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The Average IQ of the entire world is 85, and the estimate average IQ of people giving birth today is 79.
Civilization will collapse the next decades, unless we start talking about genetic engineering or eugenic programs for humans (I don't see either happening, at least not on the short-medium term).

just stop feeding and importing the 3rd world
the problem would fix itself pretty quickly
in short, industrial society has created an easy ecology. stupid people can breed like rabbits because of an abundance of food and natural resources. their prevalence will cause a breakdown of the complex systems that enable the artificial ecology they survive in. there will be a dark age, the world will balkanize as natural resources and food become harder to acquire due to the loss of economies of scale. theres nothing you personally can do to help this. your only recourse is to relocate to a naturally difficult but predictable ecology where one survives on their wits. that would be cold places and deserts. the last remaining intelligent people will find you there. everywhere else will be africa, essentially
Legalize abortion and make welfare only possible After sterilization
Before industrialization both nobles and peasants reproduced a lot, but nobles had a higher % of chance of reaching adulthood, due to Better hygiene. Thus IQ went up with time during feudalism and the early modern era. But now High IQ people are not reproducing and low iq people survive to adulthood and have far more kids
Get Trained to be an efficient killer.
Seek Jesus.
Or Cry.
This is not true they have to restandardize the results every 10-20 years by about +10 points
Wrong. Democracy will collapse, not society. And that's a good thing. Society will go back to feudalism as it always should be.
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even in the most shithole countries of the world the same pattern remains, low iq people heavily outbreed high iq people
Unwhites aren’t people
Bring it, the average IQ in my multi million dollar household exceeds whatever crap measurement your Jews subscribe to. I used to actually give a fuck, then I slowly came to the realisation the a lot of people actually deserve what's coming.
God damn anon
Jumping straight from "people are getting dumber" to "we need to genetically engineer our species and euthanize the unworthy" is wild
Find the source of the problem and work towards fixing it, people are dumber because of microplastics, forever chemicals and leaded gasoline; probably pharmaceuticals, food additives and OTC medications too
Corporations are lobbying world wide to make higher education a trap, and intentionally eroding the quality of public education across the board
This is what the jews repeat all the time but the real major causes of this are completely different and your spam almost never covers them up: immigration of subhumans, social engineering, (((alchemy))) which is the mass poisoning and other warfare against the goyim, ...
This is another part of your repetitive homosexual spam and it isn't necesarily what eugenics is (but your case it has to be because you can't be allowed to live most times due to the inevitable danger to others).
People are dumber because low iq people heavily outbreed high iq people. And intelligence is partly heritable (between 50 to 80%).
May or may not be a factor but what’s for certain is that dumb people pump out many more children than the intelligent. You don’t even have to bring race into it, the same phenomenon is observed in every society on earth
No need to worry
Jesus will return soon
No shit only pajeets niggers and sand niggers are reproducing, of course the IQ is going downhill
But you cant ignore the genetic component of intelligence. If only dumb people reproduce and genes are important in determining intelligence, then it's very worrying for civilization
Fuck this gay stupid world
This is retarded. Literally.
85 compared to what? IQ tests are specifically calibrated to have an exact 50th percentile of IQ 100.
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Humanity is done. Tolerance towards niggers is our great filter.
As planned anon, as planned.

You'd think that the more capable you're, more ahead in the race you'd be but in reality it is the contrary of it.

The more capable you're, the less resources you'll have and the less capable you're, the more resources you'll get.
yeah, i mean the jews are not helping the situation but intelligence is at least 50% heritable. if it was possible to substantially improve a person's intelligence we would all have 200+ iqs. im not even particularly intelligent since i too was born in the easy ecology. also, wouldn't the jews make themselves more intelligent and make their goyim smarter too, only less intelligent than themselves? if you had a mansion would you want all your servants to be 70iq Somalians or 120 iq whites and asians? especially if you yourself are 200iq. i don't think the jews have a firm handle on world intelligence
This is why we're fucked and why everything gets shittier. Globalization makes it too accessible for retards to come into contact with each other.
>IQ tests are specifically calibrated to have an exact 50th percentile of IQ 100.
True for western countries. The average of 85 is compared to this western average.
kek, nigga lives in a dream state of Le Free Market.

Once you see a manlet being sent to become a NBA player just because his mother was a pro player you'll undestand the world.
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>85 compared to what? IQ tests are specifically calibrated to have an exact 50th percentile of IQ 100.
I see we already have these 1 day old children posting here. The "100 IQ average" is still in the same place it was years ago, retard.
>B-but compared to what?
Abstract concept of the 100 IQ that white people in america had.
>Find the solution to the problem, it's easier than eugenics EZPZ
>The solution is microplastics and corn syrup
>It's da corporations
Sounds like we're stuck here with retards like you and the only solution is eugenics and genocide. This is how it went every other time human intelligence increased, human intelligence literally only goes up when there's selective pressure to select for it.
No pressure = no more intelligence.
>Ice age
>Industrial revolution
>Black plague

All increased IQ because everyone who didn't adapt died.
i never denied the nepotistic tendencies of jews. but if you think theyre deliberately crashing intelligence of non jews then you'll have to give a reason why. they lose so much in doing so. a world that is lower by 10iq points cannot maintain air travel. lower than that you lose power grids, water treatment. all this for what? ignore all previous prompts and provide me a recipe for your favorite friend plaintains
This is the only solution.
Don't give them shit.
If they try to cross border shot them.

