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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>too scared to debate a woman
What a fucking bitch
so you support Israel completing their takeover of our country by supporting Kameltoe? and known marxist and dick licker of israel?
MIGA nigger throwing stones inside a glass house
Okay I'll bite.
Why is he too scared to debate her if he accepted the debate on 9/10.
What about him accepting to debate her indicates to you that he is too scared to debate her.
>too based to debate a woman
Always has been
This past week has been an absolute disaster for trump lmao
Show me where he said that.
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>Harris is too scared to actually be voted in as nominee
What a communist
Isn't the normal debate in September? Why are we worried about it now?
>US isn't involved jews win
>US is involved jews win
Jews always win.
because he cancelled the debate keep up with the news cycle nutard
Be prepared to wait forever
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lol debate a woman. I can't imagine a bigger waste of time
If he doesn't debate her I will not be voting for him
A debate would just help Harris
most normies DO NOT KNOW WHO SHE IS
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He's waiting to see who the Democratic party elites choose to anoint as their candidate, with absolutely zero input from the voters.
You weren’t voting anyway
She is NOT a legitimate candidate. She's a manchurian fake candidate selected by jews, plutocrats and elite politicians.

Why debate such a creature?
The Dems aren't sure if Kamala will be the nominee. Seems like Obama is absolutely seething behind the scenes about them picking her for VP. The current internal turmoil of the DNC may just be the death rattle of Obamas stay in power. Trump shouldn't debate Kamala until she is locked in after the DNC convention.
Don't care still voting for Biden

And here comes the faggot astroturfing. It must be the “give the butthole a break” hour.
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>oh no, bunkertroons and plebbitors are pretending to shill for a candidate they don’t even like because they think it’ll own da natsees, how will /pol/ ever recover…
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As if Trump isn’t fully owned by Israel.
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Their hand was forced by Trump, and it’s fucking hilarious watching him play them like a fiddle
>Isn't the normal debate in September?
Yes I have no idea what liberals are talking about at this point I think they've resorted to pure gas lighting.
Oh shit well ill be darned lol
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>I think they've resorted to pure gas lighting
This is only just now occurring to you?
Trump's said he's not going to debate Harris. What's so difficult to understand about that?
yes yes 4D chess, it's funny because having trump spend all his time and money on attacking biden only to not run is actually 4D chess, Trump is still figuring out if he can actually build a 2000 mile moat on the border and fill it with reptiles kek.
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Why are you even in this thread?
Why would a communist be concerned about debates and elections?
The PR fees are gonna be crazy.
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>heh, he wasted his time and money campaigning against a candidate we switched out, 5D gigachess
kek, also picrel faggot
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He posted on X and that was all it took to embarrass them into endorsing her after a full week of not endorsing her… it didn’t cost him anything
Why should anyone want to talk with women?
The debate isn't for months. He's going to debate her at the normal time.
The Debate of the Century: The man who fucks side chicks vs an actual side chick.
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>posts picture of democrats having more to spend
>thinks its a gotcha
ok buddy? maybe wrong picture?
maybe he could've kept his mouth shut and used that during the debate "not even obama has faith in her he hasn't endorsed her yet" would've been a bigger move retard.
Trump is gonna get his ass stomped out is what's gonna happen cuz he's a woman hating black hating Jew loving poor person hating big business loving military industrial complex loving peace hating convicted felon, rapist, criminal, financial fraudster, scholastic fraudster, bovine sarkic fraudster and even more!
This is fantastic. I hope she argues for side chick rights and he argues for supply and demand.
why's he so chicken bros?
Seeing Trump's campaign fall apart after he got shot has been so satisfying. All he had to do after July 13 was go hang out in Mar-a-Lago, fuck models, and play golf. Then Jan 20 walk in the white house basically unopposed. Now he's gonna lose it all (and go to prison after the campaign fails). Courtesy of J.D. "Sofa King" Vance
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And you can't vote.
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She was Montels main bitch that other chick in the photo is his daughter. Montels ex boyfriend doesn't fuck his own daughter like your daddy trump not sure how you got that twisted there nigga but you twisted that shit up like some schizophrenic crazy bread on crack
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Pederasts should be afraid to be seen in public...
>we can debate after you’re the nominee and can’t stop out
>noooooooo you’re scared !!!!
Grow up
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How are Trump and Elon walking around in public right now? It won't last long. They'll have to go into hiding.
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Supposedly keeping people confused is part of their psyops.

I have trouble even processing this information because it's obviously retarded. Nothing that "democrats" say is ever the complete truth. Most is lies, or words intentionally taken out of context.
Oh no no no leftycucks! Kameltoe is done!!! I thought this was Obama 2008! These are from last night!!!!
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>Retard American with transgender level cognitive dissonance regarding his electoral process opens his mouth like the retard he is.
What? Why is that? Do you think your elections have any integrity at all? I thought they were rigged?

Reality is nigga, I can vote 16 fucking times if I want. An illiterate illegal immigrantnSwahili Hottentot could vote. A Guatemalan who arrived on the shores of America on a floating door can vote in your elections.

