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>the indians are ancient jews
>all christianity from 33 AD onward is corrupt and invalid
>it is only when a occultist/treasure hunter named joseph smith saw some golden tablets (probably buried by proto-Knights of the Golden Circle) protected by a family spirit in form of frog/salamander that christianity has been restored
>the existence of these tablets were verified first by three witnesses, then by another seven
>the first three later apostatized or were excommunicated
>the other seven were related to joseph smith or were close allies within the church
>mormons believe that god was once a man, and jesus christ was literally his son
>god and man share the same nature, and if yorue a good mormon you can become god, has his own planet and millions of wives like jesus
>the promised land is actually in ohio, no wait sorry missouri, no wait sorry again utah
>garden of eden was in jackson county missouri
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>plural marriage practiced til 1890, technically still practiced today as mormons believe if someone remarries after his wife dies he will have both wives in mormon heaven
>Smith's 40+ plural wives, some underage (Mary Rollins Lightner, Helen Mar Kimball) and some already married to others, which he lied to his first wife Emma about
>early mormon leaders believing in outlandish cosmologies influenced by leading ideas of the times, like people living on the sun and moon, and believing that God dwelled in a star/planet named Kolob (pic related is the full cosmology, with names given in the "angelic language", probably the same as the Enochian language of John Dee, supposedly "revealed" to Smith et al)
>Adam=God theory promoted by Brigham Young, later repudiated by subsequent mormon leaders
>Brigham Young's death squads (so-called Destroying Angels) possibly used to kill dissidents and native americans in the Utah Territory; see Mountain Meadows Massacre for related events
>Smith's "Seer Stone" and "Urim and Thummum" which he used to "translate" the book of mormon; the stone was thought to be an "anti-mormon lie" until the 1st presidency revealed it to the public a few years ago
>massive connections between Freemasonry and Mormonism, the Mormon endowment ceremony (a coming-of-age-ish ceremony where participants receive secret new names & are shown various secret handshakes as well as "hidden truths" of mormonism) is almost completely plagiarized from freemasons
>multiple frauds which (should have) completely BTFO's Smith's claims to prophethood and divine power: Kinderhook plates, Greek psalter incident
any religion that believes you have to work in heaven is a no-go for me. masonic bullshit is just the dingleberry on top
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>the Smith family's longstanding practice of folk magic, which continued after the establishment of Mormonism: see the "Holiness to the Lord" and "St. Peter Bind Them" parchments, the Jupiter talisman owned by Smith at the time of his death, Smith's "serpent cane," the various "seer stones" owned by Smith and others, and the "Mars dagger"
>belief that after the second coming, Jesus will rule the earth from twin temples in Jerusalem and Independence, Missouri
>mormons trying to cover up sex abuse cases in order to avoid damage to the church's reputation: see floodlit.org
>massive archaeological and scientific undertakings through BYU to prove that the events of the book of mormon took place, which generally found nothing - the site where Joseph Smith supposedly found the gold plates, near Palmyra, NY, is also said to have been the site of a battle that killed more than 3 million people sometime around 600 AD, for example
>til 1990 the aforementioned endowment ceremony also included the following: "anointing with oil" on the no no square (covered by a thin garment open at the sides), verbalized vows to commit suicide by disembowelment and throat slitting if one revealed the secrets shown in the ceremony plus pantomiming gestures of the same, and an oath of vengeance for Smith and his brother; the suicide vows and naked touching are gone but the gestures remain as so-called "tokens"
>belief that one's ancestors become angels and watch you 24/7
>massive genealogical undertakings for the purpose of performing proxy baptisms for everyone who has ever lived
>the mormon vaults in Granite Mountain, UT
>widely reported incidents of mormons claiming to see their dead ancestors walking around in mormon temples
>belief that Jesus and Satan were brothers
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>there are shit tons of mormons in intel agencies like the CIA and FBI; they make great recruits due to mostly having squeaky clean backgrounds and speaking foreign languages after their missionary service (full extent of mormon influence on the federal government is unknown)
>the aforementioned mormon financial group (Ensign Peak Holdings) is one of the wealthiest groups in America; confirmed holdings of $140 billion in value, possibly more not publicized, as well as massive land holdings across the country (pic related)
>Mormons have already created a "Theodemocracy" (yes, they use that term: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodemocracy) within the USA, several Mormon leaders have already been arrested, such as Joseph Smith himself, for conspiring against the American government

