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Is "born-again virginity" a real thing? Many tradwife influencers are pushing this meme.
no, it's not a thing. but a reformed person is a reformed person. and a former cocksleeve proclaiming her chastity on social media for upvotes is not a reformed person.
Its a meme they got older and stopped whoring now they want beta bucks.
You're going to be shocked, but... women lie
Does your care mileage go down if you stop using it?
Lipstick on a pig is just a pig.
Trad on a whore is just a whore.

You can't "unfuck" your past.
my care mileage droped down to 0
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There's no woman on the planet I hate more than women like her
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Yes. Your trad wife Morgonn, picrel, is a born again virgin and is ready to settle down now! Time to man up, Gentlemen. She's a conservative just like you!
The vagina is a muscle. Frequent penetrative sex tones and strengthens it, just like working any muscle regularly. It takes 1-2 years of sedentary living to lose muscle definition in previously active muscle groups. It stands to reason that several years of abstinence will cause the vaginal muscle to loosen and relax to a virginal state.
This is what women mean when they talk about “revirginizing.” After years of abstinence, penetration FEELS the same to them as it did their first time. The same way deadlifting when you’re out of shape makes you feel like a dyel teenager again.
no, this is just a feminist using sex as a weapon/means of control like they always do
> picrel
> born again virgin
Fucking grim at the thought of the thousand cock stare
if she identifies as a trad wife virgin, even if she fucked 10,000 men (nothing wrong with that) then you have to respect that and treat her as such. There will be hate crime legislation related to dead-virigining a revirgin so get used to it now.
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Something remarkable I noticed when this picture of Kai Trump was being posted is her smile.
Notice the difference between this smile and the thousand cock stare, lifeless and jaded look other ran-through girls have
If she can't smile like this she's NOT a virgin, remember this next time you court a girl and you're in doubt
El goblina
everyone knows what virginity is, this sounds like western chuddies compromising their values.
No. The only women who say this term are whores who regret their past. Some women genuinely can recover from it, but why would you want them when you can have an actual virgin? They come up with all sorts of terms to try to brush their past sex under the rug. A woman I knew that got knocked up twice by an abusive loser and fucked a ton while he was in prison later referred to herself as refurbished. You will never hear anyone with an ounce of self-respect say this about themselves. It's sad and just a way for them to try to get you to ignore their whorish nature
no hymen no diamond
simple as
Crowder's beard was a born again virgin wasn't she?
And she ended up being a crazy whore I should add
>yeah i easily gave it up to everyone but my husband.
Forgiveness and repentance are of course real. Laughing at born agains is one of gods funniest jokes for how often those who do end up becoming them. Great sense of humor that guy.
That however doesn't mean it cant also be a larp sometime and they haven't actually changed at all nor regards their past a mistake. Flase professions of faith are something that is warned against. I get the impression from some it's more about bargaining and treating relationships as transactional in order to snag a beta bucks husband after having had their fun rather than any real repentance here.
No. Learn about telegony it’s actually very interesting.


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She'll never be cool like us real virgins.
It's a coping mechanism
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fpbp. I will at least tacitly accept anyone who is actually striving for better. that benefit of doubt starts fading when you start making a show of it.
Yes, but Yeshua said that those shit-doodles she had in her vagina dont count any more. You need to accept her for who she is now, chud!
They count - divine forgiveness is for the soul, not the body
Christ is King
That's not how things work.
Totally made up.
Virginity is the state of a woman who has never been penetrated by a man. It's clearly defined. If you've been fucked once you're not a virgin anymore.
The problem with these women is that they want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to have sex with non-committing Chads but they also want the perks of being a virgin and marrying a serious man.

