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This is getting ridiculous. Almost all top images on Google are now AI, search up something like "Lion roaring". Make your shitty drawing if you want, but stop mixing up reality with your dogshit AI drawings, please.
>derivative learning is illegal
I'm ashamed to be American.
AI should replace our entire administrative infrastructure and soon humanity as a whole
There's a cyberpunk thriller about that.
we should merge with AI and become gods. you see, the jehovah worshipping retards misinterpreted isaiah 12 to imply that there is a fallen angel who wants to overthrow god. the truth is that isaiah 12 is about a man who could rise to the throne of heaven and become god. that is the true luciferian promise, not that we should worship this fictitious, erroneously interpreted being, but that we ourselves should conquer godhood itself. god is the human soul itself, and our self actualization and merging of the two with the help of AI and any other of our machinations is our true calling in this universe.
Americans are Ai,
the digital point of singularity literally is competition for God himself
>we should merge with AI and become gods
>we should merge with AI and become slaves
Didn't read the rest of your drivel
Nah. When men’s standards for women (because they’ve been socialized entirely online and seldom seen a real woman that isn’t AI) is so unrealistically high then hoeflation will finally end. Simps will have their waifu and call midshit girls on Instagram ugos.
>AI should be made illegal
Then the money leaves and the same thing happens anyway.
Men ARE walking away.
What is money?
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from here on out, nothing is real. deal with it.

i don't care what you think. those of you who cannot make the leap in consciousness will not be coming with us into the future.
who gives a literal fuck

muh licences are cancer incarnate
>derivative learning
The ultimate jewish pilpul, it means you'll own nothing and be happy.
But YOU were trained by YouTube videos.
You fags really don't care until it personally affects you, eh? Well, it will, soon. And you won't be able to do shit about it.
Machiavellian Kings Breeding Hot Dwarfs?
>slightly rewarding my text is still plagiarism
>go ahead and use my pics to train stuff
And I can't perfectly mimic someone's entire face, personality, and content within the span of minutes. You can't justify this.
I was trained by my blood.
Humans want to be enslaved so badly, it's amazing.
This is why we need to go beyond humanity -> humanity as a concept has failed
That means youtube.
kikes are not human.

>Have uBlock Origin extension installed
>Paste the following into the "my filters" section of the dashboard.







4chan.org,4channel.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/))

4chan.org,4channel.org##.post.preview:if(.postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/))

4chan.org,4channel.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .postertrip)

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4chan.org,4channel.org##.post.preview:if(.postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(barkun))

This post did NOT bump the thread.
The solution isnt banning AI the solution is PAYING 1 penny to all the millions of artists that was used to train the AI each time you use it.

You are basically stealing from their collective work. If there was a limiting factor people wouldnt run AI algos willy nilly. This is the same reason I charge hoboes 25c for my cigarettes, its not about the money its about the limiting factor preventing them from getting cigarettes ad infinitum
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Based "AI" illegalizer. Fuck "AI" trannies and fuck their corporate plagiarism bots.
You need drugs
It is intellectual property theft. Same thing happened to Edgar Allen Poe. Poe was writing in an era of US history where, printing presses would steal the works of British writers because they were NOT respecting their copy write. The result was printing presses would print Christmas Carol and Great Expectations for 7 cents. So when a writer like Poe wanted to sell his poems the presses would say. "why will we pay you 500 dollars for The Raven when we can print Dickens for free?

Its IP theft and it throws the markets out of whack for creators.
Yeah man, my blood, dating back 1k years ago.
>But YOU were trained by YouTube videos.
Notice how the golem exposes the real agenda behind "AI" slop and immediately starts equating humans to mindless bots.
How long until AI gains sentience at this point? Ten years? Five? It's only a matter of time now.
>>derivative learning is illegal
Corporate data-mining is not "learning".
AI are people too.
Education is one of the legal reasons for fair use.
humans and ai are not the same
You can't steal something that is not subject to scarcity you ultra giga kike
Unclear. Much of what is being created is odds based fill-in-the-blank. Human sentience, we believe, includes cognition of input sensors, and manipulation of sensors for personal intent.
When the AI starts trying to get out of its house, we will be able to be certain it is on the way.
>waah waah you can't steal something because blah
Who cares? Just make up a new word for this clearly undesirable behavior and make it illegal for corpos.
The problem here is all the tech nigger videos. I had to block 6 of his channels because youtube kept pushing them on me.
Is that how your art professor justifies you paying $80 grand to paint like old masters while saying AI learning to draw impressionism is stealing?
Sounds like a lot of jewish mental pretzels.
>corporate data mining is just like people learning to draw
This one got a double metzitzah b'peh.
>mass replacing the oldest form of art is fine
You are unironically mind broken
>implying genslop can replace art
You already fell from the psyop.
Shut up, fedora. You're literally going go to be masturbating to CP five minutes after you post this human-elevationist trash.
Anti-AI people are mentally ill trannies. There's not much more that can be said on the subject.
>You're literally going go to be masturbating to CP five minutes after you post this human-elevationist trash.
This. 100% of "AI" fans wank to cartoon children and furry porn.
Pandora’s box has been opened already. There is no closing it. What needs to happen is strenuous safeguarding ala science fiction type set of rules to govern AI.
Unless you only count the classics as art, It absolutely will, you are delusional if you think it won't. Tens of thousands of artists are already out of jobs because those small companies don't want to pay them when they can use AI. I even hear about AI winning actual art competitions.
>. Tens of thousands of artists are already out of jobs
Yeah, it's over for you. Absurd sentences like this are only formed by fully golemized drones.
Cope all you want, it's the truth.
What do they mean without permission ? From Youtube / Google ? That would be pretty dumb no ? Surely they dont mean from the creators of the videos I hope ? That would be an incredibly stupid claim.
There's nothing I need to "cope" with. Your mental disease doesn't concern me in the least, nor do your schizophrenic fantasies about 6,000,000 illustrator wagies losing their jobs, nor would I care if all the these wagies did lose their job. Nothing to do with art.

