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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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1. All elections are rigged against you
2. Election, even if not rigged, are made pointless by decades of mass immigration and cratering the nation's average IQ (~95)

A direct subversion of democracy (which I believe in but which isn't really intact) either way

Trump is literally the more moderate pick than Kamala Harris and what the Biden administraton has become and almost no person has a reason to vote for Kamala outside of animal cattle and trannies
he's a little weird don't you think?
He still has to perform well till November, retard, all this Kamala surging is dust in the eye.
He won't lose.
This is either
>1) scripted by the cabal (mix of men and extraterrestials), or
>2) act of God.

Neither have "Trump lose" in their plans.
Maybe this isn't scritpted, and, it is all in fact very real.
Trump "dodged a bullet" and got ear marked, by Father Himself?
Would be His Style, tho.
Vast majority of populations in all western countries are in favor of traditional values. We are given illusions.
Trump wants to go to war with Iran. How is that "moderate"?
Not weirder than trannies openly flashing people on the white house lawn and Joe Biden being with them while they did it. Kamala wasn’t too far behind
You're a bit strange, do you agree?
> Yellow tie
> Incoming Jeb victory
He will lose if he doesn't remove Vance from the ticket. It's not even possible for him to win at this point thanks to a shit VP choice
Democracy is a trick. Voting = Praying.
True, it's no use voting for Trump. Don't bother!
it could also mean that trump is an unpopular, insane convicted felon that disgusts most normal people and the GOP fucked up tremendously by picking him
I’m voting Kennedy so he cures autism
So if trump wins no elections are rigged? What if, and I know it’ll be hard for you to believe, most people are sick and tired of Donald trumpf, his Jew kids and grandkids, and all the Jews behind him?
Vance is a great pick. Only leftists hate him and they would never vote for Trump anyway.
He's a normal billionaire from Queens.
What will happen with this sight then?
No he doesn't.
see that's exactly the type of leftist bullshit lies were talking about. Demoshits don't remember he was president for 4 years and what did he do to democracy?
Vance isn't my first pick, but I would vote for him over the Democrats they are offering.
Kek thanks but Vance won Ohio easily in his senate race and represents his people well. Democrat seething is glorious
The polling doesn’t reflect that. “Most people” must live inside your mind
>only animal cattle will vote for kamala
it's in their nature. may the best herdsperson win.
Polls are made up garbage and most people have never participated in a so called random sample. Fuck off with your made up numbers faggot.
>the polls say
The polls say whatever you want them to say retard. What do the yard signs say… nothing. Absent. In 2016 you knew what was up because trump signs were everywhere. If people were going to vote trump they’d show it.
Or people just dont want to elect a senile old felon who plans to cut taxes for rich people, attack Iran, and has said he wants to be a dictator.
3.Trumps a pathological loser, and any victory was given to him by smarter more evil people
>Vance won Ohio easily in his senate race
He only got 53% of the vote, though. People knew he's fake even back then.
It's #2, which has happened time and time and time again since the beginning, people's views, morals, and values change over time, get the fuck over it, move over or get run over, simple as. Dems will turn every zoomer in America into a blue voter via TikTok, you and your bloodlines are finished.
>Election, even if not rigged, are made pointless by decades of mass immigration

You mean like where white people came from right
Genuine question.
Let’s say hypothetically for the sake of argument trump goes to jail after losing the election, what’s the likelihood that all his cronies get tied up in a rico?
He literally said to obliterate Iran, you gaslighting fucktards.
This is exactly the kinda Cump supporter logic I’m talking about, praising him for fascism then denying it when normal people call it out
Can't wait to have the Presidential Adviser back
3) Trump's a senile weirdo that only other senile/weird/senile and weird people like.
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They voted for an actually senile person in 2020 so this can't be it and you just make yourselves look like hypocritical faggots when pushing this now that Biden is out
>who plans to cut taxes for rich people
*for all people
>attack Iran, and has said he wants to be a dictator.
Headcanon... And America not monitoring Iran might actually be better for them and worse for Israel anyway


