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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How come they know so well when there will be an attack?
They know it all
kek muh iran
do jews think world still believe them?
yids are cooked lol
Mossad is going to terrorist attack the Olympics? Spoil sports!
Israel Katz is a moron. Don't pay attention to anything he says.
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Carlos you fucking cunt
Imagine being a pissraeli right now
Your political activists are literally screaming at your golem to attack Iran.
A nation you border.
Someone is gonna get bonked some more. XD
>jews literally think they can still just say "brown people" and the entire world will go in for it
Um excuse me sweaty it's literally heckin 2024 and that kind of racism has no place you dirty fucking kikes
>it was Iran, said the Israeli
As long as they don't hurt Chinese and North Korean athletes I don't care
Really thought they would blame Russia for that, since macron said several times that Russia would sabotage the Olympics.
You have to be kitten me.
They changed their plans, russian enemy wasn’t compelling enough people. It’s all Iran now. I’m sure when the time is right, it will be China too.
I fucking knew they will blame Iran.
Kikes need that FF, this won't do, but that's a trial run for the main event.
I'm unsure what it will be but many, many people have to die for the FF to "work". That's the Plan anyway.
I think the Plan will fucking fail, miserably but still I wouldn't go to any big events at all for the next 8 months anons
So the Israelis did it. Not surprising
It's those pesky J6 protesters behind this!
So much for Islam being a religion of peace. These kikes are hilarious.
They did blamed us in the beginning.
It could be a grassroots movement of frogs sick of this kiked world and they are just blaming Iran because its convenient.
It never made sense how any government over the last 24 years just magically "knew" like there is some official post office for enemies of globohomo and we just gotta call to find out who did it and why.
watch your French
Jews did this…
Iran is our friend. Doing this will make it friendlier to us. We might even give them some nukes, like how we gave Belarus 36 of them.
I guess we'll just take a Jew's word for it, then?
Muslims are the scum of the Earth.
Yet somehow missed thousands of men training for over a year for 10/7.
It’s almost as if they constantly lie.
Mort à la République.
Mort à Macron.
Et que Paris brûle.
no our government from the start has been saying it's probably our local far left schizo niggers (so alliance of antifa, israel, isis, communists, trannies, illegal aliens and islamists) since attacking the train lines is their usual MO.
FYI, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq are between Iran and Israel.
Jews always act the victim
They flooded France with niggers now they want to cry about it
All Jews should be exterminated
Israel does not share a border with Iran.
It has most likely nothing to do with Iran, and more to do with antifas, unions and assorted leftards chimping out because Macron doesn't want to give them the government.
Yes but they are the Jews puppets
I thought they would blame Russia. Then I remembered we have a new villain this season.
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How is the tasty treat still in power? I swear you have been seething about him for over a decade.
Iran's population is three times larger than Ukraine's, plus they will be supported by their muslim neighbors, I wonder how they are going to attack such a country.
These are not sand niggers from Iraq, but an ancient civilization with a secular population that only recently converted into Islam.
No one cares. Oh Islam is horrible but open borders to every Islamic country. Bullshit.
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They can't get everyone to kill eachother if nobody knows who to blame!!
Why would they prevent transportation if they want to terror attack? Wouldn't they want everyone to crowd up ?
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We're in the 'Paris gets nuked' timeline I just know it.
Jews rape kids. That's it. That's the tweet
>Wouldn't they want everyone to crowd up ?
Have you seen the Paris underground as of recently? It's EXACTLY that
>it's da russians!
>it's da iranians!
it's the jews, stupid
Well, first we watched in horror as Muslims swarmed into France. Then panic. Then frustration. Then disgust. But you know what France did about it? Nothing. And you know what America did about it? Nothing. Now we're knee-deep in foreigners and they keep coming. So are all of the other European countries. Strange how non-white countries don't have this problem, isn't it? We're all going to die without a homeland and go extinct. And you know what we all did about it? Nothing.
go for gold accelerate erradicate tkd
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They have been warning us
Politics are theater for the slave class, merely Jewish soap opera designed to convince the non-Jews that there's a political solution. It's really that simple.

