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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Australia might build a few of these bad boys, but half the country is against it. They don't want green radiation spewing everywhere like picrel.
It’s the best decision, so it will be avoided.
Electricity comes from the potential difference between the atmosphere and the ground.

We had a Lightning Lab at University of Florida.
It is not currently viable as a means of transmission and distribution.
Storage is an issue.
You can look it up if you’re interested.
Thorium reactors are the future. they can run on the "waste" from light water reactors which is every current power generation reactor. Copenhagen Atomic seems like the first company that will build commercial thorium reactors, but there are several other good companies making interesting designs. Fusion is a boondoggle that won't be viable for at least 100+ years
That's my feeling too. One party in Australia is pushing hard for it now, if they're elected, they'll probably botch it and we'll never look at it again. If our country was smart we could wait 3-5 years for some SMRs to come online in other countries and just pick the design that was deployed most cost-effectively and build 20 units or so.

Anon, i...
If they don't build thorium, they're fucking retards
Going to be obsolete once fusion power plants become a thing
There's nothing to talk about really, just build them and tell the people who oppose it to shut up because they're not smart enough.
Always 20 years away.
I think you mean turtles.
It's turtles all the way down
No the best decision is building coal, untill power prices are dirt cheap. We are far too gone to build any kind of modern tech in this country competently or cheaply. Besides the whole premise is based on clean energy and net zero ie shit we don't need.
Also deport like 4 million scum I sware there is almost a million Asian prostitutes being trafficked alone
fusion reactors may never be viable. fusion spits out neutrons like a motherfucker and there is no feasible way to deal with that.
>Also deport like 4 million scum
Energy and housing crisis solved in one swoop. The street shitters go first
Nuclear energy is a very good idea that's long overdue.
>we just need about $100 billion of investment plox
Uranium fags get the rope
I don’t know particulars of your country to know otherwise.
I should have stated that nuclear should carry base load everywhere economically/politically feasible.
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I can't understand being against nuke power if you're in a White country. The only problem I can see if/when it gets taken over by niggers, but at that point, who cares? Let it melt down. Let the niggers and kikes live in a nuclear wasteland that could have been prevented by letting White people thrive and provide for them like we've always done.
We spent more helping to kill white people the last 2 years.
There are a number of very basic design additions that can be added compared to the 1950's. that will make them much safer against run-away. What we can't do is make the radioactive waste bits disappear, though we are getting better at reduction.
If you have serious and good men on it, they're not terrible. But you must have serious and good men. Think you have enough ways to disable it before it runs away? Add another one.
Yuo are the only country on earth that could just build solar panels and call it a day but you insist on on wasting coal or uranium instead.
Considering the price of land it's a great idea
The thorium fuel cycle is interesting and promising, but uranium is fine too. We can't be picky at this point because we're 50 years overdue for abundant nuclear power.
>green radiation
dude it is healthy, because it is green plus you have lots of space there
>build nukes to desert areas
>they turn green
>grow things
I'm a nucluar phycisist.
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>What does /POL/ think of nuclear power
you should know, someone doctored that pic to make the evaporation cloud have a green shade.
The picture is a BWR Boiling Water Reactor cloud is steam, hot water, nearly to the point of boiling is pumped thru lines to the top of the tower. There are sprayer heads in the top of the tower and the water is sprayed into the top of the tower. As the water drops from the top of the tower it cools as it falls and releases steam. The water falling from the cone shaped tower, creates an updraft which is why the air rushes in thru the bottom of the cone, and produces the "smoke stack" effect. Its not smoke, its not anything that touches the nuclear process, the BWR has a complete closed loop water system, this water system is run thru the plant over and over and over. There are TONS of sensors everywhere and if there was ANY radiation detected in the outside loop / condensate water system the whole system would be shut down immediately.
i have never in all my years ever heard of radiation getting into the condensate in the US. Your gobbermint is lying to you if they claim you can get radiation from the plant. A standard worker in a nuclear plant gets less radiation from the plant in a calendar year than the average human gets from background radiation out living in the world.

