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Why don't you pay for everything with cash? Do you like being tracked like a fool?
>Do you like being tracked

I really dont care if the government wants to track my groceries, gas, clothes, travel, food and bar tabs
>do you like being tracked
Do you own a cellphone?
Did you post this on your computer?
Are you a registered citizen?
I got news for you buddy you're tracked
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It's fast and you can pay with one hand.
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>being tracked like a fool
I'm sure CIA is watching me buying potato, onions and knives to cut the local amerishit new world order occupational forces in the event of Russians coming to liberate us from this subhuman filth.
Where did you get that money, Sir!?
Why wasn't it properly taxed?!
That shit is nice, where did you get it?
okay ranjeed
Dude when they can't track you is when they come after you. Just like Uncle Ted.
For Euro you can get it on aliexpress.
Do they not have paper money in poland
Coins don't have serial numbers on them.
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>what are cameras
>guy at checkout can clock you
>totally not posting in a honey pot when you post on 4chan
>5zloty to euro
Holy shit op is some kind of special tard that is not allowed a bank card
I'm the the whitest poster on this board though. Fuck banks.
i like a coinpurse full of jangly coins
makes me feel medieval
>have a coin to spare?
>I can hear them
>you get stabbed for lying to a doctor
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>Do you like being tracked like a fool?
I just find it nice to know that someone cares
>Do you like being tracked like a fool?
I can't even get targeted ads I want even with the tracking. I usually want raw materials or tools. The closest business that consistently advertises what I want is Harbor Freight, and they don't do targeted ads. I just get the free bucket on occasion.
Debasement of our currency makes using coins difficult for more than a pack of bubblegum. Bank notes still work but inflation will take care of that, too. Picrel used to be 20 marks (~10€). It's worth over 500€ now just from the metal value.
We use dollar dollar bills y’all.
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>>have a coin to spare?
>"certainly my good man!"
>*hands similar looking foreign currency so he gets kicked out of the shop*
not to mention knoifs are illegal round here
You won't pay anything with gold in the street if the currency is collapsing. Gold is a cope for rich niggers like emoney, they simply don't understand how things work in the real world if you have gold in your pocket for basic transactions. So until then, bullshit cash we have is still the best for everything, silver will come first if cash became obsolete because it was widely used by everyone for food and utilities in recent time and it's the best value along with drugs, guns and ammunitions.
Don’t forget secs anon secs will be very valuable for trade in the coming ecomony.
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>blocks your path
It was, retarded nigger.
some of us buy things that are so expensive they cant be purchased with pocket change. its called 'not being a loser'
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in america thatd be like 5 bucks tops and everyone in line behind you will be plotting your murder
Was it? Better block your bank account until we make sure.
Is this how people use CREDITS in Star wars since theyre wacky metal coins?
Bro, i tried using one hand, two hands, whatever, but mine doesn't have the coins in it. Should i refund it?
It isn't possible. The places that do take cash often have a limit of about 2000 kr ($200).
Buy something of value with it, like some land in the middle of nowhere.
gonna miss you soup br0.
this place is annoying me now, the same dummy government worker drones that plastered pro war threads and pro shot threads here in past years, are at it again with constant redddit tier leftist faggotry harris/biden posts, and while it has been amusing to watch them, and let them wear themselves out (not accomplishing anything) i will be taking a break for a bit.
keep the dream alive, as you are one of the last regulars here.
