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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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She needs to stop dunking on us. Trump is too old for this kind of barrage.
bitch lol
Trump bitched out like a coward. I wanted to see Trump eviscerate her live on TV but of course he's going to back down like a faggot.
Dangerous tactic the democrats are trying right now, considering they already lost 1 candidate to debating Trump and will lose their second candidate on September 10th.

Crazy levels of cope
Just like how this post was made
You know that the more you do this, the less anyone falls for it? Even fucking Redditors are calling shenanigans.
Her team's been on fire. I understand Trump not wanting to debate someone without dementia, so in this case just keep your mouth shut. He looks like a real pussio roght neo
he agreed to debate biden

he beat biden so bad he became the first active president to stop seeking re election post debate

he isnt obligated to debate anyone else
The question mark goes inside the quotes Kamala.
lol drumpf btfo'd
Astro turf is supposed to be believable
You can't win a debate against a black woman.
200IQ move from Trump yet again, she will look an utter fool on stage debating against no-one.
It unironically is her turn
>19mil views
>Only 400k likes
lol, lmao even
Out of 19 Milly
he's afraid of lawyers. That's why he never testifies in court. And that's why he always hides behind them, his retardedness will be revealed if he tried to debate one
unparalleled levels of cope
I think it's time for him to step down from his campaign.
Jeetcuck says what?
I second this
imagine all the golf missed
Because she is not officially the candidate will the DNC
The question mark goes outside when the sentence is a question but the quote isn't.
Didn't Hillary's "delete your account" also get a bajillion likes?
Conservative voters just aren't on social media
He would be happier honestly.
its elder abuse
Reliable spurce of information, as always, OP.
reminds me of Hillary's "delete your account" post which had like 3 million likes because she bought them from a bangladeshi like farm.
He will debate her and it will be just as embarrassing as the first one. Trump was being nice to Biden, he won't be for Kamala.
Aww the pajeet cuck is angry. Go have some warm cow shit and take a nap.
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damn thats crazy did you know your tranny reddit mods are zionists?
I was over at my foster mom's apartment today helping with some errands. She lives in a very urban city of a very blue state. After picking up her social security check we went to one of the nearby Whole Foods. It’s the kind of place that hipsters, vegans, legit pink pussy hat wearers and trust fund kids go to unwind with a wheat grass onions latte.

Former President Trump was on the TV and the local social worker said to his public administrator buddy (gay lovers since the aids epidemic), “You know what? He wasn't so bad. Inflation was low, the border was secure, and we didn't see any new wars. I can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Mar-a-lago Don’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yas Queen” and “poggers" from the twitch streamers around me. Even saw the lonely blue haired cat lady smile and raise her orange tabby with a hand nitted Maga hat!
Wow, way to prove you’re ESL.
>her team
It’s bots
Crypto shitcoins can get the same amount of likes in one day by just paying a bot farm
Learn how to argue you dumb nigger. You're wrong, simple as.
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Why does kamala think anyone offered to debate her?
She's a delusional bitch she has not even gotten a single primary vote, let alone recieve the DNC nomination
>mods over 60 pajeet "subreddits" for free
Goddamn and I thought the jannies were pathetic.
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we're going to meme her to the white house
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many such cases
You eat cow shit bro, no "argument" is required.
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They're called bots you 1pbtID retard.
Wait wait so if i'm understanding correctly, are you saying that might change your vote? As if to say, you might have been thinking of voting for Trump previously, but now you're leaning Kamala?
everyone beats a black woman
American education
That's great OP, but i'm still voting for Trump in November and there's not a damn thing you antiMAGA faggots can do about it :)
cope, seethe, gain height, get a clue, and seek employment
old man trump and his couch-fucking sidekick will never win
I am once again begging the mods to delete these spammed threads. It's literally been a week like this. I've been here for well over a decade, this is the worst I've seen it.

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Jeet IQ
A lot of follows and likes on big accounts are completely fake. They pay for it. Are you new to the internet?
this is your new normal CHUD, just accept it :)
He's right though. Did jeets teach you grammar?
Seriously I don't understand why kamala thinks she has any standing to ask for a debate.

Obama says he supports her for president, so what?
King nigger is not actually a king, and is only half a nigger.

