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>3 hick hillbilly states are all that matters in deciding the faith of 350 million people

Why is the American election system so retarded?
Because it was invented in the 1700s by a small group of wealthy slave owning white males.
All states matter.
I know, how fucking stupid, you have a say, even if you don't live in a pod
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Isn't like 90% of the American economy in California, Texas, Florida & New York?

Really only those 4 states should be allowed to vote.
because our entire population and history are retarded

Just fucking admit it's retarded system.
>Why is the American election system so retarded?
There's nothing wrong with the Electoral College. States elect the president, not the aggregate of masses living in the states. Beside, the European Parliament works in exactly the same way: more populous member states will send more MKs to the EP. Why? Because they're more populous and the member states' voting prowess is weighted proportionally. The USA is a federal state, not a unitary state (if it was, then a "national popular vote" would be the default mechanism).
Those are midwestern states not hillbilly states you literal african
Wisconsin and Michigan aren't hillbilly states. That's like calling Romanians, Magyars or people.
By any metric you want to judge the country, even beyond the population, only a handful of states matter in America. They have all the economy, all the cultural output, all the politics etc.

And it's exactly those most powerful states that have no say in the election and haven't (except for Florida) in decades.
they should get rid of winner takes all and introduce a COUNTY ELECTORAL SYSTEM. Each county gets 1 electoral vote. Instead of 3 counties deciding the state election they have to contend with the other 34 counties in the state.
Why are you gay?
>only a handful of states matter in America
That's not true, this is just the talking point of the demonrats. Of course they want to institute an unconstitutional and illogical national popular vote in a FEDERAL state because they believe they would win then. And yet, the States elect the president, while the people living in those states can inform their state gov't whom to pick via the electors. That's the only logical, reasonable and constitutional way.
>They have all the economy, all the cultural output, all the politics etc.
Let's get back to that (to Cali) in a decade or so.
>And it's exactly those most powerful states that have no say in the election and haven't (except for Florida) in decades.
Again, that's false. Just because you want to count the last 10 electoral votes to 270 it doesn't mean that the first 260 does not count. It literally does, it's literally needed, it's literally the same thing as the last 10 electoral votes.
NV is where the aliums are.
lol Kamala is gonna win AZ and NV.
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hope this helps anon!
Ikr we should get rid of the electoral college so that nyc and california decides our elections for us.
it would matter very much if california would turn red, for example
>hick hillbilly

The midwest was the engine and power of this country in the mid 20th century you fucking retard. While coastal cities rotted, the midwest boomed. Manufacturing and agriculture galore. People flooded in from the country over. It's still the heart and soul of true American, egalitarian productive culture. Show some respect you gypsy
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Reminder anyone who complains about hillbillies or rednecks or white trash is a jew.
Better yet why don't we just let California and New York be their own countries without any support from the other states.
>Wisconsin and Michigan aren't hillbilly states.

they kind of are though
It obviously needs updating. This mixed quasi-democracy thing we have going is dumb and gay.
I just don’t trust anyone in power who would be doing the updating to make it any less dumb and gay.
This country is fucked beyond repair.
thinking that people from wisconsin and minnesota are hillbillies akin to the inbred hillbilly mob spawner that is applachia region is extremely retarded, the great lakes area was a driving industrial force in the 20th century, sure they somewhat fell off in recent times, but they are definitely not hillbillies
Prepare to be annexed.
There are more niggers in the southeast than anywhere in the US. I don’t understand how she can’t win there
That’s right, 3 states with direct access to the most abundant source of freshwater. As a Michigander we own these lakes and it’s our water and you aren’t getting shit. Your ego about your state is why. So when gobal warming starts causing dust bowls and droughts in your shitty little state I’ll be sipping on some freshwater bottled from nestle ;)
Shalom Rabbi!
Maybe a solution would be to cut up the state electoral votes further into sub regions like nebraska districts and give those subregions electoral votes more proportional to the population.
The three states she needs are probably her worst demographic categories.

The only one she might see a boost in is getting fat black women in Atlanta to turn out.
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Then call me Moshe cuz I hate white niggers and their entitlement complex
Without supporting the other states
Fixed it for ya. Reddest redneck states are all net gibs recipients from the coast wealthy states.

It's a free country. You can move. Also California fraudulently gets more EC votes due to illegal residents, who are counted in the census and used.
Trump is a bitch xD
Why do you have a problem with Americans voting ?
Bullshit, the first president was a black man. He's on the 2 dollar bill
Big states would have never ratified the constitution if there wasnt some proportional aspects to the system. Likewise, small states would have never ratified if there werent some other aspects where small states were treated with the same weight as big ones.

It was a major mistake letting people elect senators though. And it was a major mistake ruling that the county-unit system wasn't allowed. The county-unit system would solve all our problems in this country.
This is called the County Unit system and it was used in Georgia for many years until the homo states called them racist and got it outlawed.
I just have a problem with illegals, women, and niggers voting.
Jewish males with white toned skin*
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
"Industrial force" is a fool's errand and produces nothing but trash. They all become soulless rootless parking lots and shitholes over time. We have seen this over and over again and yet people keep aspiring to it.

The only good and genuine identity that the US ever had was wheb we were a rural backwater and frontier. It has all been fake plastic bullshit since then.
red states are all democrat
Would you rather have New York and California deciding every election? Fuck off.
>the nato air force faggot does not understand what a republic is
90% of the American economy doesn't actually produce anything.

Indeed. Dem policies are unilaterally unpopular, they only survive thanks to institutional control, which has diminishing returns as we're seeing now. The country is organically turning hard against them and no amount of nigger vote pumping will be able to defeat it.
Im dual citizen and dont even live in america, but i also get to vote for the next president. Which is trump.
A handful of elites rather than democrat voters are all that matters in deciding the democrat candidate for the whole party. Why is the democrat selection system so retarded?