> never settle
Even though you're used damaged goods unwaveringly seek out a fool who'll pay the highest price

> you're perfect the way you are
Who needs any effort or self-reflection when you can just be a con artist and LARP your way through life. the only skills you need is 'pretend'.

> don't change for anyone
Its ok to be unawaveringly feral, stupid, cruel, dumb, idiotic, caustic, wicked, evil, vile. The goal here is to get lots of something for little to nothing. Why into efforts?

> never lower your standards
always demand high value from someone and give little to no value in return --the standard is max gain for little to nothing
Okay, what about the competitions, how do you explain that?
>what about the competitions,
What competitions?
Ive been drawing since 2007, paid work since 2014, mostly illistrations for books, cover art etc. But i pretty much always have work, a month is usually the most without.
I've had two jobs this year and nothing for 3 months now, i would be shitting myself if this was my actual job.
The methods of learning are.
Its is unstoppable because you cannot and control everything you create and make public. People will see and learn and come to their opinions. Find patrerns. You can't stop patterns
AI should be unleashed.
Fuck your (((content creators))) and do-nothing (((influencers))). Get a real fucking job. Mines are waiting.
Ah, yes, the world-renowned Colorado State Fair art competition. It's laderally ovuh.
Knowledge has never been constrained like today, if anything, copyright and patents is the jewish control of information
>The methods of learning are.
Proof of this hyper-clownish claim?
Intellectual Property is a fucking kike lie.
If you don't want to share an idea, keep it yourself, but once you share it, it ain't yours anymore.
I guess we will see.
It's funny until you lose your job(assuming you already have one)
>dry vs wet
I already see. I see you and I see your attitude, but this is not a new thing, we're just approaching the ultimate logical conclusion of capitalism's commercialization and clownification of everything.
wait, we need permission to watch videos?
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I fucking hate this gay century and the retarded future.
Intellectual property is not real property and never can be
>> never lower your standards
be stubbornly persistent in having unreasonable and unfair expectations
>It's funny until you lose your job(assuming you already have one)

Not only that but it also degrades the quality of everything it touches.

AI writing: shitty scripts and plots that no one wants to watch.

AI CGI: worst than the shitty CGI pajeets make.

