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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Tucker is currently embracing controversy and difficult conversations, Rogan is avoiding them.
Rogan was awesome during COVID, but his relevance has really waned: too many comedians and athletes on lately.
I have the feeling that Joe doesn’t want his head in the bullseye anymore.
Since 2021, every conversation has literally been the same. all the "controversial" guests stopped being invited and hundreds of episodes were pulled down. It all just got tired. too many repeat guests. (Couldn't care about his stoner comedian buddies, ex navy seals, Mike Baker etc.)
Spotify gave him 100,000,00 reasons to stop doing what he was doing. They neutralized him. He’s purely corporatized now, whereas Tucker is beholden to Tucker. Rogan is beholden to Spotify.
I check in once in a while, but no longer listen regularly.
Joe went from someone who could relate to the everyday man (like myself) to an outright elitist, arrogant, asshole. Shame.
He got rid of redban and Eddie bravo and replaced them with fags like Jamie who try to fact check irrelevant things.
There is only so much of literally who "comedians" and constant reference to the "craft of comedy" music one can watch.
The number of interesting people is limited.
Not to mention the annoying scam ads like athletic greed's a green power that costs 100$ a bag, completely demented
Mike Baker is a dude worth listening to if you are the type that is willing to read between the lines. You can also get a barometer for what glowies are interested in. He did a recent one with Chris Williamson and seemed to hint something about the woman in the white shirt recording the shots fired
Dude I despise comedians talking about it as "art" attempting to be pretentious. No one actually wants to hear about the back end of comedy
its all worthless talk
Rogan's takes were beyond mid in the absolutely wild timeframe from the Biden debate to the Trump assassination attempt.

You want based takes watch Tim Dillon. Probably one of the only public figures out there not a shill for one side or are afraid to make based takes.
Yeah, when Joe has on one of his comedian or MMA buddies, it's usually a skip for me. That's been like 90% of his guests lately, and those conversations just aren't very interesting to me. I did listen to a bit of the episode with Bridget Phetasy the other day, and Joe started talking some feminist nonsense about how people in America try to control women's bodies but not men's. I had to turn it off.

I still like Joe overall but the quality of his podcast has noticeably slipped lately.
Net worth $200 million.
All of JRE’s episodes are comedians or MMA fighters. When he decides once in a blue moon to bring on a scientist or author, he starts rambling about wokism and doesn’t give them a chance to speak (see annie jacobson). Dude’s lost it. He’s turning into a bitter rambling old man just like The View but male.
Spotify turned him into a good goy
On Kill Tony they say they’re #1
I hate both of them but I'd rather watch that fag Carlson if I had a gun to my head.
I think KT getting more and more success is a good indicator of the overall decline of the comedy scene. I have also the impression that KT is getting more and more “purposefully political”, but I might be wrong
also tucker doesn't have the baggage of pushing illegal psychotropic drug use and then bailing on the "culture" (commiefornia) but still continuing to push it from the least progressive drug state in america, tucker is an og white male nicotine addict, that's why he's had ron paul on his show and not rogaine
Does this matter to Rogan? He gets paid tens of millions to hang and out talk to people he likes. It's free money for doing something he'd want to do anyway. I'm sure there's a nice bit of ego boost from having the most listened to podcast but it's pretty minor especially when he's still the second most listened to.
This reminds me of the argument over which is the tallest hotel in the US, the Westin Peachtree Plaza in Atlanta or the Renaissance Center in Detroit. Both were built from the same blueprints but the one in Detroit is on flatland and the one in Atlanta on a ridge. Who gets bragging rights over being "tallest" depends on if the service entrance is counted as an entrance or not.
To read this thread you'd think Rogan fell out of the top 10000 podcasts instead of being passed by a surging Tucker Carlson.
Rogan is sort of girls softball now. Bringing bitter wart face science guy in to shit on black scientist was off putting... no problem with silly alien stuff or drugs.. but unprovable physics theory... that’s too far!!!
Jamie is Rogan's CIA handler. Jamie is under the supervision of "Ex-CIA" Mike Baker.
Joe fell off quite a while ago, long before he made his Spotify move. I loved that show back in the day, I used to listen to it all the time from episode 500-1200 or so. When he made the move to Spotify, I already watched less and less, I couldn't be bothered to fire up Spotify to watch him. After he went back to YouTube, I gladly watched a couple of episodes, but it's all so stale now. I watch maybe one in ten episodes if there's a really interesting guest, but I can't be bothered for the most part. I think the Tucker episode was the last one I watched from a to z.
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You can only talk about DMT and Chimpanzees for so long
I stopped watching Joe when he opened his comedy club and every single guest from then on were comedians who wouldn't stop fellating Joe and how much he's done for the artform
>You want based takes watch Tim Dillon.
That's your idea of a based person with provocative takes? He has a couple of good takes and he's amusing from time to time, but you can't be an ironic and sarcastic fag 100% of the time, be an ironic and sarcastic fag 50% of the time and switch it up a bit.
Tucker was a regular at Comet Ping Pong.
It was kind of cruel to have Ron Paul on. The man is clearly losing cognitive function. I've followed Ron for a long time, probably around 1991.
Does "read between the lines" mean to ignore the things you don't like while inserting your own conspiratorial thinking? That's a rhetorical question. Mike Baker is a faggot.
I don't like when Joe Rogan goes on his drug rants or /x/ conversations. Its literally just "DUDE WEED, The Rant". I like when he has someone who has some knowledge on something interesting and lets them go off explaining things.
So was every political animal in DC. Humble pizza store owner was also one of the top fundraisers in the city.
Rogan cancelled Abby Martin when his AIPAC handler ordered him.
He's a shaboss like Jordan peterson
I miss the old Joe Rogan, the fun Joe Rogan. The one that used to advertise fleshlights. Joe Rogan has gone woke just like Bill Burr.
Tucker has some real nutjobs on though. That Scottish guy and Cernovich, for example.
He now takes on a kind of aloof, above it all, eye rolling attitude to Eddie Bravo's takes (not overly mean spirited - but he takes an attitude of "ok ok i;ll allow this kind of CrAzY talk because it's fun but of course I don't believe it) whereas before he was all in. i still like joe but he's become a little bit of a cunt
Do you seriously think either of them are not glowniggers?
The nutcases are at least interesting, though. I'd rather listen to a schizo ramble about wild theories for a couple of hours than some generic comedian or MMA fighter.
>black scientist
your 1x1=2 schizo nigger got btfo deal with it
True. I suppose it only bothers me because I think of Tucker as a journalist of sorts and hold him to a higher standard than I do entertainers.
Lex Fridman split his audience. I don't care about his comedian guests.
he was right to fire redban dude was literally retarded and interrupted all the time