Of course. With 200 eurobucks you can still buy most of everything of value and you get go there multiple time per day. Isn't it?
can not get.
I did for decades, but I live in a rural area now and cash points are few and far between.
you steal that with your brown skin and weak ass nails?
>OP is some dork with a fannypack and he counts his coins awkwardly in lines
Get a ton of cash so you don't have the need to go for the ATM. If there is a limit, go directly to the bank.
Depends on what you're buying. A laptop? Forget about it.
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im sure you do
>keep the dream alive
I'm living my polish dream.
They will range banish my entire network again for months within 24h. This place is gay as fuck when it comes to censorship.
I just go to the national bank, take out a couple of thousands in coins (there is a fucking daily limit) and then use them slowly.
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is this a new technology for you guys? we had those in the 1980s. for arcades. for children. lmao. you gave a buck to the waitress, and she popped out a few quarters for ya
Why bother they already know who you are and what you do.
yeah it sucks. hang in there.
i will see you around. =]
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i support cash-only purchases but i also support a gold/silver standard again
glad you are here, will see you around the way too in some Tetris tournaments.
do not let the bastards get ya down. ;-]
Thanks man. I hope to hop on Tetris99 this weekend.
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>Do you like being tracked
My money cannot be stolen, every transaction is double-checked and listed for me and I only need to carry a lightweight plastic card I can cancel at any time, get refunded and wear around my neck if I want instead of a wallet of untraceable cash that's gone for good if stolen.
Not using physical money is so refreshing.
>tfw the only people who object are buying drugs or selling them
You're not a dirty nigger criminal, are you OP?
Nah when I said life utilities it's food, water and energy related things, and meds/drugs. Paying a laptop or a TV at a local store nowadays is retarded.
>B-but you have to pay with emoney elsewhere
That's the downside, I really think it's planned to track who's buying electronics on the internet to know the possible targets for the police. No more brand new electronics should be sold elsewhere but online in the near future, everything should be second hand in the streets.
They've been shutting all the banks slowly over years. It's a 12 mile round trip to the supermarket and a little further to the bank (with shitty opening times).
I'm tempted to go into a rant, but wont.
Rural living isn't as based as people would have you believe. I now lacking things I took for granted. I genuinely hate it here.
i love paying cash especially in big denominations because zoomies can't do basic math or count and I always get more change back
Wait until the bank block your account because you posted shitposts on a anime site. You'll understand why cash is the way for retards like us.
I have no doubt that this happens a lot to poolish niggers working for t*rks, LMAO.
Ah yeah you ran far away from niggers, move closer from basic utilities if it's a problem, and take big each time. Don't hate, adapt or move to a quiet city with everything at range fren.
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I haven't used cash or coins for 8 years.
I work in the field of machine-learning and am more aware of what machines can do than you.
>get out a banknote
Ever wonder why they have serial numbers on each one?
Every note you use is tracked at the clearing banks.
The only people using cash are criminals and human-dirt.
Nobody is looking at me. but they ARE watching you.
Enjoy your future, Pierre.
i shall see you there
wages here are shit, I'll be earning HALF what I did in London at best. Moving back would be very hard.
My 3 bed bungalow is worth about 300k. A one bed flat in my old town in a shitty area is 250k.
For some reason no niggers = no public services.
>muh serials on bank notes
as a schizo who understands this, withdraw only 20 dollar bills, and then proceed to buy a 1 dollar item or ask the clerk if they can break one of my 20s into two 10s or two 5s and one 10

