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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The DNC astroturfing is already dying down. Not only that but Reddit of all places is getting tired of the constant fake shilling. Are they really gonna do this for 3 months straight? Only literally brain rotted TikTok zombies can be spammed like this without getting annoyed.
Apparently history re-wrote itself and Biden wasn't the nominee until last week.
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The solution to online shilling is IRL violence, the USA should order drone strikes on all botfarms and call centers both foreign and domestic. Eliminate the source of the problem and the problem will cease.
>the Democrats should order drone strikes on their own bot farms that shill for Democrats
The who? The "two" American political parties are mask for a single entity which rules through violence and fear. What's this "blue team red team" noise you're doing?

1: Identify the source of the problem.
I know 2 bot farms in Chile, with exact coordinates.
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I certainly would never advocate that they be burned down during peak business hours, with bolted doors preventing escape for employees.
That would be monstrous so I won't advocate that.
well it was fun to pretend to support kamala at first, as a joke, but that joke gets old fast when the media starts pretending the meme is real. the joke behind pretending you support harris is how absurd the notion that anyone would even like harris is.
but why would the jews try to kill one of the candidates they allegedly control
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$100 million doesnt go as far as it did in 2016
i have a suspicion that, due to the decline in print media, msms "reporters" now also shill here and other places online as part of their "jobs." the people making Kamala threads probably have familiar names (and addresses)
I don't think they do control Trump so much as try and set up influences for him. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who does what others tell him, instead going out of his way to do something else out of spite. With that in mind, you'd try to control him more subtly, without him catching onto it. I think that's where Kushner and others in his first cabinet come in.
Trump's greatest asset may well be that he's a prick and won't do what he's told, and when that happens bullets start coming your way.
Or in Biden's case, the wuflu.
>the people making Kamala threads probably have familiar names (and addresses)
I wonder if they know that we remember each and every one of their names and faces? I wonder.
That the shilling is so out of control is an indication of outright panic. They suddenly found themselves in a postion where a 4rd rate canidate who was only in this postion to fill out a ticket 4 years ago had to run against trump. It's like if VP Walter F. Mondale was suddenly running against Regan instead of Carter in a race that was already looking bad for Carter with just 100 days to go.

For the time being their only play was throwing an absolute torrent of shit at the wall and creating such a deluge that they hope some of it sticks. Now that the inital shitstorm of fecal flinging has been done they ramp down and analyzed the data to figure out which strains of bullshit are the stickiest and least smelly and prep for round two. This is just the calm before the shitstorm. In reality though all of it just making me really really fucking angry and filled with hate and resentment toward the people drowing us in shit thinking that if they shove enough of it down our throat they can convince us we like the taste of their dookie.
>BRAT! (???)
These are the trends I've noticed them shilling the past few days, did I miss any?
Some nonsense about a coconut i never read and people saying mommy trying to co-op tulsi memes i guess, same with hillary amd trying to co-op and reclaim "her turn" as something sincere, a few slogans that haven't stuck like the prosecutor/criminal thing, and probably a bunch of others stuff. I mostly tuned it out days ago because it's so obviously fake and gay.
It's been so many years now that I can't ever envision this place being shill-free again, or even partially usable. /pol/ seems to only exist for ShareBlue and other similar bands of faggots to spam garbage propaganda, likely sharpening it here for use on other social media platforms.
3 letter agent glow so bright
The shilling is way worse than it used to be
/r/politics is the main reason I don’t use reddit anymore. What a shame. It actually had some decent other places, but they also got infiltrated by leftist DNC mods
Where's the proof Reddit is getting tired of it?
That's all Reddit has been since Swartz offed himself
You think 3 months is a long time? kek
Internet traffic 90% bots
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Yes, I'm advocating for random citizens to fire up their multi-million dollar Predator and Reaper drones, then fly them across the ocean to blow up call centers in India.
This is a realistic proposition, surely.

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