Kamala needs to earn the right to stand next to trump... what has she ever even accomplished in her time as VP? Does she have a single noteworthy point of merit?

She's barely high enough rank to debate ben shapiro
Bingo. Shill exposed. Thread failed.
Hes not though and if youre too retarded to read 3 posts above you then kys
Seeing Trump's campaign fall apart after he got shot has been so satisfying. All he had to do after July 13 was go hang out in Mar-a-Lago, fuck models, and play golf. Then Jan 20 walk in the white house basically unopposed. Now he's gonna lose it all (and go to prison after the campaign fails). Courtesy of J.D. "Sofa King" Vance
Holy fuck you are hopeless lmao
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Exactly. Jews hate whites.
400,000 lol
How many of those likes came from Americans?
A lot of people around the world have TDS, so it’s safe to say that you can cut that number of likes by 2/3rd’s to get the 0.1 percentile of Americans who liked it.
Saar blease redeem my lazy googling!
>i'm still voting for Trump in November and there's not a damn thing you antiMAGA faggots can do about it
We can sneer at you. I'm sneering at you right now.
Lmao please explain with your ESL vocabulary then it should be hilarious
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She didn't capture shit, you fucking moron. Those are bought and paid for bot accounts that clicked in all those 'likes.' And for all you shitlibs in here bloviating, Trump merely said he would not commit to any more debates until he sees who the candidate is.

You commie fuckers had better hope like hell that your vote-stealing machine is smart enough to stand down in November. We're gonna be watching you shitheads, and if you even think about trying the same counterfeit shit you pulled in 2020, it's gonna blow up like fucking Hiroshima.

Believe. It.
Sorry your jeetbooks are like 60 years old and covered in shit
Holdawg got more likes and lost. If they steal it again people will not be a passive as last time. Can’t wait for the next two debates
Trump can't eviscerate her. He only has two talking points: libs are racist against black people and libs are anti-Israel. He can't accuse her of being racist because she's black(ish) and she has the overwhelming majority of the black vote, and he can't accuse her of being against Israel since she's married to a Jew and is one of the biggest ziotards in the democrat party.
Trump only does well against GOP cucks, he loses debates to everyone else. He even lost the debates to Biden in 2016, and only won this year because Biden's a vegetable.
Trump is a weak pussy ass bitch.
All he's gotta say is "you aint black"
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Thanks for your input jew but the white men are educating jeets on the kings English
>he's afraid of lawyers. That's why he never testifies in court
Reminds me of that joke
>Two lawyers are sitting at a table having lunch
>A guy rushes into the room, and yells at one of them "Hey, your kid just scratched my car. Pay me $500 or I'll take your ass to court!"
>The lawyer stares for a second, before opening his wallet and handing the guy $500
>After the guy walks away, the other lawyer asks "Why did you pay him $500? You don't have a son, you're not even married!"
>The lawyer shrugs and replies, "Yeah, but who knows what'll happen if it went to trial."
Everyone should be careful of trial shenanigans. Why the fuck would he take even a 1% risk and testify when it's common advice to not take the stand unless you're forced to?
Trump is waiting until after Harris is 'locked in' as the nominee. He doesn't want to accidently win too hard and have her replaced by someone more competent.
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it's true. she's known to be a phenomenal debater.
>Thanks for your input jew
Said MIGAtard
Yeah. At this time it's a waste to spend effort and time on her. He should ignore her and focus on his crowd.
Why aren't you at the front?
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Hahahhaa who could have possibly predicted that canned response from a suicidal nafo troon?
Everything about these tactics is astroturfed. It seems the failed assassination really caught them off guard and everything is a desperate ploy
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>uses miga as insult
>let's all the jews leave before locking down borders
40 keks
is it because Mamala IS brat?
>what are bots
>bot farm
>astro turf
You're not my fucking "bro" you blue haired prolapsed asshole woke faggot
Eat shit and choke
You fucks spam this shit relentlessly - we KNOW it's bullshit
Die in a fucking fire
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>two jewish guard dogs fighting to the death for their respective jewish overlord
peak 2024 /pol/
cringe af video
>outside AND inside
Muttard can't even understand his own language
Don’t need to debate. Check the scoreboard trannies. Still up in the swing states
Bots. The Democrats have desperately clogged social media with false posts, likes etc etc
Wow the lefty botfarms are in full swing. I guess civil war is inevitable.
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Fuck, I wish we could get a single fucking win for once.
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Why debate her before the official nomination at the convention? The Democrats could easily choose another candidate when she makes a fool of herself.
This. You can tell they're still in a re-framing position, but don't know what to do. There are still visible traces of the plan had the assassination attempt taken place that they're still running with and A/B testing. But outside of that, they're completely lost.