Even worse than simple population dominance. They attain it illegally. NY/IL/CA pump in illegals, shelter them, count them in the census for more EC and congressional representation, and then dilute their own voting standards to use them to vote pack. So not only would they be dominating the national vote, they would be doing it with the bodies of foreigners they imported in for the express purpose. Utter cancer.
>That's not true, this is just the talking point of the demonrats. Of course they want to institute an unconstitutional and illogical national popular vote in a FEDERAL state because they believe they would win then. And yet, the States elect the president, while the people living in those states can inform their state gov't whom to pick via the electors. That's the only logical, reasonable and constitutional way.
It's also to note the history, that it was in the smaller states' interest to ratify the Constitution if they weren't overran by a large state, which, at that time was Virginia
Wisconsin and Michigan are filled with niggers.

Institutional power and control. This is what happens when you don't need to ask your electorate what they want, you tell them what they want. You get lazy, expectant, and just start hand picking warm bodies to serve as figureheads for your "inevitable" bureaucratic regime.
Pennsylvania is the only state that matters.
Maybe you should try to offer hicks and hillbillies something then.
Kek. They've offered us genocide.
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>It was a major mistake letting people elect senators though.
It wasn't a mistake because it was done on purpose. The average time served as a senator was less than one term before the 17th amendment was ratified
It's better than California and New York deciding every election
I'll give up the electoral college when the federal government goes back to section 1 article 8 powers only.
The American voting system is an antique and is about 100 years overdue for an overhaul. Britain's voting system is also broken as fuck where reform got 15% of the vote but only 4 seats, but no other democracy matches the sheer stupidity of first-past-the-plus plus the electoral college, where South Dakota has the same say in elections as California
Explain yours and make a comparison.
Here's 2020, 2024 map will be even more red.

Daily shipments of Haitian cannibals :-)
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Meanwhile if you proportionally represent where people actually live and not empty land...
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That's what the Electoral College system does you dumb son of a bitch.
If California or Texas switched sides those states wouldn't matter. It just so happens that there is an ideological tie in three states and the rest of the states lean heavily in one direction.
Because democracy is stupid and we outright reject your trashy values.
We should kick NY and California out of the country.
Bit early innit
>Why is the American election system so retarded?
compared to where?
Because the founders realized that democracy was a scam and 51% of people would always vote to fuck over the other 49% historically ending in division and collapse.
So they instead created states where people with different cultures and beliefs could live among and be governed by those similar to them rather than everyone in the country being governed by some communist California faggot who knows nothing about their home and hates them like today.
Problem is their system was subverted by political parties, expansion of federal power, internet, and the ability to easily move and travel to different states.
>just let a handful of major metropolitan areas filled with retards control everything
you are going to lose lul
>Why is the American election system so retarded?
It's a brilliant way to prevent tyranny of the majority. You are just too short sighted to see it.
>States voting against the wishes of jews means the system is retarded
seethe harder Moishe lmfao
>It was a major mistake letting people elect senators though.
This. Huge mistake.
I don't see how letting Michigan and Wisconsin deciding the election is any better.
Think about how impossible Trump would be in European systems. The UK/France are proving the concept, custom built to eliminate any attempt at right wing politics. The founders were utterly brilliant. Made the system so decentralized and at odds that it's extremely hard to totally rig or capture. Trump was a gift, the US may really remain the only great country on Earth.
>This mixed quasi-democracy thing
The word you're looking for is a "Constitutional Republic". Not a democracy. Never intended to be a democracy. Because the White Founding Fathers were smarter than you.
If you were a red voter living in a solid blue state like Virginia, wouldn't you still want your vote to have some sort of weight in the final outcome?
Because those 3 hick hillbilly states have zero desire to be arbitrarily ruled by coastal faggots and no reason to remain in the union without an increased say in how the Federal government is ran.
niggers hate kamala because she was a cop and sent a fuckload of nogs to jail for muh weed possession
Still looks slightly more red than blue, in the aggregate.
That's the funny thing about those states. What you said is true but they're also filled with backwater hicks. And it's segregated as all fuck. No wonder they're swing states.
If the electoral college didn't exist what's stopping me from implementing policies that only benefit the majority group?
Like if popular vote is a thing and I know city people are 65% of the vote, I can get elected by saying id tax people by the amount of land you own. Yah I would destroy rural life when a skyscraper is taxed less than a farm, but I got 65% of voters loving me, meaning I will get re-elected.
If it were purely a popularity contest/popular vote system then California and New York would decide our fate every time which would be even worse. At least this way there is somewhat of a fighting chance.
I’d rather see the NOVA beltway babies thrown into the ocean.
Just need to carpet bomb Milwaukee and Detroit.
>You can either have tyranny of the majority or tyranny of the minority.
Or you could, you know, not have tyranny at all and not obsess over what is happening in places you don't live.
The president was never supposed to be a king to begin with.
> so inbred hillbillies control the country instead
Yes hillbillies are definitely the ones in power that's why our country is woker, gayer, blacker, and more communist than ever.
Absolutely, I prefer the current system. I have very little in common culturally with California and I don't want them to rule over me in perpetuity. In turn I don't want to dictate my way of life to them. In this system we take turns. If the federal government had less power it wouldn't be as contentious an issue, but unfortunately here we are.
The aren't monolithic for one.
This would be a big step forward for civilization.
>its better when there are ten female candidates and one homosexual and even when you win all the other kiked parties form a coalition to keep you our of power
if you like being gay and jewish maybe
>Why is the American election system so retarded?
Because it keeps dumb niggers from having mob rule.
Because the "hillbillies" are the ones with all the guns and all the food and the government is terrified they will get politically violent.
they are absolutely monolithic and have voted 90+% for democrats for fifty years. people just forget that there are way more white southerners than "all those niggers," so whites usually win.
>We have seen this over and over again and yet people keep aspiring to it.
More like the government finds hard work icky and makes it illegal.