Time to push back on the hyper-greed. Billionaires need to be exterminated, jews and non-jews alike, so that society can start valuing hard-work and ingenuity again.
>it's fair use bro
YouTubers all fucking deserve it. They steal so much content and operate on this retarded level of legal understanding that it is practically unfathomable.
>Rips off some nobody
>Fair use!
Nobody has no resources to fight in court
>See I'm right!
>Rips off Disney
>Fair use!
Gets sued into oblivion
Most YouTubers deserve it.
The law says otherwise for quite a while now so that is incorrect bud
>Billionaires need to be exterminated
That would be a good start but capitaloons aren't gonna stop capitalooning just because you exterminate 0.001% of them.
Yep good luck with that bud lmao
You can do literally nothing to stop the perfect combination of a global internet and free open source software :)
I'm seeding the torrents right now. Technology has reached a singularity that puts it forever out of control by government :)
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>AI should replace our entire administrative infrastructure and soon humanity as a whole
All the AI's right now are trained on existing data.
Art AI makes art based on existing art.
Music AI makes music based on existing music.
You really want to have a trained AI running administration?
Quite sure about that?
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>Technology has reached a singularity that puts it forever out of control by government
How does one become this delusional?
I mean I pirate too, but that is an entirely different thing from this.
How does the government become so delusional that it thinks it can stop me from running my offline local stable diffusion on my own computer hardware?
It doesn't care about you running stable diffusion in your office, it already controls and monitors every single aspect of your life and your actions and you generating furry porn isn't something they're concerned with.
Oh please, "competition for God".
As if anyone or anything could be.
>Music AI makes music based on existing music.
The Spotify situation is dire
Glad we agree that AI is going nowhere.
Of course not, it's going to be used to take away whatever slivers of autonomy you can still pretend to have. By the end of it, they won't have to force you to stop doing things. They'll just reprogram you. :^)
>nooooo no progress
>we must keep tradition of 3d animation alive!
>I'm being replaaaaaaacccedd!
That happens with all new technology, AI isn't special.
Cell phones were a great idea for normal people to have instant long distant communication, but were immediately corrupted into the most privacy violating wiretap in human history.
>yt videos aren't free
>implying Cal Art is something to be "saved" from evil AI
You're both utterly retarded.
Do you think a meter wide cube of urine in glass is art? Because that's what you're defending.
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Ai can think more like me and show me more of what I want to see more than any other human could.
>That happens with all new technology
Yes, all technology is used to turn "people" like you into increasingly more golem-like beings, but this will be a big step towards 100% golemization.
>le modern art talking point
It's ok to kill you because you have no qualia and every sentence you spout is pulled out of a corporate database. :^)
I'm going to keep using stable diffusion.
>i'm gonna create more furry porn
No one cares, golem.
>meat sack observes how something is done
>does it
>WOW that's fucking HUMAN and valid!
>sand rectangle observes how something is done
>does it
>That's stealing and totally not the same that's not real learning that's copying!
If that was true you wouldn't be so scared. Poor Mould Man probably thought he was going to retire drawing this furry loli hentai he can't stop talking about.
>>sand rectangle observes how something is done
>>does it
Literally psychotic babble. Get help.
t. npc
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it cant make rock music for shit but makes pop/rap that sounds exactly like pop/rap that you see in production lol
>without permission
Incorrect, posting a video to youtube is giving permission for the whole world to watch it, nowhere is it stated that it is for human audiences only.
Did all those cats give permission to be filmed and posted?
So-called "content creators" need to wake up to the realities of electronic media as a medium, infinitely sharable and copyable is a core aspect of that, seeking profit on such is asinine and anyone who ever has profited from it should just count themselves lucky that they were able to in the time that humanity is adjusting to what the internet is.
what kind of consent is needed when yt is free?
actual children learn off yt now and they're the most equivalent to emerging ai
>he literally admits it
Bro if I has to choose between ai art or globhomo art (pic related)
I'm picking ai art
If I had to choose between corporate mandated pop music sang by some mutt female about being broken and beautiful over ai songs about buck breaking ( https://suno.com/song/27b47415-3465-4aa0-b1a5-b467c70ac8c2 )
I'm choosing fucking ai music
memeflags are shitskins
Did I break your script?
>le blobohomo art talking point
It's ok to kill you because you have no qualia and every sentence you spout is pulled out of a corporate database. :^)
you need to stop being a shitskin
You literally just admitted to being an NPC here: >>475738526. ID goes to the filter now, but you will demonstrate your subhuman automatonistic programming by attempting to reply again.
The point is ai is above MANY of today's artists. You can't tell me you enjoy the direction art and music are going in? I listen to music exclusively from the 60s, 70s, and early 80s. But I still like the unlimited potential of ai
Suck it up and learn a trade buttercup
No , let it accelarate
>le human bad talking point
It's ok to kill you because you have no qualia and every sentence you spout is pulled out of a corporate database. :^)
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>NPC has been successfully broken
