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Is it just a Jewish psyop? Is it true? Bit of both? Care to explain for anons who go out in the real world and interact with people.
I've been a white man my entire life and I can confirm that white women hate me. Oddly enough though, ethnic women love me. Oh well.
We didnt need convincing, all it takes is realizing they've lied to us our entire lives
>Feminism means men don't have to be afraid of being vulnerable!!!!
>Omg you're sad because your dad died? ICK!!!!
white women find white men boring
they want dangerous excitement right up to the edge of death itself
>thread made by pajeets
>jews rape kids
>pajeets eat shit
>jannies suck dick
>OP is an actual homosexual
See you tomorrow, same thread, same time
youre posting in a memeflag thread
ethnic women like you but only the ugly ones
I don’t hate white men. My father and husband are white.
They have been trained and indoctrinated into seeing white men as guilty of historical sin and deserving of punishment and retribution, not sure how that isn't obvious
Yes they do. However latinas melt when they see a handsome white man. White women lick their lips when they see a dog
No, they only hate white men who aren't chads, so like 98% of white men.
i'd rather be in a relationship with a gay wendigo than a modern white woman.
And non-White men are made to believe turd world women are better. AND BOTH are falling for it. Can't beat the jew
all statistics indicate that white women prefer white men
if some "men" let others convince them it's not true, thats' their problem. Their genetics will be eliminated from the society
what's the common denominator in this situation
i.e. you're probably a fagget and ethnic women are more likely to tolerate that, because you're still a white man after all
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white women are retarded entitled cunts. It doesnt matter what they hate or dont hate
We'll put,anon. ;-)
Statistically speaking white men remain the most desirable men by every metric, and white women are more racially loyal than the men are going by marriage and dating stats. The answer OP is that women say all kinds of stupid shit, but when it comes to them they 100% will always date a white guy if they can, even if their twitter is full of stuff bitching about them.
If by white men you mean incels who spend their day in front of their screen then yeah
Repeal the 19th Amendment.
End Women's Suffrage.
*prefer white CHAD
you coping fuck
The vast majority of white women date/marry white men.
Turn off your electric jew and go out in public.
Implying I care about white women.
>inb4 muh Asian waifus
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it's simple, stupid. be the nice person you're supposed to be and you'll be loved. if you're a faggoty hole you'll be put in your place one day or torn apart by all walks of life, shut the fuck up its easy, what a retard to embroil herself in something she clearly doesn't feel part of
The ones they pursued in their youth pumped and dumped them, and then the ones they pursued when they hit the wall and got babyrabies wanted nothing to do with them.

Yup, same.
I have been convinved of this for years. White women are a nightmare.
A white woman had me cut out of her belly before I was fully formed to save a girl's life over mine, that was the first thing that ever happened to me as an independent being. Afterwards, they mutilated my genitals in various ways, as per the ritual requirements of the hospital system, and to save me from my status of being a disfigured malformed mess. I was kept in an incubator for weeks, following the procedures enacted on me, which I emerged from only to be given a wide range of involuntary vaccines to save me from diseases to which I would never be exposed to, but those vaccines would definitely harm my body in ways that medical science still hasn't fully understood. I was then raised on soi-based formula, never tasting mother's milk, and my parents decided that when transitioning me to eating foods, I should eat low-fat first and foremost, with red meat being far and away from my normal food source. All of these were the suggestions of so-called experts and decided primarily by my mother, for my father decided that he'd rather get excessively drunk every night after work until midnight and threaten suicide until my parents divorced than care a bit about the spawn he created.
I loathe women for putting themselves above me, but I loathe women for blindly trusting evil men. I would not exist otherwise, so I exist to enact my loathing onto others.
I mean my last white gf dumped me after 4 years completely out of the blue even though I tried everything to keep her happy.
So I have given up on them.
These are assblasted roasties, and I can assure you that I am not a faggot and the ones that pursued me weren't ugly. Seethe more and enjoy the cats, KEK.
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This is unfortunately true not all white women feel this way but most that’s why most white boys take the rice pill
that's rough buddy
They don't hate white men, that's retarded.
White women are more likely to fall for the "boss bitch", "strong independent feminist woman" garbage. They are also VERY materialistic and obsessed with comparing themselves to social media influencers. I have three sisters, I see it first hand how easily brainwashed they are by TikTok.
The fact is, it doesn't matter if white men and women dislike each other because white women don't offer any political solution. We literally don't need them except to fulfill our basic biological imperative, but that's not really worthy of political discussion. There's no reason why White Nationalists or National Socialists should be trying to appeal to them. Women aren't a "legitimizing" force if you're not even trying to appeal to normies in the first place. Populism isn't real.
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This, has more to do with social media brainrot and social validation garbage. Women should live in isolation away from it all for a time to gain a greater perspective of the world.
You think a sample size of N=1 is adequate?
They really are. White women are the most entitled and demanding. They fully buy into the boss bitch lifestyle. Every single guy I know with a white wife is totally WHIPPED. White women run their households, they wear the pants in the relationship 9 times out of 10. My best friend is conservative and his wife is a radical liberal. They don't even like each other and can't talk politics together. It's mind-boggling to me how they are together.

They took out a 120k HELOC loan to do home renovations during covid, she inherited a bunch of money, and now refuses to help pay off the loan with her inherited money even though it's double digit interest on the loan.
Facts...lets not forget the self hating bugs too.
>He's not a chad
When he said "their genetics will be eliminated"
He was referring to you, subhuman
Oh yeah that's another thing I notice among my friends, all the ones with white wives have separate bank accounts for some reason. If you're married I don't really see a reason why you should have separate bank accounts.
Nah it's false. It's just women shittesting by poking at insecureties as usual.