Appalachia is the way it is now because they killed the mines and that led to the death of what little steel industry we had (All that pyrite sold as junk really kept shit cheap)
Which is ironic because those people put up with a lot of shit before they do anything and they generally aren't interested in other peoples business so leaving them alone would only ensure that they continue to not do anything.
They are not all that matter, they are just the ones that are still obtainable for both sides.
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>The president was never supposed to be a king to begin with.
It was also why the president wasn't originally voted for by the people. Whoever the president was was supposed to be fairly superfluous to the average person's daily life
PA is not Hillbilly. PA are niggers, jews and shitalians
>small states were treated with the same weight
That would be fine if they pulled their weight. It gets real old listening to the bulk of the midwest, who are under educated in general, pop off about big city this and welfare that etc.
While sucking on the federal money tit supported by the very states they bitch about, mostly CA of course. It's just welfare trash to their core with next to nothing to offer the USA in general as anyone with even 1/2 a brain books out to the coasts and soon as they can.
based. what's more is the smaller population states should only get Senators according to population
The land does more and is more valuable than the people.
There's definitely a lot of those.
It's article 1 section 8 dumbass
Wisconsin has mostly bachelor’s degrees and higher and milk farmers, Michigan has a lot of high technology mechanics, University of Michigan which is a top 50 worldwide university and Pennsylvania has Philadelphia and Wharton.

Just showing there is another side to what you see in your country. A lot of people use “shithole” very loosely.
The Midwest didn't vote for the gibs they just receive them. If you don't like it, vote for the gibs to go away, obviously the people who you care about don't need them.
Don't like it? Go back to mexico.
trips of truth
Modern people are basically midwits. What I mean is that they have this tendency to indulge in sort of dorm-room tier philosophical coffee table conversation, read political theory and manifestos etc. but they can't understand the more fundamental concepts of modern government.

The "constitutional" aspect of this form of government is really the most important part. It functions like a contract, it clearly delineates the rights and obligations of the parties involved- in this case, the states. It establishes the authorities and parameters of the legal and governmental organs themselves and these terms are agreed to willingly and they are thus legitimate.

Now what power does a piece of paper have? No more than any contract. However theoretically it acts as a line in the sand. The clearly delineated terms of the contract gives the people and states a clearly marked line through which they may know when government has ceased to be legitimate.

In other forms of government based on common law or these more nebulous philosophical values, there is no such line. The legitimacy of government is always a grey area- arguments about expediency, morality, philosophy, utilitity or necessity can be made to justify almost any government action.

These conversations about utility, philosophy, political theory, etc. are really only relevant in a constitutional system when the document is being drafted and ratified, or when being amended. U less you are discussing one of those things, these political theory based arguments are irrelevant. Once the document is duly ratified and in full force and effect, these types of discussion are mere coffee table conversion and the only relevant discussion is whether the terms of the contract are or are not being observed. Wheb the document was ratified many discussion were had about philosophy, morality, utility etc. and this is what they came up with in their wisdom.
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thats the price for importing 200 million third worlders
at least we got cheap labor for a fleeting moment
Your musings on what is right or wrong or expedient would have been relevant if you were sitting around the table in 1787 or if you were present at the states ratification conventions.

Perhaps they would even be relevant if you were part of a campaign to pass an amendment. But as for the time being they are entirely irrelevant and the only question is "what does the ratified contract actually say"? Let me know when your campaign for an amendment or new convention gathers steam. I for one am fortunate that the current contract was drafted by classically educated white men. I shudder to imagine what kind if retarded monstrosity would be crafted by you or a bunch of women in government today.
>I shudder to imagine what kind if retarded monstrosity would be crafted by you or a bunch of women in government today.
Probably Zimbabwe when they confiscated the farmland from the white farmers and chased them away. Then the starvation began.
California and New York combined make up 18% of the population you retard.
He already predicted Biden would win.
Living in the cabinet is a bitch.
No one listens to us.
You sound mad.
It's because whites in the South overwhelmingly vote republican which cancels out the nigger vote.
fucking kek
>why isnt this the united states of lis angeles
kill yourself
Over time Chicago will kill itself and the surrounding suburbs and Illinois will probably become a toss up again. Georgia will always be a toss up though. Y'all let too many niggers in.
Georgia has always had a ton of black people same as Mississippi. The problem in georgia is the increase in Mexicans thanks to shameless blue states cockblocking any attempts to enforce our immigration laws federally.

Also more seriously, Atlanta has grown into a larger and larger Metropolitan hub. This is not due to an influx if blacks it is due to an influx of urbanites taking marketing jobs etc. These people are rootless and travel from city to city taking pointless jobs. A few years in Atlanta, a few years in Seattle, a few years in Chicago, a few years in Dallas etc.
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California would have more power if they counted illegals as 3/5 of a person. Like the founding fathers intended. The ban on importing slaves happened 30 years later. So now hick states with a culture of not undermining workers with slave labor have disproportional power in ways that weren't meant to be. It caused a civil war 60 years later as the south lost electoral power. And it is causing problems today for libtard sanctuary states. So fuck them.
he's gonna lose 6/7
The advantage of Georgia in this election is that they at least nominally have a red state house and red secretary of state who, while notoriously chicken-shit, have at least made a show of cracking down on voting shenanigans by Fulton and Dekalb county. None of the other "swing" states have thus advantage and essentially have prisons running the prison in the case of their elections.
And now 300 years later even the slaves get to vote
I don't want SF, LA, NYC, Chicago, and Philly to decide the fate of my nation
That land does vote.
In fact only White land owning men should be allowed to vote.
ITT, people who have not done any reading or studying try to deboonk representatives in favor of popular democracy
>makes you think
The south had no intention of importing people or change demographics to sway elections. See their Constituion

>1861 Constitution of the Confederate States of America, Art. 1 Sec. 9. (I) The importation of negroes of the African race from any foreign country other than the slaveholding States or Territories of the United States of America, is hereby forbidden; and Congress is required to pass such laws as shall effectually prevent the same.

