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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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> Start off as based right wingers
> Turn into homosexual democrats

Why does this keep happening?
I don't know about Nicky but Ricky's mentor at uni was a literal fat ugly kike neolib, can't get more blatantly psyop'd than that
Nick is just a wannabe Richard Spencer, or they’re being pad by the same people. Both are faggots either way.
Hey, where'd OP go?
Right here nigger
Probably because the republican party fucking sucks and only cares about zionist cock
Say something, buddy. We're all waiting
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It's almost like their rise and fall is completely planned and not organic in the slightest, like they're controlled opposition and wouldn't be allowed to be elevated to relevance in the first place if they weren't or something.
Which actually explains the complete distrust /pol/ has had for these fuckwits since day one, despite the free shilling this e-celeb cancer gets to do here, and why low-IQ, low-information shitlibs keep falling for identical tricks but never realize how fucking duped into believing different flavored bullshit they are.
Odd, huh?
>implying the dems aren't just as compromised
Oh sweet summer child.
Why? I already said my peace in the OP I’m waiting for a anons opinion
You said nothing tho. What do you think about Spenny's mentor being a disgusting ugly fat kike? Go on, bud
Sounds homosexual and very Jewish
>Nick is just a wannabe Richard Spencer
Nick is 300 times more relavant than Richard Spencer
Come on, bud. You can do better than that.
>data farm mentality.

If you don't get paid (I hope you do) you work for free. Do you even look at the data?

I'm imagining right now some incompetent retard is asking "why don't talking heads lead more people" and you are trying to help them out.

Imagine instead that talking heads are entertainment first, and will never be leaders.

>but what about trump and regan?
Did I stutter or something?
Spencer is an obvious fed whereas Nick is 100% /ourguy/ even if he is a MTF transsexual.
They all turned on Trump once it was revealed he's a pedophile.
300x zero is still zero
> Nick is 100% /ourguy/ even if he is a MTF transsexual.
Yep, which is why he advocates against white ethno-nationalism, associates with browns, muslims, paedos and troons, joins troon groupchats, encourages votes for jews and constantly attacks actual /ourguys/. Retard. He’s also a fed.
Those who are power hungry tend toward leftism.
because being a rightwing chud is mostly about feeling angry and shitty. once you are famous and get attention you can start thinking about nice stuff like healthcare, taxing richfags, walkable cities, etc.
Both of them act and sound like flamming homos.

It's the funniest shit ever. Right wing men are such faggots and right wing women are more of racemixers than leftwing women ever were.
>literal fat ugly kike neolib,
What was this dude's name? I am drawing a blank and it's annoying me. Paul something?
>> Start off as based right wingers
>> Turn into homosexual democrats
They were always homosexual democrats, we told you that from the start. You didn't listen, and fell for it anyway.
they were always controlled opposition.
Fed faggot #2
Fed faggot #3
Fed faggot #1 is Milo.
Well when you spend years believing you can mold the GOP into a White nationalist party and get some semblance of hope when Trump starts dogwhistling to you, then watch them do a 180 on all that I can imagine you'd get some Republican Derangement Syndrome. I did, except I just stopped voting instead of becoming a Demoshit.
If you're a Nietzschean Nazi you might find yourself ostensibly "right wing" at first. But if you're philosophically consistent, you end up joining the real Nietzschean Nazis (the Democrats).
republican party is the faggot party, democrats are unironically more straight
>democrats are unironically more straight
One look at these dyel faggots is all it takes
>I will repeat what you said without any argument
Reality is the best argument, words aren't required.
>constantly attacks actual /ourguys/

This, I watched Nick for a few months this year and this is what made me stop. Also, the Jan 6 incident where he’s literally getting people to rush the White House, but doesn’t go to jail like the rest.

Richard at his peak in 2016/17 was more relevant than Nick has ever been.
Why is idubbbz there?
>Ow, next time I’ll vote republican!
>Ow, next time I’ll vote democrat!
>Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right.
But Never forwards!
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Didn't read. Trump is a faggot
Spencer has at least touched a woman
homosexuality is the only constant
>but doesn’t go to jail like the rest
who else, who didn't go into the capitol, got arrested/jailed?
Most (if not all) right-wingers are closeted homosexuals, this is simply common knowledge
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>everyone is a pedo like me
Proof of mental illness.
Not the same as him being outside of it telling people to go in.
Spencer is right about everything. Above all else the right-wing lacks decorum and class.

Nick is also right, but so are his detractors. The dialectic AF inspires in the far right is a very interesting phenomenon.

Both of them are good men, I think they're just held back by an election tourist mindset where they MUST be the white race's saviors when they're really just orators.

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