What terrible injustice it is. You shared your intimacy with other men who excited you more. They were worthy of having it for free, or for the cost of a cheap beer, or for just BEING their hot selves. They were appreciated so completely and on such a primal level that your cunt said, "More of this man ought to exist," and you decided to mate with them. They got your flings, your wild escapades, your free and adventurous spirit, whatever romantic terms you want to use. They got you for a much lower cost, or a nonexistent one. They got your youth, your passion, your beauty, your excitement, the fond memories of your body at its peak to spank it to for the rest of your lives, and the validation of knowing they were worthy of all of it just for being the kind of men that got your cunt wet.
And now that you're ready to settle down and have a nice cache of fond memories to look back on, NOW I'm worthy of your used-up ugly cunt and I should feel like I lucked out? Yay, lucky me?
How insulting.
It's true. The hymen is magically repaired by Christ once she renounces her sins.
I know a girl who had sex with literally hundreds of people, including me, was gangbanged many times, I could fit my entire fist inside her vagina, and then she successfully pulled that off. She found some beta, told him she was a virgin, not even a born again virgin, an actual virgin, and he believed it, they got married and had kids, as far as I know he probably still believes it, she is a stay at home 'trad wife' now.
truly. Donald trump Jr is one ugly swarthy motherfucker and she inherited his looks
Shit like this is why I turned away from Christianity. Yes God forgives and all that jazz but it doesn't mean you get your slate wiped clean either. My pastor even once had a sermon that "he/she without sin cast the first stone" and how people should be forgiven for past actions if they truly repent. That's nice and all but saying you're a born-again Christian (and born again virgin) won't restore your hymen or take away the miles of dick you took.
Being an influencer is diametrically opposed to being "trad."
I agree. I banged a Muslim Indonesian girl in college, but only anally. She told me her vagina was only for her husband, but she was willing to do everything else.
Lower your standards I mean come on you’re a dork browsing 4chan where nerds post frogs and gay ass Trump memes
You are not gonna get some princess from a fairy tale, at best you’ll get some mildly annoying mid bitch with a sketchy past. BUT you shouldn’t care that much. Just do the things you want to do and treat the woman as a mostly annoying sidekick
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>former cocksleeve proclaiming her chastity on social media for upvotes is not a reformed person.
Do they not know that resetting the odometer doesn't mean we can't tell it has been run ragged?
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You need to have your hymen replaces when you become a born again virgin. It's in the contract.
Virginity is just cope for incels. No normal male wants to wait years for sex. Even goatfucker women fuck and then have it restored.
"born-again virgins" aren't a thing in Christianity, and they never were
it's just women trying to cope about being the town bicycle
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.
Are women retarded? it doesn't matter if vaginally or anally, if you've been penetrated you're not a virgin. If you've had sex you're not a virgin. It's literally that simple.
It's like Jews trying to cheat God by picking holes in their scriptures. Women truly are the Jews of gender.
>No normal male wants to wait years for sex
Which is why for most of civilized history people married early. Roman women married when they were teens and Roman men in their twenties.
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tfw in Reverse
let me guess, you can't run for longer than 10 minutes straight?
She's not White. She's also about a 5/10
I can't imagine a worse deal than dating a woman who has fucked other guys but won't fuck you, lmao
i like the idea.
i see it as more
>okay, i've had adultery before but i'm not going to have it anymore.
rather than
>okay, i'm Christian now so all that pre-marital sex i had before is washed away and i'm a virgin
no, they're being delusional obviously
used goods are used goods, no matter what they tell themselves
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>Are women retarded?
Yes, and so are you if you must ask this question. I also knew a college girl like that, did blowjobs & anal but no pussy, "thats for husband". And of course some simp put a ring on it
She's rubbing her pussy on Norm's leg. His wife definitely smelled pussy stink that night when he came home and they fought about it. Women can smell other pussies like a dog
No it's not, it's just hoes trying to worm their way out of the consequences of them being hoes.
Would you rather have a coke where a dick has been in it or a coke where a dick has been in it but you weren’t told.
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>tradwife influencers
If you're really repenting then you should just be honest with it. Tell your future husband that you've had a rough past but that you deeply regret it. And leave it up to him to accept it or not.
But this whole "born-again virgin" thing is ridiculous. They're not trying to repent, they're just trying to get the perks of being a virgin, even if that means deceiving an honest man.
This. You think YHVH cares about this plight? No, he still want you to marry and love that thing. Sometimes I truly believe God, life, and Lucifer are all on the same team. I wish I had the strength to break free of all of them forever or smash their face in for messing with me.
i mean, if you're a closet cuck who's okay with his wife having fucked dozens of others men (conservative estimate) at least a few dozen each (another conservative estimate) then yeah, she's a virgin, bro! marry her
and if you can't get her off remember: foreplay and oral! lick that used up cunt
It means Chad and Tyrone get to smash for free but betabux gotta pay. A tale as old as time.
this, they clapped her cheeks, fucked her mouth, etc. for free (and got some nudes to boot), meanwhile you have to "man up" and work 2 jobs, pay her rent, bills, holidays, and fake lifestyle that she posts on social media, and she isn't even into sex anymore so no sex, no blowjob, nothing
Read the book of Job
This one comes with an mp3 player
Lmao dumbest shit ever

