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$35,000,000,000,000.00 in debt,

76% of all personal income tax last month went to servicing the $34 trillion national debt.

can americlaps survive this?

Step 1: Take out debt, as much as you can swing, doesn't matter how.
Step 2: Set that digital digit-money into proverbial concrete, things that can't be taken away from you by re-possession, such as but not limited to land you intend to squat on, education, life experiences, a million other things.
Step 3: Use the borrowed money to pay the minimum payments.
Step 4: At the end when the bank points into their hand and says: "Give me back my digital money plus interest" expel them for treason against the Nation, regard the debts as clear and set all phone calls to some other dipshit who still gives a shit.
Can't you just bury a pirate chest full of silver in an old graveyard and then declare bankruptcy?
You are picking up what both OP and I are laying down. Points to remember.

1. Accidentally forget your phone attached to your dog at home and tell him to run around the house.
2. Use an elderly analog-vehicle that's older than 1985
3. Have an excuse for why you aren't there.
4. don't let anyone see the metal, the chest, the shovel or anything of the sort.
5. Have a good excuse to be where you are.
6. Understand the technologies that roll your own beamforming xrays [highly radioactive] can easily see through and partially 3d-map through 12 feet of earth, and a foot of concrete, oh shit you forgot about that didn't you?
7. Much much more, my fee is $1900/hr.
And who exactly is going to come collect?
>backspaces debt to $0.00

Ta da. Fixed.
Shut the Fuck Up. That's $35,000,000,000,000.00 in net financial assets. Every debt is also an asset and everything balances to zero. It like saying that if you move $100 from your savings into your checking you now have $100 dollars of savings account debt and you are heading for savings bankruptcy if you continue to move money into your checking account. National "Debt" is retard talk. All it saying that 35 Trillion in liquid accounts instead of non-liquid instruments. Who the fuck cares? Wealth is Kilowatts usage per capita, the tonnage of materials moved, the totality fertility rate, etc.... Nobody except Kikes cares about the numbers on spreadsheets or number of gold bars in banks. Real Economics is PHYSICAL conditions aka the number of Niggers around or whether not not you have Trad Waifus or Whores raising your kids.
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That money was borrowed from Jews, by jews through their bribed and blackmailed politicians, and used the pay for jewish shit. I'm sorry, but that $35T+ just has nothing to do with me, the jews are going to have to just eat it themselves.
>Real Economics is PHYSICAL conditions aka the number of Niggers around or whether not not you have Trad Waifus or Whores raising your kids
American influence comes from mainly from its finance instruments. You can consider that debt "leading by example".
And then, when you finally come to the fruition circuit of your perfectly executed plan, you spend a beautiful silver coin at the wet meat market with your bulging purse of silver and gold coin, you better be ready for the following:

1. A BootLicker from the combine notices you're spending a silver coin for 15 pounds of uncooked steak and 89 million fed credits.
2. His GPT-artificial intelligence powered HUD-overlay inside his bucket helmet says check this one.
3. He points his gleaming black AR-15 at your face and presses your face into the grass.
4. He searches your pockets, your backpack, your car and finds a fat bag of silver coin.
5. he searches your house and everything everywhere then finds your overflowing chest.
6. He takes away your giant chest, and leaves in its place a napkin that says: "97 million fed credits", good for 3 bowls of food you fucking animal.
7. You spend the next 37 months in prison for dealing in terrorist real-money instead of Jewish Fed Credits.
8. You are back to square one FPBP in the thread. I double underlined "Can't be taken away from you" and you didn't respect those modifiers.

You'd be surprised what you can do with a 5 dollar pipe wrench and a bootlicker badge and a AI powered hud bucket-helmet cortical brain-overlay.
Debt isn't even real lmao
Bring democracy to anyone who tries to collect on their debt.
but also nobody will want the dollar anymore so you will be sitting on a giant pile of worthless paper
Musk is a midwit.
>but also nobody will want the dollar anymore so you will be sitting on a giant pile of worthless paper
Not until the yids are done with it, and them being done with it (or dead) is the start of something beautiful so I'm not too worried. If anything I wish it would hurry up.
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Barrel of oil is still the same old barrel of oil, it didn't change.
$50 isn't what it used to be in 2019. and it sure as hell ain't buying what it was buying in 2007.
All those G fund enjoyers.
Don't worry the FED will lower rates and then they can continue to take out trillions in debt

The problem will soon be resolved
america is following sam hydes credmaxxing strategy

lets see how it works out
Why don't you just shut the fuck up if you have no clue what you're talking about?
that only works when it goes around

when you're just sitting on the printed pile, you're fucked
What are you complaining about,paying off that debt is going directly into the GDP.Imagine the increase in GDP in 10 or 20 years when the debt goes exponentially up
i thought you were gonna say something smart and then you said real economics is the amount of niggers there are in the economy, which i grant you is a funny premise for an economic doctrine but unfortunately the truth is yeah the debt is kind of irrelevant but the entire western world for the past 80 years has been following an economic ideology that basically says that printing money is good for the economy, which you can probably just take a wild guess with your common sense is not actually a good idea
And so the topic of conversation here is that there are asset classes that are non-excludable. Said another way, it's possible to acquire assets that can't be forced back out of you. Now that's a bit of a mis-speak and a double-speak, because everything that can be given can be taken away, except for maybe positive life experiences, but you catch my drift, the bootlickers from the Jewish Combine can always beat you to death with their 5 dollar wrench and then render inert all that you have worked for to the benefit of the Sodomite Klan.