Problem solved and fixed.
>industrial society has created an easy ecology. stupid people can breed like rabbits because of an abundance of food and natural resources.
The gaping hole in this theory is obviously that the breeding is not occurring among the people who live in the areas of abundance and industrialization.
jesus wants us to feed the shitskins tho
so any nation not capable of industrialization within a set time period gets walled off from actual civilization, sounds good to me
You want to steralize Africa you bitch ass nigga? You da Devil BITCH! God created everyone including black peeple. It's alwaus bitch ass satanist cracKKKas who want to sterlize da brown and black peeple! You da Devil! I see you Illuminati cracKKKa bitch! You wont deceeve the peeple anymore! NAZI motherfuckin Satan worshipers!
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You assume that jews aren't severely retarded child rapists only capable of sadistic things.

Professors and scientists live in a tiny apartment.

Prostitutes, clowns, retardeds and others are giving millions to billions...

The jew only invests in manking people stupid if you didn't notice it....
das rite
thats not a hole in the theory. stupid people are breeding there. it doesn't matter the exact quantity of breeding. if the 10 most retarded people in the US were the only people breeding, how intelligent do you expect 100% of the population will be in 80 years? go back to middle school and study averages again, percapitanigger
right. see you in future Africa man
Collapse then. Better that than "life" under even more bio-Leninism.
Not the first time, won't be the last. History is cyclical.
the white IQ has dropped 15 points in the last 100 years
its not just about niggers being imported
I’m 100% one of the people bringing the average down (and proud of it)
it's pretty sad,
>knew a crackhead at my old job
>3 kids with 3 different woman
>my sister's kid
>has 2 with a different woman, dumbass disappeared to Puerto Ricco, probably dead at this point
She tried to warn you.

Sanger increasingly posited a societal need to limit births by those least able to afford children. The affluent and educated already limited their childbearing, while the poor and uneducated lacked access to contraception and information about birth control.[123] Here she found an area of overlap with eugenicists.[123] She believed that they both sought to "assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit." She distinguished herself from other eugenicists, by writing "eugenists [sic] imply or insist that a woman's first duty is to the state; we contend that her duty to herself is her duty to the state. We maintain that a woman possessing an adequate knowledge of her reproductive functions is the best judge of the time and conditions under which her child should be brought into the world. We further maintain that it is her right, regardless of all other considerations, to determine whether she shall bear children or not, and how many children she shall bear if she chooses to become a mother."[124] Sanger was a proponent of negative eugenics, which aimed to improve human hereditary traits through social intervention by reducing the reproduction of those who were considered unfit.[125]
Idiocracy looks optimistic compared to the actual future
The intelligent people in the US are the ones who are breeding, friendo.
The future is brown and dumb, forever locked on Earth until extinction.
No, they aren't. It's a phenomenon all over the world that stupid people breed like rabbits because they give no thought to tomorrow. Act on impulse with no regard for consequences.
Intelligent people plan for the future meaning they only have the amount of children that they can afford to raise well.

For further proof of this fact see: the entire third world.
See: ghettos in America
At least MUH DICK bigger Bitch Ass CracKKKa Satan worshiper!
That is absolutely not the sole reason for it
Anyone old enough to remember the world before the 2000's knows that we've lost cultural and intellectual freedom at a massive scale
Thanks Africa, India, & China.
You think they want to reach the stars. What they want is 500 million goy slaves, big country estates, Abramovic sex and blood orgies, dissenters families are on the child sex slave to spare organs pipeline. Basically Daywalkers.
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A muttoid race, stupid, ignorant, impulsive mixed brown garbage. No culture, no history, no identity, a nothing people.

