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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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lul she will crack and it will be beautiful, injecting her testosterone in the butt and all
good luck trying to convice yourself i gues
such is the life of a repper
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the rest of her hallucinations
Read anything on /lgbt unless you're
Glenn Greenwald kek.
are you indian or chinese
Nice pfp, anon.
White guy like Greenwald. How's Glenn's dog collection coming along?
whats PFP
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stfu nigger spic hybrid
So the actual biggest mistake was letting women on the internet?
Just like the biggest mistake before that was letting them vote?
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I did too you as well, fafo haha.
how does that in any way deny it?
yes I can imagine that dysphoria is real, but the treatment should be to teach people how ot live with their own bodies, not cutting off their cock and balls
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Good idea. I'll help.
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I have Google's ASN blocked for the last 10 years. My hatred of niggers is at an all time high.

If you think the internet (staring at a screen while the screen stares back) is not 'mind control' you are beyond the drugs used to treat retardation.
then how come not 100% of people online arent trannies lmfao
only the predisposed already GNC ones get affected
which was gonna happen anyway
and some of them were already dysphoric before the internet
get a grip
>if you wake up tomorrow with tits, a vagina and a feminine voice, how will you deal with being taught "how to live with your own body" instead of modifying your body so it is in harmony with your gender?
if i somehow hallucinated my entire life and it turns out I have tits and a vagina then yes I would definitely rather ask doctors what the fuck happened to me than go straight into surgery to mutilate myself
but regardless, this is never how it happens
its never an overnight switch where a person goes to sleep as a "male in male body" and suddenly wakes up as a female. You need at the very least months of indoctrination for this shit to happen
Because yes dysphoria may exist but the reason trans exists is because instead of treating this delusion we are accelerating them to the point where they decide to mutilate themselves
yeah stay away from trans conversations, you're too smoothbrained
Pride is self love is masturbation is homosexuality
Fellating oneself, masturbating as a hobby, the fruit of pride is death
All the sins pertain to self love
>Here's my reasoning
>Nuh uh, u dumb
You really don't get to call anyone a smoothbrain, bro. Just making yourself look like a retard.
I told you, reirom.
>I poisoned the water cooler
That is how retarded you sound right now.
Go spend your ~~summer~~ winter reading Manufacturing Consent.
The internet is merely a tool. It can be manipulated. Don't be so fucking stupid.
another smoothbrained moron who thinks transexuality is a fetish
look up the diagnostic criteria on DSM 5 before you babble you bibble

you cissies arent even human, you know that right?
eat shit and die
stay away from trans matters
Oh, you're just a troll. Nevermind, lol.
Doubling down on retardation.
Trans matters are Normal Human matters because trans is what happens when a normal person goes down a very dark trail of degeneration. Society should be keeping a check so that no person falls for this dark invidious trap.
Do we let coke heads make drug laws? Every Normal Human has the responsibly to stop degenerative and harmful behaviour. Both on an individual and society.
Issuing death threat at people who 'threaten' to take away your 'Crack Cocaine"will get you visits from the police.

Find someone that cares about YOU, not turning you into something for their amusement.
I can understand why low-T manlet incel autists would transition to attempt to live life on easymode. I will never understand why a woman would do the reverse and deliberately turn herself into an uglier version of that incel manlet low-T autist.
Always was.
>if you wake up tomorrow with tits, a vagina and a feminine voice, how will you deal with being taught "how to live with your own body" instead of modifying your body so it is in harmony with your gender?
If you wake up tomorrow with no tail, whiskers, or claws even though you think you are a cat how will you deal with being taught "how to live with your own body" instead of modifying your body so it is in harmony with your species?

Why is it that for one delusion (someone thinking they are an animal even if they are not) everyone will instantly call it out for what it is and treat the delusion itself
but for another delusion (someone thinking they are a woman when they are not) your go-to is to stuff them full of chemicals and cut off their dick and balls?
Women who are talked into lesbianism usually sink lower and fall for the trans psychosis. Lesbianism preys on ugly women who won't reproduce but need to have some worth in society.
Time to piss off all the trans activists reading this thread.

There is no dysphoria, you are just a common faggot.
all im reading is that letting you people on the internet and find a community was a mistake and can be easily halted by rounding you all up so you dont reach anyone else like a leper colony
Of course the troon has an anime pfp
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I was born as napoleon the french emperor but instead I'm german. Emperor affirming language classes are coming soon I even wear a fancy had in day to day life now, how can I tell the mechanic I work for that it is discrimination to make me put on a hardhat?
Mentally ill people really are mentally ill apparently
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daily reminder to not give your kids internet access
>look up the diagnostic criteria on DSM 5
DSM? hahhahahahahahahahahahah

The number of diagnoses in DSM-III, however, climbed to 265 from the 106 diagnoses included in the first edition of the DSM criteria. This rapid growth in numbers of diagnoses slowed, however, yielding 292 diagnoses in DSM-III-R, 297 in DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR, and 298 in DSM-5 [27].
>I feel differently depending on the weather
>maybe I should cut my tits off
Women don't deserves rights. They do not know what's best for them. This country is FUCKED. Someone should ask her what her and her dad did. It probably wasn't just the lack of interent. It was probably hanging out with her dad and having fun instead of hating her mom
Viscid monsters, bourgeoise vices, which require total dependancy towards pharmaceutical companies and artificial validation in order to proliferate through parasitical reproduction strategies against host societies, cannot be trusted.
>if you wake up tomorrow with tits, a vagina and a feminine voice, how will you deal with being taught "how to live with your own body" instead of modifying your body so it is in harmony with your gender?
Literally would not effect my life in any meaningful way, would still go to work, would still eat dinner after work, would still waste time on the internet.
The only thing this would meaningfully impact for most people is having sex which contrary to what trannies believe is not the only thing in life and most trannies claim they aren't transitioning because they're gay and want to fuck guys.
Yes real women are treated better in our society but if that's your reason for transitioning you should admit that rather than making some other bullshit excuse. That's a social issue not a biological issue. Won't matter for trannies though because they can never be real women and will be treated worse than before.

Do leftist fail to realize the contradiction of spending years pushing the idea that traditional gender roles are bullshit and women can be whatever they want. Now you suddenly shit to rigid gender roles where a woman is required to be very specifically feminine? Which is it?

The whole "I was born is the wrong body" shit is nonsense anyway because trannies do not at all share the same interest and thought patterns as women. Most of them are unsocial introverts whose main hobbies are playing video games and watching hentai which is consistent with the mind of an autistic man not a woman. If they had the minds of women they would be very sociable and heavily into gossiping and celebs like women are.
>psychotic single mom energy nullified by presence of dad
>"it's the internet what did it"


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