If an african or asian woman tries to shittest most white men simply dont care and therefor automatically pass the shittest.
I’ve only dated white women and they’ve all been shit now that I think about it.
The white soulmate of a white man can be easily trapped when she's done and old. Mack on her relentlessly and make a lot of money. There, she's yours forever.
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The woke virus has only infected white women so far though and it's only because their living standards so high that they lose grip on reality, something black or asian women dont.
I'm just moments away from understanding women. It took a long time but I'm almost there. I feel empathy in my penis.

all women are part jew btw.
All women treat me well, in general I think the war between the sexes is sad and pushed by Jews
That's been going on with whites since 1990 with shows like Simpsons and Married With Children. A black anon reported the same usual (((Mind Wizards))) were using anti father/man propaganda on the black community since the 1980 or so. This thing has been around for decades. If they are dialing it back it's most likely because they need a ton of cannon fodder to die in war. Guess which two groups of men the USA loves stuffing the military with. Will it work in the very diverse but not so melting pot of 2024? Why don't the East Asians and Indians take a couple tours on the front. I've read their histories. They can put up a better than zero challenge in combat. But something holds the Elite back. Some deep dread about the very change in demographics they worked so hard to push on everyone. Some fear that the new citizens might not be as loyal or as effective as white men. Maybe the just intended to kill off as many white men as possible and mix the rest out slowly over 100 years or so. Time will tell.
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I don't think all white women hate us. Only a small vocal, mentally ill handful of attention seeking narcissists on social media. My ex-wife became one of the "white man bad" psycho bitches about 2 years into our marriage due to her feminist younger sisters influence. She started shit talking me in front of her sister and a couple her friends non-stop, continually trying to put me down to get approval from them. That was more then enough for me to see where the relationship was headed, so I packed my shit into my truck and snuck out the apartment while she was at work that evening, never talked to her again. Had my sister be the go between to communicate with her indirectly when absolutely necessary til the divorce was finalized.

Now I'm married to a Filipina and have a couple kids and finished paying off our house back in January. My ex is currently living with her mom, been to rehab 3 times so far hooked on meth and pain pills.
You stupid retard
Women are designed to want to get pregnant after 2.5 years of dating
western women are provided with welfare money aka tax payers money.
they often dont need a provider any more, aka, they dont need an honest, decent, hardworking man any more.
it has been like this though until recently, before the welfare state became like it is today.
Even in the 1980s, normal women were interested in getting themselves such a man, a man who would be loyal to her, who would provide for her and her and his children.
with the dawn of welfare for everybody, the need for finding a provider is fading away. this means, that hard working, honest, decent, normal men are cheated of their advantage they had above lazy thugs and violent cirminals: their dicipline, their ability to provide, their will to work.
these advantages helped them getting women, because princess doesnt want to sleep under the bridge and only a man who was willing to work and able to provide, could prevent her from having to do that, unless in the rare case where the woman was providing for herself, or the case where her parents provided for her for decades.
Now this advantage is not very relevant any more, because everybody gets money from the state by tax money and the women are putting more weight on other things, like, is the man a ruthless violent thug who is a good streetfighter.
All this gives big advantages to said thugs, it will and already is leading to a more violent, more primitive society and to a manipulated dating market.
Did she try to get you to get back with her? Or not divorce her? Did she try to apologize?
Which will cause the economy to decline to the point where welfare and corporate nothing jobs will no longer be able to provide for fat coal burning roasties 'lifestyle choices'.
The downward spiral of western civilization; we let jews control the money and women control themselves. It's Joever.
I was about to close this thread but damn. You're right. Not only the information from writers pre-modern world about the nature of women, the data and information of more recent past, but just observing women from far abroad today.

I can hear white women already blaming their culture without examining how their own culture has empowered their wants+needs... at someones expense.

White women will sing the praise of communicaiton and dialogue then slam the door shut at the slightest loss of their empowered status without understanding they need to be rebalanced. Without the balance, the consequences will occur and they won't be able to blame it on capitalism.

The balance isn't 50/50. Nature and civilisation needs men with power. Women in power during less natural (modern civilisation), artificial, elusive and denial of reality.
>to save a girl's life over mine,
That doesn't make much sense. Was your mother pregnant with twins of different sexes or was her life in danger due to pregnancy?
If you imply that your mother did force a premature birth because she didn't want to be pregnant anymore than it is really rough.
How much are you paying her these days? I wanna know how bad my asshole will get gaped when it's my turn.
I want to execute every pajeet
I really don't know. I pay no attention to the "thoughts" of women.
Shame. Not only are you proud of being a race traitor, but your prideful destroying your clan. Too bad you weren't man enough to beat her into order. I guess at least you can enjoy your genetic freak offspring and the difficulty of treating their mutt ailments when they're older.
These developements seem to be happening to all women worldwide. Just look at how insane feminism has become in East Asia in recent years. South Korea's birth rate is a total disaster and it has some insane feminist cults.
And these feminist women of course will support mass migration into their countr due to them being easily manipulated by leftism and what the herd says.
There are lots of complaints that black men in the US have over black women. Black women are very ethnocentric compared to other women and advocate for nigger privileges but they still have an insane amount of feminism in them and their whole society is controlled by single mothers. Of course the black men are also at fault with their tendency to go to prison and their natural lack of fatherhood but the poisonous feminism has also taken root in them.
And the ethnic women who love white men are also race traitors on their own.
I have met women that hate men in general because they got fucked (lol) by some bad hombre, but I have never met any sane middle class woman that hates white men. They usually hate (dislike) brown and black men as they are all criminal rapists.

The "white women" hating online are all (((white women))) with suspicious noses
Muslims are better at controlling their women than most modern westerners are but even among them I see lots of whorish women, women who dress up whorish and consume mainstream nonsense especially muslim girls who go to college.
And I've seen some cases of muslim men being controlled by their wives even cases where the muslim wife wore a headscarf.
White women did a good job of that all on their own. I didn't need convincing.
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>I'm a weak man who couldn't lead a household and get his woman in line so I became a racemixer instead.
>just go to prison
Dude fuck you.
>I'm the one man Chad enough to fix a problem woman and there's no system in place to punish me or embolden/encourage problematic women outside of our relationship
Chads, richfags, wifebeaters and every combo of them get left and/or cucked
all the time and the system will support it. Beating my mom, winning fights with other men in front of her, and working blue collar to support all of us didn't stop shit. You don't outchad this you lying fucks. Your only choice is not playing or lucking out with a woman who won't use her right to fuck you.
Yes white women hate white males, it's proven daily.
Most of us know it's true. We're part of that evil patriarchy they're brainwashed into hating.
Were being convinced by the fucking media
And yes, white women are hella suseptible to brainwashing from the idiot box. They care so much about public status from even the smelliest jeet. Throw away the television!
>The fact is, it doesn't matter if white men and women dislike each other because white women don't offer any political solution. We literally don't need them except to fulfill our basic biological imperative, but that's not really worthy of political discussion. There's no reason why White Nationalists or National Socialists should be trying to appeal to them. Women aren't a "legitimizing" force if you're not even trying to appeal to normies in the first place. Populism isn't real.
smartest thing ive read on 4chan in the past month, are you by chance a tourist from europe?
>guy that has never "lead" a woman with anything
I saw a reddit screen cap a few months back asking if any other ethnicities have so many women will actively and openly discriminate against their own men. It was in response to another one of those 'we aren't hiring any white males as mangers' business announcements where some HR roastie had worked her way up to ceo or something.
And white males hate white women.
What's up with that? I can talk to a nice latina who cooks and she'll say I'm so handsome and smart, and I can talk to a fit black karate girl and she'll notice my muscles and ask if I do martial arts and I do and it's hot. But then I try to talk to a white girl and she starts insinuating I'm a pedophile. And I'm like bitch you aren't a child, shut the fuck up whore. Why do white women call you a pedophile for being a normal straight white man who hits on adult women? WTF? I hate white women, they all need to lose the right to vote and get enslaved to their husbands so they shut the fuck up with their retarded ideas. I hate (white)women so much it's unreal. You suck!
There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, you genetic dreg
> I can assure you that I am not a faggot
I press X
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Black women dislike black men for the most part, but black women are among the least desirable of any ethic group for all ethnicities
White women dislike me (White man)
I don't care, and feel neutral towards them back because it's not my problem
She's signaling that she views herself as a child and is tipping her hand that she has a stunted Psyche
People will tell you everything if you listen
It's a shit test, white women are full of themselves and also constantly persued by simps so they give you shit to either make you go away or see if you can deal with it.
just your friendly neighborhood wasp
White women are literally saying this and their actions support this
yes. And we're being convinced to believe it by white women, who hate us. Most women under 30 are toxic now.
>Feminism means getting rid of traditional gender roles!
>OMG you actually want women to take some of the initiative instead of expecting you to do it all? ICK!!!!!
>Most women under 30 are toxic now.
Checked. It's so bad most of my coworkers are single.
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>If they are dialing it back it's most likely because they need a ton of cannon fodder to die in war.

