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A retired Chinese soldier who participated in the Russian-Ukrainian war as a volunteer and broadcast a least one street fight live on ChinaTikTok. Obtained a 12/0 kd. and returned to China in July by refusing Russia citizenship
Based veteran
Can you link sources?
fuark, I want to light a cig now.
He has always supported Russia. There is no full video on youtube. There is only a video of Bitch stealing out of context
>and returned to China in July by refusing Russia citizenship
Smart move.
>and returned to China in July by refusing Russia citizenship
based Patriot
This is a much more complete collection. His video on TikTok was deleted
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zigger hate this video
I think I watched one of his videos and he said russians would just run away and they would leave you to die, there was no honor.

I got the impression overall he had a low opinion of the russian army from his experience
you stupid muhammed he killed ukies for ziggers (based).
Sounds like he just wanted to spill blood
He’ll be an asset to the Chinese military now that he somehow survived
That's the video that Bitch took out of context. His exact words were: these soldiers have received too little training, and I will not blame them
Yeah, OP is just trying to reframe the situation like your average butthurt chinkjew does.
I can't wait to watch these guys destroy Americans in the future
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Based Klingon Bugman.
More like glowtards Chinese defectors/Taiwanese taking videos etc. out of context to make anti-China propaganda, as usual.
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the FSB is arresting a bunch of generals for corruption

I wouldn't be surprised if they were paid to not train anyone at all and just give them weapons.

yes but they still ran away, in the middle of a firefight was the point, he said that in china that would never happen.
OP is a glownigger faggot. Dismiss anything he says.
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Thanks I forward to my Russians friends on telegram
I don't feel like going through your links
Is the same guy who talks about being paired up with some black guy who ran away?
He talks about how the Russians / blacks / foreigners would run away but the Chinese would never do such a thing lmao
>12/0 kd
>be zogbot
>go to Ukraine to be a hero and fight for "our freedom and democracy" (read: buttsex and Jews)
>think it's gonna be a murder safari like Iraq
>get murder safari'd by a chink instead
I've already said that those are videos taken out of context. His personal opinion of the Russia army is positive
Look at how the chinksect now repeats itself like a broken record, uttering the same phrase over and over again. What a weird attempt to deflect from them running away considering you draw more attention to it.

I don't even get why you would make this thread. Just makes you and russniggers look bad and delusional again.
He said he looked down on the Indian, Nepali, black, and Cuban people in his ranks. He called them too scared, not mentally prepared, they came to the battlefield voluntarily and should not be afraid
(Only one black man was left alive)
Because I am not proficient in English, I only know a few words
The chink exchange fighters are there to learn combat experience, lot's of armies will participate in a war just so they can gain some vets and adjust their tactics as war is something you learn by doing.
>muh chinkset
>said the fat quadroon
To be fair the ukraine army isn't training anyone either.
They sent all their actual army trained guys out in the beginning and same for the nationalist groups that were fighting in donbass.
Everyone with combat experience from the early days is probably dead by now.
How much training do the ukies get, 2 weeks?
True, best example is the Spanish civil war.
I think he should start lottery with all that luck
I prefer chinese to Mexicans
Fair, my point is though that you keep saying the videos are out of context all because the "context" is that at the end of the video that he still respects them... It's retarded and only said to save face.

average hungarian "male" has brown eyes and hair. you're not human.
how much money did he earn?