Only 2 things really matter before anything else can get fixed:

1) all zionists (Jew and non-Jew alike) need to be deported or hanged for treason (Israel sells US secret military tech to China and that makes supporting Israel treason);

2) all Talmudists and their advocates and collaborators need to be deported or lawfully hanged for promoting crimes against children (the Jewish sacred Talmud tells Jews that they can fuck kids AND the Jewish sacred ritual of the circumcision is forced genital mutilation of 8 day old male babies).

Proof that Israel sells US secret military tech to China here:

Proof that the Jewish sacred Talmud promotes pedophilia here:

Proof that Israel is a pedophile haven here:

Proof that the whole tranny agenda is entirely JEWISH in origin, and Israel is making BILLIONS selling us the hormones used to mutilate the children being brainwashed:

Proof that Jewish power has total control over the US body politic:

Proof that Jewish power controls the US financial system:

Proof that Jews control the Media:

Proof that Jewish power is behind the ongoing ethnic replacement of White people (aka Europeans) in their own countries (which is genocide, aka ethnic cleansing):

Proof that Israel is anti-Christian:

Proof that Jewish power is at war with the 2nd Ammendment:

Proof that Jews are NOT White (White means European, and Jews come from the Middle East):

NOTE: if the archive.vn links do not work, try changing the link first part to archive.is or archive.ph
Death to Israel and all the traitors who support it as legal punishment for the crime of treason (Israel sells US secret military tech to China and that makes supporting Israel treason).
We shifted to the bf3 timeline
Those dastardly Iranians! The jews were right all along!
Is Iran in the room with us now?
Iran will always show up to a gayonce
wat. didn't France say it was Russia who did it?
>based on information held by Israel
but why would Iran bother with sabotage of the rail systems in France?
Is it russia or iran you fucking memeflaggot? Make your fucking mind up.
that would be so funny
How many terror attacks, rapes, murders etc, in the West have been carried out by Shia Muslims like Iranians?
Muslims are sound when they're not allied with kikes.
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>Muslims are sound when they're not allied with kikes.
Then they can go be sound in Sandniggeristan, not here.
Jews are known liars so I'll wait for a credible source before believing this
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I agree wholeheartedly, but stop falling for kike propaganda.
what exactly would Iran gain from that?
>Muslims are sound when they're not allied with kikes.
Fuck no.
lulz? Everyone wants some clear cut motive for everything and they lose their shit if someone just does something for the lulz.
>Mossad say it's Iran
>S.N "sabotages and strikes are our bread and butter" C.F say it's Russia
Well now I'm actually confused.
How many fucking false flags are going on a the same time, ffs?
Iranian immigrants cause all kinds of shit in European countries, what are you smoking? They haven't done the big headline attacks but they're still highly inbred sand people that ruin neighbourhoods.
They can't say it's jewish college students (Antifa). Why?
I'm still convinced it was just niggers nigging for metals.
It's just some Africans stealing rail to sell for scrap so they can afford tickets. Stop being racist.
Noone suspects Iran here.
The hypothesis are :
radical leftists, with or without complicity in the railway state compagny. We had similar train sabotages a few years ago. Hugely annoying but without any death.

The second hypothesis is a russian destabilization op. I don't believe it but I have no secret information.

AFAIK we had no real problems with shia muslims or iranians since the 1980's.
current non-jew thinking is that the train sabotage was done by eco-terrorists not arabs.
>How come they know so well when there will be an attack?
how come they didn't see hamas crossing the airspace on oct 7....?
isreali probobly burned down the cathedral too
They know Pukraine is a lost cause. On to new wars. Gotta feed the beast!
>Iran just existing and minding its business
did you hear about the iranian terrorist attack on the cheese factory outside of paris?

all that was left was da brie. (debris)
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Whoa slow down
We will deal with Iran after, and only after, Iran has dealt with Israel
Name an area of the UK ruined by Iranians
>Iran's big plan to commit terrorist attacks in France is to delay the railway lines for a bit, so people miss a couple of events and get slightly annoyed at public transit
how can one country be so unfathomably evil, bros?
why would iran attack an islamic african republic instead of a western country? this makes no sense.
There's barely any in the UK, retard. Look at the stats for their rates of rape and violent crime in places like Germany.
Post link to stats, kike.
Not sure how wanting them to get the fuck out is somehow kike propaganda.
Of course they'll run their false flag to kick off ww3 at the Olympics imagine the optics and the instant support they'd receive in a war against Iran it's proxies
>Kikes are no limit kek

The Iran spam is about as organic as silicone socks.