Republicans like Lincoln openly endorsed "unlimited immigration" intentionally to ingratiate themselves with mostly illiterate irish immigrants, flood territories with them, and boost their popukation numbers to help their counts electorally. The NE states have been doing this for many generations in fact. When the irish well dried up they moved to Italians and Polish, wheb that dried up they focused on south and central america. Blue states are just playing the long game, these illegals have children. Demographic change for electoral utility is the most insidious act ever taken by a political party or region of this country and it is perhaps the most disgraceful mark upon the NE in their long history of disgraceful politics.
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Because it was conceived by some smart fellows
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It also doesn't help that the state government wants it to be the Hollywood of the east coast and is inviting all of the Hollywood system studios in with all the rot they bring.
Minnesota are the Scandinavian-rooted Somali-lovers, right?
Colorado has lots of students so its understandable.
Illinois is Chicago so full of joggers.

But why the fuck is New Mexico voting democrat?
Sure, but I agree with anon that the 3/5 Compromise should be discussed openly as a solution for feudal sanctuary cities and states. Immigrants come here to live as wage slaves, and they are allowed in because they serve as votecattle.
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Extreme beaner infestation
That's true. For many years I have pointed out the silliness of republican goverbors in Georgia touting growth in Atlanta as an achievement. Theoretically a good republican governor in georgia could kneecap or hollow-out Atlanta business using a number of methods. The transient city dwellers taking marketing jobs would relocate just as quickly as they located in Atlanta and you could conceivably do alot to guarantee electoral victory by simply using the statehouse to strip economic incentive from Atlanta or agitate companies into leaving and boycotting with social policies.
They imported so many slaves that at one point Mississippi was 50% black in the 1850's. Total free blacks and slaves. They had to attract white immigrants both shortly before and after the Civil War to get that percentage down to where it is today. If they didn't stop in 1808 there would be several states with black majorities instead of black majority cities and towns. Several places would have also had Haiti level slave rebellions before the feds would inevitably have to put them down. Then slavery would have been banned because too many rich and influential slave owners would be dead to stop it.
Because burgers are too retarded (and free) to accept a national identity card, so they can have normal elections like most parts of the world.
Democrats are homosexuals and don't reproduce. They literally have no future.
I just think the discussions about what is to be done with them once here are secondary to the current policy of allowing regions like the NE to effect demographic change for sleazy electoral pragmatism.

It's sort of like stopping the leak before bailing out the vessel.
They really aren’t. Great lakes states aren’t hillbilly states thats retarded. There are hicks in literally every single state across the country wisconsin and michigan are no better or worse. Midwit memeflag fucking faggot
Electoral votes are determined by the census, which counts illegals as full people. California doesn't (officially) let illegals vote, but if it did the outcome would be the same because of the electoral college.
I loled so hard at this holy shit
All three of those states are better than your sad excuse for a country
If the South was intent on effecting demographic change to sway elections they would have never agreed to ban importation a mere 18 years after the constitution was signed. They always wanted electoral credit for the ones they had- which is shameless, but they never intentionally flooded the land with imported demographics like the North did- they shameless used Irish immigrants to sway elections, boist their populations, and even (most shamefully) wage a war. I'm not exaggerating when I say Lincoln favored a policy of "unlimited immigration" as a model for society. Read his speeches on the topic, after seeing what has happened now they will turn your stomach.

Already, the NE and West coast states have been primarily responsible for the importation of more Central and South Americans than the south ever was responsible for black slaves.

Importing immigrants for labor and keeping them in chains is indeed a poor policy- However importing them for political purposes and demographic change-thereby transforming the very blood and soul of the country- may seem less objectionable when it is Irish, but how quickly did it go from Irish to Sicilian, to Polish, to Jewish, to Mexican, to Somolian?? Once this bad practice of wielding demographic change as a political tool became viable (thanks to the NE and Lincoln) we opened Pandora box. It was a Taig then and it is a Ramirez now. What's next?
idk whats romania's system? Igor Mioscu former communist promises gibs to you gypsies and his opponent slavko iascu former communist promises even more gibs and then you rush to the polls, smelling like garlic and blood, to vote?
Imaginary numbers on the sttock market don't feed cities.
Euros and Americans both would do much better to think of the US government elections as being more akin to EU elections (which I will be the first to admit I am most ignorant of how they function even though based on when the governing documents were drafted I would wager they are awful).
Yeah I'm not endorsing the 3/5 compromise as a serious solution, but rather a method of making more and more libshit stop and think about what they are doing. Since they prattle on about how right wing bigots dehumanize people, it's only fair to point out to them the sheer size of their own dehumanization industry. Think "Modest Proposal"
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So that the 12 largest nigger-infested cities don't get to pick the President every time, Marius. Crawl back into your cave.
The Midwest is extremely middle class but affluent
>deciding the faith
you mean fate
not a real country
>these mistakes
fuck off kike shill.
Spend some time in Westmoreland and Fayette County. You'll meet Italian hillbillies there. It's funny as fuck.
Stop falling for the conservative Hispanic meme, democrats are still gonna win 60% of them and there’s also a lot of them in Colorado
>California would have more power if they counted illegals as 3/5 of a person
But they currently count them as a whole person.
Sounds a lot better than having it be decided by 3 states full of faggots and brown people.
Then why aren't rural areas able to fund anything and rely on tax handouts from cities? This has been true since the beginning of history. The rural hinterland is always dependent on it's city, not the other way around.
>If I fill out this map in a certain way the last states I fill in decide the election.
Wow. What an observation.
I'm sure France would prefer ours right about now LoL
Why not make it popular vote?
Why not make it only land/house/capital owners?
Because fuck you thats why
If it wasn't for the electoral college, 4 spic shitholes would decide every election (California, Texas, Florida and New York)
Imagine how easy it would be to hijack literally every election. Fucking lord
National popular vote would make sense if we had a national government but we are supposed to be a federation.

