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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Imagine this approaching your car.
Would anybody notice if one of these went missing?
I can save her
Might as well be Asian with that micro anus
No. Not at all.
Kill yourself. Niggers like you are the problem. Prostitution was never based, in fact its very Jewish. Just stay sexless, acquire wealth and knowledge, and become a better person for your own good, fuck your peers.
Yuck, somebody needs to put clothes on that mom.
>The clapped out edge mustang.
>5/10 post wall

Hory sheeit.
It is truly 3rd world over there, those jeetifornians.
Bitch needs to hit glutes
>Imagine this approaching your car.

I'd love it if this happened in the UK
What happened to the other half of her ass?
>Imagine this approaching your car.
done. now what?
I noticed that other countries don't have a "lot lizard" "street walker" culture like we do in the US, do you guys still have brothels over there?
Well medic, the choice is yours..
Very very hard to stay sexless when you've been brainwashed THROUGH EVER FUCKING POSSIBLE PIECE OF MEDIA OUTLET that getting your dick wet/having a leech of a girlfriend/ejaculating your brain away is the most important thing in a man's life and if he does not do this he is a loser. Also porn free and available for 12 year olds so they have no chance of escaping.

It took me years to viscerally understand the trap I was placed into since puberty. Fuck jews.
>Would anybody notice if one of these went missing?
Yes, her nigger pimp and he would come rape and kill you.
I feel for you Gypsy bro. I genuinely do. But what honestly broke me, ( i know it sounds cliche, don't call me a nigger) was marijuana, a high paying job, and video games. Women are genuinely a meme in 2024 and i dont even think actual "Women" exist anymore. I don't know what chance gen Alpha has. I remember my first time being shown porn was on an ipod touch in 4th grade & I'm a fucking 23 year old zoomer. The next gen will surely be a group of hopeless coomers unfortunately.
Given the autism of a memeflaggot on here, i bet he could outsmart a beaner/nigger pimp. And im probably giving credit to a jeet out of all people on here...
What amazes me is that so many dudes have so much trouble with women.
I know that we didn't identify women on furchin but there are women here. They want boyfriends and husbands sometimes and dudes want girlfriends and wives. Seems mutually beneficial that they would get together.
I suppose what I'm seeing is the isolated sample of neckbeard incels that can't or won't engage with women because they're either physically unattractive or mentally unable to function around them. I need to remind myself that the average Anon is probably on the uglier side.
I, myself, am no prize. I'm 30lbs overweight and getting old but, then again, I've been married for a long time and have children that are almost grown.
If this young lady approached my car 25 years ago I'd roll down the window and frig her puss until she collapsed in a pile of her own goo. If she did it today I'd give her a ride to a clothing store and then drive her to Omaha where she could get a job and stop whoring herself.
Then I'd smoke a cigar and watch Star Trek.
God you're such a fuckin boomer. why do you feel the need to tell us how straight you are? no one asked.
just get her preganant ASAP, Shlomo needs more delicious wagebabies
Whores are gonna keep whoring. That's how it's been forever. But also, she's being recorded and standing in front of presumably an expensive car. That's most likely her pimp or boyfriend or both recording her. She does it because man asks her to.
That's not a good looking ass. At all.
Yes all the other animals of gods creation were propagandized to reproduce as their primary function as well
Kek, how fucking old are you?
This has to be pasta
>Then I'd smoke a cigar and watch Star Trek
Holy cringe
I can smell your fedora from a continent away. Go fuck yourself you boring shit.
>presumably an expensive car.
That is an 02-07 mustang my guy, i see jeets sell them on marketplace all the time.
Ever heard of a mating season, you niggercattle?
It lasts a few weeks at most and it's a couple of times per year, not every day, multiple times a day.
Go jerk your little prick and troon out for all I care, you subhuman.
>risk getting shot by the po-lice
>get one more disgusting white bitch in 30 minutes
you obviously don't know how the economy works
they would retaliate only if it's a rival gang doing the "diss-appearance" and posting it on instagram
Good for you anon, ignore all the blackpilling shills with their negativity, WAGMI
give me back my 15 seconds I've wasted to read that shit
Uhhh...the thread asks us to imagine this approaching the car. Responses are what actually makes it a thread instead of a 404.
Sorry if you're gay. I didn't really think about being straight though. Clearly, you think about your sexuality a lot though.
Keep thinking. Eventually you'll decide and, even if you don't, that's ok Anon.
I'm not judging you.
>Imagine this approaching your car
Is that a bad thing?
I'm thru making babbies.
>Uhhh...the thread asks us to imagine this approaching the car.
shift in reverse
steering wheel all the way to the left
step on gas
Old enough to laugh at most of the virgin angst on display here most days. Lack of pussy massages a boy confused and angry.
Cheap women on land... Lead to expensive drug anon. Pee pee in teepee burn.
I’m guessing she’s stretched out and has numerous STDs.
But this didn't approach my car.
>sorry officer disgusting hookers are always in my blind spot
>get manslaughter, suspended sentence
Holy cringe?
Ok. No Star Trek for you then.
Enjoy RuPaul's drag race or whatever horseshit your generation watches nowadays.
Shut up old jew
I hope she does not sit naked on that car. It would be a nightmare to remove the stench.
"smoke a cigar" is obviously "smoking cock" or "sucking dick" with people who enjoy such a faggoty show only meant to produce engineer faggots
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how many do you have? 5? 6?
I have my grandfather's fedora but I'm almost positive you mean the short -brimmed hats that I see neckbeard incels wearing. Those are called trilby hats and I didn't think they look good on me. I didn't wear the fedora either because it's not in style.
Nope. I wear baseball caps to work and when I'm at dinner I have my hair combed because that's how I was raised.
I don't need to fuck myself either, thank you. I'm quite happy to make love with my trim and sexy wife whenever I please.
I'm suspicious of this response because I didn't know what any of it means.
Shut up old jew
Sure. Here you go.
You're welcome.
Maybe try to brush up on your reading skills. 15 seconds is a long time there, mongo.
California is, by a few miles, the least shittiest place in the USA. California is passable as a developed country, while everywhere else is Albania tier (haven't been to NY)
Thank you for you wisdom chief happy frog.
I'd still do her in the ass.
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man, /pol/ got an influx of the literal "I can't breed" incels.
lmao you disgusting niggers should kill yourselves before hitler comes back and you embarrass us
Oy very, you got me goy!

