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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why is neoliberalism like this?
>I'm disabled so my genetics are shit
>Kids are too expensive, they'd probably end up gay or trans
>I would be throwing the rest of my life away for kids
>Society is fucking awful and legitimately not worth continuing
>It is unethical to bring new life into this world
I'm not not going to have white kids and you're going to have to deal with it.
They should show the statistics of how few married couples regret having children. Mine are the best things that have ever happened to me.
Would never submit a child to work for sick assholes like Elon Musk, books by degeneration like Jordan Peterson, or the faux passive aggressive abhorrence like Evangelical Christianity or catholic-rape priests. All the people who want us to have children are sick assholes. I am gaining so much by not assisting them.
this. my only real regret is not having them sooner so I could have more.
That's so consoomer. The best thing to happen to /you/. that's dark bro. do you realize what you've done?
Because selfishness, hedonism, and myopia come naturally to human beings. When given the choice and the cultural encouragement, they will choose childfree. That's why traditional cultures were rigidly pro family, it's literally necessary to get retards off their ass doing what they need to do for society.
In the future promoting atheism to the public will be a crime punishable by death
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Single Mothers have kids to give their own lives meaning and to have someone to love them and someone that needs them. You're using your kids to give your worthless life meaning. But your kids will have to live in a disgusting neoliberal shithole for decades after they serve your interests.
From this thread alone, having children was the hedonist selfish path.
>the world is terrible, the state owns your kids, and they will all be nigger lovers or trannies
also pol
>selfish people don't have kids
imagine wanting to feed the jew system with your child just so you don't seem like a hedonistic liberal
Only shit parents and shitty persons regret having children for they are unable not only to cultivate their offspring but themselves as well. So, for example, obviously paranoid personalities, explosive types, roasties, avoidants and narcissists will regret having offspring.
You don't have children, do you?
Of course not. There is no reason to beyond the joy they would bring me. It does nothing but create a person who will suffer
>we should commit racial suicide to own the libs
Children and parents bring each other joy. I'm in my early 30's and I still dearly treasure all the time I spend with my parents, and I'm grateful that they raised me to be able to steadfastly weather the slings and arrows of life that everyone experiences.

You DO have a positive relationship with your mother and father, who are still married, right?
>libshit breed themselves out of existence
>this is a bad thing
don't interrupt your enemies when they are making a mistake.
Not really bothered if the people who I am opposed to aren't having kids. Just makes it harder for them to perpetuate their ideology further if they are choosing to be a genetic dead end.
They're dead bro. They were kind of rich I guess. I exists because they wanted to fun if children. My life isn't pleasant although I have enough money not to work. There's no real reason for me to exist other than they thought it would be fun. Your children will fill like this too sometimes. Having fun with mom and dad isn't really the impressive thing you are implying is good I your life? Sounds kind of pathetic, like of course it's the base minimum to enjoy time with your parents.
Hey hey, it’s Wolf Tivy of Palladium. I used to know this guy IRL. Some good ideas but the weirdest kind of off putting intensity. Some mistake it for natural leadership but I think it might have been Asperger’s. Decent writer, but I had no particular reason to believe his neoreactionary ideas were ever going to go anywhere. He did well with the magazine, at least, it seems like a fairly serious venture; but it’s still more of a critique than any kind of serious push towards something new or better. I think he felt a bit threatened by my natural masculinity and my general lack of being impressed by him.
I think it's probably great for 1-50 but what are you going to do when you're 70 and 80
Conservative hate art, science, and high culture. My liberal upbringing involved opera, art galleries in NY, France, China, and London. The (((conservatives))) I know are Scared of arts and culture. They're parochial and prefer to live and enjoy literal mud, things that loud, and really low quality christian entertainment. When liberals are gone the world will be unbearably stupid.
>Conservative hate art, science, and high culture. My liberal upbringing involved opera, art galleries in NY, France, China, and London.
It says something about you when you value dyes, pixels, ink on paper and brain echoes over the literal existence of the human race. You are a demon, nothing more.
Yeahhh I'm just not gonna have kids. I'm gonna enjoy my money and free time and you're just gonna seethe.
I should have specified that everything I said applies to white people, not brown ESLs.

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