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/coc/onuts Edition

Canada is a failed state.
What are the implications of a Democrat victory for our own planned economy, and state?
If Kamala wins, what will happen with Trudeau / Liberals?

It's hilarious to think that there was a time when Canada was considered the 'best' nation in the world.
We are on a pathway to Venezuela.

In this thread, discuss
>canada's failed economy
>canada's failed healthcare
>canada's failed housing
>canads's failed society
>canada's immigration crisis

Previous Thread >>475667567
Announcing The Canada Housing2 Billboard Fund. Demand Change Now! AKA The Immigration Minister Marc Miller Sucks FundActivism

submitted 25 Jul 2024 by Chaoticfist101 - announcement
Hopefully this collapse hurries the fuck up. People still think vooting matters so let's turn up the suffering.
On a semi-related note - the drug epidemic here is on a whole new level.
Everyone's on fent / meth. All the rural tradies, and their kids, are on hard shit. They've always been druggies, but we're talking glass-eyed, slurring-words-tier addicts.

And given that the area isn't that impoverished, it's highly unusual.
Have you anons noticed any drug issues in your town?
A plainclothes officer with the Toronto Police Service’s Drug Squad has been charged after another Toronto area police service alleged he was found driving while impaired and in possession of illicit drugs.

Peel Regional Police (PRP) confirmed it received a call about an erratic driver in the area of Hurontario Street and Courtneypark Drive in Mississauga at around 2 a.m. Wednesday morning.

When they arrived, police said they had an “interaction” with the driver. It resulted in two officers being hospitalized with minor injuries. Police added that multiple cruisers were also damaged.

The driver, identified as 37-year-old Brian Sukhram from Brampton, was arrested. He has been charged with one count each of dangerous operation, failure to stop after an accident, flight from a peace officer, operation while impaired, operation while impaired (over 80mg), possession of methamphetamines for the purpose of trafficking, and possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking.

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So being a tradescel just got worse? Kek.

Someone should make a CANADA version of this.
>Brian Sukhram from Brampton
I smell cumin in that name. But I'm probably wrong. It's probably an old stock Leaf of Irish extraction, right?
College Park in Toronto seem to be the epicenter, especially jarring since I remember it being a nice expensive place as recently as 2010s, that's the area where the Financial District shopped and sometimes lived. It had then a Sobeys (now a Farm Boy), a Metro and an LCBO, a really big patio area outside College Park Mall where people can eat under the sun -- but it's full of pigeons and nuts now.

Around mid 2010s I start to notice the smell of urine every time I came out via College Park station. There were really skinny young white men who are probably on drugs and stayed at Seaton, they are heartbreakingly young, straight out of their teens, very polite, I don't feel threatened at all, but they leaned against the walls as if they would fall over otherwise. I think those are probably on heroin as meth would make you crazier. I've seen people lighting up glass pipes in the College Park parkettes around covid. A middle age or close, homeless white man injecting something into his leg outside the Canadian Tire around Rosedale station, late at night. There is a crazy older than middle age woman who pushes herself on a wheelchair, smells, sometimes blocks the 7/11 down at College Park -- I think it's probably mental illness plus alcohol more than drugs though.
Having guys walk right up to you and offering to sell their mystery bags to you while you are in the middle of working on site is a new one for me.

Toronto-area dentist charged with sexual assault
Phil Tsekouras, CTVNewsToronto.ca Journalist
Published Thursday, July 25, 2024 1:38PM EDT
Last Updated Thursday, July 25, 2024 1:38PM EDT
In a news release issued Thursday, Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) said the female victim attended KC Dental, near Rossland and Salem roads in Ajax, on July 13.

Police allege that the victim was sexually assaulted during two of her appointments.

The dentist, identified by police as Sunilkumar Patel, 36, has been charged with two counts of sexual assault and was released on an undertaking.

Police said Patel also works at Family Smile Dentistry in Scarborough, near Markham Road and Lawrence Avenue, and investigators believe there may be other victims.

I have $100k in savings.

What is the best move? I'm prepared to leave the country if that's the wisest choice. I'm also prepared to stay and weather the storm.
>Sunilkumar Patel
Another old-stock Leaf of Irish extraction, I am sure.
>Drug issues in my town.

Uhh yeah, the local police department and officer Kenny Gilbert, Amherst NS.

Sold meth for 30 years and collected a police pension, was busted and spent a day in jail, won't ever see his shit get jacked for proceeds of crime, or the business he set up with drug money.

But we need more immigrants because all the kids I grew up with are dead now
Good "morning"
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Yes, "Irish"
Filthy animal's the Irish are.

Right, but think about the fleek ass healthcare.
Good morning?!?! Do you know what that means, your wishing death upon a brotha?!

>In every way except skin color, I am conspiracy brotha.
Jonesh Lovitz
I'm wondering if the brownies are going to establish themselves in Leaf history by having a couple rebellions like the Irish lads did.
>Be day before payday.
>Start using the term hookers and blow.
>Can't wait to party.
>Amp em up for a day and a half.
>They get paid
>Mysteriously stop coming to work, or get fired for missing a few days.

Anon, be proactive and keep yourself safe by eliminating the threats.
go to the USA and go to a state with the cheapest taxes but lowest crime and high job availability
Leave the country. There is no recovery now that we are flooded with Indians. Leave the country and get a different passport quickly.

You Oy can come back and fight for it once the leafs decide to do something about it
Man my town used to be decently clean, we did have a meth clinic but they would usually be centralized around there and there might have been a few outside hanging out. Now there are people absolutely cracked out everywhere, I was driving downtown a few days ago and some guy was screaming ounching the light pole and his hands were all bloody. Then you have old retired boomers as a significant portion of the population, like 40%. There's so many fucking jeets you csnt go anywhere without seeing them.
Everyone in this country is a piece of shit.
Fuck you all.
Die writhing in agony.
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>Jasper half-destroyed, but plebbit says it's thankful for that, because oil industry.
At what point did you realize that Canada wasn't the problem?
i left a while ago. I live in Colombia, just visiting family now. 2020 I was out pre pandemic.. never better AMA
We are only a nation because of the Irish and their Fenian raids.

