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With a total of 300 billion planned.

ITT we say thank you to Russia for their kindness
How is that allowed? Do they just not respect basic property laws anymore?
European laws and values do not apply to Russia as they claim they're Eurasian or something
How could the allies bomb Germany? Do they not respect basic property rights now?
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Russian media told me western money is fake and the west doesnt produce anything. So basically its just a number. Stop seething ivan and enjoy your rocks and gas. Now hold still and let me pop your brain
>How is that allowed?
we're being culturally sensitive towards Russia and applying the law of the fist.
>time passes
>russian suffering increases
They should be used to it by now.
We’re neither European, Asian nor Eurasian. We’re our own Civilization.
>the nafoid hour

you are late this time - what happeened?
Russians aren't European
Is this suffering together in this room with us?
>coping again
And that's why my civilization's rules do not apply to yours. I wouldn't ask an alien from Uranus to understand the concept of private property on Earth because he'd most likely not get it
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zigger self-awareness everyone
Yeah, because european means a servile dog of the USA.
At this point Russia will lose even if America doesn't send them any money. 300 billion is enough to support the war for 5 years and Russia is already sending ww2 tanks in year 2
>I, my
You just polish horse cocks in that European “Civilization”. XD
okay so your own civilization can pay everyone else 1.5 billion. why? fuck you and your meatgrinder people. literally all you have to do is ask putin to stop sending your civilization's kind to walk on our very expensive landmines and be hit by our drones. This 1.5 billion is to replace each bullet spent on a russian, and it's your fault for not stopping it.
I can't wait for you to get nuked bub
Way ahead of you, can't polish horse cocks if we can't own horses
Ukraine belongs to russia. Same with all former USSR territories. The dissolution of them was an illegal act
But they didn't. They just gave it to countries that send their old trash to ukraine.

holy based
We're over here, chilling and growing our earnings. Out of us two, you're the ones left 1 on 1 with a cock, vovik
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Zigger alert, I repeat: zigger alert.

These people are ziggers, do not try to make contact with them.
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Glory to POCCNR
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I didn't know you can do that. All the more reason for Russia to adopt bitcoin.
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The EU should have spent that money on their own people who have been in severe poverty since Britain left.
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Fake numbers zigger. Abortion rate in russia is one of the highest in the world.
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They should just start charging the eu spot for gas.
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should have stayed in russia
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Probably true about this board too.
Yep was madness to made a pro russian one the rusdians didn't wanna make them but I read the wise words of conrade Brushnev

They have aids and poverty better help them
Ivan you import 1.5 million each year. You are the one who is gonna get raped and jihaded
Just ask zelensjy to surrender, problem solved.

P.S. I hope black people will rape each white American and west/central European pig to death.

You’re just a toilet cleaner for your Herman and British masters, get real..
For each dollar Russia loses they should blow up one Ukrainian city.
Why are Russian people getting so upset over their corrupt billionaires' assets being sold off?
Vatniks, are these really the only people on your side?
Moscow is 90% Russian
Amsterdam is 49% Dutch.
that money will last for about 3 seconds buying things from lockheed martin.
not really, see flag. The migration subsided some decade ago. Now, you? You will drag your nuts over broken glass to wipe my grandma's ass or fix my drain. Inevitable, seeing how your state is mismanaged.
that's a fake statistic, only counting formal residents
100% boring and derivative.
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what is EU going to do once it runs out of money it stole from Russia?
Will EU start stealing from EU citizens? .... oh wait, they're already doing that in full swing
Jews just once again cutting the west throat financially.
BRICS becoming an absolute necessity.
Yeah you got it backwards.
They have already run out of money that they stole off EU citizens so now they are stealing off the Russians.
Why are you Jews so upset over the fake holocaust?
write a poem about a sundress
good. it just makes me support russia MORE
pee pee poo poo
you're a doo doo
This is much more correct than anyone could imagine. From late Gorbachev to early Putin there was a pause in the deluge of disinfo and demoralization from Russia into the west. Only liberated of this destructive influence new heights would be achieved.
Jews draining off the last few dollars before their financial system completely collapses
>How is that allowed? Do they just not respect basic property laws anymore?
How could Ruzzia invade Ukraine? Do they just not respect country's recognized borders?
Wasn't it just the assets of private Russian citizens they seized? Realistically how much of it was actually Russian government funds and if this is the precedent being set what's to incentive anyone investing in Europe if the money can just be seized based on some sort of geopolitical goal? And if Russia does win what is the likelihood of them imposing war reparations on Ukraine?
> You will
lol, one can dream.

