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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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=Grocery Store Visit=

Kamala Harris visits a local grocery store for a community engagement event.

Audience: Store employees and local shoppers.

Kamala Harris:
>"As we perambulate through these sanctuaries of sustenance, let us contemplate the essence of provision. Imagine, if you will, what can be, unburdened by the encumbrances of what has been. Each grain, each fruit, is a testament to the boundless potential of the morrow, untethered from the vicissitudes of yesteryear."

Harris gestures broadly to the produce section, her eyes scanning the ceiling as if searching for inspiration. She pauses dramatically between phrases, nodding as though affirming her own profundity. Shoppers exchange bewildered glances, some stifling giggles. A few employees nod politely, though their expressions betray confusion.

=School Visit=

Kamala Harris speaks to a group of elementary school students during a school visit.

Audience: Young students, teachers, and parents.

Kamala Harris:
>"Children, as you embark on this odyssey of knowledge, let your minds traverse the corridors of intellectual exploration. Envision what can be, unburdened by the shadows of what has been. The past pages are but mere preludes, and the future chapters are yours to inscribe with the ink of infinite possibilities."

She holds her hands clasped in front of her chest, occasionally spreading them wide as if revealing a grand vision. Her smile is fixed, eyes occasionally darting to her aides for reassurance. The children look puzzled, some fidgeting in their seats. Parents and teachers try to decipher her words, their polite smiles masking their bewilderment.

=Community Meeting=

Kamala Harris attends a community meeting to discuss local infrastructure improvements.

Audience: Local residents and city officials.

Kamala Harris:
>"As we converge at this juncture of communal progress, let us envisage what can be, emancipated from the burdens of what has been. Each thoroughfare, each bridge, is a manifestation of our collective aspiration, liberated from the inertia of history."

Harris uses sweeping hand gestures to emphasize her points, her gaze occasionally drifting as though pondering deeper truths. She leans forward earnestly, nodding to punctuate her statements. Residents exchange confused looks, trying to parse the meaning behind her elaborate language. Some officials scribble notes, attempting to translate her philosophy into practical terms.

=Small Business Roundtable=

A roundtable discussion with small business owners.

Audience: Small business owners, local entrepreneurs, and community leaders.

Kamala Harris:
>"In the spirit of enterprise, let us extol what can be, unburdened by the fetters of what has been. Each venture, each innovation, is a beacon of potential, unfettered by the specters of bygone eras. The marketplace of the morrow is a canvas, and you are the artisans of its future."

She interlaces her fingers, leaning in as if sharing a profound secret. Her eyes widen with each rhetorical flourish, as though to underscore the significance of her words. Entrepreneurs nod politely, their expressions a mix of intrigue and confusion. Some jot down notes, while others appear lost in thought, pondering the applicability of her lofty rhetoric.
She is masonic as fuck. All of her lines are esoteric cryptic mystic bullshit. She even lead a fake masonic police force in LA. Literal demon worshipper.

=Health Clinic Visit=

Kamala Harris visits a community health clinic to discuss healthcare access.

Audience: Healthcare workers, patients, and local health officials.

Kamala Harris:
>"Healthcare, a fundamental pillar of human dignity, must be envisioned as what can be, unburdened by the inequities of what has been. Each patient, each caregiver, embodies the promise of wellness, untethered from the maladies of historical injustice."

Harris places a hand over her heart, her voice softening for emotional impact. She makes deliberate eye contact with various members of the audience, as if seeking their individual validation. Health workers nod, though some seem skeptical. Patients listen attentively, hopeful yet uncertain about the practical implications. Officials glance at each other, wondering how to implement her abstract ideals.

=Environmental Conference=

Kamala Harris delivers a keynote speech at an environmental conference.

Audience: Environmental activists, scientists, and policymakers.

Kamala Harris:
>"The earth, our shared sanctuary, thrives on the potential of what can be, unburdened by the ecological transgressions of what has been. Each tree, each stream, is a testament to the inexhaustible vitality of our planet, liberated from the pollution of our past."

She raises her arms skyward, as if invoking a higher power. Her expression is one of solemn reverence, eyes glistening with earnestness. Activists nod vigorously, inspired yet unsure of the practical steps ahead. Scientists exchange skeptical glances, contemplating the gap between her rhetoric and actionable science. Policymakers take notes, preparing to translate her vision into policy proposals.
Is this real
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Why is Natsuki at the podium?
she will unite the country in us all hating her
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