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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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We MUST protect her, bros...
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It's funny, ever since he bought twitter he's become more and more based. Must be why lefties hate him.
must be really confusing for trannys, they were all over his dick about electric cars and now he is telling them straight to their face they are not women
They always have this fat huge head and squinty eyes
Hits pipe
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Yes, right as if it wasn't an occult family full of them already.

How many more times do they want to fool us with illuminati puppets who pretend to be the le based guy?

He is not a girl.

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>elon is on /pol/
>his tranny son is on /lgbt/
rly makes u think
Elon would be a good father if he just hires someone to put that little faggot out of his missery
>>We MUST protect her, bros...
Elon posts here all the time. Ive had a chat with him myself
death to media kikes
I thought he said he wasn't a fag child and Elon was lying.
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We must secure the existence of our transgenders and a future for trans children
Fuck your right. I better not vote... Nah I should vote Harris and we should have more Tranny shit in school. Thank you for opening my eyes Hans.
Jesus Christ, the fact that Elon Musks kid is trans and the way he reacts to it makes me fucking crack up with laughter. So fucking funny. That poor, poor man. We do all agree he failed as a father right?
Thanks for that giggle Leaf
I'll be sure to catch that on Netflix when it finally gets released
if your kid grows up to be a faggot or a tranny that's your fault for your own shitty parenting. elon musk is basically a nigger because he has 10 kids that he is not involved with due to him running three companies at once.
Shes pretty cute. If I were elon i'd invest all my money into developing womb implants for transgender women so I could fuck and impregnate my son.
I'm voting for Harris. My kids are in private schools so they don't deal with any of that shit anyways.

>Free immigrant labor
>No corporate taxes
>No personal tax on debt acquired via leveraging assets
>Federal subsidies and contracts out the ass for corporations and even small businesses
>Inflation making asset values skyrocket while making the working class work even harder to keep up, thus producing even more profits from assets.
>Encouraging lgbtq agenda, keeping open a multi billion dollar market that grows every day and opens new underwriting opportunities for insurance
>Encouraging abortion keeping open women for more work (aka higher asset evaluations and they spend every penny they get) in addition to the billions of dollars of products created from fetuses, that they're paying to give away lmao
>Moving blacks and browns into safe neighborhoods to encourage white movement and thus more spending and debt loads

I could go on and on. It's a capitalists wet dream.
god isnt real
Did xer step into a bee hive?
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You don't have kids, you couldn't afford a private schooling if you did, and you aren't voting. Didn't read the rest because that's 3/3 lies out of the gate.

And the son will end up killing himself before he turns 30. Inevitable at this point.
stop diddling children
They were putting estrogen in his food when he attended school in Cali.
Protect what? A young slut in the making? He's gonna rope eventually. Elon should just kind of encourage that by just not even acknowledging the freak anymore. Fuck that Public image bullshit.
Elon Musk is so based.
I hate transgenders. I've had mental illness for my whole life and nobody ever gave me extra rights and priviledges or said I was brave. How come some feminized loser whose mental illness tells him to cut his own dick off like a eunuch, is praised while other people who suffer with general depression get shit on as loser incels and told to pick themselves up by their bootstraps? Why is that? What's the difference? So since nobody every treated me good for my mental illness, I abso-fucking-lutely refuse to treat these gender dysphoric nutters as brave and wonderful. They are disgusting and should be mocked the way I've been mocked. You don't get to be praised for being a sissy faggot with no dick. You mentally ill freak. Shut the fuck up and get medicated you fucks. Nobody wants to see the clown show or fuck your medical gash.
Not everyone has a shitty life like yourself.
>mentally ill tranny hates his own family

Many such cases!
In most cases you can literally see autism in the face. And pretty much all trannies are autists.
His face is swelling up
Good post
Kill yourself

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