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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I sadly never got to ask my great grandparents (Zoomer here 23 years old) how WW2 went for them because they died while I was little.

What would your grandfather/great grandfather think about the world today or society in general? I sadly don't know much about mine but maybe anons here had a conversation with their grandfather/ great grandfather.

What would they think of todays world and society in general? I know they had way better manners and respect than boomers - they wanted their own children to be better then them.
>>475731488 (HOLY CHECKED)
They would have not taken one step up that beach had the been able to see what we do now
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I just saw my blessed digits. And yeah they still were one of the strongest people around.
many WWII veterans thought the right enemy was Germany. Go back to your containment board stormfront because pol isn't a nazi board you shizo
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Well as a European he would take one look around and see a fucking hell-scape. Maybe not as dreary or dull as during his years. But the civil unrest and abscense of a national identity almost ANYWHERE would make his fucking skin crawl. He'd see beautiful white countries being flooded with shitskins, the racemixing agenda, and would probably FEEL the soul that is missing from society, it's palpable. If he died before 2010, consider yourself lucky. The late 2000's was truly the last bastion for a world that could've possibly continued toward creating a better future. That dream died slowly over the 2010's, and it's now basically in the gutter. Nobody believes in a European identity anymore, America is actually becoming comparable to communist China, and Russia is terrorizing the continent getting 100,000's more white men killed. It's a complete shitshow, and the psyops today would literally make his brain melt
Fuck off memeflag.
Absolutely. Also here in Europe it's the same thing. National identity is being lost and shitskins/niggers are imported.
Digits indicate truth!!!
God bless you fren and 1488 always.
That's actually Slapton Sands where the americans drowned in their thousands practising for D Day.
Yes, very good digits OP. Only issue I have is the pic here is wrong. The slouch hat marked as British is AIF, not a Tommy. No slur on anyone, just for historical accuracy.
Do you know people in their 80s or 90s? They are pretty much in line with all of the insanity and faggotry happening right now. I do know that those people (the boomers) were degenerates to begin with.

I knew a lady who lived to be 103. She was so extremely right wing she would be considered a nazi today even though in reality she is not one by definition. She would not let her grand daughters date and would tell prospective boyfriends that she was going to shoot them, and then try to select suitors of her own for them (then the boomers interfered to stop her). She also kicked her grandson out of the house for having a nigger friend

You have to realize that our world is 1000x worse than the worst of weimar despite what retards here tell you. It’s so shockingly satanic and horrible that people alive back then would have revolted
They would probably be disappointed we aren't doing more to support the 4th reich in Ukraine. Ukraine is the closest thing to Nazi Germany and many former Nazi countries refuse to send troops to help fight the Russian commies. Ukraine spent so much money on helping bring back national socialism, but not many of them actually traveled to Ukraine as planned to fight. This is why people need to keep promoting nationalism and national socialism to energize the whites to get them ready for war with Russia.
Thanks for the info, fren. Good to know.
Holy fucking checked
“Turn this fucking boat around.”
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after 2020 I can't even mount a hypothetical defense, the british and american entry
into WWII can no longer be justified from their respective perspective and outlook

not about abstract morals but now we know the victors of WWII have been physical destroyed as a people
I miss the Greatest Generation my fren. But in the end we can always be better than the degenerate boomers. Very few boomers aren't like that but the majority sadly represents the boomer criteria.
Both sides are funded by kikes, fren. Azov has connections to Israel.
They would be horrified by the widespread anti-lgbt propaganda
>You have to realize that our world is 1000x worse than the worst of weimar despite what retards here tell you. It’s so shockingly satanic and horrible that people alive back then would have revolted
This. The Jewish victory over the West is so complete it's almost awe inspiring. In less than 100 years they have literally committed genocide of out entire people without even so much ad a whimper from whites.
americans don't even know den kupplungs paragrpahen?
You've got the new BaitMaster 2000 I see.
sometimes I believe that weimar conditions are an emergent property of jewish minority rule
Das ist leider in Deutschland nicht besser, Anon. Ich wohne in der Nähe von Frankfurt und selbst im kleinen Ort bei mir gibt es schon viele Araber und Neger.
>weimar conditions are an emergent property of jewish minority rule
Yeah probably. You can't be a jew in a strong, masculine culture.
My grandfather was a "bigot" according to all of his daughters.
He used to drive them into the nigger shanty towns and make fun of "the boogaloos."
This was before the government gave niggers houses.
Nice bait but if you're serious you meed to fuck off to Plebbit.
Based grandpa.
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Not bait, just facts.
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Well we fought for the team White and did not want give Jews the power so this is not our chosen world.
I think the Anglos who fought for team Jew would probably love the tranny story hours for their grandkids - it was what they fought for after all.
In reality though they didn't have the internet and Jewish media told them all they know - most of them probably didn't understand they were fighting for the Jews and were duped to do it.
>What would your grandfather/great grandfather think about the world today or society in general?
I mean he'd have hated it, but he was a life long zogbot idiot so fuck him.
Your pic was made moot by a bunch of goat farmers though
i knew my great grandfather who served in both ww2 and Vietnam. My gdad both served in the armed forces as well but were never deployed in combat. My father served in desert storm and was deployed. They all realized the decline of this country and all told me not to serve. If your white you shouldnt serve a country that doesnt serve you.