Basically, the average human gets XX.xx amount of dose (millirem)
Basically, the average nuclear plant worker gets XX.xx + 20-40% more
This dosage is basically nothing in the grand scheme of things. Living near a nuclear plant gives you nothing, having one within 100 miles gives you nothing. Having one somewhere in your country gives you nothing.
It's not even possible for modern nuclear reactors to melt down.
Once fusion power is a thing a few billion dollars wasted on power stations isn't worth sweating.
Solar panels are normally made with a highly toxic metal, and a tornado could effectively poison your people for centuries.
But you do have a point, UV counts under the hole are massive. this also may be a serious problem for fission reactors, since without the Ozone to block Xray and shit, you're gonna be getting alot of energy pass-through that will increase fission production.
That said, if you can identify neutral or neat neutral chemical panels, wind and solar could do it. Plenty of metals and salts in AUS for battery.
Nuclear power is based, but we won't get it because women are too scared
>you can't put wind or solar generators on roof tops!
there are dozens of designs for wind capture that fit into a few square meters and don't look weird.
How much energy do they generate?
I treat it as an IQ test. If you’re against it, you are retarded.
Thorium is a meme. Uranium is literally better in every way.
>muh waste burner
Uranium reactors do that to (based on reactor design not fuel)
>muh abundance
Currently mined reserves are roughly equal
>muh safety
Also based on reactor
>muh long lived waste
About the same
>muh no nuclear weapons with thorium
Nuclear weapons have and can been made from thorium. It's only slightly more difficult.
While uranium has the advantage that even for a thorium reactor you still need uranium to start it. There's already a supply chain for fuel production and mining, thorium does not.
We are at a point that makes nukular power plants only necessary as a supportive role. Energy output isn't even that big
>Solar panels are normally made with a highly toxic metal, and a tornado could effectively poison your people for centuries.
It's australia, they don't get them.
Also all the gold minging means everything is already poisoned with Arsenic and mercury.
Also as much as Aussie love to barbecue i don't think they'll do their nuclear cooking unroofed.
Is an obviously photoshopped picture supposed to be an argument?
Make something foolproof and someone will make a better fool. There's nothing niggers can't fuck up.
But it's crazy to spend decades building nuclear power stations, for a fuel supply that will last 100ish years. We have 1000's of years worth of thorium for reactors. Small scale reactors can be built in mear months. Inherently safe (sant melt down), far less dangerous waste. And the tech exists, not some pipe dream like fusion.

The only reason the went with uranium over thorium in the first place, is because burgers wanted breeder reactors for nuclear bombs.
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Any culture that has DEI should never be allowed nuclear power.
On some of these city streets, say in Chicago, you could get more from a roof turbine than solar panels. Some of it is location, much of it is design.

You can use an early 2000's plastic composition rotary desk fan to make a wind generator with a grinder, a soldering iron, and 4 tiny magnets that will charge your phone in an hour on a breezy day. That's not much, power, you're not running a fridge, but what you need vs what you want can be different. It depends on the design and location. Go look it up, you'll probably find stuff I didn't when I looked for them.

And if you're blanket For them, you're retarded. They shouldn't be placed near food lands (whoops). The risks of own-goal are simply too high, because they become greater than 0 as soon as the product is introduced. Don't shit in your kitchen, even if you have a vacuum hose to pull it out of your ass.
>Currently mined reserves are roughly equal
>currently mined
What a DUMB metric to use.
Its whats avaliable long term.
Not only is thoiurm much more abundant, you can utlilize all of it, effectively making it 1000 times more abundant than uranium.