A betrayed cop in hong kong...
China needs to be doing more of this. They have no experience in modern war. They need at least a handful of current veterans to figure out what capturing Taiwan will actually take
No amount of training can save you from a drone strike or artillery shell. None whatsoever. You could have a time machine and receive futuristic VR training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber (DBZ reference) for 50 years, and you'd still get wrecked by a shell or a drone. I suppose the best thing you could learn from such an experience is to GTFO from the front ASAP, if you value your life.
Pretty much. Smart move, in a military where family ties/connections are pretty much everything something like this will get him a nice position.
drop the webm faggot
Actual literal psyop shill. Theres a reason you've been allowed to bypass the firewall.
i hope based Xi sends more such ambassadors to counter the jewish nafoids
I actually mean that he praised the Russia army in other videos. And the video circulating on YouTube is just one of them. He was just saddened to see the young man die worthlessly
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you're trying way too hard with these comments glownigger.
You're not fooling anyone
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how are you posting outside of the great fire wall?
Pass probably
He survived? His last video was grim. I hope that African guy survived too he just wasn’t built for that life. Actually had a twinge of empathy when I saw how absolutely in the black he was
one month/20000¥
But he didn't fight for money
If I use a vpn, how does the China flag appear
Yes, that black man also survived
Democrats be like
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He's a CCP approved shill fren. He's got CCP talking points on tap as well. It's pretty obvious as is the NAFO faggot arguing with him. Both paid shills with no real value to society. In a just world they'd both just shoot each other at the same time and leave us all in peace to BBQ with frens.
how am i trying to fool you? it is what i hope for
>In a just world they'd both just shoot each other at the same time and leave us all in peace to BBQ with frens.
that's the world China is building
Again, not fooling anyone.
China has typical elite officer schools like the royal academy or west point where only rich connected families can get in but the rest of their military is entirely merit based unlike here where they got rid of merit and put women in charge of everything or some junglebongo over qualified field promoted corporals.
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Indian says what?
Please cite what exactly you think is "ESL" in what i said.
The link doesn't work for me, can you catbox it for men , pretty please?
confirmed by who? because I imagine ruskies woudln't want to give him any props after the video, if it was real
it's just a murder, more so because he's a mercenary
You didn’t say it’s and said it is. He’s retarded…
Murder? In war? Huh? Naiveity….
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shut the fuck up
This what happened. Literal CCP glowies are trying to frame his videos as anything other than scathing condemnation of how Russians are conducting the war. He reveals their incompetence and disregard for the lives of their own soldiers. He's probably being punished in China for having delivered a perfect propaganda win for Ukraine.
I will be Xi Jipings strongest warrior and die in a blaze of glory in taiwan when the time comes
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as a mercenary? yeah
if you went to africa and shoot some africans for an african dictator, wouldn't that be a murder?
>pajeets supporting the chinese
Are you retarded?
you are definitely chinese
Any canadian flag is an indian bud. I’m not sure if you realize this, but they have been totally replaced. If you go to Canada today, you won’t see a single white Canadian. They’re all gone.
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Killing is killing. Just because you dress your murder in special language doesn't make the man you killed any less dead. His family is still missing him after you took his life. Don't be a child and pretend murder isn't murder. You kill, it's murder. The blood on your hands will be just a warm and just as sticky no matter what flowery language you use to excuse your actions. If you were a real man and not a child you'd know that.
No itd be a job…. You are one dumb motherfucker.
Murder is senseless. That’s one of the defining characteristics…. So you’re just wrong and you don’t know English
You're speaking to a namefag called "neetler" who spends his free time (all his time) shilling for free. He's worse than a janny.
lmao bullshit, chinks are notoriously poor warfighters
Shilling for who????? Bahahhahahahah what!?? My organic posting for the last 10 years on b and pol is all shilling guys apparently even tho im anti every country…. Who am i shilling for? Who knows!!!
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The West's cultural supremacy and optimism peaked in the 1990s. Everyone always assumed it was due to Soviet collapse.
This is much more correct than anyone could imagine. From late Gorbachev to early Putin there was a pause in the deluge of disinfo and demoralization from Russia into the west. Only freed from this destructive influence new heights could be achieved.
It's just that his fans speculate based on the number of encounters he has. At the end of the fight, he would tell fans how many people he had lost, but when fans asked him how many people he had killed, he didn't say anything. Just expressed in the form of humor, if it is said, he may be in trouble when he returns home or will lead to an account ban
you're blithering retard, bozo
Personally, I think there should be more. He said his commanders had changed several. The teammates around me have also been changing
can someone make a fucking webm
Yea idk what's even the point of stacking the quality of units against each other
I've seen enough vids to know both sides are just supplying meat for the grinder. I mean shit there was that one clip of a ukkie surrendering to Russia and following a Russian drone to his capture point and out of no where a ukkie drone shows up and blows his ass up.

Ain't no way I'd ever join the military or my children either. Shit is all a retarded scam.
>proud of having been a namefag for so long
lol. Dumb faggot.
Flew back as though he got punched in a shonen anime lol.
>west point where only rich connected families can get in
Lmao have you seen a west point grad ceremony over the last decade? It's a DEI showcase.
When was the last time they were even in a war, the 1950s?
I even post my full face and name here. Being anon is pussy shit. Being open and honest is real man behavior.
Stop namefag, theres no need to further prove how retarded you are.
>Thanks I forward to my Russians friends on telegram
this video has been posted for the past 2 months already lmao
its old
Very based, keep killing piggers based chinabro and thanks for translating.
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Later he became friends with his chief. (with his help, his chief has an account of 70,000 followers on Chinese TikTok) and he June he moved to the rear to operate the drone and offered an opinion to solve the shortage of explosives. "You can use an axe to split an anti-tank mine and remove the explosives inside, so you can make an improvised C4
I hope China and Russia combined invade Europe and kill all the leftists, I prefer to be under Russian Chinese yoke than American Jewish. And I want via the silk roads the importation of Asian women into Europe, thank you.
And he also said russian army is a shitshow and they will lose lmao
You look like what I expected. I'm sure you get off on negative comments about your appearance so I'll refrain.
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sure vpn pidor.
just a few months and its your turn
btw you say 12/0 any frag video?
youtube trans thief propaganda
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BaZed Chinese Brotha
Total GAYTO death
wow what a great solution for the second greatest army in the whole universe. did chink superman make it to kyiv yet?
>t. Sergei Ivanovits
Just a joking solution for an emergency. mutt not humor
>You can use an axe to split an anti-tank mine and remove the explosives inside.
I saw a video of some guys trying to do this. One of them survived.
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>they reuploaded and added subtitles
lmao. Anyways for those who are curious about what he actually said.