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Joseph Smith also had an amulet of the Gnostic god Abraxas according to his mother Lucy Mack Smith (the entire Smith family were Occultists/Treasure hunters) called the "Faculty of Abrac". Chris Everard talked about this in one of his documentaries, but I can't find it now.



Honestly, Mormonism looks like part 8 of Jojo (Steel Ball Run) IRL.


Mormons aren't Christians. More at 11
Stay tuned
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>the indians are ancient jews
>it is only when a occultist/treasure hunter named joseph smith saw some golden tablets (probably buried by proto-Knights of the Golden Circle) protected by a family spirit in form of frog/salamander that christianity has been restored

One of the reasons I think there is some connection between Mormons and the KGC, in addition to Freemasonry and Burial/Treasure Hunting, is that Albert Pike, one of the leaders of the KGC, was very friend of the Native Americans, the KGC itself wanted to transform the South of the USA in a place full of mestizos as slaves, in the same way that Joseph Smith wanted Mormons to marry Native American women in mass.

>In the early summer of 1831, Albert Pike broke away completely from his successful teaching career and started for the west on foot. He traveled, explored, traded, and lived with the Indians. He learned their language and customs. His honesty when dealing with them, his straightforward approach when discussing a problem, or clearing away a misunderstanding, won for him the confidence of the Indians. He settled in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1833

>Pike built an impressive mansion in Little Rock in 1840, which contained thirteen rooms. He transferred his law practice to New Orleans in 1851, and practiced before the Supreme Court of the United States. He returned to Little Rock in 1857 and lived there until the outbreak of the Civil War. He was made a Brigadier General in the Confederate Army, and Commissioner for negotiating treaties with the Indians whose claims against the United States Government he prosecuted afterwards
The Indians are ancient Jews? Their DNA shows origins to Asia & Europe. In fact, some tribes are descendants of ancient Europeans.



>At the beginning of the war, Albert Pike was appointed as Confederate envoy to Native Americans. In this capacity he negotiated several treaties, one such treaty was the Treaty with Choctaws and Chickasaws conducted in July 1861. The treaty covered sixty-four terms covering many subjects like Choctaw and Chickasaw nation sovereignty, Confederate States of America citizenship possibilities, and an entitled delegate in the House of Representatives of the Confederate States of America. The Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Catawba, and Creek tribes were the only tribes to fight on the Confederate side

>The Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC) was a secret society founded in 1854 by American George W. L. Bickley, the objective of which was to create a new country, known as the Golden Circle (Spanish: Círculo Dorado), where slavery would be legal. The country would have been centered in Havana and would have consisted of the Southern United States and a "golden circle" of territories in Mexico (which was to be divided into 25 new slave states), Central America, northern parts of South America, and Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and most other islands in the Caribbean, about 2,400 miles (3,900 km) in diameter

The main ally of the Knights of the Golden Circle was B'nai B'rith, better known as the "Defender of Civil Rights" ADL. The same people who created the CSA/Jim Crow Laws created the Civil Rights Movement. They plan was the same as their political progeny now: have an upper caste of Jews/Whites that own and rule over a majority Latino/Black horde that is dependent on their master for survival. The only significant change is that instead of conquest of the Latino and Caribbean countries they're importing and then subsidizing them to replace the nation.


>it is only when a occultist/treasure hunter named joseph smith saw some golden tablets (probably buried by proto-Knights of the Golden Circle) protected by a family spirit in form of frog/salamander that christianity has been restored

Interestingly, salamanders are familiar spirits associated with the Fire Element and Eastern cardinal region that is ruled by Oriens/Bael, whose one of material forms is that of a frog.