Now that you say it though we have been operating as an illegitimate national government for decades now, so maybe you have a point kek.
Nuke every blue states. Problem solved.
Only black lives matter
The rural places are the only places left with any actual identity. I mean the urban places are just plastic, rootless, concrete hellscapes really. God forsaken hives.
Canada has that problem. Toronto and Montreal just decide every national election and the rest of the country is irrelevant even thought a huge part of the country's GDP comes from the prairie provinces.
Why can't I see the voting ballots after the election occurs? Do we even have a democracy? I don't think so.
Who would want to mug or steal from poor people lol
it's funny, you're so close to getting it.
landowners from new hampshire told the much more numerous and wealthy landowners from virginia, we can't agree to this union if it's just an excuse for virginians to rule us. how about you do what you want in your state. we won't gang up to loot your wealth and you won't do things at a national level that you can easily afford to do at a state level.
it's that simple.
if you want to change the bargain you need to convince 2/3 of the states or go to war. but why would you want to change the bargain? you have billions of dollars and a tenth amendment that says you have privileges even some european countries lack - use them. you have power over life and death with abortions and executions devolved to the state. you have everything but the house of the representatives and sometimes the presidency. everything is working as intended.
>meme flag
>they kind of are though
lmao fuck off rabbi you obviously don't know shit, go shoot some Palestinian kids
>It obviously needs updating. This mixed quasi-democracy thing we have going is dumb and gay.
That's why they kept it quasi. A big point of the system was to prevent too much power from ever being consolidated in one facet of the process.
>Pure popular vote?
Cities and urban centers will have too much power.
>Leave it purely up to representatives to decide?
A handful of individuals will have too much power over the citizens
The system is dumb and gay, but that's to keep it from being either super retarded or tranny levels of faggy instead.
>And it's exactly those most powerful states that have no say in the election and haven't (except for Florida) in decades.
California 54 electoral votes what are you talking about they have no say?
California and New York are only 47 million people which is only 14% of the population. I.e. nowhere near enough to decide the election and that’s assuming everyone in the state votes the same way. California has a large Republican population and is the state that gave Trump the most votes In 2016 and 2020
CA was on the verge of passing universal healthcare before Obamacare passed.
CA can do whatever it wants in CA. you are disenfranchised as to the senate and presidency BY DESIGN. if you want that to change you have to convince 2/3 of the states, the impossibility of that is again BY DESIGN.
deal with it. cope. move on. concentrate on making your state great without dragging the rest of us into your schemes. why is that so hard?
Weird that slave owners can create a system than non slave owners.
That's not fraudulent. The constitution literally says COUNT THE PEOPLE, not citizens.
That's what the entire 3/5 compromise was about. South actually got Jewed out of 2/5 of a vote on that because slave or not, unless you want to argue they aren't even people, they should have been a full person in the census.
There are fifty states in that image.
>It was a major mistake letting people elect senators though
That's not how it was at first though. And it wasn't a mistake when they made it that way. It was a step toward MUH DEMOCRACY and the ruination of a system that was designed very well.
Used to be the state legistlatures elected the Senators. Not a direct state wide vote.
not legally. People are pissed about Hobbes, the border and the 2020 election.
Possibly but Trump has a strong hand with his proposal to not tax tips. That means all the waitstaff, bartenders, hotel workers and dealers get a 30% raise overnight or are now tax legal, whichever is greater.
PA is considered hillbilly? Hey man, fuck you.
I pride myself on living in one of the parts that isn't nigger infested (just barely since it's outside of Philly).
It was so close of a shave in regards to my birth RNG that the main cause of life garbage around the local mall is from inner-city blacks that bus-in to the place.
That map is people voting with their feet. New York and ilk are such shitty places to live that, despite the constant influx, they are losing population.
yes, senators were the states' representatives in federal government, now they have no say
I resent that, im only half italian American cause my dad is a fullblooded one from New York, and also because theres nothing wrong with italians
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Correct. The House represented the People, and the Senate represented the State Governments. I don't remember the exact circumstances, but there was some sort of corruption going on that caused the direct election Amendment to gain popularity and be ratified. Unfortunately, this badly unbalanced the system, leading the way to the current all-powerful government, because it left the individual States with no voice in the Federal Government. It veered us way too close to pic related.
Did you miss the entire era of steel that the US pioneered with the some of the finest goods and cutting edge vehicles, devices and tools? Much of that material is still around.
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We had quite a few wars about this.
That’s not the point. The point is California could never decide an election on its own even if everyone in the state voted exactly the same way.
Trump is gonna win PA for sure. Other two I'm not sure.
The federal money that red states get is what keeps your food prices low. Sugar production, for instance, is subsidized more than what the entire industry is worth. That means sugar would easily cost twice as much. Corn is subsidized the highest dollar amount, but only about 4% of the industry's value. I'm perfectly fine with you not paying subsidies, but you have to realize that you will end up paying the equivalent amount either way.
They voted for Biden doe
you seem to have a child's understanding of these things.
Lol city dwellers are living in the past this isn't 1950 bozo. Cities produce nothing right now but funny money and HR departments. Get a grip kek. Even back then the city was the birth place of all societal ills. What we see now from the irredeemable trash heaps is just the natural and invariable outcome of what happens once they have had a chance to fester.