Hard to convince Canadians to work together, we almost need....the Irish.
What do you do for money?
Anyone who blames muh oil industry is a literal retard who doesn't know anything about the industry or NA forests.
Suck dick in exchange for nickles, so far most I made in one day was $400.05
1200/cad a month is upper middle class max cozy in South America.

>If only I had of joined the army under the old pension rules and got enough to leave for doing nothing.
Did he make you look at any photographs, or ask you why your eyes are red?
> "It was not bad enough to send us greedy egoists. with no feeling for liberty
Man what happened to those kind of French people
Eyes are always red after sex, from the pepper spray.
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Fucking kek.

The books that's from are all whining about the French and Acadians and Anglo/Scotchad supremacist as fuck.
This. Fuck Canada. Time for separation
Three of those things don't belong under the same category.
What books are these.
You look so much cooler with something in your mouth, anon.
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Canadian History X.
They imported way too many Indians on the student visa scam. Now they all work as uber eats people or at Tim Hortons and other low wage corporate stores. Why is that bad? Because those are entry level jobs that are SUPPOSED to be for high school and college age people. But now all those corporate stores are able to hire these surplus of Indians to do the job for minimum wage and they will never complain about getting a raise. I mean before this mass imigration shit those entry level jobs would pay above minimum wage. I remember my first job at Best Buy as a high school kid I was getting paid around 10-12 bucks an hour and this was in the 2000's. But now all these companies can hire Indians for minimum wage indefinetly. There for the ethnic canadians are un able to get these jobs because the Indians infest these jobs and 1 will become a manager and then ONLY hire other Indians. And so many people still don't think the great replacement is a un-true conspiracy theory. I mean all you have to do is go outside in public and see for yourself. For example I see so few white kids out in public that when I do see a white kid these days its like seeing some super rare/endangered animal in nature.

Example when I am driving out of my middle class suburban neighborhood and the bus is dropping off High school or middle school kids literally EVERY SINGLE one of them is non-white. Like no joke 100% of them.
I was recently in Ohio. Didn't see a single pajeet. Saw manufacturing shops. Saw stacies and chads. Saw negros who weren't uppity. Saw beautiful old American architecture preserved and kept in use. The lies about America are lies.
Quebec will be a seperate nation, with Ont, And Baffin Island and Labrador as fiefdoms,

Alberta takes everything west of the MB/ONT border.

Weedistan is BC, Rockies blown to keep the hippies and weed smoking on the side that is flammable and burns every year.

Maratimes are Reconquistique by la Acadians and Anglos raus.
Based I'll hunt them down
Still better than listening to Nickelback.
heavy drug use is prevalent throughout canadian welding, coke, heroin, you name it.

nobody likes bc? :(
Nickleback is actually pretty good and the last stand of implicit whiteness in Canada.
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The one on the cousins is surprisingly hilarious. Would not fly in current year.
And confirms Anglo/Eskimo Hvyvervoria and Novse/Eskimo Hvyvervoria 0.8
Id rather listen to nickleback than trap music
What do you anons do for cash?
As mentioned, thinking of starting a surplus business, but just curious to see what /pol/'s anons are doing to make ends meet.
Needless to say, I haven't been able to find anything for the better part of a year (got 6 years' experience in IT, and even Walmart didn't fucking take me for administrator work.)
Never went there its too far away, but I'm sure every provinces has something nice :)

If you are seeking life advice from this board then you have bigger issues.
I own a cannabis company. I grow medicinal weed and make cbd products. got 25 acres of land 4 bedroom house motor cycle suv cows, chickens, solr power, aquaponics.
Has it gotten worse?
It's definitely gotten worse in the areas I'm familiar with (masonry, drywall, etc.)
Some of these guys are completely fucked up on the job - even driving a trailer.
you rather listen to a dude singing passionately into your ear. Got it.
NFLD will go back on its own while the rest of the maritimes latch onto Qc
BC goes on its own but cedes most of the caribou and all of the North to Alberta. Maybe even the Ok amd the Thompson, too.
Nickelback is goated
Move to Norway. I suggest Bergen. But good look affording it and being able to stay there unless you have a job there. They only give citizenship to the immigrants that are non-white.

So sense that is not possible I suggest Minnesota in the nice lake country communities. Its full of Scandinavins of Norwegian and Swedish decent. Plus everyone is nice, the whole term "minnesota nice" is true. I grew up there and had the best childhood one could ask for. If I had enough money and a job there I would move back in a heart beat.
Isn't it saturated, anon?

The Irish may have made noise but it was the Scottish that exploted our frontier and built stuff.
You do realize a lot of Millenial and Zoomer canucks have been totally pinched for nearly two decades straight. They can't leave because they haven't been able to make the money. What other alternatives do you have with this in mind?
From what I know, everyone and their grandma wants to be a weed grower - and everyone that can't do it for cash, does it under the table.
Youd rather listen to bad beats and some black telling you how macho and totally straight he is
Canada is the only Scottish colony while Australia is the only Irish colony. Low key.
BC is a massive port province to the Pacific. I don't think it's a good idea to just let it go to drug addicts.
never said anything about bad beats or black people, your grasping for straws that aren't there.
They don't really give physical cash or pay checks anymore unless you specifically ask for it. Unless you work way, way out in pure isolated rural jobs in which case people will not care if you are doped up on drugs provided you still work.
>Irish lad mogs a wigger

Give QC back to France, Newfoundland, back to the Danes, Ontario, back to the UK, then wall the bastards up so the rest of Canada can cure itself of those East coast parasites. While we are at it, join up with the USA so we can replace our charter of permissions with actual rights.
If we're taking hongcouver it must be by force and include lots of fire and camps. You ever deal with lowermainlanders? And it's always been like that since the dawn of time. I mean Christ, before the white man, that's where the Haida went to loot, rape, and collect slaves. Something in the water.
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>They can't leave because they haven't been able to make the money.

Teach the zoomers about the federal reserve and teach them the right way, create the zoomerwaffen and tell them how easy the boomers have It.