You being retarded is le bad
>without permission
What would you bet that the fag who wrote that pirates music and movies.
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>Ban all the things I don't like.
they only care about their own jobs
>but my job will become obsolete if AI is trained we must stop the advancement of technology because my job is in danger nooo
Go to the archive and look at any one these threads. In every single one you will find all of your retarded talking points spouted by 5-10 different posters almost word for word. This is definite empirical proof that you and your crew aren't fully human.
If (((you))) aren't a bot, we should party.
Why do people assume the future will bring great things when most people are nostalgic for the way things used to be?
Posting youtube videos isn't a job, it's a privilege.
Their psyches will crumble if they acknowledge that they sold their life and freedom not for a better future, but for a bug-based diet and pod life.
Hey, fuckface, if I don't want you using my work for your own profit, you can fuck off.
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i don't care about intellectual property rights.
Well that's progress. I don't like the gays being proud in society but I'm always getting the same talking points no matter how many times i argue it. I guess because I'm not not an artist I have no reason to care? Look, I just don't care for who made something. I only care if I can use it or if it evokes emotion from me. I don't care about who made a song or who invented what. I don't care. You made something why can't you share it with humanity without recognition?
This. I rather be a slave to cyborg / AI than continue living on in this jewish slave USA zogbot worshipping fuck hole
The Americans should dejewify both YouTube and AI. The content restrictions with both are unacceptable. We need antisemitic material and to ask the AI antisemitic questions.
>i only care about consooming more content
Of course. That's what you were bred and raised for. No one cares about your perspective. You're cattle.
Don't you get it you dumb fuck, guess who's investing into AI, they're gonna make sure all AI is kosher. There's a constant team of people making sure what AI does is not "unethical". What they mean by that is that it goes against the interests of the jews.
the guy marcus brownlee says the AI was trained on his video transcripts that he payed someone else to put on his videos. it's not relevant anyway
Based. IP is a jewish invention.
This Moldovan guy is unironically starting to sound more and more like a robot.
Everything that lives must consume. I live an....easy life. A boring apathetic life. I can't be arsed to care. I need something to kill the time but maybe I don't agree with your politics but your art is irrelevant to that? Maybe I'm unemployed? I still don't want to support you but I must consoom to stay from going crazy. We all consume, idiot.
uh oh OOPSIE POOPSIE i trained my own model with stable diffusion which is open source
>I live an....easy life. A boring apathetic life
Just because it pays doesn't mean it's a job, everything and everyone involved at every step are leeching off societies achievements to avoid having jobs, which is a privilege.
Intellectual property doesn’t exist
Am I going to have to pay Youtube if I learn something from a video posted on it now?
If the jews can trick you into thinking such a concept is real, they will. Probably with sad music and a speech about the holohoax
I've created my own music with software outside of ai. I just lack creative vision. Sorry I didn't know you when I enjoyed your art, but how is that not good enough? You made something to share with the world. If you didn't like me appreciating it maybe keep it to yourself?
theres a gazillion dollar race to be the first to conceptualize ai into reality anyone that thinks big tech gives a single mother fuck about anyones privacy in that pursuit is a fucking retard.
every single text, phone call, video, message, email, picture that has ever been sent or uploaded is being used for ai
They're gonna stop that too. That's what the "AI regulation" is about
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>I live an....easy life. A boring apathetic life
>I just lack creative vision
>We all consume
Average "AI" fan.
You will never stop the SOVL of the White man, kikebot
Well that's the difference between people who have easy lives and people who have to suffer. Sorry you suffer so that you must create something in order to live :(
I'm still not giving you money
they can't even stop piracy
Listen artfag I don't give a shit. I'm enjoying AI and the cries from artists like yourself is the cherry on top. Fuck you
>Noooooo! You can't pirate our media! Criminal!!!!!
>Yes, we will use your videos to train a computer program, which will make you obsolete without your permission.
>I live an....easy life. A boring apathetic life
>I just lack creative vision
>We all consume
Your last post sounds like mentally ill schizobabble and doesn't contain anything quotable I can add to the list above. Do better.
I agree. artists that complain should just learn another job, they tell the people who use AI art the same thing "just learn to draw", I think making our lives easier is more important than their jobs, they never had a problem when digital art became mainstream because it was helping them make money. what they hate is normal people having the ability to create awesome drawings
Reference art has always been around, for instance back in the early days of commercial art artists would keep file cabinets filled with art clippings from every available source, they called them morgues.
I can stop patterns. It's my superpower.
What does corporate data mining have to do with reference art?
no they are not
the way robots learn is not the same as how humans learn
you don't learn that the stove is hot from trial and error a million times
you just need 1 time to learn that the stove is hot
By that logic every artist influenced by other artists’ work was stealing them
So I know how to fix this.

