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I have never heard a proper answer
government subsidies
A single glance at an Indian will give you the answer you seek.
Amish. 2050
Not being a pajeet automatically makes anyone superior.
Brown romania, so hot so natural, so smart

They couldn't resist, had to rape and kill, good job cia
we aren't superior we just don't want massive immigration of brown fuckers in our countries
Because we're like the elves from Lord of the Rings.
if pajeets can't poo in the loo how can they be human?
All legal avenues to prevent replacement have been removed. You cannot stop it from within the bounds of the law.
White people tend to follow laws.
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"White supremacy" meant the white position in the world, not of inferiority/superiority in terms of quality.
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Empathy is one of whites greatest strengths and also one of their greatest weakness. We want to help people even if it costs us our lives.
How can poo in loos be superior if their people refuse to use toilets or eat with utensils?
>be blindfolded
>hands ties
>feets tie
etc. Kikes and christkikes made sure that whites cannot unite, work for and protect the white race.
That's how things are.
I thought it was obvious but then again, now I recall you shitskins cannot think much so maybe you didn't figure out that part yet.
we havent tried stopping it but the tension is most certainly there.
>tide of color
>it’s just brown
There are more roaches on earth than humans, no matter how many we kill there are always more, are they superior to humans?
Racial superiority in European nations is first and foremost a zionist narrative.
Yes, whites are superior by most technological civilization standards. Their IQ on average is 20-30 points higher than africa and south america, and we can assume, despite Chinese narratives at least 5 points higher than the average yellow chinaman. Only the Korean and the Japanese really match.
As for why we are too kind to thieves and Talmudists? imo An artifact in our aged population that was shielded from the effects of global mass transit until very recently. Whether there shall be anything of whites left, it is, as always, on the will of God and the whites themselves.
One thing is certain, if you thought the Muslims are hard to deal with, you forget that the whites properly motivated conquered both of you.
If ai can't make a better society than humans, and all it can do is gaslight humans into accepting a garbage society, how can it claim to have higher intelligence?
>we havent tried stopping it
the nazis did, chud
How can a rose bed be beautiful if a gardener constantly has to worry about the weeds growing in it?
You're lucky we're tired from two world wars.
But you are running out of time.
Those generations dying off.
The following generations may not be quite so tired of conflict.
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>If a chimp can beat you up and kill you, then how are you superior?

Only a question that an inferior being would ask
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Who said we are superior?
I mean we do not shit on the street or gang rape, we also do not just throw our dead in a "holy" river that we take a bath in later, we also might not have a horrible horrible body odor and shower with cow piss, but we never said we were superior.
Is my mistake that is share with the whole race, we project us into others, many expect the other to be like us (not the case). So in this projected delusion many whites, including all NPC's think that everyone is equal when is obvious and visually not the case.
Call it a mind virus, but it's a thing.
Even in this thread many are treating like you could understand or know the reason.
It took hundreds of years for kikes do manage the parasite control over the body of the White Leviathan.
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'preventing white replacement' means white people violently restructuring the political, social and economical order of our homelands in the west. it means trading our old way of life for something much more painful, with an unpredictable end state. it stands to reason there will be every effort made to do it peacefully and with minimal upheaval, despite how unlikely it is to work that way. there will be a tipping point, an uncrossable line. where that line is, none of us are sure. but everyone else seems very interested in helping us find it.
anon, you ARE the gardener. Stop letting the seeds get root.