checked lucky 777
White women are scared they will have to reproduce with darkies and live in society with them
>ignore your experiences goy
>look at these stats!
>self reported stats!
Uh huh.
The only white chicks who ever gave the time of day were single mothers.
Meanwhile asians actually approach me and the one time I ended up dating a black chick for a while was like porno tier sex on demand. Unfortunately her family and friends were also black.
>my anecdotes have more worth than statistics
you're thinking exactly like a woman so it's not surprising you're not popular. Women aren't interested in feminine men.
>thirty years of non-stop man hating
>over thirty years of buffoon-dad roles in every single sitcom
>thirty years of feminism
>only men subject to draft
>only men are net taxpayers
>90% of child custody given to mothers instead of fathers
>divorce courts destroy the man and give what he had to the whore (70%+ of divorces initiated by women)
>in every single election women vote for more taxes and spending that men have to pay for
>in every single election women vote for more shitskins invaders to mooch and ruin the civilization that men built
>women fight tooth and nail to be allowed to murder their own children (men's own children too) without even the father's consent!
>and on and on and on


now, why do we allow women to have any rights at all?
>b-but blacks
Kys cracker
>among the least desirable
>34 compared to every other race in the forties
>not just least desirable but least desirable by a large amount

it makes sense anyway.
>mannish proportions
>unbelievably stupid
>zero self control
there's literally nothing to like about them
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The British government has been pushing many articles in the 'conservative' (i.e. globo but not quite so homo, but still homo too) press demanding greater military spending and conscription. Sunak of course threatened conscription as he lost our recent election hard.
Diversity in Europe will have absolutely fucked our military recruitment even worse than you.
A nigger muslim stabbed an army officer this week and all the (((media))) and our politicians want to whine about is some paki getting a much deserved kick in the head from a cop who reached his fatigue limit.
Imagine anyone fighting and dying for *this* third world enriched failing state?
The same general trend is hitting Canada, France etc. so the USA is going to be running short of 'allies' i.e. subject nations capable of lending goyim fodder to their wars for (((democracy))).
Another pressure your jewish ruling caste might consider if they could restraing their instinctive urge to destroy everything the goyim hold dear for one fucking second.
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It's not women who hate men, it's men (simps) who hate men. That's the ultimate red pill. Women want nothing other than to be dominated and seen as sexy. A survey has shown that women would want to give up brain cells to have bigger breasts. AI cards for women consist almost exclusively of "abusive" and dominant men. Men voted more for women's voting rights than women themselves (!).

Simps desperately want to see women strong and men weak. They hate men and only because of them does feminism exist.
as a married man and privy to office gossip from my wife's work they hate anything not white, all of them including the brown girls. the company will never hire Indian truck drivers and according to my wife "Anon you have to meet my coworkers you guys would get along great, you think alot of the same things" and I'm racist as fuck.
back in the day when I was working kitchens and could overhear waitresses you would here things like "oh I got a message on dating app. eww he's black!" and all the white waitresses would cackle.
an older waitress(50s, overweight, new to the job at the time) tried to impress the younger girls with the nigger she was seeing. she got ridiculed so fucking bad and heard a waitress say "that must be the smell on you"
black family would come in and they would fight over who had to take them, no-one wanted to.
and with my daughters and their friends in school are disgusted by Indians and niggers.
the white woman and coloured is 99% media propaganda. the other 1% they are either to old, fat, or used up for a white man to take them and have to settle(they usually cheat on them anyways)
>Diversity in Europe will have absolutely fucked our military recruitment even worse than you.
I'd kill to see the actual recruitment/retention numbers.
White girls only started to hate me in my mid to late 20s when I went bald. In my teens and early 20s white girls always acted nice towards me. In fact girls in school went after a person who was bullying me and ganged up on the bully. Was funny. Now the only girls who act nice and friendly to me are blacks girls or pajeets neither of which I find attractive.
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Pic related is how the world would look like without simps. Only simps prevent this. There is no recorded female rebellion against oppression in human history.
They hate that White men won't fight for them.
People generally grow up around people of the same race. Have a bad relationship with someone who is your race? I guess all men or women of that race are evil. Even more people fall into this kind of thinking if media constantly says your race is evil or inferior.
The question is wrong because you're trying to frame all white women and white men the same. Not all white people are the same. Not all women are the same.
I'm not in school, I'm done taking tests.
Can confirm
Received nothing but hatred from european women while I had turkish, japanese, mongolian, paki girlfriends and they loved me
Maritime Province?
>Anon you have to meet my coworkers you guys would get along great, you think alot of the same things" and I'm racist as fuck.
Best thing in the thread.
The amount of times a girl has said that to me and introduced me to a fellow racist is astounding hahahaha

Women are eh. I don't hate them, I don't love them. White women can be epically racist sometimes which I like
They hate you if you are ugly, independent of your race. But if you are an ethnic then they can't express their hate so freely due to fear of backlash.
>And non-White men are made to believe turd world women are better. AND BOTH are falling for it. Can't beat the jew
Men want return to tradition, traditional family structure through moderate patriarchal concepts, as it was for thousands of years. (((Educated))) white women don't, as has been proven for three generations now.
Seems like only one group is "falling for it". Since you can't ever hold them accountable or control them, you might as well have a scumhole between your legs as well - you wanted gynocentric liberalism and you got it. Everyone else is done defending whores though, and you're outnumbered.
>let me tell you about your own experiences in life
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Me too but secretiveness is the hallmark of modern government in the West.
>Do white women hate white men?
No. Women hate in general. Being white or a man is irrelevant.
Oh of course
>that image
Kek, and then they call China communist.

