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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Have you ever managed to find one who has even a semblance of redpilled or /pol/ tier views? If not, how did you manage to deal with the difference of opinion?
If she has any strong opinions at all that's a big red flag.
my experience with women is that they'll say they're atheist but then speculate on what heaven is like.
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dating a more right leaning woman right now. two weeks ago we were discussing ww2 and the lead up to it and she said she wondered what AH sounded like as a public speaker. So we pulled up an AI translated video of him speaking and listened for a few minutes.
we don't agree on everything but in general we have similar beliefs and that's enough for me
before her I dated a slew of borderline retarded full blown liberal women who I aggressively disagreed with openly but it never really effected our actual relationship (other than me thinking they're retarded as fuck and shouldn't be voting)
Women are always leftist because rightist ideology is always sexist.
Women can be quite sexist surprisingly, the things you see men say about women on the internet alot will agree and admit to themselves.
And whys that? I'd take a women with strong opinions over a typical vapid one who has no interests outside of netflix or starbucks.
Ive never met a woman and it would be improper to do so before we wed.
They engage in political mimicry. If they're with a man that they respect they mirror his views (usually conservative). If not they default to groanworthy run of the mill leftist politics as the state is their surrogate man. Women don't build a coherent political compass or set of principles, they're usually single issue voters or reiterate whatever platitudes are being fed to them from their man or from the state.
I've been in a relationship with a "redpilled" woman, you don't want it.
Find yourself an apolitical woman
Curryniggers are making lots of women I know racist. I'm hoping that has a snowball effect.
it's funny... I was thinking just yesterday how /pol/ actually respects cultures far more than woke media does. we don't appropriate, we differentiate, we learn the flags, and we call each other vulgar names which reinforce the importance of different cultures. most wokies couldn't even tell you where India is or the difference between North and South Korea
Every single woman is a feminist with no grasp of politics. Every one. The political opinions of women don’t matter because if their side loses, they’ll switch sides, and if their side wins, they’ll say they always knew they would. They are hardwired to pick the winner. They put themselves first, which is why they all sound the same when it comes to their core “beliefs”.
>always the center of attention
>zero self awareness
>zero responsibility, which is why the same shit keeps happening to them
>inflated sense of self worth
>ultra high time preference
If you want to change the political views of a woman, you do it by influence. They’re ridiculously easy to program. Just pair your opinion with something that endangers their safety and comfort, and they’ll convert. Don’t try and apply logic to something that doesn’t value logic, or doesn’t have the brain matter to comprehend it.
>but I did eat breakfast today
They flip flop from one issue to the next and have little to no foresight into how the mechanisms work past what they want immediately.
Usually this leads to a very jaded and childish view of the circumstances or results inferred by their shallowness so realistically all you get out of it talking to them is a fight.
women have always been feminists, but that was okay when they stayed home in the caves and kitchens to prepare and distribute resources to the children. feminism has a place, and it's in the kitchen.
My mom is somewhat a feminist but disagrees with the movement and what its become, and I think thats how most women are. Dont think that green haired weirdos on twitter are representative of most women out there.
>No grasp of politics
Women will not take interest in politics or history because society tells them that its weird for them to care about such things, and the female hivemind will ostracize them for it too. It takes a strong man to get those things out of her and embrace them.
Agreed. Been with a few leftist self described “feminists” (who still expect the man to pay for all dates) and had one long term gf most would consider “red pilled”. Both suck in terms of politics. The lefties are just annoying hypocrites who never shut up and the red pilled chick was just a codependent psycho. In my experience Apolitical is the way to go.
>feminism has its place: the kitchen
That’s not feminism. The whole point of feminism (the advertised one, anyway) is to achieve the impossible: equality with men. In reality, it’s just another tool to destroy a society softly, like flooding a country with narcotics or promoting atheism. What you’re describing is a woman who has a healthy understanding that if she doesn’t perform her duties, she’s out on her ass.
>green haired harpies
They might be the fringe, but only just.
>society tells women that having an interest in politics is weird
Nigger what? They’re pushed into politics, which is part of why they’re miserable and constantly saying stupid shit.
They don’t have a difference in opinion, they fall in line. I’ve never met an anti racist white woman
i'm serious though, even cavewomen operated on a socialist scale back in the caves and longhouses. i believe that men naturally align with more individualist tendencies while women naturally understand "equality" inside the realm of men bringing things to the table that she can then make equal. government assuming the provider position is forcing women to overextend their natural proclivities
>men are more individualistic, women are more egalitarian
Well yeah, they can’t afford an individualistic mindset because they’re physically incapable: they aren’t wired to think that way, and they can fend for themselves without men.
>government is making them overextend their natural proclivities
Which is why childless, abortion-riddled bitches are projecting their need to take of something onto violent niggers from half a world away.
>refugees welcome
>They’re pushed into politics
Most of us are, politics is dirty bullshit in general.
>I’ve never met an anti racist white woman
Do you live in the South or something? If they have racist fathers it comes as no shocker.
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Seeing the same, even in public men and women all deride the poojeets, softly for now, but we are making progress every single day.
My hope is that once poojeet racism justifiably takes hold in the general public consciousness, that notion will spread and everyone will also wake up to see niggers for what they are as well.
Liberal women are disloyal (not necessarily in the cheating sense), conservative women are high maintenance and clingy, anti-government women are great, but not that common.

