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i am tired of living on mashed potato, dry toast, rice, and frozen veggies
Become a Freegan
Your mom ($0)
baked beans on toast
Old fashioned oats mixed with banana and peanut butter. Incredibly cheap, tasty, and healthy.
Fry up like 5 eggs and eat them with white rice. Add hot sauce for the vitamin c boost.
>Mostly organic/bio
there's this predditors problem, that shit costs at least twice as much just for a fake 'organic' label.
also, no meat? peak onions
Cheetos. Tendies.
something sweet i mean
Popcorn, made on the stove
Picrel is some hipster vegan bullshit, if you buy that stuff you don't deserve to complain about it
Add sugar to it before popping for kettle corn, or make caramel and add that + peanuts to popcorn
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Obviously this
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Unironically toasted cheese sandwich
>white bread
Bro just go to the country side farm with a basket and steal from the farmers at night.

On a serious note, you can easily go online and check what are the most high calorie and high protein foods out there and just shop around for the cheapest you can find.
Rice has no nutritional value whatsoever, it just fills you up. You might as well eat popcorn since it's cheaper.
Fuck you, now I want one.
Sweet: Rostige Ritter, Pudding.
Maybe consider cheaper beer as well, or brew your own fruit-wine.
Alnatura is a pretty overpriced brand, get a cook-book at the nearest flea-market and go with it.
deenz n beans duh

unironically fisherman's eggs is best protein content, improved with sauteed onions and ketchup

$2 breakfast burritos at home using costco (30 scrambled eggs:3lb cottage cheese) + rice/beans, meat, etc for variety

crockpot recipes and chili. start growing winter squash which is stable for months after harvest
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Ham Shanks are 1.50 a pound at my local butcher shop right now.

Would you like me to send you a Ham?

Why don't you just make lentil stew and spatzle, mr swab? Your cheapass ancestors knew how to be cheap as fuck why can't you?
Raw liver
Studentenfutter von ja!
i took it as ironic...
Peanut butter.
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
Hard boiled eggs
milk, chicken, eggs, indoor hydroponics, guerrilla gardening.
peanut butter
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Lidl snack day pork skin. Not my favorite thing but at a dollar a bag to fill you up, it can't be beat and it has protein versus strictly carbs.
87,40 €?
Are you a russian proxy pidor?

Potato chips salt and vinegar
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Picrel with a spoon of honey.
It doesn't get cheaper than that.
Sweet meat
>eating in 2024
what are you, richfag or something?
Snacking is for faggots. My morning meal is just a shake
>100 grams of oats blended
>150 grams of peanut butter
>2 bananas
>500ml whole milk
>Scoop of protein powder
I work in HVAC and that keeps me full until I get home for dinner and its cheap as shit besides drinking some Gatorade throughout the day since you sweat buckets in the summer.
You could put honey on the ham I send you.
Ham, beans, cornbread.

Chocolate is still cheap here, I think they're trying to kill us. $1.50 US for a 200 gram block of chocolate.
>prices are per 100g

LOL LMAO. Is Germonistan serious? Soon meat to be measured in milligrams too?
cereal is easy. I like to have a box of cereal around that I eat dry just as a snack. but if you want cheaper than that, and more nutritious, make pancake balls. You can use only quality ingredients and they're dirt cheap to make. I like to mix in some protein powder and fill them with Nutella.
Your mom was a whore. Proof? You were born.
Mothers are whores.
>100 grams of oats
>150 grams of peanut butter
woah, fatso
Not sure if they still stock it but Aldi used to have these ridiculously cheap peanut puffs.
Like a Euro for a 200g bag.

I'd honestly consider stocking them as emergency food since they're mild, go down easy and they contain a fuckton of calories.
Too bad it's filled with deadly metals that accumulate and it's also basically just empty calories.
Joaquin Phoenix had one green apple a day and a diet of cigs to get skinny for joker.

Organic apples+Teddie natural peanut butter

Milk+protein powder
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Would you like a Ham?
I have an extra.
a box of powdered pudding mix in canada is like a $1.50 on sale. if you are buying milk regularly, you can have a bowl of delicious butterscotch pudding with 3 minutes of whisking.
I don't like deli meats, I prefer to grill my meat and sometimes eat burgers but my electric grill already cooks beaf in an excellent way.
I'd happily eat nothing but meat and butter but it's fucking expensive
I need to find a cheap high-protein food. I might just give up and buy Huel Black like a fucking SanFran faggot just because it'll cost less and mean I eat less carbs
Only in grams. Milligrams are not common in the kitchen
I weigh a whopping 70kg
Ah you must slave all day long burning 10 calories per minute, it's like non stop yard work for you no?
>something sweet
American baked beans on toast.
Or make your own jam(incredibly easier than you think.)
>no real food
No wonder europoors are so weak and balding
Try borș, very easy on calories but nutrient rich. You can make it at home in endless quantities with peanuts.