They're trying to force the illusion that they're still in control, without question, but too many are waking up. They'll probably go full Samson option soon, because every day we move forward is a day they lose more control.
"any time, any place" is not a question.
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Idk if you've figured this out yet, but everything you are being shown is fake.
Hey wankstain. My country is paying you to die. Get in a trench like a good lad now
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>Did she say (question)
>may I go (question)
yiddish is the language of shit eaters
i love how the attacks on vance arent working because you spent 4 years going on and on about how they yelled "hang mike pence"
>pretending like the jewish overlords didnt send shills here to post "miga"
first time?
How much do they pay you to lie?

Why aren't you smart enough to know that what you are doing is wrong?

Why do you leftists have no couth or morals or sense of fairness?

Also how do you think the world is going to look when you help them steal another election, considering the dark direction it took when you stole the last one?

Do you think all of a sudden democrats who gained power with the help of your lies will all of a sudden be able to govern? Or do you know that you will turn the world into a facsimile of the streets of San Francisco, Baltimore, and Kharkov?
What happened to officialy elected.

Fuck off
This shit is fake and scary

Both sides
Democrats actually don't care about democracy.
Bots are not scary, it's just something that doesn't get cracked down on enough.
But stupid fucks dont know that.
She is gonna girlboss her way to the WhiteHouse nooooooooo.
He proposed having the debate at the border. A place she hasn't been or gave a fuck about. She's the one who bitched out.
This comment is organic certified
Joe Biden dropped out so they should nominate second place behind Joe……that’s RFK isn’t it? Nobody voted for Kamela who decided she’s the nominee?
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but he is, retard. trump said "any time, any place." not "any time, any place?" so kamalas quote would be "What happened to "any time, any place"?" you mongoloid
And they gaslight, nay, firebomb, everyone until all are crazy.
Yeah they hid the fact Joe was incompetent through the primary so nobody else really challenged a sitting president. Then they turn on him orchestrated a coup then selected a person nobody voted for. And if their plan worked Trump would’ve been ded too and R would’ve had Nikki.
We literally saw a coup orchestrated in 8days to install a globalist president
democrats are not democratic lmao
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Well you see, you pay 10 lakh rupees to some street shitters in India and they fix it for you, saar.
Bots. Now do the white house official youtube channel.
Trump shouldn’t have debated Biden so early either .
Wait till she is officially the nominee
Didn’t RFK come in second in the D primaries?
Yes but he switched parties
They wouldn’t have given it to him anyways . The plan was to have two female pajeets run against each other as a humiliation ritual against Americans
Nikki said she won’t attend RNC but changed her mind few days before Trump got shot. What did she know?
Why though? Why? Trump is such a showman. Why is is he backing out? I literally don't get it. It's not part of trumps character.
It's very interesting because what she's doing with Trump is just copying his way of doing things with others. Trump has always been used to other Republican leaders either bowing down to him or Democrat leaders either ignoring him or responding politely.