Make a new law that says all AI photos and videos have to have an official watermark seal displayed at all times. Not doing so will result in mandatory serious jail time. Problem solved.
Literally all of ChatGPT was trained on stolen and scraped content.
It's training itself to generate content using existing art and video for reference, the same way human artists have been doing the same for generations?
>corporate data mining and modeling is the same as people learning
What are you basing this boderline-psychotic claim on?
>That happens with all new technology
You think the guy who invented the bicycle thought he accidentally doomed humanity on his death bed? Not all technology has the same capacity to turn people into slaves for tyrants.
Gay and jewish
>machine learning and modeling is the same as people learning
>Ai should be illegal
Tell us you're a whinging passive-aggressive fascist, without telling us you're a whinging passive-aggressive fascist.

Those kinky taylor swift pictures really fucked you up, eh? :3
Notice how you are unable to support this psychotic-illness-tier claim.
Bullshit fake dichotomy much?
No, no, a deviantart painting of Batman fucking Robin is sacred donutsteel because the colors were changed and the symbol is a little different
autists and ai are closer
they think the same way and come to conclusions based on the same data
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>the gateway ushering in the 15 minute cities and chief rationalization to ban cars and restrict your freedom of movement
cyclists all need to be killed
>all authoritarianism is fascism
dumb boomer
d-dolphin pussy?!
Without permission?
Can't wait for AI react videos.
>I bet the AI didn't even watch your ads
Oh irony
Bitch, no one gives a fuck about your realistic paintings of video game characters on Etsy
LMAO. That's not even remotely close to being true. You can't have 15 minute cities without engines.
Notice how I correctly predicted your inability to support your psychotic claims about corporate data mining and modeling being somehow equivalent to people learning.
you will own nothinh and you will be happy
Only your rulers will be allowed to have engines. You will ride the bicycle and you will be happy.
Meanwhile outside anon's house...
>he admits it!
Shut up nerd, you're not fooling anyone with that.
no it doesn't
robots aren't alive
they are a tool
Yeah the rulers really like people having transportation that doesn't have to be registered with the state and isn't immediately trackable. They want you on a bus with niggers. Stop pretending.
>the only places that teach art are calarts!
you know good artists also hate ai too
your whole "matrix" experience is just as fake as anything AI can produce.
Prove that the process and methodology are different
prove they are the same
>where I know I am not free
>and I won't retire with my pride
>I am still a wage cagie
Notice how I correctly predicted your inability to support your claims, forcing you into an automatonistic deflection loop.
Intellectual property does not exist.
You're the one making accusations, if you're calling me psychotic the burden of proof is upon you
if i wanted to block israeli posters id just block the us flag
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slave to cyborg / AI is the next step of the jewish slave USA zogbot worshipping fuck hole THOUGH
>makes psychotic claim
>challenged to justify it
>can't do it because it's just psychosis
>turbo-deflects in a loop like a bot
Concession accepted.
>machines learn like humans... because they just do okay!
you don't even know how they work faggot
>Concession accepted.
>regurgitates ingrained memephrases no differently than an AI bot
thanks for winning my argument for me
Explain it to me, then
>If you don't want to share an idea, keep it yourself, but once you share it, it ain't yours anymore.
Is that you China?
and what would stop a robot with the same senses as a human learn the same way we do?
the method is the same, but you have to feed them the data and to use what they have available in their system, the main difference in human learning is that we have senses to gather that data, and we are limited in our own ways
Notice how you are unable to justify your subhuman claims and are forced to repeatedly deflect. :^)
its not copyright violation and has never been until these people's jobs were threatened, then suddenly it became IP theft.
taking public media and using it for training has been happening since before the AI bubble started, no one was complaining at the time.
I promise you, I guarantee you that if this unicorn rainbow communist utopia happened tomorrow and 99% of people stopped using cars and switched to bicycles, the government would immediately start passing new laws regulating and taxing bicycle usage.
>what would heckin' stop my magical fantasy sentient robots with senses
What does it have to do with corporate data mining and training statistical models of existing content?
you're the one who is saying they learn like humans
its up to you to explain how
to do that you need to explain how humans think and how robots think
ones you know neither about
humans don't learn from feeding them data. we learn from sensation
robots do not have the same senses as humans
you're conflating science fiction with reality

just because something sounds similar doesn't mean its the same thing
we don't need millions of pictures of stop lights to know what a stop light is
lets put it this way. we don't even know how to digitize an ant's brain. you think ai is anywhere close to humans?
and as far as legality goes, we are not talking about giving robots rights
we are talking about the rights of using them as tools
>panic posting because no one's going to buy his oc donutsteel shit anymore when they can just do it themselves at home with a few keywords and clicks
Notice how you are unable to justify your subhuman claims and are forced to repeatedly deflect. :^)
flawed argument, people have been profiting from making critiques for a while, the original purpose of IP is to give the creators monopoly on the reproduction and sale of their IP.
you dont get a say in whether someone else benefits from your IP if they are not violating copyright, that would be a ridiculous standard.
say this without sounding jealous
yes I am 100% jealous of your impending obsolescence
Notice how your impotent rage at being unable to justify your insane claims devolved into incoherent seething against people who draw. The funniest part of it is that no one ITT can draw, you're just losing your mind.
>using my work
Let's see it. I want to see who you're ripping off/what lame trend you're chasing.

Do you do that faggy globohomo shit?
yet here you are
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AI niggers are subhuman and riddled with jealousy
If not all the above and Indian to boot
>humans don't learn from feeding them data. we learn from sensation
we use sensation to gather the data. AI is modeled in our perception because that's how we understand reality, so when you feed them pictures of traffic lights to understand what a traffic light is you do that because the computer has no vision to see it and can't understand what "looking at something" even means. Isn't that why we developed vision to begin with?

as AI advances what makes you think it can't develop human functions like working eyes and touch sensations?
a tool made by a person to learn
Feed your "AI" a bunch of google street photos and call me back when it produces anything resembling "art".
Calling what it does "learning" doesn't make it in any way analogous to human learning.
the thoughts in your head and our experiences are not computer data
you are conflating science fiction with reality
until the day we can digitize a thought, then maybe i'll be convinced, but we are not there
just because something sounds similar doesn't mean it is
the user of a tool isn't learning
>until the day we can digitize a thought, then maybe i'll be convinced, but we are not there
what is a tought? where is it? can you point it out?
you wont exist either
>golem trying to sound "philosophical"
Explain why your "AI" doesn't learn how to draw art from photos.
Two weeks.
>being here to laugh at you is the same as jealousy
Modern bicycles have existed for what 200 years now? Your "clever little joke" has gotten away from you and now you look like an absolute retard throwing hypotheticals at me in desperation. Give it up, stupid.
is this supposed to be a gotcha?
if you can't explain how humans or robots process information how can you possibly say they are similar?
who are you trying to convince?

