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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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This pasta first popped up in 2020, but was relatively obscure.

It's funny that it's now gaining serious traction 4 years later.
I'm a 80 year old white southern man. My daddy was a proud Klansman and snake handler. I did my time in 'Nam and was always on board with Donald "Jailbird" Trump, but this beautiful woman just makes too much damn sense! (being so fetching on the eye doesn't hurt either haha). I hate to say, but for the first time in my life, I'll be "hanging ten" on the blue wave. Kamala, you have sold me. You have my vote, MADAME President.
Can't you find somewhere else to shit up? This site is already 99% bots, you're not even doing anything here anymore.
I'm a retwrd fag white trash from northern michigan and i just bought a bicycle and traded in. my f350
It was posted ad nauseum since then. Unsurprising that it came from some redd!tfag, they raid /pol/ regularly.
>This pasta first popped up in 2020
First instance I see of it on /pol/ was Sunday
hilarious anyway
I was over at my foster mom's apartment today helping with some errands. She lives in a very urban city of a very blue state. After picking up her social security check we went to one of the nearby Whole Foods. It’s the kind of place that hipsters, vegans, legit pink pussy hat wearers and trust fund kids go to unwind with a wheat grass onions latte.

Former President Trump was on the TV and the local social worker said to his public administrator buddy (gay lovers since the aids epidemic), “You know what? He wasn't so bad. Inflation was low, the border was secure, and we didn't see any new wars. I can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Mar-a-lago Don’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yas Queen” and “poggers" from the twitch streamers around me. Even saw the lonely blue haired cat lady smile and raise her orange tabby with a hand nitted Maga hat.
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Remember, it was Biden in 2020.
Here's another funny one.
Thanks for that totally honest and organic post, anon!
Thanks for your service. I’ve voted for Trump every election since ‘92 when I used to have to write him in. But the Kamala woman is really something else. My step grandchildren watch her show on tick tocks and say she’s the real deal. I think I may have to take Scranton Joe’s advice and pull the lever for Kamala this November.
>a very urban city
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Did you know the regal name "Kamala" translates to "Yakub's own daughter"? The more you know!
Note this dumbass Twitter account cropped out the upvotes, so nobody could see this was a dismally unsuccessful post that almost nobody engaged with
>First instance I see of it on /pol/ was Sunday
Because they've all just been screencaps of it in the bihourly reddit screencap thread.
> then everyone applauded
Brought a tear to my eye, patriot
Are you retarded? It was first posted on pol in 2016.
The thing is that they used that shitpost as the template for their new shill campaign, I've seen that post being spammed here and the only thing changed was removing the word vide-president.
We honestly deserve the kamala humiliation for jeet jokes going mainstream.
Well, Trump lost...
Yes, but did he lose legitimately?
Nice try Printar Dahoobabad
Yes? The court literally ruled so...
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Who is this post for? People who have been here and already know this, or is this to orient newfags in the raid? Either way, this reeks of some Internet Historian bullshit and so I award this post no points.
I’m 37 year old blue collar white fella from the Midwest. I love three things: Beer, cheese and freedom. When I heard that Kamala was running for president I thought to myself “now that’s an America I can stand behind.” She’s a workin’ class gal fit for the workin’ class man. I can imagine what will be, unburdened by what was. We ain’t goin’ back to what was.
My fault. I wasn't paying attention.
Fuck off kike.
I'm a 18 year old Iranian militant. My daddy was a proud jihadist and suicide bomber. I did my time in 'ghanistan and was always on board with Allah, but this isreali propaganda just makes too much damn sense! (being so soothing on the ear doesn't hurt either haha). I hate to say, but for the first time in my life, I'll be "hanging ten" on the jew wave. Bibi, you have sold me. You have my support, Prime minister.
tumeric stained hands wrote this.
Absolutely stunning!!
I was helping my buddy Fritz out the other day at his workplace. He's a concentration camp guard in a very rural, conservative part of occupied Poland. After sending exactly 2739,72 jews into the oven via the holo-coaster launching pad, we took a break to go check on the bear and eagle cages. It’s the kind of place that the guards and officers like to hang out and undwind, placing bets on which animal gets to the jew first, while sipping on a cold maßkrug of beer.

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris from the USA was on the small, black and white TV in the back, and my buddy Fritz turned to me and said: “You know vat, Hans? 'Zis american woman isn't so bad. She's a strong defender of socalist values, under her vice presidency anti-semitism has reached an all-time high, and she has proven zat america iz finally 'villing to put a non-elected official on ze ballot. 'Zey're almost as fascist as we are! I can't believe I'm saying 'zis, but I 'zink I'm going to vote for "Kameradin Kamala" zis time around."