This time, she provokes him, she insults him, she humiliates him, she challenges him and he doesn't know how to respond. And that's exactly what the Democratic voters were waiting for. We've been too nice to him.
She’s not even officially the nominee
If true he's probably been told not to debate her as any offensive gesture towards a brown woman would make him look bad to the actual important voters, white women.
>If a quotation is a question, but the main sentence is not, we typically place the question mark inside the final quotation marks. In this case, you don’t also need a period to end the sentence.
Make America Poo
As fucked up as it sounds I kind of want her to win because when she's done fucking everything up nobody will ever vote for a woman ever again. It'll be funny
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Top KeK
why is trump not debating harris
>yiddish is the language of shit eaters
Fucking greasy kikes hiding behind their fag flags grunting some subhuman proto-homind cave language
Their shit cave language sounds like someone choking on a fish bone.
She's not even the nominee yet.
Trump has already debated Joe, he doesn't need to debate his VP too.
>She's not even the nominee yet.
Because they basically scribbled Pedo Joe's name out on all the paperwork and crayoned in Harris
Which is illegal
Why would he even fucking bother giving an also-ran has-been never-was a platform? Boss move on his part, he doesn't even see it as worth his time. Because it isn't. Also, mighty presumptive pf her at this point. Dumb cunt could fuck up before the DNC in August and bye bye forever for her. All she has is a PR team in overdrive and shills like you. She has the heat of a cold turd on the sidewalk on a winter's dat.
jeetnigger tho
based double digits, based Pyrrhic self destructive approach to victory
1) buying likes
2) the more Kamela stays as the front runner the better it is, she's just plain unlikeable. Like a catty office lady narc that sucks the boss's dick but tattles on everyone else for using 24# paper instead of 20# paper
>can't bully a senile old man on the verge of death anymore
>immediately chickens out
ah yes the typical conservative "alpha" male who only picks fights with weaker opponents
Hold on a minute, doesn't she have to be officially nominated by the democratic party? Why would Trumpino debate this bitch now, his opponent could be Mike Obama next week for all we know.
This is what a political party disconnected from reality sounds like.
Cool story but what’s Kamala’s platform?
All we've been hearing from you simps is how great Pedo Joe is - how vigorous and competent and sharp
Now he's a "senile old man on the verge of death"
Can't be both
If it's the former - then why is he resigning?
If it is the latter - then who has been running the country all this time?
Angry cat lady hands typed this post.
She's blowing her campign money on internet shilling obviously. What else is she gonna do? Make a commercial or hold rallies??? Lmao no one likes her.
trump is always playing the long game. you really think hes reached an impasse? lol
>How many of those likes came from Americans.
>How many of those likes actually came from real people and not bots.
Fixed that for you.
>Cool story but what’s Kamala’s platform?
At least the Russians tried to make it look cool - TRIED
Jeetnigger doesn't even have that
This, trump is physically indestructible, i DARE anyone to prove us wrong!
It's as over as over gets for Trumpcels. 50 state landslide in 24. Bet.
by not being pro russia she gets european support.
she is going to win because she is an avatar of kali the destroyer
Love these cringe stories turning the tables
Are you all amateurs, he's building up attention towards it so he announces a debate with her at a later date, making them think they are gonna wipe the floor with him when the reverse will happen, he always works this way, read his book FFS.
I think he said he'd do it, but not on ABC. I don't blame him for not wanting to do another debate where they invent rules to hamstring him.
The dnc has been using bots since 2016, plus there are billions of disgusting browns
>buy bots because you can afford anything
>have PR team gloat on every social media platform
>still not elected when the time comes
She isn't the official nominee but he wants her to be. But he needs the Democrats to be in a civil war, the longer they're fighting over the nomination the better, but the idea is to keep her on top.
WHEN she wins it'll be race war or White extinction. Checked double dubbs
I thought he did great with those rules? It’s hard to tell the difference between ACTUAL praise and reactionary sycophancy
Trumps weakness is a strong woman. Lets Goooooo!
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The democrats are fed up with the candidates taking the 'higher road' a la Biden & Hillary, so they see her as fighting dirty and are excited about it. Helps that she has more charisma than milktoast.
I mean he did get fucking shot at
>lmao Trump is a pussy he won't debate Momala
>debate happens in September
>Is it too late to nominate Newsom?
By one of his own guys!
Couldn’t have happened to a nice person
Newsoms poison, he’s taking down homeless encampments leaving half of the anons in this thread without a tent
>Trump camp pretends to be weak
>Trump unsure if he wants to debate
>Kamala takes the bait and says "do it faggot"
>Trump says "alright I guess we can then"
>Uh-oh, she can't back down now after all that peacocking
>Kamala gets rekt
this is 4d chess
Unironcally he said he will only debate her once she accepts the nomination
He pulled the classic “Frenchman’s cumsock” maneuver, we will see how it plays out
Kamala was not there for Republicans to give netanyahu a three hour standing ovation

Kamala will keep us out of war with Iran
It's called bot farms. Nothing is real. Especially not this. If you can't tell that everything is fake you may need to meditate on it some. Think to yourself, what if this isn't real. Think deeply about it. What if...this... isn't (as in, it is not) real, and by real I don't mean there isn't a reality, a kernel of absolute truth, but what I mean is that to humans, all things are subjective and all men are liars lying to themselves and others and our memories are false and we are easily deceived and confused and we have biases and motives.

