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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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dude brings nothing to the table and has zero appeal to reach out to swing voters. Might cost Trump the entire election.
it's over
Tucker said every snake in the republican party was trying to sell their soul up until the announcement was made to get anyone but vance and that is why trump picked him. If they can’t impeach him, jail him or kill him, they will try to surround him with their people. Trump knows how the game is played this time around and is having none of it
Why does the deep state hate Vance so much?
And we used to think Sarah Palin was a mistake, absolute hilarity from conservashits. Constant, unyielding retardation decade after decade.
No surprise that Tucker would be peddling a false dichotomy and even less a surprise that Trump would believe in one.
I can't pinpoint it, but I get irrationally angry just looking at his face
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>I was totally going to vote for Donald Trump but changed my mind because he chose JD Vance as his running mate.

Find me one person who's said this. I'll wait.
Holy shit you shareblue shills are a broken record.
Nobody cares about the VP pick you laughable moron.
I trust tucker more than anyone else on this. I still hate the Vance pick but I think he makes a good point
He's a chinless manlet
Vance is Peter Thiel's bitch faggot. How is he an outsider?
Tuckers a grifting faggot

he's a dem plant. this was discussed back in 2020 when he was used as direct opposition to the republican party by the new york times, in an attempt to garner right wing sympathy for poors.
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>Tuckers a grifting faggot
Tucker is based and you're a nigger. Probably angling for a job in the administration
He's white, as a white man, i only vote for white men. Suck my balls niggerlovers
former Trump supporter here. ngl it's pretty hilarious watching him crash and burn. seriously though, we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.
You sound like the squad bitching about affordable tampons.
He's completely bought and owned by the deep state, you drooling retard
Mike Pence did a pretty shit job, but Dick Cheney and Coonmala need at least honorable mentions.
Trump chose him thinking he could help secure rust belt, looking to q crushing defeat of sleepy joe. He gout outplayed by Dems who waited till after the rep convention to make the switcheroo so Trump couldn’t choose a DEI VP. Will be studied in poli sci classes for centuries.
>tfw Trump didn't go for an absolute wildcard like Kanye or Mark Zuckerberg or some shit
Trump picked an unlikeable chud as assassination insurance. The feds might commit treason for President Haley but not President Vance.
Why let such low hanging fruit go to waste. Trump handed them a free win with this choice.
>Might cost Trump the entire election.
It already did. Its over. All he bring are a few christcucks who would have voted for Trump anyway. Christcucks are the niggers of the GOP.
Why are there so many commies on this site nowdays?
Vance appeals to the everyday man, he was an everyday man. Men lead their households.
The more men feel that the ticket represents them the more they will support it. Thus bringing their household support with it.
JD bowman hamel Vance is the real niggerlover here, or have you forgotten he’s married to a poo
>Vance appeals to the everyday man, he was an everyday man.
What will he do to help the everyman?
He looks like a redditor who goes to church every sunday, diddle kids on saturday and take one in the butt on wednesday. If you're a man and are appealed by this guy you may as well start transitioning desu.
Ah yes, the gay-curious, couch fucking, daddy issues, pajeet loving every day man. Lmao
Ok rabbi
>Might cost Trump the entire election
He's a bad pick but has the vp ever been important enough to swing an election either way?
I went to elementary school with JD Vance, or JD Bowman as he was known then. He wet his bed until he was 13 and we all called him JP Soakman. That's the real reason he changed his name to JD Vance. But then we just called him JP Pants and he left our school
I’m conflicted. He’s a s0iboi who settled for a poojeet and his saber rattling with Irab, but his childless cat lady comment was based.
Either way, not vooting, not giving my consent for this jewed system lmao
>has the vp ever been important enough to swing an election either way?
No but it's so bad it might be a first.
tulsi gabbard was right there. then boom outta nowhere this fucking guy. but whatever im voting for trump not vance
Why are leftist so worried about Trump's VP? If he's so bad than just shut up and stop making 8 threads about it every day
>Nooo you cant talk about political stuff on a political board.
unironically yes. He's worse than Palin.
Trump's only hope is if Vance stays in the shadows. There could still be enough voters who think Trump>Harris, as long as they ignore Vance.
They're targeting everything they possibly can. It's desperation.