tbqh I have no idea how ukraine is even able to win this war.
Only take aways I can come up with for even doing it in the first place are
>money laundering (pretty obvious)
>using the war in ukraine as an opportunity to study modern russian military strategy, tactics, and capability; basically the equivalent of watching tape of your opponent before a match.
>additionally grinding down some of the russian army before a larger war with them
The issue, aside from the countless moral ones, is that the more threatened Russia feels the greater their chance of escalating the war to nuclear level so unless NATO is willing to call their bluff and potentially risk the lives of everyone in the world and the world itself there is basically no path where NATO wins this.
You got mogged and thats all you got, classic.
Be. Me.
Uber driver
Get weird ride that says 45 min + w no amount of money I’ll get and no mileage

Never seen this before
Decide to take it

>Chinese guy comes out
>we going to la u know that right?
Ya hop in
>no not me my friends
>points to two gangster looking Chinese dudes
Do they have any warrants? Are they got found or drugs on them?
>haha no they just got there
Oh…. Illegal immigrants….
>one of guys comes over hands me cigarette
Hop in fuck
Free cigs
First stop is rest area outside Buckeye az

Brb gotta piss

Notice one of them following me as I make my way to bathroom. Only noticed cuz changed field of view to maybe get some snacks from vending machine.
Think maybe he gotta piss to or is hungry. Make eye contact and nod. He looks visibly shook , goes behind vending machines? I’m like huh must be looking for bathroom… expect him to walk n when I’m pissing but no

Go back to car he there w his buddy waiting on me.
Get back in car this time one of them who didn’t follow me sits up front w me other guy in back
(I have shoulder holster w 9mm im
Not worried)
Begins to talk to me in google translate
>haha we 20 year military veteran behind me is my leitenent we escaping Chinese govt make better life
Oh ya what u Gina do here?
>transport bricks
What kinda bricks
>silence then changes subject
>me shoooter in army pew pew makes rifle gesture
Laugh in his face haha me too show him my shoulder holster been pointing at his lietenent entire trip lol both laugh
>drop them off at wrong location cuz his cchinse to English adddress was off gives me 40 $ tip and a cig I leave

I drove two 20 year Chinese military officers to la so they could help overthrow America when they get there phone call from cpp
We have military here from all diff countries bros
Uber slave!! Hahahahah

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fuck the kacaps, but this bug is definitely based
killed a few hohols, dunked on the rusoid failstate and went back a few bucks richer
The Russians and Ukrainians still use guns like this. Hell, the Chinese are attempting to update their arsenal.
People cheering on a gook killing White people. 4cuck sucks.
They should have come to give cookies on January 6th like Victoria Nuland did during the coup in Ukraine, since it is not officially considered interference in the country's affairs.

there is zero info about him on the russian internet
I wanted to read some russian comments about him
Lol, I don't believe this shit.
Post nose and hands
because subconsciously russians know that hohols are genetically much closer to them than mongoloids and camelfuckers in their own army so they would rather run away from fighting them
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Personally I subscribe to the Khazaria theory, that Ukraine is being depopulated to create a new jewish homeland since Israel is about to destroyed.
sorry, US hegemony has been a disaster for the West
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>sorry, US hegemony has been a disaster for the West
lol, lmao even
no native english speaker ever says "the West" fucking mongol retard
Leftists do…

Here's one of the street fight videos. The combat part was cut, and the BGM was in order to pass the review
He said that his commander was very good and that the quality of the individual soldier was very strong. He also asked Chinese netizens to donate drones to him
He also told those fans who wanted to come and go to war not to come. If you don't have experience, you may not survive more than one night
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Heres my full white aryan blonde hair bkue eyed face. HH UBER SLAVE
all rookrainiran rook arike
so they are mongoloids mentally, zero difference
It depends. I’m a national socialist… I wouldn’t describe myself as a mongoloid.

nice thank you
I'm not clicking bilibili links because of fear of china spoofing IPs to russia
I meant there's literally no discussion about the dude on the russian internet, I think I saw once the webm on chug
A hero of The Federation.
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>I’m a national socialist
Considering the images you've posted you'd be among the first in the gas chamber. You look like a dirty unwashed communist that wouldn't be out of place in a pantifa black bloc.
This is now a fuck china thread
Chinese powder from dead babies found in S.Korea.

China is trash. Watch China uncensored and China insights.

