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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Everyone is putting all their focusing on Kamala's inability to beat Trump, but her winning isn't the plan.

>Biden Compromised the donors
>Biden threatened down ballot races
>Biden compromised safe dem areas
>Only Biden or Harris could receive the 90 million dollar war chest from their superPAC

You see Harris is not being pushed to win the executive branch. They are going to use her as an inter-party galvanizing figure #1
>See, dems are willing to go to such ends to save democracy! Joes policies were great, he was just the baggage for being old!
And number #2 to be as massive ironclad wire for the democratic funding apparatus. Because of this, they have accumulated a quarter billion dollars to campaign with in just a few days, garnering the favor of the donor class with gusto for bending to the knee this much, but that obfuscates the most important aspect of her.

#3 she will be a competitive slide of hands. They will pour a GORILLIAN dollars into the legislative elections to seek to hold the Senate and House while republicans spend all their money beating up a literal punching bag.

The play is for Trump to win the whitehouse but to win the House, Senate, and Governorship locally, knowing that the national election, especially in particular swing state, is a lost cause.
Don't be surprised when come November it is Identical to 2016. Trump in office, completely handcuffed by a Democratic House and an even split contested Senate.
But don't worry, We're going to Iran just as the M.I.C. desires.
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*teleports behind you*
What does the scouter say about OP's powerlevel?
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>And number #2 to be as massive ironclad wire for the democratic funding apparatus.
Scounter says: "141 IQ in the running about to go supersayan4-beyond. Get out the way or get run the fuck over".
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Cellu-sama..... Your political process is too strong.....I kneel
>Joes policies were great
Does anyone outside of the media believe this though?
>... competitive slide of hands ...
Dormamu::SuperSayan4::oceana::southeast scouters say his power level is over nine thousand.

Get his seed before he literally explodes.
Only the most diehard retarded lifelong dem voters that didn't need any convincing in the first place.
Literally every Democrat I know hates what the country has become but deludes themselves saying "but Joe is good on policy. It's just the Republicans and the supreme Court that stop him from doing better"

Literally the only thing Biden is actually universally paned on the left is Israeli - Palestine
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The media wouldn't be infinitely pushing that if they didn't know it was sticking with a certain percentage of the population when they repeat the mantra over and over.

Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean millions of others can't.
>completely handcuffed by a Democratic House and an even split contested Senate
Kamala's team will start to push back on the Ukraine/Israel issues and weaponize zoomers via TikTok, there will be exponentially more young voters this year than ever before, which won't matter in the end because we're gonna go to war with Iran no matter what and we can't just leave our greatest ally high and dry.

None of that matters when they control the voting equipment and counting process.
The simpler, more rational explanation is that this is all narrative-building to normalize the idea in the normie's mind that she's somehow wildly popular so they don't suspect anything when the results go the opposite direction of what everyone initially expected.
A lie repeated enough becomes the truth (in their minds).
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>The media wouldn't be infinitely pushing that if they didn't know it was sticking
>the game is rigged
>everyone is in on it
>whichever side loses just rolls over
You hear yourself right?
>but Joe is good on policy
My life is bad because of policy, but boy he sure is good at policy tho. We deserve whatever happens, just like covid.
Your life is bad because you're posting on 4chan instead of trying to better yourself.
>They will pour a GORILLIAN dollars into the legislative elections to seek to hold the Senate and House
What do you mean hold? They don't currently have, how can they hold?
What makes you think they're going to gain seats?
I don't even know what to say to someone like you. Lurk moar.
When you have no rebuttal it generally means that the other side wins the argument, the right can't meme, democrats will turn all zoomers into blue voters this year, trips have already confirmed earlier in the thread.
>When you have no rebuttal it generally means that the other side wins the argument
That has never been true lmao
>debate me bro!
>debate me or you lose
if true, it's a reasonable play.
they just need to tone down the annoying, inorganic kamala shilling.
How can you be confident in your viewpoints if you can't defend them against your dissenters?
>Muh not worth my time
This is what happens when Jordan Peterson is the only father figure in your life.
you forgot that trump is playing 5d chess and picked such a bad VP candidate that he will lose, thereby winning for republicans by ensuring that democrats are in charge of everything
>white rural man
>instead of a brown, a woman, a jew, or some other urbanfag
>automatically a bad candidate
It means you are a newfag that doesn't know how to read the conversations here.
You have to be 18 to post here, you literally have nothing of value to say, you can't defend yourself, you lash out when you don't get your way, go learn a skill that will make you valuable in the future.
thanks, but I get my analysis from the new testament

Defend myself from what? You misread a post because you are new as fuck and don't into irony. Now you think your girlish screeching is "winning" an argument. What is left to say to you exactly?
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House and Senate had enough RINOs and Neocons to handcuff him at those numbers.
If they pour that quarter billion into local races strategically while the Republicans are wasting all their money beating a dead horse in kamala, they can surprisingly get back to a near even hold, plus some with neocons and RINOs.
The inorganic, cringy, astroturfed Kamala is the bait. They want you to attack and waste all your time on her while they sweep the legislative races with massive money undeterred.
depends on who is kamala's running mate and how much JD Vance keeps hammering single women. As much as you might dislike them, they are a large and galvanized demographic. Not the best to antagonize outright.
Another day, another christian pharisee trying tell Christ the time and hour as if they knew.
lel wrong
>plus some with neocons and RINOs.
As far as I'm concerned, Massie is the only non-neocon
It was always over since 1776.
Since the death and resurrection of Christ in 33 it has been over.
>The inorganic, cringy, astroturfed Kamala is the bait.
It's too low quality to even pass as joke bait, though. It's literally just spam.
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Yet people infinitely react to it and make it the center of attention. You won't notice the quadrillion ads and attack campaigns locally in key competitive races
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Not so fast. What will be their VP pick? I think mamala has a chance with the correct vp
most of them get a handful of replies at best, because they aren't clever or believable enough to really act as bait, and often don't even make any argument. Lazy single sentence threads, with kamala's face as a picrel.
It's so fucking obvious that the dems are setting themselves for failure. There's literally nobody worse than Kamala Harris and they know it. They just need to fool ther voters for a couple of weeks until it's too late to replace her. Only then will they allow her to plummet.

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