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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why do Americans get so angry every time someone questions circumcision?
But you're an American, too. Cut boy
Because they realize they've been fucked over and had their lives ruined by jews, it's hard to admit
Feminists like cutting on men's dicks.

It's empowering.
Some people are conditioned to defend the jews without even realizing it themselves
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not sacrificing childs flesh to satan is antisemitism
scripted behaviour lmao
PTSD mostly. I mean we got our most important appendage mutilated the same day we got shot out of our demoralized mothers wombs.
They don't want to spend time thinking about it. They know they were mutilated but try to ignore it
My experience with guys who try to shame me for being circumcised is that they're homosexuals with a humiliation fetish.
All the cutfags are seething
Can't blame them, hard to cope when you've been violated in such horrible way.
You shouldn't be shamed for being a victim of genital mutilation.
You should be shamed and beaten for allowing your sons to be mutilated.
Can I get a qrd on most common circumcision methods?
Do doctors use this greenish cloth with a hole in it for the bepis?
>You shouldn't be shamed for being a victim of genital mutilation.
Euros on here with their inferiority complexes think otherwise.
You will be angry too if you have been marked as a goy the moment you are born.
Because they know and are pissed they didn't have a choice. Thank God for hippy parents.
>Euros on here with their inferiority complexes think otherwise.
I'd feel the same way if I were mogged by ptsd mutts too desu. Is what it is.
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That is a righteous protest.

My mother loved me and didn't see a reason to knife my cock. I'll thank her again today when we meet up for a little kayaking.

I never had any sons. Couldn't put the stem on the apple kek. My two grandsons are uncut as well.
Yes. There's also at least one jewish Rabbi on standby to perform a proper cock sucker.
>mutilating your son because a (((study))) says women like it
>A Fox that had been caught in a trap, succeeded at last, after much painful tugging, in getting away. But he had to leave his beautiful bushy tail behind him.

>For a long time he kept away from the other Foxes, for he knew well enough that they would all make fun of him and crack jokes and laugh behind his back. But it was hard for him to live alone, and at last he thought of a plan that would perhaps help him out of his trouble.

>He called a meeting of all the Foxes, saying that he had something of great importance to tell the tribe.

>When they were all gathered together, the Fox Without a Tail got up and made a long speech about those Foxes who had come to harm because of their tails.

>This one had been caught by hounds when his tail had become entangled in the hedge. That one had not been able to run fast enough because of the weight of his brush. Besides, it was well known, he said, that men hunt Foxes simply for their tails, which they cut off as prizes of the hunt. With such proof of the danger and uselessness of having a tail, said Master Fox, he would advise every Fox to cut it off, if he valued life and safety.

>When he had finished talking, an old Fox arose, and said, smiling:

>“Master Fox, kindly turn around for a moment, and you shall have your answer.”