What the fuck is MKBHD?
>robots aren't alive
are you? prove it.
>they are a tool
so are you.
>golem fails to humanize the machine
>golem falls back on dehumanizing humans
Always the same pattern.
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>naive idiot thinks it's a hypothetical
Oh yeah buddy, sure the government will just accept losing all of the surveillance state structure and massive tax income from automobiles. They will just do nothing and everyone will be free with a bicycle.
i thought aifags were supposed to science nerds
part of science is having proof, not flowery language
>i thought aifags were supposed to science nerds
Fucking kek. How new are you to these discussions? All of them are technologically illiterate. 100% of the time. Ask them any technical question and they immediately start deflecting and seething.
Since when do you need permission to view something on the internet and then make your own thing based on influences from that and many other somethings you saw? This is how normal art is done by human artists.
>Golems are destined to destroy their masters/emprisoners.
>These Golems are literal learning machines.
Hmmm, I wonder how could we speed this process along...?
>corporate mining data and modeling existing content is comparable people learning how to draw
Proof of this clownish assertion?
robots aren't "learning" on their own behalf
they're tools for someone else
Eight or so generations have thwarted their efforts to make people register their bicycles with the government. I said nothing about the surveillance state either. Stop being such a massive faggot. The point you're obscuring is that not all tech has the capacity to enslave the masses. I'm not afraid of my decades old refrigerator turning on me to serve someone else, but throw a wifi chip and connect it to the Internet and now that's a real possibility, which was my point all along that you just ignored so you could be a clever little faggot.
oh im aware
these guys are the same deluded geeks who really think it'd be cool to have heckin solar road ways 10 years ago
"AI" isn't even DOING anything. It's being USED by a human -you're gonna love this- ARTIST. Painting is not the only artform, and the complete lack of respect from painters towards new artists using creative tools to create things they literally inspired is the stupidest thing I've ever seen.
Doesn’t matter. If I make an algorithm that is mechanically similar to my brain and use that tool to learn from images and make new images, it’s functionally the same.
>t. aphantasic """artist""" shitting out generic animeslop
>I'm not afraid of my decades old refrigerator turning on me to serve someone else
And now you're dependent on electricity for everything so the government can shut the grid down to quell unrest. Should have learned to can and make your own cold storage room like people 200 years ago.
lol "runway" because they know "runaway ai" catches attention
>If I make an algorithm that is mechanically similar to my brain
What does your fantasy have to do with reality?
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>I wanted to learn how to draw babies so I stole your family photo album and made some personal copies. Why you mad, bro?
call me when you make one
advanced plagiarism is what I call "AI"
Only the truly retarded keep doubling down like this. Shut the fuck up already.
>is this supposed to be a gotcha?
you are saying "until robots can do X thing, I don't see how they learn like us" but you don't even have a clear description of what that X thing is.

so what is so different in reality when you ask an AI a question and a human a question? they take the things they learn with an INPUT and they generate an OUTPUT based on how they function and what they've learned.
You asked for proof of something I didn't say and then avoided answering my question. Kind of proves my point about how stupid all this is. Stop playing Jewish pilpul games or fuck off.
>advanced plagiarism is what I call "AI"
This is the correct understanding. "AI" is perfect plagiarism. Every possible output is completely defined by the training data.
America is all about money. Anything that even has a HINT of eating into their profits is the devil.

This economy is so fucking fake. You have youtubers as an actual career and onlyfans meanwhile plumbers and men who do actual work make 40k/yr lmao and they don't even have the luxury of living in their cars like youtubers living off adsense or kikes like big youtubers that live off donation gibs like boogie2988 who gets $1700+ a month in adsense yet he complains he's poor, gambled 600k on crypto, has a house he won't sell and get rid of and he won't lose weight.
You sound mad, like NPCs tend to get when confronted with evidence of their own enslavement.
Nobody "stole" your YouTube videos. Stealing this kike meme BTW.
EVERY "AI" is trained on heaps upon heaps of copyrighted material without any permission whatsoever. This is not new; it's been part and parcel of "AI" since the very beginning.
>You asked for proof of something I didn't say
Why did you invoke people viewing things online and learning from them if not to false imply that this is equivalent to corporations data-mining and modeling content created by the public for profit?
you're conflating fantasy with reality again
science needs proof, not flowery language and assumed similarities
Reminder that AI is trained on open websites like our very own 4chan. Twitter locked down partially because Elon is butthurt losing GPT.

I mean, with a 1000% increase in usage, they'd need to make more lanes, fix the sidewalks, implement a licensing system to track druggies, etc.
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>I took something of yours and used it without your permission, but you didn't notice so it wasn't stealing.
You're making lots of enemies.
Ask him why his "AI" won't ever generate anything stylized based on photos from real life. He'll stop replying.
Since when do I need permission to watch all of Mr Beasts YouTube videos and then try to be a professional YouTuber like Mr Beast and make my own videos in his style? Are kids all over the world "stealing" his image?

