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and you know what?
i don't see how they're wrong

So the Israelis did it. Got it.
They always blaming someone.
The kikes are just itching to push their american and european golems into a war with Iran. The sad part is that they'll fall for it, as they always do
>literally anything happens
>Israel: this is somehow Iran's fault
Is Iran to Israel like how Israel is to /pol/?
It's amazing how this "Iranian terrorism" picks up when it's politically convenient for it to do so. They've had 50 years to blow up everything, but they've suddenly activated now that there's an upcoming US election cycle. Really (((funny))) the way that works.

Israel is sabotaging trains.
Got it.
Are the Iranians in the room with us right now?
The difference is that Jewish activity can actually be tracked very easily. These Iranian ghost agents that are such a menace are somewhat harder to pin down.
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Israeli Foreign Minister statement
They're so fucking transparent with their lies these days. It's all so tiresome.
Israel always blaming the ones they want to get rid of.
Takes a special kind of stupid to actually believe those Jew pricks
>invites Israel to the World ATHLETIC games
>Israel starts wars with every country there

Just ban Israel from all international competitions.
>Based on information held by Israel.
Kikes playing dress up as Iranians... got it.
How does Israel know, and if they did know, why did they not say anything?
So it was Israel, got it
Splendid observations from our jewish friends I hope another October 7 happens and 6 million jews perish, cheers.
Lol this push by isreali kikes is funny.

>ohhh no, our assination attempt against trump didnt work! We must now scramble to try to find a new thing to puch you into war?
>what do goyim care for? Ohh i know the Olympics.
Lols. Just lols. Regime change in isreali is needed.
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First post best post. False flags are their forté.
But why?
If Israel is saying Iran did it then that means Israel did it.
Guys, i'm out of toilet paper. I had one full roll this morning.
sloppy job mossad
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How much longer until Iran nukes pissrael for always accusing them of something going wrong? Didn't Paris already have a flood of Pajeets in their country working on tech support anyway?
>The sad part is that they'll fall for it, as they always do
yeah no one on this board is going to be falling for it and easily over half the "conervative" posters on twitter arent going to be falling for it either.

iran could nuke fucking D.C. for all i care and i wont be fighting and dieing for anyone besides my friends and family right fucking here at home.
This propaganda is Soviet tier gas lighting at this point.
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The saboteur caught Jew-handed.
Oh sorry; I already read this morning that it was Russia who did it. Are we already pivoting to Iran? (((They))) really need to get their story straight before they do this shit.
wait for the inaugural ceremony, that's when boom boom boom funny kike theatre begins
I don't know why Russia hasn't nuked the U.S. for the same reason. Everything that goes wrong here is somehow due to Russia.
So now we know jews did it, fantastic
>So the Israelis did it
why would they?
just go to hungary!
Remember that everything will be Iran's fault. Hope they dont have WMDs.
Guys my eggs were burned, what did Iran do?
This is the jewish version of a confession
You've got to be 20 years old if you think Iran doesn't do terrorism. They're involved in some of the most high profile cases. Retard. Like blowing up planes, seiging embassies etc. Fuck you're dumb.
That means israel sabotaged the trains.
no dice, jew. it's over. the goyim know.
Doth Israel protest too much me thinks
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Whatcha doing rabbi?
came here to post this.

France should have never hosted this shit. Nothing but terrorism and violent insurrection. At what point did the corrupt committe shout yes Paris. It has since broken every rule of hosting it. Transport. Crime. Insurrection. Security risk.

Anywhere in Europe would've been better Spain. Italy. Eastern Europe. Germany.

But it went to a capital blighted in protest. And protest affecting its services. Has been for years now. It hasn't improved. It has worsen. Even since hosting the football there was uncollected garbage everywhere.

A big joke
False flag incoming, they hinted it for some months now and they REALLY want their war with Iran.
>muh jews
everyone is blaming Iran you stupid nigger because Iran is seething that the west is getting to have nice things

The nigger navy line is still open.
Kikes btfo once again.
yep, one in Europe, one in US
>Iran did JFK and will try to kill trump again
Got it
So it means Mossad did it right?
neck yourself, kike
Okay jew
Hang yourselves by the neck you disgusting yids
It can be anyone. If there is one thing the French are oblivious of its the amount of people who hate them, including in their own country.
Well of course they can’t have that part of the protocols foiled
obvious muzzrats
Sasuga, jews
They’re blaming literally everything on Iran now
that makes zero sense, memeflag
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According to Netanyahu gov, everything bad happening in the western world is the fault of Iran.
no kike rat we are Indo Aryans and we want every fucking kike on the planet DEAD.