Nutritional info for 500ml serving (SGS Switzerland labs)

>Vitamin B12 (11x RDA)
-Benefits: Anti-anemic; Nervous system support; Cell renewal; Red blood cell maturation; Metabolism boost; Gut health

>Vitamin D (2x RDA)
-Benefits: Bone growth; Neuromuscular function; Immune regulation; Anti-inflammatory; Reduces rheumatoid arthritis risk in women

>Magnesium (39% RDA)
-Benefits: Energy production; Protein synthesis; Muscle relaxation; Prevents cramps; Heart health; Lowers BP/cholesterol; Anti-stress

>Vitamin B6 (22% RDA)
-Benefits: Nervous system support; Metabolism boost; Cardiovascular health; Red blood cell formation; Antibody production; Digestive aid; Calcium absorption

>Vitamin B3 (20% RDA)
-Benefits: Antioxidant; Blood vessel health; Lowers cholesterol; Brain function support; Antitoxic

>Vitamin B5 (13% RDA)
-Benefits: Hydration; Anti-inflammatory; Healing/protection; Anti-aging

>Calcium (9% RDA)
-Benefits: Bone/nerve/muscle health; Heart function; Blood clotting; Immune boost; Reduces allergy symptoms

>Protein (8% RDA)
-Benefits: Endocrine activity; Infection resistance; Blood transport; Detoxification

>Fiber (4.4% RDA)
-Benefits: Saliva secretion; Satiety; Digestion aid; Gut flora support

>Vitamin B9 (<5% RDA)
-Benefits: Liver function; Cardiovascular health; BP regulation; Pain relief; Anti-anemia; Lactation boost

-Benefits: Anti-inflammatory; Antibacterial; Appetite stimulant; Diuretic; Hypotensive

Happy to learn about more such homemade medicine that barely anyone uses but which is empirically proven to work.
It's also probiotic overall, very good for gut health and for obvious reasons it kind of keeps diabetes away.
Funny how vegans often suffer from a lack of B vitamins and hence why they are so lethargic, yet this simple drink covers the one they have the most deficit of in absurd quantities lol.
eat meat, if you want something cheap, buy eggs
just dont eat plants
The job is pretty physically demanding but I also don't eat a ton when I get home. Total daily intake is generally 3000 kcal. I have been lifting and trying to put on mass so I'm probably in a 300-500 kcal surplus per day but even with that I'm only gaining like .25-.5kg per week.
>>white bread
its literal shit food, 0 micros, only sugar and carbs
>I'd happily eat nothing but meat and butter but it's fucking expensive
chicken legs are between 0.99-1$ a lb in muttland, so for around 5 buck you can still get a giant pack of meat that will last you days
You have 1.56 kg potential weight loss per week just from your HVAC activity assuming you have 4 hours of intense movement akin to backyard cleaning.
So if you still lose weight you're in a calorific deficit.
Hell yeah. You can also top up the beans with half a tin of tuna if you really fancy it.
I will look into this, thank you.

This seems like it might be really good. The ingredients are cheap as fuck, haven't checked the nutrition yet. Thanks for the idea
it's like a drug due to high concentration of glutamate, hooks people like sugar but yea it's dogshit food
pork shoulder is still very cheap here as well, and pork tenderloin is still cheap at Costco too. my family and i are buying a cow from a farmer buddy though, i splitting half a beef between us to get us through the winter. that's probably the cheapest and best option right now
If you don't like it solid melt it over some cheap crackers.
make rice pudding
Lol you fucking rusnigger, you could buy 35 bags of potatoes for 87 euros.
>This seems like it might be really good. The ingredients are cheap as fuck, haven't checked the nutrition yet. Thanks for the idea
It is a shit ton of calories if your not super active but you can just adjust the amounts and ratios to suit your taste/calorie requirements