Im not against them. Australia needs them, along with our aukus subbies
Homie I'm picking up a rem in like 4 months
good in a big country
bad in small country
>Any culture that has DEI should never be allowed nuclear power.
Kek, fair.
The fuel isn't really a limiting factor at this point. If there is a demand to mine more and extractive industry isn't completely crippled by regulation, then more can be produced. Uranium can also be extracted from seawater in the course of nuclear desalination.
We have other fuels now too. We can also breed them to allow for shorter or longer half-life materials to be used in specific process.
Uranium is a reasonable start, but a moody wife with a sociopathic streak on trigger.
Good in any country. Nuclear energy is the path forward for humanity that has been forestalled for half a century by pantshitters and anti-human Gaia worshipers. There is hardly any nuclear energy project that is up to modern standards that could possibly be inadvisable. The correct answer is build as much capacity as possible.
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People are scared of explosions and other stuff but it can't happen in newer Plants

Also for the nuclear waste is a nothing burger because there's so little of it that is actually dangerous (HLW)

The rest you can just put it anywhere in the oceans it wont do shit
Copenhagen Atomics revealed that they consider the corrosion issue with molten salt reactors essentially solved. They have discovered that its minuscule impurities in the salt that massively increases rate of corrosion as a result they've been working for a while on producing the cleanest purest salt in the world for their test salt loops and the results seem to show a massive improvement. We can all get behind molten salt reactors again knowing this.
3% of all radioactive waste (by volume) is 95% of the total radioactivity of all waste

90% of all radioactive waste is 1% of total radioactivity of all waste
Yea but its going to be managed by shitskins and girlbosses, we can afford such dangerous technology while these retards are still in power
That's great news. I'm all for MSRs, I just wouldn't pause any other reactor projects just because they're on the horizon. Build all the nuclear reactors.
It's not a dangerous technology. Competency crisis is a problem, but they can fuck anything up. They could let fly ash break containment. They could let reservoir dams break. Nuclear power does not pose a special level of danger.
If you breed uranium in the same way thorium would need to be bred thorium is only 3 times as abundant. And using currently mined reserves is relevant since if you're using a breeder reactor you would use the uranium tailings which we have a very large reserve of. Also fuel costs aren't a very large percentage of a nuclear power plant anyway so you might as well use the better fuel.
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The worst part is that in reality the only visible form of radiation isn't even green

It's fucking blue
Australia should get price quotes from the potential vendors, which in Australia's case are France's Framatome and South Korea's KHNP. When they know the terms of the potential deal, Australians can talk about whether nuclear power is a good idea or not

Thorium reactors are an immature technology. Australia has no lack of uranium.
What happens when the salt starts to fill up with fission products?

White and Far Right National Socialist-approved.
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If you care about safety nuclear is the safest source. If you care about CO2 nuclear is the lowest emitter. If you care about cost nuclear is second to large hydro.
If you care about taking control of society by controlling energy nuclear is terrible because all it does is create plentiful cheap clean reliable power.

>What we can't do is make the radioactive waste bits disappear
Breeder reactors reduce the amount of waste by like 99% and leave mostly hot semi short lived material behind..
I live 5 km from a nuclear power plant, I'm not worried about it in the slightest. The plant is operated by superior swiss technicians though, and not by lazy anglos
Have they solved the corrosion problems caused by fission products, e.g. tellurium, that plagued the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment? Have they yet built an actual test reactor and showed that it can run for an extended period without corrosion problems? Or are they just making bombastic statements because they're fishing for VC money?
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lol. i wont hold my breath. i expect australia will be burning the cheapest, crappiest brown coal in the cheapest, crappiest power plants for as long as they can. australians are literally cheaper, sneakier and more poverty than filthy chinks.
of course you can pack up completely in the event of an incident.
they are a massive safety hazard.
Nuclear is the only way to get the amount of power we need and cut carbon emissions at the same time, at least until we get to space based solar arrays made from asteroid material.
it ok but it takes a long time to build and costs usually double or triple by the time construction ends.
australia has sun.
builds batteries and you're set.
Why colour the steam green you fucking vatnigger
Best and based. I want to have a nuclear power station in my backyard.
Are there Russians in the room with you now?

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