Hilarious cope. You can watch any YouTube video about Moscow and see it’s 90-95% Slavic.

You will
>How could Ruzzia invade Ukraine? Do they just not respect country's recognized borders?
countries have the right to wage wars, retard
learn something about the international system

stealing money though... is brown energy
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Can I get chat GPT to make one?
Moscow is also a cold smelly disgusting poor shithole.
Sounds like the south Bronx to be honest.
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Could I please beg a morsel of your time. I am currently a researcher for the New York Times, Features department & I would like to feature the anonymous voice. Could you please read the following page and shares you thoughts and insights.
Best Regards
Paracellius Sheckelberg IX
Lord Baron of Peasants.
>empty threats
>Russia is taping Ukraine not hard enough
you're coping hard here
the decision to use nukes will have to be carefully calculated within a global context of security, Ukraine alone cannot provoke the use of Russian nukes, you don't have that much power, stop larping.
If Russia uses nukes in Ukraine, it will be caused by a need to address a collective threat

Putin is moron, lol.

Stop supporting this war, i hate wars.

This is why i don't watch what happened in Ukraine or gaza, war is terrible, but especially this, putin fucking invade other country like crazy man, he should be put down.
Maymay flag
Always remember.
To the last Ukrainian, while your kike actor flees and leaves you pigs holding the bag.
You're probably a fed and don't care about your own people or land.
Never post again
>Wasn't it just the assets of private Russian citizens they seized? Realistically how much of it was actually Russian government funds and if this is the precedent being set what's to incentive anyone investing in Europe if the money can just be seized based on some sort of geopolitical goal?
Its all private money.
An oligarch called Roman Abramovich was an enemy of Putin so he fled to the UK and bought a football club some years ago. They still forced him to sell the club because he was Russian. Doesnt matter if you are against Putin and the Russian government if you are Russian you are fair game.
>what's to incentive anyone investing in Europe if the money can just be seized based on some sort of geopolitical goal?
That is already happening. The economy is declining in europe which already makes it a bad area to invest in. But you also have to worry if they will seize your money.
>And if Russia does win what is the likelihood of them imposing war reparations on Ukraine?
They alreayd said they were going to do that but the money will be going to the Russian government. The private citizens money that OP is talking about is just gone.
>giving it to Ukraine
Uhu, these crooks have been enriching themselves with all these "grants" since the beginning.
>Ukries bleed dry while these hypochondriac vampires feed on their suffering.
What a bizarre meme. I can only assume an actual retarded Ukrainian made this.
Maymay flag
Phone poster

There is not until the last Ukrainian, bitch.

Usa would send American soldiers to kill russians one after another.
>oh my science
Uggggh. Would anyone really miss Romania if it was nuked off the map?
> cлaбo eбeтe
Never change.
she looks like a fallout ghoul
>Russia nukes Ukraine once
>NATO gets some radioactive dust blow into their countries
>NATO joins the game
>Russians inside of Ukrainian recognised borders get their shit pushed in in a matter of weeks, Russia has left the game.
That's exactly how it will go down, NATO will avoid going any further than the Russian border, Russia will not Nuke NATO countries or troops directly because that is the end of the entirety of Russia for the future and China will leash Russia because they're the worlds maker of goods and have too much money to just lose because of slavic retards. Putin will try save face or fuck off to some thirdie shit hole to hide.
>do not respect proprietary rights of countries you have an ideological feud with
>sell or give away their assets
>other countries that aren't in your block disinvest from your Union
>sell assets that could be seized like bonds
>many countries in your union have high debt
>risk to start another bond crisis
Bravo. Another sound business decision by the eurocrats. Impressive.
Shit that all sounds pretty awful. European leaders are retarded honestly. One day China might do that to them considering a sizeable portion of Europe and America's investment is in China. If we go to war with them they can and most likely will just seize all our assets. I mean I'm not sure they'd be able to use it properly but at the end if the day we don't have the infastructure to pick up any of that slack.
108 times
How are we gonna push them back though?
We have no tanks left and the new net zero battery powered military equipment is at least 20 years away.