Yes because we've grown weak. We've failed all their shit tests.
They do. White women are corrupted by the Jew beyond repair. They are the avatars and incubators of liberalism, capitalism, Marxism.
>tee hee I'm going to destroy civilization and you'll be arrested if you try to stop me
>why didn't you stop me anon, civilization is destroyed
get fucked
There's definitely tension between the sexes but yes for the most part it's a jewish psyops
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cope harder
White women don't hate white men.
WOMEN don't even THINK about sub 9/10 MEN. They don't HATE you, they are completely apathetic to your existence if you are not chad.
>refuges welcome
>better rapists to racists
get fucked
>just stay with the woman that hates your guts
You wh*teoids need to get your fat, retarded dig and nigger fucking women in check first
But they do? They kill children, they hate men, and are myopically driven by instict with no foresight or afterthought. They exist to intuit, not to think. Incapable of reason of intellect, inferior to men in every attribute, most importantly intelligence, and goodness.
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>keeps failing the most obvious shit test
ignore everything women say m8
only the AWFULs hate them, and even then only because the milieu of their social circle commands it
half of them date and fuck white men anyway
convinced lmao
it has been observable reality for about 20-30 years now
I'd rather watch them get what they voted for.
same I don't hate them but if they are single in their 30s I try not to interact socially.
I dont get most of the hate, seemingly from boomers, about women and mostly about who they married.
I've been married for 20 years now and l never understood the "I hate my wife hur hur hur" if I tell them I don't they tell me to wait abit and when I say been married for 20 years they shut right the fuck up. like they can't conceive not hating the person they choose to marry
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They sided with christkike death cult for pussy power
They sided with niggers against White men
Now post ww1 posters
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They do tho
kek you've obviously never been a chad or hung out with chads.

women absolutely love sex with guys who get them wet. yes being rich *sometimes* can trigger that, as does social status, but looks absolutely do too. and height helps but is far from the only thing.

i've fucked LITERALLY 100s of girls with relatively little effort as a broke 20 something bar regular, and im barely 6ft, and not ripped (not fat either, good frame), but ridiulously good looking and know what behaviours turn women on.

whoever wrote your picrel is a short pajeet dicklet. ah well, sucks to suck, nigger, more for me.
I don't need any convincing, my experience with them is enough to know it's true.
Torah demand Jew death
also overheard a super hot blond waitress say she would rather fuck a dog than a black man
I mean suiting for a Canadian woman kek but most would fuck an actual animal before a nigger or a jeet
>being convinced
what convincing? it's already fact
Laura Ingram and Ann coulter nigger lowering childless cunts need a word with you
They view you with contempt and a source of labor
OP is 1 post id memeflag from israel
Kamala Harris slidethread
>all statistics indicate that white women prefer white men

"prefer" and "want to treat my man well" are not mutually exclusive - they all just agree white man is the best cash cow
Fuck your made up jew statistics. Use your eyes man.

why I ask Zeus to wake up every day, brother
Yes, it's not even a meme, it's reality. A lot of white women are immediately hostile when they see you in public and even since way back in 2016 when talking to a white girl they will randomly out of the blue make some kind of anti-white comment. I thought it was just an internet thing too at first but this has actually happened to me on multiple occasions in real life. They really are fucked in the head.
I think I'm going to hit the gym
I can make women nazis because I'm attractive and charismatic. I just need to be really hot to seal the deal.

I will make White women nazis
Females have evolved to follow strict rules, religions and to observe social consensus to breed with the best males in the tribe according to social hierarchy.

>why are women so crazy

When instructed by society with a social consensus set by social media they will conform.
The tribe is under occupation, the hierarchy was taken over by parasites, the religions are fake and they get their social consensus from demon worshiping social parasites through black screens in the form of psyops created by military intelligence and demon worshipers.

Social parasites have evolved to give birth to higher ratios of leadership types such as nobles and priesthood casts who travel to large ethnic groups and take them over by replacing the leadership (brains) of the ethnic group. The new (((priesthood))) force a religion on the population. Christianity, communism, materialism, feminism, ect. The normies are biologically inclined to follow the orders of the leadership class.
Morality is part of the social hierarchy. It is the biological inclination of individuals to follow rules and orders from leadership casts. This is the origin of the normie. The social consensus filter.
Some play the part of the brain and some play the role of the muscle.

Normies are followers in the social hierarchy who view the world through a social consensus filter. Therefore they have a need for a religion and moral guide for them to be able to carry out their function as the muscles of the ethnic group. The best of each cast must also be rewarded with rights to reproduce to improve/refine the metaphysical body. Should the least capable: the lazy, deformed, cowardly, unwilling, degenerate or abnormal breed. The metaphysical body will degrade.
A morality system must account for this.

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Jesus Christ those are some hideous fuckers. Couples like this are the reason why people like Elliott Rodger are born
Based and Truthpilled
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>more for me.
tf, tp
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She's the meme.
wtf is wrong with english women, why are so many like this?
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These pictures are funny, but bear in mind /pol/'s selection bias.
you could not pay me to have sex with any of them... but maybe if it's all four at the same time I could be convinced.
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>why are so many like this?
Now you know why British men created the worlds most powerful Navy - to get away from their women.
100s of women and none were worth having a family. You don't even understand what you are saying.
I see it on a lot of english TV and youtube too, its definitely a huge look in the UK and why I immediately knew they were british slags.
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>be on vacation in bongland
>see Arya Stark gliding down the sidewalk
>like a graceful penguin with gout
>follow her for a block
>working up courage
>gently touch her shoulder
>“H-hello, I’m Anon. Y-you’re the prettiest girl I’ve seen all day! W-would you join me for dinner?”
>she spins around nearly smashing me in the balls with an Abercrombie bag
>stares intently for a few moments
>then breaks into a grin that looks like she could eat an apple through a chain link fence
>quickly grab her hand and go into the first restaurant I see that has tablecloths
>she lets out a little giggle that sounds like a horse with it’s leg caught in a wood chipper
>head waiter gives me the stinkeye but leads us to a table
>look at the menu. It’s in English, just a fancy script
>she shoves her menu at the waiter “I WONT PIE AND MASH DUNNOI. PLENTY OF LIKKER ON THA MASH, GUV!”
>“I’m sorry, madam, we don-“
>he slinks away without even taking my order
>Arya pulls a pack of Mayfairs from her cleavage and sparks up, ashing in the bread basket
>starts rubbing at her crotch
>brings her fingers up and licks them then cackles “JOLLY FAKKIN ELL, IT’S ME TIME! OI LUV GITTIN SHAGGED ONNA RAG! GUNNA AVE US A RED WEDDIN INNA LOO, AIN’T WE?”
>look over my shoulder and franticly signal the waiter for the check
>turn around
>Arya is slumped over the table
>raped to death by Pakis
Exact same here. All the colors except for pajeetas for some reason.
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That study was pretty interesting because other than Native Americans and Pacific Islanders, every race prefers white males to their own. White men are highly desirable as partners.