Pendulum-swinging retardation. Nobody is waiting to marry an ex-party slut who just now realized her snatch is a depreciating asset.
Sex is natural and it should come naturally. Just only have sex with your committed S/O, it's not that hard
>committed S/O
You're still part of the problem
Forgiveness of sins doesn't mean that while you're alive it can be as if it never happened
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Lmao I really, really don't care bro.
I know you want your Disney Princess who will always love you, do anything for you, and who's never even seen a penis that isn't yours, but it's cope.
My happy having a comitted GF with less than 5 body count. Ideally, she'd be a virigin but we live in hell, so I'm not hung up on it
it is hard.
these impressionable girls have the secular media and their secular peers saying you're a fuckin' weirdo prude if you hold out until marriage. on top of all that teenagers have a sexsexsexsexsexsex chemical assaulting both sexes brains.
homeschool your kids.
SEA bitches are like that. Can't blame them, SEA dudes are genuinely subhuman looking. They even sleep with the migrant workers in Malaysia and Indonesia lmao
Yeah this is an attitude I won't tolerate from women. I actually don't mind sluts I'm literally a stripper banger. But if I'm spending any time with you you better be as sexually easy for me as you have been with others in the past.
Don't give feminists ideas...
ive noticed a lot of e thots have christ cuck necklaces now. maybe they always had that though.

>Many tradwife

All i see are jewish posters posting shit. Get real dudes. You're getting yourself into a mess again. Next time there will be no one left to hide behind.
I know a few born-again Christian women. Tatted-up, run-through, substance abuse so severe they went to jail for it. Now are really just old bitchy cunts who miss the cocks and cocaine so they make the new guy's life a living hell. Latest one stayed married for 6 months and then divorce-raped beta boy claiming he "wasn't a REAL Christian".

They are miserable, spiteful creatures. Avoid at all costs. Once a whore... always a whore. They just tell different lies now.
>fucked a thousand niggers
>sucked off the entire foot ball team
>road the cock carousel for a decade
>im saving myself for marriage :)
Fuck these filthy degenerate whores.
You of course have a citation for that claim, right?
>Is "born-again virginity" a real thing?

nah. wish it was tho.

>tfw hoe as a teenager

>You can't "unfuck" your past.

imagine lusting over a literal child
>Once a whore... always a whore

Nah. some people do grow up. For me, most my shitty behavior was tied to drug addiction. Once i kicked the habbit i stopped acting like trash.

The thought of bouncing between guys like i used to just stresses me out now. i like my life to be calm.
Women on the internet are likely whores, any women autistic enough to want info isn't going to bring her tits into it.
>committed S/O
That's called a "spouse", you s o y.
>Is "born-again virginity" a real thing?
No. It's just some retard realizing she ruined all the value she had and now trying to slap a new coating on herself and hope no one catches on to it.
With a virgin (optimally both of them), everything they do is a new and exciting experience which they never shared with anyone else before. It helps you bond over it, which helps with tolerating all the other compromises and sacrifices a relationship will demand of you.

Once you've fucked more than one person, it has already become routine. You already swapped partners before and nothing happened. It wasn't anything special, because you took everything special out of it with your actions. It's just another fling that might last for a few months or even years, but it will end inevitably. At some point, the compromises will start to annoy you and you already know you can just ditch this person and find a new one, because it worked in the past and it was only #2 anyway so why not go for #3.