>the Smith family's longstanding practice of folk magic, which continued after the establishment of Mormonism: see the "Holiness to the Lord" and "St. Peter Bind Them" parchments, the Jupiter talisman owned by Smith at the time of his death, Smith's "serpent cane," the various "seer stones" owned by Smith and others, and the "Mars dagger"

Zeus/Jupiter was syncretized by the Phoenicians with Baal Hadad. It is very curious that Joseph Smith's ruling god/spirit who gave him the Golden Tablets was an ancient Canaanite fertility god and Joseph Smith was obsessed with sex like Muhammad.
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>The contents of the letter implied a magical aspect to Smith's life, a controversial subject debated amongst scholars of Latter Day Saint history. The salamander letter was supposedly written by Martin Harris to W. W. Phelps, an early convert in the Latter Day Saint movement. Harris served for a short period of time as scribe for the translation of the golden plates, and assisted in the financing of the first printing of the Book of Mormon. A joint statement by Harris and two other men appears in the front of the Book of Mormon stating that he was shown by an angel the golden plates from which the book was translated

>The letter presented a version of the recovery of the golden plates which contrasted with the orthodox version of events as related by Joseph Smith and the Latter Day Saint movement, which would have, if true, confirmed some controversial aspects of Smith's life. Smith had been accused of "treasure digging" and using a "seer stone," which was later confirmed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church)

>According to the letter, when Smith dug up the plates a "salamander" appeared, which transformed itself into a spirit that refused to give Smith the plates unless his brother, Alvin Smith, was also present. This would have been very difficult, as Alvin was dead at the time of the alleged appearance. This reference may have been an attempt by Hofmann to associate the recovery of the gold plates to a rumor that Alvin's grave was dug up by Smith's family to use Alvin's remains in a magical ceremony

>Hofmann's use of a salamander drew upon legends about certain animals having supernatural powers

Reminder that Nephi slaying Laban was just a masculinized version of the Book of Judith, mixed with The Book of Tobit which is where the name "Nephi" and others come from, from what I recall. Joseph knew a lot about Catholicism and the Apocrypha. He also knew that a lot of people DIDN'T know.
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>Hofmann may have been inspired by the early anti-Mormon book, Mormonism Unvailed (1834), which claimed that a toad-like animal was rumored to have appeared to Smith in conjunction with the recovery of the plates

>Toad as a treasure guardian

>The Chase affidavit relates a conversation that he states that he had with the father of Joseph Smith in June 1827. The story relates to Smith's claim to have seen an angel named Moroni at the time that he was attempting to retrieve from a stone box the Golden Plates from which the Book of Mormon is said to have been translated. According to Chase, there were certain requirements related to treasure-seeking that Smith had to fulfill so that he would be able to obtain the plates. One statement attributed by Chase to Joseph Smith, Sr., is that Smith, Jr., "saw in the box something like a toad, which soon assumed the appearance of a man, and struck him on the side of his head". Years later, Chase's brother-in-law, Benjamin Saunders, claimed that he heard the story directly from Joseph Smith. By 1893, Saunders's nephew was "quoting" Joseph Smith as having said that the animal was an "enormous toad" which turned into a "flaming monster with glittering eyes". According to author D. Michael Quinn, early American folk traditions associate the toad with "Satanism, black magic, sorcery, and witchcraft. ... If anything changed from the appearance of a toad to the appearance of a person, that thing was an evil spirit, or a witch, or a bewitched person"
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>The first and principal king under Oriens is Baall, who is also called Baël, Baal, Bellferit, Bellfarto, and Beal. He comes in the likeness of a king and also takes the form of a toad, a man, and a cat, or all three at once, and he speaks with a hoarse voice. He teaches all manners of science and grants wisdom, grace, invisibility, and the love of men and women