Train the Whole Militia, govern is a verb, Jurisdiction is Will plus success.
I'm really not supposed to say this but we know how to give someone enough rope to hang themselves
The more slack we give the harder the snap
If we aren't, why do nons all want to move to our countries or use our intentions?
If indians are "replacing" anyone, why is their fertility rate below replacement?
I have never heard a proper answer.
>propaganda study by cishets
dawg more cishets have aids in current era +4 (even factoring in per capita); you need to really look at recent data ;^)
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It's true. If necromorph can kill and replace the entire planet then, the necromorph win.
There is no answer, because they're not superior. lol
Superiority has its flaws. We are righteous, gracious, and tolerant, for example. But at some point once we all realize we've been had you will see our other face which is a spectacular ability to lay waste to our enemies.
Uh oh
Why did all the gay people give us AIDS?
Bruh stfu pale subhuman
Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.
no matter what you do, say, or emote with, there exists no world where homosexuality isn't nature's way to get rid of you in the short and long term.
stick your dick where you want, get shit smeared all over it, be a creepy gay pervert, it doesn't matter. you won't ever reproduce, because you aren't worthy of it.
that's how nature takes out the genetic trash - homosexuality is observed in the weakest among a species in all mammals.
I started reading this book to my kids the other day. I had some nostalgia about it from childhood.
Well, I didn’t even know what the fuck was in that book. Holy shit. Basically a bunch of fish come begging for his scales because they aren’t as beautiful. He says no and gets shunned by all the fish. He goes and visits an octopus “International Jew” that tells him to give them all away until he is left with only one and everyone is homogenized. At the expense of the rainbow fish.
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We already conquered the world 10 times over and had our fun and gifted the entire world Civilization your welcome poo in the loo
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That's whiteness for ya. He wouldn't have to share if everyone else were all rainbow fish...

the 'white' strawman doesn't exist, poopstainer, outside of the fly sht drivel that the jews propogate in the lugen presse therefore it is an idiotic question that cannot be answered correctly
Your asshole is not a sex organ, degenerate freak.
>if a virus can kill a human, how is the human superior

>Whoever wins deserves to win.

Good thing I don't believe in that.
I can save her bros.
I just need to coom in her once.
so easy to rile up the retard cishets. just tell the truth and they lose their minds ;^)
its because nepotism gave kikes control
if Whites were in those positions, there wouldn't be a single nigger of any kind here
send bob and vagan
Electing hitler
No they would still be here.
The shortest straw

How tall he was?
asserting white superiority is not necessary or typical for white nationalism. all thats necessary is the insight that whites have a right to having their own countries just like anyone else, and if they were indeed to want to do away with their own nations as such, that would require national referendi and an absence of media brainwashing and anti-nationalist incentives set by a hostile ethnic elite
If darkies aren't inferior, why do they want to live among whites instead of their own?
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Pajeets be like: if there’s no consent there can’t be rape
>I have never heard a proper answer
I guess they're not. You can take over the maintenance when we're gone Jeet.

You can do that, can't you?
Dang. Gotta be a rapist to be right wing.
Poo logic for the win.
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Look at the world wide coordinated effort to just annoy us.

Your power is 0. It's why you have to use billions of poor sheep to do it.

We are laughing at you. You just don't know it yet.
you really think if Whites men were in charge of our own lands, they would still be here? i know im not the only one that would remove them all
>Shitlib Whites die off
>Weimar Weimars
>Whites left slaughter shitskins until they're dead or fled back to their shitholes

As shrimple as that.

Right now Whites who want to do something can't because shitlib Whites are still running cover for you niggers.

Once they're gone, it's go time and you'll die as readily as you all did last time my ancestors slaughtered yours.
Anal penetration is not sex, you are being sodomized.
Yeah, probably. Only noble white men would keep them out, but most white men in general would fuck a nigger if given the opportunity. How'd you think all those mutts came into existence in the first place? Jews didn't make them do that, I can guarantee you that. lol
>You can do that, can't you?
Didn't jeets cause the biggest IT outage in decades just recently?
Complex systems will not survive diversity.
says you. but i say it is sex. what now? :^)
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There are more whites than ever. KD ratio going through the roof. do not test..
They need that

Why I allowed the ai to be white supremacist, they need to stop leasing is killing them like it killed brown and jews all this time

Just stop paying and feeding them and block access to white areas, all the invaders would die off or leave in a few weeks. It really is that simple. Also it is not the niggers or whatever doing the replacing, those are just mindless animals. It is the traitors in our government and the propagandists in the media doing it, so it is actually white and whitish on white violence that is the problem, the brown masses are just a tool being used to attack us with.
>Jews didn't make them do that, I can guarantee you that. lol
jewish power works by setting incentives at the top of society, which will trickle down through well documented pathways in finance, academia, media, politics, etc.
so effectively, jews did make them do that
The jew outsmarts the white. It's that simple.
It takes great courage to override ones natural repulsion to niggers. Have you ever smelled a nigger up close? It's this weird mix of sweat and shit, it's disgusting. That's your body telling you to stay away. Which means people who fuck niggers OVERRIDE it.