But there are tiers of "Gathered to be isolated Non Exclude-able assets".

Novice thinking about this engaged with someone who has thought about this to a much deeper level.

How do you get Jewish paperhung debt into resources that the combine bucket-helmet $5 pipe-wrench swinging bootlickers can't fuck back out of you by beating you in the public square with a pipe wrench in the town square, after telling everyone watching that you're the Terrorist for hiding your giant chest m'boy.
I think we should give (((international finance))) an ultimatum: global debt jubilee or we bring out the guillotines.
Yes, but with a plot twist after the jubilee.
Money is fake anon
Who's the US in debt to?
Other countries?
How do they plan on collecting the debt?
They aren't gonna bomb us that's for sure
(((Federal reserve)))
Debt is bullshit. Jews made it up.
>things that can't be taken away from you by re-possession
>such as land

anon, I...
>how did we get here
CBDC. They been testing that shit allegedly openly since this year. This is hyper jewish in nature. Can cancel transactions and freeze account within seconds. U will see the entire world kneel to the zog machine. If it ever comes to life. This makes jews erect thinking about fucking us over like this.
>How do they plan on collecting the debt?
By taking what little Americans have in their bank accounts.
I dont understand this at all. Who are we paying interest to?

If 75% of my earnings was going to pay INTEREST on debt, I'd be living in fucking tent somewhere. What's stopping us from pausing payments, or creating a "payment plan" whereby we defer interest payments for 10 years or some shit, and instead pay down the debt?

But again, who are we in debt to? Is the US even a free country? Do the european banks own the United States?
What would happen if they just stop paying it?
USA is "soft defaulting" on its obligations.
If you receive good delivered from China that by contract you have to pay $100 of USD from 2022. you cannot cover that with $100 of USD from 2024.
You have to pay like $110 or $120 depending on what you think the inflation was in the last 2 years.
>inb4 the contracts says $100 and I paid $100
You paid like $90 or $80 and soft defaulted on the 10% to 20% of that.
>inb4 I dont care the provider of goods will eat the inflation penalty
Depending on margins and costs of making the goods and delivering them perhaps thats impossible. Perhaps it is but theres no profit or there is not enough money for delivery.
Now go to line 1 and repeat the process.
You will get less goods or the new contract will be much more expensive to factor in the inflation and to factor in the losses of the last one.

Now do that process again.
And again. etc.
>fiat money and fractional (or none) reserve banking
>that's $35,000,000,000,000.00 in net financial assets
No retard, it's not.
All money is owed to the Rothschilds. They graciously print it for you and lend it to you with interest.
Yeah Congress should just mandate the fed to reset the debt. We can do it every 50 years on the jubilee year and make it a year long holiday/festival for the country to just reset everything and chill the fuck out.
The US truly started dying in 1913.
I have no idea who lends the money or how. That means I also don't know who is collecting interest on it. I don't even know how one collects interest on something that has no inherent value to begin with. It's crazy that this system even exists.
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Or you can just buy BITCOIN

/pol/ is full retards
reminder that Federal Reserve Notes are all counterfeit
Treasury Dollars will return
its just debt that we owe ourselves. just pay it
The problem isnt debt its that america isnt enough in debt.
Thinl about it, working capital in america produces an average of 30% of added value, this is split among taxes, salaries and capitalist profits, its 30% added up, rouhly 7.5% tax, 7.5% profit and 15% salaries.
Interest in debt is around 4%. Paltry. Nearly identical to inflation, functionally free money.
America could borrow and earn that 30% and pay back 4% (which is 0% because it barely compensates for inflation), and profit 26% from every 100 dollars borrowed.
It should be borrowing tens of trillions every year.
>I love debt-Zion Don
dont pay it*
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Look up when this photo was posted on /pol/ for the first time .
this aint new
>grace commission report from 1984
it will be interesting to see what the "national debt" is once JP Morgan and the unlawful federal reserve banks are nationalized.
Its one legitimate function of the government that is not to be outsourced to private interests
>The US truly started dying in 1913.
reminder that 1913 does not take place without 1871
This but they use the Bank for International Settlements as a front for it. From there they lend to the central banks of the countries of the world. The Fed says they have the power to create money, which isn't entirely true. They have the power to get more money from the BIS and then distribute it out to the regional fed banks, who then distribute it to their chartered banks, who then loan it to us mere mortals. It's a long chain of ious with the central banks of the world, and through them us, owing our tribute to the BIS.
Aaron Swartz literally posted about how to solve this right before he was Epsteined.
>Its one legitimate function of the government that is not to be outsourced to private interests
Banana republics have no problem setting state owned central banks under the direct control of el president and they all have hyperinflation
Calm down Cletus. I'm not saying there weren't other stumbles but the Fed was the final nail. Besides, the yids were on your team for the most part. I just find it a general tragedy.
>he doesn't know
I'm assuming you're being facetious but in case not; the debt is owed to the federal reserve. A private banking institution granted the right to print money they loan to the government at interest we all have to pay back. Their original charter was that they had to back up all the notes with gold and they were supposed to have ponied up a bunch of money to be "investors" in the economy. Well, they basically used tax payer dollars as their "investment" then through regulatory capture eliminated the rules placed on them like not being allowed to purchase property outside of their operating needs. Now the federal reserve does whatever they want including owning single family homes. Now it's just (always has been) a ponzi scheme.
You will own nothing and be happy.
America will never go bankrupt.
It will never be chopped up and sold away.
They'll default in the debt and those left holding the bag will be unceremoniously arrested tried and executed for attempted treason.
Bullets > dollar bills.
Do you honestly think a nuclear power could ever be brought down?
Canada's central banks are publicly owned.
They tried to do that to Germany.
Instead Germany just started their own monetary system and started to make their own shit again.
They didn't need the rest of the world in their business until the jews decided they wanted in.
>I dont understand this at all. Who are we paying interest to?
To pensioners with 401(k) forced to invest in treasuries and to some foreign investors that are also forced to invest in treasuries. Many corporations hold cash as treasuries as they are liquid and pay more than banks.
Foreigners buy nearly 500 billion dollars in treasuries every year. All of them are forced to do so.
South Korean, Chinese, Japanese, German, Qatari, Saudi, Dutch
And you think thats some sort of guarantee of proper management?
>That's $35,000,000,000,000.00 in net financial assets
This is your brain of GDP.
>Instead Germany just started their own monetary system and started to make their own shit again.
Germany is and was a trading nation. They absolutely cannot "make their own shit". Absolutely everything they do involves importing and exporting
>You need capital
>You come to me the bank for capital
>I reach out to the regional fed, who reaches out to the central, who reaches out to the BIS for capital
>They issue you a note saying "this is capital and if you don't accept it as capital then we'll send violent men with backed authority of other violent men to force you to accept it as capital"
>The BIS charges the central bank interest who charges the regional banks interest who charges your local bank interest who charges you interest.
>You go and use your capital to try and get more capital through your labor, innovation, or other creative means.
>You use the other capital that you've acquired through those means to repay your debt obligations to the bank who pays their's, etc.
>People keep their capital in the banks so they think it is safe and that there is 1:1 capital in this world, which isn't true, it's a farce.
>If everyone went to the bank to withdraw their "capital" they'd find the banks don't have it, leading to a bank run, because all of it is just a derivative of the initial iou note issued by the BIS.
>At the end of the day the interest they're charging isn't actual capital or gold or silver anymore, but the labor, innovation, and creativity used to acquire more of it from your fellow man to make us more productive little slaves to labor, innovate, and create for them. Them owning the means of capital production allows them to manipulate it at their whim in order to them gain ownership and thus control and power over it, which is far greater than any metal or piece of paper could ever be.
sure, but it took a decadde to build everything