Political ideology has a high heritability. People who will tell you to ignore politics and get serious with a liberal woman want you to have shitlib kids.
Is there constant propaganda telling women in Canada to fuck jeets? Because every fucking ad/commercial in this shithole is always wfbm and the rate of single motherhood with white women who popped out a niglet is north of 90% and they’re still too stupid to notice this.
My experience is that its insanely easy to turn around if you talk completely open. At least when its about just fucking. They dont care much. I've told a girl who told me her whole story about her 1 year experiencing around and other relationships with men exactly why that is the case. I literally called her a whore multiple times but explained exactly why that is. She cried a little bit then fucked with me in a side alley with me in the middle of the winter. After it she confessed to me that she has a boyfriend. I laughed and we parted ways.
Women don't really have opinions outside of trivial things like "I like shoes".
If a woman voices strong political opinions it's almost always a shit test. She doesn't mean what she says, she's seeing if you she's allowed to disagree with you without you turning into a violent retard.
If you have children one day those children will become teenagers. She needs to know you won't kill her firstborne the first time he says "Shut up dad! I'm 14!"
Women will come around to your fundamental political views after time if they aren't already there.

Beyond that they don't want to know about the ugly truths out there. That's okay, that's YOUR job as the guide and protector of the family; it's her job to love and support you.

Redpill her if she's receptive to it, but be warned about the psychological implications of ripping apart her foundational beliefs of this world.
I forgot to say "apolitical" women are liberal women. They aren't aware of their liberal politics just because they take it for granted as objectively true the way a moderator of a "no politics" forum will let people go on shitlib rants for days but the moment somebody disagrees they catch a ban for being "political."
>Is there constant propaganda telling women in Canada to fuck jeets? Because every fucking ad/commercial in this shithole is always wfbm and the rate of single motherhood with white women who popped out a niglet is north of 90% and they’re still too stupid to notice this.
I would say yes, but likely to a lesser extent. If you go to a banking website for example, there's always pics of smiling interracial couples. And up here our media content all comes from the great USA, we have no homegrown media of relevance.
Highly highly doubt any such psyop would be effective - for everyone one brainwashing commerical, there is 10 leering rapist pajeets making our day-to-day lives miserable. You must understand the scale of our imposed infestion - Your country is 10 times as large population-wise, and our immigation is 4 times GREATER than yours. We have so many disgusting pajeets you would swear you were in india, it's truly that bad.
>jeets everywhere
That sounds awful. I’d say “deal with it” because the rest of the western world shit on the US for decades, looking down their noses at us for being racist while they enjoyed their 90%+ white countries, while we dealt with niggers. But I keep hearing stories about sticky jeets who stand around and masturbate as white women walk by. Canada is such a comical tragedy.
>being registered to voot
>the rest of the western world shit on the US for decades
Ever since I was a kid, it always pissed me off how my countrymen looked down on the USA, so many snooty arrogant mother fuckers here. That sentiment was and still is very common, I hate these assholes up here. Now we get what we deserve.
Thankfully I've squeezed a good amount of wealth out of this shithole, I'm leaving next year to watch it burn from afar and I'll never come back. Still I would have been 10x ahead had I the good fortune of being born American.
You bros will bounce back, you are the greatest country on earth.
We will bounce back, it’ll just be in a way that none of us expect. Like it or not, we are going through a massive selection event right now, and whites don’t have the victim narrative that everyone else does: we conquered the world, invented everything that’s worth a damn, and everyone else just sits around with their hands out. Whatever whites make it through this will likely be the ones that understand that in group preference is a superpower that’s the norm everywhere else.
>arrogant shitheads in Canada looking down on the US from their frozen dump
I hope you make it out. It’s a shame, too; I’m big into gardening and growing a lot of my own food, and Canada has some fantastic soil… Too bad it’s being ruined by streetshitters.
None. I don't listen to women's political beliefs. They listen to mine. If they don't like it, they can go. Not doing that boss babe shit, bro.
All of them are stupid, ignorant, blind and liberal that I know or meet.
Every woman I’ve dated has been at least somewhat left leaning, mostly on social issues. The majority doesn’t really understand economic issues, instead just spout “oh I wish the government just took the money from the wealthy and gave it to the homeless”,“oh I wish we had a public dog rescue” or some innocent stuff like that.
I married my wife knowing that she identifies as feminist, goes to feminist marches and so on, but she still told me since the beginning (she was 23 yo) that she wanted to get married, be a stay at home mom doing some telework, and raise our children without nannies.
She’s cleans, cooks, and learned to iron clothes when we got married.
Shes pretty old fashioned in a lot of senses.
During our day to day normal conversations, though, I started slipping small red pills on social issues.
She still has that token “sassy gay friend” for example, but the other day we were talking about our son visiting us when we’re older, and I made a joke about him bringing a guy over for Christmas or something, and I could see how she was repulsed by the idea. She knows their lifestyle, she’s repulsed by it. And I’ve helped her see the truth in that. She’s red pilled even on feminism now. She’s still one in theory, but she sees the contradictions of the different branches, and how most of them are detrimental to a sound lifestyle.
So, in my experience, first you have to be a stand up man. Work hard (or at least have money to appear that you work hard), don’t partake in degenerate behavior (drugs, prostitution, alcoholism, etc) and take care of yourself physically and mentally.
Then, you can find one with good qualities even if she’s not tradwife material at the beginning.
And you just have to mold her using the example of a good life, and a really good fucking dicking very other day or so.
Man, every woman is so horny once they decided they want to keep you. I cannot stress enough how important is a good fuck.

2nd gen Roof Korean wife hates commies even more than I do. Also loves guns. But still bluepilled on isreal, oddly.

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