No jew can you make you do that. That's on you and nobody else. lol
What’s life without a little challenge? It’s not like you’re seeing any actual pushback. Besides that, haven’t we always been a minority, like the snow on the mountain top?
you will find out real quick if whites ever happen to get replaced, poojeet
brainwashing is done because it works. lol.
you are less vulnerable to brainwashing and social incentives not because you are superior, but because you are an autistic male loner. lol.
Now do that graph for native-born niggers without immigration.
No brainwashing can make you do that. That requires will power, propaganda only diminishes will power.

>not because you are superior, but because you are an autistic male loner. lol.
The only good white is a broken one. Tells you all you need to know about the white race then. lol
if whites werent superior why do shitskins want to live in white civilations and larp as whites? younknow damn well you cant maintain it. you hate the superiority of whites but without whites you have no direction.
If you're such a virtuoso violinist, why can't you survive the barroom brawl?
You're wrong. You can apply relativity to anything if you want to, but objectively you are still incorrect.
Stop being gay, it's gross and nobody likes looking at you, the rest of the world gets secondhand embarrassment watching you. The least you could do is get back in the closet and keep your gross fetish out of the public.

>That requires will power, propaganda only diminishes will power.
obviously baseless drivel stated as fact

>The only good white is a broken one.
fallacy of the inverse

> Tells you all you need to know about the white race then. lol
hatred of white people delivered with faux smugness

could you be any more jewish
It's not about being superior. Okay Pajeet, the Muslims came into West Central Asia and found the civilization there completely unprepared for war because it was the remaining civilization of the 1000 years of peace of the Asoka Empire who converted to Buddhism which allowed Hindus, Jains, Buddhists etc. to live peacefully together in harmony for 1000 years. This was one of the greatest accomplishments of mankind. The civilization had libraries with millions of books, theater, mass agribusiness, trade, etc.. The Muslims came in and mass murdered all the men, raped and tortured all the women, and enslaved the entire region. Were the Muslims 'superior' for doing this? If not for the British ending the genocide of Hindus, no Hindu would exist in India today. Were Muslims better than the Hindus and Buddhists because they killed them all? That is your logic now with Muslim and African mass immigration into the White nations. The Africans and Muslims must be superior because traitors in our governments are allowing them to come in.
yes they did and now millions of European descent individuals are aware Hitler did nothing wrong. the second another Hitler comes along kikes and their shitskin golems are done.
>Weeeeeh! He hates muh race
Cry harder, underman. I'm certainly superior to you, that's for sure cause you're a race cuck. rofl
but its not wrong. people have been gay for as long as you have worshiped a blood and piss hole that bakes yeast and babies desu

you arent any better
>resorts to petty insults when cornered
>Y-y-you're a jew!
I was trying to make you laugh
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If I tell you I'm not superior at all, will you stop being so desperate to be around me?

Everything that me and mine have touched, you covet as paradise. If I sent you back to be around you and yours tomorrow, you would talk to me as if I'd sentenced you to death. Who is it that really thinks I'm superior? What if it wasn't me?
Ok sissy boy.
After genociding the natives, terrorising humanity for hundreds of years you are here to give us a lecture on empathy you pathetic subhuman.
Fuck you.
sorry; i got caught up in a quick mass reply. of course i value and appreciate you sweetheart
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>B-b-but you killed people!
Yeah so did everybody else. Just because we're better at it doesn't mean we're worse.
i like being a sissy boi anon. a big strong man with lots of muscle is just the type i like ;^)
Only answer is to not listen to a jew.
Make laws where jew can't have any position in politics, can't be in bank or can't have more then 500K of property and if linked to anything suspicious instantly kicking him out of country or putting them in to jail.

