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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Death to all Nazis. 6 million Jews were gassed. This is what Americans learned in the public school system. If you cannot accept this fact as the truth, you are a Nazi sympathizer. They said it themselves years ago. We with brown eyes are the slave class and designed to mine natural resources. Those with blue eyes are kings and at the top. This is not a war for the faint of heart or little kids who only ever knew the internet. The truth is that 6 million Jews were gassed or left to rot in a ditch. Whether or not the surviving Jews of that time made up stories to exaggerate 6 million deaths is simply a reaction to a genocidal atrocity.
The question we are never allowed to ask is what did Jews do that engendered this kind of treatment?
easy. Turn the other cheek
The other question we are not allowed to ask is why is Nazi Germanys total civilian kill count of give or take 10 to 20 million people including jews and others, considered so evil when the USA and USSR both had far bigger numbers?
Not to mention China.

Because Hitler only wanted blond hair and blue eyes, chud.
I'm not an expert on this topic. Jews probably have a genetic relationship to Christ. Christ is King of the Jews and Lord. Something supernatural could have occured. It simply doesn't have an explanation that could be put on paper. It probably would come off as fiction. Any supernatural related explanation of the genocide on the Jewish people would immediately lead to a Holy War or permanent heresy. That's my guess.
What did the jews do that drove the nazis to do that?
The genocide of Jews by the Nazis, known as the Holocaust, was driven by deeply ingrained anti-Semitic ideology rather than any actions taken by Jewish people. The Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler, propagated the belief that Jews were racially inferior and a threat to the so-called Aryan race. Here are some key points to understand the motivations behind the Holocaust:

Racial Ideology: The Nazis believed in a pseudo-scientific racial hierarchy, with Aryans at the top and Jews at the bottom. They viewed Jews not just as a religious group but as a race that needed to be eradicated to preserve the purity and strength of the Aryan race.

Scapegoating: Jews were scapegoated for Germany's economic problems, political instability, and even Germany's defeat in World War I. Anti-Semitic propaganda portrayed Jews as responsible for societal ills and as enemies of the state.

Political Gain: Hitler and the Nazi Party used anti-Semitism as a political tool to unify and rally support among Germans. Blaming Jews for Germany’s problems helped the Nazis consolidate power and divert attention from other issues.

Historical Anti-Semitism: Anti-Semitism in Europe had deep historical roots, with Jews facing discrimination and persecution for centuries. The Nazis exploited these existing prejudices to further their own agenda.

Conspiracy Theories: The Nazis promoted conspiracy theories about Jews, such as the idea of a global Jewish conspiracy aiming to control world affairs. These baseless theories fueled irrational hatred and fear.

Totalitarian Control: The genocide was part of the Nazis' broader totalitarian strategy to control and homogenize society. The extermination of Jews was seen as a necessary step to achieve their vision of a pure, unified German state.

Personally, I don't know. Revenge most likely. But for a specific reason or longer explanation? I'm in the dark.
Ching chong ding dong
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I don't buy it, Hitler didn't have those characteristics himself, so there is no way he would oust himself like that.
Kek transparent ChatGPT is super transparent
Didn't Hitler also abolish interest, which improved the German economy dramatically
You're a retard and should lurk moar
You're parroting jewish drivel
Hitler even had muslims in his military


Go watch "the greatest story never told" for a good start.
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China Shall Grow, China Shall Prosper.

It will look real nice when it's done.
it's amazing how you've subjected yourself to Nazi propaganda with full knowledge of the United State's recruitment of Nazi scientists to create NASA.
communist jews killed a few hundred people in the streets with machine guns and the germans had enough of their murderous thieving ways and took a good hard look at who is a communist and found that almost all jews were treasonous murderous communists and thus hitler had a great idea. the rest is history.
How is gun ownership in Taiwan? If mainland Chinks decide to holocaust you. Will it be a difficult task?
If you are still gaslighting about this and ignoring any evidence about the ashkeNAZIs, you are a big nosed subhuman.
>6 million Jews were gassed.
Holohoax never happened + any that died deserved it because jews are evil creatures from hell + Hitler was a jew funded by the Rothschilds
Taiwan is China
This human trafficking bullshit going on here was created by the same ashkeNAZI jews who played both sides of WW2 and almost didn't kill any jewish garbage.


All these assassins are anarchists and are all mob related. They use mob funding, and of course, drug money to pay for the brand new weapons. This is the reason we had the war in Bosnia. This was simply a stage to train assassins to be a market for brand new weapons – to be a marketplace so that the drug money can be used. And the Army runs the whole show. CIA is a bogus thing to confuse us and get us off the track.

It’s Training and Doctrine Command, it’s NATO, it’s SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe), started by President Eisenhower (a Jew). It’s a totally independent corporation. It’s main function is to sell weapons and launder money. It’s all being done by Army people who are now JOINT. The word JOINT is used (Paperclip) to describe the people who came over illegally to escape Nazi Germany.

You see the organized crime, the Meyer Lansky, the Jewish Kabalist group, who don’t believe in God, believe they have to get rid of all the good people… and they get brownie points in their little cult for doing that. They really do this. They are killing good people on purpose.

V. Operations Paperclip, the “German Disease,” and the Subsequent Destruction of America

This funding group in New York would pay for passports which were illegal. In fact, my grandfather was involved with that. He was told to keep silent, but he told my grandmother, and she told me. and I’ve told my children.
I'm man enough to pull the trigger. Especially on a boat. But for now, I haven't touched a gun.

I'm a supporter of Israel. Many Jews died in 9/11. To attack my character and not respond scholastically means you are the slave, not I. Enjoy the fruits of the western world in your cartel controlled murderous drug haven.

It's what we learned. I was asleep because I was shocked. I came to believe only because I could understand the reaction in itself. If you think life is a video game, you should attack someone in real life!

Jesus is King of the Jews. Says so quite plainly in your little KJV

This thread is not about Taiwan.

Nazi propaganda.
I'm sorry, but I have no interest in communism
As per Americans reports of the investigation of all concentration camps:238.000 dead. Jews and others. On the other hand, Belarus lost 30% of the population in the Holocaust and they don't bitch and moan and ask for money.
Kosovo is Serbia.
Oh fun a Wikipedia thread.
Ask me if I bumped.
Israel is a terrorist state. They are committing genocide. Boycott Israel! ZOG SUCKS COCKS
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.

Globohomo tells you what to think. Nazis only tell you how to think.
>Doesn't want communism
>Cries about the heckin evil nazis hurting a billion innocent jews
good luck with that bro
U are a weakling who only ever sobbed when mommy didn't give you tendies, little bitch
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Hey, Taiwan anon I'm with you. I wish the Holocaust happened as much as the next guy but sadly it didn't and we have to accept that.
Why haven't that guy and the other one who made the movie about killing the North Korea leader been sued, charged with a crime, etc?
I'm sure one of your 4chan experts could answer that one
>6 million
It was 6 billion bigot. A rabbi will be at your door soon
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I accept those terms.
>6 million Jews were gassed.
If only.
Inshallah it will actually happen this time around.

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