Since the dawn of man the most meaningful binary distinction is city dwellers and rural people. It encapsulates the differences in society better than any political party ever has.
>North East
obviously it's not "california alone" but a coalition of a few large states that the founders were worried about. in that context everything I said still applies. why can't you answer the question?
here it is again for you to consider and maybe even answer this time:
CA can do whatever it wants in CA. you are disenfranchised as to the senate and presidency BY DESIGN. if you want that to change you have to convince 2/3 of the states, the impossibility of that is again BY DESIGN.
deal with it. cope. move on. concentrate on making your state great without dragging the rest of us into your schemes. why is that so hard?
>2 states filled with niggers and spics on gibs determine the fate of the entire country
why is this system so retarded? go steal a wallet gypsy
Idiot. The states have entire governments with congress, executives and court systems. These apparatuses are essential to running the greater country. Not only that, but they have a vested interest in the laws passed by the federal government, and as such, get representation through both the senate and the electoral college.
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>a solution would be to cut up the state electoral votes further
We don't even have an electoral college anymore, that was destroyed in 2020.
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Excuse me are you threatening our democracy?
One vote one person. California is not a monolith and as I said have the most votes to Trump. There’s a sizable Republican population in CA and a sizeable Democrat population in Texas. Other countries use a popular vote system and they’re fine. Don’t worry we won’t need to convince 2/3rds of other states because we will have the national popular vote interstate compact which will make the electoral college irrelevant
It was all much more consequential before the illegal and unconstitutional incorporation doctrine was applied.
Honestly despite 180 years of consecutive power stripping, states are still left with not just considerable power, but also much of the federal responsibility. They aren’t merely archaic formalities
>One vote one person
here, I will teach you a third time:
CA can do whatever it wants in CA. you are disenfranchised as to the senate and presidency BY DESIGN. if you want that to change you have to convince 2/3 of the states, the impossibility of that is again BY DESIGN.
deal with it. cope. move on. concentrate on making your state great without dragging the rest of us into your schemes. why is that so hard?
>Don’t worry we won’t need to convince 2/3rds of other states because we will have the national popular vote interstate compact which will make the electoral college irrelevant
the NPVIC robs your citizens of a republican form of government as required by Article IV, Section 4 of the constitution so it is bound to be overturned. also it's irrelevant to this discussion, why can't you answer the simple question of your obsession with imposing your will on everyone instead of just yourselves?
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>states have entire governments with congress, executives and court systems
>i heard you like federalism, so here's some federal government tyranny for your state government
How could this possibly bother you?
But it was corrupt. They forgot to put term limits when they changed the rules.
Probably 70% of American land is completely undeveloped.
its really not that big of a difference. youre seething about average states.
something different in those states is whites have not been replaced in the trades and pay far better than the slaves you import to hang your drywall or install your pipes.
Be proud of your modern slave economies on the coast where you import slaves to do the work while you faggots move numbers on a screen.
What the fuck are you talking about? Do you see all the red and blue states? Those people being staunch left or right doesn't mean the "3 hick hillbilly" states (which those aren't anyways) decide the election. It means if you refuse to change your vote based upon policy the policy makers don't have to give a shit about you.
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This is more accurate than that meme map you posted
Sorry thats not giving equal weight
Two of those states are top 10 US states by population. Also Michigan doesn't have a single hill.
>the president should be chosen by a few cities in NY and Califronia
as someone from NYC, go fuck yourself, i do not want the future of this country decided by a bunch of fucking shitlib transplants, foreigners and fraudulent DNC mail in votes under niggers names
Good thing we're a union of 50 states then and you aren't casting your vote in a federal election, but rather your state's election to determine who gets it's allocated EC points. you guys will get it eventually
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>Other countries use a popular vote system and they’re fine
collapsing birthrates, flooded with migrants, massive debt, home ownership collapsing. wdym by this?
After 1861 any latitude they currently have exists at the whim and fancy of the common government. Now that doesn't mean that the common government wants to pick a fight or go the mat at any given time, it's a pragmatic concern for them... but if rubber ever truly hit the road they could do as they pleased.

Put it this way, the common government has 50 different ways (both direct and round-about) to paint states into a corner on any given topic. If that was done what would the final and only ultimate recourse of the states be?
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>Also Michigan doesn't have a single hill.
>39 ski resorts
what did he mean by this?
You say this as if white Wisconsin isn't the one who should be deciding it. If I could pick one state to have political hegemony over the rest, it would be Wisconsin.
We don't have a federal government at the moment we have a de facto national government.

The term "fed" or "federal" being used as a slur against the centralized government in the US is really a misnomer or a relic. I usually don't point this out because it is sort of semantic nitpickicking and the use of these terms is so widespread... but we should be so fortunate to have an actual federal government. Unfortunately we have a national government though. Most people don't even understand the difference though.
They're fake. They literally bulldoze giant mounds over old garbage dumps and turn them into ski resorts (which are tiny by the way.) I'm not joking. Michigan is flat as a pancake. Kind of happens when you have country sized glaciers sitting on top of the land for thousands of years.
Northeast is the bastion of American civilization...
In those blue states, only the cities are blue, and everyone else in the state just has no voice at all.
The other 47 states and DC made themselves into brainless partisan ball lickers. The three swing states are willing to consider multiple candidates instead of just whoever is the nominee of the party they've declared loyalty to. For some reason you think that makes the 47 states and DC smart and the three states dumb.
Are you telling me that different writers can have different opinions? Holy shit!!!!!
>people in the 1700’s invented the system we have now
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>5th time.
is this gypsy retarded?
swing states keep changing retard. Used to be ohio, Florida, Virginia, Colorado, hell even iowa
Nationalized government to be even more semantic, in other words prenatal communism. Still, it started with federalism and we were duly warned against it by our founders.
I swear faggots like you are Kikes trying to claim everything.
The city makes money by moving around numbers on a computer. The rural areas produce the food, water, and energy that everything relies on. You can make as much money as you want playing with the stock market and whatnot, but it doesn't mean shit if you don't have food to eat.