Redpill everyone on how healthcare is 80% a wealth transfer to boomers.
Does anyone remember the stat that came out during the pandemic, probably 2021, maybe 22, showing the number of Canadians taking prescription drugs for anxiety/depression? I remember the percentage was mind blowing. I thought for sure it would become a big narrative for the next election. But it's just been memoryholed. I guess those mentally broken enough to be on that shit prefer pretending there isn't an epidemic of misery is Trudeau's Canada.
Toss the indian act into the fire. It's all racist DEI now anyway. Cultural Marxism has taken over the native shit. Another generation of so called victims milking the system and the land.
Kek, nobody wears pouches anymore and they just show up to get paid to talk and stand around.

Shits like pre collapse USSR where they pretend to work because they pretend to pay us, and 38hr work weeks, used to 70, shits just fucked and designed with taxes and graduated income tax that you "can't" get ahead by working harder and more, unless you have assets or had the things you needed in life your fucked and unable to compete on an equal footing, and have to do the jobs nobody wants to do, or don't come with apprenticeships or even paid on time, and after being ground down so that they eliminate future competition, you can't ever get ahead in your job cause no truck, no tools, no company so your stuck working for other people paying tax.

[Bane black gate prison speech here]
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yeah I grew up in maple ridge BC things like meth and heroin are more common among younger people. In highschool a person in my circle had a younger brother who was 8 years old popping E with his brother.
but in vancouver there's more of a stigma for hard drugs and everyone just sticks to coke, molly and ketamine mostly.
>the Scottish that exploted our frontier and built stuff.
That's a good point. I recall (mostly) all of the proper explorers and mappers were Scots. >>475739450
>Something in the water.
It's probably the Sockeye...the natives call it 'candy'.
Behind most mass shooters is an SSRI prescription.
Yeah, my small town went through that, but it seems like we're recovering, slowly.

The Haida were doing their head hunting, slave taking raids, and shit even when the whites were here...

"The rancherie was a blackened heap with smoke pouring from it. Horror of horrors! Every trunk was naked and headless and fearfully mutilated........some of my men were for returning to Victoria, but this I positively refused to do." After much searching for hiding natives, they heard one old woman by the water, moaning. She was badly wounded. She told them of the Haidas' raid. They had taken two young women, four little girls and two small boys away with them. The old woman died shortly afterwards."

Based Northern barbarians
I was briefly on SSRI but I had to get off it quick when it realise it turned off all my sense of guilt, anxiety, and empathy, I was like Evil Kirk in that episode of Star Trek where the transporter malfunction. Feels awesome except I was planning a murder I was sure I would get away with, logically I was sure I could, and it would improve my life and other people's life, but then I wonder what will happen if I do go through with it, but then the guilt-anxiety-empathy comes back later, as I read that SSRI lose effect over time. The experience really mess with my mind knowing that for all we like to think that we'll be able to be all mind over matter, that we won't become borg or zombies, we are slaves to our flesh, and I wonder how many people are on drugs that turned off their empathy, how that stuff could be in our food without us knowing.
Wasn’t it over 50% of Canadian women over 30 were on SSRIs? From my experience with Canadian women, they need them. They’re all fucking insane.
you probably still keep voting.
keep voting until it's a smoking ruin.

Yup, it's a huge issue in my rural area as well. It's usually from trashy parents raising trashy kids, who were raised by addicts who had lots of mill money in the 60s. Now the lumber mills are drying up things have gotten much worse.
You're growing weed in colombia of all places? Unironically watch your ass and try not to become much of a business nuisance to the narcos.
knee high in human shit no problem I'm voting for pete.
whats in store for all the immigrants that will be coming to canada in the following years?
>places you never encounter jeets

My slice of heaven
Buy property up north. Or give it to me and my kids.
Weed is for faggots
Drug dealers deserve the rope
You can apply for MAID
Nothing good, that's for sure.
what's true?
canada was voted the most good country in 2024 by the american media in the most good country rankings

SSRIs are handed out like fucking candy to women here and for stupid reasons. The meme of asking to see pics of what's in a womans medicine cabinet instead of nudes is actually a valid dating strategy here in Canada.
I work close to there. It's a freak show now. They redid the food court in the basement and its just homeless, jeets and old Asians hanging out there now.
America is actually better than America, dipshit. Americans just have this guilt complex that originated with the puritans.
they can all be replaced by people even more desperate than them.
Drugs are probably one of the biggest reasons we're here right now. I've lived in a few places across Canada over the years and it's the same. White Canadians fucking love drugs, half of them are high on THC 24/7 and others are doing worse shit. Then we wonder why there's so many bums and junkies everywhere.
imagine being endlessly sabotaged by the elites so they can stay rich and in power.
Everyone in the railways is usually on shrooms. Middle management/HR roasties are typically blitzed out of their skulls with those THC vapes as well. Small town meth just gets worse and worse as well.
what are the job and housing prospects of future immigrants? and what are the prospects of white maams opening bobs?

>by the american media

Obviously not a valid source of info.
>Everyone in the railways is usually on shrooms
well... there are worse things to be doing
That always happens to some degree in any society, it's just a reality. But in 2024, there are no longer any repercussions from going too far. If things go south, they can just leave. The elites are now global, rootless, and only have kin with other global elites.
Never said anything against em either buuuuuddy
Literally nothing. Having too many people creates scarcity and rises prices.
They will never own a home, have a high paying job or anything that isn't gonna kill them with debt.
They'd be doing those things if there weren't a risk of testing positive. Terrible people.
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We WILLINGLY turned ourselves into Austria-Hungary...