But the study also found that white men are the least likely to reply out of all male race groups, they lack confidence, aggression and even seem to fear women.

Interestingly the one group of women white men weren't afraid to message back was middle eastern women, who out performed white women by 6 points. This seems to be because Allah wills it.
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>and why I immediately knew they were british slags
in for a pint, in for a pound
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All men. They’re entitled, have issues with commitment, loose morals, low work ethic, fuck us in family court, abort our babies, and vote to import immigrants to fuck with our employment and devalue our labor, take our guns away, and subsidize our enemies. It’s their own fault when we just start fucking Asians and Latinas that don’t have those problems instead.
fucking naggoids
Being stupid enough to fall for that is a major sin they need to pay for big time, fortunately they are paying since they treat their own men like such shit for so long and then they're so unforgivably stupid they actually wonder why they're alone
all women hate men
Conceive the odor
>it's simple, stupid. be the nice person you're supposed to be and you'll be loved

One of things things you realize as an adult that's a major lie women have been telling you, they just preach being nice to handcuff YOU so they can abuse you to their hearts content. Theyre always going to be cruel no matter how nice to them you are.
white women are on damage control
they have been hating white men since 2000s
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They have zero consideration for any male who isn't high status, tall and attractive. I would still be a virgin if all I had to deal with is white women. Thankfully, other races have been very kind to me. I understand the Hitler is my dad racial purity stuff really hitting home if you're a good looking white guy with a lot of options, but I had to call an audible, either date a 400 pound white woman or a 98 pound Filipina. I chose the Filipina. My life, and my father's life, significantly improved when my mother died. If they're not put on a pedestal, if they're criticize in any major way, they become literally useless.
The man isn't listening to some kike telling him to hate women, he's reacting to women's abuse that they engage in because THEY'RE the ones fucking listening to kikes you moron
its never the white womans fault
its always the white mans fault

LMFAO this is a bit ambiguous. What do you mean by "fight" exactly?
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Compete with each other for their attention. They want to be desired while doing nothing to be worthy of desire. Put a dick on a white woman and she’s nothing but a common incel.
That doesn't make much sense

Women are super evil and show blatant favoritism to females to the point that it doesn't matter to them what happens to males, not even their own sons.

Make sense yet?
The smart and conservative ones know where their bread is buttered. Most women are followers and just imitate whatever trend is out there.
We should put chips in their brains men can push to make them start uncontrollably vomiting and shitting themselves so they stop fucking testing is. That shit testing stuff is going to have to go the fuck away forever and ever, by any brutality necessary.

It has been a lot longer than that, brother.
women don't hate white men - they hate non-chads
I merely disproved the ridiculous point made in the picture. Didn't make any comment about morals or the quality or whatever of White or other women.

i live in london. most of the chicks have been eastern euros, latinas, other europeans., and a few upper class english girls. almost 0 staceys of that sort

Look around. Chads arent procreating
They hate Chad too if he doesn't want to be controlled. There's probably nothing women hate more than a young Chad who knows women are retarded and doesn't want to listen to him. They'll do everything they can to sabotage a young Chad to stop his life from launching if possible.

It can't be overstated how much of blackhearted evil scum white women are now.
women hate angry boring men. lots of white men trained to be angry and boring
They act only based on simple ideology; without simp instigators and simple enablers such a movement would never have come into being.
*simp ideology
If women don't like us being angry maybe they should stop making us angry? Novel concept I know
>>Feminism means men don't have to be afraid of being vulnerable
said nobody ever in the history of ever. cope and seethe, you effeminate, pathetic subhuman trash.
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Women have been consistently telling me this lie since I was 8
Lol this, if a man cries about anything at all, women will be absolutely done with them.
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>if a man cries about anything at all, women will be absolutely done with them
qft, any sign of weakness will render less than sympathy, they will hate you for it
a man complaining that a woman likes his money is like a woman complaining that a man likes her body (vagina)

women like to have access to resources, like having a roof over their head.
not that long ago, they mostly got that, by teaming up with a man, who could provide her that. dont let people tell you that monogamous relationships were only a brief fad, or only briefly practiced due to christianity or some other religion.
the truth probably is, that women an men teamed up for thousands of years to fight together, to share the work or sharing to care for their offspirng.
now this model is under attack by welfare money. so women too get money from the state (tax payers money) and look less and less for a decent, honest, hard working provider.
these men have been robbed of their advantage they had in the dating market, that is they were disciplined, willing and able to provide for a family, which no longer is such a big advantage in dating market, duwe to money for everyone (welfare).

what else do women like? they like thugs. money is not an issue any more, they will get some (welfare, tax money) and are free to whore around with thugs, who dont even need to pay for the women their sleep with (because welfare, tax money). payd for by hard working, hones, decent, tax paying citizens (often men)
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No one hates anyone outside of twitter.
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>>Omg you're sad because your dad died? ICK!!!!
This has literally never happened.
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>it's simple, stupid. be the nice person you're supposed to be and you'll be loved
That is probably one of the naive and idiotic statements I have ever read on this basket weaving forum
I hate brown men and weak faggots. I love white MEN.... as in actual men, who have the provider gene and aren't weak, dysgenic morons with mommy issues who think they deserve a govt issued wife just for breathing.
The tide is finally turning, and the dysgenic people are exiting this planet, whether by miscegenation, refusal to reproduce, inability to form meaningful relationships, or low genetic quality.