We would have to nuke the Russian army inside Ukraine which would ruin Ukraine more than it is already.
The European Union is an entity made of thieves... the world will remember this.
A lot of credibility lost with this one.
>Hey smoothskin, wanna help destabilize an entire region and destroy and remaining trust in our banking institutions?
6 times
Still somehow seems less cramped than all the videos of Ukrainian cemeteries I see. Yeah. Its war. Soldiers die. It's awful. How does this prove anything? A few thousand us soldiers died in Iraq and Afghanistan but the Taliban didn't take photos of Arlington and go "ohhh see were winning!" I mean they did win but not because of inflicting mass casualties.
It means your money isn't safe when it sits in European banks.
This isn't exactly "Russian" money in any practical sense.

EU countries, instead of continuing to not pay their debts to Russia, have decided to transfer money to Ukraine. For all practical purposes, this is simply another way for EU countries to pay Ukraine. They're just going through some theatrics because giving money to Ukraine is rather unpopular and there are a lot of financially illiterate voters who thinks this exercise means that Russia is somehow paying and the EU taxpayer isn't. Russia isn't paying a cent - they already lost everything when EU countries de facto defaulted on their debts to Russia two years ago.

Putting money into a permanently frozen account is the same as destroying it. EU countries could have just kept symbolically putting money into the frozen account and then the ECB could have just printed up an equivalent amount, making the transaction entirely meaningless. However now that they're instead putting the money into unfrozen accounts of Ukraine, who will immediately spend the money, the ECB can't just replace the money without contributing to inflation. And so the transaction is not meaningless; it represents an actual transfer of wealth from EU countries to Ukraine.
Do you poor smelly idiots actually believe Russia can win a nuclear war?
>How are we gonna push them back though?
Same way we did during the Iraq war, fucking retard.
And this petulant act of weakness defeats Russia how?

How does make believe funny-money stop a shell from blowing 5~15 men at a time into giblets?

What is the plan for this money to magically impregnate the remaining Ukrainian women, have a speed run pregnancy, and then spit out fully grown and trained men in mere weeks?


Nothing's changed?
What's that? Russia's economy grows while the West's continues to implode?
What's that?
Russia's continuing to win bigly while Ukraine is down to press-ganging the elderly and women?

*sucks air through teeth*

Well, it was worth a try I suppose. Anyway there's always more taxpayer money where that came from oh wait no, Whites are checking out and migrant filth don't pay taxes.

*shrug* Here's a free (You) to make you feel like you accomplished more than absolutely nothing today.

>Verification not required.
No. I believe nobody is going to "win" a nuclear war. And only an idiot would ever want it to come to that.
Wait so west IS at war with russia then? But I thought all news agencies said this was a war strictly with Ukraine and Russia? So we were fed lies on television?
nah romania is not to blame, it's just that one individual who's probably either leftist or proxy glowie
Rights stop when the kikes say so.
>An american talked about a country's recognized border.
What about palestine then gweilo slurper.
just as the the EU donated several billions to russia, you know whats funny. Europe has more frozen assets in russia, than russia has in europe. There are around 200 billion USD worth of russian assets in russia, most of it the belgian back.
On the other hand there are 288 billion USD EU assets in russia.

the only one "winning" is the US, who agani throws the EU sheeple under the bus and the idiots are doing it willingly.
Cry more balkanic slavshit.
Jews stealing again.
Sundress in summer
a cute girl's upskirt buttshot
I become horny
lol your country is actively getting deleted, little piggie
Nobody was asking you, idiot.
funny, coming from Alberto Barbosa, that still manages to be one of poorest EU nation and getting overtaken by some balkanic slavshit states.
Germany got deleted in 1945 by the same horde.
I dont know what you gloating about.
Your glory days are over you catholic ultramontanist slavshit.