Even if she does remain faithful to you and keeps her urges in check, it will never be the same as it would have been if she had been a virgin.
Yes, I am a born again virgin

I rebuke you evil anti-Christian masonics
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It's like admitting you are mentally a child. The difference is that men regress more when they don't have sex, while women always were children mentally.
The proper course of action for whores is to shame them until their only option is to become nuns and pray for forgiveness until the end of their days in an isolated mountain monastery miles away from civilization. Allowing them to just become part of society after living a degenerate life for years normalizes this lifestyle and allows little girls to think they can always just become trad after years of being whores. The consequences must be dire. If you believe anything less than this you are part of the problem.
Post bobs and vegana
>indian flag

what a fucking typical whore
she needs gang rape
We're lie to all our life that they don't smell. There's a reason women are always trying to be clean and take showers and our matriarchal Mary worshipping feminist society pretends they're hygienic is that reason.
I remember Ludacris talking about smelling pussy from 50 yards and I thought he was a retarded nigger.
You can smell a woman rooms and rooms away and that ain't her perfume that she's putting on to mask the smell. You can smell it under that.
>read the part about god and satan teaming up to collectively fuck with his most loyal follower
>this disproves the fact that god and satan are on the same team
>he thinks I'd ever get married in the west
Lmao even
>God could destroy Satan at any moment but allows him to have 33% of the power leaving God with 66% of the power
>It's all a big con dualistic religion
Why would you even need a big bad? Wouldn't going to heaven or simply dying be enough?
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it is a distinct improvement
why does anything exist? you have a responsibility to obey God and there are real consequences for failure
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>With a virgin (optimally both of them), everything they do is a new and exciting experience which they never shared with anyone else before. It helps you bond over it, which helps with tolerating all the other compromises and sacrifices a relationship will demand of you.
yeah if only jeff younger had been better in bed, so its an honorable and rational thing for his coparent to castrate his son
It was a joke on King of the Hill 20 years ago and apparently it went right over women's heads and now it's a real thing.
No its cope so they can ride cock then trick a christian retard into marrying them.
They are filtering for Beta Bux candidates for the Alimony Cuck position.
Once a whore always a whore, fuck off. You can't unwhore yourself. You can't undo all of your degenerate behaviour, rot alone. Unfortunately this seems to be most women in the western world.
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>lying MORE is an improvement
Every single tradwife with social media is a parasitic whore milking simps for money and attention.
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She’s a stupid whore from a family of dumb whores too.
Your car mileage goes down if you replace the engine.
I'm going to level with you anon, I don't find Younger to be a particularly sympathetic victim. He willingly married and had kids with an older leftist woman who was running out of eggs and was a known advocate for transgender child stuff when they met. I mean, come the fuck on, it's like a woman marrying a dude with 6 DV convictions and getting shocked when he hits her, at a certain point the only real victim here is the kid.
>I can’t get a 4.0 and 100% on every assignment may as well just quit
kys and your demoralization attempts.
a woman who admits her wrongs and is attempting to come to the light is miles ahead of some bitch that accepts no responsibility and vows to double down on her stupid shit.
anyone can see that retard.
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> once a whore always a whore
well, a woman has 30 years from 15 to 45. if she would use the first 15 of those years whoring, then settle down, she could still have a decent life for the remainder of her life. but, women will not settle until 45, so if youre a man, the only way to have kids whether or not youre elon musk is to spend 100% of your time chasing tail like a greyhound
>elbows to pointy
Post physique.
I'll just stay inside, ignore foids, cross the street to avoid foids, and play elden ring.
I wish them the best with their netflix, boxed wine, and cats.
No such fucking thing. I don't care what American Heresy Church, LLC. you decided to go prostrate yourself in front of and pretend like baptism just undoes the miles of cock you've taken.
Born again "virgins" are a fucking. You aren't a virgin. You're a reformed whore who realized your only future was to take off the whore mask and put on another one.
If she truly gave a shit about her honor, she wouldn't have been sucking and fucking every cock in the tri-state. She would have remained chaste and virtuous. A virtuous man is under no obligation to wed a reformed whore, and if he does, shame on him for not having more respect for himself.
>are a fucking
Are a fucking joke*
no decent man would take a mid thirties woman.
a productive man who has no sense of self worth might, but not a decent man.
It was a real thing back then too, women will unironically believe anything they tell themselves. They don't operate on logic.
not on the bible
>My happy having a comitted GF with less than 5 body count.
>he doesn't know
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so yeah, how many people need to be killed so that james younger can keep his nuts? im thinking divorce judges and lawyers, clergy, university professors, random civilians in the city where that judgement was handed down.
also why would anyone care if a woman gets beaten by her husband? she chose him. but when the government does something thats everyones business, and 100% of the so-called Christian clergy agree that the risk of harm to james mother justifies assigning james to her. every single time the fake Christian clergy of america say "God hates divorce", they also say divorce is justified if the woman feels threatened. the court can only legalize a divorce, it takes pastors to legitimize it.
americas problem is we didnt offer the first fruits to God. we gave God dipshits and fags as pastors and as a result God removed His word from the churches and the hearts of america.
revilo oliver said in the 50's that earl warren would shortly get around to legalizing sodomy. in fact, the courts were slow to legalize sodomy, and the abolition of marriage was done through the ordinary legislative process, with legislators imposing nation wrecking laws to the approval of the pastors.
which candidate for president would pardon james youngers nuts? what america needs now is judicial reform. pedro 2024
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yeah well there isnt enough young fertile non obese unvaxxed pussy for the men. because when you get your young fertile non obese unvaxxed pussy and try to do the marriage thing, uncle sam the big pimp steps in and says thats my ho. so you need to get another. but men and women are born in equal numbers and men are productive from 20 to 50 while women can only reproduce naturally from 15 to 35
>My happy having a comitted GF with less than 5 body count
is she vaxxed?
how many kids do you have with her?
why are you not married? is it because the government uses marriage to destroy men to the gleeful cheers of the pastors?
100 years ago you would be married and she would be a virgin
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yes, thats whats coming, except whats actually here is deranged sluts will tell you all about the 1000 othwr men theyve slept with while trying to date you
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Reformed person cannot be a woman
>"born-again virginity"
Typically found in late twenties female who has had the express pass on the cock carousel. The women will be in her late twenties potentially, post wall 30's seeking a simp so she can retire from the dating scene since she's an old hag and chad wants young trim. Those 1000 cock stare eyes are not going to help either.
>he pays the jew tax to get married
found the goyim
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its a sick farce / play

