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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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This is what faggots actually believe. Sick fuckers
It's true though
Its the Subliminal crap they watch on the TV that makes the kids attempt to do gay stuff with another kid, thats the root. Aside from modern schools
>hmmm you're acting a little gay
>better rape you
Kys pedophile
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There’s nothing wrong with this logic at all chuds
Of course a tranny is pro pedophilia. Kys you will never be loved
There has never been one sliver of scientific evidence supporting "born that way." The closest thing found is a predilection for openness in personality assessments. Gays are coping and lying, but we all already knew that.
I miss the old days in the 90s where poofter bashing was a socially accepted practice.
I'm not gay or a pedophile, but every gay person I know was also obviously gay as a kid
After he was molested. Now fuck off pedo
That's just not the case

Homosexuals have different brain structures and facial structure. The change occurs in the womb. AI can detect if someone is gay with high accuracy by measuring face proportions.

It's like due to hormone disruption in the womb
OK gay apologist how u feel about trannies? Genuine question not 4chan sperging
Never proven but you know what is
> im a man who is planning on fucking a male child in the ass
(((You))) are all born gay and behave almost the same way as women during your whole life:

Nutters in Charge — Post Redux: “A Hidden Fact of Psychopaths: They Have No Gender”


Gender identity: fun and games for psychopaths

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Nope, 100% true.

I'm perfectly straight, i'm voting Trump specifically so my symbolic act of voting can contribute to the death of trannies, BUT.

When i was 18 i was legally an adult and allowed to see my biological dad for the first time. He had a stepson who was 11 years old and gay as fuck. I entirely blame this on the kids mom, because she let him do WHATEVER with no consequence. This kid was 11 years old and already had herpes on his lips, and his mom claimed it was because he was molested.

This motherfuckin kid hits on me every day for the 2 weeks im staying there. Woke up to him trying to grab my dick several times, he'd barge into the bathroom to try to see me showering, whenever id take a shit, he'd run into the bathroom after me to and lock himself in there, likely smelling my shit and jerking it.

I agree that all pedos deserve death, but these fucking kids these days want to fuck and it's putting themselves at risk. Parents are to blame.
>Forty-six percent compared to 7%
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And (((you))) also abuse each other (because that's part of being an useless gay piece of shit):


Research on childhood sexual abuse has often examined, in isolation of one another, such highly correlated risk factors as parental substance abuse, domestic violence, and pathological family functioning. Investigating comorbid antecedents separately does not allow accurate specification of the predictors of abuse. Moreover, sexual trauma research has tended to neglect parental sociopathy as a risk factor. Given the limitations of past research, the present study examined the relationships among parental sociopathy, parental substance use, marital violence, poor family functioning, and childhood sexual abuse. We administered a battery of questionnaires to a nonclinical sample of 130 college women and replicated previous findings by showing that parental substance use predicted sexual abuse when examined in isolation. However, when parental sociopathy and the other risk factors were included in a regression model, parental sociopathy was the only significant predictor. Mother's and father's sociopathy predicted sexual abuse independently and when combined.
I definitely wasn't into dudes when i was younger but I gradually developed an affinity towards men after being exclusively with women in my teens and 20s and becomingdisillusioned with them. Now i have a bf and life is infinitely better without femoids. It feels like I moved from some 3rd world shithole to a developed country.
>when you're gay, everyone suddenly has an irresistible urge to have sex with you
pure wishful thinking.
Sexual abuse of children and adults common for Dark Triad or Narcopath personality types

Trannies are likely the same issue.

There's a common drug given women during pregnancy called progestin, which is progesterone. It's basically a feminizing hormone therapy. Sons of mothers who take this stuff are more likely to be gay or bisexual

On top of that, most hormonally disrupting chemicals are estrogenic. Plastics, pesticides, industrial chemicals - all of these will feminize a male fetus.