Enjoy the Magyarisation and Balkanization of your shithole.
It is a violation of property rights in the absolute, in fact this is precisely what Zimbabwe did. They are trying to do it in various scheming ways such as only touching the interest which they claim their central bank owns until it is given to Russia or any investor. This is naturally incorrect. They have a major problem in that they are going to face legal challenges in other jurisdictions like Singapore etc. from the Russians and any other concerned party such as Saudi Arabia. This is why they are also guarantors for this loan as they will have to pay it all back including the lost interest that would have been accrued.

The most definite sign that they're going to get fucked massively and know it is that they want to create an EU registry for every citizens assets: this is a precursor to confiscations during state insolvency. This undermines trust in the euro and of every single European country. Governments internationally will have no choice but to inform their pension funds, investment platforms and currency swap institutions to divest and offload.
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Dude, social services in Asheville NC stays packed and I mean packed with hook nosed Jews. It's crazy. Watching this place support Ukraine is wild.
They will just always print some more money.
>Do they just not respect basic property laws anymore?
like russia respects the territorial integrity of ukraine? no, that's a thing of the past, get used to it.
>posts from shithole
>calling others to enjoy "their shit hole"
you have the second highest nigger population of europe, just behind france.
>catholic montanist
funny, portugal is 80% catholic
Your going to bribe them and lose it so badly that your citizenry refuse service?
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Russia never gave back Spain's gold, so they're just getting a taste of their own medicine.
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>the second highest nigger population of europe, just behind france.

Funny. We have niggers you have Slavs, Balkaners and Magyars. Plus your native Turkish blood.

Vienna, whore of cities. Your time has come nigh.
Moscow, Ulanbaatar and Judapest are your sisters now.
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>Same way we did during the Iraq war, fucking retard.
kind reminder
Russia seized western company properties in their country. Why should we give them any common courtesy?
They aren't transferring any of the assets. This is money being made off of the frozen assets.
Nobody wants to be the one that destroyed all of europe's financial sector.
>respect basic property laws
>lobs 60,000 artillery shells at property per day
>Using strawpoll on a Russian glownigger>US glowie board
jeez I wonder who won
>niggers are better than slavs
kek, 10% niggers is enough to nuke a country.

So no one will keep money in EU banks anymore.
Huge win.
vpn faggot how about you shut your bitch mouth before i fuck it
>How is that allowed?
In the civilised world, it isn't.
>Do they just not respect basic property laws anymore?
No. They either don't care that this looks terrible to potential investors because they've decided that Russia must be defeated at any cost, or more likely, they haven't even considered it.
Imagine the extent of the butthurt among the Russians.
What does China think about this?
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not cool, even doing to russkies
smoothbrains will not grok it can happen to them too if such behaviour is allowed; remember second plandemic is coming
fake news
at that donation tier should Zelenski email Putin some dickpics?
Pretty much, the only European empire to keep and assimilate it's colonies instead of becoming yet another American vassal, enough to call it it's own thing
Russians are Jews and liars and so are Ukraine and thieves
No, unfortunately not. The problem is that the Russians will not accept this because it looks quite humiliating, and they will try to destroy Ukraine, according to the motto: "We are destroying Western conquerors and their property."
>poland - 292,000
>germany - 62,800
>french - 270,000
>british - 75,166
>ukraine - 900,000
>U.S (you left this out) - 453,551
equals 2,053,517 All better equipped, better trained, better technology.
That's more tranny.
>135 votes on a mongolian basket weaving forum
That's not how private property works, you baboon
The way private property works is if someone takes it from you its not yours anymore. Russians shouldve kept their shit in their own banks. Oh wait
This is democracy in action
It is like that in most of the world.