Now tell me, which one actually produces more value?
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you are a dumb nigger

micks and sicilians have been a disaster for society. cathcucks in general.
Electoral maps really were wacky in the past
moving numbers, dispensing aids meds to fags, buying name brand 10000% markup chink clothing, and giving lots of money to niggers and illegals is what really creates a strong country.
>midwest built everything
>cali before illegals
>florida was still a swamp
take me back
A federation/confederation is in a technical sense a nearly meaningless distinction. Now the terminology has taken on a distinct connotation in US politics the way the history of the terms developed and they do suggest somewhat different albeit similar forms of government in the US context.

Having said that I could argue that a federation is in fact a legitimate ratified form of government in this country for better or worse. A national government simply isn't legitimate as a form of government which is why we see this lingering facade or symbolic charade of federalism. They have a defacto national government that maintains a great deal of soft power and legitimacy by larping as a federation.
>why isn't the leader of the most powerful nation in the history of earth a simple popularity contest?
Go out in sunlight, vampire.
Here's probably the most interesting election in modern history.
Watching a Hungarian explain to a gypsy how the US is supposed to work is a surreal experience, especially when the Hungarian understands it better than 90% of my fellow Americans.
Early post-WWII had the wildest electoral maps imo where states would flip back and forth each cycle. There were some wacky elections before then but the south consistently voted democrat which made things a bit more predictable.
America was never called a federation or a democracy for a reason.
I don’t agree, especially in the aggregate, and to use your terminology, a rubber-hits -the-road situation might see states forming new unions. That is what happened in 1861 after all
>both jews
Hahahaha lol
Thank you for highlighting that, idiot
The form of government ratified in the late 1780s was a series of states who contracted together to form compact that 1. delineated certain aspects of their relationship together and 2. formed well-defined and limited "common government" organs whose authorities were generally related to select "interstate" matters.

This is by any sensible definition a federation or a confederation (those terms are for all intents and purposes the same thing).
>the same thing
i don't think you know what that word means, bud.
it has a rather specific meaning
Poll Tax NOW!
And the common government together with a series of states decided that states could NOT be allowed to do so peacably.

A union ceases to be a union if it's constituent parts are held together not by willingness but by force. If a state may not unilaterally leave some compact, federation, or treaty organization then a state becomes a glorified province or national county. Being able to leave such an organization is the barest essence of sovereignty. Perhaps states have some potential sovereignty if they could win such a war, but legally and as things currently stand they are not sovereign in any sense of the word.
based, my ancestors were slave owning elites in the 1700s
>Then why aren't rural areas able to fund anything and rely on tax handouts from cities
A lot of this claim is based on a misunderstanding of how populations move.

People born in the rural areas often spend K-12 there which takes significant tax revenue, then after college they move into a city because that's where jobs are.

Then at 65+ they retire back to the rural areas, and collect social security.

So, the same people taking "handouts" in rural areas are actually the ones paying for those handouts in urban areas. There is no group of eternal mooches living in rural areas that just never pay taxes.
They are essentially the same thing. Alexander Stephens (a veritable constitutional expert if thefe ever was one and certainly much more learned on the topic than any of us) goes into a long discussion of this in his seminal volumes of "A Constitutional View of the War Between the States." He draws the same conclusion. Btw those books should be required reading for anyone interested in the subject whether they agree with all his conclusions or not.

It is true that these terms have taken on certain connotations in the american context and in that sense yes there is a difference in the way we conceptualize a confederation and federation, but when you really get down to defining them technically there is very very little difference between the two concepts.
redneck states have the most blacks though due to slavery, look at Mississippi its only the niggers there on welfare
sage, kikes seethe and astroturf
>3 hick hillbilly states
Bunch of yankee yoopers and cheese heads plus niggers is "hillbillies"?
You're about a thousand miles off bud
Plus niggers are just niggers - they are not and never will be hillbillies
flyoverLORDS have official buckbroke coastsissies
The rules the faggots want on the coasts don't work in rural areas.
Those aren't even rural states. Two of those are among the 10 most populous states in the US. Pennsylvania has more people than his entire country.
They don't have the capacity to think this logically.
>Really only those 4 states should be allowed to vote.

This is exactly what the electoral college was designed to prevent. There are many clever examples in the 'Murican system of the Founding Fathers' efforts to spread power out in every way possible. It is entirely possible that some day 51% of the population could be concentrated in New York and California. Then the rest of the country would effectively have no role in choosing the President. This would be unfair, which you may not understand because you are a Godless heathen foreign devil.

Actually who am I kidding. Israel chooses the president and installs him, and then Mossad plants a chip in his brain. The US President is basically a drone controlled by a guy at a computer in Jerusalem.
Checked and nothing of value would be lost except some cool churches.
It simply never occurred to them that one day women and niggers would be able to vote
The states aren't particularly delegating any of their sovereign authority, to a centralized overarching organization with a federation though. Federalism and "federation/confederation" aren't the same but you seem to be using all three interchangeably, they only appear that way because how our country has evolved over time.

I like the saying, "As you fly over flyover country, be sure to look down and wave at the Wright brothers' house."
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>national popular vote interstate compact

Nope. When you finally do force that through, SCOTUS will quite rightly rule it unconstitutional, because it merely exists as an attempt to nullify a part of the Constitution without going through the proper amendment process. Go get fucked, commie scum.
These are the same retards who think they can out term limits on the Supreme Court via an executive order or an act of Congress. They genuinely have no idea how the Constitution works, nor have they read what it says.
Turn Texas blue and you'll see why this is false.
States did actually delegate certain authorities to the common government in 1787. Very limited and well delineated authorities. Things such as international treaties, the handling of trade routes and interstate waters, borders with other nations, the formation and operation of a standing navy etc.