Rail companies test for drugs regularly. Ironically even harmless CBT will show up in a piss test. Yet way worse and more imparing prescription drugs will not.
Those chucklefucks still think we are cheerful and polite in spite of all the shit they keep reading about us being anything but that.
Yup. Management doesn't risk getting tested though.
Then I'll be silencing them and by that point I won't give a fuck about dying because I'll have at least fought for myself and whatever whites are left by that point.
Looking like shield turf. They're around, if not yet, wait for the next few million surge. Comfy for now though I'm sure.
I question if that is the purpose of all this immigration. The elitists trying to destroy the West want violence so as to destabilize whatever fragile thread is left connecting the Nation.
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Reading this thread its like everyone is on drugs, any "straight-edge"? Wouldn't consider myself one, but very rarely drinks alcohol, just sipping on a coffee, pretty much the only "drug" I consume.
I'm on Ativan myself. I'm just so fucking angry and tired.
I'm vaping (like a retard) and doing THC edibles. also coffee. also use to do mushrooms
That is literally nowhere in the world. Cheap areas are cheap for a reason, it’s either lack of decent jobs or an abundance of black people (crime); in many cases cheap areas are afflicted by both.
Same, barely even drink. Have the occasional one with the wife's family. Swear if anything kicks off, the people that cook the meth will be the new Laurentians.
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>*drives by you*
your reaction?
What if we created a bunch of fake job and housing postings that say "NO JEETS" in them as a means of accelerationism? We could trigger Indians which might lead them to currychimp out or act overtly racist towards whites which will redpill normies.

"Jeet" isn't recognized as a slur by most mainstream outlets so we could easily meme it into public consciousness
federal and provincial authorities would fuck you in the ass dry if you tried that
The job postings don't have to be real
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>your reaction?
I like to swim at beaches. I'd never see it.
even my shithole has these fuckers driving around now. always a white car with a giant AK-47 decal. so god damn annoying to see
lmao didn't you idiots just lose jasper?
>Wears deodorent
Better luck next time.
>Verification not required.
>/coc/onuts Edition
We exist in the context of all the meta company towns in which we live, and all the scumbag oligarchs that came before us.

I wish someone would track down the manager or comms staffer at Parks Canada who was quoted years ago, in the context of trees in Jasper destroyed by pine beetles making fires more dangerous, that they were confident with their emergency planning, and ask for a follow up. Probably "no comment" or "this individual is not available to schedule an interview" because that's how you do accountability in this country.

>canada was voted the most good country in 2024 by the american media in the most good country rankings

Do you think you could successfully navigate the LMIA process using those job postings before a different branch of the government forced you to take them down?
>yeah mr government worker i couldn't find anyone in canada that met these key requirements for this job, such as not being from india
>*rubberstamps approved*
>I wish someone would track down the manager or comms staffer at Parks Canada.
All information and personnel were lost in the fire. Nothing to see.
Is this where we're talking about the Scotiabank collapse?
there's a scotiabank collapse?
Perhaps it is time to start breaking out the paint markers to tag them?
Ehhh probably just another jeet that downed their systems to steal shit. Who needs deposits on time anyway.
I guess if you're not white you might get away with it with catch-and-release. only white people receive punishment in this country
Dildo decals. Just slap it right over the ak.
How long until the Hindu-Sikh proxy war? The Sikhs were here first in mass numbers, now we've imported millions of Hindus. What do Hindus do when they see cars like this?
The RCs are stretched so thin and mostly lazy, incompetent foreigners, that your fear isn't warranted. Unless you're bringing media attention, they wouldn't give two fucks.
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>there's a scotiabank collapse?
People using Scotiabank started noticing that their paycheques didn't come in. Scotiabank has said they're dealing with a technical issue and it should be resolved tomorrow. Some people are saying Scotiabank was asked to pay out an amount they didn't have, and now it's created this issue. Sounds like a Canada Collapsing General is the proper place to break this story.
>it's actually in a Tim Horton's parking lot
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there's more webms of sihks fighting hindoos out there but I didn't save them
legit a good idea i could see implemented, kind of a "about here is the line at which you must integrate"
No matter what you say, we will stay.
Anons, I must say, the hilariousness of Canada's Armed Forces accepting PR applicants is very underrated.

Can you anons imagine the fucking fallout from 40% of CAF consisting of illiterate migrants from Punjab?
I cannot begin to even fathom the number of accidents and casualties that will happen.
>company outsources to india
>canada outsources its armed forces to india

It's completely over, kek.
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>the Scotiabank collapse
Scotiabank is always pretty terrible though.

>Scotiabank has said they're dealing with a technical issue and it should be resolved tomorrow.
>Some people are saying Scotiabank was asked to pay out an amount they didn't have, and now it's created this issue.
Huge if true. Could there be any relation to the change to T+1 settlement?
Possibly connected to the recent repo meltdown?
Less than a platoon sized competent foreign force could conquer the place at that point. He'll, they probably already could. No one would care either.
I've been thinking about this too.
I expect we will have a similar thing that Burgers have with their pet gangs of 'urban youth', a-la "bloods vs crips", but on a larger scale.

Imagine an America where the gangs are 40% of the population.
That is what we will have in ~10 years.
Fucking phonefagging.
Here's a theory for you all - what if they're replacing the CAF with migrants, because migrants wouldn't hesitate to brutalize Canadian citizens, unlike a past military made mostly of Canadians?

Would Rajeesh really care about beating a family of four to death with the buttstock of his rifle, in the same way that John, who has been here for his entire life?
>capta: T0X0
>Patel: मैं तुम्हें नहीं मिला
is the future of the CAF
>sir, they have bouncy castles
>des chateaux?! zut alors! we need to get the tanks!
>sorry sir, but the troops would mutiny
Pretty shit idea to do that with the most cowardly species on earth. Send a bunch of them to some methed out hicks place to seize arms. Sure it'd go great.
Just read up on it. If they are trying to pay an amount they don't have they are quite literally stealing people's inbound deposits to do it.
What are they gonna do when 40% of their planned tyranny force quit when winter comes around?
>Have you anons noticed any drug issues in your town?
some homeless meth'd up retard did $500k in damages in town, already back out on bail
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Secret RCMP report warns Canadians may revolt once they realize how broke they are

Right from the get-go, the report authors warn that whatever Canada’s current situation, it 'will probably deteriorate further in the next five years'

“The coming period of recession will … accelerate the decline in living standards that the younger generations have already witnessed compared to earlier generations,” reads the report, entitled Whole-of-Government Five-Year Trends for Canada.

“For example, many Canadians under 35 are unlikely ever to be able to buy a place to live,” it adds.
The report, labelled secret, is intended as a piece of “special operational information” to be distributed only within the RCMP and among “decision-makers” in the federal government.