if the usa started in 2020 to build massive chip factories, only in 2030 would they produce enough to satisfy the production needs of 2024

500 billion per year is nothing compared to 1 trillion every 85 days.
Except it doesn't balance to zero because of interest payments. Every $1 in debt is really $0.97 in assets, with the controllers of the current monetary system taking their edge of control on every asset there is as you'll always owe them for the pleasure of having it within their system.
1940's Germany was making their own shit, kike.
And I don't mean soap and lampshades.
But they'd still be self reliant.
Besides the advancement in performance over 10 years is basically negligible considering today's tech.
And in the case of Intel it's negative.
The bank was chartered by and under the Bank of Canada Act[14] on 3 July 1934, as a privately owned corporation, a move taken in order to ensure the bank would be free from partisan political influence. The bank's purpose was set out in the preamble to the act: "to regulate credit and currency in the best interests of the economic life of the nation, to control and protect the external value of the national monetary unit and to mitigate by its influence fluctuations in the general level of production, trade, prices and employment, so far as may be possible within the scope of monetary action, and generally to promote the economic and financial welfare of the Dominion".[15]
dont act like a nigger
its important to know that The City of London began fomenting the US Civil War as soon as Jackson destroyed the second bank of the united states.
its always been about the counterfeiting operations
they just realized with Jackson that the presidency was too strong and they would have to steal the law before they'd be able to come after the currency again
reminder that Canada and Germany also lost their sovereignty in 1871 just as the USA did
>1940's Germany was making their own shit, kike.
Absolutely not. They were trading with all the european countries they were not at war with, and with non european countries too, such as Argentina. They traded intensively with the soviet union until the day they invaded them, and notoriously with Sweden and Romania
>What's stopping us from pausing payments, or creating a "payment plan" whereby we defer interest payments for 10 years or some shit, and instead pay down the debt?
If we did such a thing, then US treasuries instantly become worthless. No one will buy them anymore. This means all credit to the United States is cut off. Which then means we can only spend actual revenue. You're probably thinking "sure, that's a little tough, but we have trillions in annual revenue, we'd just have to cut back"... but doing that has implications too. Our stock market would go apeshit, and their credit gets cut off as well, no more corporate bonds. Inflation would skyrocket (everyone will want more cash for the products and services they sell). Those corporations whose stocks just tanked start laying people off and trying to stave off bankruptcy; sales are down, costs are up, they weren't nearly well-prepared enough for this shit. It all falls apart rather quickly.
>kike history revision #90873249876509465
>they just realized with Jackson that the presidency was too strong and they would have to steal the law before they'd be able to come after the currency again
On this point we agree.
yep, and most of the corporate law was written into the books in between 1812-1865
1812 was when we tried keeping kikes, knights, and royals from becoming US Citizens and the city of london had the Virginia Statehouse attacked to prevent those final ratifying signatures from taking place
we went back and did it in 1819, but the corporate veneer of the united states ("the constitution of the united states (((corporations)))") neglects to mention this because its not convenient to the corporations' stance
it only helps if you know what The Constitution For These United States of America is
What is this? Are you just going to say Germany never imported or exported products to any other country during 1940? What a dumb argument
>Real Economics is PHYSICAL conditions aka the number of Niggers around or whether not not you have Trad Waifus or Whores raising your kids.
Here's some real physical conditions then. The chinks, who are playing this jew game too, decide that our treasuries are worthless. Refuse to buy more, try to sell the ones they do have. US credit tanks, and social security payments stop. No one has the cash to buy Chinese products anymore, so they stop sending them across the ocean. But the US doesn't manufacture anymore, so there are no products domestically for anyone to buy. The economy goes to shit. Some dumbass like you starts screeching "we'll make our own stuff!", but the machine tools needed for manufacturing just don't exist in the United States in any quantity, because we let our machine tool industry be gutted starting in the 1970s. We don't have the tools to make the factories anymore. The oil dries up... that's only for paying customers. Even the domestic oil, who the fuck would sell it here when you can get good hard Chinese currency for it overseas? But without it, you can't ship the food (the one thing we do make enough of for our own country) so people start starving.