>With this spirit bearing a name that most clearly represents that of the central Canaanite deity, the majority of the analysis relating to this similarity has already been covered in the entry for Belzebuth, of whom Baall, like various other derived spirits such as Berith, Belial, and Bason, can be understood as a lower vibration. A similar derivation also occurs with spirits such as Beleth, Astaroth, and the Cardinal Kings who appear in female form, Paymon and Oriens, as lower vibrations of Ba'al's divine consort Ashtoreth. In a manner that reflects a more unequilibrated version of the relationship between these two ancient deities, the entry for Baall in the Livre des Esperitz cites him as being under her as her subject, while that of the Book of Offices cites him as a king who is under her power. The Book of Offices description also states that it is first necessary to call upon the Messenger of the East, an intermediary spirit named Femell, before summoning Baall by his alternative names Bellfarto and Bellferit. Interestingly, an alternative spelling of the name Bellferit is Belferth, who appears as the messenger of Paymon in the Book of Offices, while Femell derives from the same Hebrew root, למפ (pml), as Paymon's alias Pamelon. This suggests that Baall's manifestation may be preceded by an emanation of Paymon, and Paymon's manifestation is preceded by an emanation of Baall
Hugh Nibley died trying to explain the facsimiles. Abraham clearly references them in the text, yet they're not what he says they are. Whoops.
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>This interconnection of positions between the major spirits of the East and West may be a further reflection of the intrinsic relationship between the Eastern and Western Cardinal Kings as emanatory aspects of Ashtoreth

>With Oriens representing the Eastern quadrant of the Solar and Zodiacal Cycles and Baall representing Belzebuth's Solar energy made manifest in those quarters, clear astrological and elemental aspects are evident in his person. His physical form, which alternates between that of a human, a toad, and a cat, reveals his kingship when in its human shape, while the other creatures he appears as resonate with the common beliefs of the Middle Ages that such beasts represented two of the most often used forms that daemons took when they came to a witch as a familiar. As the East's first and principal king, Baall is primarily a daemonic representative of the sign of Cardinal Fire, Aries, which is alluded to in the ram's head apparent in his seal in the Goetia of Solomon. The appearance of this glyph beneath a Vesica Piscis, which here symbolizes the female sexual organs as the vessel for the rebirth of the Sun at the vernal equinox, is notable, as is the passing physical similarity of the band that loops around it to the Double Loop of the Zodiac featured in Crowley's Book of Thoth

>Baall's Solar nature is also evident in the “grace he grants to all things”, which is comparable to the trait of nobility brought by the succedent, Sun-ruled decan of Aries, while the power of invisibility he grants is attributed to the powers of Sol in the Greater Key of Solomon. In Greek myth, the power of invisibility represents a connection between the Sun and the powers of the underworld due to the Helmet of Invisibility being an artifact of the god Pluto that was used by Hermes and Perseus to aid them against monstrous foes too dangerous to face while visible to them
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>In magical terms, this power is generally associated with the power of stealth required to successfully negotiate the many perils that lurk in the pits of the underworld, which can be understood as an external plane of existence that overlaps with the physical world, the astral world, and their nexus, being the strata of one's personal unconscious. In the Key of Solomon, invisibility is also a power associated with the planetary powers of Jupiter and Venus, which, in combination with the powers of Sol, make it firmly illuminative and benefic in nature. These aspects reinforce its usefulness as a means to blend in with or resist dark, infernal energies without becoming overwhelmed or corrupted by them

>Baall's associations with Aries and the Solar nature of powers such as invisibility and the imparting of grace make the first and second decans of Aries particularly resonant with his being, with the first bringing “loftiness” and the second “nobility”. The combination of the Solar-Martian powers of the second decan of Aries can also be found in the third decan of the Fiery sign of Leo, due to it being a face governed by Mars in a sign ruled by the Sun. In accordance with Baall's ability to bring the love of men and women, this decan brings one love and fellowship. Another pertinent Eastern decan that bears relevance to this spirit's powers is the first of Gemini, which expresses the mature wisdom of Jupiter mingled with the scholasticism and practical knowledge of Mercury. This decan also shares its locus with the sixth Lunar Mansion, Al Han'ah, which ranges between 4°17′ and 17°08′ Gemini and may be used to create a talisman that brings love, which Baall also has the power to bring