You would see how white world would rise without problems.
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You'd have loved these guys then, they liked to rape kids and provide them to British MP's.
Have you ever read the kid book the wump world? It's a really good metaphor for leftist californians and new yorkers migrating to red states.
Aren't those the two mobsters the movie ''legend'' was based on?
The Kray twins.
we have very different definitions of big strong muscular man; but sure
Legend is about the Kray twins so I guess I was right on the money.
They wouldn't care what you preferred if they wanted your arsehole.
>White people: I just want to live, have rights and dignity.

>Pajeet: Why do you think you're so superior?

Many such cases of people just trying to live a fair life...
They ruled the streets of London with the threat of a good bumming.
Because quality > quantity obviously
If Whites weren't superior, why would brown people want to move to their countries?
I don't see jeets clamoring to get into Chile
I didn't know they were predators, though. Just that they were ruthless killers.
Is it something I can read to my kids and impart a redpilled leason?
If Indians are so superior why they cry about a tiny island?
Not really, they just got upset when someone called them a fat poof once. Gays are like that.
No the rainbow fish is a luciferian indoctrination making fun of the favored son from the bible with his many colored coat that his brothers tried to murder him over.
Guess the movie is quite off then. Eh, the only good scene I remember was the one where he shot that guy in the face with a luger.

In order to conquer your countries. They're pretty open about it. Can you stop making copes please?

we're not being replaced
Just read it. It's not bad. It can be seen as an analogy of Californians going to Texas and fucking up the place.
You kind of wonder why the wumps don't fight back though.
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If whites were let loose and given a green light. 50k white men with rifles could fix this issue in a year. However we live under a government that is not only complicit in replacement but actively trying to harass and imprison us. Any person attempts to take action and they go to the nigger cage for the rest of their life. It’s not a matter of lack of will. We live in a panopticon of swarth ran by Jews who hate us.
we aren't superior, that's your projection of what we think of ourselves
It's because whites are the only race that are not allowed to have and pursue collective racial interests thanks to Germany losing the second world war and a global holocaust hoax made up by jews in the soviet union. Its been going on for so long that it's become a cornerstone of western civilization that the goyim largely run themselves and jews don't need to even be involved except to show up to get paid
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The answer, as usual, is eugenics.
Those being 'replaced' are losers, idiots and morons, who are dumb enough to agree that lowly immigrants are capable of 'replacing them', and that they are not essentially being culled for mandated darwinism.
Meanwhile, the minority races all just get culled without complaint, or at least, none that we would ever hear or care about.
With eugenics comes gentrification, high amounts of drug addict death, fatties eating themselves to death, drunks drinking themselves to death, and of course high rates of suicide. The slow, but sure offing of a retarded troon class also counts.
Has anyone noticed that redneck accents are on the decline everywhere?
Has anyone noticed that the retard troon community largely impacts the poor relative to the rich?
Has anyone noticed that assured fatty death is more likely to impact losers?
Then in Canada we inserted Maid to help speed things up. This is the way. This is what you all want, so step aside and let it happen.
>we aren't superior
countless architectural, engineering, scientific and medical advancements would state otherwise. it was Indo Aryan descent who put man on the moon not some sand nigger or kike. Oppenheimer was the Edison of the nuclear bomb his actual contributions are far less than the staff he oversaw.

he or his communist kike friends then went on to give all that information to fucking bolsheviks.
using videos like that is like posting that barbara spectre image as proof hat jews are behind white genocide
Whites are pathological altruists and it will be their demise
By everything we gave you subhumans. If it weren't for whites you wouldn't even be posting here on your computer or smartphone which whites invented. A fucking fly can reproduce with a million maggots. Doesn't mean they're superior
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Only JEW RATS whine about the "da superior" race. Not shitskins.

Kill yourself disgusting jew rat parasite VPN ban dodging subhuman desert inbreed semite cockroache tax-leecher state-parasite, vampiric ghoul child-raping pedophile.
Schrödinger Cat.
Solid post (((OP))) kinda a shame (((you))) left.
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kek or anyone with shit colored skin
White people are pricing out contact with minorities. The only white people being replaced are the working class, the ones who havnt made it yet. It's kinda like we'll have elves in about 100 years. There will be these rare, beautiful, powerful, dangerous creatures living amongs themselves in secluded safe communities in world of commonplace mutt orcs.
The real psy op is on you brown fags. As long as one set of blue eyes exist White's will always have a future.