There is no gay gene and they're is no gay-by-molestation. It's the atrazine making the frogs gay, as Alex Jones famously said

You can set exactly why a tranny might feel they are "mentally a female" since the dude's brain is feminized. Maybe the spergs are the ones who can accurately deduce this info
>Now i have a bf and life is infinitely better without femoids.
Now this is wormposting.
Nothing you do in life will ever be as fulfilling as raising you children with a devoted wife
We have stayed fully from the Kingdom of God. This is it. The bottom of the Abyss.
>There's a common drug given women during pregnancy called progestin
QRD on this?
We just had a baby and at no point was my wife ever offered this. (I was at every prenatal appointment to ensure no weird shit happened).
>This kid was 11 years old and already had herpes on his lips, and his mom claimed it was because he was molested.
Lmao. American sex ed is something else. You know you can get mouth herpes just by touching an object that someone with an outbreak did after touching their lip? It has nothing to do with sexual intercourse. That why most kids will get it in kindergarten while horsing around with other kids.
Watched Angels in the Outfield recently. Checks out
And kids got monkeypox the same way last year, right?
Naw dog fucking your friend in the ass is just practice for when you get married.
I do plan on having children just not with a fucking woman. There is nothing fulfilling about women because they are fundamentally incapable of providing affection and support
he's a retard progesterone only gets used to thin the cervix if a woman is overdue to try and stimulate labor.
Do you seriously see a kid with a cold sore and instantly think "that child was molested "? Get your mind out of the gutter.
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That’s exactly how it works. People are less likely to care about boys, and if a boy shows any kind of fruity behavior then an adult will seize on that, telling themselves he’s asking for it. Gays are born gay. There are actually physiological differences, phenotypic differences.
Fitting that your tripcode literally says "FAGGOT"
Is that why there were day prime before TV?
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Swing and a miss
I'm not talking about mokeypox you illiterate mouth breathing retard
I knew a guy who got molested by his dads best friend once because his dad didnt give him a hug and guy got sad, so daddys friend offered him a hug and a seat on his lap. Guy actually went and sat on a 40 year old mans lap cause he was sad about his dad. So maybe theyre onto something OP
your family sounds like irredeemable trailer trash. your stepson probably had some kind of hormonal deficiency from the water in your trailer park
So you are the mythical bisexual

Did you mom have any fertility treatments done, or did she work in industrial/agriculture area? Or, final possibility, was she a vegetarian?
>there is no gay by molestation
Proven false, about 40% of gays are made this way, just by the stats.
They are just here for damage control/to provoke emotions.

Discord faggots or feds. They know what they're spouting is bullshit, it's either dishonesty, or they try to provoke emotions in you.

Best to leave ignore them and just post redpills and have a discussion with actual people. Learn to recognize bots/feds/vermin etc. 0 point in arguing cold truths. Please realize it yourself.
I was molested, i am a faggot. Dirty reddit spacer.
Some are, but they are hormonally or genetically defective and should stay in the closet their whole lives and never breed. If we can detect gays in the womb, we should be aborting them just like downies.
You motherfucking pastanigger. I am validating the molestation to gay pipeline and telling the other guy to stop replying to obv shills trying to act like it is not the case.

Or your also a shill trying to accuse me of being the opposite of what I am. You niggers use every tactic under the sun.
My bad.

You haven't done enough research to be credible. Continue to be an ignorant nigger, I don't care. Pollution and medications cause homosexuality via hormone disruption
Nope. The only thing notable about her pregnancy is that apparently she ate a lot of peaches (alongside a normal diet) and that according to her she expected a significant amount of stress caused by other family members, but i do not know any details. Maybe that has something to do with it.
And for the record, i am still sexually attrected to women and have occasional sexual encounters with them, I just avoid interacting with them due to how much stress they cause.
There were gays before those things because people have been molesting kids forever.
What's the logic here then? Gay adults are pedos that target gay children?

> R A R E F L A G!!!
> R A R E F L A G!!!
> R A R E F L A G!!!
> R A R E F L A G!!!
> A
> R
> E
> F
> L
> A
> G

Morcobro, very sorry for what we did to you guys in the war but cool you posted!
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Thank you for finally noticing
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You're not the real Elsa. The real Elsa got sniped in Gaza.
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Not being hostile but post what research you have on hand, anon. I imagine there may not be studies directly on point because of political reasons but oblique evidence is likely available. Interesting thesis you have and I want to learn more
Peaches are covered in pesticides and fungicides

Essentially your mom was taking anti-testosterone drugs while your brain was developing