Bad infrastructure.
https://youtu.be/hzMjAnzID1U [Embed]
Bad Materials.
https://youtu.be/s-2DtL-Wjkc [Embed]
https://youtu.be/qCMYhUURT7I [Embed]

The chinese are SWILL OIL ADDICTS.
https://youtu.be/zrv78nG9R04 [Embed]
The Chinese paint meat red to make it look fresh and not spoiled.
https://youtu.be/iJO4jOkF64I [Embed]
The chinese have a homelessness epidemic larger than you know!
https://youtu.be/KdC9xube-2c [Embed]
CCP feeds fentanyl through Mexico to USA.
https://youtu.be/3wDYQ17oTXI [Embed]
China is destroying the global environment.
https://youtu.be/tytSIir3pKA [Embed]
Chinks still practice whaling despite outlawing it. Arrests happen only when there is enough public outrage against the CCP.
Chinese banks steal money.
That’s right I’m in deep cover. You’re not supposed to understand my mission and I’m not worried about what you think about it. You see my plan is a 20 year goal, I’m about five years in. 15 years from now, I’ll be in complete control of all the world nuclear weapons.
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>Remember chinks, you’re doing the industrial revolution at warp 9 with none of the creative power of America. You have fake communism. Fake capitalism. Fake leaders. Fake Starbucks. Fake cities.
>You are clown world incarnate.
>You will never in a 1000 lifetimes catch up. You are in last place. Forever.
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Mainland Chinese are some of the least competent humanoids on earth. I don't call them human because they don't act human and treat human life like garbage.

What you see in China that looks like a civilized high-tech first world society is just that, the appearance of something. They build tall buildings with flashy lights and no plumbing. They build escalators that eat people instead of taking them to the next floor. People who drive there don't know how to use the brake pedal. They weld people into their apartments to try to control a cold virus and the people burn to death when the building catches on fire. They collect oil out of the sewer and use it to cook food that they feed each other. They build entire cities where nobody lives and the cities disintegrate after just a few years because the construction is so shoddy. They have to import food because their soil is so full of toxins that they dump into the environment after manufacturing worthless plastic crap. They kidnap girls and turn them into sex slaves for the village because they have so many extra men because they abort females or stick them on piles of dying female babies because of their stupid backwards culture. They destroy thousands of years of culture and tradition because they think it will bring about their retarded communist delusions. They hunt animals to extinction just to harvest body parts like fins and penises for their stupid superstitious nonsense. They decimate fish populations in the ocean with their retarded and extremely destructive and wasteful fishing practices. They hoard ridiculous amounts of food that goes to waste and watch their neighbors starve.

If you look into China you will find nothing but horror and evil and barbarism and backwardness that you wouldn't think is possible in the past 5000 years.

If you think these insects have the ability to successfully self-govern you are deluded. They can't even make baby formula without putting poison in it.
How is that him and little black survive multiple engagements but all the Russian reinforcements they send him all die very quickly.
Did you know in the 1960’s, the fucking 60’s the chinks had a massive cannibalism breakout and THERE WAS NOT EVEN A FAMINE lol

*btw the chinks keep editing this Wikipedia page to sanitize it. About half of the original details have been removed

>In certain areas including Wuxuan County and Wuming District, massive human cannibalism occurred even though no famine existed.[1][3][4][8] According to public records available, at least 137 people—perhaps hundreds more—were eaten by others and at least thousands of people participated in the cannibalism.[5][9] Other researchers have pointed out that 421 victims who could be identified by name were eaten, and there were reports of cannibalism across dozens of counties in Guangxi.[6][9][10] Although the cannibalism was sponsored by local offices of the Communist Party and militia,
>In the massacre, methods of slaughter included "beheading, beating, live burial, stoning, drowning, boiling, group slaughters, disemboweling, digging out hearts, livers, genitals, slicing off flesh, blowing up with dynamite, and more".[1][7] In one case, according to official records, a person had dynamite bound to the back and was blown up into pieces by other people (天女散花)—just for fun.[1] This crime was led by Cen Guorong (岑国荣), who was once the Director of the Trade Union of Guangxi and had served as a representative in the Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh National Congresses of the Chinese Communist Party.[1]

In another case of 1968, "a geography instructor named Wu Shufang (吴树芳) was beaten to death by students at Wuxuan Middle School. Her body was carried to the flat stones of the Qian River where another teacher was forced at gunpoint to rip out the heart and liver. Back at the school the pupils barbecued and consumed the organs."[7][10]

These people pretend to be human lol

Because it's chink bullshit
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>can't vote
>can't criticize or ridicule. can't protest or express views openly
>officially an atheist state. CCP party members must be atheist
>religious oppression. faith must be state approved
>destroyed own history and heritage
>surveillance state bigger than the army. facial recognition everywhere, social credit system based on openly shaming less desirables
>organ harvesting of prisoners
>insulated internet. everything showing CCP in a bad light scrubbed off, posters get a visit from the police
>forced abortions, can only have one child, tanked demographics. cousins, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters an alien concept. everyone an only child
>economy propped up by real estate that just sits there, empty. everything made of cardboard
>suppress news about natural disasters and accidents. don't allow people to grieve
>forced curfews, people jailed in their own apartments and left to starve and go crazy. then pretend it never happened
>lie about gdp, poverty, unemployment. economy tanked
>a supreme leader for life
In the /pol/ brain, this is all based and winning. It's probably mostly wumao, though
Hello, I work in EU based analytic company.