It might be a jew game and it might be entirely fake and gay, but you're playing this game and you're not allowed to get up from the table.
this is why i hold gme.
>$35,000,000,000,000.00 in debt
What if we were just to say fuck the world. We're not paying. Debt erased. Now do something if you don't like it
retarded jew
look at this blatant kike bullshit
tell a lie and include some other random fact
then when the lie is disputed, how can you dispute this random fact?
kikes like you should be burned alive and dedicated to Odin, making it a true holocaust
because around here we know that a holocaust is a wholly burnt SACRIFICIAL offering
and thusly has no place in describing the artificial plight of the jews in ww2
it would be alot quicker if we all just stopped paying taxes, in minecraft.
The real solution is to simultaneously print a 35 trillion coin to "repay" the debt while moving over to a sound currency.
>tell a lie and include some other random fact
What lie? What random fact?
I said that germany is a trading country and was so during 1940. You think this is a lie?
>can americlaps survive this?
Nope. And just remember: $30 trillion of that debt was invented after 9/11 fighting wars for Israel.

I really hope jews enjoy the Arabs slitting their throats in 10-15 years when America is no longer around. Just, all day. Chop chop chop.
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Hope you bought Gold and Silver....
The real solution is going to be to default on it and then hope people buy whatever currency they issue next (they won't). If America still had a manufacturing base, this wouldn't be an issue.
>keeps on about the factual portion and the lie just doesnt even exist now
you said that germany was making none of their own shit you lying fucking kike
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elon musk retweeting bitcoin ads is bullish af
the real solution is to declare the federal reserve has gone too far with its unlawful operations and has become a parasite on the nation and to nationalize every asset of theirs in the country, and watch as all the other countries do the same and seize all the bankers' ill gotten booty
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Andrew tate and his discord gang
He has to lie.
If people find out countries can be successful without jews and usury then the game is over.
Russia raised their interest rate to 18%. There is inflation literally everywhere.US needs to raise it's rate to at least 25%.
>inflation about to go through the roof
fine with me. i'll pay off my mortgage with a weeks wage.
If other countries move away from the dollar, the US will go bankrupt. The subjective value of the dollar is the only thing holding the american economy. Brics are already ditching the petrodollar, other countries will follow. America desperately need a world war to try to save itself.
>you said that germany was making none of their own shit you lying fucking kike
Because they dont make anything alone. As independent country.
Does a baker "make bread" if he has to source grain from someone else?
Germany isnt an independent country. I didnt say they dont produce anything, but they dont do anything independently. They cant setup "their own" anything. Everything they do is in cooperation with other countries.
Alternative money system? Laughable, as if a trading country can impose terms on anyone else.
>US needss a world war
what gave you the indication that wasn't what they were doing?
Stop portraing god as white male
By taxing you more, the american cattle citizen
What you gonna do, revolt? Lol
>The real solution is to simultaneously print a 35 trillion coin to "repay" the debt while moving over to a sound currency.
This seems clever, but it fails in the real world. Is it mostly equivalent to default, and all the same problems emerge, though the exact mechanisms differ slightly.
>i'll pay off my mortgage with a weeks wage.
Wages always lag prices with inflation. You'll have long ago lost the house before the weekly paycheck could pay it off, either through default or because the bank called in the loan ("they can do that?!?!" he screeched).
A bit disingenuous. It’s going towards maintaining the purchasing power of the dollar, which is still second to none I believe
sorry, not paying. i know you spent all the money now you need more, but sorry i have none to give you. best of luck with your war mongering though!
>Who's the US in debt to?
Pensioners and a combination of countries, like Germany. Netherlands, Qatar, UAE, Saudi, South Korea, Japan and China. Allegedly China less so that before and South Korea and Germany are having a hard time with trade, they might have stopped investing in treasuries but already own a lot
Just create a new currency, bro. You have the biggest army in the world with strike-anywhere capability, you can do whatever you want with no repercussions.
How did we get here?
>Just create a new currency, bro
What happens to the old currency
You issue an equal amount of the new currency to replace the old currency and you delete the debt.
There is only one real solution. It's a multi step plan:
1. Reduce spending drastically. Cut 80% of defense budget, stop all foreign aid. Freeze all government programs until we figure out what we can afford
2. Treasury mints a bunch of $1trillion dollar coins and hands them to the fed, legal tender public and private etc.
3. Fire the fed
4. Treasury issues new dollar backed by gold, all other currencies outlawed.
5. Ban usury and expel the usurers

And that's how we enter a golden age.
>and you delete the debt.
Thats theft. People own that debt. People paid for that debt.
Checked expel the jew
Sucks to suck.
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>There is only one real solution. It's a multi step plan:
>1. Reduce spending drastic
Lets answer this question with a question.