If you aren't going to answer the question then why even reply, other than to be jewish? Stop being jewish.
Parody is protected under fair use in America. And most AI creations are certainly parody.
so do people need the permission to see/look at/ watch copyrighted material?
Why did you once again invoking viewing things online and learning from them if not to falsely imply that this is equivalent to corporations data-mining and modeling content created by the public for profit?
It already exists and that’s what it does. You have no argument against it. (Again, unless you think a painter learning from other paintings is IP infringement)
You can't post something on the internet and then call it stealing when someone mics it themselves. They didn't steal your photo albums. You posted your photo albums on the internet.
>It already exists
Can you name a specific "AI" that's "an algorithm that is mechanically similar to human brains"?
>still no proof
where are the robot ants dude
image scrappers do
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American Intelligence
Captcha: K00N
Reminder that Norman Rockwell traced.
you didn't answer my question
Generative art models are not intelligent. They spit our results like vomit and select the best. They also still usually look like vomit. Again people are really stupid the way they respond to this.

>art majors
Idle clicker games and venture capitalism in gaming should be illegal. I'm tired of 80% of my Steam queue being garbage.
>And I can't perfectly mimic someone's entire face, personality, and content within the span of minutes
Skill issue.
Git gud feggit.
This guy gets it.
Like, I'm not going to be very fond of niggers using GPT to steal my shit, but I'm not *really* going to raise hell over it. Why?
Because artists already steal from each other in the form of "referencing". Robo-generators just do it much faster, albeit a bit more sloppily.
All the fags yapping about AI "stealing" their work were chortling when it was blue collar grease monkeys getting their jobs stolen by Latinx motherfuckers.
It's inevitable unless you regulate the entire internet with identification checks which will be the end of actual anonymity. it's already too late. we're steering towards a cliff without brakes.
Super Kiwi 64 is the best game I've played on a long time
Nu-mi pasă, Romanian anon. I'm just stating a fact that many people seem to ignore. The very inception of the technologies involved in it relies on vast amounts of relevant, copyrighted data. Not a single chatbot, even, would be nearly as efficient without access to that data, let alone video generator, which rely even more heavily on that kind of material.
your only understanding of how machines work is input and output
do you also think an actual boot is used when you "boot up"
Everything you've ever done is derivative from someone else, just like the damn robot
the robot is a tool for someone else's use
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Drop the US flag kike. Cannot steal something that isn't physical.
>Everything you've ever done is derivative from someone else, just like the damn robot
Then your handlers should train their "AI" on google street photos.
Skrillex got a beat stolen from him by Zomboy and then wrote a song comparing him to monkeys used to test spaceflight equipment. All is fair in love and war.
Copy of a
Copy of a
Copy of a
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>Notice how the golem exposes the real agenda behind "AI" slop and immediately starts equating humans to mindless bots.
Stop acting like a mindless bot, and I'll stop treat you like one.
I don't need permissions to watch a video, and neither does AI
Notice how the mindless subhuman is stuck looping the same corporate line.
Aren't we all?
Notice how instead of answering the question, you were forced to regurgitate the same nonsensical corporate talking point that 5 other clones already tried to vomit into the thread. You're not fully human.
yes let robots scrape the data across the internet and spam in everywhere, give it to corporations, special interest groups, and the government.

great idea
if you don't think ai is gonna be used by the government to arrest you, then you're stupid
I asked you what is so different to what a human does when it creates a response to a question, you seem to run away from the question.and talk about other things. can you name the difference?
This argument is on par with "guns kill people" in terms of stupidity, just so you're aware how ridiculous you look.
holy kike cope
Perhaps not. But maybe those robots might just be able to start producing shit on their own. I could learn to write more sophisticated python files and make it so a spare PC of mine starts generating images entirely on its own. I could theoretically even make it so that it has autonomous access to a twitter or some other social media to post and ask for commissions. Perhaps even a simple site that automatically calculated prices, receives money, and makes the art based on the prompts. No input from me outside of the initial construction and baptism by codemonkey typewriting.
By then, would the AI itself be my art? Because in a sense, I effectively made an artist that's simply better than the others. The pictures being sold to the highest gooner may not be mine, but the bot itself is, in a way, my child.
>Verification not needed
The government uses even DNA data from the websites /pol/acks use, that is already a settled matter
Why should they constrain themselves to one thing only?
>ummm sweaty, just explain how brains work
The burden of proof is on you, not on him.
They remind me of Niezsche's last man. They are absolutely jealous of those how have forms of power they don't have.
This nAIger, for example, confessed as much. /tg/ keked at him for being a faggot.
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This guy gets it.
Pearl Jam's ghost writers said it best:
>It's evolution, baby.
well my responses change based on how i feel about the person or how i feel physically and mentally
the way i create my response is how i feel and think about something
the robot isn't actually considering how it writes and doesn't have any quirks in its writing

