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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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/pol/ said Trump got the black vote since he became a convicted felon. What happened?
We don't want the nigger vote
who know "as a african american i'm voting for a felon" was a gaslight
Don't know if this is real or accurate but Trump was about to make the best black performance for a republican ever before Kamala cucked his ass.
Kek if niggers hate him I’m definitely voting for him. The other person is a nigger. So I’m definitely not voting for her
He should promise them more free money and to free more felons. Third time is the charm.
Multicultural democracy is such a joke. It's just a racial headcount, with retarded, self-hating whites tipping the scales for the anti-white parties.
Cuckservatives will always chase the elusive nigger vote like Wile E. Coyote chased the Roadrunner.
Trump 0%, totally useful poll here
This is bullshit.

Black people support him less after getting 34 felonies and getting shot.

And supporting a fucking cop that literally used black men as slave labour.

Or niggers really are that dumb

We really need to run for office as democrats.

Once you win the pirmiary you could literally run on TND and still get the black vote
lmao did they poll a fucking section 8 in Detroit?
this just mean we have to nigger vote harder. Maybe get a Trump/Maga shout out from Kendrick Lamar, Travis Scott and the like.
Alex Jones says that she's only 6% black.
Why are they going so crazy with the fake polls this time? I saw someone say it was an attempt to increase Trump voters coming out on election day.

oy vey
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cope and seethe as you losers lose another election
>I saw someone say it was an attempt to increase Trump voters coming out on election day.
Why would pollsters help the Republican turnout?
doing iq estimates

75 (doesn't understand difference between 0 and 0)
120 (anime associated with high functional autism)
85 (anyone who believed the poll is real couldn't possibly be more than 90)
70 (can barely communicate)
90 (use of analogy very hard under 90, so this is the lowest)
90 (not too bad for an italian dw)

if you disagree with the rating please send certified mail to 1000 Colonial Farm Rd, McLean VA with your request for reevaluation
Yeah that's believable.
If that's even what's going on, the pollsters would believe they were helping kamala, following orders from on high to make her look good regardless of believability. The people on high would be asking for this to increase Trump voter turnout, so he could win. The narrative being "Kamalasisters, we got too cocky! We didn't turn out to vote because we thought we had it in the bag!" The reason they would want Trump to win, I don't really know, but both candidates are loyal to Israel. The fact that they bothered to try and assassinate Trump when they could just do this Kamala media manipulation maneuver the whole time, means that they probably don't want him to be the president. Maybe Vance was the guy they wanted to win the whole time. Maybe they're gonna keep trying to assassinate Trump up to and including his time in the white house so that Vance can take over.
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Ah yes the prestigious polling company
Also, it could just be the sign tapping meme.
Losing that much of the black vote to a third party candidate would be a doomsdays scenario for the Democratic party.
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>niggers are retarded
more news at 11
Most niggers actually support trump, they just can’t vote because they’re felons or won’t vote because they’re lazy and/or have warrants and think any contact with anything government related will result in them being arrested.
The only niggers who vote are black church muh civil rights types and the project niggers the democrats send teams to register and request a mail in ballot for and then come back later and “help them” fill it out in exchange for a $50 gift card.
>state that burned trump votes in 2020 is burning poll votes

This has transcended from bold into retarded territory
Retarded Brit believes poll, news at 11.
That's true, but the people who vote Zion Don are even more retarded. Just imagine how dumb those faggots are.
Fake and gay. Straight black men under 65 are hard voting for Trump. Kamala has the gay black male vote and the black female vote on lockdown.

If you see a black male on this board pushing Kamala 1000% (ONE THOUSAND PERCENT) they are gay.

t. black man
by the book persuasive tactics don't work on /pol/
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don't care, still voting
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Say it with me:


>five people vote in literally who poll
>one in the author
>the other four are their friends
I don't even like Trump and I can tell you that this is fucking retarded.
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Fixed it
This is a pretty accurate summary.
One section 8 apartment, several times.
>Political Polls
Seems legit.
No chance 12% of blacks even know who JFK is.
OY VEY VEY VEY VEY. Imagine believing """polls. Who the fuck are they polling? And how many? Like 100 to 1,000 max?! lol ok sure, that sample size means nothing. Also how the hell do they contact these people for the polls? These polls are all bullshit if I had to guess.
Clearly this is fake or else it would be negative
So much for all that nigger pandering lol
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m8, you probably married to an abbo.

>be retarded democrat
>conduct poll in black area of town
>omg, 82% camel toe!
Theres no way black men are voting for a black woman
>relying on niggers
women will follow suit.
black people dont vote. the are registered to vote and the democrat machine takes care of the rest.
expect more of this. going to rig it more than they did in 2020 but this time theyre going to use fake polling to make it look real
There's no such poll on their site.
holy shit le blump is finished
> when in your face fraud and election theft is not enough
Not only rigging, but lazy rigging
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345 (lbs)
lmao, does a single person believe this?
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Here's the kike who runs Glengariff Group. protected Tweets, lolz
>be pollster
>walking through Detroit with my clipboard
>get shot
>cry out to shooter "wait! Who are you voting for?"
>shooter states, "eyo I ain ebem om Dat shi nomsayin niggas be on dat wif to bix nood ya hear nigga Finna be no on Dat dumb white boy shi nomsayin"
>with the last of my strength, check of kamala
>with my last breath, whisper "wakanda forever" as ten "teenagers" rummage my pockets for money.
Damn bros, Trump gave money to blacks and freed their shittiest rappers instead of any J6er, assange, or snowden, for this?
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Apparently blacks aren't a big part of the Michigan population since the claimed source of OP's poll is the Detroit News who currently has pic related on their site.
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Anon, this is not actually real.
How many kennedies do you guys have.
Black woman = black vote
I thought Cornell West was running
Yours: 69
usually mass replying is gay as fuck but you seem to be relatively on point
all of them
They are prepping to rig it so fucking hard.
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Checked and you are a gigantic fucking faggot cocksucker. Also, you're dumb.
Let me do you:
Sub 50 IQ extreme mental retardation

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