at least on KT he's told to shut the fuck up constantly.
Lex sucks up to glowniggers.. how is that pinching joe’s guests?
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)
Lex is a jew, DO NOT watch his show
No different that retarded alien stuff... was the point

Nobody gives a shit if black guy has a theory... except for wart face
Joe Rogan has such milquetoast takes on things any who calls him far right has never actually listened to him. The only non-far left thing he takes a stance on is not letting men in women's sports.

In addition, he doesn't bring on any interesting guests any more. I would love to listen to a show with a historian. Instead, it's other unfunny hack comedians.
If joe was being fair, he’d bring in some physics academics to do the same to wart face crybaby. The academics mock that crybaby
this. eddy was the best
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Joe Rogan is so insecure about his height that he wears lifts in his shoes and jacks his chair up to appear taller than guests LMAO
He’s the platonic essence of the manlet lel
he gave "black scientist" a whole podcast, what the fuck are you on about? cope and seethe nigger lover.
It's pretty hard to listen to Rogan if you aren't a fan of MMA. He just does not shut up about it if the guest has even the slightest bit of of a connection to fighting.
Rogan can easily get Trump on his show and his ratings will go right back up . The only question is if he’s a pussy or not. He refused to do it last time
Lex is insufferable. He's always stopping to say some goofy ass Chicken Soup for the Soul bullshit like "Maybe I'm naive, but I believe love will win in the end", then drops a Bukowski quote... Like what the fuck is wrong with you, you cringey, neurotic, pencil-necked, Jewish virgin???
Gay. Literally gay. And appearing on JRE was the exact moment JRE started sucking.
I couldn't care less about these people or their precious opinions.
You’re missing my entire comment

The academics make fun of wart face. He basically advertises himself in a manner similar to how Einstein was memed

Wart face crybaby complains that he deserves a Nobel along with his brother and sister deserving awards. His phd theory is also retarded and mocked
This guy is literally the least charismatic person I have ever seen in my life. I have no idea how he got popular. Family connections? Bot subscribers?
Tucker is so fucking gay about loving Russia that it's not helping. It's making things worse honestly. The podcast scene is just not there anymore.
I can deal with him being a jew, not a problem. You're an Israeli jew and I talk to you normally, don't I? I just find it absolutely boring that about 75% of his guests are also jews and all they do is just jew around in a jewy fashion. This might be interesting for you guys, but it's completely uninteresting for goyim. He should name the show Lex's jew hour or something like that.
I mean the dude literally brought Dave Mustaine on so he could talk about martial arts for nearly a solid hour
He's like Rocky Balboa on Valium and he has the speech pattern of Forrest Gump but without the endearing southern accent.
maybe people finally realized how boring it is hearing two comics pontificate and drool over how important their profession is. Nothing worse than listening to two comedians talk about comedy. Like bro, no one cares about your green room stories.
I think that gets misconstrued as being sappy but he is actually after the truth. The truth usually feels like something sensitive and profound.

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