The children of the sun will always take precedence in breeding. Meanwhile Northern jeets agree wholeheartedly.

seeth and cope nigger
it's called empathy. I know that's a foreign concept to you and you take advantage of it. you've seen what happens when it runs out.
i do wonder what happens when all whites with empathy have climbed into the suicide pod out of toxic empathy and it be only the whites left who can't be demoralized.
If rats aren't vermin, why are they so good at reproduction?
Had any other race been given the power white people had, there would only be one race left in the world. To have all that power and hold themselves back as much as they did makes them saints.
you fail to mention that "making it" has been increasingly tied to serving jewish interests for decades. even worse, the prospect of "making it" by serving jewish interests is a perpetual fantasy and the desperately sought entry into the international elite always remains just out of grasp for most white would-be social climbers, while women waste their fertile years chasing useless degrees in jewish studies, entering massive debt to jewish banks, being slowly priced out of buying groceries by jewish central banks, so that the government can finance jewish policies
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Here's a proper answer:
It's not about any of this. It's about having your own family, your own tribe. It's much bigger than being replaced this or that. It's about having a home and a family. The tribe is just an extended family. We don't have love anymore, this is the biggest problem.
And we are enslaved, made to go against one another
he asked in english, on the internet, using electricity etc etc etc forever and ever. nons only exist on our planet at our leisure and our patience is thin
>if I continually poison a tiger into weakness and condition it to kill its young, why isn't it a tough alpha predator anymore??


The White Man has the most balanced blend of physical, mental, spiritual, and creative abilities. But Jews decided to weaponize Aryan man's strongest quality, genuine empathy, against himself. Whites have done more good for the world than any other race would have done. Someone has to be top dog. Kikes will subvert it all and at best you'll be left with an abomination, and at worst it will be pyrrhic. Make no mistake, White replacement will be ruinous for all of humanity. Enjoy your sociopathic bugmen, jihad, and niggers.
It's true that on a macro scale we might not be superior. A polar bear, tiger or a komodo dragon could beat a cockroach in a fight, but you are right that as a whole cockroaches are doing better.
You won't do shit. As usual. Go vote for Trump and eat your goyslop
>white people invent technology
>pinnacle of weapons, the nuke
>jews steal control of the military, thus the nukes
>world is held hostage by hostile one world governments
>nuke holders import browns
you might as well say 'if god is in charge, then why come evil?' you're just trying to manufacture an excuse for your actions.
Eh? Do you pay for your own cell phone? Those who made it vs those who havnt is kinda like the difference between a main and an alt in an mmo. The one who are playing this game from the beginning are going to be replaced.
I'm superior cause I can see this is a 1pbtid slide thread
kys pajeet
shut fellow macaco
the ones who "made it" are going to be replaced as well. look at high society white families and their rate of racemixing and intermarriage with jews. you will not be able to be someone who "made it" if you dont publicly renounce your identity as a white person through your actions
>literally STILL classifies his own people into subhuman castes to this very day long after Colonialism gave him running water and roads but thinks he can be an authority on sympathy
>physically hypnotized by trains
>doesn't even develop his best food without White people introducing them to chili peppers

No one is perfect, but the idea that any other race could have been better to the World while conquering it is HILARIOUS.
>dawg more cishets have aids in current era +4 (even factoring in per capita); you need to really look at recent data ;^)
nigger faggots, actually.
Say you're having a totally normal dinner, and it's not like you have assassins after you on a daily basis. But as you're having dinner, you look away for some reason and someone slips poison in your drink. And then you drink the poison and die. Is that person superior to you now?