Most people don't give a shit about the VP pick, yet suddenly heaps of 1pbtid /pol/ threads and twitter posts are appearing screeching about JD Vance. It's obviously unnatural.
Why are all trannies saying this?
Sorry, Chaim, JD stays and you seethe.
We all get that this is a play to get Trump to switch out the way your failing party did when Biden shit himself for the last time, but it’s not gonna work, kikes.
Better head back to Plebbit and whine about how someone called you a nigger here for the 100th time, you gay ass gorilla nigger.
I doubt it. Especially if Kamala goes with Buttgieg instead of Shapiro, then both vp picks will be trash. But I don't think it will matter anyway, there is nobody in the country who has stronger feelings about Vance than Trump.
you gonna cwy about it? :(
This. Stop talking about a major political candidate and go back to talking about Hawk Tuah and Gen Z Boss. This is /pol/ after all!
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Hard to beat Palin and Pence. Or HW, although one could argue Reagan was HIS pick. But yes, JPee Pants is a fucking dogshit move by Trump. Dude has some terrible advisors.
Ken Griffin was apparently very against Vance so I accept him
Vance is a connection to Peter Thiel. Vance is a puppet with no personality and is very inoffensive.
I wish some hacker could get a copy of the actblue talking points.
How bad a pick could H.W. have been if he ended up winning a presidential election himself?
Yes next question
He's from the center of a region he needs to win, He's from a lower class family in Ohio, a state that borders Michigan and Pennsylvania, and is very close to Wisconsin. States Trump needs to win. States Trump has Pence exclusively campaigning in until the election.

Stop saying he should have picked corporate neocon cocksuckers like Nicki Haley. We need to move away from RINOs.

He made a good choice and anyone shilling against Vance is a liberal trying to muddy the waters.
Kek. He ran against Dukakis. Your mom could've won the 88 election.
I can't get behind JD Ganges because he has a brown wife and brown children. He has no stake in the future of White people.

That said, VPs' affect on a presidential race is usually way overstated. At the end of the day, people are choosing between Trump and Kamala.
Oh man, his wife's a poo? I better vote for the actual Indian in the Democrats presidential slot then! Thanks for the head's up, anon!
Democrat shill or Richard Spencer style sperg who feels entitled to lead the conservative movement because you were kicked out of the liberal club?
explain the shitjeet wife
Vance is literally Peter Thiel's guy lmfao, pretty sure he was the guy the swamp wanted Trump to pick. You're a retard.
Concern trolling . Vance is fine
get the 7/11 deliveries sorted Raj, they will get cold if you spend too much time on 4chan defending your race
Vance is a Thiel stooge though, so he's not much better than the deep state. He's still in leagues with Jewish pederasts, just a neofeudalist autistic faction
the thiel slave will help zion don make israel great again
He's already the worst pick. He doesn't bring any new voters to the bloc and in fact has caused Republican voters to turn away. At least Pence brought the evangelical vote that likely put Trump over the line.

I really, really hope they replace him. If they don't, I'm not voting for Trump. Listing to Vance's policies brings back a whole level of freedom restriction in the style of Bush Jr. If he was actually doing it for the good of the country, fine but we know he's doing it for his venture capitalist friends to enslave us more and push further globalization and multiculturalism which will kill the nation just like it killed his bloodline.
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Where's the Indian who pretends to be black Kamal's VP pick?
Holy shit someone that wasn't paid to post. Unbelievable.
Fuck you. Vance is an NWO stooge already hawking war with Iran.
Says on people with children can vote.
That means women, but how does a man prove he has children when a woman denies it? Fuck off, this is feminism in a conservative costume.
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Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Back up to your "words are magic" tricks eh? I uv luv luv Vance! I get whiter just thinking how much Vance pisses you off. Now go back to spinning your top.
Vance is great. This election has been so goddamn boring other than the assassination attempt. Just low energy kike pandering and project 2025 fear mongering. Even Trump's shittalk game is weak, "laughing Kamala", really? Fuck out here. But then this retard comes along and everyone is talking about fucking furniture and dolphin pussy.
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Vance: Marine, Yale Law School Graduate, Author, Venture Capitalist, Senator, Vice President Candidate, Father, Not Nikki Haley and most importantly, he has all the deep state stooges talking to themselves!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!
How many share blue concern troll threads about jd vance are we gonna get? Jfc. It's so disingenuous. Nobody is obsessed with a vp pick like this. You've been trying to push this narrative all week.
King Thiel and Grand Vizier Vance will be glorious.
How many amphibious expeditionary forces did your supposed "zionist stooge" send to the middle east when president dummy? LITERALLY ZERO That will never change and is now set in stone and he made them sign peace accords to boot! You guys failed in your attempt to make him another proxy warmonger. Ha Ha Ha!!!
He wants to improve the lives of poor White people, which cannot be allowed.
Implicit message: "We (meaning you) own the women vote and have had women living down to their "foolish [not] virgin" solipsistic self-destructive nation-destroying stereotypical selves and are cashing that chip in by calling JD Vancth anti-feminitht". Got it. Fuck you.
What was pences appeal?
He looked like Race Bannon.
Go back to watching the news about the border, Kamala.
>choosing Kamala over Trump based solely on a VP

Kek. No one does this. Only a leftist would prefer Kamala. Anything you think Vance will do (which can't be much since he would only be the VP) can't possibly be anywhere near as bad as a Kamala Harris presidency.

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