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>they're doing global warming to make the climate in europe and north america more tolerable for minorities
I had a buddy who was a foreman on job sites in Kitchener/Waterloo, his entire day time was spent just making sure the workers weren't too drunk/high, not stopping it, just making sure they weren't too blitzed

kek exactly
how's Quebec doing compared to the rest of Canada, I've always heard it's harder to immigrate there cause of language laws

I honestly think sikhs would do it. Maybe not Hindus, but you see sikhs killing each other in Tim Hortons all the time.
They're gullible too - CO just needs to say "you have better guns than those rednecks, so you'd win", and they'll charge without a second thought.
When the lights go out, they'll have their very own Haitian BBQ2.
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Knowing an angry frenchman who hates his government I am cheerful to inform you that they stick that diversity dildo up their ass as cheerfully as everyone else. Language laws? Just speak their version of french and they get the greenlight.
Unlikely. Playing stabby stab in a parking lot where they do the ambushing isn't the same as being ambushed. They fled their homeland for a reason. It wasn't tax evasion like our ancestors.
Cucknadians will never do shit
The only thing that could ever make the retards here revolt is if they cancelled hockey
Canada is going to be practically militarily incapable in the future. As in, they try to deploy a serious combat overseas and the effort fails. Argentina/Zimbabwe-tier.
Quebec had better get moving fast, and they'll have to ditch Montreal cuz it's totally infested
>Give QC back to France
Quebec is way whiter than France might as well give it to Algeria
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WWIII shall, above all, be very funny
That's some Marie Antoinette kind of shit right there. Yikes...
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Cold. Taxes. Suffering.
>Canada is going to be practically militarily incapable in the future.
It's already neutered now, Canada's entire police & armed forces in size is less than that of the NYPD.
Get a remote job and move to portugal.

I trade forex but could possibly switch to crypto as the forex market is dead 3-4 months of the year
Seeing drafted PR Tim Hortons poos pleading with van snatchers would be kino.
Lighting forests on fire to keep warm.
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>Canada survives WW3 purely because nobody cared to remember them
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Basically this, Canada is so insignificant on the global scale that it will just be ignored. We can just hope a stray nuke falls on Ottawa while parliament is in session.
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>and was released
kek imagine my shock eh
>Canada is a failed state.
Why Mass Immigration and Radical Multiculturalism are Bad for Canada | Maxime Bernier
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Quebec also seems to be collapsing
tl/didn't read french: the guy works for a federal ministry and is the one to write replies when Canadians send in questions. Sometimes it's premade copy&paste, but sometimes he researches the answer.

Lately the supervisors are telling him to write shorter, dumber responses aimed at an 8th grade reading level. In the future it's going to be at a 6th grade reading level.

Apparently 50% of Quebec is somewhat illiterate.
Then add in the scammers seeking PR who even cheat the language tests.

You have one part of the government saying they're doing everything they can to protect the French language and Quebecois culture, presumably to read great works like Alexandre Dumas's The Count of Monte Cristo... but then you have other parts of the government planning a journey for society down to the French equivalent of "See Spot Run."

I think it's reasonable to suspect that there is a similar ministerial directive for the English language. Maybe someday it will be a Charter violation to hold people to account under the law for, let's say, pooping on beaches, because it's not their fault they don't know the language to hope to understand the law in the first place.
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>Cold. Taxes. Suffering.
That top picture would make so much more sense if they were there just as a pure joke. There's no way they look like that and expect to be taken seriously in any way, shape or form
>Lately the supervisors are telling him to write shorter, dumber responses aimed at an 8th grade reading level. In the future it's going to be at a 6th grade reading level.
How many people on 4chan can read a THEE sentence paragraph without effort?

I'm not talking about a half page block of text without line breaks. I suspect Zoomer reading comprehension is declining.
Something like 20% of Canadians are illiterate. Close to half have severe reading comprehension issues. It's not just a Quebec thing, and those are government fudged numbers. Likely higher.
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>There's no way they look like that and expect to be taken seriously in any way, shape or form
If only you knew how bad things really are...
>The new dress and decorum among the court offends thee? Off with thy bank account.
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Functional illiteracy is over +50%, just because they can "read" doesn't mean they can draw their own conclusions or infer across subject matter. People really are nigger cattle; The Jews are right about the goyim.
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That was the Minister of Defence for Canada, if anyone is wondering who that brown woman is.
Downtown, anyplace south of Bloor, used to be where the elites work and lived, but it seem we are going with the city as a cage. All the the things that are valuable about the downtown core are either hollowed out or packed up and closed -- University of Toronto has become an expensive diploma mill, the buildings are now increasingly closed to the public, whereas it used to be the norm for the public to read in the library too, around Y2K my highschool teacher sent us to Gertstein Library.

Yorkville was once a really nice area, but it's going going gone too:
Hudson Bay at Yonge an Bloor used to have spectacular Christmas displays, and they'll open with a cheese and wine tasting -- now it's been closed for...several years now? There was a gourmet grocery store called Pusateri, it's closed now, I've been meaning to drop by just to check out the marbled floors but alas, never made it by before end of March:

I feel this is a consequence of pricing the poor, the working class, out of their historical neighbourhoods nearby, Church and Wellsley, Cabbagetown and Regent Park, Kensington Market. Honest Ed and Mirvish Village too -- Ed's son David at the very least, ensure that rental apartments for family were built -- but the poor and middle class got no place affordable to buy groceries anymore.
wasn't the defense minister some turban dude?
Jews literally let rabbis suck on their babies' dicks, they're not doing great either
Didn't know we broke over the 50 percent mark. Though not surprising when 10 to 15 percent of the population is "fresh" out of India.
Leave to where? The entire western civilization is under attack
It doesn't help that they have this strange fear and loathing of English. They just become paralyzed and retarded over even 2-3 sentence words.
It's impressive anyone even tries to keep track. If it's Leaf government, expect it to not be a leaf.
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They change out ministers so often now, shuffling the deck constantly to keep the cards stacked.

Most peoples "reading material" is JK Rowling/Twightlight/50 Shades of Grade tier. Ask someone about the geopolitical implications of current day agendas and watch their eyes glaze over in stupor.
>The dentist, identified by police as Sunilkumar Patel, 36, has been charged with two counts of sexual assault and was released on an undertaking.
What I don't understand is why she came back after the first sexual assault for a second appointment? Perhaps she thought it was a mistake the first time?