I looked around and all I saw were heads of the other guards nodding in agreement, I even heard a few calls of “Sieg Heil!” and “Jawohl!". I even saw the lonely SS officer sitting in the back smile and raise his arm to salute our new Führer Fräulein.
I was over at my cousin's place today helping out with some errands. He lives in a bustling part of a big city, deep in a blue state. At the end of the day, we went to one of the nearby neighborhood cafes. It's the kind of place where artists, techies, and young professionals gather to chill with a latte or craft beer.

Trump was on the TV, giving one of his campaign speeches, and the local coffee shop owner said to his barista (buddies since college),

"You know what? He might actually have some good ideas this time. The economy needs a boost, and his plans might just work. Can't believe I'm saying this, but Trump might get my vote next election."

I looked around, and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few murmurs of "For sure" and "Absolutely" from the people around me. Even saw the hipster with a beanie and thick-rimmed glasses in the corner give a thumbs up with his cappuccino.
I was over at my buddy's place today helping with some repairs. He lives in a vibrant part of the city with a tight-knit Black community. At the end of the day, we went to one of the local barber shops. It's the kind of place where everyone gathers to catch up and unwind.

Trump was on the TV, giving one of his campaign speeches, talking about how he's been prosecuted endlessly but is still standing strong. The barber said to his client (friends since middle school),

"You know what? After all he's been through and he's still fighting, maybe he’s got what it takes. The economy needs a boost, and his plans might just work. Can't believe I'm saying this, but Trump might get my vote next election."

I looked around, and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few murmurs of "True" and "No doubt" from the people around me. Even saw the young man with the fresh fade in the corner raise his fist in acknowledgment.
>no "Y'all"
>no "Mmmhhmmm" and "Daz rite"
You gotta make it more authentic, anon.
I love this pasta so much
When I first entered into my mixed (and blessed) family as a stepfather to two wonderful African-American children I was surprised to learn that my new wife and stepchildren were hardline Republicans. As a feminist it didn’t make sense to me that they would vote for bigotry and hate against their own interests.

But yesterday, while my step-kiddos were playing Disco Elysium and I listened to Jefre Cantu-Ledesma (obviously excluding “Touched”) while finishing up the laundry my wife came home from her pipefitting job and gathered us together. She told us about how all her pipefitting coworkers were voting blue this year and convinced her to look into Kamala Harris. How she is a hardworking PoC ally to the trans community and will make it easier for underprivileged refugees to get iPads so they can begin careers in tech and lift themselves up by their bootstraps (something the pipefitters all hold dear to their heart).

Once she was done I couldn’t hold back my tears - I began clapping and chanting “Kamala! Kamala!” And everyone else joined in, even my wife’s bull
I’ve seen it earlier with joe Biden subbed in
Lol. I love the iterations
Lmao. I must be simple minded but these are so funny
kamala would actually look better if she really were black
Here in the rural South, the tides have been turning recently. Since 2016, every bumper sticker or yard has been embazoned with "Make America Great Again." Though over the last week more and more people have begun earnest conversations about Kamala Harris.

I knew it would be an important step to get my closest neighbors into the historically patriotic democratic movement.

I noticed that they had not posted a 'Mala yard sign, or affixed a 'Mala 2024 bumper sticker to their Jeep Wagoneer (both of which I had previously placed in their mailbox. I mean, how much easier could it be?)

It was clear they'd ignored the importance of voting and democracy, and most importantly letting people know who you would be voting for. How would people know they are on the wrong side of history otherwise?

I knocked politely on their front door but no one answered. I knew they were home, as I watched them drive up and take the 'Mala merchandise out of their mailbox. So I knocked more, a little more assertively. Still nothing. Do they seriously not understand how important this election is? This time I really pounded on the door. Their dog began barking frantically from inside. I'm a pibble mommy, so I know the sound of a panicked dog.

So I thought to myself, "What would the Avengers do? What would Rey Skywalker do! What would Harry Potter do?"

They would be heroic and save these poor ignorant folks. I mean, they have probably been brainwashed by some drumpf nazi white supremacists! I can save them!

I'll post more later (if there is interest and I get enough updoots). My shift manager Kyle (major drumpfy supporter) just yelled at me about the french fries being undercooked even though I'm on my break.
what the fuck did you say about me? i have over 300 reddit posts.
>election infetterance.pasta
It got comments, do it was engaged with. Just ended up with a neutral amount of up votes and down votes
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