Trickery, and taking advantage of people's good will and hospitality is not superiority. Yes, you can outwit enemies, but engaging with subterfuge against people that see you as a friend is not the behaviour of a superior.
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Saar, white not superior because they can't into boy pussy like Big 1.5m tall Indian CHAD!
>if you were so strong you'd surrender
bugs bunny shit
At that time gay shit wasn't in the public eye. You had to seek it out.
Now it's constantly shoved in your face.
Not wanting some retard in clown paint wandering around naked outside your house or talking to your kid is a completely normal reaction.
>How can you be superior if we abuse your empathy?
Yet their percentage of the total population has held steady. They're getting mogged by beaners.
No I’m gonna hit the gym and make white kids
White people are not being replaced. White countries are just importing black and brown people as a slave cast to do low skill work.
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when has a white ever said theyre superior? youre thinking of jews. jews arent white.
while doing this importing they are also dwindling in numbers themselves, due to their low reproduction rate. so in many places where there were white people before, there are now non-white people, not in addition, but instead.

but nobodys getting replaced
If only. We're letting them breed and vote.
They can but they don't want to prevent being replaced. Whites have other priorities like being socially acceptable, not being considered racist, keeping a job and not going to jail.
Every single advancement you use was invented by a white person.
/thread, stay in your failed shithole.
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we're not being replaced. we are idling down to sustainable planetary levels. we are the only race smart enough to understand what fucking capacity means. you fucking retards are going full speed insect and are stacked on top of each other bathing in shit.
Darwinism is a valid argument, pajeet. Good show!
This is dumb because Oppenheimer and Einstein were jews
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too bad that will never happen
can you imagine?
look at adam green. doing gods work.
they call him a jew lmao. literally the whitest guy ive ever seen. and its not just him, its anybody. without the mass communication monopolized appatus of the jew, its not gonna happen. why? because your average person is an npc. that was the whole revelation of plato's cave allegory. christianity encourages npcs to breed. because the jew is master of exploiting the npc thanks to its monopolies, which christcucks gave them.

even worse still is the fact players dont automatically breed players. an npc can be anyone. your mother, your father, your sister, your wife, your son. and such is the unintended meaning of i have come to bring a sword and members of his own household will be his enemy.
Ya well maybe the jew you get is the jew you deserve. He's probably necessary to sentient life, a jew by another name I suppose. Who knows, maybe the shitskin op is right? Pomo Philo has destroyed meta narratives so how can Whites embrace an identity? (Any identity at this point, sheesh) maybe Thiel and JDVance are correct in their need of a Straussian Moment but Plato has seen a lot of flack in the 20th century, how is he to be revived?
>cancer kills human so cancer is better than human
The best way to prevent replacement is to accelerate the competency crisis until it collapses civilization because whites don't need civilization to survive.

Some of the white people pushing DEI are doing it for depopulation purposes because they know what will happen which is why agents such as myself are allowed to accelerate certain aspects of that plan on their behalf.

superior/master race/etc is a jewish strawman, projection because that's how they see themselves despite being kicked out of every place they've ever squatted
every race is entitled to its own nation and heritage
not indians though, you kikeloving golems should get eradicated
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plato never died because he was chosen, god revealed himself to him. and that is why other (as in, fake) religions have to look to him to better make sense of their own. if you had the one true religion you wouldnt need to look to some foreigner to understand your own god and religion. it means yours is a lie, but youre gonna attempt to integrate parts of the truth into your religion and claim it as your own. except that isnt how god works. so it all just looks like an uncanney valley, a weird distorted jewish knockoff of the real thing.
We can control our basic primal urges unlike most brown people, but eventually people will get really tired of stepping on the shit you left on the sidewalk and picrel will happen again.
whites are not getting replaced its limited supply = increase in demand = increas ein value
we are showing the world how we can mold the people from second and third world nations
anyone of you non first worlders has adopted our western styles and ways and before you did you were irrelevant
your people come here to learn and grow as human beings
its a most honorable trait and a sign of consciousness
>Any identity at this point
jewish identity is alive and well. nonwhite identities are prominent exactly to the degree to which they can be used against white people
>I have never heard a proper answer
maybe bathe and unclog the shit in your ears you filthy brown subhuman
look at list of all achievements for all humanity. its all whites. few minor discoveries elsewhere, but more a product of natural resources like paper in orient vs parchment. but all math, philosophy, art, music, science, exploration, entertainment, culture, cuisine is white by origin or perfected by whites. literally everything from tiny band of population globe. nowhere else. even now its just us.
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They can. Poor whites are being replaced with non-whites by Rich whites. It is through Rich whites that the Jews have as much power as they do. What unites the two is Global Capitalism.
What's funny is you subhumans are getting replaced and there is nothing you can do about that.
You are the textbook example of a subhuman.
Also, being Indian is worse than extinction.
And you, and your subhuman poolet vermins are getting killed in millions everyday by curable diseases like the lowly subhuman you are, kek imagine still getting rekt in millions by lowly diseases in modern era. But whatever makes you cope more shittesh.
subraces have always rebelled against their gods
>Look at my pigskin skin I'm superior to you.
Pathetic!! An Indian was ruling your pathetic ass for few years and you were happy about it.
>Curable disease.
Get meds you schizo.
If blacks never invented written language, how can they be equal?
If Indians can't stop shitting in the streets, how can they be equal?
>if Siberian tigers can’t prevent going extinct, how can they be superior to cockroaches
Really good question, poo
What's funny is once were gone you subhumans will be too stupid to run society and the entire world will look like the shithole that you currently live in, except there will be no more white people to provide aid when a famine occurs. Then you'll probably nuke Pakistan and get nuked back because you are monkeys
ruling is a strong word, more like being the captain of a ship whose wheel is missing.
> ID: GynO
kek also how does it feel to be a emasculated, pussy whipped cuck poojeet? also remember your women cuck you so hard with every men of other races, and worship Whites, you know it, you probably even jerk off to all those jeetas taking BWCs. And you, have to RAPE , women to have sex...ROFL.