We don't know the nature of the assault.
Ahhh similar to doorways. Makes sense.
I mean, even reading crap is still something. There's plenty that can't handle roadway instructions. Geopolitical implications have my eyes glazing over these days too, we've long been at the point where talking/writing isn't going to accomplish anything.
>wE aRe alL ImMigrAnTs
This is the biggest and most retarded psyops I have ever seen and they are still doing it. Sikhism didn't even exist when New France was claimed. Anyone that say this as a gotcha deserves to be lined up and shot just the same
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i saw something like this on a honda accord with very dark tinted cab whilst driving through picker/ajax on the 401
>Brian Sukhram from Brampton
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>even reading crap is still something
filling the mind with tripe is hardly a beneficial thing
>we've long been at the point where talking/writing isn't going to accomplish anything
The nigger cattle masses can't even hold a train of thought, of course there will be no action.
What the fuck is up with the jobs in this nation? It seems like it's rotten to the core and you have to know someone just to get anywhere at all.
Drug issues in my city seemed to skyrocket but the homeless shelter here has a massive operating budget yet the problem only gets worse.
>wasn't the defense minister some turban dude?
There was a scandal because he was using Canadian military resources to evacuate NON-Canadian Sikhs from Afghanistan while there were still Canadians trapped there.


She was too free to jet around the country in her role as Minister of Defence, and to meet up with key figures in Liberal riding associations everywhere she went. To prevent the chance of her dethroning Le Dauphin she was reshuffled to be President of the Treasury Board where she is stuck in Ottawa telling everybody that no, they cannot have more money.

Maybe Cabinet knew about the totally not a bribe from the World Sikh Organization to that guy and shuffled him out early in case Canada's media might have displayed one of its shining glimmers of competence around the time.

>Ask someone about the geopolitical implications of current day agendas and watch their eyes glaze over in stupor.
Too bad about that multigeneration meme that it was rude to talk about politics or religion. No practice = no skill.

Even when Canada culturally genocided the natives they never went so far as to say that native culture never really existed at all. That angle of attack is too common today.
It's an extremely retarded argument no matter what. Even if in some alternate reality 100% of Canada's population had arrived here just two weeks ago, it doesn't mean we can accomodate an infinite number more, or that we have to anyways
That would truly be a fate worse than death
>Too bad about that multigeneration meme that it was rude to talk about politics or religion. No practice = no skill.
checked, well put
Still beats other sorts of drugs, though you ain't wrong.
Barely any "canadian" don't have grand parents from another country. The census doesn't go beyond third gen, but you can immagine how feew there actually are
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>Still beats other sorts of drugs
" Overall, 5.8% of Canadians were taking antidepressants, higher than the annual prevalence of major depressive episode (4.8%) in the survey. Among persons with a past-year major depressive episode, the frequency of antidepressant use was 40.4%. After application of adjustments for probable successful outcomes of treatment, the estimated frequency of antidepressant use for major depression was more than 50%"

Now factor in how many leafs drink/smoke/blaze etc. I feel like one of the only sober people left.
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Maxime Bernier says that mass immigration suppresses native population growth, which is used as justification for even more mass immigration.
We are not all immigrants -- the Natives aren't, this is their land, let's ask them first. So far already seen some natives protesting the Indian invasion.
>Overall, 5.8% of Canadians were taking antidepressants, higher than the annual prevalence of major depressive episode
Now break it down by sex.
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>Maxime Bernier says
who gives a fuck what a career politician failure says, nigger can't even win 2nd place in his own riding
Yeah probably. Alberta is also importing foreign police recruits. Before the Tianneman square massacre, China replaced all their Beijing military units with rural ones for the same reason
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>Now break it down by sex.
I gotchu - "Females are twice more likely than males to take medication to treat mood disorders

Overall, the use of prescription medications to treat high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol was significantly more common in males than females. However, the use of prescription medication to treat mood disorders was twice more common among females (14%) than males (7%)."
>However, the use of prescription medication to treat mood disorders was twice more common among females (14%) than males (7%)
They already have sword fights and mass beatdowns in mississauga and brampton, there are multiple occurrences of this. I think it might actually boil over into something worse because people love clinging onto their old world bullshit here.
Yeah there's a lot of discussion about it further up the thread. It'll keep deteriorating, we're locked into a race to the bottom after all.
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>They already have sword fights and mass beatdowns
Dangerously Based.
he also lied about his role in some important afghani mission. scumbag.
if i still believed in voting and democracy ppc would be the only party i'd vote for because max actually says things and isn't a lying little cuckboy
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>because max actually says things and isn't a lying little cuckboy
lol, lmao even - he's an +18 year plus career politician, name 1 thing he's accomplished:
>bmfmh3'o fh2'8'2
Klingon, has to be Klingon.
>who gives a fuck what a career politician failure says,
Maxime is saying in that video (note timestamp) that I have NEVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE EVER HEARD A CANADIAN POLITICIAN SAY BEFORE.

> nigger can't even win 2nd place in his own riding
The most successful political party in Canada has NEVER held the government. Nearly EVERY plank of the NDP historical platform has been adopted and implemented into law. They are the most legislatively successful party in the country despite never forming a government.

PPC can move the needle without winning the goverment. The only alternative is collapse, which is the default action, and the title of these threads.

Wasn't his service career proven fraudulent? Would have had to have been in the military at 8 years of age or some such nonsense. Maybe it was one of the other ones. How pathetics that. Kek.
>lol, lmao even - he's an +18 year plus career politician, name 1 thing he's accomplished:
He's a Quebecois Chad.
0 news reports about it though
Someone should tell them it's happening? Isn't this newsworthy?
>. I think it might actually boil over into something worse because people love clinging onto their old world bullshit here.
Not everyone, notice how ruzzians and ookrainians aren't trying to kill each other
>The only alternative is collapse
Lurk moar faggot, thats whats needed
I didn't hear about that one but I would have zero surprise if it was the case
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>anon is gay for french cock
it all makes sense now
True that, but with certain recent arrivals it's blatant. Hell, they even bring provincial discrimation here only wanting to give jobs or apartments to people from certain indian provinces, it's kind of wild seeing that play out here in real time and it's wild seeing the difference between now and ten years ago lol.
Insult their pets? Come on now. They only publish the odd story that can be brushed aside as systemic racism, like the squaw vs beach shitters.
Im moving out of Toronto to Calgary at the end of the year
How fucked am I?
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>Would Rajeesh really care about beating a family of four to death with the buttstock of his rifle, in the same way that John, who has been here for his entire life?
No, in part because we would know John's parents, uncles, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, etc.