Also I would note, that the Confederate Constitution of 1861 was for all intents and purposes the same document as the Constitution of 1787 with some tweaks here and there.

Different term limits, one-subject rule for congressional bills, more strict process for (con)federal appropriations, a bit more unrestricted on the way militias were handled by the common government. There were some tweaks (all of which were good by the way) but it's hard to look at it and say it was very much different at all from the 1787 government in general form.
I wonder how much longer we have left until Texas is a swing state. My original prediction had it by 2024 but that seems pretty wrong. I suspect Republican margins will increase over 2020. Maybe by the 2030s sometime.
a wR killjgn democrats would swing the election
>Because it was invented in the 1700s by a small group of wealthy slave owning white males.
This is a feature, not a bug.
I will make an edit: you can argue the states did not cede the power to raise a navy.

However they definitely ceded those things listed in Art. 1 Sect. 10 of the Constitution. Imposts and Duties, Treaties and Alliances, Bills of Credit etc.
My biggest problem with the SCOTUS is that they granted themselves and unconstitutional Judicial Veto. This was discussed numerous times at ratification and it was denied that they would ever have this power. The claiming of a judicial veto was honestly the first *material* violation of the Constitution.
Except people aren't cockroaches, you retarded ape.
>Very limited and well delineated authorities
Right but point was that it was limited and not encouraged to delegate authority away from the states. Federal government was never supposed to do more than be a mediator for foreign policy, it was supposed to be the face of the states as their representation, not some authority over all states.
It isn't. It is working as intended, for the most part.
The people do not elect the president, the states do.
The people are not represented by the president, the states are.
The people are represented by the House of Representatives.
The Senate originally represented only the states without any popular vote, but eventually it was made to represent the people also.

We are a union of states, and those individual states get a say in government just like the people do.
t. Turkroach
I mean as a general matter yes that is true, but the states did agree to form a common government that would handle some very restricted matters of an interstate nature AND they did cede some authorities to it.

I would argue this is a federation or confederation and honestly by that point you'd be sort of splitting hairs between the two IF there is any practical difference to start with.
Ohio River Valley Chads keep winning.
Contrary to popular belief, cuck parliamentary systems are literally designed to suppress populist victories. The electoral college allows the will of the people to actually be considered proportionately. American parties cannot gift their votes to another party like the retards in Europe. If you vote third party, they can't turn around and hand those votes to the dominant party. You retards effectively have two party elections without even realizing it. God, how embarrassing it is to be a modern European.
Sorry chud.
If you don't live near diversity you are a hillbilly.
works for me. Now abolish income and property taxes.
I live in Oakland County, MI, and it's 1000000% segregated. It's more conservative here than it was in FL.
Why are Midwestern states like OH, IN and MO based while MI, WI and MN are cucky?
California was red in 2016 but fraud made it blue. It was known after the election but no one pays attention to it because it would overthrow the electoral scheme and the country would know just how unpopular the political game is.
fucking kys
>European elections

Larger countries have more "representatives".
But larger countries have less representatives per capita.
A mid sized country like Portugal has only 21.
In fucking 750 or whatever it is.
I think Germany has 80 or something and is the one with more representatives.

So, nobody on the national level takes the European elections seriously.
Then the various elected guys will segregate themselves according to politcal orientation and calculation and will form coalitions with other country's parties.
And when a party is big enough it generally breakes the coalition he's in so he can dominatie a new coalition, even if it has less power.

And then they vote for the President of the Comission and pretend to have any say on anything or everything for the remaining of their stay in Brussels.

And outside Nigel Farrage nobody in our countries have ever heard about one representative did since he
>was sent to Brussels

Here we now call the position as
From Euro
And Tacho -> Pannel, like where you make soup.
The idea is that those guys are grabbing the tacho and eating the gibs for themselves.
>bay area includes Paso Fucking Robles
Santa Cruz at the farthest. Everything else on the coast needs to be in its own region
ironic, considering that we get the tyranny of the minority (jews). turns out democrashit is fake and just a way for the richest to own the state by funding all the politicians and owning all the media.
Where is that from?
How so?
Explain yourself!

What constitutes such "civilisation"?
It's based. Total Citynigger Death.
The system will change once Texas turns blue. It will. It might not be now, it might not be 2028 but it will.
Republicans will never win another presidency. Once Texas turns blue it won't ever turn red again. Elections won't matter and something will be done to make it matter, cause jewmedia needs something to stir the pot.
The four largest states are 1/3 of the population America a Republic a union of states there would be very little incentive to stay in the union if smaller states didn't matter
It's niggers.

MI is based outside the cities, literal rebel flags and Trump flags as far as the eye can see and our Governor literally cannot leave the cities without getting death threats. But the cities (Detoilet, Lansing, Ann Arbor, GR, Kzoo, and a handful of other smaller ones) have an overwhelming population of niggers and retarded college kids and between the two they absolutely ruin the fucking state. Meanwhile, OH, IN, and MO, even their biggest cities arent really that nigger infested. I blame the auto industry for pulling in millions of undesirables in the 40s and 50s and they never left.

t. Michigander
>little incentive to stay in the union
Um you mean like the governments giant standing army kek?

"Unions" don't keep themselves held together with bayonets and grape shot.
>Um you mean like the governments giant standing army kek?
That was never supposed to exist and you using it as a threat is proof that the national government has grown far far beyond its original mandates and is now acting as tyrannical overlords rather than an actual cooperative union
>makes you think about how forced integration with africans, the 1965 immigration act, America's involvment in WWII, and wars for israel would never pass a national referendum
I agree 100% I'm just saying that since 1861 there is definitely an "incentive" to stay kek.

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