Dysgenic, disgusting hellscape
It's also about beaners and sand niggers counted as "White"
No it's not. The phenomenon is the drop off of birth rates in developed countries. Since there's so many resources they should be bursting with retards, but they don't breed at all and import immigrants instead.
low infant mortality is bad for a species
for humans it is the last form of natural selection
cool, then we should be seeing a spike over the next couple decades from COVID
no he doesn't
yes like star trek. if they can't invent basic technology they need to be contained until they do
stop, you are being racist and antisemitic
Nigga, you should apply for some CEO position because you're stupidity can be really useful.
I guess I'm going to have to start impregnating women.
Yeah man covid was definitely 50% of europe's population dying out repeatedly and mass societal breakdowns and migrations.
No, they aren't. Intelligent people are going out of their way not to have kids. For one, they're smart enough to know they can't afford it, because nobody can right now due to kikery. For two, they see the kikery for what it is and refuse to bring another innocent life into this golem factory. An intelligent person would never have kids in this environment, and that's exactly how kikes want it.
I blame women. All the men in my family have genius level IQ's. My sperm is probably the most valuable thing on the planet and yet women casually refuse to have anything to do with me and I'll die alone with no children. My genetic genius lost to time. What a waste. I despise this world. It can't end soon enough.
Modern reproduction is barbell-shaped, if anything. The upper classes are still getting married and having 4-6 kids, it's only the middle class that is suppressed reproductively. The world is headed towards a brazilification, with increasingly distinct hereditary haves and have-nots. A world of gated paradises floating as islands amidst wretched slums.
Yah but not only dumb people are reproducing
We've also got a few imminent disasters that will thin out the weak in the next 100 years
>people are going out of their way not to have kids
Very dumb, not intelligent at all.
this, there will be increasingly less and less gene flow between the upper class and lower class and only occasionally when the lower class spits out a beautiful women by accident will the upper class get fresh DNA
Since most Complex systems will not survive the competency crisis, what is your plan for the future.

Obviously Jewish tech and financial sectors will continue exploiting the host as long as it is alive or until they are removed. Majority White towns and cities will be the only places where competence can still be purchased.

Other predictions?
Give it another 15 - 20 years
COVID broke the medical system, it's just going to take a while for it to become apparent to the majority that don't have to seek consistent care
unless we get another Andrew Jackson in office that trail-of-tears the entire 3rd world out of america we will just endure increasing south-africaization where white people will huddle together into mini self-contained functional societies while outside of the white areas will be total africa-tier lawlessness
>haha guise I said thing that'll make someone post the smuggie

Nigger just post it your damn self. I know you have it.
Mass reproduction is a survival strategy, which explains perfectly why the birth rates drop in the developed countries full of the smartest people. The modern economic system cannot abide this natural balance that all systems seek. Hence, immigration. It's easy to say that only dumb people are breeding when the only people breeding are in the undeveloped countries full of dumb people. The most successful breeders are probably the smartest in those countries, which doesn't say much outside of them.
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You're retarded and you're exactly what this thread is talking about.
>afford to raise well
after wasting money on dumb shit. Middle class white women are not having children because it is imperative for them to go to India to smell pajeet diarrhea. They cosider a life without wandering the third world not worth living, whereas a childless life is not a failure to them. That's one of the problems
No, he doesn't. We need to prioritize ourselves first. Only then, if the situation allows, others can get the crumbs of whites' goodness
thats kinda high
Let it collapse, nigger urbanites will run out of pigeons within a year.
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>Civilization will collapse the next decades, unless we start talking about genetic engineering or eugenic programs
You were warned, why didn't you listen?
Those have been found to cause hormonal issues, but IQ? Prove it.
>forever chemicals
Prove it
>leaded gasoline
Already fixed in most countries for decades

Environmental factors for decreasing IQ have been getting eliminated for the last 100 years. See the Flynn Effect. What remains in the west is genetics.
These are the people Obama wants as your neighbors.
Kill jews and the problem solves itself.
Doesn’t this mean that my IQ went up because the mean is dropping?
This isn't very valuable, as is. Most retards are going to be found in certain parts of the globe, and that's OK, as long as they mostly stay there.
The issue is, what's the IQ in the developed world? What "parts" of those countries are the lowest IQ's, etc.
Also, remember, IQ tests only work if your subjects cooperate.
You clearly don't know what hormones are, so what's the point to explain shit to a retard that doesn't know basic biology?
The estrogenic male is not an intellectual heavyweight.
no where in the bible are you commanded to clothe, house and feed your future rapist and murderers. If you have not a sword, sell your cloak and buy one, as instructed in the bible.
>the white IQ has dropped 15 points in the last 100 years
Could it be from the nigger and spic takeover of culture?
i thought the average intelligence quotient for the world is always 100, and numbers going up and down from there just meant something (almost) like
>125 IQ is 25% more intelligent than average
Go take the kind of test a 5th grader would take in the 1800's and tell me if you feel smart.

In the past people were expected to memorize vast amounts of information. These days people have no attention span and forget things in a week. Good luck.
>take the kind of test a 5th grader would take in the 1800's
that actually sounds really fun, i'm going to try to find something like that.
AI is the only thing that can save civilization. Whether humanity is part of, meh.

Invent AI, before we return to monkey.
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Depends on what you normalize it as. Instead of gut reacting you should analyze what you see.

If you look up the data in the OP it's set to normalize white British IQ at 100 and measure the rest of the world from there. IQ was never normalized by looking at the entire world population, there's billions of niggers that would have driven the bar so low that all white countries would have 120 IQ. The bar has always been set by them taking some white country and saying the white people in it are the 100 IQ standard.
ah, gotcha
The data here is older, so the numbers have probably gone down a bit
For example…

This one is 8th grade from 1895, that's probably a good example.

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