White men will, once again rule the world, because their women are, once again being selective. It is all we have in lieu of harsh Dariwnian selection.
>rob us, insult us, berate us, abuse us, and cheat on us for several generations
Yeah I wondwr who's convinced us to hate white women. I don't jate 'em because of the Internet or the jews, I hate them because I grew up with them
dude, listen to yourself
if you were born in an african village you would think that all people are niggers. would that be reality? conditionals, I know. I hope you're white and you do comprehend them
they look like pokemon
Spot on. Based insight Nachbar.
What women ironically don't understand, is that their current way of life is not granted forever and if they don't prove themselves capable of acting in a way that maintains society as a whole, their new funky concept of society will crash very fast and will much likely end up much more restrictively for women than it was the last couple of hundred years.
I get disgusted when younger, more beautiful women start paying attention to me after I’ve lost weight or bought new clothes. There’s this vibe that starts up and I get all these women coming at me. Those are the ones I treat the worst.
And there it is. Everything gets boring, cunt. You don't think we think about other women while we blow in you? We're supposed to be a monogamous team for our health and sanity's sake, though. You getting bored doesn't entitle you to our shit when you leave, though.
I'm literally a natsoc guy anon, but jacking off and being angry about the world not being a perfect reich is boring as fuck and nobody wants to be around you and not even other natsocs
>defending modern women
no white women hate themselves. they hate what society has become. the long for the return of patriarchy. but they'll never admit it because women will never admit that they're wrong.
the truth will set you free
same as your black friend I suppose
So tldr leahs with jabba the hut, jasmine is with kaffar and zelda is with gannon. And the hero has to destroy the international blackmail fiat money cult to restore morality to the hierarchy so he can breed?
It's really easy to identify and avoid feminist race traitors. There's a ton of white women that prefer a white man.
How to win against women:
Agree and amplify when they are based
Ignore when they are cringe

There. I just gave you the cheat codes bros. Go forth and conquer
White women are extremely hypergamous, the most hypergamous women on the planet. They know that white is supposed to be the highest caste and as women they're supposed to be the choicest women.
The irony here is that white is only high-status because of the historical dominance won by white men, and now they destroy the very basis of their high status even while being fanatically committed to it.
Chad is 10% of white males you stupid fuck
Good lord do you any of you ever be around women. The fucking shit you type shows you have no clue how women think, as if these white women see white as high value instead of shit.
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>White women are extremely hypergamous, the most hypergamous women on the planet

Meanwhile in reality, white women fuck nigger, nafri, pajeet, etc.
women are incapable of independent thought, that's why they need a man in their life to guide them.
So I'm a millennial, and most of my millennial friends aren't married. One is and has a kid, but he's almost gen X in age. Let me think, two others are married, no kids, two are getting married this/next year and no kids, two are gay, and one is married and has a baby on the way. The rest are single or have long term girlfriends.
The one with a baby on the way married a woman 5 years his junior from South America. American white women are just not good partners or mothers.
>American white women are just not good partners or mothers.
No Western woman is. If you think your "trad" nigger woman or gook isn't going to be infected by the feminist mind virus you have a nasty surprise coming kek.
>I see it first hand how easily brainwashed they are by TikTok.
the women i know don't use tiktok but they are convinced about their opinions in group chat amongst their friends and friends of friends and by the women at their offices. they are all rich white women and they are concerned more about not being labelled as 'unfriendly' at the office than anything else. being hassled by non-whites on the way to work is less of an issue than saying some unaccepted opinions at their desk clusters or on whatsapp.
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This has also been my experience.
What the fuck? I know you cant read because you’re brown, but Women post that exact line constantly on social media. retard wetback
This website is too hateful. A woman will be ok with you being upset or even crying. They will even be ok if you’re a mess. They won’t be ok if they feel insecure in their future
White women don't want white men any more. You're better off dating outside of your race.
I think I'm going to cold-approach more White women now so that I can have unvaxxed White kids while I'm young
Women aren't worth the effort (and associated risks).

I just wanna lace up my running shoes, pound a monster and run damnit. Let the hens cluck and peck amongst eachother
>I've been a white man my entire life
You don't say?

>I exist to enact my loathing onto others.
Vengeancepilled griefmaxxer.

And yes, misandry is rampant among American women. They spend the first 18 or so years of conscious life in Jew school with strong male role models few and far between, being both overtly and subtly trained to hate and disparage men, particularly of the White variety.
Then as young adults they become jaded either by fucking around or becoming obese and then wondering why they can't find commitment from the vanishingly rare men of their princess complex dreams in a system where even cohabitation gives her a state mandate to end his life at any time, and he can just fuck at his convenience instead.
Their degenerate lifestyles in abandonment of a provider are supported by the unprecedented prosperity left to us by past generations which enables most of them to secure obscene salaries in exchange for completely unproductive and unskilled government-mandated makework positions.
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I'm just going to cold-approach White women more often
I think the memeflags being paid to make me hate White women have finally made me snap.
I choose to be optimistic.
Incel thread. Where is the gnome?
its true. the problem is that white women dont give a shit. not that it is happening.
They don't stupid.
In my experience, white women are scared of white men
mgtow incel cope
Don't they only like BBC? I do not have that
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Monarchy and nobility restored but composed of ethnic nationalists that are willing to fight for their ethnic groups with an ethno-centric religion. People who won’t even disagree to the genocide of their ethnic group get downgraded in society.
Why do people do this? They make up entire fake backstories, sometimes paragraphs long
Because you allowed them to hate and turn on you. You had the most soughtafter, desirable women and you fucks let them wander off the reservation and you are now going extinct. Good job! I love how NOTHING is ever the fault of White men. Everything just happens to and around you. You are going extinct and losing everything, you fucking cucks!
Statistics are for internet shut ins and trannies. Especially when they contradict real life. Which are you: Incel or tranny?
I have a theory that simps are closet faggots. I say this because when it comes to dating hot women, simps have a ton of restrictions or else they’ll kill themselves in a violent fight to the detah with you. No dating 2 years younger than your age, no dating while you’re in highschool, no dating if she doesnt speak english as her first language, no dating if she lives far away, etc. They are militarn about this, and there is no explaning it away: they’re gay it’s that simple. As a straight guy I have never been interested in what another guy is doing other than if his girl is hot or not. They’re gay, trust me bro
statistics are for people with over 90IQ
I can guess which category you are in
This is not true, they want to report you to HR/police/courts and will do so constantly. They do this to all sub5 white males in their radius at all times.
almost agreed with a german, then I noticed your picture and filename
but it's true. they only 'love' white men after they've had tyrones kid and been left to fend for herself and the goblin creature she pushed out
I have seen women poison young football chad and murder him. Seen it with my own eyes. Courts dropped charges on roastie because shes oppressed.
Yes they do, they do it every single day, spreading rumors about people and suing them
I don't think they hate men. Men should simply be skeptical when dealing with anything that currently holds a more powerful position in society than they do.
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How gives a shit about white women? They all fuck niggers anyway.
That’s retarded. You yourself are an obese buffalo looking creature, with blue hair and health issues. You are actively downgrading the quality of the population.
More like a 4chan psy op. 4chan and MGTOW. High level faggotry.
Odessa jews family name zimmerman are evil
>a “natsoc”
This is a female coalburner like PAanon. you just know.
then why do only asian women flirt with me
>science says i’m a woman!
So You’re admitting you’re both a tranny AND an incel. Very sad
white women absolutely hate themselves and white men, they need to be beaten a lot.
damn her bulge is bigger than mine
Millennial white guy here. Millennial bitches were something else entirely, man. By the time elementary school rolled around they were dating college or high school guys, so there were no available women your age and they were incredibly demeaning and cruel towards millennial men while worshipping their older boyfriends. By the time high school rolled around they were all dating adults, again no women your age who aren't patronising or dismissive except maybe one that your friend group all passed around (objectifying her). When their older boyfriends finally dumped them by the time they were late 20's early 30's, they suddenly turned to men of their own age group. In the workplace and in public they are incredibly hostile to men their own age or incredibly terrified because they are no longer getting attention for being young and pretty. The incredibly hostile ones usually turned to lesbians so they are a tag team of hostility taking out their aggression on older men that dumped them to the younger men that they turned down. The incredibly terrified ones are the ones who realised they fucked up and are now incredibly desperate to find a long term partner. It's horrible to deal with either because women are never held responsible for their internal emotional state, so when you react to their hostility with defensiveness your behaviour is scrutinised. When you're dealing with the terrified ones and you react to their terror with apprehensiveness or nervousness your behaviour is scrutinised. The third option are women who date brown guys more as a whipping tool against white men (racism, dehumanising) , in an attempt to make them jealous or angry as an imagined vengeance for denying them, again punishing the men they turned down for the crimes of the older men who used them as fuck toys and discarded them during their prime.

