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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What's the actual reason so many shitlibs on Twitter all pretend to care so much about Palestine? Is it just because it's the Current Thing™? It seems like they've completely forgotten about Ukraine.
because low iq third worlders matter more than low iq 2nd worlders to them
because what is happening in Gaza is absolute hell compared to Ukraine and totally criminal but the West is aiding and supporting it at every level
>What's the actual reason so many shitlibs on Twitter all pretend to care so much about Palestine?
How many civilians have died in Ukraine? There's your answer. These kikes are committing a full-on genocide and your tax dollars are funding every bit of it. Some people aren't spineless cowards like you and have the balls to openly criticize the evil kikes.
Shit libs can be easily programmed like automatons.
I'm not saying what's happening in Gaza isn't bad, I'm just wondering why Twitter shitlibs are suddenly pretending to care about it. This is the only time I've ever seen them go against the government narrative.
Because Israel's existence depends on US support even more than Ukraine's. The settlements in the West Bank are settled by people from Brooklyn. When Hamas attacked in October, the media was calling for blood in a way they didn't with Ukraine.
People care about Israel because it's about challenging the US to actually have integrity and not act like a puppet to a state that would instantly collapse without our backing.
American politicians have been very vocal about the atrocities Israel is committing. Especially on the left that most of these Twitters users align with.
And I say "pretending" because you know that they'll just forget about it and move on when the next Current Thing™ comes along.
>Spineless coward
Try "basic survival instinct" retard.
TG gore vids and vids of blatant war crimes broke their minds
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Shitlibs are self hating narcissistic suburbian brainrotting and shiteating cretins who saw another opportunity to have their brown-worship/BLM 2.0. They primarily see it as anti-lightskin people vs poor lovable brownoids. Just listen to the way they view the entirety of the shit that is happening, they call it the last push to "rid the world of white colonialism".
It is #current thing
Oh yeah I forget normies aren't used to that shit
Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.
>What's the actual reason so many shitlibs on Twitter all pretend to care so much about Palestine?

Because shitlibs see oppressed brown people and want to be on "the right side of history." Just throw around words like "liberation," "colonialism," and "oppression" and libs' dicks/clits get hard.
Yeah I guess the decades of programming kinda backfired lmao
It is 100% because of “muh current thing™”
>Is it just because it's the Current Thing™?
That's always the reason, except for abortion. Roasties really do want to be able to kill their unborn children.
Libs love weak and oppressed shitskins
They want to pat themselves on the back and congratulate themselves on being a virtuous person, its definetly some type of pathology that causes this, obviously rooting for palestine myself too but I dont really give a fuck about them to be honest
Doomed, retarded liberals appreciate a lost cause.
They're young and think they're doing justice? Just never remind them what Palestinians did when they were let into neighbouring countries.
Does it matter? I'm glad the overton window shifted hard enough that it's fine to call kikes for what they are, child-molesting vampires that drain wealth.
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also this.
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I prefer this flag
Based. Who do I send money to to make sure as many Muslims as possible die as horribly as possible? I'm gay so I'd rather strike first before they can throw me off a roof.
Yeah, I guess fake compassion has always kinda been their thing.
You are a muslim
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To be fair, they have been warned for several decades to fuck off in to Egypt, that they're not welcome anywhere inside ancient Israeli borders and if they don't fuck off they we're going to get turned in to vulture chow.
The sand niggers kept pretending Egypt will not allowed them to scape South and that Israel was never going to strike.

Fast forward present day and they're almost done, honestly at this point Israel needs to finish the job, any sand nigger community left inside the new Israeli borders will be nothing but a latent danger.
Not only they need to clean the area, they need to make sure the Egypt Israel border becomes a militarized zone under the responsibility of Egypt so no sand nigger gets any funny ideas of settling there
they're brown
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Liberals are actual globalists so they do care.

