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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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This guy is one of the most popular leftists too. Do leftists hate Kamala?

vote here
Let's try this yet one more time.
RFK should quit, he's splitting the Trump vote.
Because she's a washed up childless party whore. Those shouldn't even be allowed to vote, much less run for president.
First and second one got raided by rascists, so one last time WITHOUT ALL THE TROLLS!
Everybody hates Harris. Especially her own staff. Even BLM have come out against her. Literally the only "quality" she possesses is being a fauxnigger woman, but that is self-neutralising because:
1. Black men hate black women
2. She's a cop with a track record of over-incarcerating black males and using them as free labor.
This makes her a sitting target whenever she raises the issue of race. Tulsi nuked her ass in the debates in 2020 and she sank without trace in the primary.
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A very stable individual.
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Finally! its off to a good start!
>So one last time with only the people who agree with me, so I can claim majority status!

I hate you.
>/pol/ before: "twitter doesn't matter, it's an echo chamber, only real life matters"
She also hid exculpatory evidence that overturned a man's death sentence. The only reason the guy wasn't killed is because the Court had to step in and order her to release that evidence to the defense.
He's been making a poll every few hours then boasting about Kamala winning in so far as the terminally online followers/his bots all vote for Harris.
Then closes it out after it goes past 25k votes.
Everyone hates her. You can tell the plan really was to kill Trump because if they were going to force Biden out it should have been done much earlier, which would have also let them remove Kamala. Now they have no choice
>As California attorney general, Harris appealed a judge’s decision to remove the Orange County district attorney’s office from a death penalty trial after evidence emerged that the sheriff’s department had been operating an unconstitutional jailhouse snitch program. The program tainted more than a dozen criminal cases, several of them murder trials
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She's not though, remember that Reuter/Ipsos poll? She won that one.
She's memeable
She's black
She has an extra hole
She's got everything going for her, or so they say atleast.
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>remember that Reuter/Ipsos poll? She won that one.
I do remember it, yes, and it's hilariously fake and gay. Pic related.
If you are going to waste our time posting here, at least try to say something interesting. She was black and had a hole and was memeable in 2020 and got absolutely destroyed in the Democrat primary. Nothing she has done since has enhanced her reputation, in fact the exact opposite. Trump has so many attack vectors on Harris it's a whole fucking compass.
>ok that one didn't count, next time for realsies!
Are the Krassensteins unaware of their lolcow status or simply being paid enough not to care?
>Why does Kamala keep losing polls?
Maybe at her age, she can't catch a pole as well as she did to advance her career.
They are grifters pure and simple. Musk kinda trolled them by introducing a system of ad revenue payments to creators on X. Now they just farm yous for cash.
Who was paying then before Musk took over, the FBI?
Most likely ActBlue.
To add, they also got busted on some pretty serious fraud charges but got the kid glove treatment. Very probable they are assets of some fed agency.
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rookie mistake
smooth brain take
twitter is not real life, its a small percentage of people
get a grip
X is a right wing echo chamber
Make one on tiktok
shut it down

ActBlue just got caught making thousands of fraudulent donations for Harris like 2 days ago. The FEC is currently chaired by a Republican Trump appointee but still no one is going to do shit. All they do is commit identity theft of millions of Americans and use it to launder millions of dollars of billionaires and foreigners in actual Americans' names. Forget campaign finance these fags should be booked on 10,000 felony counts of identity theft. The FBI of course is more concerned about Christians protesting abortion then they are about money laundering and fraud though

Where Biden? Of course you're getting the results you're looking for if you don't even allow for some options, you fucking retard
>Why does Kamala keep losing polls?

Because in spite of the astroturfed hype for Kamala from the same media that told you Joe Biden was mentally fit up to last month, she's profoundly unpopular. She'll get the vote of the 40% of Americans who seethe over Trump, but no one is voting for this bitch on her own merits.
Based neither chads. Democracy is code for judeo-plutocracy.
They've been doing this for years. I remember watching videos somebody made where they visited old people to ask about the literally hundreds of donations they made to Democrats, and they all said they had no knowledge of them. It was a literally vast money laundering scheme and just git memoryholed. I actually believe it was how that Jew terrorist woman laundered the BLM donations.
Oh no no no no no!!! Kamalacuck!!!
This us her honeymoon period too. Imagine how bad it's going to be when people hear the dumb cunt open her mouth and attack ads showing her arguing for mandatory gun buybacks, fracking bans, medicare for all, and the green new deal start running in all the swing states. She also trails Biden by black men and hispanics of all genders by double digits.
It's clear to me why elected officials refuse to actually enforce campaign finance law but the fact real Americans personal info is being stolen to do that is absolutely disgusting. What ActBlue is doing with this "donation" scheme should be punishable by hanging.

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