We collected information about foreign mercenaries. There was NO chinese. 0
99.9% of these videos are fake. They create them to collect money from other chinks.
>would just run away and th
Only Wagner was advancing and they lost 20k people.

Russian army can't lost 20k people for each village. It's stupid.
They literally don't have enough people for this. Losing 10 people in fight is huge. 20 is very critical (you see news about this each time it happens).

>nd they would leave you to die
Did he participated in rescue mission? I bet no. Since there's 100% chance to be droned.

>12/0 KD

How did he killed 12 people without participating in a real fight. He was a sniper?
>. and returned to China in July

In June they started to check what foreigner soldiers are actually doing there.
Most of them was doing some shit and pretended to fight.
Like talking stories about 999 kills while all they was do is some shady business.
you're posting in a ccp shill thread, prepare to be ignored
chinese traditionalism is when a fat CCP faggot inspired by an alien german christian ideology forbids you from having more than one child, ultimately ending your bloodline when your son inevitably gets squashed like a bug by a crate of rainbow dildos at a parcel sorting facility and his coworkers continue on with their shifts ocassionally stepping over him like he is a pool of barf someone forgot to mop. ricecels can't stop winning i guess
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lol, it's true

>The China whitepill:
china's population will be reduced to 50% in 50 years or so.
this is due to CCP's retarded 1 child policy, which was in effect for 35 years.
2.1 births per woman is needed to KEEP a country's population.
china had 0.9 for 35 years, with a huge preference for keeping boys (people were tossing newborn baby girls into buckets of water) so the problem only got worse over time. more and more boys for every girl.
retarded CCP has finally lifted the limit on how many kids you may have. going above 2 kids was only allowed after 2021.
but the culture in china is still to only have 1 child per family. people don't want more than 1 kid because society is built around having exactly one.
ignoring chinese statistics (all lies) logic concludes that china will halve in population. good luck being the world's factory then.
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>prepare to be ignored
I doubt it kek

Why do chinks have such a large pantheon for astrology when every single year is "the year of the cuck?"



>In 2006, in the capital of Jiangsu province, a young man named Peng Yu helped an old woman who had fallen on the street and took her to a hospital and waited to see if the old woman was all right. Later, however, the woman and her family accused Peng of causing her fall. A judge decided in favour of the woman, based on the assumption that "Peng must be at fault. Otherwise why would he want to help?", saying that Peng acted against "common sense".
Fun fact:
There is 20,000kms worth of unsafe TPS (Thermal Plastic Sheathed) electrical wiring installed in Australia, that was imported between c.2006 and 2012. I used to get spammed by electrical ombudsman warnings about how if I'd installed something using this wire (serials provided), between certain dates, I could be liable for damages and/or criminal charges where death or injuries were incurred; and that all costs of refitting it were on the installer... lelzies
>TPS should be rated for 20+ years at nominal temps.
>chink wire doesn't last a decade

The kicker is that those who installed this into buildings, can never "remove" it (assuming they're even around any more) -- doing so would require tearing places down; to say nothing of prohibitive cost and imposition (analogy: compensating and de-vaxxing vaxcattle). So, thousands of death traps remain in Oz -- not even factoring in flammable cladding on buildings, or any of the other untold chink materials imported over the years -- that were built from c.2006 (likely most of those flat-roofed, grey / gun metal / charcoal "stack coffin" 'homes', comprised of 90% plaster board) -- all ready to go up like tinderboxes... As I can guarantee you that there is no way that bulk of that 20,000kms worth of cable was removed.
chinks genuinely have extremely fragile egos, taiwan is a tremendous embarassment considering it took Chiang-Kai Shek being attacked by BOTH imperial Japan and Mao after the US betrayed him to defeat the ROC, and even then, they still exist in Taiwan. They don't want to risk taiwan eventually being recognized by the IC as a country and all it takes is one president to put a full legitimate embassy there.

Every day taiwan is called taiwan and not "china" embarrasses the chinks and they're constantly asspained any time anyone refers to taiwan as its own country. they believe it reduces their legitimacy in the eyes of the world
it's the same reason they go to such ridiculous lengths to build potemkin villages and appear as "cold and calculating and triad" as possible: china is the original "5,000 years and still mud-huts" country.
the japs are 1000x more respectable, korea rebuilt and became a regional power after having their country razed to Pusan, and yet they bitch and moan about opium and english imperialism like fucking africans
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Reminder that Klaus Schwab and his clique of WEF stooges wants to turn the west into China. He just said on the official CCP channel that China is a role model.
China is such a shithole anyone with the means leaves the country asap.

You want a decent quality of life? You leave China.
You want a decent education? You leave China.
You want a decent career? You leave China.
You want to live somewhere the air, water and food isn't poison? You leave China.
You want to enjoy something other than a totalitarian dictatorship surveillance state where everything is heavily censored? You leave China.