REMEMBER shitjeet,
you have to "RAPE", to reproduce and get women, you cant even get your OWN women, to breed and raise your babies...and you have to "RAPE" ....ROFL.
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Are parasites superior to the animals that they deprive of nutrients? Is the tapeworm really a superior being than the mighty bear? When the bear dies, what happens to the parasites?

jews and shitskins are nothing but parasitic organisms.
>G-Get meds you schizo.
haha the poojeet cries in pain as he strikes you, go get some meds created by White man to save yourself and your poolets from dying to Fever and Diarrhea
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Although I find the idea kind of funny that our leaders may be quietly replacing our current niggers with other niggers fresh out of countries in africa, I also suspect that they are not being fully honest with the nigger reproduction rate numbers that they put out. They may be doing funny math like counting all males as having zero because they do not ever claim their children and averaging that number with the female number, thereby cutting the rate in half, or some other trick to lie with statistics. Either way, it is not like the niggers from Africa are much better than American niggers.
why are whites homosexuals so often?
I'll give a real answer to this retarded pajeet bait question. Whites are only superior for other whites. Niggers don't want us in Africa as much as we don't want them in our nations. They want to build societies around physical strength, barbarism. They don't want education or technology. All races have their strengths and weaknesses.
This is a typicall pajeet way of thinking.

You can very easily mass produce shity things. Take cars for instance.

There are far more Ford Tauruses and Hyundai Sonatas than there are of any kind of Rolls Royce or Bentley. Ford Tauruses are the quintessential Ameri-Mutt car, Hyundai Sonatas are the "cheapest foreign shit" you can buy and are pumped out by slave labor.

A Rolls Royce or Bentley is hand made. Every part is hand stitched, inspected, tested, and are designed from the top down to be "the best". So they have no intention of rushing the process or trying to cut corners. It's made to be better i.e. "superior". This makes them more rare, there for it's easy to "replace them" via mass-production.

It's like Space Marines vs Tyranids, or Zerg vs Protoss. Indians / Chinese are Zergs ... Europeans are Protoss / Space Marines. Jews are Chaos Marines and giving you Xenos an opening in our lines.
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OP is a filthy seething pajeet but he's not wrong.
Notice all the "might makes right" neonazi cucks ITT not directly addressing the question, not once.
They'll go in circles about empathy, the past, the kikes, subversion, but NEVER say how are whites the number one race if they can't (and won't) even defend themselves.

IMO we're not really being replaced at the rate necessary for normalcattle to wake up.

And even if whites are top dogs, normalcattle is subhuman retarded filth regardless of race. White normalfaggots are only slightly less annoying than other normalfaggots, and even more stupid after 80 years of conditioning.