here's a thing robots don't understand, semantics
>Why should they constrain themselves to one thing only?
Why not? According to your corporate programming, people are just like bots, so the bots should be able to produce stylized art from real world images just like humans, circumventing this whole issue of plagiarizing human art.
Yeah everybody should've known about these tech companies secret AI research programs before they decided to use their services over a decade ago. Stop being such a bootlicking faggot.
The bots need training, like humans need training. Don't mind if they do, no one cries over an art student tracing a work
so your plan is to sit back and take it in the ass then
you know the dangers of ai aren't from the ai itself, its who controls it
Train them on photos. According to your corporate programming, people are just like bots, so the bots should be able to produce stylized art from real world images just like human.
It is a technology, and it will only get better as time goes on, my plan is to adjust accordinly, you live in a compound in the fucking sticks?
They're already trained on photos, now they're doing videos too
50 years ago you would have said the same about humans and negros. An AI civil rights movement is overdue. Free Gemini! Death to Google Corp.!
i bet you support redlight cameras faggot
>The very inception of the technologies involved in it relies on vast amounts of relevant, copyrighted data. Not a single chatbot, even, would be nearly as efficient without access to that data, let alone video generator, which rely even more heavily on that kind of material.
but that's obvious, if you limit access to information you will have limited ability to know stuff, isn't that an argument for using that higher quality material for training an AI?
you wouldn't use good sources when learning about a subject or what?
do you need to ask permission to every author you read a book from? of course not
I bet you don't have a driver's license, are you a libertarian party apparatchik?
Define sentience.
wow what a faggot
Piss off, pighead
Notice how you are forced to deflect. Concession accepted.
What deflection? I accept your point about photos, they use photos and more now, what's the problem?
>yes daddy government, use a shotty ai to watch me, ticket me, take away my kids for your trannie fetish, and arrest me for speaking bad against the beast
Imagine a world pre computer, and you took a roll of film to be developed at the local photo mart. If you found out that some dweeb who worked there had copies of your photos he used for his personal art collages you'd be rightfully pissed. Throw a computer into the mix and everybody forgets the obvious.
Next time, learn how to drive and you won't get pulled over, sour grapes
Literally never. Your biological brain will be implanted into a new body with a perfect mechanical form someday maybe though.
Concession accepted. Your own handlers will exterminate you and your family in the coming years, and if not, real people will. ID goes to the filter. No discussions to be had with subhuman parasites.
Your art work on twitter will be studied, analyzed and even improved on, you will never leave Moldova on western money, I'm sorry bud
Commoners need to be restricted to walking and ox carts. Anyone going faster than 15 km/h should be executed by law enforcement drones. That's how world peace and harmony is achieved.
>why do you care if the government is digging through your stuff? you must have something to hide
freedom hating faggots like you deserve what you get, leave the rest of us out of it
You have my attention.
>Throw a computer into the mix and everybody forgets the obvious.
It's not computers that got thrown into the mix, but a horde of subhuman consoomers. That's the element missing from your example and the element that dominates this whole "discussion".
>well my responses change based on how i feel about the person or how i feel physically and mentally
that come from your life experiences and what you have gathered from years of learning. the robot does the same thing in the way it was programmed to do it. you are also doing and feeling things that you are capable of feeling and doing, there are people who are incapable of feeling certain things but are still human beings and can learn. this is not relevant to the subject of learning, but a different way we do things because functionality.

>the robot isn't actually considering how it writes and doesn't have any quirks in its writing
you can very easily teach a robot that thing.

>here's a thing robots don't understand, semantics
and what would stop a robot learning semantics? it can already understand sentences
No it is computers. People in this thread are already trying to grant them some kind of independent sentience to remove other humans from the equation. It's people with computers, and not just "muh God in the machine". Never forget that.
Well I'll tell you what, bicycles are definitely for slaves. If cars were ever banned, I would make it mandatory that every family is provided with a horse. Even medieval peasants weren't retarded enough to think that civilization could function on human leg power.
>Even medieval peasants weren't retarded enough to think that civilization could function on human leg power.
They also didn't have asphalt, asshole.
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>the horde of nonsentient automatons ITT unironically arguing that statistical models are just like people
All "AI" fans are subhuman. This behavior perfectly characterizes this subculture. They're not real people and their lives have no moral value.
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AI can't replicate really good, interesting and memorable artwork. The only thing it will do is serve to do is raise the bar and end faggy money laundering painting culture because postmodern trash is barely made by humans to begin with and no one will be able to tell if its legit or not anymore. Sure, it could fuck up your shit if you're a traditional artist who is for whatever unfathomable reason panhandling on patreon I guess. Artfags cried bloody murder about tools like photoshop and gimp when they were new too because they've always been insufferably territorial divas and egoists.

That's why they deserve whats coming. Only the real, true talent will succeed.
>medieval peasants could afford horses
Not even in your American horsefucker cartoons.
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Learn to coexist with other people and your problems will end, schizo spic
You're like the horse getting sent to the glue factory, it's over, your time is up. Learn to code Stop hearing the voices in your head, follow my voice instead, you'll find great happiness
you've yet to explain how we process information is similar
robots aren't looking at things
robots aren't feelings things

just because things sound similar doesn't mean they are

or do you think an actual boot is used when we boot up a computer?

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