>When the poor Fox Without a Tail turned around, there arose such a storm of jeers and hooting, that he saw how useless it was to try any longer to persuade the Foxes to part with their tails.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.
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It's coping, in the real sense of the word. And I sympathize with them. It's a terrible crime to circumcise a boy.
In my lane
Flourishing, ascending
Non mutilated anons, would you rather lose an eye or your foreskin? Genuine inquiry.
Why does a shit eater get angry when you tell them it is bad for them?
The whole "Women prefer cut men" is one of their biggest copes. Women could give a shit less if the dude is a Chad, rich, and packing a bazooka.
Bloodstained Men are unironically right.
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Resentment. They know they will never ever have those nerve endings back and they resent normal non-mutilated people for reminding them thet they were born int he subhuman insect nest that is the subhuman filthy stinky amerishithole bitch cesspit.
Women in circumcised countries only have one standard to base their preferences off. Women in non circumcised countries don’t ever encounter circumcision unless they are Jews or Muslims and therefore have an inherent bias. If a woman says she won’t sleep with me unless I have a mutilated penis I’m happy to not sleep with her, in reality all of the women I’ve slept with have never said anything about my natural intact cock.
>cut were cleaner
Maybe don't fuck with a dirty nigger then.
You faggots will find literally anything to cope with the fact your crotch feels uncomfrotable at all times. I can't even imagine having exposed glans cock coming to contact with some foreign fabric materials all the time. Cope and seethe.
They must be walking around with shitty arse cracks and dirty teeth as hygiene is obviously a foreign concept to them.
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Had a sloot at my flat many many moons ago. She told me uncut makes her sick. She got in my bed and took her pants off. I kicked her out. Flat footed cunt.
This coming from Germany? How's the taste of Jew cock, Hans? We might have ended up the Jew's Golem, but you've been cucked and emasculated by the Jew to a man.
We don't.
progressive left scissors still a third too high
Shabbos goys par excellence.
Cut genuinely looks gross to me, I think this is either false propaganda or the product of propaganda/ignorance, either way who cares
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>caring about what women prefer
I don’t know about green cloth, I would believe so as it is a surgical procedure and needs to be kept as sterile as possible. They do have special restraints for the arms and legs though, looks like a torture device. They put a clamp ring around the penis to stem bleeding and then make the cut below it. There are different types of circumcision, some remove as much skin as possible, some actually leave a bit and also the frenulum. After that they cauterise the wound or use dissolvable stitches. Fun fact: circumcised babies who also wear nappies have no natural barrier for all of the shit and piss they produce. This often creates multiple instances of urinary tract infections and stunts the typical development, making it much smaller than a normal healthy urethra.
>thread about Americans getting pissed off over circumcism
>kraut brings up how kike subvertive it is
>American continues to freak out
Also, in some cases they don’t even use anaesthesia because of a false belief that young babies don’t feel pain.
Bruins fans are are retarded. They come to hockey games in the south, act like niggers, then get the absolute piss knocked out of them. I've seen it in the playoffs on multiple occasions.
Is there an audio version? What were they saying to him?
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This pic is too clean then yes?
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Sorry, I don't speak castrate.
What do you mean by clean?
It's not Americans it's jews.
stockholm syndrome
I guess theres more blood, irregularities etc
Strange place to choose to protest that.
Yes one hundred percent, that image is purely diagrammatic. During healing there can also be multiple complications. Part of the remaining skin can become fused to the glans and creates what is known as a skin bridge. In some cases there are such irregularities that the entire penis has to be removed.
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>omg there's literally no difference
Still can't believe you haven't roped yet that's gotta be some kind of troon survival record right?
>someone questions circumcision
Genesis 17:10–14
That's a pretty funny getup
yeah man, it's fucked up. Parents fucked me over and I've seen lots of men defend doing it to their sons so "they look like me". Stockholm syndrome indeed. Americans that think this is normal are completely mindfucked.
That’s nothing some a god that loves you would command. That’s something an evil entity would wish for.
Those are literally kikes.
How the fuck can nu-pol not tell?
Read the NT kike
>protesting at a bruins game
lmao fag
Human Dermal Fibroblasts
Also a big human tissue market from this practice.
fuck off glowfaggot
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Stockholm syndrome. Goylem gonna goy.
>lol I changed my mind
Such a wise all knowing ‘god’
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>Why do Americans get so angry every time someone questions circumcision?
>foreskin envy
I have a foreskin and they're jealous we didn't fall for jewish lies like my people.
Normies and non antisemites are trash
Sunk cost fallacy is a hell of a drug
Shut it with your kike dribble
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Americans aren't very smart so jews didn't have to work too hard that time.
All jew bs is low-effort.
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>Castrate squeals of resentment
Sorry, you gotta have a little more nerve endings on your genitals to produce a coherent example of human speech, castrate amerishit.

Your mother intentionally made you penis smaller than it would otherwise be. You should be as mad as the protestors but I understand Stockholm shit. I'm sorry, brother, anon.
>Hugs anon in it's not your fault
Americans get upset any time anyone questions what we are used to
You need to understand that American exist to serve Jews, and for no other reason. They're Jewish golems.
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>clinging to the past
>1776, American Constipation, Bill of Goods, inchers, foots, old-timey bs
Pity you couldn't cling into your foreskin as hard, murican.
>Literally looks like a man having a period.

Here is a way to protest while also looking like the biggest bitch possible.
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It's human nature, a reflexive defence mechanism to avoid facing an uncomfortable truth.
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>Survey of ignorant american women
Rock solid scientific method you've got there
Here's an actual study that finds the complete opposite
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Because they actually believe their own mother deemed them too dirty, ugly and disease-ridden, she JUST HAD TO skin their penis.

The behavior of American women basically confirms this.
it's their branding as slaves to the kikes
an eye patch would be more subtle and effective btw
>"Wait, you have both your eyes? Why the eye patch?"
>"Because being down a foreskin is up there with losing an eye."
>"it's hard to admit"
It's easier when you're one of the few White guys in CANZUK/Europe. I have no right being jewed, yet here I am.
>I'm basically a branded slave to the Jews waging genocide against my entire race, on top of being an unfuckable cripple
Talk about the cherry atop the shit sundae, am I right?
BBC is circumcised? Nice
For me, it helps to remember that this body was always going to be temporary, and that I was always going to have to give it up eventually. Knowing that I received damaged goods makes it easier to let go, and the fact that I was going to have to let go anyway makes the damaged goods easier to accept in the meantime. It doesn't make any of it right, but it does help make it tolerable. Mutilation makes the inevitability of death acceptable, and death makes it easier to be patient with my mutilated body.
Can't get more based than that

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