Funny story. After my great grandfather died i went with my grandparents to clean out his house. He lived a few states away. Well were a few day into it and make it into the attic. Im standing on the 1st floor and my grandad is just casually passing my grandma down live mortar rounds. He had llike 20 of them. I was a kid them so i couldnt keep them. They all wound up getting tossed of the chesapeake bay bridge late one night lmao. Thats all my grandad could think to do with them

But yeah, our grandparents and great grandparents lived in a totally different america. One that was definitely worth fighting for. We no longer live there so do not sign your life for and niggers. I dont really have a problem with spics and arabs. They align more with whites than you may realize. Unlike nigger and fucking kikes
>This was before the government gave niggers houses.
Yet there are now White homeless people in your country that can't get the government to pay the Jew their rent bill and can't afford it themselves, living in their cars while working a min-wage job while the unemployed gangbanger gets his house paid for the by the govt.
Exactly as Jew designed it.
The US military isn't got assfucked by desert ppl for 30 years
and rice growers.
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USA used to be a White country - in fact it was founded as a White country, for "free white persons of good moral character" and all.
Guess who destroyed the White America policies? Jews.

USA restricted immigration to Americans, meaning Northern and Western Europeans, from 1776 to 1965, for 189 years.
What happened in 1965?
Well, a certain Jew by the name of Emanuel Celler, had infiltrated their government and repealed the race-based National Origins Formula (White America policy), and installed the Hart-Cellert Act of 1965 in it's place which removed the race restrictions and replaced them with restrictions for migrants of European origin, effectively creating a policy of Non-White America.
When the act was introduced, it immediately decreased the amount of people coming from Northern and Western European races and opened the floodgates for everyone else, including Jews themselves.

>The National Origins Formula had been established in the 1920s to preserve American homogeneity by promoting immigration from Western and Northern Europe. During the 1960s, at the height of the (((civil rights movement))), this approach increasingly came under attack for being racially discriminatory.
>The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 created a seven-category preference system that gives priority to [...], and refugees.
>The law abolished the National Origins Formula, which had been the basis of U.S. immigration policy since the 1920s. The act formally removed de facto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans as well as Asians, in addition to other non-Western and Northern European ethnicities from the immigration policy of the United States.
>Prior to the Act, the U.S. was 85% White, with Black people (most of whom were descendants of slaves) making up 11%, while Latinos made up less than 4%.

Pay trannies to rape her to death
Eglin AFB spook.

Your tricks don't work, everyone has a search bar to see the vets crying on camera, proving you wrong by saying this isn't the country they fought for.
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hey glowie didn't the US originally want to side with the axis powers due to how many Americans had German heritage? Didn't the US sell weapons and raw materials to every side until we officially entered the war?
how's your gaping neovagina looking, festering and putrid I hope?
Who cares? They weren't anything special.
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For example this nigger right here >>475736005 is not White, so he should have never even been a citizen.
Using his rhetoric, do you not betray your founding fathers that designed USA as a White nation by letting Jews destroy the White policies?
By letting the nonwhites vote and soon take over the entire country.
If you don't act and remove the Jew, the country built by Whites will be in Jewish and nonwhite hands within a generation.