Widely Used Pesticides with Previously Unknown Endocrine Activity Revealed as in Vitro Antiandrogens

Given the freedom to say it and raised without social stigma more than 10% of population admits they are lgbt (more have tried fooling around without identifying as such)

If the sexual abuse theory was correct it would mean more than 10% of population was a victim of pedophillia

And you people laugh at feminists and their rape statistics
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That is not the same. The are MALE not female. But I do see tons of women who, for lack of a better way to describe it, give off a sort of vulnerability under the "bad bitch" fake exterior, I am really good at reading people.
Homos really don't even know themselves at all.
Some kids are definitely born gay. Lifelong family friends of ours had 3 boys and I grew up with the youngest and that little nigga was a blatant homo since he was like 6 years old. Feminine way of speaking, feminine hobbies, listening to gay ass music, even had more feminine leaning facial features. He grew up to be one of those anti tranny homos though. I think trannies are definitely a product of mind shattering and induced mental conditions
He’s not wrong though
lol damn, he dropped his meme flag on accident and it was israel, thank you for that. Does no one get I’m making fun of elsa though? Ok
This kid openly admitted that he got it from sucking dick, what delusions do you fill yourself with?
his mouth was fucking covered with herpes and his mom warned us not to share drinks with him BECAUSE OF HIS HERPIES, and i quote "From when we caught him sucking Terry"
My testosterone levels are fine tho. Also i have no health issues and build muscle mass with ease. But thanks for the info tho, ill definitely look into it. I'll need to do some more research to see if it actually applies to me since im from eastern Europe so maybe they used other shit. I'll have to ask her where they were sourced from cause it's very likely she just got them from some village granny and no pesticides were used at all.
>it’s not sexual abuse that turns them gay
I wonder if they believe in the older brother effect.

>Fraternal birth order, also known as the older brother effect, has been correlated with male sexual orientation, with a significant volume of research finding that the more older brothers a male has from the same mother, the greater the probability he will have a homosexual orientation.
This may suggest that the mother's immune system kills the straightness out of her sons.
That can recall it. never let your children out of your sight.
If your going to pick a target and you need to keep your activity discrete, you are going to gravitate towards the type of child that is willing to go along with it. It is still abuse since children cannot consent.
Well you said it yourself that you can get herpes from just accidentally picking up the wrong glass. I'm sorry about your cousin but it's just false to assume mouth herpes are from suckin dick. Not to mention that it's actually more difficult to get the oral one from a dick than a glass of water cause they are two different types.
Also you probably have the virus too, since 80% of people get it before 30 one way or another but the vast majority never exhibit any symptoms. Go take a hsv1 test and you might be surprised
Your current testosterone levels are mostly unrelated to the hormonal environment in the womb when the structures of your body are developing.

Look into masculinization and digit ratio. Even the length of fingers is determined by this. Totally separate from your current T levels and all to do with Mom
In other words, homo-exterminationism is a real possibility contrary to what fag-enablers told us decades ago? Great! Let's create a Fag Detector then.
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Yep more evidence for what I've been arguming.

There is no gay gene, just genes that are vulnerable to hormone disruption. I even researched the gay GERM theory in depth, which was intriguing but did not have enough supporting evidence.

People fail to realize exactly how polluted our food and environment are. If your mom is eating conventional food, using conventional cleaning products, conventional makeup, and taking pills from a "fertility doctor" you're going to be feminized in the womb to some degree. This is the cause of trannyism, onions boys, and LGBT in almost all cases.

The male fetus is a delicate project. The human default is female. Any disruption of the process will make you more feminine and gay. It has happened to every man in this thread to some degree
Yes if we can reach paleolithic levels of environmental pollution homosexuality will cease to exist in most cases (assuming the mother isn't a vegan/vegetarian). This is why remote Hunter gatherer tribes have never heard of homosexuality and laugh at the concept. All of them were gestated without hormone disruption occurring
it’s the same as nigger bashing because they’re all homos
I grew up mostly around women and spent a lot of time with girls in school. I hate faggots and I'm married to a woman with a vagina.
>hate faggots
>love niggers
how you know they’re in the closet
>love faggots and love niggers
basically san francisco tier outwardly gay
>hate faggots and hate niggers
>love faggots and hate niggers
I'm a gay man and it's specifically because I got diddled all the time by adult women when I was a child
I legitimately hate and distrust women
whenever women came onto me as a teenager, I would get a fight or flight response and I knew why
The two DAP guys both be doing gay shit when young.
The skinny ginger one was in his teens when he got molested.
Old enough to know what was going on.
Funny that you mentioned that cause I used to know a guy who got diddled by a teen female family member when he was like 7 which consequently turned him into a hypersexual bisexual faggot who would have sex with anyone and anything, including animals and im almost certain he had a cp collection. Boys getting diddled by women isn't nearly as cool as people make it out to be and can traumatize a young child just as much as if it was molested by a man.

