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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Shills divorced themselves from reality over covid Afghanistan, and Trump. And frankly everything. Dont expect this to be different. Just like When Russia wins, When Trump wins they will sweep Kamala under the carpet and pretend they never mattered. These people narcissistic liars
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Ummm sweaty haven't you seen the new polls?
Kamala is beating Trump everywhere and she hasn't even gotten started it's only going to get worse from here drumpfkies
She's a low IQ nigjeet whore. She isn't going to win.
For perspective on how bad this is for Kamala, trump only needs to win one of PA, MI, WI, VA, or NH. He currently leads in PA, WI, and Michigan, and is extremely close in VA and NH. He currently leads the popular vote. For reference, Biden won the popular vote by 4% and barely beat trump by a few tens of thousands of votes.
That’s why Kamala spammers are shilling so hard all over the internet. They are afraid. What’s funny is that they have become too obvious. Which turns voters off. People don’t like feeling manipulated on social mafia. Biden, as senile as he was in 2020, had a campaign that understood that. The Biden 2020 campaign was much less forceful in its online shilling on social media. And he won. Meanwhile, Kamala shilling is even worse than Hillary 2016 (and she lost). Noticing a pattern yet?
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all polls are fake and gay until the dnc quits changing candidates and plays the cards they were dealt. no poll for any democrat candidate is accurate until the democrats decide on their backup-backup-backup candidate lmao.

on a slight tangent, death to israel.
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Indiana anon here. Kamala is flipping the state blue. There is a Kamala Harris sign in every yard. We call her "Hoosier Harris" because we know she has our backs.
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polls don't matter
You are right take the 2016 election
TRUMP 2024
Yooo we're back on the "polls are le heckin real" phase? Shit. No one told me. I was still on "polls are all fake" mode. Hold on lemme switch over with the rest of you guys. Just give me a heads up before we switch back to "polls are all fake" okay?
> thinking polls matter

you're dumb as shit. dems are going to steal the election same as they did in 2020. the ballot printer works in one direction only.
Thinking this is what most likely will happen. And the right will just be like "dam, they got us again, oh, well we'll vote them out next election."
Sad really
>All that, with the classic 8 to 10 points democrat bias from pollster
Jesus, it ain't looking for the Kamacunt sisters!
Remember they coup'd Biden because internal polls showed him losing to Trump in every state by like 25 points. That was never shown on the public polls just a single or dbl digit gap so we know it's absolutely dire for yaz kween right now
they show single digit gaps now so when they steal the election its more "believable".

the actual gaps never mattered. this is all fake. elections aren't real.

If they weren't at least somewhat real they wouldn't have eliminated Biden to have a chance
I’m not afraid of women. I like women with big loud laughs. I bet she screams like crazy when she orgasms, and squirts gallons.
She’s literally gaining on trump

average for Clinton was +3.5 when she lost. Got a lot of work to do sweatie.
>That’s why Kamala spammers are shilling so hard all over the internet.
I'm getting the fucking idea that it's not even to garner votes or shit like that. Just to distract and some retarded attempt at demoralization. Everything is fuckey about this. What annoys me the most is the fucking faggots on this board who are either trolling or ironically posting shit about that cancerous whore. Makes the entire board unusual and the few quality threads that are there from time to time get buried because of the incessant need of attention by these histrionic faggots.

Either way, they're not running that Jeet cunt-whore as a real candidate. Either they want to lose or they have someone else ready in the wings to take over. This doesn't even seem like a real election anymore, just like the last time when that senile faggot afraid of covid didn't leave his bunker (or any of his bodydoubles, LMAO). People seriously supporting or voting for these apparatchiks are fucking untermensch.
>Indiana anon here. Kamala is flipping the state blue. There is a Kamala Harris sign in every yard. We call her "Hoosier Harris" because we know she has our backs.

Much like the rest of the country, Harris has heard of Indiana but would be hard pressed to find it on a map. She's never been there and has never wanted to go there.
PA seems like it may go the way of Ohio and turn more red down the line
She wont be running, id bet my life on it.
She’s not doing any better than Biden was before he got exposed as being senile. Most people know who they’re voting for at this point, the actual deciding factor in this election will be whether Trump can effectively blame her for the border and inflation

The Dem machine has been clinging to power there for a while, but registrations have been trending hard red for a decade now. It's organically turning into a Republican state and the only thing prohibiting it is getting 100% of Philadelphia to turn out and "vote" right now, i.e. last gasps of Dem control.
I wish I was allowed to bet on politics with crypto on the "Poly" platform as a US citizen. I'd be rich

Biden won because they had Eric Coomer
>only in the race for a week
>not even the nominee yet
>already within 2pts of Trump

I'd put the cork back in the champagne if I were you.
I don't think she ever had an orgasm in her life.
>woman laughs
>people get triggered
This is the power of conservatives
it should say "i'm brat" instead

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