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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What percentage of the content on /pol/ and /x/ is hypnotic, suggestive subliminal programming?
Pictures, posts, hidden subliminal suggestions in these.
Almost everything about 4chan is designed to lull you into constantly engaging with the negative energy here
All frog posts are meant to lure you into the cult of kek
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I would say 90%

Part of this are words and verbal programming similar to nlp.

Then there are the images with hidden content or obvious overt content about the desired situation or effect they want to programme into your mind.

Pic related. An image that evokes zombie attacks, zombie face with teeth in your subconscious. A reality manifestation programming to manifest the planned zombie apocalypse. They are using your mind, the minds of billions of people on Earth to create a new shared reality they want.
images are worth a thousand words and i read the words too.
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caspere knew this
Yes, I read that pepe the frog is an occult symbol. Whenever you look at it, you increase the power of this entity. You give your attention, you give your mental energy. These entities live off that energy.
Never click on images on 4chan. Apparently, sometimes these images do something to you in an invisible way.
Now you know how the political elite keep the average Joe down with this kind of mind control.
Yes its a tulpa
I helped create it
And this is only the beginning.
Works both ways

You can manifest your dreams with images

Use alchemy with the negative
Temple of Set transmuted it.
Temple of Set = Church of Satan = Luciferianism
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this >>475730614
it's all a psyop, i'm almost out of here though, i can feel it.
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correct. smart lad
If it is, the it's designed to deradicalise rather than create a wignat tradcath trump army.
The christians, conspiracists, American politics posters etc. do more to alienate the mentally stable than recruit them.
I was over at my foster mom's apartment today helping with some errands. She lives in a very urban city of a very blue state. After picking up her social security check we went to one of the nearby Whole Foods. It’s the kind of place that hipsters, vegans, legit pink pussy hat wearers and trust fund kids go to unwind with a wheat grass onions latte.

Former President Trump was on the TV and the local social worker said to his public administrator buddy (gay lovers since the aids epidemic), “You know what? He wasn't so bad. Inflation was low, the border was secure, and we didn't see any new wars. I can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Mar-a-lago Don’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yas Queen” and “poggers" from the twitch streamers around me. Even saw the lonely blue haired cat lady smile and raise her orange tabby with a hand nitted Maga hat.
>What percentage of the content on /pol/ and /x/ is hypnotic, suggestive subliminal programming?
most of it. thats all of 4chan though.
doesn't need to be hypnotic. and really its more pavlonian and bearnaisian than anything.
for the general population constant messaging is all that's needed. the kamala spam for example would sway the npc that browses 4chan. it's not that they are just spamming the board to push off other posts, though thats part of it, t's to give a false sense of majority thinks X.
your phone and computer screen already put you in an altered state of consciousness through flickering and em fields. So if you wanted to influence opinion on here you just need to spam all day everyday whatever it is you want to happen and learn some advertising psychology
What's wrong with Kek?
brb deleting all my pepe reaction pics
chaos leads to instability.. but maybe that chaos in needed for order
ironically I've received multiple signals throughout my life that there is an afterlife, but when I ask the question on if we ever reunite with lost animals or people you knew I get fucking NOTHING. I suppose I'm being greedy because people have killed themselves demanding answers from God or the universe or whatever about hte concept of an afterlife but maybe it's because I don't care that much about my own that they saw fit to show me. I also got visited by a hubcap ufo but X was telling me it was a nephilim or some shit with the ring of wings. again. I don't care so it doesn't matter to me. If aliens exist then they should show us how to extend lifespans and regrow teeth otherwise fuck off and leave us alone who cares.
Then what’s the Temple of Horus?
a man holding a sword can be injured by his own weapon
I intend to turn the Usurpers own weapons against him
the War in Heaven never ended
But it will.
i'll tell you this, dont trust supernatural beings that show up, they are up to no good.

if you have God, you'll be fine, i was also "visited" by these ayys, the red disk from a distance and a gray in my "sleep" (it was pissed)
either way, i'll live in spite of whatever narrative gets pushed.
Live the Horus, Strong-Bull-Appearing-as-Justice;
He of the Two Ladies, Establishing Laws and
causing the Two-Lands to be Pacified;
Horus of Gold,
King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Nefer Kheperu Ra Wa en Ra,
Son of Neb-maet-Ra
(Lord of the Truth like Ra)
Son of Ra, Amenhotep (Amon is pleased)
Hek Wase (Ruler of Thebes), Given Life.
Mighty Bull, Lofty of Plumes;
Favorite of the Two Godesses,
Great in Kingship in Karnak;
Golden Hawk,
wearer of Diadems in the Southern Heliopolos;
King of Upper and Lower Egypt.
Beautiful-is-the-Being of Ra,
The Only-One-of-Ra,
Son of the Sun,
Peace-of-Amon, Divine Ruler of Thebes;
Great in Duration, Living-for-Ever-and-Ever,
Beloved of Amon-Ra, Lord of Heaven.
wide hips on thin girls
large, naturally perky breasts on thin girls
thigh gap
ghost nipples, pink
shapely asses
blonde, red hair
blue, green eyes
this hypnotism works every time
A lot of the time we reunite with them during our lifetimes anon.