Any boomers or zoomers care to chime in?

Were the women of your generations any different in regards to behaviour?
White women do hate hate white men. White women have always lived the big black strong kangz ever since adamu was created and married eve. White women were Lilith and couldn’t stand it because they were built for the bbc but Lilith can’t love. Only eve can love and give birth to upright strong children. White women only give birth to evil nephilim cannibals.
HAPPENING: Get in here >>475765630
Yup its actually a quiet but effective way of pushing White men into action before its too late. By siding with Whites enemies (mostly in fairly annoying but relatively non committal ways) they cause White men to start raging uncontrollably towards their enemies
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He's a massive pussy. He didn't confront his wife, he literally let her sisters ruin their marriage while he was too much of a bitch to stand up.

Trash like this NEEDS to race mix. We can't have white men acting like this. We also can't have white women who like niggers appearing white.

This is over all a good thing.

The biggest challenge white people have is getting the intelligent ones to become aggressive ( notice the ultra passive cuck who literally snuck out of his own home to avoid a conflict with his now ex-wife, and then had a woman handle his divorce for him ) procreate.
>teheee I'm gonna fuuuccckkk the nigger
>White man chimps out and fixes society
>women rewards White violence with pussy
Kind of based I guess
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Women like guys who they think are better than them. Thats one reason a woman with low self esteem will be a big slut, to her many guys are better than her and are thus attractive mates.

White guys who have their shit together are still high tier. but women will settle for any guy of any race if he has his shit together if she feels she cant get a white guy of the same calibre.

This is also one reason why ethnic women go for white guys so much, ethnics put whites on a pedestal claiming how powerful and oppressive they are or whatever and ethnic women who feel that whites are better than them will find whites irresistible.
Its a subconscious biological perogative for a women to do this in order to improve her genes.

White women dont hate white men but they hate weak white men.
Women in general hate guys who have good physical straits like good facial structure but are pussies, or who slack off and fall to vice or whatever. Their attention goes to guys with attractive physical attributes but mental health is what compels them to be irresistibly attracted on a subconscious level. Mental health meaning how mentally strong he is including confidence/dominance.

Its all instinct meant to get healthy pairs to bond. A guy with good physical attributes might make a woman interested but lack of mental health instinctively lets the women know that he is not a stable provider.
There are guys who factually arent stable providers that women still go for but thats because he displays confidence/dominance and it tricks her monkey brain into thinking hes dominant enough that he will have a stable access of resources.

THe reason guys have trouble understanding women is they try and reason with them from a logical standpoint when really women are governed more by their instincts/feelings
Same. It's a pity that people outside of Eastern Europe are subhuman. Otherwise I would be married with kids by now
women are deeply stupid animals
>been a white man my entire life
And never transitioned? What an accomplishment.
Yup. The high iQ and martial prowess of White men is matched by the high social intelligence and sexual deviousness of White women, both of which work together to make the next generation of Whites even more smart, ruthless, beautiful, unstoppable, etc.

And as someone who's known a LOT of White women -- the vast majority are so two faced its incredible. They'll post BLM on Instagram, but quietly think niggers are disgusting subhumans and subtly bully and exclude White women who date niggers etc.

Think about it. How many White female friend groups have only one who dates niggers? The coalburners are summarily excluded and pushed into their new subhuman tribe. All by her White liberal female friends who'll pretend to be feminist anti-racists, while fucking aggressive conservative White chads (who tend right by a wide margin).

To what degree they are aware of this and how much is pure unconscious instinct is harder to say.

Sadly this guy is absolutely correct
>anon, we've been dating for a year, you should open up emotionally
>okay, I got molested repeatedly for about 5 years of my childhood and being exposed to sex at such a young age has caused me to have a high libido but issues with trust so I may need more confirmation that you actually love me and aren't just using me to get over an ex boyfriend because we fucked a lot at first and now we don't.
>dumps a day before Christmas by text while at work because I wouldn't let her illegally use my foodatamps when I had helped a veteran and his family working as farm hands who had nothing get food
For opposite reasons though.
Testosterone will cause your bulge to grow.
Estrogen causes the mons pubis to grow.
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There is another way.
Women tend to complain about what they want

>on a first date
>she tells me she doesn't have sex on the first date

>leftist girl complains about how scared she is off being catcalled or sexually harassed
>she thinks about it everyday

>White women complain about White male patriarchy
>invent sexually-charged stories of White men forcibly breeding them