If we represent the nation with (you) the average person, can (you) survive without 3/4 of your income? Dont forget, next year the debt will be higher and youll pay more.

Can you see it now?
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Ok fine people get their cash back, but jews get nothing.
kikes are so disgusting
bankruptcy to who
when the rich pay their taxes, maybe something can happen, all that debt is the money the rich owe in taxes
spoken like a true nigger skin immigrant living off the government like a fucking parasite
Trump should run on the platform of fuck you we aren't paying that
Alien court presided by the honorable Sinwar Yahia
Can't headshot all of us, if there's no goyim then there's no golem
Charge the rest of the world $500 million per citizen not to unleash nuclear holocaust
2 more weeks! just 2 more years bro, its gonna collapse! just watch x22 report, bro. its aaalllll gonna come crashing down. 2 years, 2 months, 2 weeks from now dood. trust me bro. better stock up!
Trump signed the cares act. Ballooned the debt more than any president before or since.
You made a claim and I pointed out that Canada's has been functioning publicly for many hundreds of years. Deal with it.
IDK, maybe stop blowing everyone up?
Ah jeez dude, $35,000,000,000,000? I got these pills bro
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other countries ,other central banks, the (((FED))), deferring payments for 10 years is just defaulting for 10 years
No you will be living in a tent somewhere if the debt hits 250% and more maybe 300% of gdp.
BUT here is the fun part all of the banking system worldwide is owned by the the Rothschilds since ~1600, very few countries are except from this like Russia, syria. Best Korea ,China etc
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With jews you lose.
>Germany is and was a trading nation. They absolutely cannot "make their own shit". Absolutely everything they do involves importing and exporting
>Absolutely not. They were trading
Lying kike flag is lying.
yes. you can do that. dont pay attention to the "you cant do anything, bro! youre stuck here and always will be a poor loser like me!"
thats cope. yes, you actually can steal like that if you dont mind getting sued, having shit repossesed if they can find it, and shit credit. people do that because they stopped giving a fuck. ironically, if you are a loser, you can and should do that, but they never do, because people that are poor losers are stoner/alcoholics with no bravery or ambition. they just do the same thing as their boomer parents and bitch about being poor.
>Can't headshot all of us
You have a centralized presidential system. You didnt think politics through.
> Step 3: Use the borrowed money to pay the minimum payments.
yep, did that
> Step 4: At the end when the bank points into their hand and says: "Give me back my digital money plus interest"
am right here.

realtalk: not a good feel. i have like 5-6 debts that i need to serve. i make sort of good money but at the end of the day i live like a student. literally 70-80% of my
income goes to paying back that debt each month and i'm absolutely forced to do so or things will get worse. bad!
It did not go to the national debt. It went to the interest mate. The whole monetary system and the reserve being able to print out money from thin air is bs. Not only that, they also get their cut at every corner
Most people don't understand the private federal reserve system, debt-based currency and usury. The only politician I know of that has even talked about it is Ron Paul. It's by far the most ridiculous evil present in our nation and is the root cause of everything going wrong with it.
Whenever I try to explain it people just tune out, impossible to get normies to care about it even though it's actually the reason everyone gets poorer every year. You'd think leftists would care about the class warfare aspect of it, or the right would care about the unconstitutional aspect of it, but nope.
>You made a claim
Your claim is that Canada is a paradise but the USA isnt?
I see you're a faggot that can't have adult conversations.
Wait, americans actually pay the federal bank debt they owe ?

Holly shit... you pay for the jews to rule over you.
he said "servicing the debt" which means paying interest, it's the same thing. also we're way ahead of you guys up here, our debt service costs are now almost equal to all our tax revenue.
This is what the rest of countries do that control the Central Bank. But your fed bank is jewish owned.
Whats the lie?
Making shit isnt "making your own shit". When you are part of a global trade network you have foreign customers, foreign suppliers and have to follow foreign rules. You have zero independence and you only "make" as in you bring labor, but nothing is yours. You dont even control what you make as you just follow international economic pressures.
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kikes are still seething about Hitler breaking free from the jewish debt scams by issuing silver coinage, in which following the expulsion of the kike money changers, the arbitage for silver practically doubled so theg could drain the fed of what little metal there was in the vaults. This is why jew puppetfranklin roosevelt banned gold ownership and the mint ceased production of silver peace dollars in 1935 then released a debased coin a few years later, the war nickel. This information makes jews foam at the mouth
it hasn't, you haven't been paying attention to our problems. our central bank encouraged the housing crisis and we can barely cover interest payments with taxation now.
Im a banker, software developer also, if you did some intro and they told you "everything balances to zero" they were talking about the liquidity GL accounts that move from one account to another.

>Every debt is also an asset
Huh ?
Germany made milling machines and in the early 40s the inventor of LEGO purchased a milling machine because German machines are accurate and well made. The jew fears the l a t h e
>captcha snnnw
You are projecting. You accuse me of the evils that you do.
You idiots keep saying that private central banks are some horrible evil but you can see public private banks everywhere else and people still have problems. You are just fixated on a label "private/public".
The alleged "private" FED has a chairman picked by the US government.
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CentraI banks are a pillar of judeo bolshevism so they can allocate credit to their crony kikes. The jew fears losing the free money machine
None of that will ever be possible.
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The federal reserve is an organization of bad guys.
everyones getting upset at this guy on little technicalities because they want everything to crash because their lives suck.
hes based and basically correct. the "national debt" doesnt really matter. the economy isnt going to stop functioning because the big line went up. the economy is productivity. nothing is going to collapse. if youre a loser now waiting for something to happen, youre going to be waiting a long time. there are so many tools the fed still hasnt had to use yet. we are several decades from the USD getting replaced, for instance.
lmao history is filled with retards like you.
every empire falls and the US is snowballing down a mountain of shitty decisions and decline.
but all empires also have bootlicking, cumguzzling niggers like you who think it can never happen.