Jk. I'm Presbyterian.
Some real "ALL THE EGGS" vibes from this post.
No you're not, you suck your grand poobahs dick every night. Shut up old jew.
Star Kek, The "I Only Think About Penises" Generation.
Seriously, you fuckers have cock on the brain all the time. Maybe you SHOULD watch some Star Trek. It's like a new hot girl in a sexy costume every single week, man. So thinking about penis for crying out loud.
And yet Gen Z males have less sex than any segment of the US population.
The woman or the car?
Shut up, nigger. You know absolutely nothing.
No. Just 2. But from the same woman who remains my wife. That's enough.
Why are fags like this?
Why must we suffer faggots?
What does that mean? All the eggs?
>Just stay sexless
>fuck your peers
You're giving me mixed signals
I've seen and experienced more of your shithole country than you have. It turns out that Americans barely move around,
The Grand Poobah is that guy on The Flintstones in charge of the Water Buffaloes club that Fred and Barney belong to.
does he really have to rub his dick on your car.
Is... Is this an issue? Is it 1960 and pussy is actually valuable again?? Im here acquiring wealth, and materialistic possessions while i deal with old nigger Gen X fags and out of touch, niggerloving millennial co workers bitching at me daily about their slam hogs?...
Nigger i travel for work, no you haven't. California is a shithole. Best/most based place in America is Arthur Nebraska by a long shot. You love niggers and beaners i don't wanna hear it.
I think you might be fixated on religion.
I don't claim any religion, yet you're a kike and i know it. Quit raping babies and get back in your tunnel.
lol that pic is literally Nick Fuentes, but with Jews.
wow right in front of the basketball center I doubt I would last two minutes in that goddess snatch
Have you seen lot lizard drone vids? Public nudity is literally allowed in this shithole.
Oh, ok right. Yes sir, or madam, whatever. I'll stop the rapping babbies and get back in my tunnel where I belong.
You drop your giant rubber cock and undo the ball gag so you can get some proper nutrition in there. Your brain is starving to death.

No, semen is not food. Stop that.
Shut up old jew.
Dumbass boomer
Yes sir.
Shutting up sir.
Is it ok if I just sing Hava Nagilia one more time before I shut up or do I have to do it right now?
shut up old jew.
You're right. I am a dumbass. And a boomer. Dumbass Boomer. That's me.
Thanks for reaching out though. It's lonely here at Whispering Pines. The Jell-O doesn't come out for another half hour and I already saw this episode of Matlock.
No, it's been driven hard and aging poorly.
You're not a busy person at all, are you?
I mean...me neither but you're REALLY not busy. Aren't you like a young Gentile?
Don't you have the world by the ass or something? Opportunities galore?
Gosh, it must be great being YOU!
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>Then I'd smoke a cigar and watch Star Trek.
so what is 'the most important thing in a mans life'? impotently whining about reality on this childrens cartoon forum?
I enjoy minding my own business.
What can I say?
Glad I could provide you with a little laugh Anon.
...Or are you screaming???
Oh, golly! You're not screaming are you?
>I enjoy minding my own business.
>btw here's my life story (^:
Uhhh... That's my business, isn't it? I don't remember asking you a got-damn thing.
>so many dudes have so much trouble with women.
I don't have trouble with women. The woman I want just doesn't exist.
>Not overweight
>Parents are still married and she has a good relationship with them
>Wants a family
Find me one (1) woman like this and I would stay with her forever. She would never need to worry about her future ever again.
I know, I know.
"Shut up, old Jew."
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Boy are you dumb.
youre lucky to get anything that isnt 300lbs with a 1999 ford mustang
Sorry. Married to one exactly like that.
I don't really think that they're not out there. Just probably not like directly in your vicinity.
One thing you should probably reconcile immediately though...YOU have to be a good catch for the woman too. I know that she's important to you but you have to be important to her.
If you knew that already, I'm sorry for stating the obvious m
imagine having that car lmao
I...I don't think so.
I don't want to know about YOUR business and, as I said, I haven't asked.
Good day to you.
My biggest gripe with California is that they're wasting their water. I have family there with a lemon grove. I'm originally from Oregon so we have plenty of rain and rivers so our water quality is so damned clear and good. Cali water is grainy and disgusting. My great-aunt and her husband are throwing in the towel because they can't keep growing lemons anymore after more than 40 years. And none of their kids or grandkids want to do it either.

of course they do what are you talking about
is the nigger pimp resistant to m193 ball tho
Kill Yourself nigger
His balls aren't that big.
100th reply.
My work is through here.

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