>Considering these celestial influences, it may prove most beneficial to work with Baall when the Sun or Mars is in the sign of Aries, particularly its first decan in the case of Mars and the second in the case of Sol
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>Furthermore, the transit of Mars and Sol in the third decan of Leo may also be considered if Baall is to be utilized for works of love, which the Moon's transit through the sixth Lunar Mansion may also assist with. The transit of Mercury or Jupiter through the first decan of Gemini may also prove beneficial, as are the aspects that the Moon forms with those planets when it is transiting the decans and signs related to them

>All of the planetary powers mentioned here may also be enhanced if works with Baall are performed when the Sun is in the Eastern Quarter of the heavens, that is, between the Ascendant and Midheaven, especially on the days and hours of Sol, Mars, Mercury, or Jupiter when the signs of Aries, Gemini, or Leo are rising depending on the nature of the results one wishes to gain
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>The Klan’s Peak: 1915-1944

>To further deepen our understanding of the true roots of American (and, by extension, Atlantic) occultism as manifested in Europe and in the rest of the world, let us now turn to another lesser-known figure: Abraham Frankland, a Kabbalist and a member of the B’nai B’rith, whose writings are preserved in the previously-mentioned Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives in Cincinnati. An American historian, Anton Chaitkin, consulted these rare documents, and, in 1993, reported on them for Executive Intelligence Review (edited by the Lyndon Larouche movement):

>Frankland’s 1870 Kabbalistic Researches (unpublished manuscript in the American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati) is a compendium of espionage cyphers, black magic symbols, masonic ritual, and pagan religion, In his preface, Frankland acknowledges two sources aiding him in his work: Origins of the Rites of Worship of the Hebrews by Albert Gallatin Mackey, grand secretary of the Scottish Rite, “and the Book Zohar on the Sephiroth, kindly loaned to me by Gen’l Albert Pike.” While Frankland compiled his Researches, KKK boss Pike was also in Memphis working on his satanic masterpiece Morals and Dogma, published in 1871. On pages 38-39 of Kabbalistic Researches, Frankland lists assorted gods passed down by tradition from ancient times, including “Four of the thirteen great Gods of Assyria,” plus the god “Bel”, and, perhaps as an afterthought, “Ayel Shad-ai”, or the God Almighty of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Frankland’s god “Bel” is of intense interest to Masons. Scottish Rite Grand Secretary Albert Gallatin Mackey says in his 1874 Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry that “Bel is the contracted form of Bael, and was worshiped by the Babylonians as their chief deity.” Baal is the false god which the Old Testament Jewish prophets warn the people against
>The Babylonian cult worship of Baal had several somewhat widespread characteristics in primitive societies, including human sacrifices and sexual orgies, which also forms the backdrop for the modern occultism that Judeo-white supremacism spearheaded during the 19th century. The original Judaism, to which the B’nai B’rith refers, was not strictly monotheistic; its followers also worshiped the goddess Astarte (Ishtar, Ashera), whose association with Baal and Yahweh earned her the nickname “God’s wife”, i.e., his feminine counterpart (paraedron)

>The B’nai B’rith was exposed to, and influenced by, this syncretic esotericism associating Kabbalah with Babylonian polytheism, to such an extent that it named its organization’s ranks by drawing from names of Mesopotamian nobility during Classical Antiquity. For example, Abraham Frankland was the Great Nasi of the B’nai B’rith. The title “Great Nasi”, sometimes spelled “nassi” or “nazi”, etymologically derives from the names of two Kassite sovereigns who reigned over Babylon between 1333 and 1282 BC: Nazi-Bugash and Nazi-Maruttash. In turn, the nominal root caught on in ancient Hebrew and is still used today
As an Anglo-Native Mormon mutt normally I passionately argue against the church, but this is the first thread I've seen that actually makes it sound cool. It's unfortunate that 99.9% of Mormons took the holocoof poison when their fake prophet Nelson told them to

