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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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4 years ago during the last election, anons here and on discord found Biden and DNC campaign funds being sent to Brazil for seemingly no reason. Cyber trail lead to frequent use of the hashtag
>wet heels
this lead to discovering a trove of animal crushing videos being made in South America being paid for by some persons in charge of DNC funds. All discussion was shut down for it but one of the prominent torturers was arrested due to the attention it received but no word on it after that.
4 years later, semi prominent open queer father Jon Cooper uses multiple campaign images endorsing Kamala with the words "Crush" and a woman's high heel stomping on an orange.
This is an obvious signal. It may be benign enough but there is no doubt that is a signal for what they did last time.
I didn't know DNC are disgusting kitten smashers
spread this
Bump.Use the image with the animals in it for extra impact when you spread this.
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it seems like even in the archive most references have been scrubbed but various keywords might find it again. search the girl's name in the archive if you can and research this topic more. they actively scrubbed discord servers looking into this.
a market for kitten crushing torture porn is an absolutely logical outcome from a system entirely structured upon blackmail.
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I don't want to look through my folder for the dog videos but I think I might have saved them. It was a rough time though.
When you search HER name you find a few articles that have now been deleted about the case. The first link 404's but you can see the description that it existed.
The others detail these individuals' arrest but detail in passing it was
>part of a larger network of child and animal pornography dealing in foreign currency
That means they're being paid by people in the USA for these videos, confirming it's an international network. /pol/ and discord anons traced the funds to dnc donators and instagram accounts using that hashtag to share backdoor links and rar file passwords to these videos.
The articles attempt to downplay it as a local problem. Notice the date too. November 9th, 2020, taken down just before the election.
Ever since it's been very difficult for this topic to even get notice but the moment I saw that Kamala campaign ad I got flashbacks and knew this Jon Cooper had to be somehow involved.
Shocker he's a faggot.
Wtf to what purpose?
Thanks anon. I'm on it.
Anyone with socials might want to drop edits of anything we find, probably get banned for anything too graphic, but people love animals more than they love other people. The action and the cover up could do irreparable harm if used correctly.
This happened literally right before the last election, literally within weeks just before all the stop the steal stuff.
This was the big find everyone talked about for a solid week before any discussion of it was perma deleted, even on the archives here it's hard to find unless you search her name or other specific key phrases. The "wet heels" tag has been scrubbed as far as I can tell but the articles prove its usage. I haven't checked wayback yet.
There were a lot more infographics at the time but I don't have them, lots of them got deleted from discord and I got banned twice for being on servers discussing it.
Crushing videos ARE a known paraphyllia and were extremely easy to find on the internet around 2008 - 2012, since then the mention of them seems to have been significantly downplayed. My guess is because of the attention it got, how many high profile celebrities and politicians are rumored to be involved, and how it's not just puppies, kittens, and bunnies they do this to.
That's the Prosecuting General who publicized their names. He's also openly anti israel on Twitter if it makes a difference.
Be careful on his Twitter because there are a couple of the videos left unscrubbed but amazingly have virtually no views. There is one unedited, brief original video of the woman strangling the dog.
whats the brown punani got to do with it?
I remember there were a handful of topics that were getting nuked before the election, but I guess this one slid past me. Good find though. I think with her name from that image, I might be able to dig up some things. If they hate this topic and term "Wet heels" I say we bring them back
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i am the anon that first tracked her to Venezuela.
although i did not dox her in entirety, i played a major role in that one, as other anons did; gladly.
i did it all with nothing more than my cell and weaponized tism.
ask me anything..
JC crushing an orange?
Is he on the Jesuit side of things?
Can't find it on his xitter.
Maybe he delet.
check the media but if he deleted it then that just proves us right.
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Nope, it's still there.
I always thought that about Trump tho with the "orange man" thing. 33 Mason, all that jazz.
also: op is a faggot making up fantasy land bullshit that never happened, further contributing to muddying the internet waters with Q tier garbage for the mouth breathing idiots to pick up and run with.
i personally use people like op as a filter, to keep the stupids away from me.
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>op is a faggot making up fantasy land bullshit
funny you only mention that 15 minutes after you trying to spotlight yourself.
Okay if I'm bullshitting then can you shed some light on where they were initially found? My memory may not be 100% accurate since I joined the research party just before her videos were discovered but on the discord servers it was common knowledge the trail was found through donations from prominent dnc members in either Florida or Texas if I remember correctly.
Can you explain some techniques for the uninitiated on how to get started tracking? OSINT tool lists are woefully out of date or include costly subscription services. Where / how does one get started?
Fuck off
One thing that would help is someone that can read Spanish. Look for local sources in Spanish. I can't find much on those images, the name helps.
sick of the lies and bullshit.
none of that crap happened, she was crushing animals to death.
you have deluded yourself and contorted the story, like many others that fall for the bullshit.
the only resemblance of a story that had political sides involving animal torture and abuse was some loser that was arrested in the past year that was a part of a group that had Q tier ties and a pro-Trump background.
i am not spotlighting anything about myself other than my utter disgust with people like this piece of shit and the people that make up garbage after the fact.
losers all around in my opinion, and that is what is here now for the most part.
lying losers
I will kill anyone i find torturing animals like that for pleasure or profit
i tracked the shoes she had on to a shoe store in Venezuela, and it was that simple for me. other anons picked up the ball with the drills and tools she was using and she was arrested very quickly.
it was a team effort and many boards were involved. /b/ also helped..
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>sick of the lies and bullshit.
You're really not helping your case talking like an absolute kike.
You didn't mention anything specific about my post that wasn't accurate, you in fact clarified she indeed WAS abusing animals on video for money.
The rest of your post is just pointing the finger at Qtards.
>it wasn't the dems it was actually the trumpers
rhetoric very similar to McMartin or Franklin accusations too.
not really trying to "help" anything, i personally do not give a fuck what lame brains believe, i am happy to say i contributed to this, and i was apart of it.
the guy that was crushing monkeys with the woman, who was caught in the midwest recently, i say it was Q tier meaning low IQ made-up fantasy land bullshit.
remember saying a word in a circle as a child in school, and by the time the last kid in the circle reveals what was said to them, and it is completely different than what is originally whispered in the first kid's ear? that is what happens with these goofy ass made up bullshit internet stories and rumors.
i am a "just the facts" kinda guy, and always will be.
wanna be a liar and make shit up and chase fantasy rabbit holes? cool, stay far far far away from me.
Bump, finally a worthwhile thread
>i am a "shill" kinda guy, and always will be.
You give yourself away too much. You sound like an echo chamber that you are not currently in.
Can we get a thread for this on >>>/b/ ?