enjoy being dumb as fuck, faggot.
Bankrupt? Who's going to collect? Explain to me in great detail what happens when USA finally, if ever, defaults.
>nothing is going to collapse.
Theres a chance imports might collapse which is important but not ultra critical
when you own the money printers you also own the politicians you fucking kike. your kind is incompatible with humanity itself.
>Shut the Fuck Up. That's $35,000,000,000,000.00 in net financial assets. Every debt is also an asset and everything balances to zero.
Two economists are walking in a forest when they Come across a pile of shit.
The first economist says to the other "Ill pay you $100 to eat that pile of shit." The second economist takes the $100 and eats the pile of shit.
They continue walking until they come across a second pile of shit. The second economist turns to the first and says "l pay you $100 to eat that pile of shit." The first economist takes the $100 and eats a pile of shit.
Walking a little more, the first economist looks at the second and says, "You know, I gave you $100 to eat shit, then you gave me back the same $100 to eat shit. can't help but feel like we both just ate shit for nothing." "That's not true", responded the second economist. "We increased the GDP by $200!"
They also both owe $40 in taxes
I'm not saying it isn't without problems but it's the doom and gloom the Israeli shill is saying it is.
I didn't accuse you of anything. Lol. Take your meds.
That guy looks like a jew who is telling you about the terrible economy, and profiting from it. At this point I'm 100% sure that jewtube is pushing jewish channels to us goys. Every fucking youtube cook is a fucking jew at this point. The Hammer guy. Filthy gay jew. It doesn't stop
>when you own the money printers you also own the politicians you fucking kike
This doesnt get fixed by having a public central bank
Amazing the hills goyim choose to die on
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if the national debt doesn't matter why don't you print a gazillion dollars and buy every asset on earth? or perhaps you don't actually understand how the scam works?
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it gets fixed by not having ANY central bank, which from the start is a wholly unnecessary jewish instrument of enslaving gentiles.

they are rigging the system for extreme racism and backlash from whites - it's extremely obvious
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>nooo you have to have a bank for the banks how else are they going to be able to steal-stabilize the economy
The federal reserve is unecessary and parasitic.
The US will switch all cars to EVs and then export 13 million barrels of oil a day instead of burning it to pay of the debt.

Only 70 years to pay it off.
At 0% interest rate, it stops mattering.

Sovereign debt is a distraction, wealth disparity is a far greater cause of instability.
The US government doesn't print dollars.
indeed, but usury is the root problem, or just greed in general but that can't be legislated against. interest needs to be banned.
>it gets fixed by not having ANY central bank,
then why do you complain about private central banks while praising the canadian central bank, which is public?
>can americlaps survive this?
No, it's called a debt spiral and it ends with more and more expansion of debt to prevent previous debt to destroy the system. This is called a sovereign debt crisis, this leads to a currency fiat crisis. i.e. high to hyper inflation.
>another episode of mutts cannot do math
you spend more than you have
the only way to make this work is either to print money or borrow money
the greater the debt, the greater the interest payments to service the debt which hurts the budget
deleting the debt (aka bankrupcy) is possible, but it means that your country will now only be able to print money to deal with the deficit. also since most of your debt is internal, it also means that you just stole money from your own citizens
inflating the debt is also partially possible, but it comes at the expense of the future generations

americans have now degenerated to the point where they cannot understand why spending more than you have is bad
it will only get worse as their demographics keep dragging the IQ down
Somewhere after 17, 19, or 21 digits worth of debt it stops being a number an rounds-up to "Infinity".
I get it, I get it, we owe you infinity dollars. But I've got a better idea, see in my hand I've got a old smith and wesson .45 caliber pistol, and all I have to do is say: "strike out this number on the napkin with your Jewish ink pen and mark the debt as clear in the eyes of the sovereign (basically me) and then nobody gets hurt and we all live happily ever after.

Seems fair to me. Only the fucking communists would have a problem with it. And they get the Rope for treason against the United States of America.
Like nigga just close your eyes
the govt copes by either bombing someone, or faking bombing someone.
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The kike itt is hung up on the label of private or public bank to derail from the fact that jewish banks are parasitic.
We have nukes though. Just kill whoever they send to collect “aMeRicAs dEbT” and their families.
yet another mutt who doesn't realize the debt isn't held by 'jews', but by his fellow citizens and american corporations and that striking out their investments will not go well for his economy or social cohesion
are you going to nuke yourself?
> globohomo has reality defying super powers
lmao next you'll tell me they can travel backwards in time, too
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I don't care about the economy and social cohesion died many years ago.
Let it burn
I mean...it's a system that revovles around Usury, I mean at it's very core. The price of money or interest rates where new money is created through expansion of debt.
Many religions forbade this practice, I think everyone can guess which religion allowed it..only to the gentiles however.
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>Infinite debt
Renormalize the infinite debt and you get paid 1/12th of a dollar
Elon Musk, the snake in the grass.