When you reunite with them eternally, is when they are God.
Favourite of which two Goddeses?
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Not clicking that link, globro

Chaos is preferable to the current hellscape we live in
clown world IS chaos though
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Wadjet and Nekhbet

Thou dost appear beautiful
On the horizon of heaven
Oh, living Aten
He who was the first to live

When thou hast risen on the Eastern Horizon
Thou art fair, great, dazzling,
High above every land
Thy rays encompass the land
To the very end of all thou hast made.

All the beasts are satisfied with their pasture
Trees and plants are verdant
Birds fly from their nests, wings spread
Flocks skip with their feet
All that fly and alight
Live when thou hast arisen.
How manifold is that which thou hast made
Thou sole God
There is no other like thee
Thou didst create the earth
According to thy will
Being alone, everything on earth
Which walks and flies on high.
Thy rays nourish the fields
When thou dost rise
They live and thrive for thee
Thou makest the seasons to nourish
All thou hast made
The winter to cool
The heat that they may taste thee.
There is no other that knows thee
Save thy son, Akhnaten
For thou hast made him skilled
In thy plans and thy might
Thou dost raise him up for thy son
Who comes forth from thyself.
Glowies post a lot of flashing images in the humour threads that are supposed to be hypnotic.
Not at all. All of the evil we see is carefully planned, organized and executed by a small party of men following a plan. A very successful plan
It was on a flight to Reno, flying down for landing. I remember because I looked around and kind of laughed to myself, like how can they not see this? I briefly thought it was going to take the plane down but it did nothing other than take a curious look then pass when I touched my smartphone (which I knew I should not do but I did anyway.)

I died briefly from a virus as a teen, was unresponsive, stiff and white eyed, etc for 24 hours apparently. Dreamed I was in a waiting room and "nurses" were annoyed that I was at the counter asking questions. Alien emotions in a human face, like trying to read body language from an opossum. Was basically told to fuck off and go back where I came from cause I wasn't done yet. Separately, I had an on-minute, death visitation by a girl that died, who was a furry and I saw her as she draws herself which was interesting. Just lying on the beach but we couldn't talk. (I had taken her to the beach for the first time and last in her life before so it was significant.) Woke up and saw death messages on twitter and thought it was a meme, almost joked about it until I saw it was real. Literally down to the fucking minute.

Like you said, all I can do is live in spite of it all. I have been warned that overstaying my welcome in that plane has consequences. It also seems to hurt severely when they try to contact us. Probably punishment.
Lovely, thank you
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>hypnotic content
Like those you see before EVERY (((news))) cast world-wide, those circles, that overload the brain into completing them?
All alien contacts is are the same single consciousness that floats around earth and changes its appearance to suit our time frames and technological progress. They are also all psychological phenomenon which can cause group hallucinations. There are something like 3,000,000 sighting and meetings in the last 20 years.
hypnosis isn't real.
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all of it
especially this
that's death.
the last time you die you should be able to handle it better.

when i saw it it was at a distance, i told it to leave, and it flew up, down, then up again and disappeared.
death is good at bluffing, but it's been defeated, so dont worry to much about it.
It's real, I saw an "x-rated" hypnosis act where the guy hypnotized a couple, and made the girl believe his arms were giant penises. When he put his arm around her she had a full on "I was molested at 6" meltdown screaming and crying, they had to shut the show down.
You shot be shot at point blank range, in the face.
Don't speak to me, rat-face.
You should be executed too.
You are human excrement.
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Why are kikes so fixated on shit?
That’s how kgb operatives inside the US military operate btw

If anyone is wondering why that guy is using sexual abuse imagery.

You have no conscience. Subhuman
Mkultra soviet sleeper cell. Omega yourself.
Temple of Set, Temple of Horus ...
These are practically the same, Satanism.

Satanism comes in a lot of different packaging to attract as many souls as possible.
I think the fact that there are people who legitimately get pissed of about pepe memes gives it power.
It's funny.
Looks like Richard Corben art, except he usually does a lot of airbrush shading
He has cancer of the pancreas

The operative in this thread.
Defile the Holy


That’s how it works from now on
Its beserk
Images altered to trick machine vision can influence humans too


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