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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What's the matter? does "grooming" only matter when it's a brown man with a beard doing it?
Satan isn't sending his best
>fathered two children
he's saving the white race
Man you troops have been grasping at EVERY straw once your “idol” Chris Tyson got caught sexting minors LMFAO
It's Alabama. They might not be White.

I'm curious about the story, but you didn't provide a link and I haven't had my coffee yet. Any chance of you not being a faggot and posting one?
Die paki
Because Christians have long been since bashed that we are yawning about it, we know about the sick fucks using Christianity. This is nothing fucking new. We know about the pedo priests and the fucked up cults.

No real reason to really discuss this because the media has repeatedly slammed Christianity, they have always been a safe target and subject to ridicule, compare that to how much the media defends the other 2 monotheistic faiths that can "Do No Wrong".
Are you suggesting brown men with beards can't be christian, muzzchud?
" A hardon has no conscience".
wow a real minors man
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Wow where was jesus during all this?
Too busy appearing on toast or finding car keys?
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He's going to forever prison with those numbers.
Christians are having a great week.
A lot of true Christians speak out against the fake Christians who populate the majority of churches in the US. Many such cases. My female cousin was molested by her Southern Baptist youth pastor since who knows when. They became a couple in public when she was 16 and claimed they were married. Her parents were in the church and approved. Later found out they weren't legally married until she turned 18. Eventually she grew up enough to realize she was abused and left him when she was 23 but that's two kids later. Many such cases of fake Christians, picrel.
Not Christian, just a Jewish perversion dedicated to greed.
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Why can't they just bang their parishioners wives like normal people?
All pedos should be at the very least castrated, preferrebly face the death penalty. All of them. And no, we shouldn't legalize a certain part of pedophilia.
You are a subhuman groomer who is scouring newsfeeds praying for any situation in which a supposedly moral person is caught hurting minors to validate your own poor choices and sick urges. I want you to do the world a favor today, and manually inject a 9mm round into the back of your skull. Aim for the soft palette pas the roof of your mouth and your upper skull to insure that you strike the brain and spinal cord.
Anyone that adopts a child of a different race should be immediately and thoroughly investigated. It's an obvious fetish, so you know they've got more.
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>Palmetto, FL
KEK, my mom used to live there I'm actually familiar with the area. The Bible demands the death penalty for child molesters. True Christians throw these types into the see and dare anyone to look away, simple as.

>And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.
>Mark 9:42
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Hey if you were righteous in the eyes of the Lord you'd be rich too...kek
Everybody already knows Christians and catholics are pedos
hope he likes cock too
but unlike browns,troons and fags we condemn those actions and punish those who perform them
Kek all the MIGA bots get triggered
>Muh Catholics

The Catholic Church is probably the most anti-pedo church in existence. We literally promote killing pedos.

>but muh pedo priests

Literally jewish fags that infiltrated the church to bring it discredit.

In beanerland, this is just considered normal and no one cares.
What kind of parents let their daughters do a "sleep over" with a "youth pastor", especially a semi retard sporting a prison pussy, like that?
honestly at that point in your life this is a skill issue and entirely your fault
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Daily reminder all MIGA Christcuck posters are literal bots behind a VPN.
Earth is alreaday a grooming ground for God, and I am the chosen one.
>youth pastor
The signs were all there. The flags were all red.
Something's either true or it isn't. It matters not the source.
He was a never trumper.
Hey retard, we're allowed to hate grooming in general. Evil knows no bounds.
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kek... seething (((kike)))
crust is kang
Brown men with beards are the most likely to touch kids. We're just noticing patterns and posting our observations, but you're a glownigger anyway so you won't listen to facts
parenting issue
Alabama public schooling issue
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The joke is that the sign is called... Chuck's fuck and suck or whatever, and the previous owner sneed... Formerly Sneed's.... When he owned the shop it would've been called... Sneed's Feeduck and Seeduck...
The Secret Intelligence Service MI6 is now watching the thread. Beware
One should also note that this is a graph of how many have been caught. Both of these groups cover up their offenders and must be assumed to have many more pedos than the official numbers say. I grew up Catholic and literally everyone knows someone who was a victim of a priest, I can name a whole bunch off the top of my head. Not looking to dox myself but my own high school had a rather infamous one (busted long before I went there, but one of my best friends’ father was a victim).

As for Orthodox Jews
>Ben Hirsch, director of Survivors for Justice, a Brooklyn organization that advocates for Orthodox sex abuse victims, thinks the real number is higher. "From anecdotal evidence, we're looking at over 50 percent. It has almost become a rite of passage."
Palmetto is disgusting. All of Manatee county, basically. This was some dispentationalist baptist church, so it's not really a surprising that when he wasn't busy preaching false doctrine and praying for Israel, he was molesting children.
Niggers rapists make more niggers
So what's your goal OP? Give trannys and Muslims access to children in the name of fairness? Shut down the Christian church?

No. Like with most things PER CAPITA is what matters. Christians rarely get in these situations, it's also against Christian teachings. Pedophilia is prolific amongst Islam and LGBT however, and allowed according to Islamic teaching. If Christians even hit 1/4 of what those other groups do I'd be concerned, but until then fuckoff.
Don't forget teachers
They piece of shit is a freemason satanist and probably jewish. Nothing Christian about him. Christian churches have been infiltrated by far right freemason satanist jewish scum.

>white race
Hes not white, he's pretty fucking brown. Most likely Jewish.
>Christian groomer arrested. /pol/ silent.
We aren't a kikestain board you dumb fuck
>poltards no say! OP is a faggot nigger

Now, I'll say it:

>Press "N" to torture and kill all pedos
He's Jewish. Jews are not Christian. Jews hate Christianity, hate God and hate any other good religion because it conflicts directly with their foul degenerate satanist and crude sexually deviant cult ways.
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screencap, no effort, stupid question, bait
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Amen sister
>Christians rarely get in these situations, it's also against Christian teachings
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Hope he dies, shrimple as that
>Christian groomer arrested. /pol/ silent
damned catholic pedophiles!
>Hey if you were righteous in the eyes of the Lord you'd be rich
Remember, Prot bros, the shekels come from heaven as a reward for being good. As JEE-Zus said, "screw the poor!"
This, holy fuck the parents were basically compliant in him fucking their daughters. Wtf is wrong with people literally just pimping out their own daughters and these are supposed to be christians.
twitter kike thread by tranny
nobody cares, retard
Ammon Hillman says the Greek translation of bible says Jesus was a child trafficker. Crucified was the Roman punishment for child trafficking
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>8% molestation rate in churches over a 6% molestation rate in schools
>more kids attend public school than go to church making it a higher per-capita occurrence.
Interesting self own.
all abrahamists are kid-fuckers. it's a sick jewish cult based on penis mutilation. it's funny as hell how kikes, christkikes, and mudslums all point the finger at each other for child abuse while all of them engage in it.
Honkaloids always ignore their own heinous crimes
All churches controlled by Jews and all pedos hide in churches

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