The reason people queued up to invest in Europe was because their money was safe. That is the exception to the rule around the world.
And now I couldnt even tell you the best place to invest your money without the people in power in the regino stealing it.
get nuked, faggot
miss him :(
Why do Europoors insist on allowing this unelected woman to wreck their economy while driving them closer and closer to the edge of a hot war with Russia? Makes no sense to me. I won't be joining the war to help you guys, in case you were wondering.
What is Russia gonna do? Call the cops?
Shit like this is why brics is gaining traction
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What are they gonna do vote her out?
God I detest this Cruella Deville looking bitch with her crooked teeth.
Im sure that will save Ukraine from being turned BACK into Russia
that was a fun 30 years or whatever
what a joke of a "country" the Ukraine is
>We’re our own Civilization.
Your civilization died with the tsar
leave us alone
>How could the allies bomb Germany?
Because a demonic kike cripple told them to, so that when they were all done he could give half of europe to commies.
slut out for more euro money ukrokike
>That's more tranny.
NATO indeed is more tranny
it's theft / robbery
passive aggressive rape (economically and diplomatically) and a proxy war killing two flies with one slap
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Thank you Russia. Thank you Mommy.
>western money is fake
Correct, just like ukrainian soveriengty.
nafo cult victims are so pathetic
when this war is over and russias new border is on the dnepr, im gonna be slapping nafoids wholesale
Are they braindead? Fuk I hope Russia actually nukes like mid sized town in Jewkraine now
Globohomo gets some billions...
Meanwhile 7 billion people realize they should switch to BRICS so it doesnt happen to them.
the EU wrecked their investment security because they can't go to their taxpayers as is mandatory in a democratic system to beg for more war money
It's almost like the seizure of assets or property to pay off a debt or judgement has never been a law anywhere never applied before.
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Gas yourself jew
It's to speedrun the West toward the Great Reset. With this move, the EU shows that outsiders cannot trust their banks. They already couldn't with the freezing of assets, but graduating this to theft means the EU is no haven to monies owned by countries with precarious relationships to the West.

It props up BRICS or gives BICS a reason to get tight with the Europe-led Great Reset.
Maybe people should prioritize investing in their homelands instead of sending their money to other countries where it benefits the uberrich and the other country and not the people of the home country.
Is that some kinda attempt at "owned"? Because the Russian Federation has existed for less time than Ukraine.
and we`d just confiscate just as much EU assets? Genius politicians there in EU
It's just stolen from Russian Oligarchs and the money is going to be pocketed by jews. They could rebuild the entire country 3 times over with that but you won't see a single street fixed.
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money is meaningless for ukraine
their problem has always been lack of human resources, they are running thin on soldiers
Where did the 900,000 go?
Did they ever?
>the EU
>acknowledging any concept of private property

Wouldn't this make sense AFTER the war and not during? Russia can just take it out of their asses with more destruction.

Fucking EU is run by retards.
We have an empire to maintain chud. Manifest destiny. Star spangled banner will wave over Eurasia as it was destined too.
It's okay Soviet Union stole a bunch of shit back in the day. Why should EU communist shithole be any different?
Europoors are cucks lol

I want russia to confiscate all western assets inside russia and europeans to fucking finally steal that debt papers from clearing bank

Europoors instead are doint lilliputian steps which corelate with their low IQ

Rapid actions will make decoupling forever, euro will go to trash together with globalists and world will slowly switch to gold and silver and in foreign trade
Russia will be paying reparations once the war is over, whether they win or lose.
Imagine not having graffiti on your walls while violent niggers randomly knock-out game you and your family. This is fucking disgusting, Russia must be stopped!
? What are you talking about? Literally no one is saying this is just about Russia and Ukraine. Everyone acknowledges that this is NATO vs Russia
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>We’re our own Civilization.
reminder Ukraine needs 800 BILLIES to win the war
who's going to pay the rest of the tab?
Why do the first posts of this thread have no post ID?
>Muh reparayshuns
youre a bunch of glorified poles with resources
>Do they just not respect basic property laws anymore?
You receive the respect you give others. Russniggers are violent animals and are treated as such.
your "civilization" can't go 3 generations without collapsing and starting over. Why is that?
No but the tellys kept saying that Russia vs NATO is a conspiracy, that it's only a Ukraine vs Russia war
>Russia just donated 1.5 billion to Ukraine

You gonna pay what you stole from Russia back with interest rate.