Also, literally no white person gives a shit about those sandniggers over there as long as they don't have to die in pointless wars, which Trump couldn't object any harder than he does. That we're even talking about this proves
>2. Election, even if not rigged, are made pointless by decades of mass immigration and cratering the nation's average IQ (~95)

Jews aren't controlling the world from fucking Israel, as opposed to what fed shills like Nick Fuentes push all day
Try some original material
>this kind of cope this far out
wow, Trump must be doing BAD in the polls for you CHUDS to be freaking out this early
Elections never meant shit God you people are retarded
>I have no counter-argument so please say something else
Eh kill yourself
>meme flag hates American democracy
Oh no! Anyways
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Pretty crazy how /pol/ is 80% leftist tranny pedos these days. Just shows how much they fear Trump and 2016 repeating itself, though

Most organic /pol/ fags are against memecracy. I'm actually not and I literally said that I believe in it. The problem is decades of mass immigration are an obvious undermining of it

Stop talking to children on Discord
>Pretty crazy how /pol/ is 80% leftist tranny pedos these days.
/pol/ is MAGAfags, glowies, and bots these days. It's been declining since 2016, dead since 2020, and it's actively getting worse because of this election.
I think it’s hilarious watching magaworld crumble. How the hell do you go from assassins to jeet loving grandmas pussy hair petting couch fucking fag for a VP.
Entire magaworld.
>Biden is too old
>you’re right I am dropping out
Fucking Jews and the shill threads lmao.
>democracy (which I believe in
>Election, even if not rigged, are made pointless by decades of mass immigration
Legal citizens of the US, even if immigrants, are entitled to vote democratically.

If you support democracy like you claim, then you support the right of legal immigrant citizens to democratically defeat Donald Trump in an election.
>Trump wants to go to war with Iran.
Source of him saying this and not (((anonymous sources)))?
I’m not trump so I won’t be an heroing anytime soon
yes when dems win. it will prove election fraud. States will secede.
Trannies already planning the next assassination?
Trump will lose because:

1. He has too many haters. This number has only increased since 2016, especially amongst younger people who are now old enough to vote.

2. He’s already lost once. Very hard to come back from a defeat like that and win another national election. Only Grover Cleveland has done it. Tarnishes his image as a “winner”.

3. The Dems were brutal in getting rid of Biden when it became clear he couldn’t win. They also timed it to perfection by waiting until Trump officially became the nominee. Now Trump is up against a much stronger and younger candidate who ticks almost every diversity box. She has the momentum behind her. Trump does not. He now looks like the tired, old man in the race and his appeal is narrowing by the day.

4. He makes retarded decisions and listens to the wrong people. Debating Biden so early was a huge mistake and not debating Kamala makes him look scared. Letting his coke addled son cajole him into picking Vance was another nail in the coffin. Vance is now polling about 30 points behind Sarah Palin in terms of popularity and is widely seen as a figure of ridicule.

If he loses again (and I think there’s an 80% chance he will), then he only has himself to blame. It won’t be rigged. It’s just that he’s a bad loser and made bad decisions. He has a very devoted following that don’t understand how unpopular he is.
I don't want to die for Israel fighting Iran and many people don't want to either.
I won't be voting for Zion Don
You say he does, but Trump didn't say it, trump started no wars. Biden and Kamala started two.
If he loses again maybe America didn't want a 78 year old scammer fraud, that sexually assaults women and possibly young girls (hung out with Epstein) so don't call it rigged if you lose.
Biden and Kamala didn't start any way, Trump didn't either but he tried to start a war with Iran.
Kamala is an obnoxious harpy, but Vance is a homosexual freak, so its a wash
I vote for trump because it makes the libs mad, but god damn is he a fucking retard
>1. He has too many haters.
Mostly freaks who shouldn't be allowed to impact US politics in the first place. Even most white women voted for Trump in 2016

He has become way more popular to the point where even Elon Musk and Joe Rogan publicly endorse him and black UFC fighters are express their gratitude after fights. He was far, FAR away from this in 2016