VisaJeet has much lower attack surface. The interesting thing about killing a stormtrooper is that after the first one, all the rest are free.
Why do so many people do drugs anyway, you really think smoking meth or shooting up heroin is a good idea?
Someone from 2014 would find themselves in an alien world. Even though we already had smartphones and shit.

I remember when the Century Initiative became known around 2014 and everyone dismissed it as an insane think tank idea. Now it's openly discussed as an influence on official policy.
Won't notice much difference. Lighter traffic I guess.
Downtown...I feel like our subway has gone from the subway that Thomas and Martha Wayne funded and rode on at the beginning of Batman Begins, to how it was 20 years later. I used to sleep on the subway when I have to go downtown, it used to be really common for students and worker drones from the suburbs to catch a nap on the train on the long commute, it used to be safe and clean -- now I can't even read a book without worrying about being stabbed if I got distracted. Spadina Subway used to have an automated walkway like what airports have, it's been closed and paved over now. The water fountain on the first floor of Toronto Reference Library has been dried for years.
>Lurk moar faggot, thats whats needed
I have no problem with RW ethnostate fags and troons.
Yeah I think people would look at you as though you've grown another head when you tell them that all of their towns and cities will become overtly more indian and that you will not be able to find a job as easily because of awful industry standards plus the fact that all the people walking over the border get wage subsidies. Hell, in 2019 they were screeching racist at max bernier for bringing up mass immigration and that wasn't even that long ago.
They feel trapped and lose hope in the future so think they might as well feel good now and fuck the consequences
Well, they're not wrong.
He's trying to advertise and push for the policies we want instead of just doing absolutely nothing, doomposting, and then voting for CPC because "at least it's not Trudeau" and then getting assfucked by mass immigration anyways
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>Why do so many people do drugs anyway, you really think smoking meth or shooting up heroin is a good idea?
Self medicating mental illness/depression. Meth helps guys who have to work long physical days. They just need to ensure they stay hydrated and replace electrolytes.

Another name for Meth is Adderall
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>He's trying to advertise and push for the policies we want
lol, lmao even
I got flashed by an Indian years ago, when there wren' only a few of them around, and I hesitated calling the police because I thought his loose shorts could have just slipped down -- as this was around Janet Jackson's wardrobe's malfunction, and I had a black classmate whose shorts fell down during gym class in the middle of basketball and he almost tripped. Decided to report it as a 'suspicious incident' in case it wasn't an accident and it happened to somebody else, because I was near an elementary school at the time -- I realise now that he probably thought I was a kid when he flashed me because I was short, he couldn't see my face because I was carrying an umbrella, and I was wearing Mary Janes...
>However, the use of prescription medication to treat mood disorders was twice more common among females (14%) than males (7%)
>Another name for Meth is Adderall

Older females may be prescribed Adderall, Speed basically, for menopause instead of the usual HRT drugs, which helps protect the available supply of those for the usual suspects.
When I thought of flashers, I thought it'll be a guy in a trenchcoat with a big thobbing dick -- and the Indian who flashed me, well I couldn't see anything! He had a bush between his legs above his lowered shorts, and that bush had a bald spot which was probably his dick, I couldn't see anything lol! So my expression was 404 what am I supposed to be looking at? The policewoman I was reporting this to had a good laugh.
Only thing you can dig up is one of his boomer ideas of leaving fags alone if they don't make it everyone's business. In comparison this is his platform on trannies
>He's trying to advertise and push for the policies we want instead of just doing absolutely nothing, doomposting, and then voting for CPC because "at least it's not Trudeau"
Max is moving the overton window, IN A BIG WAY. I don't think it will save us, it's too late for that, but he is definitely stretching the overton window to ALLOW discussion of the fact that mass immigration and multiculturalism HAVE FAILED CANADA AND CANADIANS.

Even Indians are admitting that it is a shitty idea to allow mass immigration of low status, low grade Indians. They're leaving Canada to get away from them.
>Older females may be prescribed Adderall, Speed basically, for menopause
I didn't know. Adderall has mode elevating effects due to the dopamergic effects. Isn't that what they've been pumping sniffy Joe full of?
>When I thought of flashers, I thought it'll be a guy in a trenchcoat with a big thobbing dick -- and the Indian who flashed me, well I couldn't see anything! He had a bush between his legs above his lowered shorts, and that bush had a bald spot which was probably his dick
Let me re-victimize you with another "giant" Indian cobra.
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>mfw I went to Conestoga College when it still had a semi-decent reputation and high placement statistics for graduates in their field
>literally had to take it off my resume because the only jobs graduates are getting nowadays are at Tim Hortons or Loblaws
>wah wah im one of the good ones
there are no good pajeets. exactly zero
>I got flashed by an Indian years ago, when there wren' only a few of them around, and I hesitated calling the police because I thought his loose shorts could have just slipped down
Here's a Sikh, just so you don't think it's all hindus, that dindu somthing.

>Pretty sure the ejaculation on the window in the UK webm has been overshared.
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>all this cope
>there are no good pajeets. exactly zero
Actually, there is exactly ONE. Jayant Bhandari. He hates shitholer Indians, hates corrupt Indian culture, hates Indian corruption.