However globalism is an infantile, retarded ideology based on tolerance so they are too impotent against jewish power to do anything.
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Doesn't really work anymore since the kikes kicked out the Christians.
Ukrainian casualties are way higher? Do you think the Israelis are just using meaner bombs?
on the contrary, i want to ask
why do american media and american citizens pretend to be interested in mena
in real life, you guys don't give a damn about this region, and you don't give a f if people in this region die
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the outrage you see on the news are just Antifa paid goons, rebranded and being paid to wear different clothes and wave a different flag.
the outrage you see online is bots, the same people who are paying the Antifa goons, are also paying for the astroturf campaign
this is simply political disruption and chaos before this years election to distract from the absolute horror show called the Democratic Party and their failures.
The best analogy of the Democratic party would be that of the US Military. The people in power, did a bunch of DEI hires, fired actual real patriots who wanted to stand up for the country, now they are chocked full of mudslimes, browns, women who cant do anything, and men dressing as women for advancement. A few years of this nonsense and now the Military cant get any recruits, is having to lower standards on the ASVAB down to the 30th percentile and are in talks of lowering it down to the 10th percentile. In the past applicants would not be accepted in the past if they scored below 70th percentile. Now the standards are being lowered further and further in an attempt to accept practically anyone that signs up due to such low recruitment numbers.
Can you imagine, the military/army/navy go to EVERY high school and try to recruit and still cant get half of their projected numbers EVEN WITH lowering the ASVAB scores so that practically anyone above a 75iQ can pass.


This analogy talks about the US Military, but you can directly change out US Military with Democratic Party and get the exact same conclusion, outcome, and understanding. The Democratic party has filled itself with literal clowns, made a mockery of everything this country stands for, allowed the absolute wildest degeneracy to become commonplace, leading to the worst recruitment in the Dem party, nobody wants to vote for them, and everyone is voting red

How do I donate to build Israeli bombs?

Poos and Slimes deserve death next to Vatniggers
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Jews control the media as you know, so naturally the topic of why America needs to constantly intervene on behalf of Israel comes up again and again.
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>Jews control the media as you know,
that's it
i believe that american media's focus on this excessive mena and israel-palestine conflict is unnatural and planed
maybe this is a huge project by jews of american media and mossad
american citizens can live without isreal better
It’s really mostly just because it’s the only US ally in the region and surrounded by countries that hate us and them. The precarious relationship is why we pander to them and they give money to our politicians. Mutual benefit. They prevent a hegemonic Islamist state from forming, we suck them off every now and again and promise to defend them.
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actually most of the NAFO trannies i see on twitter support israel.
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Because the kikes never considered the obvious consequences of programming several generations of their increasingly brown normie golems with anti-White intersectional oppression philosophy while skinwalking as White and oppressing Arabs in their colonial state in the Levant.

It's cartoonishly idiotic. And now these kikes are stuck trying to explain to brainwashed retarded half-niggers how their colonization project is not actually colonization, and it's um actually very different and good when compared to Apartheid because of muh holohoax, while at the same time they're actively engaged in mass murder of a civilian population which predates their presence, images of which are bypassing the kike media and being beamed onto these retards' pocket computers in real-time.

If you just step back and ignore the fact that our civilizations are crumbling before our eyes, this shit is really funny.
there's no benefit for america from intervening in the israel-palestine conflict
in fact, the current us government's unconditional support for israel is a unconstitutional act in violation of the us constitution
i heard that there are as many poor people in america who live on food stamps as the entire population of south korea
the us government can use the taxes of the us taxpayers who are supporting israel every year for low-income american citizens
Israel did give advance warning to evacuate to Egypt before they invaded Gaza.
> the us government can use the taxes of the us taxpayers who are supporting israel every year for low-income american citizens
>yoy aid to Israel ~5 billion
>people considered low income: ~50 million

Wow that’s like. 100 dollars a person, after government waste it’ll be more like 10.
They think jews are White.
1. It's trendy
2. Israel is being blatantly evil as fuck
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>destabilize every region in the middle east
>install islamic shariah law leaders and rule
>give them weapons
>fund wars against these installed leaders
why does the middle east hate the US guys????
theyre literally comiting genocide with upwards of 200k palistinians dead so far

conservacucks are silent because they literally dont care about anuthing else other than conservinc judaism. conservatives have not conserved anything except for judaism
anon israel has been getting shit on actively by all social media since like November
And that’s a good thing.
>pic related
There goes 1/2 of D voters
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What's more relevant, IMO, is how Jews use divide and conquer, and europhobia to control that shitlib opposition. I have no illusions about third worldism.
jewish poster

israel is #1 enemy and rival of usa. there is no benefit of usa supporting israel, it is a completely one sided relationship. its like battered wife syndrome, you have battered wife syndrome
Anarchists who are grasping onto any movement to destroy the country. Simple as.
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"Palestine" is one of the most popular, longest running international dramas that has been going on for more than 80 seasons over several reboots and has a strong, global fanbase. This comes as a surprise to american normies who are tuning in now because it is not aired in any of their jewish-owned cable networks.