All lies come to an end I suppose. The kiss of death came to Mormonism in 2021
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If you guys still don't believe me and think I'm just a Brazilian schizo obsessed with the occultism and raceplay porn, know that The Veritable Clavicles of Solomon (1203 Lansdowne MSS), has an introduction narrated by a certain "Rabbin Abognazar" (probably Rabbi Abenezra/Abraham ibn Ezra) who says:

>Furthermore, I wish to make thee understand that God hath destined to each one of us a Spirit, which watches over us and takes care of our preservation; these are called Genii, who are elementary like us, and who are more ready to render service to those whose temperament is conformed to the Element which these Genii inhabit; for example, shouldest thou be of a fiery temperament, that is to say sanguine, thy genius would be fiery and submitted to the Empire of Baël
Note the schnozz.......jus' sayin'.......
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It's funny that one of the oldest swastikas in the world is shaped like a frog and in Hinduism they are associated with Varja, the thunder weapon of the god Indra, whose Parjanya form is associated with frogs.

>Parjanya (Sanskrit: पर्जन्य, IAST: parjánya) according to the Vedas is a deity of rain, thunder, lightning, and the one who fertilizes the earth. It is another epithet of Indra, the Vedic deity of the sky and heaven

>It is assumed Parjanya is the udder and lightning is the teats of the rain-cow, accordingly rain represents her milk. Also, he is sometimes considered as a rain-bull controlled by the superior Indra. The thunder is his roar. He is the father of arrow or reed which grows rapidly in rainy season. He is also considered as a protector of poets and an enemy of flesh-eating fire

>They who lay quiet for a year, the Brahmans who fulfil their vows, The Frogs have lifted up their voice, the voice Parjanya hath inspired

>What time on these, as on a dry skin lying in the pool's bed, the floods of heaven descended, The music of the Frogs comes forth in concert like the cows lowing with their calves beside them

>When at the coming of the Rains the water has poured upon them as they yearned and thirsted, One seeks another as he talks and greets him with cries of pleasure as a son his father

>Each of these twain receives the other kindly, while they are revelling in the flow of waters, When the Frog moistened by the rain springs forward, and Green and Spotty both combine their voices

>When one of these repeats the other's language, as he who learns the lesson of the teacher, Your every limb seems to be growing larger as ye converse with eloquence on the waters

>Onc is Cow-bellow and Goat-bleat the other, one Frog is Green and one of them is Spotty. They bear one common name, and yet they vary, and, talking, modulate the voice diversely
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>As Brahmans, sitting round the brimful vessel, talk at the Soma-rite of Atiratra, So, Frogs, ye gather round the pool to honour this day of all the year, the first of Rain-time

>These Brahmans with the Soma juice, performing their year-long rite, have lifted up their voices; And these Adhvaryus, sweating with their kettles, come forth and show themselves, and none are hidden

>They keep the twelve month's God-appointed order, and never do the men neglect the season. Soon as the Rain-time in the year returneth, these who were heated kettles gain their freedom

>Cow-bellow and Goat-bleat have granted riches, and Green and Spotty have vouchsafed us treasure. The Frogs who give us cows in hundreds lengthen our lives in this most fertilizing season. (Rigveda 7.103)
BTW Semitic thunder gods are borrowings of the Indo-European thunder god. Perkwunos appears earlier in history and the Near Eastern thunder gods only appear after those cultures interacted with early Indo-Europeans. The Indo-European pantheon was headed by Dyeus Pater as the authoritative father figure, but the role of the active young hero was Perkwunos (BTW Some anons confuse the Vedic Indra with Dyeus Pater, but in Vedism he is a separate deity with the name close to the etymological source PIE, Dyauspitr, husband of Prthvi and father of Uxas, Agni and Indra, which succeeds him, Dyauspitr is later identified with god Varuna and Brahma). Dyeus Pater's symbol was the blue sky of daytime, Perkwunos was a warrior whose symbols were oak, because oaks are the tallest trees in the region and so get struck by lightning, and a stone hammer, which directly evolved into Mjolnir.

