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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why don't we have Direct Democracy in 2024? Representatives are corrupt parasites soaking up tax payer money and (((somehow))) becoming millionaires while in office(Stealing your tax money like blood sucking leeches.) We don't need representatives anymore. This isn't the 18th century, we have light speed communication now. We can hold referendums for the policies we do not like just like in Switzerland. It is instant, settled within a week, instead of waiting years for changes that will be undone later by the next representative of the opposing party.

Look at this evil shit:
If laws need to change the people can hold a referendum:
Governments also don't have to follow them, but if they want re-election they should

But for your first question I believe it's to counter the "tyranny of the majority"
America is a republic, shit for brains. Small states have no incentive to remain in the union in a direct democracy
You put it better than me
Considering my state goes one way every time I have very little incentive to vote, and the fact it's a joke
We don't need representatives, parasite. We can vote directly on the policies we want and hold referendums for the policies we don't want.
I wonder (((who))) benefits from (((representative democracy)))

Because "you don't know what's best for you".
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Switzerland reminds me of Babylonia from Skyland(2005.) Especially Davos. I have Swiss ancestries from Bern too. God I wish I could some how get Swiss citizenship based on a law of return of some sort. My Swiss ancestors are quite distant though(from the 1800's) I wish I could still get in though.

>But for your first question I believe it's to counter the "tyranny of the majority"
This makes no sense because the majority can vote for the policies they want through a representative it makes no difference. The only difference is a representative politician can't lie about enacting a policy or law and not do it and they also can't embezzle tax payer money and live like kings and aristocrats at the tax payer's expense. They need to GET A FUCKING JOB.
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Direct democracy doesn't work. How do you expect the entire population to be well informed enough on all aspects of what policy making would involve. To politicians its a full time job. Half of americans cant even name all US states from memory. You expect them to vote on domestic policy, let alone foreign one?
>Direct democracy
The US system is a republic.
Tragedy of the commons
He's insane. He already has tyranny of the few. Congress, Senate and the government are made of particular individuals with separate interests from the citizens and they together as particular institutions or all together are still a minority in comparison to the overall population and as such their decisions will always be theirs regardless of who elected them. The relation between a voter and elected official is not a legal relation where a lawyer represents his client. The voter elects an official or party, that party wins and thats it. The control that one house has over the other or over administation is inter institutional control and they receive no orders or mandates from citizens. Representation is a government of elected officials who got their free mandate from citizens while monarch was elected by God or some aristocratic body who have given him the mandate. As you can see both representation and monarch are based upon a legal fiction.
Because we're a union of states, retard.
When has a referendum ever given your people what they want?
Partial direct democracy makes sense but the implementation is challenging technically.

People could cheat and fake it easily.

There's also the issue of deciding what does get votes on.

I've thought of it and the idea was that if 90% of a populace think one way on a subject it's universal and if 66% want a local vote then the topic is based on majorities.

Something like that.
All republics are democracies but not all democracies are republics
the US is still not "completely" an empire yet, all imperial leftest scum need to die
>Why don't we have Direct Democracy in 2024?
Because the founding fathers were smarter than you.

Virgin democracy


Chad Rule of the 9

There's no such thing as either direct democracy or representative democracy.

It's an arbitrary semantic to fool midwits.
No government has ever been like that.
It doesn’t work
>Why don't we have Direct Democracy in 2024?

Because a simple majority shouldn’t be able to vote to exploit the minority. That’s called slavery.
>Why don't we have Direct Democracy in 2024?
because it works the exact opposite of how you want it to work. big corporations create ballot initiatives with flashy titles and summaries to get retarded goycattle like you to vote for it, and then sneak in provisions that benefit them in the actual law. but who votes on thise things reads the actual law. direct democracy is pure retardation that gives you the illusion of control. the only good form of direct democracy is are recall elections
>but no one who votes on these things reads the actual law
>Why don't we have Direct Democracy in 2024
its called mob rule
first it targets one out group, then another
until it eventually devours itself in an orgy of accusations and violence
>mario if he rape
Because, as the covid19 times have proven, most people are mostly mentally retarded idiot sycophants.
But what you say about our representatives is also a fact.
They are dirty, corrupt, demonic vessels.
In another hand, if everyone would simply adhere to our Constitution, we would have a nearly perfect country on all levels.

So, what is the answer?
I don't want to have to vote every day, the representatives are supposed to do that for me.
“Representative democracy” is not mutually exclusive with “republic”

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