Note that this is not any natural progression, this is entirely ENGINEERED by the Jews.
There is nothing except the Jews that say that White homes should be giving out citizenships and voting rights to nonwhites, or even keep the doors open at all for them.
Countries with sensible immigration policies like UAE has ONLY citizenship by bloodline, and they will never give them out.
The best a foreigner can get is permanent residency and never more than that.
It is only of Jewish mind that White homelands should make nonwhites citizens, while OF COURSE THEY SHOULD NOT.
Saaaar i thought india number 1!!!!!????
meds now
what are you talking about? It was only 1 veteran on yt being interviewed with FOX news where he lost it and cried. Get some help fast
Ukrainian/Russian drone combat footage debunks your meme bud
meds now. Absolute horsehit and it isn't even in history books. I'm not even American, i'm Indian who want to go to America one day
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but it will always backfire, stalin, hitler, xi, mandela
it doesn't work and always bites them in the ass as no totalitarian strongman (who is necessary to seize all the property) can ignore such a strong independent faction outside of his control of which the jewish diaspora is the most notorious example of

I see it as game theory now, it is not universal and historic hatred. Pure ethno narcissism to think tht it is, in truth it is impersonal and I think can't be avoided.
Minority is as profitable as it is perilous.
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Not special?
Are you brown maybe with such low IQ, do you not know history at all?
That was the definite moment between team White and team Jew, the only reason brown people are destroying all the White homelands now is because team Jew won.
We put an unfathomable amount of resources to accommodate non-whites, not only feeding housing and clothing them but deal with all their crime and destruction, and also the richer nonwhites like Jews never do anything honest that brings the society forward, they are landlords, bankers investors and rentiers, so an enormous amount of our prosperity goes to them too.
If we didn't have to accommodate nonwhites and have them as a giant stone around our necks dragging us down, we could be a type 2 civilization by now, mining asteroids for resources.
Everything that is wrong in the world was decided in that moment.
Nice deflect from the fact that you're a cooked glownigger pig.

I'll be jerking off to the vids of nigs skinning you animals alive and necklacing your asses.
My dad was a truck driver at the time he was drafted.
Went through boot camp, shipped to England Got in a landing boat. Went up to the beach.
Door goes down. Hein defends his country. Door goes up. Boat goes back to troop ship. Unload the dead, send dad and two others back home. War over. Never talked about it. Ever.
Sister takes me to visit the VA hospital so I can see all the paraplegics and quadriplegics from the war. And oh yeah, the gold fish ponds.
He didnt talk about it because he didnt 360 noscope andly krauts
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Yeah America would have likely never entered the war, the traitor Churchill that sold the future of his own kind to the Jewish bankers visited USA multiple times to coax Roosevelt into joining but he didn't budge and explained that the USA public doesn't want to take part.
So the Jews devised a plan, they fed the Japanese military command false intel that USA attack was imminent that your fleet in Pearl Harbor was gearing up to steamroll Japan.
The military command knew that there was no chance of survival if the fleet was intact, so they had to attack first and try to disable it.
And that was the thing that drew USA into the war - just like the Jews wanted, and the rest is history.

Germany never even wanted a war, but the Jewish bankers in City of London wanted to destroy it and used Churchill who in turn pressured Poland to not negotiate with Germany and instigate war instead by killing thousands of ethnic Germans that were put under their thumb by the Jewish Treaty of Versailles that was designed to break down German spirit by putting German peoples under thumbs of foreign rulers.
Understandably Germans had a bone to pick with the Jews.

QRD from Pat Buchanan, author of "Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War"

Hitler Did Not Want War 1/4

Hitler Did Not Want War 2/4

Hitler Did Not Want War 3/4

Hitler Did Not Want War 4/4
"It happened exactly like they said it did, don't let them convince you otherwise. I was there. It is all documented. What can be debated is if we fought on the correct side.
We were no Easy company, we were replacements, but on the other side of the war. The side that rotated everyone to the front lines. Its how I got my medals.
You know after the war I was a nurse at the state hospital? I couldn't do it. There was all these veterans. Nothing was wrong with them, except for how they were treated when they returned. I knew to stay out of the lodges they set up a day or so behind the the line. I couldn't do it. I quit.

I would be lying if I said I didn't blame your father and uncle for the suicide of their brother. They knew to stay away from the Freemasons, but they didn't listen. There is nothing I can do about that. I would be lying if I said I didn't blame them.
I know what they are doing to you too. I wish there was. I couldn't take care of those soldiers either.

I am sorry. I think you and I, we've solved all the problems of the world, if only they would listen."