you are our sworn fucking enemy. fuck you rat.
My whole life you kikes said all Whites are antisemitic, but you all deny White antisemitism after Oct 7th. What happened? Scares you little bitch babies are getting rekt by Hamas and need Whites to save you? Catch a rocket with your teeth.
Yup Iranian agents everywhere
Missed Dr. Joseph Goebbels yet?
After all these years, the filthy Jewish mouth is still lying non-stop!
Worthless Iran dick-suckers can fuck off.
>Iran doesn't to terrorism! Totally peaceful nation
The state of you fawning cucks. I look at your worship of Muslims with the same disgust as American's worshipping blacks.
>regime change in Israel is needed
no. jews are evil and rotten to their very core, doesn't matter which kikes are in charge.
>Israel says
Maybe I should ask my cat what it thinks about dogs?
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Which means Mossad did it and is blaming Iran to continue to push the BS gaslighting tactic that Iran is bad and we need war with Iran.
Funny thing, Trump starting to say it too means Trump is CERTAINLY controlled by the Joooze
Hacker News was cumming all over itself this morning over having something to blame on Russia. Now those threads have suddenly disappeared. Wonder how many of those swearing up and down that Russia did it will now switch over to the new narrative while denying they ever claimed it was Russia.
>Worthless Iran dick-suckers can fuck off
I can agree to that
Just because it's funny:
>Israel Katz
Katze means cat in German.
I don't give a fuck about your Jew fetish. It's irrelevant to me. You're down on your knees, sucking Muslim cock. I'm going to sleep, carry on worshipping Iran you fucking cuck.
>trump assassination attempt - IRANIAN CONNECTION
>sabotage in France - IT WAS IRAN
I hate kikes, I truly do
Okay jew
Stupid underage b& you don't remember 9/11
There will be a terrorist attack and 99% of people will line up to attack a country 1,000 miles away from the one that supposedly did it.
You will be the one shamed as a crazy conspiracy theorist.
You don't support the troops.
You don't love America.
You're a dirty Muslim lover.
I remember 9/11 and how I was the only child in a school of 500 people to question the narrative.
Over 20 years I stupidly convinced myself people would never fall for that again.
You're so underage you don't even remember Covid 4 years ago. So you're like fucking 12 years old? I would rape you to death if I could and Chitwood would let me.
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Fpbp. Kikes always take dibs on pinning their current enemy when "terrorism" happens. The most usual suspect is probably a leftard state actor sponsored by ngos, some antifa column that can stay under the radar with dual citizens directing the secops.
>You're down on your knees, sucking Muslim cock.
yup i didnt think israel was behind it until i read this
In his speech in the US congress, he also accused Iran of financing the people that went to protest his presence.
Israel will try to kill Trump again
If pissrael is claiming somebody else did it you know they did it themselves.
yes and Iranians shit in his pants every day
its like munich all over again

they will probably kill their own people to give cover to it being an israeli op

The goyim know, good luck finding an attic to hide in rat.
Idk what you guys hate about free slave labor.

>Pay them an eighth of what a white would want
>They spend it all at your store anyways because they can't into money management

You don't even have to live near them or deal with them at all, they're just breaking their backs for colorful shoes, baubles, and knick-knacks that they're making in the first place lmao.
except pol is right about the jews
>they will probably kill their own people to give cover to it being an israeli op
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> Kikes are so strange creatures.
They will go out of their way to always do the wrong thing, no matter how small and petty a thing is.
From making other peoples to do your laundry to making them bomb civilians for you, that is the kike mind.
When are people going to wake up to the fact the WE DO NOT NEED THE JEWS FOR ANYTHING.
We are perfectly capable of sustaining our civilizations without them, in fact we are much better off without them.
It's not like you ever see a bunch of Jews building a highway or farming food for people to eat, but you will find them demanding families to pay their rent checks or in case of a nonwhite family, the White taxpayer pay it to them.
Jews have literally been usurers and money lenders since the days of Ancient Rome, and in 3000 years they have NEVER done honest work.
They are detriment to every society they infest, parasitic leeches that subvert nations for their own benefit.
We ended slave labor and you people killed Lincoln over it
Rita Katz just received secret intel that confirms it was Iran though
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Drump stands 6 gorillions of percent with Israel

