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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Low IQ speaking
>Laughs like a drunk slut at a party
>Was possibly a sex worker
>Nearly lost CALIFORNIA to a Republican
>Was an AA hire for Biden
>Has no appeal to workers
>Less than 4 months to convince America she is worthy
>Trump still polling ahead nationally, and in swing states, despite jump in enthusiasm for Harris
she's brown and she's a woman. There's no way she'll lose in modern America.
When you get a billion dollars in shill money and tens of thousands of insiders fucking with the ballots, anything is possible.
Also Trump being a retard, that's a contributing factor if a minor one in comparison.
Trump is scared
>Less than 4 months to convince America she is worthy
in this age of a hyper fast news cycle i honestly think this might be an advantage. people get bored of something if its around for too long
Haven't you noticed the extreme amount of Kuntala shilling in the past few days? Even my local news in Canada is doing it. They're going to steal the elections again by making it look like she's popular and then print a bunch of votes.
It's all theatre, goy. Get with the program. Be engaged. Don't form your own political solution. Watch the funny people do the funny things.
It's really amazing how much there has been, feels like the Clinton days, they must have spent a shitton of money.
Trump is trash.
It is really laughable how gullible most Americans are. For boomers you can justify anything by saying just 1 word "IRAN" and for zoomers its "troons".
I bet you'd chop your dick off if it would "own the libs".
she's awful but trump is way worse. People will vote for the lesser of 2 evils
She got what, like 800 votes in the 2020 primary....lol
until 70% of people refuse to vote nothing will change
i just care because i wanna bet on the winner and get money for more useless distractions
are you one of those finns that starts screeching if I say "russia"?
There are a lot of gay retards here in the USA. I have many boomers in my own family that fag post about project 2025 and for the left/kamala daily and in the next post will complain about nigger violence and how things should be like the good ole days. Boggles the mind.
The same way they always win. Their people count the votes.
It depends on how confident they are faking votes.

If they're confident enough there's no limit.

They can just say she got a billion jillion votes if they want.
cant you see whats going on? the assassination failed and they hit the panic button. they won't be able to keep up this level of astroturfing for 4 months and even if they did people would notice by then. like the obama endorsement was supposed to happen at the convention but trump forced them do it now. they're fucked. short of such a blatant rigging that nobody can deny it there's no way democrats can win.
That’s because the Anglo primitive micro cortex brain can’t possibly fathom what personality and charisma are.
She doesn’t, Rumao.
So what you're saying is that she's relatable to the average American woman
>jump in enthusiasm for Harris
LOL that’s all funded by 300 million in glownigger shill money. You fell for bots and paid shills
How does she win?
The same way every other democrat wins.
Ballot stuffing in key cities, high level corruption and being more motivated to win at any cost than the little guys.
she sucked a lot of dick to get where she is
> short of such a blatant rigging

yeah they'd never do that
>how does she win
Media will announce she has won in unison and shout down any objections. Like last time. Courts will get involved and start prosecuting for
>election denial
>threat to democracy
>dangerous extremism
Same as 2020.
She's running against one of the most vilified politicians in the history of the world who also happens to be 78 years old, she has the full weight of the establishment media, internet and legacy behind her and a potential VP pick in Mark Kelly that makes Trump's VP look like a fat retard.
Because the right wing can finally see Trump is a snakeoil salesman for rabbis.
They are social engineers. It doesn’t matter who they run. They control the media. They could run a literal chimp. They will cheat and cover it up, like they did with Demented Joe Biden.
anybody who complains will get 10 years solitary confinement.

the USA is a fucking joke.
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Trump or Tramp, nothing changes
Doesn't matter. What matters is the coconuts and that she's a woman of color.
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she can and will win like 2020
by not supporting Israel

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