The "Ukraine" saga is a relatively new show which began in 2014 but only became a hit with western liberal audiences since 2022.
Israel is a shitty tax haven that makes tranny drugs and also US military base.
Not saying it’s not completely understandable lol. These people hold grudges so we’re better suited not to let them get together. Just look at how China is still seething about the Opium wars
everyone but miggers hate kikes and had enough of their bullshit
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well jews say so

It's not really a tax haven. It more like a way to launder money from american treasury to us defense contractors, [[lobbyists]] and their pet congressmen.
Because Israel is an invading country just like Russia. Use your brain for once.
Israel and support for Israel is annoying everyone at best. Why can't we just politely clap at key moments like how low the civilian casualties supposedly are and give a standing O at the end because Netanyahu gave a really great speech admittedly?

US People are so pissed because our leadership is in an obvious cult and we can't stop it.

Ukraine is fucking boring man why do you wackjobs always say things like "memoryholed" unironically, like what are we supposed to talk about? Get over it.
And how does the US benefit from being involved in the Ukraine conflict?
I just don't think we should be handing billions in aid to anybody, let alone a developed country that was recently running a budget surplus.
Yes it's a big mystery.
They only care because they view israel as a white county. Not a Jewish one
bibi speech is theater and so is the clap in reality kikes were stopped after the 40k count and nothing will change that
israel will be gone in 20 years because no one gives 2 real fucks about them
Themepark attendants getting uppity. Israel will have Gaza filled with seething muslims and like it, or American jews will end them.

There are limits to how Nazi Israel is allowed to behave by the real jews.
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holy fox news boomer
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Brown skin gets you far with cuckold lefty whites
It's definitely Current Thing™.

To understand these people you need to view them as addicts. They're addicted to self-righteousness.

Palestine is their new meta, they get a self-flagellation and saviour bonus from their whinging that they weren't getting from Ukraine.

They're min-maxing their virtue-signalling dopamine hit.
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Guess who is selling oil and gas to Europe after ""somebody"" blew up the russian nordstream pipeline.

Guess who is selling new f-35s to replace the 100 or more 50 year old f-16s that europe is donating to ukraine, not to mention all the other shiny overpriced military shit that's suddenly in a europe that is remilitarizing.
the israelis still hate americans for fucking ROME 2000 YEARS AGO YOU FUCKING RETARD
>pol has been wanting TKD since day one.
>the whole world is pissed at Israel ramping up their genocide of Palestinian Christians and Muslims.
>"current thing"