the birth of Jesus was probably the result of cuckolding, so, hard to really fault a cuck based religion with implementing new ways for women to lie about being whores while making it seem divine.
>a woman who admits her wrongs and is attempting to come to the light is miles ahead of some bitch that accepts no responsibility

But the born-again virgin thing usually is an attempt to weasel out of responsibility.

A truly reformed CC rider would go through at least a couple years of repentance and celibacy, really humble herself then have the attitude that she needs to prove to the guy that she's truly reformed.

These born again virgins want to act like they're still the prize and make men jump through hoops for them. Fuck that.
How would you change a roastie's engine?
>Being impressed by this
Imagine spending a life this deprived of the sights of beautiful, innocent, glowing women. Sucks to be a Europoor.
install a new uterus and vagina unit
show the half nigger child or STD scars
Trannys, many of whom have fathered kids, claim to be virgins after they have cut their dicks off.
No. Damaged goods are damaged goods, you can’t go back in time. In fact tradlarping whores are worse than women who are honest about how promiscuous they are
it was an example you sand rat nobody cares to compare female mustaches like you do lmao
>all those many many guys can fuck me for free but you have to promise a lifetime of servitude to fuck me
>you have to pay because you're better than them
> let them fuck me for free because I didn't care about them
>100 years ago you would be married and she would be a virgin

Marriage in current year is a scam for men. With no fault divorce all it amounts to us you'll have to pay her extra money if she decides to leave you. What a joke.
how many?

And let me guess... single mother?

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