I have been gaining weight just slowly. Some days it's crawling around in a crawl space for hours on end and other days I'm done by 2pm and I've hardly broken a sweat so some days I'm probably barely in a surplus and others im taking in a lot bigger of a surplus also with how much you sweat in the summer it's hard to keep your water weight consistent for tracking how other mass your gaining or losing.
You could grill the ham.
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Eggs are fantastic. I keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge to either eat with salt and pepper or to make egg salad from.
Italian sausage is pretty cheap. You can make a meat sauce to have with pasta, or you can make italian sausage and peppers and make sandwiches.
Large roasts are often on sale. You can braise them and freeze portions of it for later. It's great for sandwiches, tacos, casseroles, pasties, burritos, and a bunch of other stuff.
You can also buy large sale packs of chicken and use it in a myriad of ways.
You can also get into making sourdough bread. It's cheap to make and really fantastic.
imagine being retarded enough to buy Bio products like a good goy, I bet those lentils were at least 5€ instead of 2€, that milk is at least 3€ instead of the regular milk for 1€ and it's the same with every single item in that cart
How does tofu compare to chicken breast/chicken thighs?
here it's about the same per/kg (lb) as it's still seen as king of a specialty thing.
Celery and apples with peanut butter. Add some raisins with the celery/peanut butter and make ants on a log.
only poor people think about grocery prices
>Compare price to chicken
>Skinless breasts, not thighs, drumsticks, or quarters
Chicken thighs are 89 cents a pound at my local butcher shop right now.
Only niggers ignore prices.
>eat expensive meme diet
>"wow, this sure is expensive"
food has gotten a shitload more expensive over the last years, it probably has the highest inflation out of all sectors
but they aren't doing themselves any favor with the selection they show
peanut butter
Eat a fruit, lardass.
Maybe uncured pork leg but store ham is usually cooked to death already and I frankly don't lake the taste it has after grilling.
>It is a shit ton of calories if your not super active
I work nights in a grocery store (going to bed in a second actually) so I spend about 40 hours a week on my feet. Not saying I'm as active as you necessarily, but I'm not inactive
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I haven't purchased quarters in a while.
>local butcher
unfortunately around here they've all turned into massive boutique butcher faggots. I can buy ostrich meat from them, but not a pork butt.
You can still find cheap and clean food though, it doesn't need the ((bio stamp)) to be clean.
But most people haven't looked on the backside on any of their goislop and how much preservatives it contain they just see a cheaper price.
You know it's bad when a lasagna is left and forgotten in the oven, heating for a day and it still looks like it's raw and frozen.. It's not edible anymore, it's dry as fuck but still looks raw as it did the day before. People prefer this over clean foods and that's why our society is disease ridden
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I'm pretty sure the person that took that image looks like pic related.
show real flag
that would cost $40 bucks or less over here
Right on fren. Sounds like you need you need something cheap and filling.
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>something sweet i mean
Reindeer's Benis.
uh-huh, you realize most products aren't actually 100% biological? You're literally throwing money away but you do you
>>100 grams of oats blended
>>150 grams of peanut butter
>>2 bananas
>>500ml whole milk
>>Scoop of protein powder
Welcome to the USA! You might have missed the meeting, but we don't measure our food in grams and milliliters. Please communicate in terms that people can understand.
here in the US drumsticks are still one of the cheapest sources of protein, you have to learn how to fry chicken.
100 grams of oats ≈ 3.5 ounces of oats
150 grams of peanut butter ≈ 5.3 ounces of peanut butter
(For easier measurement, it is about 1/2 cup of peanut butter)
2 bananas (remains the same)
500ml whole milk ≈ 16.9 fluid ounces or about 2 cups of whole milk
Scoop of protein powder (usually measured in scoops, but can vary in size. Typically 1 scoop is around 30 grams or 1 ounce)
or you could just bake them. Why is everything fried or meme air fried with you people.
These kids have no clue about working all day
Fap, game, piss, moan, fap, poo, pee
That is all they know. Save your cool nutrition stories for /fit/, these uncultured swine do not deserve pearls of wisdom
I was talking to Euros so I did the conversation for them. I do weigh out my peanut butter in grams though because I just do
Price list for Edeka "organic" products.
>with you people.
Love this Asian breakfast. My wife’s son taught me how to make rice with fried egg and Kim Chi, and we often eat it together when my wife is away overnight with her business partner.
Away ovrnt w buz partner wut?
He read someone ate eggs and rice for breakfast and his mind instantly went to getting cucked. It's not healthy
Steal Whatever you want, your government is giving tax dollars that would feed you away to foreign invaders and your struggling to survive?? Just steal the food you’re smart aren’t you? Can’t you get away with it?
dried apple chips.
>literally 0 value """food"""
Hope you have a big cupboard
>tastes good
People that worry about how their food tastes are fatass malding prediabetics. Just eat tofu, premade salad mix, fruit, cold cuts, non-dairy milk with calcium, and multivitamins.
my dick
Calorie wise, peanut butter. Its a trade commodity in US prisons just because it helps dudes sustain mass.
Buttered roasted chicken with salt, pepper, and some herbs is cheap. I could each that shit every day. Roast a whole chicken in the morning, eat it clean by the evening, save the bones and scraps to boil into soup on the weekends.
bitch I can get this shit for like 30 bucks at lidl
Make your own flavored popcorn
carrot and nuts.
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Cheapest, healthy Snack: home made pop corn.
Use a hot air popper.