Save this post because in some years from now, this is what is going to happen. And when I say you I mean YOU the tax payers. Because all these traitorous zionist stooges will gone by then.
better enjoy that while it lasts
Ukraine is going BYE BYE
>Hernandez clocking in on his base to shill for globohomo
it's funny because they're already rebuilding parts of Zaporizhia and Mariupol, unlike the (((free world))) which flies to other side and kills people for jew bankers
So basically EU just confirmed they are as lawless and corrupt as the country they stand behind!
Only criminals and corrupt idiots would stand behind Ukraine or the EU.
They will have to pay that back, when all this is over. If they want to resume trade with Russia. In ten or twenty years when we go through the usual let's all be friends bollocks, that always happens.

Europe doesn't have a leg to stand on. They're not in a position to dictate stuff like this. That's how you know it's, essentially, a fake story.
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everytime a diasporanigger makes a
>save this post
it bites them in the ass
that fag also spams tranny and BBC porn, go figure
Seen more in one Ukro cemetery.
Wait Ukros have 900k but are short on men?
I have a bridge to sell you my dude. They together have almost 500 functional tanks. Ant the training well Nato trained Ukrainian army and they have man shortages.
why do russniggers always post with memeflags? why are they so shameless?
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>how to unify the the russian elite in a single step
You shouldn't have done that.
Ukraine was previously known to be a pimp, no?
personal responsibility crowd will leave the public holding the bag in the end. watch.
It's allowed because no one will do anything about it other than make idle threats.
No big deal. Europe had 180 billion invested in Russia. So they will be paying the bill by forfeiting it all to Russia. It's that simple. America demands it and Europe obeys, they are a slave class that takes orders from Kamala now.
the public will pay for her goals it won't cost the elites a thing.
>violate international law
>face consequences
wtf how is this legal???
Are you retarded? They are SEIZED Assets, that means Russia has no access to them and can't do shit about it.
Its the European Union they don't respect laws of nation states
They can donate 400 TRILLION and it wouldn't change a thing. Ukraine needs NATO to officially join the war, or they're fucked. Hello my dear frens doesn't lie. You can call 'em slow, but the wins and advances are all in Russia's favor.
Precious rubbles transferred
NATO is already fighting Russia...Ive already given up on Russia...this is a slow drain of whatever brain is left there.
>If they want to resume trade with Russia
This is never happening.
Not directly with a formal declaration of war and extension of the front line across the entire NATO-Russia border. Proxies ain't shit. Europe needs to draft all the white young men and replace them with Africans and Muslims. It's the only way.
It's like their investments in blacks. They just can't admit they were wrong.
What BS. It's a money that:
1) Isn't available to us anyway, so it's technically not from us.
2) Wasn't usable by us in the first place - it was from trade proficit of the time. We bought whatever we needed from abroad (and what we were allowed to buy) and still had extra $ from oil and gas trade. So we invested it in FX reserves - all so that american inflation doesn't go back to America. We did like good goyim - like everybody does.
3) That's essentially frozen zeroes in european bank accounts that never truly belonged to Russia - as our natural resources were stolen from us in exchange for those zeroes - we were cockblocked at every turn when trying to use that money. At that point the money was already a lie since we couldn't spend it.

So at THIS point in time giving that "frozen Russian money" to Ukraine is no different that printing that money anew to begin with. You just inject extra $ or euroes into your economies through Ukraine and get extra inflation as a result.
Kek you are witnessed
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>Source dude trust me

Your mother's rapist is a diasporanigger diaspora kike pigger.

If you think EU can survive without Russian raw materials, then you are obviously mentally ill.