serials dont mean shit
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>CIA schizo babble
What is that picture even supposed to prove? That's not a military ID, it's the blue retiree card so that the guy can still go to on base doctors and the grocery store.

If the guy was supposed to be a CIA secret agent, why was he giving interviews to the largest news companies?
You'll need a car to move around asap, it sucks bad but personally I won't live in the middle of nowhere without my own way of transportation for doing the basics, even a shit motorcycle could do it with a big backpack for cheap.
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>Triggered amerishit squealing something incoherently
Aww, was that your subhuman insect father that Russians slaughtered for good? Don't squeal too hard, better go volunteer too. I want to watch your subhuman cuckroach bitch carcass decorating the Russian steppes like this too.
Lose wight, you 150kg fat Polish whale.
Muh serial is a joke, they don't track cash in the supermarket but only when they suspect a fraud with the authorities, like buying a potato with a 200 euros bill they use infrared to see if it's not fake etc.
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>claims it's the CIA
>shows nothing to back it
>gets called out
>starts trying to provoke an emotional response because he has nothing to actually back himself
Ok. Are you a Russian emigrant in Germany or something? You seem awfully emotionally invested in this whole thing.

Those pics are from Wagner, and they didn't even try to claim the guy was an American agent, so idk why you are. Prigo literally blames his death on his Ukrainian commanders in the video.
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>claims it's the CIA
Holy shit, the subhuman amerinigger reading comprehension. I wonder why the sheer mention of CIA triggered you so much tho, subhuman amerinigger fagbitch. Hmm :^)
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Thinking you are not being tracked by paying only in cash is foolish. Our masters have every means at their disposal. There is no more anonymity.
I try ;_;
Americans have masters? Sad.
Dude those are bitchen. I have two brass ones that hole Quarters, Nickels and Dimes
I dont care about being tracked anymore
I used to care but im almost 40 now..
I own a home, i have a job and a car, bank accounts and credit cards, ive been arrested, have a passport, a phone, hell i even finally got facebook
Its over
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>getting this wound up over nothing
You don't even swear like the Germans I know. This really does read like some Russian emigre.
I pay for everything in cash.
>Carrying around bulky fiat currency
Also I get free money from retards if I use a credit card
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>Squealing so hard about the slightest mention of CIA
We will kill you all.
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Yes, I want them to know every last detail and to be disturbed and scared shitless.
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Few years ago I found this coin near place I live. I keep it in my wallet since.
They have no name on it, so no cash is not tracked in casual transactions. They are checked when things get shady but there is no way the bank with authorities can track a thing without some rfid or anything done with fucking coins, you can buy peanut butter with a clear mind.
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holy based
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anon, the only person squealing is you when you lost your shit. Why are you so emotionally invested in this? It isn't healthy.
Goverment agent tracking me by my purchases:
>"Day 1,568 of buying beer and chips. Fatty"
I am ruined bros!
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What's wrong, glownigger subhuman? State the reason of your squealing at once.
>using fiat
I only pay with my gold bullion. It got a little awkward when I had to shave some off to pay for a coffee the other day. I told the chick at Starbucks that it is real money as opposed to that paper shit they normally get. She called the police on me when they told me that they only accept cash or card and I refused to give back my coffee.
I don't accept your kind in my store. What now?
Just pay with junk silver you weirdo, convincing the clerk the silver quarter is worth the drink + tip is a different battle tho
pbbbt paying cash like a chump when you can just steal stuff
Too many chinese pieces of shit trying to pass tungsten for gold.
thats why i buy at a shop with rep thats been around for 30+ years in person in cash lol
Man I remember coins in the 80s. It was a better time. Now days you are paying 3% more when paying cash vs a credit card. You're losing 6% if you're not rocking an amazon card.
I can get 5% cash back on my card.
When a local business tries to steal from me I can charge it back.
If my card gets skimmed the CC company will refund the charges unlike a bank.
If I could figure out how to pay my mortgage with my credit card I'd do it.
Why are you buying in places that rip you off? Fuck them.
It's priced into everything. The merchants are getting charged a fee so they pass it on. They don't bother lowering prices for cash fags. Everything just goes up to compensate. The only way to win is to play the game. You either have a high credit score or you're a subhuman in America. Does Europe have credit scores? I remember once I went full autism mode and I wanted MENA cards and I tried to get a robot anime Jap card but I couldn't qualify without a Jap address and didn't want them to shove bamboo splinters in my peepee hole.
Businesses have to pay for CC payment gateways. It's usually 30 cents plus 2.9%. Unless you have a card that gives you points to offset that, you're eating that cost.
>The only way to win is to play the game.
>da gubment is gonna track when I go to mcdonalds!
literally who cares. touch grass
Yes. It's not hard. Offset 3% or don't.
>I let them fuck me for 3% savings
I use credit for normie shit and cash for bad shit, that way I have a history of being a good citizen.
Even if it does fuckall I want the zognigger who cuffs me to wonder how many of his neighbors are like me and beat his badge bunny wife that night in a fit of paranoia.
>Why don't you pay for everything with cash?
But I do.
What can you buy with an argentinian Dollar nowadays?
Do Europeans still use coins that much? Largest common denomination coin here is the quarter, dollar coins never caught on and 50 cent pieces are rare as fuck and a quarter doesn't buy shit.
>le goobernment can't track me when i buy milk hehe
American money and coins are soulless, they don't feel good to hold, like the material is as cheap as humanly possible for them to use. I know this sounds like a weird complaint but idk how to describe it better
Cash is extremely dirty and inconvenient.


Nigger, it's all fake. Shiny rocks aren't valuable either. What do the DO??
Shiny rocks exist.

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