It was stone because this pantheon dates to the Stone Age and so predates metal. Indo-Europeans were in Anatolia by around 3000 BC. The part of Anatolian nearest to Syria was inhabited by Hurrians. The Hurrian thunder god (Teshub) is attested after their contact with these early Anatolian Indo-Europeans. The first Semitic thunder god (Hadad, first called Hadda) appears in Ebla, northern Syria, adjacent to the Hurrians.
The Semitic trope pairing Hadad/Ba'al/Adad, a thunder god, with Yam/Lotan/Tiamat, an oceanic serpent monster, is clearly IE-influenced. Hadad first appears as Eblaite Hadda in the fringe of Semitic territory in northern Syria adjacent to Hurrian lands in Anatolia. The Hurrians (neither Semitic nor IE) had a chief thunder god called Teshub who seems to have been an indigenous thunder god associated with Mount Zaphon (frequently struck by lightning) merged with the Hittite chief thunder god, the Indo-European Tarhunna (cognate with Thor/thunder). The Hittites were Indo-European invaders who conquered Hurrian lands from the north and blended with them.

In Egypt, Baal Hadad was syncretized with Seth. "Apophis was first mentioned in the Eighth Dynasty" so 2200 BC, and "Tales of Apep's battles against Seth were elaborated during the New Kingdom" so 1500 BC, AFTER Hyksos (Canaanite/Proto-Jewish) rule, they worshiped Seth and syncretized them with Apophis/Yam-Lotan (there was even a pharaoh named after him). They were from Canaan and were descendants ultimately of Amorites who originated near Ebla. Ebla was a major city from 2500 BC and was a short distance away from the Indo-Europeans of Anatolia for 1000 years. Most likely path for Apep is Anatolians > Ebla > Amorites > Ugarit > Canaanites > Hyksos > Egypt.
Strange thread.
It isnt clear what your point is.
Look... im still going to remain a mormon like the geberations before me... i know , i know, but my wife is sexy, my kids are healthy and fair. The church has kept me from jail and free from drug abuse.

All this americana mysticism research has rewarded you with what exactly?

Im just not going to be catholic or baptist.
Christ is King.
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The Mayan thunder god Chaac is also associated with frogs.

>Chaac, the ancient Maya god of rain, lightning and water, is the god most often represented in the Maya codices. In this image, from the Madrid Codex, he is seen with four uoob, (stylised) frogs, his companions or children, with the glyphs of the four directions. (Compiled by Ian Mursell/Mexicolore)

>‘Frogs and toads need water to reproduce. Both are visible and vocalise most loudly during the rainy season in Mesoamerica, and both, usually seen near water, symbolise moisture, earth, and agricultural fertility to Mesoamericans. Frogs that live in trees especially emphasise their association with vegetation

>’They’re also metaphors for regeneration: they shed their old skin and look fresh and new. A Classic Maya glyph meaning “birth” is based on a frog.’
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>Three double or paired clay whistles found buried in Small Acropolis temples (650 - 800 a.C.) of Yaxchilan, Chiapas, Mexico, were examined. They were made like frogs in singing position (C-381 and C-466). Some scholars say that clay whistles were simple toys, but it was found that clay-frogs can sing like natural frogs and possibly, their chorus were used in ceremonies to the Mayan god of rain Chaac and other shamanic rites. The inference of these possibilities was made considering the following sound evidences:

>Frogs and other amphibians were venerated and represented in the art of Ancient Mexico (like this toad on the mural of Cacaxtla). The Mexica (Aztec) stone-frogs at the Ceremonial Precinct of Tenochtitlan show that frogs were considered sacred and their calls, imitated by priests, were used in big ceremonies to their god of rain and water Tlaloc. Mayas believed that calls of frogs were to ask for rain and they were used in their ceremonies Cha-Chaac. Even now, the corn growers make their Cha-Chaac's ceremony, which includes the children's croaking

>Among the rituals for the rain deities, the Yucatec Chʼa Cháak ceremony for asking rain centers on a ceremonial banquet for the rain deities. It includes four boys (one for each cardinal point) acting and chanting as frogs. Asking for rain and crops was also the purpose of 16th-century rituals at the cenotes, of Yucatán

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