The more people realize the Jon Cooper link to animal crush, the better.
Then what the fuck are you doing here?
That's great you contributed, bless you for bringing this absolute monster to some form of justice.
But just because you chose to believe that political scandal can include monstrous pornography rings is low IQ, Q-tier nonsense doesn't make it so. Those school circle rumors are a funny social experiment but when there's a cyber, media, and paper trail that leads to the same problems time and time again, you can't chalk it up to gossip and insist no one peer any further or imply they're maliciously deceitful to themselves or others for doing so.
ah yes, "shill" the language of the newfag.
i do not care what you believe my precious little midwit, i was there, i know what happened, and what did not.
chase your own tail in circles for days for all i care, have fun.
just keep in mind while you are making up garbage and spewing it on the internet, people like me have to deal with your midwit shit, and get annoyed by it.
you muddy the waters of truth, and the internet was far better before you came along.
>Then what the fuck are you doing here?
see ya
wtf is this thread and wtf did i just read??????
This bitch filmed herself crushing a puppy to death. There was a witch hunt on /pol/ for her and I think she was located in Bogota, Colombia.
Might be wrong on her locale but that's what I heard.
> Why is OP making the comparrison
Idk, I'm not reading the schizo babble
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You are correct about the shoebox being the thing that ended up identifying her, I remember that part especially with the blue box being so prominent in the background. I don't recall that being a singular individual who did it tho. Anons noticed and worked together to find it. When you go off about yourself is when you start sounding unhinged because you're not clarifying anything, just dismissing further questioning as "midwit," itself a term only used by midwits.
>retard adhd anon can't read less than two posts worth of info
Pic related is a new Kamala ad campaign by prominent democrat gay dad Jon Cooper.
That should set off alarm bells if you remember "this bitch" was being paid with DNC campaign funds to torture puppies and possibly children to death. There were numerous other videos with cats and bunnies as well. And it was all hushed up days before the election.
I don't understand what's schizophrenic babble about this.
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You are just another pretentious lefty shill. You guys are more obvious than you think. Keep up the good work though.
>was being paid with DNC campaign funds
Nowhere was this ever claimed and I'd appreciate a source.
>And it was all hushed up days before the election.
Maybe in the media it was hushed up because there was other stories to cover than ragebaiting an entire population?
I can't speak for the scum that is MSM.
She killed a puppy by breaking its legs one by one and raping it with a power drill. She laughed while doing it. Video was posted here.
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It WAS claimed because that's where I first heard about it.
look up the archives is the only thing I can say because I don't have a "source." We were all in a discord server dedicated to researching this pornography ring and it got suddenly shoah'd including everyone in the server. I can look through my folders at what info I still have but the entire reason I got interested in the story was because it was essentially Pizzagate 2.0 consisting of
>election year
>dnc email leak
>emails contain odd words and phrases
>odd words and phrases found on suspicious instagram accounts of openly gay/liberal dnc donors
>research into odd words and phrases comes up with disturbing pornographic/pedophilic connections
>results in discovery of actual, provably traded snuff films almost always based in a third world country
>loose connections to prominent political figures
>low level thugs and crooks take the fall, implied larger crime ring never surfaces
>memoryholed into oblivion
It was the exact same mo as Pizzagate with the same players and the same course of action. In this case it wasn't "Moloch" and "pizza/pasta" it was "wet heels" and "red heels"
The same week the Hunter Biden Laptop case was the most prominent media talking point. Then it was pic related non fucking stop.

During Pizzagate it was the Anthony Weiner Laptop case that was most prominent in the media.
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Now this is the pol I remember.
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> It WAS claimed because that's where I first heard about it.
Calm down, lad. I was just wondering if you could provide a source that linked the two, we are all frens here.
>We were all in a discord server dedicated to researching this pornography ring and it got suddenly shoah'd including everyone in the server.
Same story here but with that bitch from Colombia.
> Pizzagate
1000% happened and is true, unequivocal evidence exists:
> The basement that never existed
Exists with photographic evidence.
> Lolita express that never existed and Celebrities NEVER traveled on
Existed (picrel)
> Joe "It was not my Son's laptop - Russian Disinformation" Biden
Exists and was conveniently "Lost by the FBI".

We know these things but so-what, it can't change the Plebs view because it's not "The Current thing" anymore.
(((They))) fucking released a Virus from a Lab to cover the story up & it worked VERY well.

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