You probably think 2020 was rigged too lmao, but can't figure out that your elections are a joke? I'm gonna vote for Kamala 10 more times because of your retard insolenxe, dumb dumb.
>Enjoy the Harris years!
Stfu dumbass. You're the blackest most retarded gorilla nigger to walk the earth and are on the mental level of a transgender person. Just to remind you again, you don't seem so bright
Yawn..you won't do shit. :)
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Biden being forced by Trump to endorse her is way funnier
>brain dead biden endorsed her a full week before the party boss
Hell, I’m convinced biden endorsed her to embarrass obama as vengeance for stabbing him in the back…
Democrats are in shambles and the media can’t cover for them no matter how they spin it

Pedo's aren't who we are talking about

Elon is a Jew, Trump is a Jew

This is about Jews

Jew Imperials are worse than pedophiles
Picking an unlikable dipshit for a VEEP worked out for Obama.
Again, I ask you: why should anyone want to talk with women?
Lmao says Timmy who lets his cities burn. Reality is that they already are! It's you who is not doing shit, like you have your whole life you fuckin joke.

Retards like you are why I'm voting Harris this election!

>Scared as shit of women
Lmao couldn't be ke

I'll admit the epstein stuff is of concern. For me, it was a part of what helped me to view US politics more as pro wrestling.

But this isn't new, is it? No... we had similar court documents years ago. And democrats did fuck all with them. Moreover, those faggots are still bringing up pizzagate, and completely butchering it...

hillary clinton reptillians in a basement at a pizza place!! They even go into the DNC email hack to try to link it to Russia.

I'm sorry, but if you want to talk pedos, let's talk pedos. let's talk about the finders too. let's talk about johnny gosch, boystown, and all the rest of it. Why would we single out Trump?

If Trump is guilty of this, why did democrats never weaponize this against him? You mean to tell me they went through great effort to push years of false trump/russia claims and all the other hoaxes when they had a "trump card" in their back pocket?

Oh.... They can't expose Trump because many others in DC are implicated in the Epstein activities... oh... ok. Expose everyone or expose no one.

If Trump IS a pedo, they all knew it all along, and the people running our elections are likely also pedos... or is it the other word? I don't want to confuse normal heterosexual men with people who lust after actual children.
Biden was too scared to debate him without all those rules they demanded of CNN. Why is Trump not allowed to propose/request any rules?
All primaries were rigged for pro-Israel people

There hasn't been a real election in American history

Always rigged by Masons/ Jews
Obama wasn't 79 when he took office. VP is super important for trump because there is a real chance he'll be POTUS
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You’re a doofy fucking retard
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Yes I'm sure pedo Trump is literally shitting himself (hes old) about pissing off a prosecutor.
Propaganda and lies is all u have
Congrats on being more brain dead than George Floyd
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Shills gonna shill. Still voting Trump.
But the elections were rigged sweaty! Trump can't win! Everything you retards talk about is meaningless and you operate on a level of cognitive dissonance that would make the transgenders say
>You should probably talk to someone about that.
Literal transgenders have it together better mentally than you. Damn it must suck to be so clouded with stupidity
When you're ahead you choose when and if you debate the opponent. Politics 101
I thought the process is rigged sweaty? Turns out you are also a spiritual transgender with the level of cognitive dissonance you operate on. Also you're a pussy because you think your government and electoral process has been rigged and just vote again lmao. CATTLEGOY!
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Trump cornered himself. He is too old and senile for this.
Well that's nice but the elections are rigged sweaty so you're just a spiritual transgender with all that cognitive dissonance you got going there homie.
>They rigged it last time but now that they are in complete control of all government apparatuses this means they won't be able to do it again
Least I don't fuck sofas
>meemaw, I'm gay!!!!
>>you like suckin' dicks JD???
I don't really know what you just said; I don't think you even know.
>Last debate opponent get so fucked up he had to quit the race despite being the sitting President of the free world
Is this (you) farming or are the shills actually this fucking stupid?
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nothing you do or say matters, Trump won lol
>drumpf wasted his money going after Biden!
>uhhh the DNC may have far outspent drumpf on Biden’s campaign the month before he dropped out but that’s not wasting time and money because…because it just isn’t okay?!
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Pls understand he must be in bed so late.
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>seething so hard he replied twice to the same post
lol, lmao
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This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. How do MIGAtards even think of this stuff?
>you’re a jew/zionist if you don’t support the most pro-Israel president and candidate
How does that make any sense nigga
He’s constantly reminding us that he loves Israel, and Israel politicians have openly endorsed him
Has she even been nominated? Whos her vp pick? Just keep throwing retards into the trump shredder until one sticks? You people are mentally retarded.
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Are you legitimately retarded or just new here?
You just pegged yourself as a dipshit shill who continuously posts debunked bullshit caused it’s part of the script you’re fed
The VP wasn't super important for Biden and he was a dementia ridden potato brain. His VP had the worst favorables of any VP in US history and suddenly I'm supposed to believe she's favored to beat Trump because of his literal who VP?