Freemasons tongue my anus
Proud of saving Europe and East Asia from genocide and establishing the USA as global superpower and leader. They'd do it again in a heartbeat. God bless American veterans and the Greatest Generation.
Yeah obviously many would figure out that they fought for the wrong side - killing their brothers in the name of Jews. Patton figured it out, and so did legions of others.
They should have passed down the knowledge of how treacherous Jews are to their children - the boomers - because it was the early boomer generation that let Jews take USA over completely.
Any who lived long enough to see what the modern world has become would be appalled to see the state of it today.
blue haired fags would have called them incels or rapists
>Ukraine is the closest thing to Nazi Germany
Unfortunately it is not like it at all.
It is owned and controlled by Jewish oligarchs and is incredibly corrupt, just like every other ex-USSR country.
Russia-Ukraine war is just Slavs fighting each other when the Jew controls them from above.
Nothing about it is even remotely Nazi.
I take it you're arguing they should have been shooting from a boat bouncing around in the surf with... sniper rifles.
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The UK/USA weren't rapists but they helped rapists.
Namely the Red Army committed more rape than any other army in history of warfare when they roamed through Europe and took control of half of it.
So while UK/USA did not commit rape themselves, they were in team Jews-Rapists against team White.
Notable is that there is no reports at all of the "evil Nazis" committing any rape whatsoever.
Because rape is something that only subhumans do.
Dad never talked politics.
he talked girls; he liked them "pleasingly plump".
He was apolitical. Just a leaf in the storm.
But he was big on silver currency tho. He hoarded silver.
All sides committed rape, it's war
Probably that israel is our greatest ally because they are named in the bible.
Kek, except they didn't.
Maybe as a brown subhuman yourself it is hard to understand that only subhumans rape.
No White soldier would ever think of doing such a thing.
Everyone in Europe knows that USSR raped, while Germans,Finnish,Italians,British,Americans did not.
same as Americans to a lesser degree

Italians did not occupy enough territory
Sounds like ideological propaganda. There's no large scale war where soldiers didn't rape

They were raped by Soviets, not Germans.
Sure, hundred of thousands of Black and some Hispanic served in the U.S. Army in WWII, of course they committed rape.
By Americans I meant real founding stock Americans, who are Europeans, they did not commit rape.
Lies, no accounts exist of British soldiers committing rape.

Again, rape is not something that White people do.

>Sure, hundred of thousands of Black and some Hispanic served in the U.S. Army in WWII, of course they committed rape.
>By Americans I meant real founding stock Americans, who are Europeans, they did not commit rape.
>Lies, no accounts exist of British soldiers committing rape

Look up Allied rapes in France
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American shills will say
>but nobody is a war criminal, we lost like 20 soldiers and killed 5000, we won!
This is because the USA is stuck in a 500 year old warfare mindset of prisoners, slaves and counting coup.

Literal Indian raid tier warfare. The USA cannot comprehend of things like holding land, taking casualties, controlling other nations, fair fights, endurance Ect ect.

They will say such things as
>fair fight means you did the warfare wrong, it's supposed to be unfair
>we got our candidates in power
>we own the (combat zone)
>we know exactly what is going on
>they are doing what we wanted.
>it's disgusting what we did.

These are not how you lead people and provide security, this is how you steal like a nigger. It's why the Indians of the north americas were wiped out so comprehensibly. They never controlled anything in a respectable and open way, so all their institutions eroded and were replaced by "more noble" ones.

You think the first conflicts between europeans and American Indians came out kill positive for guns and steel?

These Indians didn't. They were slippery little terrorists who found people in their homes, murdered them, kidnapped the women and children and then went back to their hovels and danced around a fire. Scalping people on the road, and then whenever a big bunch of British army would show up they would kill one or two, run away, assassinate the general's daughter and then dance around until they got more fancy toys from the french. Before showing back up in your little white town and demanding gifts.

It's not politically correct but the modern USA behaves much the same.

It's funny American media even understands this a little bit.

American soldier on TV stabs his enemy in the back. His enemy always waits for him to fight back. Normally people consider this a matter of "honor" but it's not.

Americans ask, what deal can we make?
Non-americans ask, what is my life worth?
Hahaha, that's a good one. If they were capable of thought they wouldn't be soldiers
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So you found a single Jewish account of a supposed rape of two Jewish women by Germans - hardly a reliable source nor evidence of large scale rape and even the paper you linked mentions that accounts of rape by Germans are absent and that by large they did not do it.
And even that single account is highly questionable - Jews always lie - they did make up the entire Holocaust after all.
Meanwhile Soviets raped MILLIONS of women when they made their way through Europe.
>waaah waaaah everything needs to change because I'm here now
Kill yourself newfag
>jeet thinking about horseshit
>using meme flag as well
>not even in history books
your mystics knew the secret of life 3,000-5,000 years ago. people are like cattle but the 80iq jeets failed the litmus test and they literally worship a cow and eat shit. if only you could hear your ancestors now.
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Shut the fuck up kike rat, your kind is the reason why 100 million Europeans died.
You have been expelled a thousand times before when your wretched ways are found out, you think you are immune to it now?
Your next expulsion is just around the corner.
Only this time we must make sure it will be your last.
Holocaust did not happen, but it should have.