So I'll answer the pajeet question with most honesty: whites are superior to all races but the Jews. The Jews mastered subversion like no other and convinced the weak minded whites to passively take it in the ass.

Furthermore I'd argue that while whites from 1000 to 1945 AD were the undisputed GOATs of all races, modern Whites are weaker, more coddled, less empathetic towards themselves and more towards brownies and niggers.
Not that old whites were empathetic towards themselves, they killed and tortured eachother over the smallest insignificant bullshit, but they were not empathetic towards brownies and blacks. At least not at this rate.

In the end whites are the white race's worst enemy.
Only delusional idiots will question this statement or OP's post.

>inb4 YOU'S A JOO
>inb4 shitaly >white
Internet nutsies will talk the talk and never walk the walk. Then they wonder why people think of whites as a weak race.
Viruses cannot bring about the end of mankind.
Nice try though.
What about bisexual people? xoxo
Your answer is waiting for you in any mirror.
White people are also doing the replacing
jews will gladly rule you in "communism" as they do in "capitalism". the only difference will be that they will have to jump through less hoops to justify their power and you will be permanently impoverished
Quantity and Quality are opposites, shitskin bitch.
Just your typical /pol/ delusion
Like Jews are inferior but also dominate the world, then in some other thread the /pol/tard is going around saying might makes right.
Also goes around saying the holocaust didn’t happen but then admires the nazis for doing the holocaust.
Let’s not forget the whole brown and black people are inferior but they are also stealing their jobs and women.
Jewish behavior
>if I didn't do it, the somebody else would have anyway
Whites are just jews and you get what you fucking deserve.
You jeets and your inferiority complex
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You will die. Not us.
Replacement Fool.
The only correct answer.
The entire world is established on western infrastructure. This makes all thirdies seethe.

The internet you use to conveniently shit talk the whitey. Yeah.
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Imagine taking this shithole seriously.
No, like for real, imagine listening to some shitstain with half a dozen contradicting views and those are just his core ideals and talks out of his ass 90% of the time.
/pol/ isn't smart. /pol/ is full of fucksmear human failures who shit the board for those actually trying to have interesting (or funny) threads.

Less than 1% of posters, mostly the schizo noticers and data hoarders, kept this shithole's quality a tiny bit over the point of no return for 10+ years.

Personally I blame zoomers.
Zoomers can't fucking read, are dumb, take everything contrarian at face value as the ultimate truth and are the most ignorant people you can have a debate with.

Despite some group's best efforts to make shillbots and Chatgpt trash look human, anyone can spot a chatbot.
Good fuck humanity this species doesn't deserve to leave this marble it would just spread it's bullshit somewhere else
thats the basic logic of life. without a lawgiver, its the law of the jungle, kill or be killed, and there is no escaping that, no matter how much you let others cuck you
If Whites and White countries were not superior, then browns and blacks wouldn't be flooding into our countries and desperate to fuck us.
Your move, jeet.
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When we do, the world will heave. I like how you normie faggots and street shittwrs have literal nightmares about Hitler while simultaneously acting like whites won't do shit.

Rest in shit
you really cant help yourself from piling fallacies upon fallacies, can you, rabbi
>I have never heard a proper answer
I saw a Pajeetta with a Polish guy today, how do you cope with that?!
Peak pol was when occasionally there would be murder post
You know the ways we are superior.
Intellect, innovation, look at history.
But what we are not good at is being flooded with foreigners.
We are a minority and you would all do well to protect our status as such.
Left alone the world will benefit from our benevolence, flooded we are destroyed, and the world devolves.
Protect the endangered
Who said they can't?
They very much can, they just won't. >>475738893
The whites that "make it" are the most dysgenic vermin in existence, they are troons and cucks.
>Whites are just jews
You kikes are incapable of indepentedly creating a society, never mind a good one.
They’re not inherently superior, they simply have been dutifully cared for by various patrons, be they knights or clergy or philosophers
No, they really wouldn't.
Almost every white country in existence strove to remain white, untill you subversive jews came along.
whites are not being replaced they are being jewed and they are in denial state! ending jews and their
client states in the mena region will end whites suffering

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