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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why does pic related make jews and söyboys seethe so much? Is it because they fear testosterone?
that'd give me crazy heartburn
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Alex Jones says that Kamala Harris wants people to only be able to eat steak once a month.
Fine with the steak, not with the eggs.
So average Americans are getting raises under Kamala?
Its just excessive protein, if you are not a bodybuilder or something thats just too much
Looks tasty. But I could only eat those steaks if they were on the bone. Too much otherwise.
It boggles my mind that so many people can prepare and eat meals like this every single day. That's so much fucking food. Ever heard of fruit, nigger?
it's really funny beta cucks are threatened by vegetarianism, which is the normal spiritual meal for everybody who ever lived.
that looks great but i would only eat half of that plate in the morning or i would be way too full
My fat ass doesn't need to eat all that. 1 steak and two eggs would be more suitable. Still, anyone who says that doesn't look good is a limp wristed faggot, and that's coming from a faggot myself
Fine with the eggs, not with the steak.
>That one grotty, overcooked egg
Why did they put that there and ruin the whole aesthetic of the dish?
It only makes me seethe because if I ate like that id turn into a fat fuck pretty quick. Would eat that shit every day of my life if I could otherwise.
how are you supposed to do anything but sleep after that in the morning
Why are you stealing pictures from carnitards on twatter?
Animal fats are important
keto fags are retarded
You're missing fried potatoes, or hash browns as some call it.
Entirely too much food for a normal person. That's enough protein for at least a 300lb person
based complete nutrient profile chad
potroast guaranteed gives heartburn
steak? nah.
I had 2kg(4.4lb) of sirloin cap throughout the day at a bbq and I was fine
It's retardation + faggotness.
Needs more butter
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>not kajmak
>You're missing fried potatoes, or hash browns as some call it.

The only part of the potato worth eating is the skin roasted. The fecula, the white inner pulp is starch = polysacharide = "many sugars" = chain of glucose molecules that turn into sugar in your guts.

Starch is bad mkay? I could eat that double steak and eggs and still be cut up with six pack abs. I'd skip the butter pats on the steak however. There's plenty of fat already on those cutlets that would be plenty delicious.
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>that'd give me crazy heartburn
Clicked off.
God arranged it such that animals eat and digest plants into nutrients better than we can and we eat those animals. The end.
It's because you post /make more of that delicious stuff if you think we hate it.
And thus the easier it is to obtain.
if you are vaccinated.
I like steak and I like eggs but I don't really think they compliment each other very well.
eww i cant fucking eat eggs. god damn chicken abortions.
You guys eat disgusting, jelly like and tasteless eggwhite chicken eggs ?!
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nobody cares, fag
It's "sߋybߋys".
>that reveal
>>we're good
This is metabait. I bet he got 1million well-deserved redoots
Looks like he just did an Auschwitz training plan. humans evolved eating meat, we are the apex predators on the planet. Eat accordingly.
I want some eggs with raw yolks now
Protein heavy diet is for chads and chuds alike. Carbs are for $oyboys and frogs
Why do vegans always have a gray tint to their bodies? Like how a corpse looks after the mortician removes all the blood.
I'm tested to be high testosterone (Going bald thanks to it, yay!), I do shit considered 'manly' like lift weights, play hockey, I'm a fucking timber by trade ffs.
And I'm a leftist beta click vegan basedboy. I'm not mad or offended at meat eaters. I don't know anyone who is. Eat away, dude. Sure, I wish humanity would gradually move onto plant-based food since animal diet isn't necessary and yadda yadda, but why TF would I be mad at some individual person eating meat? Or even a collective? I'm mad at the meat industry who lobbies that shit, doing their best to hide the health risks, pollution etc. from public knowledge, downplaying them at every turn, using their money to make plant-based alternatives less appealing by lobbying and all that. I don't give two shits about some guy who insists on eating meat to own the libs or whatever. Like man, do you think that every single leftist who doesn't eat meat is some hyperbolic exaggeration of whatever you think someone like Greta Thunberg is?
>*remove shirt*
KEK that goes in my /fit/ meme folder
you typed a small article to explain how much you don't care?
get rid of the yellow and get a leaner cut of meat you morbidly obese mutt faggot
womp womp
I doubt it, I eat like that minus the extra butter and my bloodwork and overall health has only improved.
I do cheat with some fruits every now and then though.
Iron deficiency
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make sure you wash it down with one of these
>how many vegans have died of protein deficiency
Some lady just went to jail for starving her infant to death on a vegan diet. Bet he was protein deficient.
Oh good, yuck.
Fucking raw as shit eggs and all that fucking butter. Too rich.
I like eggs but I'm not eating that runny shit and butter makes me gag. Butter is a good ingredient for bagged goods and on toast or whatever but it's not a sauce by itself. That's to much.
The steak looks good though.
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I want to enslave him
I want to.make him.wear a dog collar and.lick.lettuce all day
Every now and again, just whip him while drinking a protein shake because I can.
Because I am strong, and he is weak.
Are all people from your country weak faggots or is it just (You)?
Lol, the poojeet fears the sirloins
>Why does pic related make jews and söyboys seethe so much?
I have no idea, but holy crap that's at least 3000 calories.
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>Is it because they fear testosterone?
Yummy, steak and eggs.
why pipo dont season they eggs
Would you please be able to bring me a plate?

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