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Blessed NatSoc digits.
>"If the British soldiers on the beaches of Normandy in 1944 could look forward to the end of the century and see what England has become, they would not have bothered to advance another 40 yards up the beach."
-David Irving
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>they are named in the bible.
You current-day Jews LARP as the Ancient Israelites even though you are descendants of Canaanites. It is simply a case of stolen identity, you are not the same people as the Jews of Biblical times. Hard DNA proof exists of that.

So with the FACT that the modern-day Jews have stolen the identity of the original Israelites, these passages in the Bible actually make sense

>Revelations 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
>Revelations 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

It's insane that the passages actually match what happened. We have Jews today that claim something they are not, and we have the modern science of DNA to prove that you are lying.
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Jews have deliberately destroyed the White homelands.
There are no 100% White ethnostates left, and Jews are who did that.
They are rubbing together their hands ecstatically knowing what they've done but the masses of Goyim not realizing it.
At least not yet...
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Amen to that. I hope more Whites keep noticing.
Patton was so based that they killed him.
He saw the Cold War coming before it happened.
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>we wuz aryans
LARP is partially correct, there used to be a White, now extinct Aryan race that came from Europe and settled North India.
But they did the same mistake that Jews are now forcing us to do, which is failing to keep the brown people out.
r-selection breeding of niggers will always win the K-selection breeding of Whites, and the ONLY way to keep White population healthy and alive is to keep the brown people out.
Of course Jews know this, that is entirely the reason they are flooding our countries with non-whites - to destroy us.
We are the people that are better than them and they know it, they know that as long as we exist they are under threat of being found out and expelled or even exterminated.
That is why the Jewish logic goes that by destroying us they ensure their own survival.

Not to mention that Talmud literally teaches that their Messiah can only come when Edomites/Canaanites are destroyed, which the Jews think are Christians, even though in reality they themselves are the descendants of the biblical Canaanites while we are not.
But when ever truth got into the way of a good Jewish story like the Holocaust.

By looking at India we already have an example of what it looks like when the White race is destroyed, some of them will carry <5% White genes like Indians today do gained through miscegenation.
But simple math tells us that "bleaching" is not what happens, its the opposite.
The White genes will be "browned" out of existence.

Again, the ONLY way to stop this is to remove the non-whites from our midst, and to do this we must first REMOVE THE JEW who is actively blocking us from doing it and feeding us lies and promoting miscegenation.
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And you don't even have to believe me they're doing that - here you can hear it from Mr. Soros himself.
Ah yes, the nazis under a jewish president, kill yourself retard.
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>American soldier on TV stabs his enemy in the back
On Jewish TV. Media is literally how you rats manipulate how the public sees things and you twist the narratives.
>Americans ask, what deal can we make?
Don't you dare project your Jewish thinking to Americans.
White people don't think of war as "deals", that is what you JEWISH RATS do.
You are not and you will never be an American. You were not the pioneers, you didn't found the country.
You simply went there when they became successful to leech from them, AS YOU ALWAYS DO.

There is literally no other race as disgusting and wretched as your. Even godforsaken street-shitting pajeets are miles above your kind.
Nazis did not kill themselves without a reason, they knew that the world was lost if they lost.
Based Finish fren. Love your Information.
>predditor calling pol a containment board

The hilarity. Anybody can post here faggot.
Im a 24 year old zoomer. My great grandparents died last year. I spent lots of time with them and other ww2 vets. They think we are a bunch of stupid, lazy wimpy s0iboi faggots with no morals or common sense. They are mostly correct.
I think Smedley T was better than Patton, sorry boomers.
take meds now. Also all idiots here posting shit about India it will be superpower in 2030. And I will try get remote job in US company to earn much and live good in India
This is not accurate, anon. The US government was proactively anti-German even before the war began. The vast majority of people OTOH didn’t want to fight Germany, but that slowly changed over the course of the 1930s with more and more propaganda being churned out and government censoring people like that Irish priest radio host guy. So eventually by 1941 a sizable number of people (mainly on the left) had been galvanized into demanding war against Germany. Although it was still a minority

But at no point did FDR’s regime ever materially support Germany. In fact documents captured by Germany showed that the US state department was actively goading Polish leaders into provoking war. The US was fomenting war.