How do I protect my kids from pedophile women?

I know everything to look for in males thanks to this shithole, but never hear much about female pedos
we're allies fren you never waged war on us.
My mom is an aggressive sociopath and I am her only son which I think gave me a big boost in masculinity overall and would support your claims here.
This is literally what happens though. Predators prey on kids who seem more vulnerable
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can i see the scientific papers on that that you read

Of course faggots would believe that they can look at a crowd of kids, somehow pick out the gay ones, and target them for sexual child abuse, and then say it's their gayness that causes them to be sexually abused.
Olympic level faggot mental gymnastics.
It's a great basis for further propaganda. Then they can say that efforts to straighten out those gay kids are sexual abuse.
I've read many on this topic. Search Google scholar and dig. Key terms:

Maternal exposure
Maternal Progesterone
Endocrine disruption
Sexual orientation

EWG best place to learn about pesticides

To read a full scientific study drop the URL into sci-hub, it has liberated full text copies of most scientific research
honestly it's the same as looking out for male pedophiles
consistently explain to your child at a young age that other adults and children are not supposed to look at, touch, or talk about genitals unless it is their regular doctor (doctors are going to check for hernias, let them do their job)
don't make it into some scary thing, talk about it like you're talking about going to the grocery store
be careful about leaving your child alone with any adult, including family members
know and trust your child's caregivers
biggest giveaways of a potential predator are an adult who spends an inordinate amount of time with your kid, especially private time, and an adult who does not seem to recognize or respect the fundamental adult-child divide
an adult is an adult and a child is a child, they are different categories
adults with boundary issues are either pedophiles or willing to have pedophilic interactions
not all pedophiles are exclusively pedophiles, they'll do it once as a treat but that's enough to fuck a kid up
alive to oven
Thanks anon. The boundary description is very useful
Who is letting a random adult spend inordinate amounts of private time with their kid? Presumably you’re mainly referring to like a 0-10 age range where you could reasonably influence a child enough to not tell their parent something suspicious
the most important one is that not everyone who diddles kids is a pedophile exclusively
they might do it once in their whole lives, but that's because they have boundary issues, so that's the chief thing to look ou for
of course there are some people who genuinely love children and would never diddle or harm them, you should not see pedophiles in every corner, but as a parent you have to be involved in your kid's life and stay vigilant
especially when your kids become preteens: skilled pedophiles will make children think they want a sexual interaction, but that's where the parent comes in by laying down a foundation of "adults who try to be romantic/flirty with kids in any way are weird and you should run away from them"
correct but this can also apply to preteens with people like teachers, coaches, hell even an adult in a community art program can diddle your kid
people are good at convincing themselves that what they're doing is justified and the possible logical arrangements are endless
a woman could convince herself that a 12 year old is really mature and enjoys the attention she gets from him versus men her age and run with it
Word salad from worms
pedophile zen zinger
the jews turn kids gay, simple as
You faggots gave your gameplan away, now we know how you 'reproduce'
It'll soon be legal to shoot child molesters on sight if they're caught molesting.
>Let the games begin!
everyone has always known this is exactly how they reproduce
normies didn't.
my entire upbringing (blues state full of faggots) it was "Oh it's definitely genetic."
Not rare, not even uncommon.
t. 68 country flags left to collect
There are several types of gays.
>raped by man
>fucked in head by mom (most are in the tranny pipeline now)
>parasite infected (possibly related to rape)
>environmenta &l physiological factors

I've ordered these by frequency. The first 3 cover most by a wide margin, the last is inconsequential

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