He is a race mixer, an immigrant and he is planning to import millions of indian immigrants into the USA to ruin it like they did Canada
> 7.5% tax, 7.5% profit and 15% salaries
lol retart
every religion now allows it, even the muslims, so I'm not going to cast stones. it needs to banned though I agree.
30% added value=7.5% tax. 7.5% profit. 15% salaries.
>usury will be the downfall of the nation most embroiled in its use
Gee, i wonder (((who))) receives the debt's interest...
Your nation is an albatross around the neck of jews and I love it. Diaspora jews are finding this out slowly but surely and it brings me great joy.
I'm a brainlet who doesn't understand macroeconomics.
When americans talk about national debt they mean the money they printed or the ammount of money they borrowed and haven't given back?
They forbid it in religious scripture, however it is the defacto global financial system now. Which means ultimately, shit is going to hit the fan on a global scale and increasing geo-political conflict along with social unrest.
Everyone is acting surprised but it's literally a feature of a debt based fiat system to end like this, not a bug. It's a wealth transfer mechanism.
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I asked ChatGPT if USA's debt is a good thing

> Economic Stimulus:
> - Borrowing can be used to finance investments in infrastructure, research, and other areas that stimulate economic growth. This can lead to higher future tax revenues and help manage debt.

> Flexibility in Crisis:
> - High debt levels can indicate that the government has the flexibility to respond to crises (e.g., financial crises, pandemics) through substantial fiscal stimulus, which can mitigate economic downturns.

> Relative Measures:
> - Debt is often measured relative to GDP (Debt-to-GDP ratio). If the economy grows at a rate that outpaces debt growth, the relative burden of the debt can decrease over time. The USA has a large and dynamic economy that can potentially sustain higher debt levels compared to smaller economies.

> Low Interest Rates:
> - For much of the past decade, interest rates have been historically low. If the government can lock in low rates for long-term borrowing, the cost of servicing the debt remains manageable.
>. it needs to banned though I agree.
Uh maybe just dont borrow money?
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Principle and interest on borrowed money
And this is my problem exactly how?
Say you to to a bank, ask for $10k loan. They don't actually have a vault with 10k that backs that loan. They pulled it out their ass, put it on a ledger and now you owe them 10k with interest. Now, with this 10k you can go party like a rockstar at strip clubs, throw your money around. This is inflationary. BUT you gotta pay it back with interest (so you now pay interest on a counterfeited loan they magically whisked into existence) , this is deflationary. Here's the problem, as more and more loans require higher and higher interest rates you get to a point where there's not even enough fucking money that exists to pay the interest. How do you solve this? By taking on even more fucking debt.
This is a debt spiral, this rapid acceleration of debt expansion (new money) results in hyper inflation.
I don't, I never carry debt. it's everyone else doing it that's a problem.
>Everyone is acting surprised but it's literally a feature of a debt based fiat system to end like this, not a bug. It's a wealth transfer mechanism.
I remember telling people this shit back in the mid 2000s and sounding like a nutter. Now who's crazy?
That's just American greatness. Our empire is undefeatable.
Having 100% of all income go to interest payments by 2030 is the source of our strength.
You are just too stupid to understand Talmudic macroeconomics. It isn't like your petty household finances.
God chooses his vessels, not us
The reason that we sell treasuries (take out loans) instead of printing money is that if we printed money it would be worthless. If we print $1 trillion and use it to buy Chinese trinkets, the Chinese would want to be able to spend that money that they earned... but who would want it? The United States makes very little anymore (even our steel industry is tits up, not that they'd need to buy that from us). It's just absolutely worthless paper.

But treasuries? That's a little different. It might have the same nominal value, but it pays interest. In a world where everyone is trying to avoid value just withering away through inflation, that seems like a good deal. And if it seems like the US couldn't hope to pay it back, you kind of know how brutal the US government is... they're promising to squeeze the American taxpayer hard to get you the money they owe you. Furthermore, the US has (in the past) said that if anyone tried to sell them off in bulk to tank the price, they'd consider it economic warfare and would not be pleased. So the countries that have them sort of have to hold on to them (can't spend them). By the time they get liquid cash for them, the goods that those bought have already existed for years and so the money supply did not expand quickly or unjustifiably.

It's basically a way for the US to spend money, without the receiver of that money to be able to turn around and spend it. But like with all such things, there are limits beyond which this cannot continue, and we're about to find out what that's like.
Ahh thank you.
Yeah, I had some idea that in your system money printing is equal to debt. I think that's not how it works in most other countries and that's why I got confused.
Thank you again for explaining.
>it's everyone else doing it that's a problem.
Uh maybe dont carry someone elses problem?
well I suppose if there's one people who know about debt it's the modern gayreeks
People have a misconception that they print money without backing. This is North Korea or your Meth dealer with a printer style of "Money printing". In reality, when the Treasury takes out debt (Loan) this creates new money. It needs to be paid back with interest so the system is inherently deflationary because it requires more money than the loan itself to pay back. The problem occurs when you have so much debt, so much interest that a deflationary mad max bankruptcy scenario is always at the doorstep. So you have to keep expanding debt faster and faster to keep the wheels on the bus. And since new debt creates new money, it results in higher and higer inflation.
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if the rate its climbing stays the same, i predict we are 17,656 minutes away from $35t
That should work out to about 12.2 days away from $35 trillion.
>oey vey goyim, you have to give the jews 35 trillion dollars