The only thing China has succeeded at is literally sucking the humanity out of it's people and creating an environment where EVERYONE will lie, cheat, steal and fuck over everyone else for an extra grain of rice.
Chinese cyber-espionage in the US has been "pervasive" and extends to academic labs. "It has been going on in every aspect of Western businesses
It is part of a broader struggle as China strives to gain technological knowhow to power its economy and its challenge to the geopolitical order, while the US does its best to prevent a serious competitor to American power from emerging.
The theft of trade secrets is attractive because it allows countries to "leapfrog up global value chains relatively quickly - and without the costs, both in terms of time and money, of relying completely on indigenous capabilities", Nick Marro of the Economist Intelligence Unit.

But According to Ray Wang, founder and CEO of Silicon Valley-based consultancy Constellation Research, the US still holds the advantage. "My cyber-security friends tell me when they hack Chinese sites, the only worthwhile tech [they can find there] is US intellectual property," he said. KEK
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Fun fact. The average Taiwanese makes 4 times more than the average Chinese. 8 times more when you count the "middle class" of each group.
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>Mao sees birds eat grains
>He tells 1 billion chinese to kill all the birds in China so that the birds won't eat their grains anymore
>1 billion chinese kill all the birds in China
>with no more birds, the insect population explodes in China
>the insects eat all the grains
>45 million chinese starve to death https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Pests_Campaign >
>Mao needs steel to make buildings
>He tells 1 billion chinese to stop farming and working, and instead to melt down all their metal to produce steel
>1 billion chinese gather every single piece of metal in sight, including farming tools, pots, and pans
>1 billion chinese chop down every single tree in sight to fuel the furnaces, and even tear down their houses to provide more wood
>In the end, 1 billion chinese produce millions of tons of useless pig iron that is completely unusable
>1 billion chinese now have no homes to live in, no tools to use for farming, no pots to cook food, no wood to heat the pots,
>and no food to eat in China.
>Mao wants to be like the west and have cars
>china doesn't have the industry to make cars for everyone
>He tells 1 billion chinks that he will "upgrade" their horse drawn wagons
>"upgrades" their wagons by replacing their wooden wheels with steel wheels. like cars have!
>steel wheels end up sinking into the mud and were too heavy for horses to pull
>in the end, thousands of useless wagons were constructed or retrofitted that were completely unusable
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I'm watching his shit rn
It's worth it
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It's fake
Tough innit. Gets better the further out you get. Stick with it.
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>Theres a reason you've been allowed to bypass the firewall.
4chan isn't blocked in China, only the CAPTCHA was
Why would I trust a random 4chan post with no sources over video evidence, retard.
Western living standards were far superior when the USSR was a going concern. this is irrefutable.
ok vassal
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>Hello, I work in EU based analytic company.
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kill yourself demon die in fire
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It's not even a theory anymore
Half the shit you said China does is what our government does to us. They lie to us all the time, the nigger floyd riots were peaceful, people get abortions here all the time of their own volition, a weather Channel reporter was saying how bad a hurricane was and leaning inro the wind when there were teenagers dancing in the background, our government let's people rip down and degace historical figures. I'm not saying China is some paradise and I've never been there, but get real dude. We are taxed to hell and a ton if it goes into the politician's pockets or to niggers. Niggers and other shitskins run the cities. The media is a wing of the corrupt government we have here.

Anybody that got through all that shit in one piece has used up all his nine lives.
The thing that caught my eye was that the Ukrainian drones came in en masse in formations with a couple vanguard outriders to check out the scene before hell descended on their heads. That's some scary shit.
>>he didn't fight for money

At $180 a month Canadian I guess not.
How the fuck do you conduct a war without massive bloodshedding mutilation and death esp in a dynamic tactical environment where both sides are struggling mightily to come to terms with the new technological demands of the battlefield?

I don't care what army is in there, it's going to be a miserable fucking mess.
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Holy shit the name fag has become a facial fag. You have reached a level of neetdom most 4channers can only dream of. I kneel.

I guess that's why Ukranian lines are collapsing at a greater and greater rate each week.
That shit was terrifying
'we play Wagner on the way into the LZ
'scares the hell outta the slopes
>doesn't shit for two weeks
>eats 15 sticks of butter
>now he has diarrhea
Based Mongolian rapist
>was directly struck by a bomb
>which threw him onto the roof
>and destroyed half of his body
>but he wore a bulletproof vest so he was fine

>disable subtitles
>edit in retarded text
Yeah that’s probably why Ukraine hasn’t won a single battle since September of 2022 lmao
Me too
>t. memeflag chink
The whole thing is retarded, just like your wumad thread, chink
I wish China would just invade the US and annex it already I stand in solidarity with Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, and Xi Jinping thought. Anyone with half a brain knows the People’s Republic of China are the real good guys.
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Thanks bro
>USA just like china hurr durr
Go the fuck back then, retard
vid related
It's fake, morons
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Go the fuck back to the hive, chang
Face it China is superior in every way, in the US niggers are worshipped and the only education in school is gay shit.