Also, the war was never about “evil nazis” or “racism” even for large portion of leftists in the US at that time. that narrative of “we wuz antifa” is so dumb
Why didnt he ninja diffuse at B

Ich lerne Deutsch und ich bin sehr glüklich ich verstehe dich ohne translation. (probably sounded a bit retarded there but hey I'm glad I was able to read it)

My mom's side of the senpai is from Bavaria. I hope it stays clean and pure there like the mountains and water. Watching Germany's nature trashed by retarded migrants breaks my heart.
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And this was always a Nazi board, the original /pol/ logo has the swastika on it, kek.
Poojeets come in with big confidence and zero facts which is typical for their race.
It's insane how Jews and Poos always present their head canon as fact.
Basically the combatants of any major conflict had more in common with one another than any modern person.
Civil War
30 Years War
Best fucking numbers for this one to start.

Uhh f4mily gets replaced to senpai now? Test: family Test: onions
My grandfather from Hungary literally told my American family that the holocaust was a Hollywood invention and they laughed at him
>more and more propaganda being churned out
Yeah and of course it was the usual suspects behind it.
They have ALWAYS used propaganda as a weapon.
We have to remember that the Judeo-Bolshevik Revolution was instigated by Lenin and Trotsky - both Jews - and the Communist ruling elite was almost entirely Jewish.
They were the masters of propaganda and telling lies - as is typical for the Jewish race.
I really like the quote from Martin Luther where he calls the Jews "incorrigible corruptors of humanity" because that describes them very well.
Seething pajeet kek.
Your German is great my fren. Unfortunately Europe isn't looking great at the moment and many guys I know want to come to the US but I don't know why.
Gebe nicht auf, Kamerad. Am Ende siegt immer das Gute \o
Sad how Hollywood brainwashes most people...
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It is pretty laughable though how people can believe that shit with zero evidence except Jewish word - and everyone knows how reliable the Jewish word is.
Every piece of evidence came from the Soviets and all of them like the chimneys at Auschwitz and the videos they filmed were found to be fake later - yet it still isn't corrected to be a hoax.
I mean the chimney that they made for the photo op doesn't even lead anywhere :D
That is a testament to how powerful the Jewish lobby is and how their ownership of media can corrupt people's minds through continuous propaganda that people still think even to this day that it really happened.
my great grandpa killed japs. i imagine he would find how the people that threw themselves and their children to their deaths rather then surrender and the people who would run face first into machine gun fire turned into these poodles, well i would hope he would laugh.
They fought and died for the Jew, this is literally what they fought for. Listen to the allied leader speeches lol it's quite funny, mainly the American ones. Totally and irrevocably zogged.
they would have had to murder the assigned MP officer at the back of the dropship then
he was ordered to shoot anyone who refused to charge the beach
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Ah, the classic speech crime bait image.
Sloppy job
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>don't invade Russia in the winter
He's saying it's bait without saying it
Only Jewish boy on board was the MP, the one designated to stay behind and shoot anyone that didn't go.
How fitting.
I hope that kike was machine gunned down by Germans.
>eisenhower - "muh military complex will destroy america"
>bradley - "muh pension, muh legacy"
>patton - "we fought wrong enemy"
Jimmy shoulda crack corn and not care
"We were on the wrong side."
Anon much of america is smitten by their parasite.

These guys could have voted against helping israel their entire lives, they could have kept their children out of the military. Do they? Did they?
I'm not sure you read what I wrote.

I understand you might be feeling like you need to justify being a US ally. But I highly recommend reading a little history about the US. Especially before it existed. The jews have been out here for a long time, and you may not know how bad it really is.
If you watch WW2 documentaries from the 80s or 90s with veterens, none of them are true believers. All the heroism, patriotism and tough guy stuff is vaporised and they're left saying things like it was total waste of life and money. 'I don't know why we remember it annually.' Stuff like that, mostly it was uncomfortable. Hardly any food, usually bad, no sanitation in trenches. Just miserable.
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David Irving whose father was a World War II veteran said it perfectly

"If the British soldiers on the beaches of Normandy in 1944 could look forward to the end of the century and see what England has become, they would not have bothered to advance another 40 yards up the beach."

David Irving

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