>but why
>you just do, you promised in 1914

it's so insane we even entertain this ridiculous nonsense. with the jews failing to maintain control over the saudis and force the petro-dollar, theres even less reason to keep playing pretend. Whats the worse that happens, some nations stop trusting the dollar and make their own system? But brics already happened and the world didnt end. Fuck this shit, pay these jewish bankers nothing. What do they even do with the money besides create more debt traps to make the number bigger. Its like some national humiliation ritual, no wonder jews always end up getting expelled. The jews dont uphold their end of the bargin, but the goyim are suppose to adhere it to the letter of the law.
What Central banks can do, is they can create "Reserves" that are akin to Chuck-E-Cheese tokens out of thin air, buy US treasuries. This prevents all that fucked up debt from creating a deflationary crash. So if you don't allow deflation to happen , then you'll just get more and more inflation.
(Debt expansion)->Inflationary->(pay back debt + interest)->deflationary. They are preventing the deflationary portion to take affect.
once again, the debt is not owed to 'jews' exclusively, but to your government, people and corporations and a smaller amount to foreign domestic and government investors.
all debt is intrinsically owed to the federal reserve, who then plays an elaborate game of pretend by selling the debt to third parties so midwits like you will be tricked by the system. As long as the number is big enough, retards turn off their brains and believe whatever bullshit story is told to them. Make like a leaf and kill yourself.
you give him too much credit. that's either a yid playing dumb or a pajeet who is actually dumb.
Wow, you are a retard. I’m guessing you’re a business major in college and you just learned A=L+E, but you don’t know anything beyond that. Am I right?
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>how did we get here?
This is why they were kicked out of so many countries, these people would practice usury on gentiles and eventually fuck up their economies. The King would then kick their asses out.

Makes me think about those images I've seen here showing accounts with trillions of dollars in them, and such.

Isn't there some deal about the phillipines, or some country like ?
Thanks for the good post. Wasn't there something in the original charter whereby they were supposed to be using "profits" to pay down any debt?

Is there any way to fix this?
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both the people in this pic are jews btw
>It's owned to the government
It's owed to the federal reserve. The federal government has become the puppet regime of the international banking cartel. Look at all the wars the u.s fought on 5 continents directly after the signing the federal reserve act between 1913 and 1933. Read about smedly butler.
Anyone who has bought a Government Bond (the public, banks, hedge funds, pension funds etc) is entitled to interest until the Bond matures, at which time the Govt issues more Bonds to pay off the old ones. This is where Govt's get all the money they continually waste.
When corrupt AIPAC politicians stop giving our taxes to Ukraine and Israel, I'll stop being a NEET.
debase currency. When new 100 dollar is equal to 1 old dollar. Debt dosent seem so bad anymore
You don't make anything anymore. Prior to WW2 America accounted for something ridiculous like 51% of global manufacturing, now China is beating you on that front and thanks to your love of the Jewish people and their wonderful financial policies the rest of the third world also took a big chunk.
Everything in America is Jewed to fuck and costs 100x more to buy than it does to make, you're basically running a Communist system where whites go to work for Jews and niggers sit at home taking government gibs.

America is a nation of useful idiots and slaves.
its fiat money debt, its irrelevant because fiat money are made from paper, they have no value, you can opoprint as much as you want

the problem is that usa debt is owned by other western governments and usa bank jews lol

they are ZOG, it does not matter that they have administrative power in sepearate economic zones

EU bureaucrats, Biden and Trudeau report to same ZOG

ZOG cant fuck itself, so it will fuck common people by taking away their assets, importing more niggers etc
Also pic related too double checking
It's mostly paying for things that have been used and lost to the passage of time.
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Stack things made of metal
>importing more niggers etc
Importing niggers is akin to the ancient practice of alchemy, the idea of turning lead into gold. Alchemy never worked in the same way that DEI doesn't work, you can't turn useless eaters into productive members of society.
People forget that Judaism is a religion and religious people do retarded/terrible shit in the name of religion all the time.
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prof st onge is based. followed him for some time now
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Kike cards: post'm if you've got'm
personal income tax is only 50% of that 76%...

fake news
>>475725036 1 pbtid
the global economy is founded on a debt-based economic model.
our post-1970s global economy a Financialized gigacasino, its wealth segregated entirely from Real Economy of goods-services-commodities

The post-1970s Financialized autofac created brand new, never-existent-in-human-history speculative instruments, derivatives, CDOs, options that confect 'money' and 'assets' out of *NOTHING*.
After 2008 'capitalism' no longer exists, none of us would even be here posting or internet servers existing without endless supplies of debt note fiat currency from private central banks.
Remember that the Aug-Sept 2019 overnight repo crisis of the WS investment banks being unable to cover their overnight transactions,
was the beginning of our current economic collapse.
from Sept 2019 to Jan 2020 almost $1 trillion in bailouts were 'printed' to prevent a 2007-style credit freeze (what would've occurred without <--that bailout) happening and instant Mad Max at your local grocery store and bank.
Elizabeth Warren herself was on Capitol Hill "what the F is going on here"
magically, though in January 2020 along came covid :
and with it $13 trillion more in 'liquidity' for HNW entities, investment banks to continue their Financialized artificial casino entirely removed from the Real Economy of goods-services-commodities which we all subsist in.

Must watch : what is 'money', how is it created —

The Money Deluge —


a few recent threads where (You) can all learn more about how the global economy *actually* works, post-1970s Financialization, and central banks :




Century of Enslavement : The History of The Federal Reserve
Silver ends the fed
can you explain to me how evil is it?
the only thing i know is they create money from nothing, like a videogame cheat
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They digitally print the currency not much of it is even physical paper
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shouldnt you be at temple, Jerome?
your fault not being born in the usa and declaring bankrupcy
Elon is right. We need to tax him heavily.
youre a retard if you havent bought bitcoin yet

well, you have been for a long time. but now youre just extra retarded. why? because you think you know better than fink

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