If you want to go crazy and salt and butter.

Food, it's rice and beans.

Raise free range egg chickens
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Why is food so inexpensive in Europe, it's not fair
>no bags
>no help out to vehicle
>probably self-checkouted
Yikes, is this really what life outside of America is like?
Sugar and its derivatives are cheap.
Sugar+fire+water = caramel
Sugar + fire + milk = chewy
Sugar+ fire + butter = toffee
most of the euros in this thread posting grocery prices are in countries where the wages match the prices, burgerland should be comparably cheap for the average wagie as long as you're not in california or nyc
Two free big breasts with every order
Wrist rocket or blowgun to catch
Everything here is expensive as hell, even goyslop is getting expensive. It's ridiculous.
Who buys all that shit from edeka?
Next you'll tell me you go sober to a disco and pay 5€ for 0.2l vodka there...
That ratio has been destroyed over the past few years
Wages were up post COVID hiring boom before the borders were opened, but now that millions of work permits have gone out wages are back down but costs are still up
Learn to puff rice.
Mangoes. Or pan fried plantains. Lemon bars and Crème Anglaise are easy to make desserts with cheap ingredients. Baked custard is easier and better than Crème Anglaise but you need a ramekin.
Unironically this. Apocalypse rolls around, and I'm still alive, I will have no issues eating vegans.
In fact, human meat, in and of itself is okay.
It's just meat. Stay away from the CNS though.
go fuck yourself I bet you put pineapple on pizza you fucking fuck
Carbs on carbs.
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popcorn was invented during the great depression
>everything wrapped in plastic or canned

Do Westerners ever eat real food?
per law its normal, that every product additional to its total unit price, has a price per 100 g net weight in shown so people can compare ratios (euro/100g product). which is perfectly reasonable, if you dont want companies to fuck you over with with big bags of air or weird unround net weighs, that complicate the comparison.
Lidl has those huge bags of muesli with dried fruits and I just eat them from my hand like I'm a bird
>doesn't calculate everything back to DM
glaube du bist nicht wirklich deutsch brudi
I eat fatty meat and greenish bananas for breakfast and I feel full the entire day. I eat twice a day. The key is to buy raw meat with as much fat in it as possible, fat taste better, is more nutrient-dense -- and weight less, I alternate that with animal organs which is cheaper than meat, just cook that with onions sauce and white pepper, or just onions sauce.
Just bake a small batch of cookies or fry a bacon and cheese sandwich or something
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Try carrots with sugar.
making your own trail mix with oatmeal oats uncooked, chocolite chips, and even add peanut butter
instant oatmeal with hot or cold water (can be cold water and it tastes amazing) and add some peanut butter
get some chocolate
add some peanut butter
get your dog
add some peanut butter ;)
organ meat is extremely nutrient dense and very good for your body, brain, skin etc
>needing help out to the vehicle

this would be personally embarrassing to me as a man, a real life humiliation ritual, i would not want to be seen getting help carrying groceries around at all. i bring everything around in one trip. in fact, when im carrying around heavy groceries i intentionally put the cart back inside the store and carry my big bag out by myself. i do my best to make it look effortless as well
this nigger paid 95 USD
>jarred beans
>tomato sauce
>some beer
>enriched oatmeal
>dry lentils (more beans)
>liter of olive oil
>shitty kombucha
>3 packs of tofu
>1 lemon
Steak, chips and peppercorn sauce. Doesn’t get much better
Not boomer enough to ever have gotten paid in DM so what would be the point? Comparing it to my Taschengeld?
I'm not a compulsive bio buyer, I buy that which tastes best. But in many cases that is bio/feinkost stuff, especially for meat etc.

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