I simply won't fight anymore desert wars. Just keep those VA disability checks coming.
>attack against the israeli delegation

Oh nooo...anyway....
What the fuck is wrong with your political system? How does the National Front win the popular vote by 12% but not get the most seats?
They intend to blame Russia. They arrested a Russian-origin chef who was supposedly recorded talking on the phone about sabotaging the Olympics and who also supposedly showed off his "FSB ID card" while drunk
Both muslims and kikes need to gtfo.
They never seem to get it. This stupidity is why they always get themselves into trouble. They just can't act differently. The eternal jew..
Reports say dancing Iranians were spotted by the site of sabotage
Muh public transportation. Get a car Frenchies and stop relying on othera to get you around.
What a cohencidence!
>unsure what it will be
Most likely Q will activate her 8kun on the 5 year anniversary of the El Paso shooting (on Obama's birthday), and then keep firing through the next day for the 79 year anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing.
>inb4 WWIII goes hot next month
>wild card: china-Taiwan meme a malaysia-Philippines proxy war IRL
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Lying jew rat piece of shit, the attack was carried by the jesuits as always, numerology is ALWAYS right.


>July 27, 2024, will be the 28th anniversary of the Centennial Olympic Park Bombing (July 27, 1996). That attack was on the 33rd Parallel North, and in the case of France, it is the +33 International Dialing Code.


>The 33rd Summer Olympics begin with three attacks on rail lines. July 26, 2024
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It's just a regular Saturday holiday event from our retarded red Trotskists unions. Wish we could guillotine these retards. But wake me up when something actually blows up, nothing newsworthy there, just the usual. The news just got to you because muh lolympics, otherwise it wouldn't.

Its the Jews who are doing this attacks and blame it all on Iran.

I hate this arabs. But lets not act like these parasitic jews didnt do 9/11 and all other "Israel first" terror attacks in the west was happening to use US White Europeans to go, kill & die for Jews in the middle east.

Before we kill just one Iranian on Iranian soil, we should kill the jews and islamists on western soil
Literally just kill the shitskins next door, THEY HATE YOU!!! JUST MURDER THEM!!
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a war you cannot win - keep escalating dumb niggers - DO IT - counting on turkey to fight the ground war for you but WILL IT REALLY PLAY OUT THAT WAY
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Carlos, Habibi no no...
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jews vs islam was always the main event for the world after ww2
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Russia will be added in the next stage. The KCU will have multiple stages and converging plot points, starting with the ukraine freedom fighters phase 1 and the attack of putin voldermor and the valiant defence by Zelensky goyim genocider kikeson. Phase 2 will be the iran vs the mutt zog bots.
Stage 3 will be the final confrontation between east and west!
This will be the KCU (Kike cinematic universe) post ww2 final. Zog west vs zog east. The NWO begins!
During the final phase, the fiat system will implode and we will get live action assistance from the good guys! Millions of indians, arabs and africans will be invited as guest workers(who will stay forever) while the European lads are in the eastern European theatre!
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Ah, the joy!
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they've been fucked since the French revolution my guy
Would Parisians even notice a terror attack at this point?
the ONLY way I'll support a war with Iran is they draft every single non-white male from western countries to die for Israel.
Why the FUCK are they THIS low IQ