>3. The Dems were brutal in getting rid of Biden when it became clear he couldn’t win
lol it's clear for years and they only look retarded and incompetent for how long it took them, besides lying to the public for months

>It won’t be rigged
It's either "rigged" directly or rigged indirectly by decades of mass immigration and, brainwashing the youth and turning everyone retarded like you

He's a billionaire while you are fat on 4chan
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>If he loses again maybe America didn't want a 78 year old that sexually assaults young girls
This can't be it since they voted for exactly that in 2020

Kamala herself framed Biden as a rapist live on TV because women accused him. Deep state decides she should be the VP and suddenly she no longer cares
trump will win
If you think trump is trans and him shooting himself when he loses just like adolf is him “assassinating himself” then sure I guess?
Bunch of reaches though
No I think some lowtest beta faggot tried to assassinate him and there is a 0% chance that Trump will kill himself so what you, a tranny pedo, said sounds a bit like a threat
>a shard of trans glass tried to assassinate trump
I don't speak pedo Discord so I have no idea what this even means
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Sorry MIGA bros, you will give your life for Israel and you'll love it
I love how you ignore the fact he’s already lost once and is far less popular now than ever and his complete utter fuckup of a VP pick. He had huge momentum and shot himself right in the ear.
War with Iran is inevitable. Vote for whomever you like.
Go back to moisturizing your sugar daddy

Polls largely show the younger male demographic favoring Trump. /pol/yps are way too soillennial coded to be good judges of character anymore.
if he wins, it means it's rigged too, and Nethanyahu has 100% control over america
You say it’s a huge fuckup because you are a democrat shill who never found him appealing. Just because you say something all the time doesn’t make it true
>January sixth was an insurrection
Then why did they prosecute everyone for trespassing? Kek. Democrats are followers, not leaders
If trump loses this it's because he's a miserable obese idiot going against a pretty woman who always has a smile on her face and exudes nothing but positive energy
It's over for trump tards
God that’s painful to read. She’s visibly drunk at every public speaking engagement
Even better
Literally everyone hates that guy lmao!
>democratic shill
Nah I’m a realist and I understand there is no hope.
>Imma go vote and it’ll matter
Okay son just keep telling yourself that.
yeah we know. also electing trump isn't going to change the fact that republicans are fucked. america is already dead to immigration and we are simply trying to delay the inevitable
The whole system is on the brink of collapse and it’s only a matter of time. Everyone should just hold on and try to ride it out. Teach your children well and return to small scale agrarianism.
Outside of jews and billionaires, I am confident that most trump supporters are sub 90 IQ
Maybe it means he has gotten progressively worse since 2015 and now makes Obama look like a conservative
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Doesn’t matter who wins. This is your real president.
We learned this last election. Keep up.
Also take off that retarded memeflag. You make them look stupid.
You are the memeflag
Trump should get shot at again in video games
I'm shilling for Harris.
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>You are the memeflag
fuck off kike, nobody's falling for it
You're finished too nigger. No more gibs to you.
>1. All elections are rigged against you
attitude of bitch-made losers
That makes you a complete retard. Sorry but even if I were a leftist I wouldn't respect your vote. Kamala is that bad. She really has nothing going for her.

But ask yourself first, why are you going to vote Kamala?
Don't care. Israel shot Trump.
If the other side is a “rigger” that means trump is by definition a rope bunny, so he likes getting dominated
Imagine being such a sore loser.
I am straight lineage with Nils Dacke. That is the stuff you do not want to know.
Fucking stupid retard son of bitch, get fucked by a horse you double nigger
Stop describing your daydreams and pay attention in class
Cock and balls hairy butthole nigger nigger nigger nigger. PrapSe ANUYS
I said stop describing your fantasies, are you stupid or are you illiterate?
My IQ is the same as my BMI
Childless cat Lady detected.
You were obviously born yesterday so that lines up
He said if they kill him (a former president and current nominee) he hopes we obliterate Iran.
Yes, if Iran assassinates a former president and current nominee, most would see that as an act of war.

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