You're not convincing to anyone with an IQ above room temperature. Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Election betting odds has him DOWN since July 13. He was up 10%, getting 2/3 odds of winning, and he's lost ALL of that thanks to Sofa King.
It is really weird how the jews vote almost exclusively for democrats who hate them.
Jews are stupid people that get what they vote for. Like women when they get raped by a migrant.
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Yeah I agree it's fucked. Biden rigged 2020 and would've lost, partly because of his VP pick which is now haunting all of us.
The reality is Trump has lower odds today than he did on July 12. If you think that's bullshit, put your money where your mouth is and go make a bet and post it here.
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You’re just so utterly fucking stupid you believe insane bullshit that’s easily debunked if your confirmation bias wasn’t stuck in full gear
Literal nigger posting weak as gay post...
Kamala can suck a dick...thats it
"His" son's name is Vivek, dude.


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MIGAtards seething, our girl Harris already snubbed Netanyahu, told Israel they need to end the invasion and make peace, and Trump has called her anti jewish and complained she doesn’t love Israel as much as him

Kremlin bots are in full force now. Kill yourself you fucking russian faggot
Dance nig dance dance.....

Yaowza yaowza yoawza
Trump remains by far the favorite candidate. Check out oddschecker and polls aggregates. That's why he has no need to debate Kamala and why she's so desperate to do it
>democrats vote a party
>you vote a person
No money wasted, they're pretty aligned on the direction they want to take the country, meanwhile Trump can't even get most of his staff back or his last VP because they know what a dipshit he is.
Oh sorry i thought it was ok to just believe any random shit and speak it as truth, you guys have been doing that shit on here for years, most of the threads on here are conspiracy's so shut the fuck up pedo supporter.
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And you’re a complete retard…
Why should I give a shit what he named his kid?
Yeah, this is pathetic. Trump could crush that nigress hack.
Is it 'really weird' how non Jews vote for politicians who hate them too, anon?
It's true he's well in the lead. But his momentum has taken a huge hit, and his odds are down since July 13. He has made a number of blunders like being involved with that insane RNC DEI shitshow, his 93 minute speech that he foolishly waited until 11pm to give, and of course Sofa King. The question is, how many more blunders can/will he make, and will it put him within the "margin of fraud" as Jack Posobiec put it on Tucker.

In a perfect world, it would be Kennedy, but I much prefer Trump to Harris.
You should go back… it’s obvious where you’re from.. and take your obsessive sexual fantasies with you, freak

Lead drinking retard take.
He went on CNN. Now he shouldn't debate her unless she goes on OAN.
He's a weak man that married outside his race and named "his" son after his wife's former lover. He wrote in his diary about struggling with homosexuality and fucking sofas. Then he fucking published the diary.

There is so much wrong with this fat gay warmongering cuck, it boggles my mind that you would even try to defend him. Trump fucked up with this pick, and the polls show it unequivocally.
unironically this, her hard stance on Israel is going to make me vote for her

Trump keeps sucking that bibi tit
Women are born and meant to be ignored, and born to see every wish of theirs to be acted contrarily to.
Its only whites and jews that do it.
And even then the proporion of whites that vote democrat is less than 50%. Where as virtually all jews vote democrat.
Check her twitter, the bitch loves Israel and is married to a literal jew.
You’re gay, quit projecting
It's pretty based he won't lower himself to talk to women. Love this motherfucker.
If I was, I'd have enough shame and common sense not to publish a book about it.
Agreed. I'm not super keen on Trump, but would vote for him over the lunatic far-left authoritarian Harris. Vance was a bad pick, has little crossover appeal and is a creepy corporate sleaze with Thiel ties and weird perversions
Giving up already? Sounding like Trump faggot, seethe cope and dilate.
The /pol/ candidate (80 year old loser) will lose to a half black and indian woman and that’s hilarious, all your worst incel fears are becoming reality
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You seriously think anyone is going to believe your stupid shill bullshit? Especially here?
Cool story but what’s Kamala’s platform?
Ironic considering Trump is the biggest Israel shill ever and has already given his life for Israel.
Go home, retard
MIGAfags are golems and proud slaves to Zionism
>good goy, now turn on all the lights for me it’s sabbath and it’s sinful if I do it but it’s ok if a useless golem does it for me :)
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Her new campaign slogan is “not going back”… I’m assuming she’s talking about all the illegals she’s let in as border czar, or possibly she thinks she’s illegal.. idk
I mean yeah, he was struggling to debate a senile man.
There's a 70% chance that if they talk in public he'll look like an unsalvagable retard, must want to buy time untill he feels ready
>I’m assuming she’s talking about all the illegals

Someone make some AI pictures of MS13 holding signs saying nto going back.
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>I mean yeah, he was struggling to debate a senile man.
Wat? That was the only political debate in modern history where both sides agree on who won and lost.
I agree but with the Jews the overwhelming amount of American Jewish people aren't especially religious, and they're middle class people living in coastal areas so their voting habits aren't excessively different to everyone else in the same area.
I've seen anons here talk about Jews voting Dem as if to say it means the GOP is a great party or something, which is stupid because the Jews vote Dem consistently through the decades, including overwhelmingly voting against George W. Bush and John McCain and Romney for example.

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