Your stooges are hiding behind your army but they will eventually removed with violence when starvation starts kick in.
Yea, kind of like India
oy vey, cool it with the antisemitism there
Its basically tax payer money anyway, its a nothing burger. The EU rationalizes being a thief by bearing false witness. My soul has seen this before.
im just curious, what are the assets a country has abroad?
real estate? expensive art? i dont understand
politicians. thats the asset.
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>we will give you money to kill russians
>and russia will pay for it
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And Abuja is 100% nigger. Your point?
Henlo World. We did not elect this bitch or appreciate EU politics
Please send halp and free us
So theyre giving it back to russia?
>the talk about peace is in the air
>lets shit on russian dinner table one more time
What fucking for?
Pointlessly antagonizing.
Hey, remember the times when the corona outbreak began and they were "driving military trucks in large convoys to burn all the infected bofies" news? I 'member. Remember when "people in China were collapsing by the dozen on the streets from the disease"? I 'member that too.
Metokur said I should take vaccine. He also said I wear those better masks. But then I got some weird gnosis from somewhere (which just thinking about still gives me chills) and binge watched Darling in the Franxx, and deduced that maybe I don't need vaxx nor medbeds
So Germany stole money from Russia and gave it to russia
how is that not an act of war?
at the end of the day, it really is about optics and how you frame things
So Russia have done more for Ukraine than Europe ever will
Yeah, they said the vaxx is good for you, no nasty side effects. And it will completely halt the spread and make you immune so grandma doesn't die. Then it turned out you weren't immune, but don't spread it so grandma still lives. Then it turned out you were highly resistant and still spread it around so I guess grandma dies. Then it turned out you were mildly resistant and fuck grandma, who cares about her anyways. Then it turned out you were barely resistant but should still take the vaxx because it's good for big pharma bank accounts co-owned by government suits. I 'member that too. Curse my longer-than-a-goldfish memory...

And finally it turned out the vaxx was just as effective as attempting to pilot a mech with your ass out towards the copilot.
there are those memes where narratives keeps changing, and there's "you're hill" arrow showing where we are at.. wish I had saved one of those from the covid circus.
>And finally it turned out the vaxx was just as effective as attempting to pilot a mech with your ass out towards the copilot.
haha that was a bit weird part of the show but other than that it was biggest red pill I had in my entire life
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Yet again, the amount of retardation on this board is astounding.

The amount of €1.5 billion that is being sent are from the PROCEEDS of Russian assets frozen in the EU, not the assets themselves. Why would EU pay dividends to ziggers while adopting pro-Ukie policies?

>muh international law
Its within international law, since those assets remain untouched. Unlike what the the good law abiding Russia did when they outright stole and privatized foreign capital and assets in Russia.
>in a first step
Imagine being (you) - dumb faggot along with the majority ITT. Worthless tards.
It can get real fucking cold in central and western europe without russian gas.
Nuclear power being treated like licking satan's butthole for some reason doesn't help.

This is fucking stupid.
who knows what these euro-faggots are thinking; the results are nonetheless predictable.
You have to go back ASAP in your shithole Ivan, Sweden is a civilized country which is not suitable for eurasian mistery meat orcs as yourself
>>475727556 >>475728018 >>475728289 >>475732842 >>475734040 >>475737450 >>475738124 >>475742166 >>475745632 >>475746371 >>475746422 >>475746782 >>475753092 >>475758191
Why are Finnish girls obsessed with BBC?
you will find out about international law soon enough jew boy. your country is already destabilizing, and it will onlynget worse for you and your despicable kind. i would suggest to stop picking fights and mind your own business or face the consequences, that's what time it is.
It's oligarch money, if you think average russian citizen was robbed here you are wrong, he was robbed long time ago.
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>>475727556 >>475728018 >>475728289 >>475732842 >>475734040 >>475737450 >>475738124 >>475742166 >>475745632 >>475746371 >>475746422 >>475746782 >>475753092 >>475758191
Why do Finnish girls love to be impregnated by black bulls?
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>Do they just not respect basic property laws anymore?
Putin shoulda thought of that before the rolled tanks into Ukrainian property and started slaughtering civilians and children to steal their property.
Russians would have to be human first. They just don't belong in modern civilization
Literally Mordor
why are ukranians not protecting Democracy hard enough?? this is a shamefull display. my country is already in talks with Ukranian authorithies to deport those fleeing piglets the war. So disgraceful.
> I'll attack you but you can't attack me back
I'm not sure it works that way.

>Blue Soviet Union
>Respecting private property
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>Stop supporting this war, i hate wars.
this is now a russian salt thread
The EU violated the Nuremberg code with the greenpass, where can I seize their assets?

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