The Ukrainian military has higher casualties. Their civilian casualties are 1/20th of the Palestinians. Take into account the fact that the Ukraine war has been going for a few years now, and the Israeli attack on Gaza has barely reached one year, and openly targets civilians.
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Duh a don't know tell me boss
>They prevent a hegemonic Islamist state from forming
They prevent a nationalist state like syria or how egypt was 50 years from forming, islamic terrorism is a tool of israel.
Every casualty in Ukraine is a civilian casualty because the men were conscripted:)
Palestine is more brown. That's it. That's the only reason leftists care about anything. The second they found something more brown to care about, they dropped Ukraine.
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Because lefties love islam
spbp. also exposes the true nature of jews as a group.
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T. Mudslime
they care, you're just projecting your own indifference onto others
miggers are all retarded
they cant comprehend how the world works
caring more about whats happening in israel/palestine than in gaza has roots longer than their migger brain can understand
muslims being obsessed about the issue and giving likes to anyone who support them makes the modern social media world even more attached to the issue
what pisses me off most is that right wingers should know best that hating israel is just connected to the genes of every right winger since the dawn of time no matter the enemy of the jew
They've already mostly forgotten.
Leftoids will always support the browner side of every conflict
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pali flag looks like pedo flag and that is only reason if the reason is not supporting Nazi Germany African corps
no they just like to play the skin game and terrible reality of that is so can we
>than in gaza
miga disease brainwashed the retarded base of /pol/ but anyone redpilled can see through this charade and our views will win out and all of you will be laughed off when trumps era end
if it's about americans and westoids of course they don't really care, they're on the wrong side of the history. NATO is basically nazi germany anyways so who cares about what they thnk?
Money or "light" extortion.
It’s because they are TradCaths (see terrorists) and obsessed with Rome. Rome called it Syria Palaestina in honor of the Phillistines (a group of Greek conquerors) and to make Jews seethe. Jews don’t want to seethe and want to project power so they’re trying to erase it. They don’t even care about the Muslim part, or the Arab part, or the politics. It’s all in the name. They want to blot it out from history.
On the topic, what do you think the next Current Thing will be that causes Palestine to get memoryholed?
They are not "shitlibs", fucking Kike,they are normies,who are watching you killing all thèse Palestinian kids.If you don't stop Palestinian génocide,you'll have a lot of normie Antisémites on your hands.
I doubt you want that...
Taiwan maybe. Trump reelection
nothing trump nearly assassinated and no one cared for more than 2 weeks
jews are so pitiful and annoying for 3000+ years now.
middle east is always the center of happennings unless ww3
Won't be Taiwan, shitlibs love the CCP.
world care about the english speaking poos more than chink related issues no matter how the media would trie to lure you in
Poopoostein has always been a Current Thing. Real enlightened individuals don't fucking care about either side. Israel could cease to exist today and it wouldn't matter. The real problem are the international rootless Juice.
Mess with the bull and youll get the horns. Palestinians are finding out a whole lot rn
Can someone explain why after WW2 these Israelites decided they needed their own country so they won't be genocided anymore and decided to live in the middle east where they claim they hate their kind. Like why move there? It's like if I decided to leave the South to avoid being lynched and went to Alabama.
late nationalism thats why it was always destined to be a deadend because why the fuck you and not me
I wonder...What about Blue Ray kind of fake?Just imagine... Aliens (m not talking about us, Spics) are coming...
WE all have to défend ZOG, Right?
They've been conditioned by the Jews for generations to fight for "the rights" of niggers and shitskins to destroy Western civilisation and now this has come into direct opposition with the other Jewish agenda of the Greater Israel project.

Tale as old as time, the Jewish golem they created has turned against them.

Because most people don't like kid murderers I guess.

20.000 kids have been killed, and 35.000 more have been crippled so far.

Still a growing tally.

That's FAR more than all the other world's conflict happening right now, COMBINED.

The war in Ukraine has likely killed less than 1000 kids in 3 years and that is some massive fighting.
The Jews kill more kids in a month.

So I guess because mass murdering children and complaining about why you can't get us taxpayers funded 2000kg dumb bombs to drop on areas more densely populated than Tokio doesn't make you popular.
Liberals have a pathological need to side with adversary groups as a kind of breeding strategy. In short:
>strong warrior males in my society fight bad guys
>sometimes bad guys kill them
>I am a pussy male
>my best strategy is to support the enemy so that more of my competitors die
>now my reproductive value is higher because the warrior males are dead
This is why liberals naturally sided with the Soviet Union and with Al Qaeda.
I was over at my dads house today helping with some household chores. He lives in a very Palestinian area of NYC. At the end of the work we went to one of the nearby hooka bars. It’s the kind of place that arabs, college kids, legit burkha wearing types and the radical lefties go to unwind with a good puff.

Israel president Netanyahu was on the TV and the local baklava baker said to his interior decorator (friends since art school),

“You know what? He ain’t so bad. The Palestinians are bonding, nobody’s hating muslims, and we’re standing on the world stage again. Can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ tel aviv Bibi’s got my support”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yes sir” and “Allahu Ackbar” from the men around me. Even saw the lonely bomb jacket wearing bearded guy in the corner raise his pipe with a nod
Easy.Ashkenazy kikes,who have always been parazitising Europe desided to prétend yo bé Biblical Jews and create a sort of a den,where they could escape when cought scaming anywhere in thé World.

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