this year. No, I'm not on endchan.
Child maulers and nigger crushers based
>What is Kievan Rus
Winning the war and demilitarizing Ukraine is the goal here also as I pointed out there has been very little equipment loss since Russia can increase everything from artillery to APCs to tanks so much, if there were these losses you describe they couldn't increase the stuff they have on a monthly basis
>will be easily killed by a chinese drone
Apparently not since Russia is increasing everything they have so much, Ukraine has only dug a deeper hole with their very insignificant successes that are few and far between
Ukraine lost lol
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That's a really nice truck
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Exactly Kievan Rus, not Kievan Ukraine, Ukraine was created by a jewish guy called Lenin
Why is the coat of arms of Kievan Rus forbidden to display in public in Russia?
I’m whiter than anything ever born with a slavic genome
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are you implying that russia is building those T-54s we are seeing now from scratch?
Sure thing, pajeet
Nothing is really increasing since that equipment is instantly lost along with the crew in well documented suicide charges. Depleting soviet stockpiles is not really "increasing" anything also.

If ziggers had so much equipment on hand surely they would take more than 1 football field of territory per month
Faggot tranny thread
Cool story bro you're still a nigger . But if you truly care hand and timestamp .
You’re always welcome to post your hand with a timestamp Ivan. Fuck off back to Bumblefuckovo oblest
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Rus comes from Swedish
Russia from Greek
Ruthenia from Latin

But where did the word Rus come from? According to Chronicles, Rus comes from Varangians, but Varangians themselves get the name Rus from a region in Sweden

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>Ukraine was created by a jewish guy called Lenin
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>Ukraine was created by a jewish guy called Lenin

Why does Russia venerate a jew?
They suuuuurreee did. Long time ago too. With my trannies and Jews you lose.
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How did he do that?
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The double headed eagle is used widely in Russia to this day, did you notice how its called Kievan Rus not Kievan Ukraine? This we wuzzing of ukrainians although amusing has zero basis in historical reality, Ukraine was created by communist jews and to this day they live by that tradition
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If Russians have so much equipment, why are they stealing it from their own comrades like the niggers they are?
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Check pic related. It is the coat of arms of Kievan Rus. It is currently banned to display in public in Russia. Double headed eagly was used by the Golden Horde. Funny how that works. Any retort, retard?
>shill thread under CCP surveillance
So the commander of the ukrainian armed forces lied about it and you know better than he does?
Checked, yeah none of these sources ever mention ukrainians until much later on, only russians
I think its a mistake aswel, probably some type of communist stockholm syndrome
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Trident is the symbol of khazars
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Russians are like gypsies on steroids.
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No it isn't and you are retarded.
Shut the fuck up and post your hand russoid else I put some wuhan spices into your daily smegma ration
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Trident is rurikid symbol. They founded Russia and Ukraine, and now their symbol is banned in Russia

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there is no retort to this, except for lying, which he will probably do
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Extra crispy zigger, well-done.
Prank level /uhg
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Double headed eagle comes from the roman empire you dope, you guys have no knowledge whatsoever of history and the mongols literally settled in Ukraine, they only left after the russians drove them out, after that the cossacs started to settle the area
Thank you for your concession you mongoloid mystery meat dysgenic subhuman. Go back to asia.
>We are reaching alternative history copium previously unseen even in the most retarded rusnigger museum.
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Communists invaded sovereign Ukraine, took over just like they are trying to for the past two and half year, and created soviet republic.
But nice try, pidor.
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It becomes standard
no no, it means it will remove arms once it explodes
Nonexistent entity
Moskovia =/= Rus'
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They are like candles
So far I have not seen a single proof that Russia is a legitimate country.
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Is that a fucking Citroen saxo ? .. shit, even when they buys western cars they screw up
Russia illegaly occupies Soviet Union's seat in the UN
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The symbol is called the khazarian tamga. You can see on the flag of the khazarian empire, the shape that makes the left and right lobes of it
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That's just what happens when Chinks sell you uniforms made out of highly flammable synthetic fabric for the lolz.
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So what I'm learning now is that Muscovy and its rulers actually stole the name "Russia," as well as the legacy of Rome for themselves. Imagine calling yourself "Caesar / Tsar" when you're the rapebabies of Mongols living in the periphery of Europe. They even stole the Eagle for themselves.
>why are they stealing it from their own comrades
because of socio-economic reasons
So what is Rurikid symbol then, retard?
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Hey did you know lying over and over again can have negative health consequenses?
damn what the fuck

thats fucking crazy
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Looks like Chevy Niva to me.
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What are these things for?
Smoke grenade launchers.
Muscovites are basically grey->>475726924
skinned gypsies.
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forgot my pic
I close my eyes
Only for a moment, and the moment's gone
All my dreams
Pass before my eyes, a curiosity
Dust in the wind
All they are is dust in the wind
>Looks like Chevy Niva to me.
I’ve never seen this car before in my life, but you’re probably right, the grille and headlights match
Why lie?
If nothing changes, I bake at 300 again.

He thinks it's amusing to lie so openly. It's like those "Five Stages of Arguing With A Russian", specifically stage 5 - "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? HUH? POCCNR STRONK"
Cuz shitskins lie as the breathe
Add to OP that Central Bank of Russia raised interest rate to 18%
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When you can’t rely on technology
car with the 1000yard stare
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tempo tempo
Why is this fucked up again, with some odd transition
Is it really hard to reencode the video so that its exactly as is in the original video?
Here in the original video, last frame before the explosion
And the first frame of the explosion
*uploaded the frames in wrong order
Whereas your webm contains this abomination
Honestly this feels like as if ziggers are trying to poison the well with a doctored webm, its in their modus operandi to do shit like that
you probably slowed down the video while retaining the fps, so an additional frames were inserted (by averaging between the two)
Also, arrival just now in Kursk oblast
>you probably slowed down the video
Anon im not the one who made the webm
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here, 0.5x speed with no frame interpotaion
>The EU will today allocate 1.5 billion euros from the proceeds of frozen Russian assets to buy weapons for Ukraine, European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said today
Finally, TZD financed by zigger money.

>reencode the video so that its exactly as is in the original video
I'm on it, could take a few mins.
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apparently I can't type
are you the ffmpeg pedophile from based chat ?
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I'm not a fucking pedophile and I have no idea which chat you are talking about
Im being autistic here but with all the combat footage it is to be kept exactly as the source posted, because you just know pidors are gonna youse the "SEE THIS FRAME?!? ITS
LE FAAAKE" trick like they always do
Can't bake. Someone else should do it.
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alright I can do one bake

..after 300
Do add news >>475727892
Add the 1.5 billions news too pls
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Let's go .. who dies first is a faggot !
nobody will post now that their post will face to black
>Russian consumer products are very known globally.
Vodka Gorbachov is good stuff, there's no arguing that. Maybe smirnoff too. But that's about it in regards to globally known Russian consumer products
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Are these like little zigger eggs where zigger babies hatch from?
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Disgusting. God gave man eyes which can see 60fps for a reason
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Puccian Kinder surprise
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get in

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