China is the future of humanity

>zero clues about Chinese internet access
>big yap all the same

didn't your mommy tell you .. ?
Fuck yes. I really feared that he fell.

Nice that he returned. Now he can get any position he wants in the PLA and hopefully train our men properly.
They’ll destroy us first desu
Tell us, China man, how does it feel to know that your country abandoned Mao's jewish bullshit ideology, and actually embraced Fascism>
b-but m-muh glorious gurkhas
mao took the regional warlords under him and united the country that should be enough no? he doesn't have to be right on everything
Based hero
United the country under starvation, slaughtering ethnic Tibetans, destroying an entire culture of Buddhism. Then starving millions. China today only keeps up the pretense of Communism in name to please the old guard. Their system is Fascist.
>Their system is Fascist.
>Obtained a 12/0 kd
May i see it?
glowies fucked up the tibet situation
dalai lama was friends with mao
You should take the next flight out to Ukraine and see for yourself you fucking faggot.
This is the second time you sperg out today, Alex
>Lei's Real Talk
This 100% feels like a Falun gong propaganda channel and now I feel youre Falun gonger shilling here.
4chan isn't banned in China you retarded leafjeet.

China has a Male surplus and it is wise to be used for such activities. China really needs experienced soldiers because the Liberation of Taiwan from JewSA is near!
>China is fascist
Based as fuck
Shit they got a chinese Winchester house of mysteries to?
Are you guys doing anything to rid the world of Jews or are your countrymen happy that they are bleeding the west dry?
oh wow, is that literally who wearing some military great? you can bet your ass I'm gonna believe anything he says
Dude they have a billion people .... Obviously some of them are going to be wank, they have thousands of buildings going up a year, the odd one falling down is to be expected, some sort of chinajew trying to skimp on costs.
stupid autocorrect
do these vids have english subtitles? I can only translate the content that is outside of the media player, the playback speed and quality are obvious.the nuke symbol and embed and theater mode are obv as well, but I can’t find subtitles, can and chinkbros or leafs screenshot to point out a how-to for my useless american gweilo ass?

It was revealed to me in a dream.
Based chinaman
he said the blackie sticks to him and he has exp whereas the nu russians are sent without exp
anyway wheres the rest of his vids
The more accurate description would be "subconsciously the Russians know that the hohols are the superior type of slavs", both in genetic as they are more closer than the Europeans, and culturally as the whole existence of Slav originated from Kiev region.
I think now I can understand the true horror when the Russians were first confronted by the true Aryan master race - the Germanic tribes during the WW2, they must have thought the Germans are semi-god like figures, they would instantly shit themselves in a distance.
I thought this thread was dead. I'm going to sleep, for those who don't believe it, this is the Ukraine captive he captured. You can search your internet to see if I'm lying. That's it
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yes, Putin
You are doing 老天的 work. Thank you.
unfathomably based.
Death to the west.
Death to the colonialist
Death to the imperialist
Death to the white race
Glory to the new order of the world Z
wrong link sry
Thank you for the link comrade. we at /pol/ are loyal to china and to russia. we will fight for you when the day comes
kill all shitskins and chinks
Can you provide that image of Apu in better dimensions, please? It's pretty small but I like it.
seems to me like the based chinese killed 12 nazi white cucks. i bet their mothers cried
butthrut belt white boy
Z youre next Z
NAFO/butthurt belt/nazi cucks are in damage control as they know the death of the west is near.
the triumph of the global east and south is approaching. a new rules baesd order is rising. the end of the colonialist imperialists of the west, and the rising harmony of a united world.
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How is this propaganda? He's literally saying the opposite dumbass. His message is pretty clear: Mercenaries should NOT volunteer or accept jobs from the Russians since they're just going to their deaths. Ukraine/NATO side is using drones for this kind of new warfare and they will just get bombed by drones. They can't even advance 100 meters. WTF is wrong with /pol/ today?
youre a stinky ugly nigger.
chinks lie and he probably was cleaning toilets.
we will see how you cry when 300 million chinks die
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global south lol youll just be nigger cattle slaves like you always have been, low iq niggers who cant make a civilization. we can already see what China is doing in Africa and Asia, making pakis and niggers their slaves.
keep crying white cuck you're next. china and russia are destroying the nazi hoholistan, and the butthurt belt will submit or be destroyed completely. the europe is already defeated and thankfully comrades from all the oppressed people the white race enslaved are taking control. china will walk in without a shot fired. revenge is almost complete.
go die in a trench for jewtin, at least you will make your village proud and feed it for 10 years
dont worry white boy we will keep your pigskin women as whores for based chinese lords
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yess saar rape russian woman in their holes saar
we all know much russian women like niggers
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how chinks so mentally tough? my brother was in street gang and he got ptsd from being shot at and surviving stabbing. He told me to this day he still has dreams about getting chase by rivals and being shot at.
this is the indian? there were two coonjabis who died too
probably nomadic bad at academics lineage
Sending people that have fuck-all training means they'll do stupid shit that will get them killed. The stuff they haven't learnt they will obviously not be prepared for, but the stuff they have learnt will also not be as deeply ingrained into their mind as it should be since they haven't done enough repetition. You can easily cram absolutely everything within a single month touching every single topic, but that one month means absolutely nothing if even when NOT under extreme stress they can't remember a single thing from it.
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It's over
Funny way to friend your friend. Eliminate his traditional religious culture. You chinks are parasites and need to reduce your population willingly before someone else does it for you.
Source: tlust me blo
>cannot build decent phone charger
>overpopulated country destroying nature
Squeal more you pathetic impoverished peasant subhuman.