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False flag season is back, boys
I missed them to be honest, this is usually when the masks drop
How it started
>look at the functioning society in the valley ugh I’m sick of living underground in a cave
How it’s going
>we will enslave humanity
Ayo Patches was a jew!? I knew that thieving backstabbing cunt was off. Kek Miyazaki you cheeky cunt I love you
Moshe's razor.
Israel has a long history of deception and false flags.
Id' sooner believe israel did them. Iran has no motive, but israel wants war with Iran so they'd do this an lie that Iran did it.
the narrative here in the US is that a Russian terrorist plot was foiled lel.
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>i don't see how they're wrong
because you're a faggot or shill or faggot shill or a standard reddit user.

israel saying it confirms it could be anyone other than iran.
(((The Cabal))) aka Chabad is sacrificing Israel for mah 6 gorillion to gain support for Khazaria2.0 Ukraine. Trump is simply putting a wrench in their plan
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>Rita Katz
>just stubbed my toe
Jews became too cartoonish, people got tired of their soap opera already
Sandniggers are unironically dumber than Downies, anyone who ever met sandniggers know this. Remove jews support and they literally starve
>Stupid underage b& you don't remember 9/11
halfway to 40 kike rat.

>You don't love America.
whats there to love kike rat? endless aide to kikes in israel and ukraine? no health insurance, dental, vision options? no affordable housing and being priced out of ever owning a home? no, i don't "love" this country i despise it and i despise all the kikes like you who destroyed it.

>You're a dirty Muslim lover
I want all sand niggers dead. that includes kikes and muslims you fucking faggot jew. I only give a fuck about one race and that is my race, the Indo Aryan race, the European race, the White race.

Kikes did 9/11 just like they killed JFK kike faggot. Kill yourself jew lover.
nuke every city and town on the hippie trail
So Jews were enslaved by the people dumber than people with Down syndrome? Are you sure it wasn’t the other way around? Starting to wonder asking for fren
Why would americans love Jewish hell?
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Jews are retarded too, but their femcel brains make them smarter. A femcel will always be smarter than a downie simply because they spend all day planning and being disgusting

Jews lose because its a matriarchal society, women decide who will be jew while sandniggers go impregnating every woman, jews are more cucks and so i'd.

Both are cancer that destroy everything combined, sandniggers are literally nothing without jewish ngos, but jews are also too weak and castrated to conquer anything
This isn’t Israel’s style. They’d have blown up a thousand civilians and left evidence saying “This is revenge for Suleimani and because we hate freedom”
I can actually see the CoP with my own eyes and independently predict jewish actions. I can't do anything of the sort with Iran
why is iran so trainsphobic?
Dunno but we’re living in one
Jews are also sandniggers my guy.
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Did you know that the brother of Rav Touitou, a rabbi who openly wants France and Europe in general to disappear, was the previous owner of the Bataclan? He sold it 2 months before the "terrorist attack" in 2015.
Joël Touitou (the previous owner) then renamed himself Joël Laloux after the attack.
Haha what a coincidence
he's just a Eved Ivri who got pierced in his right ear
pfft they'd be doing us a favor
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if only you never let them back in same goes for Cromwell and Britain.
yeah i know kek
>axis of evil
are we already re-using that one?
It's always their style to do shit and blame others.
>anyone who doesnt suck every kike dick they possibly can is le ebin axis of evil

Bibi invented it in the Securing the Realm policy he wrote in the 90sz which 5hen went on to be the basis for PNAC, which has been US policy in the Middle East ever since Bush 2.
Iraq was for israel. Even Saddam said this on his way to the gallows.
Could have appreciated the Nazi's effort some more.
Epecially Britain.
general rule is that israel is responsible until proven otherwise by sources that are not owned by jews which in the west is essentially impossible
>Could have appreciated the Nazi's effort some more
yeah too many people are coming to that realization for their comfort their next plan of action is to try to send all the goyim to die in WW3 for israel none the less.
>Muslim countries have no designs on western power and stability
Hilariously inept take. You should just kill yourself you're practically brain-dead to begin with lmao
It's fine. The real "right wing" will support them, so it's appropriate.
The entire anti-globohomo movement is the true "axis of evil" threatening (((our democracy))).
Since globohomo has no single intellectually honest supporter it won't end well for them.
So I guess iran and all those guys are actually secretly our friends for the past, uh 1300 years of endless conflict with them? Yeah. No threat there at all.