Women are funny creatures
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Have you ever heard of brain controlling parasites declaring open conventional war against humans with guns? Women exert control on a different plane than men, this is well known. Insidious manipulation of the blunt male mind through emotional mastery. There are countless tales of wifes of kings making them enact terrible things that bring needless suffering to the world beneath them.
Oxford Study looked at confirmed matches on dating apps and noted every match that resulting in a mutual message between profiles.
>Among all respondents on dating apps black men responded most to black women and vice versa.
>Among White, Asian, and Latino men Asian women received the most responses
>Among White, Asian, and Latino men White men received the most responses.
The two most desirable spouses excluding the black outliers were White Men and Asian Women. They are the most desirable coupling. So grab your passports bros and make white women seethe.
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pls don't hate me
i just want sex
>So grab your passports bros and make white women seethe.
More White pussy for me
I'll have a cult of Aryans on a Waco compound when you get back
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Yeah you can keep it bro
Dumb nigger, stop wasting our time and go pick some cotton, NOW!
Yes, white women absolutely hate and despise white men.
It would be very easy for white women to convince us otherwise
So true.
Once I drove a few hundred miles to NYC just to meet some chick I'd been talking to online for a couple of years... at her invitation.
When we talked about meeting up, she made it absolutely clear to me that we weren't going to fuck, because she's "not that kind of girl".
Instead, we planned on just meeting up for lunch and watching a movie or some shit.
Then when I got there, I called her from my hotel room to see if she had someplace in mind where we could meet up.
She says, well why don't I just stop by your hotel and pick you up, then we can ride in my car so you don't have to rent one or pay for a taxi.
Okay, so she shows up to my room about an hour later, and I'm ready to leave right away... Didn't happen.
Once I hugged her hello, she wouldn't let go, then gazed in my eyes and said, "Oh my God, you're seducing me!"
She immediately started kissing me, and we ended up staying in my room for the rest of the day, fucking every which way there is for two people to fuck.
So yeah. Women are funny creatures alright.
>Oddly enough though, ethnic women love me.
This is the experience of almost all white men. The difference in risk/effort/reward ratios between having a white or nonwhite woman is significant. I knew it from IRL and internet talk for a long while but I only experienced it myself recently. If it weren't for wanting white sons all white men would already be racemixing.
true IME. you must never let it happen
>be me
>get invited to get together by my friends
>one of my friend's gf pulls me aside and says her friend is coming and not to be weird
>we get board game set up
>girl comes over, avoid sitting by me to sit next to my tall, ripped friend
>sadge but thats the fucking way she goes
>spend all night making everyone laugh uproariously
>next night the girl recommends another board game night to my friends GF and mentions me
>she sits next to me all night and we enjoy playing cards against humanity
>night goes on, people leave, she's laying up against me on the couch
>just us two awake, talking, spooning
>she leads me to a room and fucks my brains out for an hour
Moral of the story is to make friends and be funny.
I stole a fine bitch from my alpha friend by being the funniest and most confident in the room. GGEZ
Californian married man here

Most American born and raised women are not marriage material.
This post happens everyday.

Here is who pushes it
> jews who want whites to race mix
> lefties who hate /pol/ and want them to hate white women
> incels

These posts are clock works

If you are getting a foreign spouse, theres a strong chance you are just a freak.
Shut up faggot, holy fuck people like you should be bullied to suicide.

Your parents fell for jewish tricks, they did those things becaused they care. I hope you are 16, if this is you world view after that age, kys
They are naturally built for BBC so no wonder.
Let me think back.
>back to elementary school when I didn't even understand what race was and thought the brown kids just played outside a lot hispanic girls liked me
>Chinese girls at the library in college all liked me
>Every negress I've ever met has been super into me
>Every Injun I meet will give me sex
>Ahh yes even a jewess and her Mom both wanted my dick it was so weird I had to leave because the Mom was strangely way more normal
>Went to middle school with white roasty
>She negged me for 3 years
>We both move to a new school in a new town
>She doesn't talk t me once in 4 years
>Only when she is old and eggless did she come around my WORK PLACE to harass me multiple times
Yeah The Celtic Clan is over 40 and only now realizes she done fucked up and is hoping you'll pay for her IVF therapy and take care of her previous niglets and future autism pickle brain babies.
I keep trying to think back to one white woman who was ever decent to me. My Mom liked my Step Dad a lot more then me. My Step Sister would always try and get me in trouble.
My Step Mom wanted to fuck me but only because she was a black widow spider.
I can't think of one decent white woman I've ever known. I'm not meming or being edgy. I'm drawing a complete blank. Even my white female teachers were shit.
>If you are getting a foreign spouse, theres a strong chance you are just a freak.
You know what post is clockwork? 40 year old roasties trying to shame happy men.
By foreign spouse you mean no tattoos under 200 pounds and no niglets yes/no?
Notice she doesn't say brown. She would be just as jealous of a Ukrainian or Swede woman as a Jap.
See more female shaming language. It's like clockwork or in your case more like cockwork am I right fellow femanons?
Okay, well go get an Asian gf and let it go then
I think the seething might give you an aneurysm
Based bloomer
/thread. i remember in school, there's this bitch that loudly said EW because I got in a group with her.
Meanwhile, this asian girl was very nice to me.
ALL because I'm NOT CHAD.
Everything on social media is a lie. Everyone believes in a reality concocted by jews. It's incredible to witness when you remove yourself from it and view it from the outside looking in.
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I wish every male feminist who thinks hating women is a jewish psy op actually got a girlfriend or were able to interact with a woman at least once in their lives.
there are better news channels anyway
I dont give a shit about white nationalist larp twitters. That shit is pretty futile.
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i wish i could find the kind of kinky damaged girl with low self esteem that she would wear a tail plug and collar, and walk around on her hands and knees like a dog to please me. there's just something irresistible about a female who has an utter lack of respect for her own body
They certainly have no respect for white men.
I am married to an arab, because if i treated a white women the way a woman needs to be treated, I would be in jail. They don't respect you because you are pussies. If you stop being a pussy you woll fo to jail or get divorce raped or both.
Minimum marriage criteria for white men should be:
>virgin or defendable claim to virginity
>close relationship with a father who is not a fucking cuck and keeps the women in his household in line
>parents are ideally not dovorced, if they divorced it should have been in her later teenage years
>desire to care for her husband and children
>desire to be a stay at home mother
If you don't marry this you are a beta and you will end up divorced. Also this is impossible from white western women.
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Couldn't agree more. I guess we're preaching to the choir here.
My gf loves my dick, fuck liberals
There are a lot women who are chronic shit testers.
They constantly test men and if a man fails too many test they lose respect for them.
Which means they have no respect for nice guys and will walk all over them.
It's really kind of sad.
The obvious problem is that these women make up the majority of men.
Which means men are fighting for the 1 out of 10 that aren't serial cunts.
I pay for asian escorts and just stay home.
It is what it is.
That’s true though. If you’re a 9/10 you’re set. Lower?
And? What’s the problem? You’d be a liar and an asshole if you denied there was causation

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