U know what the funniest thing is? Kadyrovites and Africans from Wagner will not even have to rape Latvian women because they will give up their bodies voluntarily (since your low-T male tribesmen are too busy cleaning toilets in Poland and Germany)
They're the ones building the decent ones AND the shit ones. They're just taking all the shit ones for themselves since burgerland and the EU have standards making it so that the chinks can't sell the shit ones.
Why do chinks literally fight better than vatniks now?
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My man chose violence
>no experience in modern war.
Have you watched the videos? It's piloting FPV drones. The Chinese have plenty of desk jockeys who can remote pilot a drone.
brave warrior

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>Mainland Chinese
26 posts by this id

Glowies are so fucking transparent it's hilarious. I'm surprised you can even post with that tiny Jew cock in your mouth.
How about neither?
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he also said russia will lose the war, so he is based
Was a bad day and he was demoralized by the losses. Taken out of context as well.
seethe and cope westoid your empire is crumbling
I'm on this same theory.
It's always jews who are starting the fight.
It's just who get the rewards.
How much land has Monsanto bought in Ukraine?
lmao, no
I always keep hearing this but never seen any actual evidence of it from MAINLAND China, it's usually from Hong Kong or some Taiwanese larper, but never a mainland resident from Shanghai or something.
>No amount of training can save you from a drone strike or artillery shell.

This isn't entirely correct. There are old studies that showed that just laying prone and crawling reduced casualties from artillery significantly on open ground. Obviously, airbursts are a different story; you need overhead cover for those. Same deal with grenade-dropping drones.

There are some low-tech countermeasures for FPV drones infantry can use, namely, covering windows and bunker apertures with nets or wire to provide standoff protection and prevent ingress of the drone into a fortified structure.

A couple of ideas that I haven't seen implemented in this war:

-constructing sandbagged interior shelters to dive into if an FPV drone is spotted - like a human -sized grenade sump
-installing weighted wire curtains around windows in order to prevent drones from blowing up deeper inside. These can be pulled aside to allow individual and crew-served weapons to fire out.
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ay ay ay! caramba!
>laying prone and crawling reduced casualties
So what I've gathered is that OP is trying to get ziggers to repost these videos that are actually making fun of how incompetent Russians are?
This dude is a real chap haha
Man look how scared little black is I really feel for the dude. Just not the life for you buddy
Yes, it is. You don't speak Chinese.
You just need a VPN to access the wider internet and anybody can get one. It's just to keep dumb people away from Western propaganda for the most part.
>russians would just run away and they would leave you to die, there was no honor.
Well most of them are convicts
at least the scared little nigger was smart enough to realise the IQ difference and follows the chink around like a pet dog kek
I’m guessing little black saved his ass at least once, otherwise he wouldn’t let him follow him around
hes saying the nigger is terribly scared kek

hes just being nice to him because hes so weak and seeking safety from the chink
A scared dude can still call out contact. It’s pretty obvious the chinaman took a shine to him
hes just protecting him because hes weak, im like that too if some men are weak i become their leader and boss them around
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Xi is killing amerimutt zogbots with fentanyl and now based chinks are killing zogbots in jewkraine
total westoid humiliation
Based and saved.
Based Chinaman, just wanted to pop a few caps kek
Based zogbot remover.

12 kills. LoL Strongly doubt it.

I could only hear how his squad of 12 lost all besides him and the black dude which is terrified.

Himself he calls the Russians inexperienced and with extremely low survival chances and the war unwinnable.

Not exata great image. At least he made it back alive.
>formed four man team
>one chinese, one black, two russians
>black guy says he just signed up to ride around in armor unit, not march and fight in woods
>runs away
>russians run away next
Behold, the power of diversity. Trump thinks he can take on Iran with a team of more blacks and browns. A shame he's not winning this time. Kamala knows black guys aint shit.
"ChinaTikTok" Say the name right you stupid faggot.
No amount of training is going to convince a Russian to die in Ukraine. Nobody supports the war. Putin is a baby bitch boy who just wants to do something big before he dies.
That's why there is no Russians in Ukraine and zelenku already won, huh?

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