Please just neck. You're an embarassment. Read a book before opening your mouth maybe. Do some research beyond
>I saw it on 4chan mom it has to be real
You're fucking pathetic lmao
>There are no competing powers for western interests at all except Jews trying to sabotage it
You are what is referred to as a useful idiot. Total lack of any critical thinking skills, life experience or knowledge on the subject beyond seeing a JPEG on 4chan. Damn you are pathetic
Why is the Audi logo on the Eiffel tower
I thought it was Russia??
They added illegal street racing as an event, sponsored by them
And you say this right after exposing yourself as a complete mouthbreather. Poignant.
Maybe it was Israel's known genocide of Palestine that caused the derailings.
until all kikes are removed from Western Civilization then kikes will continue sending their sand nigger cousins to our countries but you are a actual fucking retard and too stupid to understand the difference between a SYMPTOM AND A FUCKING CAUSE faggot.

but you're not stupid you're a kike fucking rat and its your job to post this pilpul. die you fucking rat.
Also the train station bombing in Italy because Italy still recognized Palestine. Forgot the name at the moment
Kek okay zionist shill. Not fighting your enemies.
Middle Easterners whin stay home and cause trouble for jews aren't my enemy or problem. I hope they destroy your gay jew state
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Funny part is it was french lefties that did it more than likely. The train system there is always getting shutdown from arson.
Funny that they haven’t isnt it? Mullahs are Jewish
But maybe you guys will figure that out one day
Look at them thy probably have their Hasidic curls tucked under their black turbans
Found it. Carlos the Jackal was interviewed in prison and said it was Mossad that really did it.
Israel is going to blame Iran for everything until America is bombing them. I hope someone nukes Israel. Like really nukes them and ends this hold they have on humanity.
Yes, you'd be surprised how many of the so called "false flags" blamed on Israel was actually terrorist attacks done by Iran government

Like holy shit, they can't keep getting away with it. Someone has to do something about it
We've been told over and over again over the last 2 years, that just because you provide weapons, funds, intel, etc, to X, doesn't mean you are a party to the actions that X takes with those weapons, funds, intel, etc
The French far left did it
As usual
My man, you weren't suppose to take it so literally...
Is iran in the room with you right now?
I mean they have good intel network, doesn't mean they did it? wtf a bit conspiratorial today are we?
And? He's not wrong
I mean to be fair, tucker carlson was also wearing that string one day, and he isn't exactly Iranian now is he?
wtf what's with this bias? just because someone repeats something multiple times doesn't mean it's always them.
it flew right over your head
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>Subvert the nation
>Imports billions of shitskins
>Bans right wing thinking/politicians
>Genocides the Caucasian folk and constantly shame the white values
>Gibs for all the subhumans
>Infiltrate all parties other and subvert them
>Suddenly there is no more money
>Niggers chimps out
>There is nobody to stop them
Larp more.
>israel says
no one gives a fuck, kill all the kikes
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>You don't love America.
is america in the room with us right now Jude?
fpbp. go back to saturn, demons.
This stupid Jew conflict is spreading all over the world.
the world needs to isolate itself from Israel. It's not our fucking problem.
Just fucking nuke Israel already holy shit, I dont think some vhs of politicians fucking some kid blackmail is worth to destroy the fucking Planet
We shouldn’t have tried to stop the tyranny shit or save them from the vax. Jews are right about then. Stupid worthless cattle with 99% as dumb and honest as a brick wall.
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>It's not our fucking problem.
But it actually is..
This. Most of world's problems can actually be traced back to Iran, Sweden, and Denmark. Phoenicians are a real bitch they never die
Go fight them yourself, kike rat
You think world has problem with Israel?
I think it's the other way around. Maybe Israel has a problem with the world?
All these Iran strikes get blamed on Israel
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mossad operatives embedded in iran
Reading isn't your strong suit is it? That Anon was pointing out what is going to happen. All of that happened after 9/11, just like all of it happened during COVID.
the kikes really want to start a war with Iran huh ? if Trump is elected that would happen, maybe even with that pajeet
>far left
so mossad?
Remember when a drunk boomer crashed his car into the niagara falls bridge and they started the 'found iranian passport' story, then realized it was a drunk guy and the story disappeared
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Iran took 40 cakes and had two scoops of ice cream. And that's terrible.
The guy who runs the world said Iran did it, so I'm inclined to believe it was Iran who did it.

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