So just keep that in mind like a mantra. Nothing is real. Nothing is real. Nothing is real. I can't be fooled because nothing is real. Nothing is real. Nothing is real. I won't believe the lies because I know. I know nothing is real.
Newsom is shifting right so he can run as a moderate unity candidate in 2028
honestly i'm cringing so hard at this forced kamala shit that i'm just checking out until november
Oh wait I have a better one! He’s playing 5d chess with Putin sending him plays via Morse code through his buttplug!
I would actually respect Trump more if he refused to debate someone who was appointed rather than voted for in a primary election.
Also she is a whore and I refuse to refer to her as anything but Cumonherface. This nation should not be ruled over by a woman who earned her office by kneeling for dick but not for God. It is called a country not a cuntry.
… and escalate a confrontation with Russia
Website expired
Only fans?

I hope
No we do not do jemocracy nord front
even I was impressed at the number of likes, I didn't know she was THAT popular already
Trump followed their rules for the first debate. He should make Harris do a debate under his own rules and approved moderators.
>NOOOO that's unfair!
Lol. Lmao.

Also, Trump has the luxury of doing just that. He's winning every single swing state in the polls, he's literally under no obligation to debate her. Democrats have changed the debate rules and number of debates twice now, back to back Presidential runs. It's time to stop giving a fuck about precedence and optics.
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Go back and kill yourself
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Very weak. You should be ashamed of yourself for such a poor attempt.
>I would actually respect Trump more if he refused to debate someone who was appointed rather than voted for in a primary election.
amazing they didn't say this.
really starting to doubt this Trump campaign
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didnt he sat he would be happy to debate the donkey's nominee which hasnt been declared yet
I wouldn't debate her until she's confirmed at the DNC. Don't make the same mistake he did with Biden and give the Dems a chance to replace her with Big Mike after she bombs. And even then, I'd say I played by your rules the first debate and I eviscerated your candidate so bad he had to drop out, if you want another one it will be done by my rules on a network friendly to me.
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You’re so scared
presidential debates already happened, not Trumps problem
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obligatory you have to go back
I should have just written the word “bait” clearly I went too subtle
He's waiting for DNC confirmation.
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i follow the old laws faggot
I vote blue but the amount of shilling on social media is turning me off and it's so blatantly propped up. Doubt I'm voting for Trump this year but I might not vote at all if they keep being this annoying about it.
>old rules
You’re Invading Iraq illegally and then killing famous football stars when they speak out against it?
>look! she got 6 million likes on this website that is well known to be a cesspool full of bots who boost engagement!

they are just doing this so they can cheat again and have “proof” that people actually like her and it was totally real this time
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lurk moar faggot
If pajeet niger bitch wants it she will be served with no regard

Dei candidate
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If only you could still see who liked a post. Beep boop. Too bad!
Kamala "any time, any place" Harris
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astroturf isn't working
RFK 2024
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Trumpfags might actually Jonestown after 2024. Can you imagine the mind-breaking that is going to occur? They thought they already won, they were so absolutely convinced it was over, that Trump would be elected, that they didn't even need to compete and Trump selected the worst VP pick in history in Vance. It's just unbelievable how badly they have fucked up. And fuck, Trumpw as almost assassimated just 2 weeks ago and they couldn't even ride momentum of that lmao

Trumpfags are literally going to kill themselves or kill other people when he loses, they are so fucking deranged and far gone from reality.
I got it, I just was shifting the conversation to pat tillman, who was assassinated by the bush admin
I don't get this "laughin'" attack from Trump. Kamala looks like a fun hang. Would get wine drunk with.
>Assassination attempt
>Why arent you going out
They can push it as cowardness due to harris but its actually due to the shots
Because she’s gen X and actually has a grasp on the meme war. Trump does nothing but suck Israeli warmonger balls and does nothing for white men. A Kamala vote is the chaos vote because you just know the trumpers will go beserk if they get denied their orange daddy.

KEK demanded trump in 2016 now he demands mommy Mala
Right? Like I could see having a margarita or some mimosa with her and having an absolute darling time

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