>muzzies bomb civilians and fuck things up repeatedly
>popular sentiment rises against them, except in leftoids "everyone non-white is a saint" circles
>israel decides to bomb a few thousand civilians (it's far away from the west but also like several orders of magnitude more civilian and child casualties)
>popular sentiment immediately rises against israel, except in boomeroid "everyone from the talmud's chosen people is a saint" circles
>muzzies conclude: we should do more terror attacks!
Fucking spastics
So what they are saying is Israel is gonna do another 9/11 to win support for their wars.
lmao no one goes for wars for messily terror attacks, what year you're on 2001
At first it was..
>russia russia russia
but then..
>iran iran iran
Soon it will be
>china china china
Nah, you guys are out of the spot light.
The Star of Remphan has shifted its gaze to Iran.
When did Iran become the new boogeyman? Does Russia not stick anymore?
Not as fucked as when Israel shot Trump.
>the (((free))) world
October 7th more or less.
Iran is NOBODY’s friend.
Muslims and Muslim apologists deserve the same fate.
They have the most seats as an invidual party. However, all other parties have made alliances to add up their seats. That's why the left's "popular front" got the more seats, and that's why they claim they are legitimate to have a government.
However, there is nothing in the consitution that forces the president to name a person he doesn't want to as prime minister. So Macron doesn't do shit for now, his government has officially resigned, but they could remain in power like this indefinitely if they wanted to, because there is no time limit for them to give up power. Leftards are fuming like little faggots, and have warned that they would disrupt the olympic games.
So yeah, that shit you can be sure it was organized by leftist politicians.
So mr Katz is kindly informing us that it was the Mossad who sabotaged the French railroads?
globohomo got butt fucked in Jewkraine so now they’re switching to Iran
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mossad will off members of their own tribe if it benefits their cause. I would be very nervous if I were any of those Israeli athletes
May I ask what would be gained by invading Iran?
We have more than enough untapped reservoirs here in North America, but the government shuts down expansions in favour of appeasing Saudi Arabians and other shareholders.
I laughed
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>Iran is behind le everything
Fuck off kikes. Not dying in some shitty desert + I hope Iran wins.
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Theres only one man who can fix this
Question: why are sunni muslims so cucked and useless?
So if not iran&china&russia, who did the cyberatack, give me your least tinfoil hat answer.
Most geographically aware memeflag
I'm not sure if there is a 'free' part of the world anywhere anymore...
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>just die for us goyim
Hope a lot kikes, frogs, niggers, spainards, algerians and fellow moroccans die in the (((iranian))) attack
has anyone actually claimed the attack ?
crying before the attack especially when there is no attack is jew 101
Not enough people give a fuck about their gay war of corruption in Ukraine anymore, so it's time to switch enemies.
Jews have no gain from a anonymous cyberatack on the games.
They need muzzies shooting up the place in a massive atack all over the city, they need the trains running to do that.
>May I ask what would be gained by invading Iran?
They are trying to balkanize middle east, split them into a small anarchic states that will go for each other's throats while Israel would became a real regional power. This would allow Israel to really do whatever the fuck they want with entire region.
But there's a problem - this is completely opposite of Russia's interests. Because destabilized middle east would means a lot of problems with islamic radicals flooding the countries(including Russia), so Russia want middle east to be as stable and chill as possible.
As result you can see constant proxy wars between the west and Russia where the west wants to break everythgin apart and Russia is trying to glue everything back together.
This is a pure geopolitics, honestly. There's no good or bad guys. Both Russia and US/Israel are doing it for their own interests.
>Muslims want to attack everyone participating in a world athletic event meant to bring everyone together.
Let them do it. Please let them do it.
>thinking anyone would care for more than 2 weeks at most for even a major terror attack
the last terror attack that mattered was the charle hebdo one and it was mostly retard politicians while most didn't give 2 fucks
2001 is 23 years ago and 3-4 wars in the middle east and everyones numb from social medias
>based on information held by Israel
USA did it ,just like nordstream
Muh IRAN is the new muh IRAQ
I half expect a dirty bomb to go off, making paris a radiated hellhole for a very long time.
I'm keeping eyes peeled for the opening ceremony, never know what might happen on the shit river
Iran is the new Russia now?
I can confirm that it was done by muslims.

Yet French arrested schizo russian guy (before railway incident) and blaming him.
The jews truly go all in on having their goys attack iran.
They already doing this. Frenchtards arrested russian schizo guy who lived there for 14 years.
Because he talked some shit on his stream.
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"by deception we...etc, etc"
so it was Israel behind the attacks, what a surprise
dancing israelis in Paris when?

Iran is a proxy for which nation?

Hint, most countries are a proxy for this nation at this point.
Pretty sure muslims and niggers already accomplished that
We already said Iran as soon as we heard it. They are prepping for war and trump will take us there.
>based on information held by Israel
Good to know Mossad is looking out for France's best interests. Enjoy your deployments to Iran.
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Reminder to kill all the drafting officers and their families and go full insurgent mode as soon as the draft is enacted. And of course enact the total zionist death protocol.

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

Always leave a redpill compilation link on all draft threads.
There are no political solutions:
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it's all so tiresome desu
their spin-the-terrorist-wheel options got reduced to only 3 now that most of the middle east are shabbos goyim
russia china and iran
that's it
and still they're so persistent on spinning it over and over again

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