Jayant is the guy who hosted Maxime's Anti-Immigration speech.
I'm still feeling burned. Dominion voting machines were used to count the votes.
nope. there are exactly zero shitjeets. not a single one. i don't care what they say, they shouldn't be here. i guarantee this shitskin only cares because he hates being around other shitskins. now he knows how Whites feel. stop simping for
>muh based pajeet
he's advancing his own agenda, he doesn't care about White culture or people. if he did, he'd fuck off back to pajeetland
It's pretty much that. Mass immigration is getting hated more and more here, although I think most of it stems from people experiencing its effects more than anything else. I'm just in support of anyone actually trying to do anything, whether it's some politician or any other group. I'm tired of the "just let it collapse and run away" meme, it's all I hear from anons in every single country hit by this shit, where the fuck do we go then?
Monkey behaviour. The one who flashed me looked like Hindu Indian though. Seriously if I was a man with a microdick I would masturbate in the dark, never mind bring it out in public. I really looked but I couldn't see his dick at all!
Literally anywhere… Europe, Asia, Middle East, US. Lots of digital nomad visa opening up
>Conestoga College when it still had a semi-decent reputation and high placement statistics for graduates in their field
>literally had to take it off my resume because the only jobs
Soon Conestoga will have a lot of company as the list of institutions that have prostituted themselves for easy international student money increases.

We are headed for a multifactor collapse. Not just the banking system, but even basic institutions like medicine.
...how did Indians manage to have such huge litters with such small dicks? If he stuck it in a crew socks he wouldn't get it pass the ankle.
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>The one who flashed me looked like Hindu Indian though
They look the same bro. Not all of them wear turbans and disavow shaving.
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>if I was a man with a microdick I would masturbate in the dark
I would cry in the dark. Like this Asian guy did after this incident.
The girl I want to marry goes to U of T. I'm praying for Canada to totally collapse in the next year so I can convince her and her senpai to move to the US. Sorry Canada I hope you all fail. Its not personal.
Now look at the CPC's current platform then look at PPC's platform then ask yourself, why would they ever let him win leadership? The party is completely pozzed either way
you left out that he's torn apart, consumed with hatred for everyone he knows from the ex wife to the evil children to the Limey expat boss that treats him like a used snot rag and especially all his fellow workers that gossip about him, back bite him and treat him like human garbage to his face. He reciprocates this by back biting them and gossiping about them and being an all around miserable son of a bitch. And that was long before the poos or the chinks or the niggers showed up. That was back in teh good old days when the sun was shining and the future looked bright. Now that the economy is in a tailspin he is consumed with dyspepsia, hypochondria, impotence, prostate problems, insomnia, migraines and silent rages.
not in my city yet, we have plenty of people getting caught with large amounts of drugs to sell, but the people taking the drugs must be keeping to themselves so far.
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rape and forced marriages of underage girls
I think if you have consented to be in a sexual situation with someone, it's rude to laugh at their genitals if it's something they can't help.
Be me
33 white male. Lost my job as a lawyer for a condo company because the jews at the condo developer only build 1 bedroom units for Chinese investors. Interest rates killed the Chinese investors.

Now I can't find a new job. The whole economy is fake. I just wanna be a simple real estate lawyer.
>Sorry Canada I hope you all fail. Its not personal.
Nothing personal taken fren. Hope to see you soon.
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>Now look at the CPC's current platform then look at PPC's platform then ask yourself, why would they ever let him win leadership?
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Has anyone ever wondered why they have tens of millions of extra men?

It's because they massacred their female infants by the millions to the point that there are tens of millions more men more than women now.
A boy child can work and support his parents until they die while a girl cannot work and is married off into another family anyway. If you don't have children then you just become homeless and die in a feces-laden river.

So they just reproduced and killed the female babies, their own children. They really did this for decades, tens of millions of times. Same thing happened in China, driven by the one child policy. Just as cynically, parents decided that if they can only have one child, it has to be a boy for the same economic reasons, and killed their female babies.

But they didn't have a one child policy in India though, they just decided to do this simply because it was more convenient. Luckily for all, the extra refuse men, the lowest of the low that could not pair with a female, are here now and will keep coming. I welcome this wholesome diversity and inclusivity in the true spirit of Canadian values.
Whenever I hear "This Is How You Remind Me" I always imagine Joey Moss singing it:

This! Is! How! You! Re! Mind! Me!

Say Sorry!
Say Sorry!
Say Sorry!
The Glory!
Gloria sent free!
Re! Mind! Me!
Fuck Alberta
Quebec is a shit
10,0000 dead natives in Catholic schools
>I think if you have consented to be in a sexual situation with someone, it's rude to laugh at their genitals if it's something they can't help.
I played that webm to my better half and she burst out laughing.

Yes. the poor guy has a legitimate birth defect, it's not his fault and it's tragic for him. I would rather be born without one of my feet than with a 1cm penis. It wouldn't be half bad if he was a gay bottom, but he did seemed excited to be with that girl.

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>Fuck Alberta
>Quebec is a shit
>10,0000 dead natives in Catholic schools
Fight me!
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you both write like redditors
If i was a guy I would rather have a microdick than to have no feet, what if you have to run from zombies? For similar reason I would prefer a man with a microdick over one who can't run fast -- but then again I'm autistic. If having a big dick is so important to men though that they rather be down one foot than a small dick, maybe that's why Indian males are so crazy.
New thread go go go
Is he drunk?
it's an injun. of course he's drunk
>It's because they massacred their female infants by the millions to the point that there are tens of millions more men more than women now.
Now do the Canada population pyramid with excess males. India has been exporting their excess, low grade males to Canada.
>Is he drunk?
And he stole my bike!
How much Ukrainian females we have gotten in the same period (vs Ukrainian males...there will be kids and some teens).
I will note for some reason, that the blacks we have seem to be more females than males, both the ones we have for generations, and the families that are coming over. In the old working class suburbs, it's pretty common to see white man, black girl.
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>If i was a guy I would rather have a microdick than to have no feet, what if you have to run from zombies?
I can run faster without feet than with. I can also get accessory prothsthetics with a built in zombie gun.


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>I will note for some reason, that the blacks we have seem to be more females than males
The reason, incarceration rates:
>Black people are dramatically over-represented in Canada’s prison system, making up 8.6 of the federal prison population, despite the fact they make up only 3 percent of the population. What is more, between 2003 and 2013, the incarceration rate among Black people increased by nearly 90 percent.
Baking new bread. Standby.
Now Google that headline and even include daily mail in the search, amd see just what happens. Tell me there isn't an organized effort to genocide whites lmao

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